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Cell Injury & Adaptations: Pathology Presentation

• Broderick C. Jones, MD, MSc
• 954 262 1327
• Offc 1327 Terry
• bjones@nova.edu
Lymph node with caseous necrosis
What is Pathology?
• Pathology
• Study of Disease
• Examines –
• Structural
• Biochemical
• Functional
Changes in - Cells
- that underlie disease
• Pathology
• Study of Disease
• Tools
• Molecular
• Microbiologic
• Immunologic
• Morphologic
– Techniques
To explain the signs and
symptoms manifested by
Provides a rational
basis for clinical care
and therapy
Clinical Medicine
Basic Sciences
Clinical Importance
General Pathology
Systemic Pathology
Disease Process and Clinical Manifestations
Systemic Pathology
Central Nervous System
• Diagnosis of Disease
• Guide Treatment of Disease
• Autopsy
• Tissue Examination
• Clinical Laboratory
• Study of Disease
• Diagnosis of Disease
• Guide Treatment of Disease
• Autopsy
• Tissue Examination
• Clinical Laboratory
Cell Injury
Cell Injury and Death
What causes cell injury?
Injurious Stimulus
Cell Response to Injury
Cell Adaptations
Response to changes in cell environments
t Reversible Changes
–Metabolic activity
Cell Adaptations
n Hypertrophy
n Hyperplasia
n Metaplasia
n Intracellular Accumulations
n Aging
Cell Adaptations
JL is a 89 year old (yo) man who
was seen in clinic 1 month ago
with a family member with
increased forgetfulness, difficulty
recalling immediate events.
JL fell and broke his hip and was
admitted to the hospital where he
developed pneumonia and
expired. An autopsy was
performed. Patient’s brain is
shown on the following slide.
Cell Adaptations
Which of the
following brains is
from the 89 yo
A. A
B. B
Cell Adaptations
Reduced size of an organ
u Results from a decrease in cell size and
Cell Adaptations
- Decrease in cell
size (reduction in organ
and/or tissue size)
JL’s Case
Multi-infarct dementia
Alzheimer Disease
Parkinson Disease
Cell Adaptations
Atrophy (Physiological) – reduction in size of uterus after delivery
Atrophy (Pathological)
Decrease in Cell Size
Decreased workload (atrophy of disuse)
Loss of innervation (denervation atrophy)
Diminished blood supply
Inadequate nutrition
Loss of endocrine stimulation
Local pressure
Autophagy (Intracellular Accumulations)
Cell Adaptations
Mechanisms of Atrophy
- Intracellular Factors
- Decreased protein synthesis
- Increased protein degradation
– Cellular protein degradation by ubiquitinproteasome pathways
• Nutrient Deficiency and Disuse
– Activate ubiquitin ligases
– Ubiquitin-tagged structures degraded in
Cell Adaptations
Cellular protein degradation by ubiquitin-proteasome pathways
Cell Adaptations
Mechanisms of Atrophy
• Starved cell cannabalism for survival
• Undigested cell debris creates lipofuscin granules
Cell Adaptations
Cell Adaptations
Past Medical History (PMHx)
u MH is a 63 year old man diagnosed
with essential hypertension 30 years
ago. Since that time MH has been
noncompliant with medication to
control blood pressure.
u Recently MH reported funny feelings in
chest but did not seek medical
attention. MH developed ventricular
fibrillation (v-fib) and expired. The
patient’s heart is shown on the
following slide.
Cell Adaptations
What does this patient’s heart
A. Thickened right ventricle
B. Thickened left ventricle
C. Left chamber dilation
D. Right chamber dilation
E. Normal heart
Left Ventricular
Cell Adaptations
Enlargement of Cells
Increase in the size of cells
• Resulting in increase size of the organ
Increased size of the cells
• Due to synthesis of more structural components
Cell Adaptations
Enlargement of Cells
u Pathological
Cell Adaptations
Hypertrophy (Physiological)
Enlargement of cells
Growth Factors
• Transforming growth factor
• Insulin-like growth factor-1
• Fibroblast growth factor
• Vasoactive agents
– α-adrenergic agonists
– Endothelin-1
– Angiotensin II
Skeletal Muscle
Biochemical mechanisms of myocardial hypertrophy. The major known signaling
pathways and their functional effects are shown. Mechanical sensors appear to be the
major triggers for physiologic hypertrophy, and agonists and growth factors may be
more important in pathologic states. ANF, Atrial natriuretic factor; GATA4, transcription
factor that binds to DNA sequence GATA; IGF1, insulin-like growth factor; NFAT,
nuclear factor activated T cells; MEF2, myocardial enhancing factor 2.
Cell Adaptations
Hypertrophy (Pathological)
Enlargement of cells
Growth Factors
• TGF-β
• [IGF-1]
• Fibroblast growth factor
• Vasoactive agents
– α-adrenergic agonists
– Endothelin-1
– Angiotensin II
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Normal Heart
Cell Adaptations
TS is a 62 year old man who came to
clinic because of difficulty urinating.
Digital rectal exam (DRE) revealed an
enlarged boggy prostate gland.
Biopsies were collected.
Biopsies revealed increased stromal
and glandular cells
u – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Cell Adaptations
TS is a 62 year old man who
came to clinic because of
difficulty urinating. Digital rectal
exam (DRE) revealed an
enlarged boggy prostate gland.
Biopsies were collected.
Biopsies revealed increased stromal
and glandular cells.
u – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Cell Adaptations
u Increase in Cell Numbers
t Hormonal
t Compensatory
• Breast
– Puberty
– Pregnancy
• Uterus – Endometrial
• Skin - Psoriasis
• Prostate - BPH
Uterus - Endometrial Hyperplasia
Normal Epithelium
Psoriasis (Skin)
Cell Adaptations
CK is a 35 yo cigarette smoker is
concerned because she is experiencing
hoarseness in her speech. She read an
article in a magazine which indicated this
might be an early sign of throat cancer.
A biopsy from the oropharynx was
obtained and revealed a squamous
poulation of cells
Cell Adaptations
u Stem Cell Reprogramming
Stem cells exist in normal tissues
Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells present in
connective tissue
u Adaptive Substitution of Cells
Cell Adaptations
Stimuli promote gene expression
• Cells driven toward a specific differentiation pathway
• Resistant cell to harsh environment
• Cytokines
• Growth factors
• Extracellular matrix components
Cell Adaptations
Columnar → squamous
Reprogramming of
stem cells
Response to chronic
Resistant population of
• Nicotene replacement
therapy doubles the
chance that a cigarette
smoker will quit.
• True
• False
Cell Adaptations
Intracellular Accumulations
Metabolic derangements in a cell leading to
accumulation of abnormal amounts of various
Caused by t
Abnormal Metabolism
Protein folding and transport
Lack of an enzyme
Ingestion of indigestible material
Cell Adaptations
Intracellular Accumulations
u Lipids
u Cholesterol
u Proteins
u Glycogen
u Pigments
Cell Adaptations
MT is a 23 year-old medical student who just
aced the first pathology exam. Later MT went
out to celebrate with other students who aced
the exam. They had a few drinks and began to
wonder what happens in the liver when it
metabolizes alcohol.
The affects of the alcohol began to kick in when MT
decided to try and answer the question on alcohol
metabolism. Which of the following is MT’s answer?
A. Alcohol is really good for you
B. Alcohol has gotten bad reviews
C. Alcohol interferes with lipid metabolism
D. Alcohol increases water absorption by the kidneys
E. Alcohol is transported into the CNS by a carrier
Cell Adaptations
u Result of abnormal
↑ Reduced NAD
Defective export
t Liver / Steatosis
Cell Adaptations
Result of
t Steatosis
RG is a 42 yo woman in clinic
today because of declining
exercise tolerance. She runs 2
miles everyday and works out at
the gym. But over the year she
began to notice she is becoming
short of breath very quickly even
when reducing distance running
and exercise
u ↑ Hematocrit ↑ Hemoglobin
u ↓ α1-antitrypsin (anti-elastase)
u Hyperinflation
Cell Adaptations
Mutations in
proteins can slow
folding of protein
for transport
u α-1-antitrypsin
deficiency (Antiu
Cell Adaptations
Intracellular Accumulations
(other examples)
Lipofuscin granules
u In cardiac myocytes
Hemosiderin granules
u In liver cells
Protein reabsorption droplets
u In the renal tubular
Cell Adaptations
Intracellular Accumulations
Accumulations most often are reversible
Overload can cause cell injury or cell death
Patient death may occur without medical
Cell Response to Injury
Cell Injury and Death
Causes of Cell Injury
u Oxygen deprivation (Hypoxia)
u Physical Agents
u Chemical Agents and Drugs
u Infectious Agents
u Immunological Reactions
u Genetic Derangements
u Nutritional Imbalances
Cell Injury and Death
Causes of Cell Injury
Oxygen deprivation (Hypoxia)
Physical Agents
Chemical Agents and Drugs
Infectious Agents
Immunological Reactions
Genetic Derangements
Nutritional Imbalances
How do these
adverse stimuli
injure cells?
What is the
Cell Injury
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
u Loss of ATP
u Mitochondrial damage
u Influx of Calcium
u Free radical accumulation
u Damage to DNA and proteins
u Membrane damage
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
Cascade of Events (Ischemia)
↓ Oxidative Phosphorylation ↓ ATP
t ↓ Membrane pumps
• Influx
– H2O
Results in –
- Cellular swelling
– Ca+2
- Organelle swelling
– Na+
• Efflux
– K+
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
Cascade of Events (Ischemia)
↑ Anerobic glycolysis
t ↓ Glycogen
t ↓ pH
• Clumping of chromatin
• Enzyme function abnormalities
Mechanisms of
Cell Injury
Loss of ATP
Mechanisms of Cell
Inability to generate ATP
→ Necrosis
Membrane leakage
Mechanisms of Cell
Influx of Calcium
u Activates
t Cellular
The generation, removal, and role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cell injury. The
production of ROS is increased by many injurious stimuli. These free radicals are
removed by spontaneous decay and by specialized enzymatic systems. Excessive
production or inadequate removal leads to accumulation of free radicals in cells, which
may damage lipids (by peroxidation), proteins, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
resulting in cell injury.
of Cell Injury
Cell Response to Injury
Cell Injury
Cell Injury
Magnitude of Cell Injury
Nature of Injury
Cell Factors
• Type
• State
• Adaptability
Biochemical Mechanisms
Determine if
damage is
Reversible or
Cell Functions and Response to Injury
Reversible Cell Injury (Cellular Changes)
Plasma membrane alterations
t Blebbing
t Blunting
t Loss of microvilli
Mitochondrial changes
t Swelling
t Appearance of small amorphous
Cell Functions and Response to Injury
Reversible Cell Injury
Cellular swelling and ↑ vacuoles
• (Hydropic change)
Dilation of the ER
t Detachment of polysomes
Intracytoplasmic myelin
Nuclear alterations
Disaggregation of granular and fibrillar elements
Reversible Cell Injury
Plasma membrane
Dilation of the ER
Nuclear alterations
Cell Response to Injury
Cell Injury
Cell Functions and Response to Injury
Irreversible Cell Injury (Cellular Necrosis)
Increased eosinophilia
Myelin figures accumulate
Denaturation of proteins
Damaged cellular membranes
Mitochondrial amorphous densities increase
Nuclear changes
t Karyolysis (Enzymatic degradation by endonucleases)
t Pyknosis (Nuclear shrinkage and increased basophilia)
t Karyorrhexis (Pyknotic nucleus undergoes fragmentation)
Cell Functions and Response
to Injury
Irreversible Cell Injury
(Cellular Necrosis)
Viable Cardiac Cells
Cardiac Cells Post MI
Irreversible Cell Injury
(Cellular Necrosis)
Increased eosinophilia
Myelin figure accumulation
Mitochondrial densities
Nuclear changes
Cell Functions and Response to Injury / Irreversible Injury
Clinical Correlation
Blood Vessel
Cell Death
Extracellular Space
Normal Cell
Cell Contents
If a cell cannot adapt and becomes
irreversibly injured it must _____?
