Traits Genes Nucleotides All TIGERS CAN GROWL ____________ __________ lets _________ in and out of the cell. They are like the ”_________” of ”Cell City” Nucleus stores the _______ of the Cell. The Nucleus is like “________” or the ”Command Center” It __________________________________. ___________make proteins which allow ____________carry out their jobs. Instructions arrive to ribosomes form the Nucleus. Ribosomes are like the “________” o”workers” of Cell City. ____________creates ___________ through a process called _____________ ______________ The Mitochondria is like the “___________” of the cell. _____________ take bigger molecules and break them down. They are either__________ or _________from the cell. Lysosomes are like the “_____________” of Cell City DNA Chromosomes / Chromatin ACTG Chromatid The ___________________ (_______and ________) helps create ribosomes. The ER is like the “__________” or ”_______” of Cell City. ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, Two strands of ____________ DNA joined in the center that make up a Chromosome. Often called ___________chromosomes.