Bearhug Compressor Version 2.1 J K 10nF 9.1Vz H InI F G H I J K Q1 Q3 2.7K 10M L M N O 5817 2.2K 100nF 100K 22K 3 1 E G E 100K D F D 100nF G C Q2 2 3 47 10uF C B 100K 47uF 10M 4.7K 47pF 10uF 1M 10nF 10M 47uF A B A 1K 1 2 1 Out 3 G 1n4148 1n4148 4.7uF 2 3 1 Vol 10K Lin Comp 1K Rev log Short/Long 2 Q1: BS170 (DGS). Q2: BC549C (CBE). Q3: 2N5457 (DSG) This layout fits easily in a 1590A or 1590B. See schematic and 1776 build doc for more info. This is a revised layout to eliminate unnecessary parts and use better capacitor values. Red 47R is an optional comp limit. You can simply connect comp pot 2 to the emiter of Q2 if omitting.