Seek help
Keep trying
Die or undergo necrosis
Give up
Recycle itself
Cell Response to Stress
Cell Death
u Necrosis
Necrosis and Cell Death
Coagulative Necrosis
Liquefactive Necrosis
Caseous Necrosis
Fat Necrosis
Necrosis and Cell Death
Coagulative Necrosis
Cause / Ischemia
Architecture is preserved
Affected tissues are firm
Proteins and enzymes
Coagulative Necrosis of Cardiac Myocytes
Normal Cardiac Myocytes
Necrosis and Cell Death
Liquefactive Necrosis
Occurs in focal bacterial or, occasionally, fungal
t Accumulation of leukocytes
t Liberation of enzymes
Tissue → liquid viscous mass
t Digestion of dead cells
Infarction of brain
Liquefactive Necrosis
Brain CVA ; Liquefactive Necrosis
Necrosis and Cell Death
Caseous Necrosis
“Caseation” Lung tissue
Foci of tuberculous infection
“Caseous” (Cheeselike)
t Friable white areas of necrosis
Focus of Inflammation
t Granuloma
• Collection of fragmented cells
• Amorphous granular debris
• Enclosed within an
inflammatory border
Granuloma with Langerhan Giant
cells (Top and Bottom)
Necrosis and Cell Death
Fat Necrosis
Occurs with acute pancreatitis
Pancreatic lipases released into peritoneal cavity
t Liquefy the membranes of fat cells in the peritoneum
t Lipases split the triglyceride esters
t Fatty acids combine with calcium
• Visible chalky-white areas (fat saponification)
Result - focal areas of fat destruction
t Fatty acids + calcium = fat saponification
• Produce chalky-white areas
Fat Necrosis involving omentum (Gross)
Necrosis and Cell Death
Fibrinous Necrosis
Necrosis involving blood vessels
Antigen and antibody deposition
in arterial walls
t Immune complexes
• Pro-inflammatory
Fibrin leaks into vessel walls
Produces a bright pink
amorphous deposit in vessel
Blood Vessel Fibrinoid Necrosis
Fibrinous Necrosis
Blood Vessel; Fibrinoid Necrosis
Necrosis and Cell Death
Gangrenous Necrosis
Clinical designation
Refers to an infarcted limb
involving multiple tissue planes
Coagulative necrosis has
Superimposed bacterial infection
t Can produce a liquefactive
Gangrenous Necrosis
Cell Response to Stress
Cell Death and Necrosis
Tightly regulated suicide pathway program
Elimination of cells that are no longer needed
Maintains a steady number of various cell
populations in tissues
Cell Death and Necrosis
Programmed destruction of cells during embryogenesis
Involution of hormone-dependent tissues upon hormone
Cell loss in proliferating cell populations
Maintains a steady number of various cell populations in
Cell Death and Necrosis
Eliminates cells injured beyond repair
• DNA damage
• Accumulation of mis-folded proteins
• Cells infected by viruses
Cell Death and Necrosis
Morphologic Features
Cell shrinkage
Chromatin condensation
Formation of cytoplasmic blebs and apoptotic
Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells or cell bodies,
by macrophages
Similar to cell death due to irreversible injury
Cell Death and Necrosis
t Intrinsic (Mitochondrial Pathway)
• Caspases become active
t Extrinsic (Death receptor–Initiated Pathway)
• Caspases trigger the degradation of critical
cellular components
Cell Death and Necrosis
Intrinsic / Mitochondrial
Cell Death and Necrosis
Apoptosis (Mechanism)
u Intrinsic / Mitochondrial Pathway
1. Lack of growth and survival signals / injury
2. Activate Bim, Bid, and Bad sensors
3. Bim, Bid, and Bad activate Bax and Bak
4. Bax and Bak insert channels into
Mitochondrial leakage of cytochrome C
5. Cytochrome C activation of caspases 9 and
6. Executioner caspases activation
Cell Death and Necrosis
Apoptosis (Mechanism)
u Extrinsic / Death Receptor–Initiated Pathway
u TNF and Fas related proteins
FasL to Fas binding
Cytoplasmic domains form a binding site for
FADD activates caspase 8 and other caspases
Cell Death and Necrosis
• Extrinsic / Death
Execution Phase
Executioner Caspases
u Caspases (3 and 6)
t Act on many cellular components
• Indirectly activate DNase
– Cleavage of DNA into nucleosomesized pieces
t Executioner Caspases
• Degradation and fragmentation of nuclear
TNF-mediated necroptosis
Cross-linking of TNFR1 by TNF
Recruitment of RIP1 and RIP3
Inhibition of caspase 8
RIP1 and RIP3 to initiate signals that
affect mitochondrial
Generation of ATP and ROS
This is followed by events typical of
Cells infected by microbes
Activation of caspase-1 + caspase-11 =
death of the infected cell
Pathologic Calcification
Abnormal Tissue Deposition
u Calcium salts
t Iron
t Magnesium
• other mineral salts
u Types
t Dystrophic calcification
t Metastatic calcification
Pathologic Calcification
Membrane Damage
t Ca
binds to the phospholipids in membrane
t Phosphate groups bind calcium
t Ca
and phosphate binding cycle repeated
t Ca
and phosphate groups generate
t Ca
Pathologic Calcification
Dystrophic Calcification
u Pathology
t Encountered in areas of necrosis
t Macroscopic
• Fine, white granules or clumps, gritty
Pathologic Calcification
Dystrophic Calcification
u Pathology
t Encountered in
areas of necrosis
t Macroscopic
• White granules
• Clumps
• Gritty deposits
Dystrophic Calcification of Aortic Valve
Pathologic Calcification
Metastatic Calcification
Results from conditions that produce hypercalcemia
Principal causes of Hypercalcemia
Increased secretion of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
Destruction of Bone tissue
Ectopic secretion
PTH-related protein by malignant tumors
Secondary to primary tumors of bone marrow (e.g., multiple
myeloma, leukemia)
Diffuse skeletal metastasis (e.g., breast cancer)
Vitamin D Related Disorders
Renal Failure
Causes retention of phosphate, leading to secondary
Pathologic Calcification
Metastatic Calcification
Occur widely throughout the Body
t Affects Interstitial Tissues
• Gastric mucosa
• Kidneys
• Lungs
• Systemic arteries
• Pulmonary veins
These tissues excrete acid which creates an internal alkaline
compartment that predisposes them to metastatic calcification
Do you want to take a quiz??
Harmless Quiz
Use any of the following terms to answer the questions in the quiz
– Hypertrophy
– Hyperplasia
– Atrophy
– Dystrophic calcification
– Metaplasia
– Coagulative Necrosis
– Liquefactive Necrosis
– Gangrenous Necrosis
– Caseous Necrosis
– Intracellular accumulations
* Terms can be used
more than once too!
Case 1
Which of the following
best describes the
condition of the heart
labelled B. (A is a normal
Dilated cardiomyopathy
Coagulative necrosis
Fibrin deposition
Case 2
Patient TK underwent a complete
thyroidectomy. Thyroid gland
revealed an increase in number of
cells (normal gland and microscopy
– 1 and 2, thyroidectomy – 3 and 4.
what condition does this represent?
A. Metaplasia
B. Dysplasia
C. Hypertrophy
D. Hyperplasia
E. Storage disease
Case 3
• Unfortunately, MT continued to consume
large quantities of alcohol throughout his
professional career as a doctor and later
succumbed to conditions related with
liver failure. At autopsy the liver
appeared yellow and microscopy of the
liver revealed abundant lipid droplets.
What does this pathology represent?
Liquefactive necrosis
Fatty necrosis
Intracellular accumulation
Case 4
53 yo man with PMHx of lung
cancer. Presents to clinic with chills
and a low-grade fever. Patient
expired from myocardial infarction
while waiting to see physician.
Autopsy revealed the following
lesion in the upper L. lobe. Which of
the following is this lesion consistent
A. Dystrophic calcification
B. Coagulative Necrosis
C. Liquefactive Necrosis
D. Gangrenous Necrosis
E. Caseous Necrosis
The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
Thank You!
CDM 1125 – Pathology I
Inflammation I
R. Daniel Bonfil, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Pathology
Professor of Medical Education, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
February 24, 2021
Protective response of the host that is essential for survival
and is intended to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury
(e.g., microbes, toxins), followed by removal of resultant
necrotic cells and tissues.
Key components include:
• Cellular responses
• Chemical mediators
• Vascular responses
Typical Inflammatory Response
2. Release of mediators (cytokines, amines) that recruit
leukocytes and proteins (antibodies, complement
proteins) from circulation to the site of cell/tissue
injury (e.g., microbes, toxins; necrotic tissue).
3. Vasodilation and increased vascular permeability that
leads to edema.
4. Activation of recruited leukocytes and molecules that
destroy and eliminate the offending substance.
5. Cytokines released by leukocytes attract fibroblasts
that deposit ECM and repair the damaged tissue.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
1. Recognition of the offending agent located in
extravascular tissues by resident cells and molecules.
Two Types of Inflammation
Main Characteristics
Nature of the Response
Tissue Injury
Local and systemic signs
Immediate/rapid: minutes
to hours
Shorter: hours to days
Neutrophil (= PMN)
Insidious/delayed: after acute
inflammation (if not resolved) or
may arise de novo
Longer: up to months or years
Monocyte/macrophage and
lymphocyte infiltrate
Accumulation of fluid and
plasma proteins (edema)
at the affected site
“Physiological” (in very
general terms is good)
Usually mild and selflimited
“Pathological” (in very general
terms is bad, causing disease)
Often severe and progressive:
angiogenesis and fibrosis
Less prominent; may be subtle
Inflammatory Reactions as the Cause of Disease
Inflammation is normally protective, but some disorders may
result from damage caused by inflammatory reactions.
Acute Inflammation Response
Cells and Molecules Involved in Injury
Acute respiratory distress syndrome - ARDS
Eosinophils; IgE antibodies
Antibodies and complement; neutrophils,
Septic shock
Chronic Inflammatory Response
Pulmonary fibrosis
Lymphocytes, macrophages; antibodies?
Eosinophils; IgE antibodies
Macrophages; lymphocytes
Macrophages; fibroblasts
Modified from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation
Swelling and reddening of the
leg in a patient with cellulitis
The external / clinical manifestations of
inflammation, are:
1. Redness (rubor*)
2. Heat (calor*)
3. Swelling (tumor*)
4. Pain (dolor*)
Described more than 2000
years ago in De Medicina by
Celsus (a Roman encyclopedist)
5. Loss of function (functio laesa*)
(Described by Rudolph Virchow – “father of modern
pathology”– in the late 19th century)
* Latin words
Herrington CS. Muir’s Textbook of Pathology, 15th ed.
© 2014 CRC Press by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation (cont.)
1. Redness (rubor*)
2. Heat (calor*)
Vasodilation and its resulting increased blood flow are the cause of
redness (erythema) and heat at the site of inflammation
3. Swelling (tumor*)
Due to increased permeability of the microvasculature, with outpouring
of protein-rich fluid (exudate) into extravascular spaces, which produces
fluid accumulation (edema) that manifests itself as swelling
4. Pain (dolor*)
Caused by nervous stimulation and swelling. Some of the released mediators
such as bradykinin increase incites pain.
5. Loss of function (functio laesa*)
* Latin words
May result from pain that inhibits mobility or from
severe swelling that prevents movement in the area.
Stimuli Causing Inflammatory Reactions
• Infective agents. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or toxins released by them.
Most common and medically important cause of inflammation.
From mild acute inflammation to severe systemic reactions,
or prolonged chronic inflammation.
• Tissue necrosis.
Due to ischemia (reduced blood flow), trauma, physical and
chemical injury (e.g., burns, frostbite, exposure to acids).
Triggered by different molecules released by necrotic cells.
• Foreign bodies.
Splinters, sutures, dirt that cause traumatic tissue injury or
carry microbes. Deposits of large amount of endogenous
substances, such as urate or cholesterol crystals (in gout and
atherosclerosis, respectively) cause harmful inflammation.
• Immune reactions. Excessive immune response against self antigens (autoimmune
diseases) or environmental antigens (allergies), which tend to
be persistent and often associated with chronic inflammation.
The Five Rs (Steps) of Inflammation
1. Recognition of Injurious Agent (microbes and necrotic cells)
2. Recruitment of Leukocytes
3. Removal of Injurious Agent
4. Regulation of Response (Control)
5. Resolution (Repair)
Initiation of Inflammation: Recognition
of Microbes and Damaged Cells
The first step in inflammatory responses involves the recognition of:
• Motifs common to many microbes: PAMPs (pathogen-associated
molecular patterns)
• Molecules shed or altered in injured/stressed host’s cells: DAMPs
(damage-associated molecular patterns)
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) for PAMPs and DAMPs include:
a. Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs)
b. NOD*-like Receptors an the Inflammasome
*nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain
Initiation of Inflammation: Recognition
of Microbes and Damaged Cells (cont.)
Phagocytes, dendritic cells, and many
types of epithelial cells, express TLRs.
a. TLRs (Toll like receptors)
Plasma membrane
Surface moieties of
microbes (e.g., LPS)
DNA/RNA from
Other innate immune
cytosolic receptors:
NOD-like receptors
(NLRs) for bacterial
peptidoglycan; products
of injured cells
Activation of Transcription Factors
RIG*-like receptors for
viral RNA
↑ pro-inflammatory cytokines
↑ antiviral cytokines (e.g., IFN)
↑ membrane proteins that
promote lymphocyte activation
*retinoic acid-inducible gene
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Initiation of Inflammation: Recognition
of Microbes and Damaged Cells (cont.)
b. NOD-like receptors and Inflammasome
Inflammasome: complex formed by multiple copies of
NLRP3, an adapter, and the pro-enzyme caspasea, which
becomes activated.
Active caspase cleaves the precursor form of interleukin-1β
(Pro-IL-1β) into its biologically active form (IL-1βb).
The inflammasome is implicated in inflammatory reactions to urate
crystals (cause of gout), cholesterol crystals (in atherosclerosis),
lipids (metabolic syndrome and obesity-associated diabetes), and
amyloid deposits in the brain (Alzheimer disease).
Play essential roles in apoptosis.
b Mediator of inflammation that recruits leukocytes and induces fever.
