3. What is anti Aliasing filter? Ans:An anti-aliasing filter (AAF) is a filter used before a signal sampler to restrict the bandwidth of a signal to satisfy the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem over the band of interest. 6ystem. Moths-2 Control System is ot type Control System Openloop o n the 4Openloop Cothol a n input dependS System othe the Outpu hieh but h e înput or otne the Controllon 1s îndependent Syötem system.This the Output op feedback loop omd thus also Knoon as mon any feed baak eontrolled S6tem / do not eontain eontrollet Siqna Rrocess /e rage N. Damgun 8Dlh Avs hamplhold pioss Sanple aad holdalso nounas_alloa cut is am analg douica that samples Copluns V ualtage aLontnubualy Laxyingq analeg signal and holds AX ualis at a cohwtat auul Wwe aaeeáai inisaumAexd hey _aselupicaty LAndm_anala-tn-dialta/ ConuwloxA enat uaualions m wpu gna hat cau Loxup he ConuxALo2 0oLsA. 5 marks QI llustrate feedback control system (advantages and disadvantages) FEEDBACK cONTROLL sYSTEM The feedback is an electric signal which is transferred from the output to the controller, so the controller would be able to calculate how the output is different from the required value. The controller would know the past state of the system output with the help of this feedback signal. The controller would calculate the error and it would vary the system input to get the required Output. The closed-loop system is also caled a feedback system because it fed back the output into the input so that the errors can be cleared and the required output quality can be maintained. The feedback control is to remove the measured disturbances. The feedback controls are automated and it should do the sensing, calculating, and manipulating to be performed by the equipment, and that each element must communicate with the other elements in the control system. Home furnace control system must control the temperature in the room and kept it constant. As in open loop system a timer is used to switch on the furnace for some time and then switch it off, accuracy is not obtained. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGE OF FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEM The following advantages are the fundamental reasons for using feedback. 1. Many unnecessary disturbances and noise signals from outside the system can be rejected. 2. The change in the performance of the system due to parameter variations is reduced. 3. The steady-state error of the system can be relatively small. 4. The transient behavior of the process can be easily manipulated. 5. The feedback is compared with the desired state in order to take corrective measures. On the other hand, using feedback can have several disadvantages: 1. The system is complicated by the increased number of components, such as sensors and error detectors. 2. The overall gain of the system is reduced and must be compensated for in the design. 3. The system may not be stable (it may oscillate or depart greatly from the desired output), even though the comparable open-loop system is stable. 4. The error detector is necessary in order to compare two states. 5. If there is a change in an Output, it will affect the system input. th gm) NB p( uph vetoad watk -leoels tb tuhla amol. unskuhk Cd, Pankiv 9 Deruhe judbatk Cmtral wth a uutab e lncmpk A A dbe tk CnEhol e Adtom blot ugatm be om Jolliw ima apouaserudeol btha. SUPo Omtuole tomTYP eedbo-k Sc Poin ives C) ave nol olewucl o/ eKathunl P 0t ytlm suumnna m obn at the load sid 50RPM. Gutdlosd o/p Secl omob Now, le ot on wtomt otvmewe t peOc l000RM whioh ano (il oto/P) o valc e thom fuolsiUc /e. SPecc tte volu o [000RMqu d ean (ovun (doietdlg)-(oetuelojr qe bo set povml Ond the sct Pemt Csleulates tha r 0 l h e r e U N = b0 0 KY). has dvu i nal ) s n t bo the uadub Cordbydl b DU0N Cm te. Hma (uene, tve enoh SCpountd oomtnoler he m obo? 9uwrs akbha olp of tho Cmk dlo hergr Crg 1n5 RPM b o/p Cvnkol his d c to (00-1250) O p cek pöumt & sek punes v e s t t 9h0 RPM whith Cm CntnoU ecln@es the pnu l s wul be opeolool unkil K olanrec 0/elwre 1500 KPM) DA woless accn qeen on we aeE n.... nkl A nles seE oerUron Acouo, we wnt t we meCc ehomge b Chouce vnt, Ouw denoudl Dwr d aontinaussysfem.Stte5 diftene. 18. 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