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European Geography: UK, Russia, Greece - Handout

Geographical Features
 Estimated Population: 738 million
 Major Biomes: Temperate forest, grasslands
 Bordering Bodies of Water: Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Bay of Biscay, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea
 Major Geographical Features: Alps, Ural Mountains, Pyrenees, Carpathian Mountains, Apennines, Massif Central Plateau, North European Plain,
The Islands of Great Britain and Ireland, Iberian Peninsula
 Land Area: 3,930,000 mi2
United Kingdom (UK)
Capital: London
Currency: Great British
Pound (GBP), commonly
known as Pound/Pound
Religions: Christian,
Islam, and Hinduism
Language: English
Population Centers:
London – Approx. 7.6
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Tourist Destinations
It is a fascinating city laden with history, filled
with museums and art galleries, green parks, and
theater scenes. It is where the Buckingham
Palace and Big Ben are located.
Cultural Attributes
Greetings and Gesticulation
 A handshake is the most common
form of greeting and is customary
when being introduced to somebody
 To signal a waiter in a restaurant for
the bill, they make a motion with both
of their hands as if they are signing on
a piece of paper.
 Knocking ones knuckles on something
wooden, such as a table, two (2) or
three (3) times is done for good luck,
or more specifically for taking away
the bad luck.
Burns Night
The Scots celebrate the life and works of
Scotland’s national poet Robert Burns, by
holding a special Burns Supper. This can be a
casual gathering of friends or a huge formal
dinner, but either way the menu will likely
Scottish Highlands
include haggis (a sheep’s stomach stuffed
It is conjured up by visions of tartan, kilts, lochs,
with seasoned offal), neeps (turnips) and
and brave heart. It is sparsely populated with
tatties (mashed potatoes). Someone will
many mountain ranges. It also includes the
recite a poem called To a haggis before
highest mountain in Britain, Ben Nevis.
everyone toasts the haggis and tucks in.
Jorvik Viking Festival, York
It is composed of earthworks surrounding a
Viking lovers from all over the world gather
circular setting of large standing stones and is
for this festival in the city of York, a city with
home to some of the most important Neolithic
a rich Viking heritage. It features battle reand Bronze Age finds and structures in the UK.
enactments, combat performances, crafts, Customs and Traditions
guided walks, talks, music, archaeological  People enjoy entertaining guests in
their homes. Table manners are
It is steeped in history, beginning with the Old sessions, and family-friendly events.
and New Towns, which have more than 4,500
British people value punctuality.
historic buildings and sites. It is best known for
its neoclassical architecture.
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Birmingham – Approx.
985 Million
Tourist Destinations
It is a walled city with a rich heritage located
where the River Foss meets the River Ouse. It is
one (1) of the largest pedestrian zones in
Europe, which means getting around with
transport is not difficult.
Jack in Green, Hastings
It celebrates the start of summer on May 1
– May Day – with its famous Jack in the
Green procession plus events held
throughout the first week of the month.
May Day celebrations date back to the Celts
but it was in the 16th and 17th centuries
when people started making head
decorations out of flowers and leaves.
During this event, everyone dresses up, and
‘Jack’, who is covered with leaves, parades
through the Old Town accompanied by
traditional Morris Dancers, giants, and
Cultural Attributes
They always avoid talking loudly and
making noisy behaviors. They have a
high regard to privacy.
Capital: Moscow
Currency: Russian Ruble
Religions: Russian
Orthodox, Muslim, and
Language: Russian
Government: Federal
Population Centers:
Moscow – Approx. 10.4
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Saint Basil’s Cathedral
It is situated in the heart of Moscow known for
its distinctive architecture. It resembles the
shape of a bonfire in full flame. It is officially
called “The Cathedral of the Intercession of the
Virgin by the Moat". The cathedral is now a
museum. It has a wooden spiral staircase within
one (1) of its walls, which visitors can take to go
to the central church, with extraordinary,
soaring tented roof and a fine 16th Century
iconostasis. It also has a narrow, winding gallery,
covered in beautiful patterned paintwork.
