EE DATE JUNE 1, 2021 BIO 1201L SYSTEMATICS (LAB) ACTIVITY 6 PLANT NOMENCLATURE OBJECTIVES ● To apply the rules of the ICN/ICBN in naming and classifying algae, plants, and fungi. ● To use the ICN in evaluating the names of pre-existing taxa. 1. Legitimate or not as per ICN? a. Erythrina cristagalli L. - Illegitimate Erythrina crista-galli L. - Legitimate b. Astragalus rhizanthus Royle (1935) - Illegitimate Astragalus rhizanthus Boiss (1843) - Legitimate c. Viola pedata petiolata L. - Illegitimate Viola pedata var. petiolata L. - Legitimate d. Phaseolus vulgaris Linn. - Illegitimate Phaseolus vulgaris - Legitimate e. Penstemon brachyanthus Pennel (1941) - Illegitimate Penstemon micranthus Nutt. (1834) - Illegitimate Penstemon procerus Dougl. ex R. Grah. (1829) - Illegitimate Penstemon tolmiei Hook. (1838) - Illegitimate f. Quercus alba L. - Legitimate Convolvulus cantabrica L. - Legitimate g. Salix nigra L. - Illegitimate Ipomoea aquaticum L. – Illegitimate This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 2. ICN rules identification: a. Ferula foeniculacea Nutt. was transferred to genus Lomatium by Couter and Rose. - Retention of Specific and Infra-specific Epithets b. Fumaria bulbosa var. Solida L. (1753) was elevated to a specific rank as F. solida (L.) Mill. in 1771. The name of this species was transferred to Corydalis by Clairv. in 1811. - Author citation. The author of the earlier, name- or epithet-bringing legitimate name must be cited in parentheses, followed by the name of the author who effected the alteration. 3. Coining epithets Epithet Meaning of Prefix type Plant part type epithet 1. diphyllus Two-leaved Number Leaf, Gr. 2. longicaulis Long-stemmed Size Stem, L. 3. amphistemon Around stamen Position Stamen Gr. 4. crossopetalum Cross-shaped Shape Petal, L. petal 5. polyrhiza Many roots Number Root, Gr. 6. stenocarpa Narrow-fruited Size Fruit, Gr. 7. echinosperma Tailed seed Shape Seed, Gr. 8. erevicosta Short midrib Size Midrib, L. 9. epistylos Above style Position Style, Gr. 10. tenuifolium Slender-leaved Size Leaf, L. 4. Rank identification: a) Linnaea borealis var. longifolia - Variety This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 b) Mimosoideae - Subfamily c) Euphorbiinae - Subtribe d) Malpighiales - Order e) Rafflesiaceae - Family f) Hydrangea anomala subsp. Petiolaris - Subspecies g) Andropogoneae - Tribe h) Rosidae - Subclass GUIDE QUESTIONS 1. Enumerate the traditional names of eight plant families that have two alternative names. Apiaceae- Umbelliferae Arecaceae - Palmae Asteraceae - Compositae Brassicaceae - Cruciferae Clusiaceae - Guttiferae Fabaceae/Papilionaceae - Leguminosae Lamiaceae - Labiatae Poaceae - Graminae 2. Cite at least 3 rules of the ICN that shows its independence from other codes of nomenclature. Botanical nomenclature is independent of zoological and bacteriological nomenclature. The application of names of taxonomic groups is determined by means of nomenclatural types. Each taxonomic group with a particular circumscription, position, and rank can bear only one correct name, the earliest that is in accordance with the Rules, except in specified cases. 3. Define briefly: This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 a. nomina conservanda – mean conserved name. It is a scientific name that has specific nomenclatural protection. That is, the name is retained, even though it violates one or more rules which would otherwise prevent it from being legitimate. b. nomen oblatum - Latin for "forgotten name". It is a technical term, used in zoological nomenclature, for a particular kind of disused scientific name. c. isotype - duplicate specimen of the holotype, collected at the same time by the same person from the same population. d. paratype - A specimen cited in a publication but that is neither a holotype, isotype, or syntype. 5. Why can’t vernacular or common names replace scientific names? With species are identified with common names rather than the binomial nomenclature, classifying and studying them will be chaotic and difficult to learn. It will be disorganize as there will be no system to order the species. 6. Give at least three types of author citations and cite an example for each. In publications, particularly those dealing with taxonomy and nomenclature, it may be desirable, even when no bibliographic reference to the protologue is made, to cite the author(s) of the name concerned . In so doing, the following rules apply. Ex. Rosaceae Juss. (Gen. Pl.: 334. 