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed© 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
NLRP3 (NOD-like receptor protein 3): intracellular sensor that
recognizes PAMPs (products of bacteria) and DAMPs
(products of necrotic host cells, such as released ATP, uric
acid and cholesterol crystals, and reduced cytosolic K+ ion).
Once resident phagocytes and other sentinel cells
recognize PAMPs or DAMPs resulting from an injurious
agent (initiation of inflammation), these cells release
soluble mediators (cytokines, histamines).
Some of these soluble mediators lead to:
1. Vascular Events
2. Cellular Events
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology,
10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
1. Vascular Events
• Begin early after the recognition of the injurious agent
• Help to enhance the movement of leukocytes to the site of injury or
• Have two main components:
a. Changes in Vascular Caliber and Flow
b. Increased Vascular Permeability
Acute Inflammation
1. Vascular Events
a.Changes in Vascular Caliber and Flow
• Usually, transient vasoconstriction of arterioles (seconds), due to a
neurogenic reflex.
• Vasodilation of arterioles mainly caused by relaxation of vascular
smooth muscle cells by different cell mediators: histamine, nitric oxide
(NO), and prostacyclin (PGI2), followed by opening of microcirculation
(venules and capillaries) in the area.
• Vasodilation results in increased blood volume in the microvascular
bed of the area → heat and redness (erythema) at the inflamed area.
1. Vascular Events
Acute Inflammation
a.Changes in Vascular Caliber and Flow (cont.)
Hydrostatic pressure: blood
pressure tends to drive fluid out
Colloidal osmotic pressure: interstitial
pressure opposes fluid movement out
No net fluid or
protein leakage
Extravascular Fluid Collection (edema)
Progressive vasodilation
↑ permeability of microvasculature, resulting
in outpouring of protein-rich fluid (exudate)
↑ [RBCs] and viscosity, resulting in stasis of
If purulent exudate, rich in
leukocytes (mainly PMNs), debris
of dead cells, and often microbes.
Exudates (a type of edema) have inflammatory origin.
Fluid that accumulates in interstitium, with high protein
concentration (>1.5 g/dl), has a specific gravity >1.012,
and may contain leukocytes and RBCs (cloudy fluid).
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
blood flow and vascular congestion
(externally evidenced as erythema).
Leukocytes (mainly neutrophils) begin to
accumulate along the vascular
endothelial surface (margination).
Acute Inflammation
1. Vascular Events (cont.)
Increased hydrostatic pressure or decreased osmotic (oncotic) pressure cause
accumulation of fluid in the interstitial tissue (edema).
However, the edema is caused by a transudate, which is not inflammatory in origin.
Increased hydrostatic pressure
Decreased osmotic pressure
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Transudates are low in protein content, with few or no cells, clear yellow,
with protein content <1.5g/dl, and a specific gravity <1.012.
1. Vascular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Increased Vascular Permeability
Mechanisms of increased vascular permeability (aka vascular leakage):
• Endothelial Cell Retraction:
• Endothelial Injury:
• Transcytosis:
▪ ↑ endothelial gaps mainly in postcapillary venules
▪ Elicited by histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes
▪ Immediate (within 15-30 min); short-lived response
▪ endothelial cell (EC) necrosis and detachment
▪ Direct damage by severe injuries (e.g., burns, bacteria that target ECs).
Activated leukocytes adhered to the site may release toxic mediators that
amplify the reaction
▪ Delayed (2-12 hs) and prolonged response (several hours/days), until the
damaged vessels are thrombosed or repaired
▪ Appears to be due to opening of intracellular channels that respond to factors that
promote vascular leakage (e.g., vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF], earlier
called vascular permeability factor)
▪ Documented in animals, but its role in acute inflammation in humans still unclear
Figures adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
2. Cellular Events
• Leukocytes are the major cellular participants in inflammation; those capable
of phagocytosis (neutrophils and macrophages [Mφs]) are the main players.
• Neutrophils are rapid responders but short-lived in tissues (1-2 days), while
Mφs are slow responders but long-lived in tissues (days or weeks for
inflammatory Mφs or years for tissue-resident Mφs).
• The cellular phase of acute inflammations consists of two main processes:
a. Leukocyte Recruitment
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent
Acute Inflammation
2. Cellular Events
a. Leukocyte Recruitment
Leukocyte migration from the blood vessel lumen to the tissue consists of 4 phases:
In the lumen i. Margination & Rolling
ii. Firm Adhesion to
iii. Migration across the
endothelium (diapedesis)
iv. Migration into interstitial
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
i. Margination & Rolling: laminar blood flow from capillaries
into postcapillary venules results in faster movement of
smaller (RBCs) than larger (WBCs) blood cells. Thus, RBCs are
confined to a central column and push WBCs to the periphery
of the venule lumen ( “margination”).
Leukocytes get closer to endothelial cells (ECs). Cytokines
(TNF, IL-1) secreted in response to microbes/injurious agents
together with other mediators (e.g., histamine) “activate”
ECs. Activated ECs express the cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)
selectins that mediate a weak and transient interaction with
cell surface molecules expressed by leukocytes, causing them
to “roll” (bind-detach, bind-detach) along the endothelium.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster
JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
• Selectins contain a chain of transmembrane glycoproteins with an
extracellular lectin-binding domain.
• Three members : E-selectin (on ECs), P-selectin (on platelets and
ECs), and L-selectin (on most leukocytes at the tip of their microvilli).
L-selectin (CD62L) Neutrophils, monocytes
T cells (naïve and central memory)
B cells (naïve)
E-selectin (CD62E) ECs activated by cytokines (TNF, IL-1)
Sialyl-Lewis X/PNAd on GlyCAM-1, CD34, MAdCAM1, others; expressed on endothelium (HEV)
Sialyl-Lewis X (e.g., CLA) on glycoproteins; expressed
on neutrophils, monocytes, T cells (effector, memory)
P-selectin (CD62P) ECs activated by cytokines (TNF, IL-1), Sialyl-Lewis X on PSGL-1 and other glycoproteins;
histamine, or thrombin; platelets. In expressed on neutrophils, monocytes, T cells
inactivated ECs, is found in
(effector, memory)
intracellular Weibel-Palade bodies,
which also synthesize vWF.
CLA, Cutaneous lymphocyte antigen-1; EC, endothelial cell; GlyCAM-1, glycan-bearing cell adhesion molecule-1; HEV, high endothelial venule; P-selectin glycoprotein ligand1; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule; vWF, von Willebrand factor.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins
Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
ii. Firm Adhesion to Endothelium
Integrins are transmembrane glycoproteins with α and
β chains that mediate adhesion of leukocytes to ECs.
Integrins are normally expressed in a low affinity form
on leukocyte plasma membranes.
When rolling WBCs encounter chemokines secreted by
different cells at the site of inflammation, they become
activated and their integrins undergo a conformational
change that convert them in a high-affinity form.
Cytokines - mainly TNF and IL-1 - activate ECs that
increase their expression of ligands for integrins.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology,
10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
Binding of high affinity integrins on the leukocytes to their ligands
expressed on ECs → signals that result in cytoskeletal changes that arrest
leukocytes and firmly attached them to the endothelium.
Family Molecule
Integrin LFA-1 (CD11aCD18)
MAC-1 (CD11bCD18)
VLA-4 (CD49aCD29)
α4β7 (CD49DCD29)
Neutrophils, monocytes, T cells
(naïve, effector, memory)
ICAM-1 (CD54), ICAM-2 (CD102); expressed on
endothelium (upregulated on activated
Monocytes, DCs
ICAM-1 (CD54), ICAM-2 (CD102); expressed on
endothelium (upregulated on activated
VCAM-1 (CD106); expressed on endothelium
T cells (naïve, effector, memory) (upregulated on activated endothelium)
VCAM-1 (CD106), MAdCAM-1; expressed on
T cells (gut homing naïve effector, endothelium in gut and gut-associated lymphoid
CLA, Cutaneous lymphocyte antigen-1; GlyCAM-1, glycan-bearing cell adhesion molecule-1; HEV, high endothelial venule; ICAM, intercellular adhesion
molecule; Ig, immunoglobulin; IL-1, interleukin-1; MAdCAM-1, mucosal adhesion cell adhesion molecule-1; PSGL-1, P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1; TNF, tumor necrosis
factor; VCAM, vascular cell adhesion molecule.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright ©
2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
2. Cellular Events
iii. Migration across the endothelium (diapedesis)
Leukocytes extravasate by squeezing
between ECs at intercellular junctions.
This migration across the endothelium
is mediated by homotypic interactions
of PECAM-1 (aka CD31) found on
neutrophils and ECs.
Leukocytes secrete collagenases enable
them to degrade and traverse the
subendothelial basement membrane to
enter the extravascular tissue.
basement membrane
PECAM-1 : platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 of the
Immunoglobulin (Ig) family
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
iv. Migration into interstitial tissues (Chemotaxis)
Leukocytes move in the extravascular space toward the site of injury or infection
along a gradient of chemoattractants (process know as chemotaxis).
Substances produced by microbes and by the host in response to the injurious
agent that act as chemoattractants for leukocytes:
• Bacterial products – mainly peptides with N-formylmethionine termini.
• Cytokines – specially of the chemokine family.
• Components of the complement system – particularly C5a.
• Products of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid (AA)
metabolism – particularly leukotriene B4 (LTB4).
2. Cellular Events
iv. Migration into interstitial tissues (Chemotaxis) (cont.)
Chemotactic molecules bind to specific cell Gcoupled surface receptors → signals that induce
polymerization of actin at the leading edge of PMNs
and localization of myosin filaments at the back.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Aster JC. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic
Basis of Disease. 8th ed., © 2010 by Saunders, and imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
Leukocytes move by extending
filopodia that pull the back of
the cell (trailing edge) in the
direction of the extension in
response to the chemoattractant.
Scanning electron micrograph of a moving
leukocyte in culture.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic
Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
a. Leukocyte Recruitment (cont.)
In general, the type of leukocyte recruited depends on the age of the
inflammatory response and the type of stimulus.
In most forms of acute inflammation:
First 6 to
24 hours
Gradually replace PMNs,
peak ~2 days after
inflammation begins
Inflammatory reaction in myocardium after infarction
(ischemic necrosis)
EARLY (6-24 hs)
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
LATER (24-48 hs)
Acute Inflammation
2. Cellular Events
The cellular phase of acute inflammations consists of two main processes:
a. Leukocyte Recruitment
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent
Leukocyte Activation
Once recruited to the site of infection or
injury, neutrophils and monocytes are
activated to perform their functions.
Their activation is mediated by binding
of different factors (e.g., bacterial or
apoptotic molecules) to various types of
leukocyte cell surface receptors.
Once the ligands bind to the receptors,
cellular responses that mediate the
functions of the leukocytes are initiated.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
Phagocytosis of microbes by
leukocytes involves 3 sequential
1.Recognition and attachment of
the particle to be ingested by
the leukocyte
2.Engulfment, followed by
formation of phagocytic
3.Degradation of the ingested
material by lysosomal enzymes
in phagolysosome
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
1. Recognition and attachment of the particle to be ingested by the leukocyte
Some of the leukocyte receptors recognize molecules
found on microbial walls only (mannose receptors),
while others bind low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
particles and microbes (scavenger receptors).
Often, specific host proteins (called opsonins) coat
microbes and target them for phagocytosis
(opsonization). Main opsonins for which leukocyte
have receptors include:
• Fc fragment of IgG antibodies
• C3b breakdown product of complement activation
• Lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins in plasma)
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
2. Engulfment, followed by formation of phagocytic vacuole
The particle bound to phagocyte receptors is surrounded
by extensions of the leukocyte cytoplasm (pseudopods),
and the plasma membrane pinches off to form a
cytosolic vesicle (phagosome) that encloses the particle.
3. Degradation of the ingested material by
lysosomal enzymes in phagolysosome
The phagosome fuses with lysosomes
(phagolysosome), and the lysosomal enzymes
degrade the particle.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
Intracellular Destruction of phagocytosed material
The elimination of infectious agents’ and necrotic cells’ materials ingested
by leukocytes is accomplished by:
i. Reactive oxygen species (ROS, also called reactive oxygen
II. Reactive nitrogen species, mainly derived from nitric oxide (NO)
iii. Granule Enzymes and other Proteins
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
Intracellular Destruction of phagocytosed material (cont.)
i. Reactive oxygen species (ROS; e.g., O2- , H2O2 , HOCl, and OH) → attack and damage lipids,
proteins and nucleic acids of microbes and host cells.
Myeloperoxidase (MPO-dependent killing
MPO (in azurophilic
dismutase granules of neutrophils)
+ Cl- + H+
HOCl + H20
(hypochlorous acid)
2 O-2
(superoxide ion)
Within the
Mature macrophages
lack MPO
Fe3+ + HO. + OH(hydroxyl radical) (hypoxyl ion)
(Fenton reaction)
+ O2-
2 O2
Membrane of the phagosome
+ Fe2+
O2 + HO.+ OH(Haber-Weiss reaction)
MPO-independent killing
NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; H2O2 , hydrogen peroxide (concentration not high enough to kill bacteria);
MPO, myeloperoxidase; Cl-, chloride ion; HOCl, hypochlorous acid (bactericide); HO., hydroxyl radical).