Saint Tatyana’s Day
Greetings and Gesticulation
It is a day when students celebrate the end  Russian men shake hands with other
of the winter term. After winter exams are
men with a very firm grip with several
complete, on January 25, students release
quick pumps. While, between two (2)
from the stress and anxieties of the
women or men and women, the hand
academic year. They do what comes
shake is usually softer. Men usually
naturally – they party.
wait for the women to extend their
hand for a handshake, while older
Historically January 25, 1755 is the day that
women extend their hands first to
Empress Elisabeth Petrovna endorsed a
younger women.
petition to establish Moscow State
Generally, Russians are more
University (in honor of her mother Tatyana
Petrovna). Not coincidently, this historic
Hermitage Museum
date also fell on the religious day of Saint
 In Russia, speaking and laughing
It is a massive museum of art and culture Tatyana the Martyr.
loudly is frowned upon in public.
showing the highlights of a collection of over
three (3) million items spanning the globe. It
occupies a large complex of six (6) historic
buildings including the Winter Palace.
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Saint Petersburg –
Approx. 5.1 Million
Tourist Destinations
Moscow Kremlin
It is enclosed with walls housing four (4)
cathedrals built in the 15th and 16th centuries as
well as several notable museums. It is a 250-acre
grounds including the Armoury, filled with royal
treasures of the past, and the Diamond Fund
Exhibition, a collection of jewellery that includes
a 190-carat diamond given to Catherine the
It is the jewel of Russia’s “Golden Ring”, ancient
cities that the country has preserved as living
museums of Russia’s cultural past. It features the
best of Russia’s historic architecture, full of
onion-dome topped kremlins, cathedrals, and
monasteries. The entire city is like a large openair museum that transports visitors back in time.
Cultural Attributes
International Festival of Snow and Ice Customs and Traditions
Sculpture, Krasnoyarsk
 Russian families are dependent on all
Teams of sculptors, architects, and artists
their members.
from Russia and beyond create massive  Most Russian families live in small
frozen artworks to compete in two (2)
apartments, with two (2) to three (3)
categories: snow and ice.
generations sharing them.
Most families often have one (1) child
International Women’s Day
It symbolizes women’s equality. It is a day
for her family.
personal and professional are celebrated.
Golden Mask Theatre Festival, Moscow
It is an all-Russian theater festival and
competition and covers all genres from
drama to modern dance and puppet
Lake Baikal
It is located in Siberia and is the deepest and
oldest lake on Earth. It holds around 20 percent
of the world’s fresh water. It is considered as one
(1) of the clearest lakes in the world. Known as
the Pearl of Siberia, it is home to several resorts
making it a popular destination.
Capital: Athens
Currency: European
Euro (EUR)
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Greek Islands
It has more than 2,000 islands that offers
gorgeous beaches, ancient ruins, colorful
harbors, and active volcanoes. Santorini is
among the most picturesque islands and
definitely one (1) of the best places to visit. Also
part of the islands, Mykonos features a modern,
cosmopolitan society blended with traditional
Orthodox Easter
Greetings and Gesticulation
It is the biggest event of each year  Man greeting Man – During initial
celebrated everywhere with candlelit street
meetings, men shake hands when
processions, midnight fireworks, and spitgreeting one (1) another and maintain
roasted lamb.
direct eye contact. Hugs and light pats
on the back and shoulder are common
between good friends and family.
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Religions: Greek
Orthodox and Muslim
Language: Greek
Parliamentary Republic
Population center:
Athens – Approx.
Thessaloniki – Approx.
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Tourist Destinations
whitewashed houses and maze-like streets.
Located in the Aegean Sea near the coast of
Turkey, Rhodes is popular for its great beaches
and historical significance.
Cultural Attributes
Apokries (Carnival Season)
 Woman greeting Woman – A kiss on
It is related to the Greek Orthodox religion,
each cheek is common if two (2)
and kicks off three (3) weeks prior to the
women know each other. A light
fasting of Lent. A host of smaller events
handshake is the norm if they are
leads up to the wild weekend of Carnival –
meeting for the first time.
known in Greece as Apokreas – which  Man greeting Woman – At a first
It is widely known as the cradle of the Western
features costume parades, colorful floats,
meeting a warm handshake will
civilization and the birthplace of democracy. It is
feasting, and traditional dancing.
