GOAL SETTING Gevaña, Hidalgo, Manalo, Marfa, Rosita WHAT IS GOAL SETTING? Goal setting is the process of taking active steps to achieve your outcome. THE IMPORTANCE OF GOALS A goal is a target objective or objective of a motivated and directed change of behavior. Goals may vary and depend on the values and priorities of the individual. Goals are important for behaviors to make sense. IMPORTANCE OF GOAL SETTING 1. Goals give you focus 3. Goals help you stay motivated 2. Goals help you measure progress 4. They help you beat procrastination IMPORTANCE OF GOAL SETTING 5. You achieve even more 6. Goals help you determine what you want in life BENEFITS Goals not only influence behavior and job performance, but they also help mobilize energy, resulting in the increased overall effort. Increased effort leads to more consistent effort. Goals encourage us to devise tactics that will enable us to achieve the desired leåcvel of performance. If the goal is not met, it can either lead to satisfaction and increased motivation or decreased motivation. WHAT IS SELF-EFFICACY? Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to succeed in a particular situation. Psychologist Albert Bandura described these beliefs as determinants of how people think, behave, and feel. Self-efficacy can play a role in not only how you feel about yourself, but whether or not you successfully achieve your goals in life. FACTORS AFFECTING SELF-EFFICACY Mastery experiences Success raises self-efficacy, failure lowers it. Modeling or Vicarious Experience "If they can do it, I can do it as well." Social Persuasions Social persuasions relate to encouragements/discouragements. Emotional and Physiological States A person’s perceptions of these responses can markedly alter a person’s self-efficacy. MINDSET refers to the combination of beliefs that influence how you perceive the world and yourself. 2 BASIC MINDSETS: Fixed Mindset Growth Mindset FIXED MINDSET GROWTH MINDSET Either I'm good at it or I'm not. I can learn to do anything I want. That's just who I am. I can't change it. I am constantly evolving work in progress. If you have to work hard. You don't have the ability. The more you challenge yourself, the smarter you become If I won't try, then I won't fail. I only fail when I stop trying. That job position is totally out of my league. That job position looks challenging. Let me apply for it. FINAL GOAL Establish a deadline for achieving the goal. Setting a deadline and determining the amount of time needed to achieve the goal split a "overall" or major goal into multiple smaller ones when setting a deadline THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN SETTING DEADLINES: Priorities Reality Prerequisites Measures GOAL-ORIENTATION THEORY a social-cognitive theory of achievement motivation WHAT IS Goal-Orientation? term that psychologists use to explain the mindset applied to achievement-related activities. 2 TYPES OF GOAL ORIENTATION PERFORMANCE-GOAL - impressing other people LEARNING-GOAL - learning something from the experience TIPS FOR GOAL SETTING STATE GOALS WITH A POSITIVE TONE try to avoid the temptation to state your desire in a negative way. Focus on the process, not the outcome This is one of the most difficult parts of setting and achieving goals. TIPS FOR GOAL SETTING Make a contRact with yourself clear out the old to make room for new Once you’re ready to go, Jackson recommends making a contract with yourself for success. To get started on the right foot, it’s a good idea to reflect on what you’ve accomplished Visualize what you want This helps you purposefully and intentionally imagine your goals coming to fruition. TIPS FOR GOAL SETTING Make a specific plan Seek support List out your goal or goals and the steps you need to accomplish them Seeking support from loved ones can help with reassurance and accountability TIPS FOR GOAL SETTING KEEp it visible It’s a good idea to put your goals with the steps and deadlines in a place where you can see it often. Reward yourself Rewards should be simple, consistent, easy to acquire, and healthy. REVIEWING AND REASSESSING YOUR GOALS Plan to review and reassess your goals several times before you reach them, especially if they are loftier goals. GOAL SETTING Gevaña, Hidalgo, Manalo, Marfa, Rosita THANK YOU! Gevaña, Hidalgo, Manalo, Marfa, Rosita