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
Intracellular Destruction of phagocytosed material (cont.)
ii. Reactive nitrogen species
Nitric oxide (NO) is a soluble gas derived from arginine
by action of nitric oxide synthase (NOS).
Inducible NOS (iNOS) is expressed by macrophages
when activated by cytokines (e.g., IFN-γ ) or microbial
products → ↑NO:
NO + O2
(superoxide ion)
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic
Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Peroxynitrite is a highly reactive free radical that attack and damage lipids,
proteins and nucleic acids of microbes and host cells.
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
Intracellular Destruction of phagocytosed material (cont.)
iii. Granule Enzymes and other Proteins
Larger azurophil (or 1ary) granules
Neutrophils contain
Smaller specific (or 2ary) granules
Bactericidal factors (e.g., defensins)
Acid hydrolases
Neutral proteases(e.g., elastase, cathepsin G)
Plasminogen activator
Phagocytic vesicles with engulfed material can fuse with these granules packed
with enzymes and other products, resulting in intracellular destruction of infectious
agents’ and necrotic cells’ materials ingested by neutrophils.
1ary and 2ary granules can also undergo exocytosis (degranulation), releasing their
content in the extracellular space (e.g., degradation of ECM components).
Normally, anti-proteases (e.g., α1-anti-trypsin) in serum and tissue fluids control the
activity of these granules to avoid harmful effects in the host.
2. Cellular Events
Acute Inflammation
b. Phagocytosis and Clearance of Offending Agent (cont.)
Extracellular Destruction of material (independent of phagocytosis)
In response to infectious pathogens (e.g., bacteria, fungi) or inflammatory mediators (e.g.,
chemokines, C’ proteins), neutrophils can produce Neutrophil extracelullar traps (NETs).
NETs are the result of neutrophils’
Healthy Neutrophils
SEM of staphylococci
nuclei that are lost by a distinctive
trapped in NETs
form of neutrophil death (NETosis).
NETs are viscous networks of histones
and associated DNA that provide high
substances and prevent spreading of
some infectious pathogens.
May be the cause of autoreactivity against
own DNA (e.g., systemic autoimmune disease
such as systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE).
Nuclei lost
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Damaging of Normal Tissues Due to Inflammation
In some circumstances, mechanisms that function to eliminate microbes and dead
cells (physiologic role of inflammation) can turn against normal tissues:
• Normal defense reactions against infectious microbes may result in
collateral damage in tissues at or near the site of infection suffer (e.g., in
tuberculosis and viral hepatitis: a prolonged host response contributes
more to the pathology than does the microbe itself).
• Inflammatory responses directed against host tissues (e.g., autoimmune
• Hyperreactivity against usually harmless environmental substances (e.g.,
allergic diseases).
Leukocyte-mediated Injury of Normal Tissues
Leukocytes can damage normal tissues by releasing the potential toxic contents
of granules into the extracellular milieu in different situations:
• Frustrated phagocytosis: cells encounter materials that cannot be easily ingested,
such as immune complexes deposited on immovable surfaces (e.g., glomerular
basement membrane). The unsuccessful attempt to phagocytose these substances
triggers a strong leukocyte activation, and lysosomal enzyme release into the
surrounding tissue or lumen.
• The membrane of the phagolysosome may be damaged if potentially injurious
substances, such as urate and silica crystals, are phagocytosed.
• Regurgitation during phagocytosis: The phagocytic vacuole may remain transiently
open to the outside before complete closure of the phagolysosome.
Clinical Examples of Leukocyte-Induced Injury
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Acute transplant rejection
Septic shock
Lung abscess
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic transplant rejection
Pulmonary fibrosis
Cells and Molecules Involved in Injury
Lymphocytes; antibodies and complement
Eosinophils (major basic protein); Ig E antibodies
Antibodies and complement; Neutrophils, monocytes
Neutrophils (and bacteria)
Lymphocytes, macrophages; antibodies?
Eosinophils; IgE antibodies
Macrophages; lymphocytes?
Lymphocytes, macrophages; cytokines
Macrophages; fibroblasts
These diseases will be discussed in Systemic Pathology Lectures.
Defects in Leukocyte Functions
Examples of Conditions Associated with Defective Leukocyte Functions:
• ACQUIRED (Most common)
- Diabetes, Thermal Injury, Malignancies,
Sepsis and Immunodeficiencies
Defective chemotaxis
- Leukemia, anemia, neonates, malnutrition Defective phagocytosis & microbicidal activity
- Bone marrow suppression caused by
tumors, chemotherapy, radiation
• GENETIC (rare)
- Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
- Myeloperoxidase deficiency
- Chronic granulomatous disease
of childhood
Decreased production of lymphocytes
Disorder in which fusion of lysosomes to
phagosomes is prevented → no phagolysosomes
Absent MPO-H2O2 system
X-linked/autosomal recessive disease
characterized by absence of NADPH oxidase
CDM 1125 – Pathology I
Inflammation II
R. Daniel Bonfil, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Pathology
Professor of Medical Education, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
February 25, 2021
Mediators of Inflammation: General Features
• Substances that initiate and mediate inflammatory responses.
• These mediators can be:
Cell-derived: released by cells at the site of inflammation (local)
Plasma-derived: usually synthesized in the liver and found in plasma
as inactive precursors that are activated at the site of inflammation
• Most:
a) exert their biological property by binding to specific receptors on
target cells (others direct activity)
b) rather short lived
Mediators of Inflammations: Some Examples
CELL-DERIVED stored in intracellular granules (secreted locally) or synthesized de novo in response to a stimulus.
Preformed in
secretory granules
Mast cells, basophils, platelets
Vasodilation, ↑ Venular permeability
Prostaglandins Leukocytes, mast cells
Synthesized de novo PlateletActivating factor Leukocytes, mast cells
Macrophages, ECS, mast cells,
Vasodilation, pain, fever
Vasodilation, ↑ Venular permeability
EC activation, leukocyte recruitment
and activation; fever
PLASMA-DERIVED circulating precursor forms that undergo proteolytic cleavage to become biologically active.
Complement Anaphylatoxins
(C3a, C5a)
Membrane attack
Complex (C5b-9)
Coagulation/ Fibrin split products
Leukocyte chemotaxis and activation
Kinin System kinin/bradykinin
Increased vascular permeability; pain
Direct target killing
Increased vascular permeability, affect
clotting (promotes or limits it)
Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
I. Cell-derived Mediators
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
I. Cell-derived Mediators
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
Vasoactive Amines
Arachidonic Acid Metabolites
Platelet-activating Factor
Nitric Oxide
I. Cell-derived Mediators
1. Vasoactive Amines
The following two are preformed mediators stored in secretory granules, with
an important role as first mediators released in acute inflammation:
• Histamine
▪ Released mainly from mast cells in connective tissue adjacent to blood
vessels, in response to various stimuli:
a) Heat, cold, trauma
b) Binding of antibodies to mast cells (allergic reactions)
c) Anaphylatoxins (products of complement C3a and C5a)
Causes dilation of arterioles, increases permeability of venules by inducing
venular endothelial retraction, and causes EC activation.
• Serotonin (aka 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT)
▪ Present in platelets and released during platelet aggregation. It is also
present in neuroendocrine cells of the GI tract, spleen and nervous system.
▪ Causes less vasodilation and vascular permeability than with histamine.
Arachidonic Acid (AA) is a 20-carbon
polyunsaturated fatty acid formed
from cell membrane phospholipids.
Different stimuli activate
phospholipases, which release
AA from cell membranes.
Outside the cell, two classes of
enzymes convert AA in bioactive
mediators (eicosanoids):
• Cyclooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2)
• 5-Lipoxygenase
Eicosanoids bind to G protein-coupled
receptors on ≠ cells and mediate
virtually every step of inflammation.
5-HETE (5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid)
5-HPETE (5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid)
(inhibit genes encoding
Cox-2, phospholipase A,
mechanical, chemical, physical, or
other inflammatory mediators (C5a)
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
2. Arachidonic Acid Metabolites (Eicosanoids)
I. Cell-derived Mediators
2. Arachidonic Acid Metabolites (Eicosanoids)
AA metabolites (eicosanoids) via Cyclooxygenase pathway
Cyclooxygenase inhibitors
(e.g., aspirin, ibuprofen, indomethacin)
block prostaglandin synthesis.
Cyclooxygenase (as COX-1 and COX-2)
Prostaglandin G2 (PGG2)
) (by vascular ECs)
. Vasodilation
. Inhibits platelet
Prevents thrombosis
Prostaglandin H2 (PGH2)
(by mast cells)
(by almost any cell)
) (by platelets)
. Vasodilation
. ↑ vascular
. Vasoconstriction
. Promotes platelet
Promotes thrombosis
In addition to local effects, prostaglandins are
involved in pathogenesis of fever and pain.
Potentiates exudation and
resulting edema.
PGD2 chemoattracts neutrophils.
Modified from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
2. Arachidonic Acid Metabolites (Eicosanoids)
AA metabolites (eicosanoids) via Lipoxygenase pathway
(5-hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid)
Lipoxygenase inhibitors (e.g., zileuton)
(lipoxygenases are NOT affected by NSAIDs)
(5-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid)
Chemoattracts neutrophils
Leukotriene A4 (LTA4)
Chemoattracts neutrophils, and causes their
aggregation and adhesion to venular endothelium
Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) (by mast cells)
Lipoxin B4 (LX B4)
Suppress Inflammation by
inhibiting recruitment of
Leukotriene B4 (LTB4) (by neutrophils and some macrophages)
Leukotriene C4 (LTC4)
mast cells
Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) ↑(byPermeability
of venules
(by mast cells)
(by mast cells)
Leukotriene E4 (LTE4)
(by mast cells)
Modified from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Leukotriene receptor
(e.g., Montekulast)
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines
• Polypeptides (~5–20 kDa) secreted by numerous cells (mainly activated
lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells, but also endothelial, epithelial,
and fibroblasts) that initiate and mediate immune and inflammatory responses.
• They can affect the same cells that produce them (autocrine effect) or nearby
cells (paracrine effect), always through binding to cell surface receptors.
• Unlike classic hormones, which circulate in nanomolar (10-9 M) concentrations,
cytokines are soluble signaling molecules that act locally typically in picomolar
(10-12 M) concentrations (up to 1,000-fold increase due to trauma or infection).
• Chemokines are cytokines that act as chemoattractants for other cells (mainly
leukocytes during inflammatory responses).
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines (cont.)
Over 200 cytokines have been described. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1
(IL-1) are chief cytokines that act in local and systemic manifestations of inflammation:
• Different inflammatory stimuli induce the synthesis of TNF and IL-1.
• TNF is mainly produced by activated macrophages, T cells and mast
cells, whereas IL-1 is produced by activated macrophages and some
epithelial cells. TNF and IL-1 are commonly produced by signals
through TLRs and other microbial sensors.
• Endothelial activation caused by TNF and IL-1: venular ECs synthesize
and express endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecules (mainly E- and Pselectins) and ligands for leukocyte integrins. Other cytokines,
chemokines, and eicosanoids increase → ↑ vascular permeability (due
to retraction of ECs), and ↑ procoagulant activity.
• Activation of leukocytes and other cells: TNF boosts responses of
neutrophils and microbicidal activity of macrophages. IL-1 stimulates
the generation of TH17 (a subset of CD4+ TH cells), activates fibroblasts
(↑ collagen synthesis) and stimulates proliferation of synovial and
other mesenchymal cells.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines (cont.)
Protective Effects (acute phase response): IL-1 and
TNF (as well as IL-6) stimulate the synthesis of PGE2,
which acts on the hypothalamus (thermoregulatory
center) causing fever. In response to IL-1 and -6
and TNF, the liver responds by producing many
acute-phase proteins, and the bone marrow
produce more leukocytes.
Pathologic Effects: TNF, IL-1 and IL-6 are involved in
the pathogenesis of the systemic inflammatory
response syndrome (SIRS), an exaggerated defense
response of the body to a noxious stressor. They
contribute to cardiac dysfunction and failure,
thrombosis, and cachexia, a pathologic state
characterized by muscle mass loss that
accompanies some chronic infections and cancer.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines (cont.)
Main Cytokines Involved in Inflammation
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,9th ed. Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines (cont.)
Chemokines are Cytokines that Act as
Chemoattractants for Specific Types of Leukocytes
~40 chemokines and 20 receptors for them identified. Small proteins (8-10 kDa)
classified into 4 major groups based on the arrangement of cysteine (C) residues :
• C-X-C chemokines (one amino acid residue between the first two of the four conserved
cysteine residues): Most representative of this group is IL-8 (now called CXCL8). They act
primarily on neutrophils, having been secreted by activated macrophages, ECs and other cell
types and attracting neutrophils to the inflammatory focus.
• C-C chemokines (first two conserved cysteine residues adjacent): Comprise the main monocyte
chemoattractants MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein), and RANTES (regulated and
normal T-cell expressed and secreted). They mainly chemoattract monocytes, eosinophils,
basophils and lymphocytes, but are not as potent chemoattractants for neutrophils.
• C chemokines (lack the first and third of the four conserved cysteines): They are relatively
specific for lymphocytes (e.g., lymphotactin).
