Colegio Antupirén Departamento de Inglés – Cuarto Año Medio “My Own Podcast” Evaluation Rubric Group Members: ___________________________________________________________________ Grade: 4° medio ________ Score: ___/28 Mark: :__________ 1 Uh oh - not there yet! 2 Getting there! 3 Well done! You got it! 4 Wow! Simply amazing! Organization (Presentation, development and closure) Discussion is not organized and information is distributed randomly. It’s hard to follow the conversation. Discussion has structure but the sections are uneven. Conversation can still be followed. Discussion is well organized and information is well distributed. The conversation rarely loses its rhythm. Discussion is well organized and information is well distributed. It engages the listeners throughout the entire conversation. Content The topic of the conversation could have been developed deeply. The topic of the conversation wasn’t well developed despite the use of some expressions seen in classes. The topic of the conversation is well developed but just 4-2 terms mentioned in classes were included. The topic of the conversation is well developed. At least 5 terms mentioned in classes were included. Fluency Mostly unintelligible. It’s difficult to understand the conversation. Some words are pronounced incorrectly and disrupt the overall speech. Message can be understood perfectly. Little hesitation. Message can be understood perfectly. No hesitation at all. Pronunciation Unintelligible pronunciation. Message is hard to understand. Most of the words can be understood correctly. Pronunciation however, can affect the comprehension of the dialogue. Most of the words can be understood correctly. Pronunciation rarely affects the overall conversation. Few pronunciation mistakes (1-3). Innovation Topic is not developed in an interesting form. Topic sounds innovative but it rarely lands in an innovative form. Topic is mostly developed in an innovative way and it engages the listeners. Topic is completely developed in an innovative way and makes the conversation fascinating. Promotion (Podcast Cover) The cover is poorly designed and doesn’t contain all the required elements. The cover lacks one of the required elements. The overall design works but it could have been more innovative. The cover possesses the name of the podcast, name of the episode and an image that references the topic. Work in class Script is handed in on time but it’s incomplete. Script is handed in on time but it’s incomplete. Script is handed in on time but the group doesn’t ask for suggestions or reviewing during the class. Script is handed in on time and the group asks for suggestions or reviewing during the class. Feedback: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________