suffice and is sometimes combined
famous for its archaeological ruins and
with slight touches on the arms
monuments such as the famous Acropolis, the Hellenic Festival
and/or elbows. Friends and family
Parthenon, the Ancient Agora, and the Theatre It features a top line-up of local and
usually share a kiss on each cheek.
of Dionysus.
international music, dance, and drama. It
Greeks signal “no” by slightly nodding
runs from June through August.
their head upward or by just lifting
It is the largest of the Greek Islands. It is a Navy Week
their eyebrows upward. They signal
spacious land of pleasing contrasts where Celebrated in Crete, it honors the island’s
“yes” by tilting their head to either
landscapes range from stunning coastline to maritime tradition with music, dancing,
rugged mountains and rolling countryside swimming, and sailing. This is a celebration  Greeks almost always smile both
dotted with olive trees.
of Greece’s long relationship with the sea,
when they are happy and even when
where fishing villages and ports throughout
they are upset or angry.
the country host historical re-enactments  Greeks usually take compliments by
The Greek word meteora means “suspended in
and parties in late June.
puffing their nose through pursed lips.
the air”. This phrase describes the spectacular
cliffs that rise more than 1,200 feet into the air August Moon Festival
Customs and Traditions
overlooking the villages of Kalambaka and Considered as the brightest and most  It is the Greeks’ custom that the family
Kastraki in the north central main of Greece. beautiful moon of the year, the August
is the basis of their social structure.
These cliffs are made inspiring by the historic moon inspires towns across Greece to host
 Greeks offer financial and emotional
monasteries perched along its summits.
special nighttime events and parties. During
support to their family members.
this event, historical venues, such as the
 They are expected to help relatives in
Acropolis or Roman Agora, open for free
It is Greece’s most popular archaeological site. It
times of need, even to the point of
moonlit performances of theater and dance.
was once revered by the ancient Greeks as the
assisting them to land a job.
center of the Earth. It is located on Mount
Parnassus in southern Greece; the wellmaintained ruins show the power and respect
given to the ancient deities of Greece. It has the
ruins of the temple of Apollo, ruins of “treasury”
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Capital: Rome
Currency: European
Euro (EUR)
Religions: Most are
Roman Catholic
Language: Italian
Government: Republic
Population Centers:
Rome – Approx. 2.4
Milan – 1.3 Million
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Tourist Destinations
building where offering were brought, steep
stone pathways to a theater site, and a stadium.
It is best known for housing ancient Roman
structures and the Vatican City. It has endured
more than 2,500 years as an important center
for culture, power, and religion.
It conjures images of beautiful rolling hills, olive
groves, vineyards, and cypress trees. Among the
many pleasures of the destination include
tasting wine in Chianti, simply relaxing in hill
towns such as San Gimignano, or exploring
Renaissance art in Florence. The medieval city of
Siena also holds excellent works of art; Elba, the
largest of several Tuscan islands, offers great
beaches while Pisa is world-famous for its
Leaning Tower.
Cultural Attributes
The Battle of the Oranges
The most commonly held theory about this
festival is that it represents an uprising
against the cruel regime of a vicious tyrant,
Ranieri di Biandrate. In 1194, his castle was
destroyed by the local population – the
tyrant himself also came to a sticky end, and
his downfall is where the real motive for this
festival comes in. This festival attracts
thousands of people wherein the willing
participants are divided into nine (9)
separate teams who are then dressed in
long, red Phrygran hats (which represent
freedom). The teams then pelt oranges at
each other. The symbolic destruction of the
tyrant's abode is represented by the
throwing of the oranges – while the oranges
themselves are said to represent Ranieri's
Greetings and Gesticulations
 Man greeting Man – Men usually
shake hands when greeting one (1)
another while maintaining direct eye
contact. Good friends and family will
engage in a light hug. In certain
regions, good friends and family may
even exchange a kiss on each cheek.
 Woman greeting Woman – Light
kisses on the cheeks [usually two (2)
or three (3)] are the most common
form of greeting for friends and
family. Often times it is just a light
touching of cheeks rather than actual
kisses. At a first meeting, a regular
handshake or simple nod of
acknowledgment will usually do.
 Greetings between Men and Women
– Light kisses [usually two (2) or three
(3)] on the cheeks are the most
common form of greeting for friends
and family. Often times it is just a light
touching of cheeks rather than actual
kisses. At a first meeting, a regular
handshake will do. It is customary to
let the woman offer her hand first.