• CX3C chemokines (lack the first and third of the four conserved cysteines): Only member is
fractalkine, in a cell surface-bound form that promotes adhesion of monocytes and T cells or a
soluble form that chemoattracts those same cells.
The Complexity of the
Cytokine Network
Several different cell types coordinate their
efforts as part of the immune system,
including B cells, T cells, macrophages,
mast cells, neutrophils, basophils and
Each of these cell types has a distinct role
in the immune system and communicates
with other immune cells using secreted
Cytokine Network – From: https://www.thermofisher.com/us
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines (cont.)
I. Cell-derived Mediators
3. Cytokines (cont.)
Clinical Efficacy of Biological Inhibitors of Cytokines
Adapted from: Holdsworth SR, Gan PY. Clinical Journal of American Society of Nephrology 10: 2243-2254, 2015.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
4. Platelet-activating Factor (PAF)
• PAF is a phospholipid-derived factor that was originally discovered as
a mediator of platelet aggregation.
• It binds to PAF receptors expressed by many other cells.
• It can cause vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction but can also
lead to vasodilation and increased venular permeability when at low
• There are secreted and cell-bound forms of PAF, which are produced
by basophils, mast cells, neutrophils, macrophages, endothelial cells,
and even platelets themselves.
I. Cell-derived Mediators
5. Nitric Oxide (NO)
Short-lived soluble gas derived from arginine by action of nitric oxide synthase
(NOS) in the presence of O2. NO plays different functions.
Three forms of NOS: endothelial (eNOS), neuronal (nNOS), and inducible (iNOS).
iNOS is expressed by macrophages activated by inflammatory cytokines or
microbial products. NO generated by iNOS destroys microbes.
eNOS and nNOS are constitutively expressed at low levels by ECs and neurons,
respectively. NO generated by eNOS and nNOS functions to maintain vascular
tone and as a neurotransmitter, respectively.
NO generated by eNOS plays roles in inflammation by:
• Mediating vascular smooth relaxation and vasodilation
• Preventing platelet adherence and aggregation at sites of vascular injury
and reducing leukocyte recruitment at inflammatory sites.
Principal Mediators of Inflammation
Mast cells, basophils,
Vasodilation, increased vascular permeability,
endothelial activation
Increased vascular permeability,
Vasoconstriction during clotting
Vasodilation, pain, fever
Increased vascular permeability, chemotaxis,
leukocyte adhesion and activation
Prostaglandins Mast cells, leukocytes
Mast cells, leukocytes
PlateletLeukocytes, mast cells
activating factor
Vasodilation, increased vascular permeability,
leukocyte adhesion, chemotaxis, degranulation,
oxidative burst
(TNF, IL-1, IL-6)
Local: Leukocyte Recruitment, endothelial
activation (expression of adhesion molecules,
EC contraction)
Systemic: fever, metabolic abnormalities,
hypotension (shock). Rarely cytokine storm
Chemotaxis, leukocyte activation
Macrophages, endothelial
cells, mast cells
(NOTE: with the exception of
RBCs, every cell can produce
and respond to cytokines)
Leukocytes, activated
Nitric oxide
Endothelium, macrophages Vascular smooth muscle relaxation,
Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
I. Cell-derived Mediators
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
Complement System
Coagulation System
Fibrinolytic System
Kinin System
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
1. Complement System
Series of proteins and membrane receptors with important functions in both
innate and adaptive immunity and in pathologic inflammatory reactions.
It consists of more than 20 proteins (some numbered C1 through C9).
The complement (C’) proteins are in inactive forms in the plasma, and many of
them are activated to become proteolytic enzymes that degrade other C’
proteins (enzymatic “complement cascade” that amplifies).
Many cleavage products of C’ proteins cause increased vascular permeability,
chemotaxis, and opsonization.
The Complement System can be activated through 3 different pathways:
a. Classical Pathway: activators are Ag-Ab Complexes
(Ab; IgM or IgG))
Antigen (Ag)
(e.g., products
of bacteria,
apoptotic cells)
C1 complex
(C1q, C1r, C1s)
C3 convertase
b. Lectin Pathway: activators are carbohydrates on microbes
lectin (MBL)
Microbial sugars
(mainly mannose)
serine protease 1)
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
1. Complement System (cont.)
C3 convertase
*MBL can interact with MASP-1 and -2 or with C1r-C1s
to activate C’.
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
1. Complement System (cont.)
c. Alternative Pathway: triggered by microbial surface molecules (e.g., endotoxin
or LPS), complex polysaccharides, or other molecules
(viruses, tumor cells) in the absence of antibodies.
Plasma C3
Carbohydrate or protein
(no Abs involved)
Bb is a fragment
of Factor B
Factors D and B
C3 convertase
C5 convertase
More C3b is generated
by C3 convertase
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
1. Complement System (cont.)
All 3 pathways generate C3a and C3b. ,
millions of C3b molecules can be deposited
on the surface of microbes in 2-3 min.
Alternative pathway
Opsonization of microbe
by C3b for phagocytosis
of leukocytes
Mast cell
Bound C3b is
recognized by a
C6 C7
C5a + C8 C9 C9
AA metabolism in
neutrophils and monocytes
Formation of membrane
attack complex (MAC) on
microbial surface
destruction of microbes
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
1. Complement System (cont.): Regulation
“Complement regulatory proteins” prevent healthy tissues from being
injured at sites where the C’ system acts against microbes.
C1 inhibitor: protease inhibitor that blocks the activation the C1 complex in the classical
pathway of complement. Mutation in the C1-inhibitor gene (inherited deficiency of C1
esterase inhibitor) → hereditary angioedema: edema in multiple tissues (usually selflimited; laryngeal involvement may cause fatal asphyxiation).
Decay-Accelerating Factor (DAF): protein linked to plasma membranes that prevents
the formation of C3 convertases and, thus, of C5 convertase. Acquired deficiency of DAF
→ excessive C’ activation and lysis of RBCs in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.
Factor H: plasma protein that acts as a cofactor to degrade C3 convertase. Deficiency of
factor H (due to gene mutation) → excessive C’ activation → hemolytic uremic syndrome
(kidney disease) and vascular permeability in macular degeneration of the eye.
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
2. Coagulation System
Two pathways: intrinsic (contact) and extrinsic
The intrinsic pathway is initiated by the
Hageman factor (Factor XII), an enzyme
synthesized by the liver that circulates as a
zymogen. It becomes activated by collagen in
basement membranes or platelets.
Factor XIIa (activated form) initiates a
proteolytic cascade of factors that leads to the
formation of thrombin that cleaves the plasma
protein fibrinogen into an insoluble fibrin clot.
Different components of the coagulation
system participate in inflammation.
(High molecular
weight kininogen)
Factor Xa increases vascular
permeability and leukocyte
Binding of thrombin to receptors on platelets
and ECs causes activation and adhesion of
Thrombin also cleaves C5 to generate C5a.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,9th ed.
Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
3. Fibrinolytic System
This system helps to limit the coagulation
process, by solubilizing the fibrin clot.
Cofactor: HMWK
(High molecular
weight kininogen)
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is a
serine protease found on ECs.
tPA converts plasminogen (a protein
mainly synthesized in the liver that
circulates as a zymogen) into plasmin
(active enzyme). Plasmin catalyzes the
degradation of fibrin polymers → fibrin
split products.
Components of the fibrinolytic system
participate in inflammation.
increase vascular permeability
and leukocyte emigration
Plasmin cleaves
C3 to generate C3a
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,9th ed. Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
II. Plasma-derived Mediators
4. Kinin System
Kallikrein is an enzyme
formed by the cleavage of
prekallikrein by Factor XIIa
of the coagulation system
HMWK (High molecular
weight kininogen)
Kallikrein itself is also
capable of activating
factor XII and cleaves
the plasma HMWK
(high molecular weight
kininogen) to produce
several vasoactive low-molecular
weight peptides called kinins.
Bradykinin (main kinin) increases
vascular permeability, smooth
muscle contraction, vasodilation,
and pain.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,9th ed. Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Actions of the Principal Mediators of Inflammation
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Anti-inflammatory Mechanisms
Inflammatory reactions subside because many of the mediators are shortlived and are destroyed by degradative enzymes.
In addition, there are several mechanisms that counteract inflammatory
mediators to limit or terminate the inflammatory responses:
• Lipoxins (LXA4 and LXB4): endogenous antagonists of Leukotrienes that suppress
Inflammation by inhibiting recruitment of leukocytes.
• Complement Regulatory Proteins: C1 inhibitor, DAF, Factor H.
• Interleukin-10 (IL-10): secreted by activated macrophages and other cells to
provide a negative feedback loop (down-regulates the responses of activated
• Anti-inflammatory cytokines: TGF-β, IL-4, IL-10, & IL-13.
• Tyrosine phosphatases produced by different cells to inhibit pro-inflammatory
signals triggered by receptors that recognize microbes and cytokines.
Serous Inflammation
Fibrinous Inflammation
Purulent (Suppurative) Inflammation and Abscess
Morphologic Patterns of
Acute Inflammation
a. Serous Inflammation
Collection of a watery, protein-poor fluid into spaces
created by injury to surface epithelia or into body
cavities(peritoneal, pleural, or pericardial cavities).
Skin blister in thumb:
epidermis separated from
the dermis by a focal
collection of serous effusion
• Typically, the fluid accumulated in body
cavities (called effusion) derives from
the plasma (due to increased vascular
permeability) or from secretions of
mesothelial cells (due to irritation).
• Examples include skin blisters caused
by burns or viral infections contain
serous fluid within or below the
damaged epidermis.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Due to more severe injuries, resulting in greater vascular permeability that
allows large molecules (such as fibrinogen) to pass the endothelial barrier.
• A fibrinous exudate* is characteristic of
inflammation in the lining of body cavities,
such as the meninges, pericardium, and pleura.
• Histologically: fibrin exudate appears as a pink
meshwork of threads or as an amorphous
• Fibrinous exudates can be dissolved by
fibrinolysis and clearing by macrophages
(removal → restoration of normal tissue) OR
may convert to scar tissue (organization).
*Protein and cell-rich fluid with specific gravity > 1.012
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Morphologic Patterns of
Acute Inflammation
b. Fibrinous Inflammation
Characterized by the collection of large amounts of purulent exudate (pus)
consisting of neutrophils, necrotic cells, and edema fluid.
Bacterial abscesses in the lung
in a case of bronchopneumonia
• Abscesses: focal collections of pus with a
central, largely necrotic region rimmed by a
layer of preserved neutrophils, surrounded
by congested vessels and fibroblast
proliferation (indicative of attempted repair).
• The usual outcome with
abscess formation is scarring.
Abscess with necrotic
region with an outer layer
of preserved neutrophils,
surrounded by congested
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Morphologic Patterns of
Acute Inflammation
c. Purulent (Suppurative) Inflammation, Abscess
Local defect, or excavation, of the surface of an organ or tissue
resulting from sloughing (shedding) of inflammatory necrotic material.
• It can occur only when tissue necrosis and
resultant inflammation exist on or near a surface.
• Common sites for ulcerations: (1) mucosa of
mouth, stomach, intestines, genitourinary tract,
and (2) skin and subcutaneous tissues of the
lower extremities in older people with
circulatory disorders (e.g., diabetic ulcers of legs).
• Initial PMN infiltration and vascular dilation in
margins. Later, fibroblast proliferation and
scarring in margins and base of ulcers, with
lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells.
Duodenal ulcer
Duodenal ulcer
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Morphologic Patterns of
Acute Inflammation
d. Ulcer
Outcomes of Acute Inflammation
In general, acute Inflammation has one of four outcomes:
Clearance of injurious stimuli (e.g., bacteria).
Clearance of mediators and inflammatory cells.
Replacement of injured cells (little tissue damage).
Normal architecture and function restoration.
• Formation of pus (suppuration): mixture
of living and dead neutrophils and
bacteria (e.g., Staphylococci).
• When pus is walled off by inflammatory
cell and fibrosis, PMN products destroy
the tissue, leaving an abscess that
usually bursts and discharge pus.
• The offending agent is eliminated
but the tissue is irreversible injured,
filled with connective tissue, fibrosis,
scar formation and loss of function.
• If an insulting agent persists or resolution
is incomplete, the acute inflammation can
progress to, chronic inflammation.
Strayer DS, Saffitz JE, Rubin E. Rubin's Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease, 8th ed., Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer.
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic inflammation is a prolonged process (weeks or months) in which
continuing inflammation, tissue destruction, and attempts at repair occur
simultaneously, in varying combinations.
Main characteristics include:
• Mononuclear cell infiltration (macrophages, lymphocytes, and
plasma cells).
• Tissue destruction or necrosis is mainly due to biologically active
substances released by inflammatory cells (e.g., NO, proteases, ROS).
• Repair, involving new vessel formation (angiogenesis) and fibrosis.
Chronic Inflammation
What Causes Chronic Inflammation?
1. Persistent infections by microbes that are difficult to eradicate
(e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Treponema pallidum, certain viruses and fungi
– all evoke an immune reaction called “delayed-type hypersensitivity”).
2. Hypersensitivity diseases: excessive and inappropriate immune response against
a) the affected person’s own tissues (“autoimmune diseases” such as rheumatoid
arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis), or b) against common
environmental substances that are usually harmless (“allergic diseases”, such as
bronchial asthma).
