Uploaded by kevin kizito

questions and answers

What are the primary actions of Beta 1 drugs?
- cardiac stimulation
- bronchiole smooth muscle relaxant
- uterine smooth muscle relaxant
What are the indications/uses of Beta 1 drugs?
- hypotension: epi, B1 agonist
- cardiac insufficiency: epi, B1 agonist
Name the adrenergic drugs (B2) used for bronchodilation?
- salbutamol (Ventolin)
- terbutaline (Bricanyl)
- salmeterol (Serevent)
What is the class for salbutamol (Ventolin)?
Beta 2
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What is the class for terbutaline (Bricanyl)?
Beta 2
What is the class for salmeterol (Serevent)?
Beta 2
What are the primary actions for Beta 2 drugs?
- cardiac stimulation
- bronchiole smooth muscle relaxant
- uterine smooth muscle relaxant
What are the indications/uses for Beta 2 drugs?
- bronchoconstriction :epi, B2 agonist
- hypotension: epi, B1 agonist
- cardiac insufficiency: epi, B1 agonist
Name the alpha adrenergic blocking drugs used for hypertension?
- doxazosin (Cardura)
- prazosin (Minipress)
- tamsulosin (Flomax)
- terazosin (Hytrin)
What are the uses for doxazosin (Cardura)?
- hypertension
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
What are the uses for prazosin (Minipress)?
- hypertension
What are the uses for tamsulosin (Flomax)?
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
What are the uses for terazosin (Hytrin)?
- hypertension
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
What is the function of alpha adrenergic blocking drugs?
compete with norepinephrine for binding to alpha adrenergic receptors
What is the action of alpha adrenergic blocking drugs?
- block norepinephrine
- prevent sympathetic activation
- smooth muscle relaxant
- vasodilator
- decrease BP
When would you use alpha adrenergic blocking drugs?
- treatment for hypertension
- poor blood flow to skin (ex. Raynaud's disease)
- treatment for pheochromocytoma
- to cause PSNS activity