Uploaded by Krisha Mae Palaganas

Reflection on Sexual Assault and Rape Culture

Palaganas, Krisha Mae C.
Refelction Paper #1 (Gender)
Reflection Paper on Hijos y Hijas de Putas
Only a criminal or offender is to blame for sexual assault and sexual violence. Understand how
rape culture is embedded so deeply within our systems and institutions that victims cant report
because it isn’t safe. We live in a society that prioritizes protecting their name over protecting
and supporting survivors. There are societal beliefs rooted in misogyny, racism, and oppression
that make it impossible to get rid of sexual violence and sexual harassment. We need a lot of
work to create and build a society that prioritizes, listens, protects, and supports the survivors.
Every woman relates to this poetry because we have all felt afraid in public even in our own
home because of men. It is never a woman’s fault that they are abused and harassed. We need to
stop harassing women, and using power, and scaring them not to report it and instead focus on
creating a society where attackers aren’t given set parameters to operate within. Women are
harassed and abused by all kinds of men: family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues,
men we’ve never met or spoken to, men in charge of keeping us safe, men who preach at mass,
men in positions of power. Transgender women and women of color suffer disproportionately.
Our criminal justice system is against the victim and difficult to convict the abuser, rapist, and