3. Prolonged exposure to potentially toxic agents such as nondegradable materials
either: exogenous (inhaled particulate silica → silicosis) or endogenous (build-up
of cholesterol crystals on the artery walls→ atherosclerosis).
4. Mild forms of chronic inflammation that are not conventionally thought of as
inflammatory disorders such as neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Alzheimer
disease, gout, metabolic syndrome and the associated type 2 diabetes) and
certain cancers in which inflammatory reactions promote tumor development.
Chronic Inflammation
Morphologic Features
Unlike acute inflammation, which shows vascular changes, edema, and a
predominant neutrophilic infiltration, chronic inflammations is characterized by:
• Infiltration with mononuclear cells
(macrophages, lymphocytes, and
plasma cells).
Chronic inflammation in the lung
• Tissue destruction (in the example,
normal alveoli are replaced by spaces
lined by cuboidal epithelium).
• Attempts at Healing by replacement of
damaged tissue with connective tissue
(in the example, some fibrosis).
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Chronic Inflammation
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation
1. Macrophages
• Tissue cells derived in adults from hematopoietic
stem cells in the bone marrow (BM), and during
fetal development from progenitor cells in the
embryonic yolk sac and fetal liver.
• Their circulating forms (monocytes), derived from
the BM, enter the blood (life span ~1 day) and then
migrate into various tissues to differentiate into
macrophages (life span months or years).
• Macrophages are diffusively spread in most
connective tissue, and located in specific organs
(e.g., Kupffer cells in liver, sinus histiocytes in spleen
and lymph nodes, microglial cells in CNS). Together,
they comprise the mononuclear phagocyte system*.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology,
10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
CNS: central nervous system; * formerly (and
erroneously) called reticuloendothelial system
Chronic Inflammation
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
1. Macrophages (cont.)
• Macrophages (MØs) are the dominant cells in chronic inflammatory reactions:
a. Secreting mediators of inflammation, such as cytokines (TNF, IL-1, chemokines)
and eicosanoids → MØs play a role in initiation and propagation of inflammation.
b. Phagocytosing and destroying microbes and injured (dead) host cells.
c. Activating other cells, mainly by “presenting” antigens to T cells, and responding
to signals from T cells → cell mediate-immune response against microbes.
• Different stimuli activate monocytes/macrophages to develop into distinct populations
of MØs with different functions through two main pathways:
a. Classical macrophage activation → M1 MØs → destroy phagocytosed material and
stimulate inflammation.
b. Alternative macrophage activation → M2 MØs → play a role in tissue repair.
Chronic Inflammation
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
1. Macrophages (cont.)
Microbial products (e.g., endotoxin) bind to TLRs
T-cell derived signals (mainly IFN-ɣ)
IL-13, IL-4 produced by T cells and other cells
Classically activated MØs (M1)
play an important role in host
defense against microbes and in
many inflammatory reactions
Alternatively activated MØs
(M2) play an important role
in tissue repair
Once the irritant is eliminated,
M1s die or go to lymph nodes.
In chronic inflammatory sites,
however, more MØs are
recruited and IFN-ɣ may
stimulate their fusion into large
multinucleated giant cells.
and killing
of bacteria
and fungi
effects, wound
repair, fibrosis
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
Chronic Inflammation
2. Lymphocytes
• Although activation of T and B lymphocytes is part of adaptive immune
response to specific antigens (e.g., microbes), they often participate in some of
the strongest chronic inflammatory reactions (e.g., granuloma).
• Both classes of lymphocytes migrate into inflammatory sites using the same
adhesion molecule pairs & chemokines that recruit other leukocytes.
• In the tissues, B lymphocytes may develop into plasma cells (secrete
antibodies), and CD4+ T lymphocytes (secrete cytokines).
• Three subsets of CD4+ helper T cells (TH Cells) that elicit different types of
inflammatory reaction:
TH1 cells secrete IFN-γ → activates macrophages in the classical pathway.
TH2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, which recruit and activate eosinophils and
activates macrophages through the alternative pathway.
TH17 cells secrete IL-17 and other cytokines, which induce the secretion of
chemokines that recruit neutrophils and monocytes into the reaction.
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
• Macrophages activate T cells by presenting antigen and through many cytokines.
T lymphocyte
macrophages and
lymphocytes (mainly
T cells) tend to
amplify and prolong
the inflammatory
T lymphocytes
IL-17, IL-22
Recruitment of
PMNs and
Recruitment of
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology,
10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Chronic Inflammation
2. Lymphocytes (cont.)
• Activated TH17 cells recruit PMNs and monocytes using IL-17 and other chemokines,
whereas TH1 cells stimulate classical macrophage activation via IFN-γ. The resulting
M1s recruit leukocytes to the site of inflammation using TNF, IL-1, IL-6, IL-12.
Chronic Inflammation
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
3. Eosinophils
• Characteristically found around parasitic
infections and as part of immune
responses mediated by IgE (typically
associated with allergies).
A focus of inflammation containing numerous eosinophils
• Eosinophils are recruited to the site of
inflammation by specific chemokines (e.g.,
eotaxin) released by leukocytes and/or
respiratory epithelial cells (in allergies).
• Eosinophil granules contain major basic
protein, a highly charged cationic protein
that not only is toxic to parasites but also
to mammalian epithelial cells.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
• Tissue-resident cells distributed in connective tissues
throughout the body that participate in acute and
chronic inflammatory responses.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology,
10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Chronic Inflammation
4. Mast Cells
• In atopic persons - prone to develop allergic disordersIgE antibodies against certain environmental antigens
(harmless to most people) bind to the receptor FCεR1
on mast cells (“armed” mast cells). Upon re-exposure
to an allergen, the antigen binds to the membranebound IgEs causing their cross-linking → “activation of
mast cells” (= degranulation and release of mediators,
such as histamine and prostaglandins).
• Mast cells also are present in chronic inflammatory
inflammatory reactions.
Chronic Inflammation
Cells Involved in Chronic Inflammation (cont.)
5. Neutrophils
• The presence of neutrophils is the hallmark of acute inflammation.
• However, many forms of chronic inflammation may continue to show
extensive neutrophilic infiltrates, as a result of either persistent microbes or
necrotic cells, or mediators elaborated by activated macrophages and T
• This pattern of inflammation is called “acute on chronic” and it is found in
some cases such as:
Osteomyelitis (chronic bacterial infection of bone), which shows
neutrophilic exudates that may last for months.
Chronic damage to lungs by cigarette smoking and other irritant stimuli.
Chronic Inflammation
Granulomatous Inflammation
• Morphologically specific pattern of chronic inflammation defined by the
localized aggregation of macrophages around an inflammatory focus.
• Granuloma formation results from a protective response to eradicate an
offending agent that an acute inflammatory response cannot eliminate.
Two types of granulomas depending on pathogenesis
Immune Granulomas
Due to chronic infection
fungi, tuberculosis).
Foreign Body Granulomas
(e.g., some
Due to inert foreign bodies (e.g., sutures,
talc, or large fibers).
MØs activate T cells that secrete
cytokines (e.g., IL-2) → activation of more
T cells, some of which secrete IF-γ →
activation of more MØs.
Due to its size, the agent precludes
phagocytosis or T-cell immune response.
“Epithelioid cells” and “giant cells”
surround the foreign material.
Activated MØs with pale pink granular cytoplasm
and indistinct boundaries, called epithelioid cells
Some epithelioid cells (MØs) fuse to form 40-50 µm
multinucleated cells: Langhans’ giant cells
(commonly with nuclei in the periphery)
Epithelioid and giant cells are commonly
surrounded by a collar of lymphocytes
In Langhans’ giant cells, 20 or more nuclei re often
arranged at the periphery like a horseshoe or a ring
Strayer DS, Rubin E, Saffitz JE, Schiller AL. Rubin’s Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of
Medicine, 7th ed., Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health.
Chronic Inflammation
Granulomatous Inflammation (cont.)
Morphology (cont.)
Typical tuberculous granuloma
Granulomas associated with infectious microbes
(e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis) typically show
a central zone of caseating necrosis
(called necrotizing [caseating*] granulomas)
*cheese-like appearance
Langhans’ giant cells
Granulomas in Crohn disease, sarcoidosis or caused
by foreign body tend not to have necrotic centers:
non-necrotizing (noncaseating) granulomas.
In foreign body granulomas, undigested material is
often seen within giant cells.
Strayer DS, Saffitz JE, Rubin E. Rubin's Pathology: Mechanisms of
Human Disease, 8th ed., Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic
Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Chronic Inflammation
Granulomatous Inflammation (cont.)
Chronic Inflammation
What is the Outcome of
Granulomatous Inflammation?
Granulomas tend to persist for long time.
In some cases, they may slowly resolve, leaving no signs of tissue
injury. In other cases, they may fibrose as a result of proliferating
fibroblasts at the periphery of the granuloma (scar).
Infectious necrotizing granulomas may coalesce and, due to
destruction of tissue, form cavities filled with caseous material.
Chronic Inflammation
Examples of Diseases with Granulomatous Inflammation
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th ed. Copyright © 2010 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Systemic Manifestations of Inflammation
Even if localized, inflammation can be associated with systemic manifestations
collectively known as “acute-phase response” mediated by cytokines.
The initial goal of the acute-phase response is enhancing host resistance to
infection or damage, to minimize tissue injury and to promote the resolution
and repair of the inflammatory lesion. Clinical example: a severe bout of viral
illness (such as influenza).
The acute-phase response is associated with the following clinical and
pathologic features:
• Fever
• Increased levels of Acute-phase proteins
• Leukocytosis
• Other manifestations
Systemic Effects of Inflammation
• Fever:
One of the most typical and earlier manifestations of acute-phase response,
particularly when inflammation is associated with infections.
MØs and PMNs sense bacterial or viral products (e.g., LPS and double-stranded
RNA, respectively) - called exogenous pyrogens - through PRRs, and stimulate
leukocytes to release cytokines IL-1 and TNF – endogenous pyrogens.
IL-1, TNF and IL-6 stimulate COX production that convert
AA into PGs (mainly PGE2). PGs act on the hypothalamus
(thermoregulatory center) and stimulate the production of
neurotransmitters that elevate the body temperature.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as
aspirin reduce fever by inhibiting PG synthesis.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins
Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Synthesis of these proteins in hepatocytes is stimulated
during acute inflammation by cytokines (mainly IL-6)
causing hundred-fold increases in their plasma levels.
The best known acute-phase proteins include:
C-reactive protein (CRP) and Serum amyloid A (SAA) protein: Both bind to microbial
walls and may act as opsonins and fix complement, with beneficial effects.
If prolonged SAA production (chronic inflammation), may lead to secondary amyloidosis.
High levels of CRP serve as a marker of increased risk for myocardial infarction in patients
with coronary artery disease.
Fibrinogen: when at high levels, it binds to RBCs and causes “rouleaux formation”
(stacking of RBCs, as in a stack of coins). These agglutinated RBCs sediment more
rapidly than individual RBCs → ↑erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (not specific,
but a good indicator of an acute inflammatory response).
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK,
Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th
ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Systemic Effects of Inflammation
• Acute-phase Proteins:
Increased numbers of WBCs (leukocytosis) is a common feature in inflammatory
reactions, especially when induced by bacterial infections. Leukocyte count usually
reaches 15,000 to 20,000 WBCs/mL (normal WBC count: 4,000-10,000/mL).
Sometimes, leukemoid reactions (similar to leukemia) with 40,000-100,000 WBCs/mL.
Leukocytosis is initially caused by an accelerated release of leukocytes from bone
marrow (BM) post mitotic reserve (caused by TNF and IL-1), with an increase in
immature neutrophils in blood (shift to the left) . In prolonged infections, colonystimulating factor (CSF) induces proliferation of BM precursors.
Neutrophilia (increased blood neutrophil count) is common in
bacterial infections, whereas lymphocytosis (increased blood
lymphocyte count) is associated with viral infections (e.g.,
infectious mononucleosis, mumps,& German measles).
Eosinophilia (increase in the absolute number of eosinophils)
is associated to allergies and parasite infestations.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster
JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Systemic Effects of Inflammation
• Leukocytosis:
Systemic Effects of Inflammation
• Other Systemic Manifestations of the Acute-phase Response:
↑ heart rate
↑ blood pressure
↓ sweating (due to redirection of blood flow from cutaneous to
deep vascular beds to reduce heat loss through skin)
Rigors (shivering)
Chills (search for warmth)
Anorexia, somnolence, and malaise (effect of different cytokines
on brain cells)
Cachexia (aka wasting syndrome) (TNF-mediated appetite
suppression and mobilization of fat stores)
When too Many Cytokines Harm
In severe infections (sepsis), large amounts of bacterial products in blood or
extravascular tissue stimulate enormous amounts of cytokines (notably TNF) that are
poured into the circulation (cytokine storm),causing an exacerbated inflammation.
A late anti-inflammatory response cannot counteract the inflammation, which
continues to escalate, but suppresses immune responses against microbes, making
the host more susceptible to 2ary or other infections.
Sepsis with one or more end-organ failure is called severe sepsis.
