POISON AND POISONINGS Toxicology – is a special science dealing with: • properties • actions • toxicity • fatal dose • detection • estimation and treatment of poisonings Forensic toxicology studies: Medical legal features of poisonous effects of chemical substances on humans What is it -poison? Definition: Poison is any substance witch when entered in a living body in a special dose or repeated doses, acts chemically or physically –chemically with cells and tissues is causing the health impairment or death. POISONS MAY HAVE THREE APPEARENCES: • To be solid ( drugs in tablets pills) • To be liquid (drinks, solutions, venoms) • To be a gas (traffic fumes, exhausts, carbon monoxide) Notice: The gases are the “fastests” poisons ever CLASSIFICATION OF THE POISONS (BASED AND BUILT ON THE FACTS OF MAIN ACTION OF DIFFERENT POISONS) Local (corrosive) Acids poisons Alcalies poisons Resorptive Blood poisons Destructive Functional poisons poisons CORROSIVE (LOCAL) POISONS – MOSTLY COMMON LOCAL CORROSIVE ACTION - Acids (organic –phenol, and mineral – H2SO4, HCL, HNO3) - Alcalies (NAOH,KOH) Notice: First place for Acids- CH3COOH(vinegar) and H2SO4 (battery) GENERAL SIGNS OF THE POISONING BY THE CORROSIVE POISON: • Necrosis of the skin and mucose membranes: - Acids dry (coagulation, formation of crust) - Alcolies moist (slippery surface of chemical burns) • Specific smell (vinegar, sulfuric, chlorine) • Hemolysis (CH3COH) BLOOD POISONS • Hemolytic (venoms, mushrooms) • Hemoglobin blocking (CO, nitrates, nitrites) Signs of the poisoning by carbonmonoxide (CO takes the first place in the world among all other poisonings) - Common signs of asphyxial death (toxic asphyxia) - Red color of tissues - Concentration of Carbon Hemoglobin more then 20% (in blood and muscleslab examination) DESTRUCTIVE POISONS (HEAVY METAL COMPOUNDS) • Typical diagnostic signs: - Slow dying (agonal death) - Simulation of the diseases ( stomach, skin, infections) - Dysfunction of parenchymal organs – liver, kidneys) - Serious damage of liver and kidneys (toxic dystrophy) - Colitis, enteritis (ulcerative) - Accumulation in tissues (bones, hairs, nails, alopecia) FUNCTIONAL POISONS • Cerebrospinal (ethyl, methyl alcohol, phosphorus compounds – insecticides) • General functional (disturbance on cardiovascular and respiratory systems) • General narcotic (soporific hypnotic, hallucinogens) The most common functional poisons are: ethanol (alcoholic drinks – 2nd in the world, fatal doze 6-8gr of pure ethanol on 1kg of body weight), phosphorus compounds (insecticides, pesticides, chemical weapons-3d in the world). Notice: 1st place in the world still takes blood poison – CO (carbon monoxide)- discussed above upside. STAGES OF AN ALCOHOLIC INTOXICATION The Blood Alcohol Concentration, ‰ Stages of an Alcoholic Intoxication Clinical semiology <0,04 There is no influence There are no manifestations 0.4–0.5 Insignificant influence of alcohol Slight physiological 0.5–1.5 Slight intoxication disturbances, light euphoria, self-confidence Undue fatigability, emotional lability, impairment of reactions and visual acuity, sensory-motor coordination, logical thinking, hyperaemia of face 1.5–2.5 2.5–3.5 3.5–5.0 More then 5.0 Moderate alcoholic Intoxication Severe alcoholic intoxication Grave alcoholic Intoxication Fatal alcoholic poisoning The emotional lability, the unsteady gait, rambling speech, drowsiness Decrease of reflexes, animosities and aggression, decrease of painful sensitivity up to full analgesia, hypothermia, delay of pulse and breath, cyanosis of faces are possible Dream, stupor, disturbances of consciousness, function of breath, alcoholic coma of I degree Alcoholic coma of II–III degree, lethal outcome without rendering medical aid ORGANOPHOSPHATE POISONINGS (PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS) • • - Mechanism of intoxication involves the inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) Typical diagnostic signs: Increased saliva and tear productions diarrhea vomiting Small pupils Muscle tremors Confusion Common asphyxial signs SNAKES AND STINGERS • Most dangerous snakes in the world number one – Australian snake taipan, number two – African black mamba, number three – Indian king cobra. All of them armed by functional venom. Action of their venom similar to phosphor compounds (inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) –paralyzing of the briefing activity of the prey – neurotoxic venom ). THE SCORPIONS ARE THE CREATURES ARMED BY NEUROTOXIC VENOM • Most dangerous are Indian red, Arabian with fat tail, Yellow African SOME SNAKES MOSTLY VIPERS ARMED BY BLOOD VENOM The women – owner of the snake attacked by the viper –Kassava (Gaboon viper). In the movie you will see action of another venom with hemolytic action (Blood poison with the hemolytic effect).