 Italians talk with their hands quite a
bit. In most conversations, hands are
waving around giving emphasis to
what is being said.
It is a unique city built upon a lagoon surrounded
by the Adriatic Sea. It is an archipelago of 118
Game of the Bridge
islands all connected by hundreds of beautiful
It is when opposing teams from various
bridges and scenic canals. It is considered as one
areas in Pisa battled each other for the
(1) of the most romantic cities in the world.
symbolic ownership over the bridge over
the Arno river. Every year, games are played
It is a famous Roman city, which was buried and the aim is to win as many battles as
under several feet of volcanic ash for nearly possible. They have to push a wooden
1,700 years after the cataclysmic eruption of Mt. trolley weighing more than seven (7) tons
Vesuvius. It offers a fascinating insight into the into the opposing team’s territory and thus
everyday life of the ancient Roman world. claim ownership of the bridge.
Visitors can walk along the ancient streets to see
the remains of bakeries, brothels, and baths.
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Tourist Destinations
Nearly destroyed from heavy bombing during
WWII, it now shines as one (1) of the wealthiest
cities in Europe. Widely regarded as a mega
fashion center teeming in designer shops, it also
attract many because of its surviving world
famous treasures like Leonardo da Vinci’s
painting, The Last Supper, the La Scala Opera
House, the Castello Sforzesco and one (1) of the
world’s largest Gothic Cathedral.
Festa della Madonna Bruna
The Patron Saint of Matera is Maria
Santissima della Bruna. The second of July
marks her Saint’s Day, and it is marked by a
day-long festival. The main event is the
procession that flanks a statue of the
Madonna and child. The statues are
escorted at midday to a float made out of
papier-mâchè. Following this, the townsfolk
will smash the float to pieces, and it is said
that anyone who claims a piece of papiermâchè will be blessed by good luck for the
following year. The event ends with a largescale fireworks contest.
Festa della Sensa
It is also known as the Ascension Festival.
The main centerpiece of this event is the
Wedding With The Sea, which today is
marked by a regatta (race) that heads from
St. Mark's to St. Nicolò – a golden ring is
thrown into the waves at the climax. The
event is also supported by a greater wealth
of cultural initiatives such as water parade,
Venetian style rowing, and the Sensa
Capital: Madrid
Currency: European
Euro (EUR)
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It is one (1) of the country’s top travel
destinations because it offers everything tourists
look for in a European city from historic
architecture to lively shopping, vibrant culture,
and buzzing nightlife. Unique to Barcelona are
the architectural marvels of Spain’s famous
The Holy Week (Semana Santa)
This takes place during Easter and is an
entire week filled with processions and
brotherhoods of the most important
churches spend months in advance
practicing their processions, resulting in a
solemn and awe-inspiring experience. Men
Cultural Attributes
Extending the pinky and index finger
while bending the middle and ring
finger can mean one’s wife is cheating
on them.
A person tapping the side of his/her
head with his/her index finger means
someone is “crazy”.
The chin flick – a person flicking
his/her fingers under his/her chin
signifies not knowing or not caring.
Customs and Traditions
 In Italy, families are the center of the
social structure. The family provides
both emotional and financial support
to its members.
 In the northern region of Italy, only
the nuclear family lives together while
in the southern region, even the
extended family lives together in one
(1) house.
 Italian women, cover their heads
when visiting a church. They also do
not wear shorts or sleeveless tops.
 Italian men pour the wine when dining
because they believe it is unfeminine
for women to do so.
Greetings and Gesticulations
 Abrazo – meaning embrace, is a
common practice between the same
sexes. Also, a motion of kissing on the
cheeks is done. Members of the
opposite sexes shake each other’s
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Religions: Roman
Language: Castilian
Government: Republic
Population Centers:
Madrid – 3.3 Million
Barceolna – 1.7 Million
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Tourist Destinations
architect, Antoni Gaudi, which include the Casa and women march through the streets
Batllo and the famous Sagrada Familia church.