This can lead to septic shock (a greater risk for mortality) manifested by the triad of:
• Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
• Metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance and hyperglycemia
• Hypotensive shock
When too Many Cytokines Harm (cont.)
Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome (SIRS)
Another form of dysregulated inflammation caused large amounts of cytokines
(especially TNF), but may occur as a complication of noninfectious disorders,
such as pancreatitis, vasculitis, severe burns, trauma, surgery.
Two or more of the following defines SIRS:
• >100.4oF (38oC) or <96.8oF (36oC) (normal: 98.7oF or 37oC)
• Heart rate >90 beats per minute
• Respiratory Rate>20 breaths per minute (normal: 12-15 per minute)
or PaCO2 (partial pressure of carbon dioxide) <32 (normally 40)
• WBC count >12,000 or <4,000 (normal 4,000 to 10,000)
Sepsis is often defined as SIRS in the setting of infection.
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a progressive physiologic dysfunction
in ≥2 organs or organ systems, that can occur at the severe end of SIRS or sepsis.
CDM 1125 – Pathology I
Inflammation III
R. Daniel Bonfil, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair of Pathology
Professor of Medical Education, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
February 25, 2021
Tissue Repair
In addition to eliminate the danger imposed by microbes and injured tissues to the
host, the inflammatory response serves to initiate the repair of injured tissues.
Tissue repair occurs by two main types of reactions:
1. Regeneration: replacement of damaged cells and
recovering of normal function by proliferation of
residual (uninjured) cells of the same type that
retain proliferative capacity or by tissue stem cells.
2. Repair by Scarring: deposition of connective
(fibrous) tissue resulting in the formation of a scar
that provides structural stability but cannot recover
the function of lost parenchymal cells. It occurs in
tissues that lack cells of the same type cells with
proliferative capacity or stem cells.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Tissue Repair
1. Tissue Regeneration
2. Repair by Scarring
1. Tissue Regeneration:
Dependent on:
• Proliferation of remnant cells (to replace injured cells) and Endothelial Cells
(ECs; to form new vessels), both driven by growth factors (GFs)
• Integrity of the extracellular matrix (ECM) (creates a framework for cell and
tissue repair)
• Activation of stem cells within the tissue and differentiation into mature cells
Based on their intrinsic proliferative capacity, there are:
a. Labile Tissues
b. Stable Tissues
c. Permanent Tissues
Tissue Regeneration
a.Labile Tissues
Injured cells of these tissues are continuously being lost and replaced by
rapidly proliferating residual immature progenitor cells or by stem cells .
- Surface epithelia (e.g., basal layers of stratified squamous
epithelia of skin, oral cavity, vagina, and cervix)
- Cuboidal epithelia of ducts in draining exocrine organs (e.g.,
salivary glands, pancreas, biliary tract)
- Columnar epithelium of the GI tract, uterus, and fallopian tubes
- Transitional epithelium of urinary tract
- Hematopoietic cells in bone marrow
Tissue Regeneration
b. Stable (Quiescent) Tissues/Cells
Cells of these tissues are normally quiescent (arrested in G0 stage of
cell cycle). However, some cells can go into mitosis in response to
injury or loss of tissue mass to compensate the loss of parenchymal
cells by equivalent newly formed cells.
- Parenchymal cells of most solid organs (e.g., liver*, kidney,
and pancreas)
- Endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells
* With the exception of liver, stable tissues have a limited capacity to regenerate after injury.
Tissue Regeneration
c. Permanent Tissues
Terminally differentiated and nonproliferative in postnatal life.
An injury in these tissues is usually repaired by replacement by
cells that cannot perform the specific function of the original cells
(scar formation).
- Neurons
- Cardiac muscle cells
- Skeletal muscle cells, though satellite cells attached to
endomysial sheath can provide some regenerative
capacity (does not fully compensate)
Tissue Regeneration
Growth Factors and Tissue Repair
Proliferation of cells involved in tissue regeneration is driven by growth factors
(GFs) that are produced close to the site of injury by different cells (mainly
MØs but also others like epithelial and stromal cells).
Some GFs are cell-specific, whereas others act on multiple cell types.
GFs bind to specific receptors on the cells, stimulating signaling pathways that:
a) induce changes in gene expression that drive the cell through the cell cycle
b) support the synthesis of molecules and organelles that are needed for mitosis
The ECM can bind to and sequester GFs (protecting them from degradation)
that are displayed at high concentrations at the site of injury.
Tissue Regeneration
Liver as a Classical Example of Repair by Regeneration
Extraordinary capacity for regeneration after resection of up to 90% of the liver.
Liver regeneration may occur through two main mechanisms:
a. If partial hepatectomy (PHx): proliferation of residual “quiescent adult
hepatocytes” (normally in G0) of the remnant liver. Three phases:
• Priming phase: cytokines (mainly IL-6) secreted by Kupffer cells prepare (prime)
hepatocytes to respond to GFs. >100 genes are activated few minutes after PHx.
• Proliferative phase: activation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and
c-Met (receptor for hepatocyte growth factor, HGF) → from G0 to G1 and then S.
• Termination phase: inhibition of proliferation (return to quiescence) by TGF-β.
b. If chronic liver injury or inflammation: repopulation from progenitor cells in
the liver that proliferate and differentiate into mature hepatocytes (in
rodents, progenitor cells are called oval cells, not clear in humans).
The integrity of the Extracellular Matrix
(ECM) is Crucial for Tissue regeneration
The integrity of the stroma (made of ECM containing
connective tissue cells) of the parenchymal cells is critical for
the organized regeneration of tissues. In all organs,
maintenance of normal tissue structure and function require
a stromal scaffold.
In liver (as well as in other organs) “regeneration” only takes
place if the ECM is not damaged.
If the injury also damaged the ECM, there is deposition of
connective tissue and collagen → “repair by scar formation”.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Fausto N, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 8th ed.
Copyright © 2010 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Tissue Regeneration
Liver as a Classical Example of Repair by Regeneration
Tissue Repair
1. Tissue Regeneration
2. Repair by Scarring
2. Repair by Scarring:
When tissue injury cannot be repaired by regeneration alone, the injured
parenchyma is replaced by connective tissue, leading to the formation of a scar.
Repair by scar formation only happens when the injury to parenchymal cells and
the connective tissue framework is severe or chronic. If some regeneration is still
possible, there is a combination of tissue regeneration and tissue scarring.
Repair by scarring “patches” the tissue but does not restore the original
architecture or function.
The term scar is usually linked to skin wound healing but is also used to describe
replacement of parenchymal cells by collagen in any tissue (e.g., in heart after
myocardial infarction).
Repair by scar formation occurs through sequential steps (next slide).
Repair by Scarring
Steps in Scar Formation
A. Hemostasis. In minutes, platelets aggregate,
deposit fibrin, and form a hemostatic plug that
stops bleeding and creates a scaffold for migrating
inflammatory cells.
Scar formation in a large wound in
skin (healing by second intention)
B. Inflammation (classical acute and chronic).
• During the next 6 to 48 hours, neutrophils and
monocytes are recruited to the site of injury.
• Activated leukocytes followed by macrophages
eliminate the offending agents and clear dead
cells and debris.
• The inflammation resolves.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic
Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Repair by Scarring
Steps in Scar Formation (cont.)
C. Cell Proliferation. ~ 10 days after the injury, several cell types
proliferate and migrate to close the now-clean wound:
• Epithelial cells respond to GFs and migrate
over the wound to cover it, depositing
basement membrane components.
• Endothelial and other vascular cells form new
blood vessels (angiogenesis).
• Fibroblasts proliferate and migrate to lay
down collagen fibers that form the scar.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic
Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Steps in Scar Formation (cont.)
Repair by Scarring
Granulation tissue: combination of proliferating fibroblasts,
loose connective tissue, new blood vessels and scattered
chronic inflammatory cells, beneath the scab of a skin wound.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic
Basis of Disease,9th ed. Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
D. Remodeling. The connective tissue deposited
by fibroblasts is reorganized to produce a stable
fibrous scar. This occurs 2 to 3 weeks after injury
and may continue for months or years.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Healing of Skin Wounds
May involve epithelial regeneration (mainly in healing by first intention), or a combination of
regeneration and scarring (in healing by second intention), depending on the amount of tissue damage:
Incised wounds with good apposition of the edges
(clean and uninfected): Healing by first intention
Open wounds with separated edges, large defects,
extensive loss of cells: Healing by second intention
Wound edges are joined by a
small fibrin plug.
The wound is filled by a large fibrin clot,
with necrotic debris and exudate.
Regeneration by cells of basal
layer of epidermis, as the fibrin
clot begins to be lysed. Little
granulation tissue.
Much larger amounts of granulation tissue
are formed (many proliferating fibroblasts,
new blood vessels and inflammatory cells).
New ECM produced by
fibroblasts, with more abundant
collagen fibers to bridge the
Provisional ECM with fibronectin, type III
collagen, then replaced by an ECM primarily
of type I collagen. At the end, myofibroblasts
participate in wound contraction.
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,9th ed. Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Process by which new blood vessels are formed.
Radial convergence of new blood vessels sprouting from larger
vessels towards a wound in the center (mouse skin flap).
It is critical to develop collateral circulation to make
up for blood vessels lost at the site of injury, necessary
to provide nutrients and oxygen.
In normal circumstances, the proliferation of vascular
endothelial cells (ECs) occurs once every 1000 days
and is maintained physiologically through the
balanced effects of angiogenic (stimulatory) factors
and anti-angiogenic (inhibitory) molecules.
In tissue injuries, many angiogenic factors are released by platelets, inflammatory cells,
and ruptured cells. These factors activate ECs in nearby pre-existing blood vessels.
Li WW, et al. Advances in Skin & Wound Care 18(9):
491-500, 2005.
Repair by Scarring
• Angiogenesis in Tissue Repair by Scaring
1. Angiogenic factors (mainly vascular endothelial growth factor,
VEGF) activate a specialized EC called "tip cell” (aka leading cell)
from a pre-existing intact blood vessel.
2. The “tip cell”, which has VEGFR on its filopodia, degrades the
subendothelial basement membrane (BM) through proteases
(mainly, matrix metalloproteinases - MMPs).
3. Mural vascular contractile cells (pericytes in small capillaries or
vascular smooth muscle cells [vSMCs] in larger vessels) separate.
4. The “tip cell” migrates towards the VEGF coming from the
wound bed, followed by proliferative “stalk cells” that support
the elongation of the angiogenic bud (aka vascular stalk).
5. Two tip cells meet, buds merge and a vascular lumen is created.
The new vessel is then stabilized by the synthesis of a new BM
and interaction of ECs with pericytes (proteases inhibitors, such
as TIMPs, increase).
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Repair by Scarring
• Angiogenesis in Tissue Repair by Scaring (cont.)
Repair by Scarring
• Angiogenesis in Tissue Repair by Scaring (cont.)
• The most important inducer of VEGF is hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) secreted by
hypoxic injured cells.
• Other GFs that participate in the angiogenesis process include:
Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF-2), by stimulating the proliferation of ECs (it also
promotes migration of MØs and fibroblast to the damaged area and stimulate
epithelial cells migration to cover epidermal wounds).
Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF), by recruiting pericytes and vSMCs to stabilize
newly generated blood vessels generated by sprouting angiogenesis.
Angiopoietins (Angs) – In conjunction with VEGF, Ang-2 promotes neovascularization,
whereas Ang-1 plays an important role in vessel stabilization (aka vessel maturation).
Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) – inhibits EC proliferation and migration, and
stimulates synthesis of ECM proteins as part of the stabilization process.
• Except for TGF-β that binds to the single pass serine/threonine kinase receptor TGFβR,
all the GFs mentioned above bind to receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) (VEGFR for VEGF,
FGFR for FGFs, PDGFR for PDGF, and Tie-2 for Ang-1 and -2).
Repair by Scarring
• Granulation Tissue
• Combination of migrating and proliferative fibroblasts, new thin-walled delicate
capillaries (from angiogenesis), and some inflammatory cells (mainly MØs) in a
loose ECM.
• Microscopically seen beneath the scab of a skin wound as a characteristic pink, soft,
granular gross appearance with Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain.
Granulation tissue
Inflammatory cells
Blood vessels
Loose ECM
(minimal collagen
at this point)
H&E stain
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed. Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
• The amount of granulation
tissue depends on the size of
the tissue deficit created by
the wound and the intensity
of the inflammation.
Repair by Scarring
• Deposition of Connective Tissue
The laying down of connective tissue that leads to scar formation occurs
through two main steps: 1) Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts into the
site of injury, and 2) Deposition of ECM proteins produced by fibroblasts.
1) Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts into the site of injury
• Inflammatory cells (mainly alternatively activated [M2] MØs) that infiltrate the
site of injury release TGF-β, PDGF and FGF-2, which induce the migration of
fibroblasts toward the center of the wound and their proliferation.
• Some fibroblasts differentiate into myofibroblasts
(contain smooth muscle actin and have contractile
activity) that help closing the wound by pulling
their margins toward the center (scar contraction).
Adapted from: Strayer DS, Saffitz JE, Rubin E. Rubin's Pathology:
Mechanisms of Human Disease, 8th ed., Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer.