1789), Rosa L. (Sp. Pl.: 491. 1753), Rosa gallica L. (l.c.: 492. 1753), Rosa gallica var. versicolor L. (Sp. Pl., ed. 2: 704. 1762), Rosa gallica L. var. gallica For the purposes of Art. 46, ascription is the direct association of the name of a person or persons with a new name or description or diagnosis of a taxon. An author citation associated with a synonym does not constitute ascription of the accepted name, nor does reference to a basionym or a replaced synonym (regardless of bibliographic accuracy) or reference to a homonym. This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 Ex. Lichen debilis Sm. (in Smith & Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 35: t. 2462. 1812) was not ascribed to Turner and Borrer by Smith’s citing “Calicium debile. Turn. and Borr. Mss.” as a synonym. For the purposes of Art. 46, the authorship of a publication is the authorship of that part of a publication in which a name appears regardless of the authorship or editorship of the publication as a whole. Ex. The name Solanum dasypus was published in a work of Candolle (Prodr. 13(1): 161. 1852), in which the account of Solanaceae was authored by Dunal. Dunal introduced the name as “S. dasypus (Drège, n. 1933, in h. DC)” thereby ascribing it to Drège. The name is therefore cited as either S. dasypus Drège ex Dunal or S. dasypus Dunal. 7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a stable or fixed nomenclature? The significant advantage of choosing common plant names is the convenience of using and sharing knowledge in particular geographical locations and avoiding misunderstanding among laypeople who do not speak Latin. Those involved in spreading or learning the principles of crop farming and agricultural extension workers would benefit significantly from being familiar with famous names. On the negative side, many common plant names generate confusion not just locally but also globally. Worst of all, unscrupulous plant dealers may readily develop standard terms for personal gain, with little regard for the potential financial or bodily harm they may inflict. 8. Select and name two species each from 3 plant families and indicate briefly why you consider each a good scientific name. Selaginellaceae - Selaginella antimonensis - Selaginella arbuscula Cucurbitaceae This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 - Cucurbita pepo - Cucurbita maxima - Nymphaea lotus - Nymphaea odorata Nymphaeaceae CONCLUSION Through this activity, the students were able to learn how to name species which are termed plant nomenclature. The term nomenclature is derived from the Latin concepts nomen and calare, which mean "name" and "to call," respectively. The International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (ICN) governs the attribution of scientific names to plants. The most recent version of the ICN is the Shenzhen Code, which the International Botanical Congress (IBC) accepted in July 2017. It went into effect on July 29, 2017, after being confirmed by the IBC. First, we applied the principles of ICN to distinguish between nomenclatures if they were legitimate or illegitimate. Then, rules of the ICN were identified to a particular condition in naming a species. With the provided list of prefixes and terminologies, we used the material to coin epithets and determine their meaning. Lastly, the ICN was utilized to evaluate the names of pre-existing taxa and identify its taxonomic rank. The activities from above are an application of some of the ICN's core rules. It will assist us, Biology-major students, in developing a working grasp of the Code. This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 REFERENCES Advantages and Disadvantages of Common Names & Botanical Name. (2011, October 21). EVA Homoeopathy; EVA Homoeopathy. Retrieved May 31, 2021, from Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2015, November 10). List of plants in the family Cucurbitaceae. Encyclopedia Britannica. ICBN:International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. (2016). Biology Discussion. Retrieved May 30, 2021, from International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. (2001). Retrieved May 30, 2021, from This study source was downloaded by 100000844733565 from on 05-03-2022 01:13:47 GMT -05:00 Powered by TCPDF (