carrying the statue of their church’s patron
It offers a perfect blend of traditional cultures,
an animated nightlife, and spectacular
attractions including Alhambra, a pinnacle of
It is the most extravagant party in all of
Moorish art that encapsulates Andalusian
Spain. In the island of Tenerife, the carnival
history. Alhambra is a medieval complex
capital of the country, they dedicate the
entire month of February to carnival
ornamental architecture, spectacular and lush
celebrations. The island is filled with fun,
gardens, cascading and dripping water features,
color, glitter and glamour with contests,
and breathtaking views of the city below.
parades, and parties. It is an event that
Spanish Islands
attracts visitors from all over the world who
It is equally divided between the Balearic Islands are looking for an authentic carnival
and the Canary Islands. Mallorca is the largest experience.
and best-known Balearic island while Ibiza is
The Fallas of Valencia
famous as a party destination. The Canary
During this festival, gigantic, colorful statues
Islands, also known as the Canaries, are located
and figures fill the city’s squares and streets
just off the southern coast of Morocco in the
for a week. Visitors can enjoy spectacular
Atlantic. They are popular for beautiful beaches,
shows with music and fireworks, but the
mild climate and important natural attractions.
real highlight of the festival is the last night,
when the statues are burnt during a light
It is Spain’s largest city widely known for its show.
sizzling nightlife scene. Located within the city
La Tomatina
center are most of Madrid’s most popular tourist
It is a crazy tradition that started 70 years
attractions such as the Royal Palace, the
ago where thousands of people throw
residence of Spain’s monarch. The heart of
tomatoes at each other. This festival is
Madrid (and Spain) is Puerta del Sol, a large plaza
actually part of a larger celebration; it marks
serving as the scene of festivals, important
the end of an entire week of parades,
gatherings, and street performers and is also the
parties, fairs, and street markets. It is so
hub for the public transportation network.
original and so fun that people visit Spain
Another important square is Plaza Mayor,
just to take part in it.
known for the lively San Miguel Market.
Cultural Attributes
The western “ok” sign is seen as
obscene in Spain.
Spanish men cross their legs at their
knees when seated.
women avoid doing so since it is
deemed unfeminine in their country.
Customs and Traditions
 Both the nuclear and the extended
families are the basis of the social
structure in Spain.
 The structure and the size of the
family vary, but generally, have fewer
children than before, and fewer
people live in their homes with
extended family.
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Tourist Destinations
It is the capital city of Andalusia and is also the
region’s financial and cultural capital. It is home
to many beautiful and important historic
landmarks, chief of which is the grand Cathedral
of Seville, where it is believed that Christopher
Columbus is buried. Another significant building
in the place is the Real Alcazar, an extravagant
Moorish palace with luxurious gardens.
Festival de los Patios, Cordoba
This festival takes place every year at the
beginning of May. During this time, the
owners of the most beautiful patios that are
normally closed, open up their courtyards
for the public to visit. This festival brings joy,
music, and huge amount of tourists to
Cordoba, who want to participate in this
amazing colorful fair.
Cultural Attributes
Touropia (2016). 10 Best Places to Visit in the UK. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.touropia.com/best-places-to-visit-in-the-uk/
Touropia (2016). 10 Top Tourist Attractions in Russia. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.touropia.com/tourist-attractions-in-russia/
Touropia (2016). 10 Best Places to Visit in Greece. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.touropia.com/best-places-to-visit-in-greece/
Touropia (2017). 10 Best Places to Visit in Italy. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.touropia.com/best-places-to-visit-in-italy/
Touropia (2017). 10 Best places to Visit in Spain. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.touropia.com/best-places-to-visit-in-spain/
Expatica (2017). Top UK festivals 2016. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.expatica.com/uk/about/Top-festivals-in-the-UK_515338.html
Averbuck, Alexis (2017). Greece’s Top Five Festivals. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/greece/athens/travel-tips-and-articles/mycity-athens/40625c8c-8a11-5710-a052-1479d27695bd
Bensalhia, John (2013). Top Five Fun Festivals in Italy. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: http://www.italymagazine.com/featured-story/top-five-fun-festivals-italy
Oyen, Jana (2017). The Best Events in Spain 2017. Retrieved on November 21, 2017 from: https://www.spain-holiday.com/Spain/articles/best-events-in-spain
Russian Holidays and Festivals. In RusMoose.com. Retrieved from https://www.rusmoose.com/russian-holidays-and-festivals/#saint-tatyana-day on 12 December
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