Running head: CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Critiquing Qualitative Research Article on Diabetes Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00 1 CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 2 Article: Gurkan, K. P., & Bahar, Z. (2019). Living with diabetes: Perceived barriers of adolescents. The Journal of Nursing Research. Advance on-line Publication. Doi: 10.1097/JNR.0000000000000349 Title The title “Living With Diabetes”: Perceived Barriers of Adolescents suggests main issue and the group under investigation. The title is clear and informatively sufficient. However, the authors fail to precisely state the type of diabetes, and readers can only obtain this information from the abstract (Type 1 diabetes mellitus or T1DM). The title highlights the challenges encountered by diabetic teenagers in their day-to-day lives and how these challenges inhibit them from effectively managing their condition. The title is suitable for this specific investigation as it informs the audience about the authors’ intentions to expand upon the coping strategies by diabetic adolescents and the challenges inhibiting them from effectively managing the condition. Abstract Abstract summarizes primary elements of a report, both undoubtedly as well as concisely. The outcomes of the study – which are describing the perceived barriers to diabetes management in adolescence – are also included in the abstract. Moreover, in this section, the authors highlight three leitmotifs, namely negative feelings about being diabetic (T1DM), personal barricades, and ecologicalbarricades. These themes highlight specific factors that prevent diabetic adolescents from effectively managing their condition, from family and friends, educational institutions, personal attributes, lack of information, to fear of complications. Introduction This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00 CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 3 Problem statement Reading the introduction makes it easy for one to determine that the authors aim at informing readers that certain factors adversely affect the effective management of diabetes. The authors state that a plethora of research literature has focused on Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). They also outline that limited qualitative researches that have been concluded with patients diagnosed with T1DM solely focused exploring the participants’ experiences at school plus their mothers’ experiences in raising diabetic (T1DM) children (Gallifa i Roca, 2018). Moreover, there exists no qualitative study based on the Health Promotion Model (HPM) in investigating the issue holistically or identifying the difficulties faced by T1DM adolescents in managing their condition. Furthermore, research is lacking regarding the management of T1DM in Turkish children. These statements make it easy for the reader to deduce what problem the researchers seek to discuss in the rest of the article. The authors ought to have worded the problem statement more directly and clearly (The Writing Center, 2020). As a result of the limited literature on the issue and the challenges faced in diabetes management, one can quickly perceive the significance of such a study and the potential benefits to T1DM patients and their caregivers. The researchers do not mention the methods in the introductory section; instead, they allocate a separate section where they outline the methodology clearly. The participant interview approach exhibits consistency with the true-to-life architype of qualitative studies. The authors do not mention the research tradition in the introductory section. According to Gallifai Roca (2018), the research tradition highlights the following: (1) the quantification aspects which the researcher(s) view as problematic, and (2) the methods used to address these problems (Gurkan This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00 CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 4 & Bahar, 2019). Thus, from this article, readers cannot assume what the correlation between the research problem and the tradition is due to insufficient information. Literature Review The authors refer to the literature review as early as the introductory section. The authors highlight how previous studies have shown the effectiveness of nursing care in augmenting the self-management capabilities of diabetic (T1DM) children regarding their condition (The Writing Center, 2020). Another Portugal-based study showed T1 diabetic adolescents’ satisfaction with consultancy services rendered by their nurses. Major topics highlighted include health education (including behavioral and psychological coping strategies) and self-care. Most of the referenced articles originate from nursing journals. The report identifies a gap in research in the area of T1DM self-management, thereby showing a need for further study in the subject. Conceptual Underpinnings From the introduction, the reader can quickly identify the study's key concepts. The researchers describe how individual attitudes, personal factors, and the environment are related to poor management of T1DM (Gurkan & Bahar, 2019). The authors proceed to include specific examples of these factors, including friends, family, school, lack of information, etc. The authors clearly highlight that the study seeks to investigate this concept and identify how these factors inhibit effective diabetes self-management. Method Sample and Setting The authors clearly define the study sample, that is, 18 adolescents with T1DM. The authors also mention that the participants are enlisted in a training and research health care facility in Turkey’s western district. Nevertheless, the sample size does not seem sufficiently This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00 CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 5 large to achieve saturation; this could probably have been achieved if the researchers drew participants from different hospitals. Data Collection The method of collecting data using face-to-face interviews seems consistent with the true-to-life paradigm. The researchers collected data by audio recording information shared by the participant. They also mention the questions asked and the interview duration (averagely 35 minutes) (Gurkan & Bahar, 2019). However, the reliance on a single data collection method could lessen the study's reliability. One could safely assert that the data was of adequate quality to offer study depth. Procedures The authors clearly state the data collection procedures, and any other researcher could easily replicate the process. The decision to record participants directly creates no room for interjecting personal biases or feelings: the authors neither mention who conducted the interviews nor their background training. Enhancement of Rigor According to the authors, enhancing data validity meant three different researchers independently analyzing the data (Gallifa i Roca, 2018). The researchers also used content analysis, which served to assist in the elimination of researcher opinions. In this section, the authors’ description suggests careful data handling to avert the inclusion of themes that were not expressed during interviews. Results/Data Analysis Findings This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00 CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 6 The authors identify and explain the study’s findings in this section. The article incorporates quotes shared by the participants to support the suggested themes. The themes express to the readers the reasons behind adolescents’ failure to manage their diabetes effectively. The upshots of the themes and specific factors align with the study’s original concept and framework. The incorporation of participants' statements furthers readers’ understanding of the subject matter being discussed. Discussion Implications/Recommendations The researchers use this section to elucidate how readers can incorporate their study’s findings into practice. Having discussed the research findings, the authors explain the value of data drawn from this study, especially as it relates to nurses, parents, and instructors in helping adolescents with diabetes manage their condition effectively (The Writing Center, 2020). Overall, the study opens the doorway for further research into the subject. Generally, the piece is well written and organized. The inclusion of participant statements offers significant insights regarding the reasons why diabetic adolescents cannot effectively manage their condition. Reading the article reveals the authors’ credibility and the study’s reliability. The selection of research participants, data collection methods, analysis, and the article’s general layout show how experienced the researchers are (Fain, 2017). Besides, the study’s upshots seem trustworthy. Basing this research on prior studies adds to its validity. Therefore, I would highly recommend it for nursing care and the management of T1DM. This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00 CRITIQUING QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 7 References American Psychological Association. Council of Editors. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Washington, DC. Fain, J. (2017). Reading understanding and applying nursing research (5th Ed). F.A. Davis Company. Gallifa i Roca, J. (2018). Research traditions in social sciences and their methodological rationales. Aloma, 36(2). Gurkan, K. P., & Bahar, Z. (2019). Living with diabetes: Perceived barriers of adolescents. The Journal of Nursing Research. Advance on-line Publication. Doi: 10.1097/JNR.0000000000000349 The Writing Center. (2020). Abstracts. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This study source was downloaded by 100000791582885 from on 05-20-2022 19:26:42 GMT -05:00