Uploaded by Aaron Rahman

Chantler SAIL Centre COVID-19 Induction Checklist

Chantler Simulation and Interactive Learning Centre
To be completed by the inductee after completion of the PowerPoint, “Chantler SaIL Centre_Covid19_Induction.pptx”.
Job Title (staff):
Other (please specify)
Year group &
course (students):
SUBJECTS COVERED: Tick boxes to acknowledge you have covered the following topics within the
induction and that you will follow the safe distancing measures and guidelines:
Safe distancing measures:
Ensure safe distancing of two meters (6 ft) is always being followed (the only exception is during close
☐ contact teaching sessions).
☐ Wear PPE (unless valid reason not to) always within the Centre
☐ Adhere to the floor markings within the Centre indicating one-way routes and distancing for queuing
☐ Adhere to the signage within the Centre indicating circulation routes and one-way routes (includes signs for
using toilets and the kitchen)
Safety and hygiene measures:
☐ Take care of personal hygiene. Wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
☐ Use the hand sanitisers, disinfectant wipes and gloves provided within the Centre
Disinfect all work surfaces & equipment before use, between use and after use
Make sure to dispose of all cleaning equipment and PPE in the correct clinical orange bins provided
☐ Remove face coverings worn on public transport before entering campus and the Centre - this should
be disposed of or placed into a sealed bag. Replace with a fresh face covering inside the Centre.
☐ STAFF ONLY When using the staff kitchen, use your own cutlery and crockery. Do not leave dirty cutlery and
crockery in the kitchen, communal areas or in Centre rooms.
Centre Use:
☐ Familiarise yourself with your room location and Centre floor plans prior to your teaching session
☐ Strictly adhere to the start and end times of the clinical teaching session
☐ Make your way to your clinical skills room with minimal interactions and diversions
☐ Exit the Centre as soon as your teaching session has ended
☐ Take questions or further discussions from students, online or outside of the Centre
☐ Not remain in the building, at reception or inside the front entrance after the teaching session has ended
I confirm that I have received and understood the instructions and information identified above