TEST INSTRUMENT ELSC 100- Introduction to Language Systems MIDTERM EXAMINATION Name: ____________________________________________________ Score: __________ TEST I. Transcribe the following words. Refer on the IPA provided in your module. Upload your answer in the created google classroom bin. 15 points. IPA transcription 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 albeit merengue though tough doe puss entrepreneur chivalry crematory heinous advertise advertisement cheddar although impostor - /ɔɭbɑɪt/ -/mɛrɑŋ/ -/ðoʊ/ -/tʌf/ -/doʊ/ -/pʌz/ -/ɑntrəprənʊɾ/ or / ɑntrəprənɝ/ -/ ʃɪvəlri/ -/ krɛmətɐri/ -/hinʌs/ -/ɑdvərtɑɪs/ -/ɑdvərtɪsmɛnt/ -/t͡ʃɛdɑr/ -/ɔlðoʊ/ -/ɪmpɔstɔr/ SYMBOLS such as /’/-/:/-/ will be considered regardless of use. However, right IPA symbols must have to be used in correspondence to the example symbols. TEST II. Perform the monologue below. Incorporate proper pronunciation of words, intonation and stress. Upload your video performance in the created google classroom bin. Refer to the rubric below for the scoring of over-all performance. 40 points. The accused by Tom Topor Kathryn Murphy: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Paulson has told you that the testimony of Sarah Tobias is nothing. Sarah Tobias was raped, but that is nothing. She was cut and bruised and terrorized but that is nothing. All of it happened in front of a howling crowd and that is nothing. Well, it may be nothing to Mr. Paulson but it is not nothing to Sarah Tobias and I don't believe it is nothing to you. Next Mr.Paulson tried to convince you that Kenneth Joyce was the only person in that room who knew that Sarah Tobias was being raped. The only one... Now you watched Kenneth Joyce. How did he strike you? Did he seem especially sensitive, especially observant? Did he seem so remarkable that you immediately said to yourselves, "Of Course! This man would notice things other people wouldn't!" Do you believe that Kenneth Joyce saw something those three men didn't see? In all the time that Sarah Tobias was being held down on that pinball machine the others didn't know? Kenneth Joyce confessed to you that he watched a rape and did nothing! He told you that everyone in that bar behaved badly...he was right. But no matter how immoral it may be it is not the crime of criminal solicitation to walk away from a rape, it is not the crime of criminal solicitation to silently watch a rape ...but it is the crime of criminal solicitation to induce or entreat or encourage or persuade another person to commit a rape - "Hold her down! Stick it to her! Make her moan..." TEST INSTRUMENT These three men did worse than nothing. They cheered and they clapped and they rooted the others on, made sure that Sarah Tobias was raped and raped and raped... Now tell me... Is that nothing? Monologue Performance Rubric (40 points total) CRITERIA EXCELLENT 6 SCORE __________________ VERY GOOD 5.5 GOOD 5 FAIR 4 POOR 2 Introduction Introduction is clear and confident and contained all required elements (your name, play title, playwright). Introduction is either missing one of the required elements or lacked some confidence or clarity. Introduction is missing one or more of the required elements and lacked some confidence or clarity. Introduction is missing two or more of the required elements and lacked confidence and clarity. There is no introduction. Memorization All lines are correct, fluid and display a command of the monologue. All but a few lines are correct and the monologue is fluid. Some choppiness and some lack of fluidity, needs more rehearsal. Monologue is choppy, many line errors, needs much more rehearsal. Monologue is not memorized. Characterization Strong choices are made to create character fully. Good choices are made to create character. Character is not constant and/or choices were not strong. Limited characterizationbreaking of character during the monologue. Character present. Movement Specific choices are made as to how and when to move based on the characters needs and style of the monologue. General choices are made as to how and when to move based on the characters needs and style of the monologue. Some choices are made as to how and when to move but some unmotivated movement as well. Movement is choppy and feels unmotivated overall and/or does not relate to the character or the style of the monologue at all. Very little movement and/or movement that does not relate to the character or the style of the monologue at all. Diction, Projection and Vocal Variety Monologue is easy to understand and hear. All words are clear and loud enough to hear with good vocal variety. Most of the monologue is easy to hear and understand but needs work on one of the following (vocal variety, projection or diction). Most of the monologue is easy to understand but needs more work on two or more of the following (vocal variety, projection or diction). Trouble hearing and understanding the monologue from anywhere beyond the front of the theatre and/or monologue lacks any vocal variety. Monologue cannot be heard or understood and is monotone. Emotion Emotion is believable and matches the character, play and style. Emotion is believable and mostly matches two of the three (character, play and style). Emotion is somewhat believable and mostly matches one of the three (character, play and style). Emotion is not motivated and does not match character, play or style. Emotion is missing. Tempo and Rhythm Tempo and rhythm are appropriate for the monologue and the piece had a logical build. Tempo and rhythm are good, some build but not strong or clear enough. Tempo and rhythm are good, but no clear build. Tempo is too fast or too slow and there is no build. Tempo is so fast or so slow that it distracts from the monologue. Focal Point ``and Focus The monologue has a specific and distinct focal point that is constant. Performance is very focused all the time. The monologue has a specific and distinct focal point that is somewhat constant. Performance is focused most of the time. The monologue has a focal point that is not clear or constant. Performance is focused some of the time. The monologue lacked a focal point. Performance is focused a small percentage of the time. The monologue lacked any focal point. Performance is not focused at all. is not TEST INSTRUMENT TEST III. Identify the parts of the words presented based on its morphological structure. Upload your answer in the created google classroom bin .40 points. Free morpheme Bound Morpheme Inflectional/ Derivational Type of Allomorph (there can be two/ or more types of allomorphs that can be used,) 1 invasive invade -sive derivational -sive (MCA) 2 imprisoned prison 3 predominantly Derivational Inflectional Derivational 4 sought seek -im/ -ed Pre-ant -ly -ought 5 severed severe -ed inflectional 6 impurities pure 7 bedazzled dazzle 8 Chris’ Chris Im-ty -es Be-ed ‘s Derivational Derivational Inflectional Derivational Inflectional inflectional -additive allomorph Additive allomorph MCA -replacive allomorph Additive allomorph Additive MCA Additive MCA additive additive 9 brethren brother -en derivational replacive 10 triplicate triple -cate derivational -additive Prepared by: Mark Anthony T. Gavina Instructor/Professor dominate Recommending Approval: Dr. Frederick Tadifa Program Chair derivational Approved: Dr. Raquel D. Quiambao Dean/Director