2) Deposition of ECM proteins produced by fibroblasts
• As healing progresses, the number of proliferating fibroblasts and new vessels
diminishes, with fibroblasts starting ECM production (mostly synthesis of collagen).
Ultimately, the granulation tissue transforms into a less vascular, and then avascular scar.
• TGF-β is the most important cytokine mediating
collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, critical to the
development of strength in a healing wound site.
• Levels of TFG-β depend on its rate of secretion in
its active form, as well as of activation of latent
TGF-β sequestered in the ECM (usually mediated
by integrins).
• Net collagen accumulation depends not only on
its increased synthesis, but also on its diminished
Mature scar with dense ECM caused by
deposition of collagen (blue, due to
Trichrome stain) and scattered blood vessels.
Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins Basic Pathology, 10th ed.
Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc.
Repair by Scarring
• Deposition of Connective Tissue (cont.)
Repair by Scarring
• Remodeling of Connective Tissue
After collagen deposition, the ECM in the scar continues to be modified and
remodeled. Different components of the ECM are mainly cleaved by Matrix
metalloproteinases (MMPs), proteolytic enzymes dependent on metal ions
(mainly Zn+).
MMPs are produced by fibroblasts, macrophages, neutrophils, synovial cells,
and some epithelial cells. Their expression and synthesis mainly regulated by
GFs and cytokines.
Almost all MMPs (>25) are secreted as latent enzymes (zymogens) that are
activated when needed to degrade selective substrates. Examples: interstitial
collagenases (MMP-1, -2, and -3) cleave fibrillar collagen, gelatinases (MMP2 and -9) degrade amorphous collagen and fibronectin, and stromelysins
degrade proteoglycans, laminin, fibronectin, and amorphous collagen.
The activity of MMPs is controlled by different Tissue Inhibitors of
Metalloproteinases (TIMPs), produced by most mesenchymal cells.
Factors that Influence Tissue Repair
Factors that Influence Tissue Repair
Tissue repair may be affected by many different extrinsic or intrinsic conditions,
such as:
• Infection prolongs inflammation, may increase local tissue injury, and delays healing.
• Nutritional status: protein deficiency, and vitamin C deficiency (needed for collagen
synthesis) may delay healing.
• Diabetes is an important systemic cause of abnormal wound healing.
• Glucocorticoids (steroids) have anti-inflammatory effects that may result in
weakness of the scar because of inhibition of TGF-β production and diminished
fibrosis. However, in corneal infections, along with antibiotics, they reduce the
corneal opacity that may result from collagen deposition.
• Foreign bodies (e.g., fragments of glass or steel) that impede healing.
Factors that Influence Tissue Repair (cont.)
• Mechanical factors (e.g., increased local pressure or torsion) may cause wounds to
pull apart or dehisce.
• Poor perfusion (e.g., caused by arteriosclerosis, diabetes, or varicose veins) also
impairs healing.
• Extension and type of tissue injury: even in tissues with cells capable of
proliferating, incomplete tissue regeneration and loss of function may occur when
the injury is very large. In tissues with nondividing cells, injury results in scarring
(e.g., healing of a myocardial infarct).
• Location of injury: inflammation in tissue spaces (e.g., pleural, synovial cavities)
may develop small exudates that can be digested by proteolytic enzymes and
resorbed, resulting in resolution of the inflammation and restoration of normal
tissue architecture. If the exudate is too large and cannot be resorbed, granulation
tissue may grow into the exudate and a fibrous scar ultimately forms.
Selected Clinical Examples of Abnormal
Wound Healing and Scarring
a. Defects in Healing
b. Excessive Scarring
c. Fibrosis in Parenchymal Organs
Abnormal Wound Healing & Scarring
a. Defects in Healing: Chronic Wounds
Some examples:
Venous leg ulcers
• Common in elderly people
• Result of chronic venous
hypertension (caused by varicose
veins or congestive heart failure)
• Ulcers fail to heal due to poor
delivery of O2 to the area
Arterial ulcers
• Mostly in individuals with
atherosclerosis of peripheral
arteries (often associated with
diabetes) → ↓ blood supply
• Ischemia causes atrophy and
necrosis of the skin and
underlying tissues.
Pressure sores
• Mostly in bedridden and
immobile elderly people
• Caused by prolonged soft tissue
compression against a bone,
resulting in local ischemia,
ulceration and necrosis
Adapted from: Kumar V, Abbas Ak, Aster JC. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 10th ed, Copyright © 2021 by Elsevier, Inc.
Another example:
Diabetic ulcers
• Usually affecting the lower extremities (mostly feet)
of diabetic patients
• Tissue necrosis and failure to heal due to small
vessel disease, neuropathy, systemic metabolic
abnormalities, and secondary infections
•Characteristic epithelial ulceration
•Extensive granulation tissue formation in the
underlying dermis
Adapted from: Kumar, V, Abbas AK, Aster JC. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,9th ed.
Copyright © 2015 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
Abnormal Wound Healing & Scarring
a. Defects in Healing (cont.)
Exaggerated formation of the components of the repair process may result in
the accumulation of excessive amounts of collagen, resulting in:
• Hypertrophic scars
▪ Raised
scars that often grow rapidly (often with abundant myofibroblasts) but
tend to regress after several months
▪ Usually
after thermal of traumatic injury that affects deep layers of the dermis
• Keloids
▪ Bulging
scars that grow beyond the boundaries
of the wound and do not regress.
▪ Higher
predisposition in African American
▪ Very
thick connective deposition in the dermis
Adapted from: Kumar V, Abbas Ak, Aster JC. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease,
10th ed, Copyright © 2021 by Elsevier, Inc.
Abnormal Wound Healing & Scarring
b. Excessive Scarring
Abnormal Wound Healing & Scarring
b. Excessive Scarring (cont.)
Another deviation in wound healing resulting from an exaggerated formation of
the components of the repair is:
Exuberant Granulation
▪ Excessive amounts of granulation tissue that projects
above the level of the surrounding skin and inhibits
▪ Also known as “proud flesh”
▪ Whenever possible, it must be removed by cautery or
surgical excision to permit restoration of the
continuity of the epithelium.
Abnormal Wound Healing & Scarring
b. Excessive Scarring (cont.)
Exaggerated contraction in the size of a wound sometimes results in:
• Deformities of the
surrounding tissues
Severe contracture of a wound after
deep burn injury
• Particularly prone to develop on the
palms, the soles, and the anterior aspect
of the thorax.
• Most common as a result of serious
burns and can compromise the
movement of joints
Aarabi S et al. PLOS Med 4:e234, 2007.
Abnormal Wound Healing & Scarring
c. Fibrosis in Parenchymal Organs
Excessive deposition of collagen and other ECM components that, most often,
refers to abnormal deposition of collagen in chronic diseases of internal organs.
Due to persistent injurious stimuli such as chronic infections and immunologic
reactions that leads to chronic inflammation and loss of tissue architecture.
Usually results in organ dysfunction or organ failure.
The main cytokine involved in fibrosis is TGF-β, which stimulates migration and
proliferation of myofibroblasts and deposition of collagen and other ECM proteins.
Activation of TGF-β would be caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) derived from
necrotic or apoptotic cells.
Fibrotic disorders may affect many organs: liver cirrhosis, chronic pancreatitis,
fibrosing diseases of the lung (idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconiosis, etc.),
end-stage kidney disease, and constrictive pericarditis.
Inflammation and Repair I - III
CDM 1125 – 02/24/21 and 02/25/21– Lecturer: R. Daniel Bonfil, Ph.D.
Primary Reference for this lecture:
▪ Kumar, V., Abbas, A.K., & Aster, J.C. (eds). Robbins Basic Pathology (10th ed.), Elsevier, 2018.
Chapter 3: Inflammation and Repair, pp 57-95. http://novacat.nova.edu/record=b3313497~S13
Secondary Reference for this lecture:
▪ Kumar, V., Abbas, A.K., & Aster, J.C. (eds). Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease (10th ed.),
Elsevier, 2021 Chapter 3: Inflammation and Repair, pp 71-112.
▪ Strayer, D.S., Saffitz JE, & Rubin, E. (eds). Rubin’s Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease, 8th ed.
Wolters Kluwer, 2020. Chapter 2: Inflammation, and Chapter 3: Repair, Regeneration and Fibrosis.
Note: This handout comprises information about topics on “Inflammation I to III” that you may require for
future clinical rotations and board examinations. Questions in your upcoming exam will address the
specific topics selected and covered in these lectures.
Overview of Inflammation
A. Definition. Inflammation is a protective response involving host cells, blood vessels, and proteins
and other mediators that is intended to eliminate the initial cause of cell injury, as well as the necrotic
cells and tissues resulting from the original insult, and to initiate the process of repair. Without
inflammation, infections would go unchecked and wounds would never heal.
B. General features of inflammation include:
1. The components of the inflammatory reaction that destroy and eliminate microbes and dead
tissues are also capable of injuring normal tissues.
2. The main components of inflammation are a vascular reaction and a cellular response; both are
activated by cell-derived mediators and plasma protein-derived mediators which are shared with the innate
immune system.
3. Inflammation’s relationship to Innate Immunity and Adaptive Immunity. Inflammation initially and
predominantly relies on the components of the Innate Immunity System to address an infectious or non-infectious
threat/injury; however, if inflammation’s protective response is insufficient to address the infectious or
noninfectious threat/injury, the Adaptive Immunity System will then play a role in the response.
4. The steps of the inflammatory response can be remembered as the five Rs:
a. Recognition of the offending agent
b. Recruitment of leukocytes
c. Removal of the agent
d. Regulation (control & termination) of the inflammation reaction
e. Resolution (repair of damaged tissue).
5. Inflammation is normally controlled and self-limited.
a. Inflammation is induced by cell-derived mediators and plasma protein-derived mediators and
b. Inflammation subsides due to several mechanisms that counteract inflammatory mediators and
function to limit or terminate the inflammatory response.
6. The external/clinical manifestations of inflammation, often called its cardinal signs, are heat
(calor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor), and loss of function (functio laesa).
7. Inflammation can be acute or chronic. When acute inflammation achieves its desired goal of
eliminating the threat, the reaction subsides, and the residual damage is repaired. But if the initial response fails
to resolve the threat, the inflammatory response progresses to a protracted course that is called chronic
General Features of Acute and Chronic Inflammation
Cellular Infiltrate
Fast: Minutes or hours (to
Mainly Neutrophils
Slow: Days (to years)
Monocytes/macrophages and
Tissue Injury, Fibrosis
Usually mild and self-limited Often severe and progressive
Local & Systemic Signs Prominent
Less prominent; may be subtle
Clinical Examples
Acute Bronchitis, Skin
Tuberculosis, Asbestosis,
Infection, 1st deg Sunburn
Rheumatoid Arthritis
8. The outcome of acute inflammation is either elimination of the noxious stimulus followed by decline of
the reaction and repair of the damaged tissue, or persistent injury resulting in chronic inflammation, or scarring
with loss of function, or in some instances it can result in sudden death.
Acute Inflammation
A. Overview of Acute Inflammation. The acute inflammatory response rapidly delivers leukocytes and
plasma proteins to sites of injury. At the injury site, leukocytes clear the invaders and begin the process of
digesting and getting rid of necrotic tissues and the plasma proteins serve to stimulate several of the inflammatory
processes. Acute Inflammation has two major components:
1. Vascular changes.
a. Vasodilation - alteration in vessel caliber resulting in increased blood flow.
b. Increased vascular permeability - changes in the vessel wall which permits plasma proteins to leave
the circulation.
c. Endothelial cell activation to facilitate leukocyte adhesion and migration through the vessel wall.
2. Cellular events.
a. Leukocyte recruitment which involves emigration of leukocytes from the circulation & accumulation
at focus of injury.
b. Leukocyte activation to eliminate the offending agent. Neutrophils (polymorphonuclear
leukocytes) are the principal leukocytes in acute inflammation.
B. Stimuli for Inflammation include the following:
1. Infections and microbial toxins (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic): the most common and medically
important causes of inflammation.
2. Tissue necrosis results in molecules being released from necrotic cells which trigger inflammation; e.g.
Ischemic injury (reduced blood flow – the cause of myocardial infarction and stroke), trauma (crush injury,
vascular disruption), physical and chemical injury (thermal injury – burns or frostbite; irradiation; or exposure to
environmental chemicals).
3. Foreign bodies (splinters, dirt, sutures, crystal deposits). May elicit inflammation by themselves or
because they cause traumatic injury or carry microbes. May be endogenous, such as urate crystals in gout
and cholesterol crystals in atherosclerosis.
4. Immune reactions. Reactions in which the normally protective immune system damages the
individual’s tissues:
a. Adaptive Immune System reactions. Hypersensitivity reactions directed against different types
of antigens may result from various causes; e.g., autoimmunity (reactions against self-antigens), reactions
against microbes (immune complex deposition or cross-reactivity), and reactions against environmental
antigens such as allergies (pollen, animal dander, and dust mites).
b. Innate Immune System reactions. Autoinflammatory Diseases characterized by seemingly
unprovoked episodes of inflammation, without high-titer autoantibodies or antigen specific T cells caused by a
dysregulation of the innate immune response and subsequent cytokine excess; e.g. Familial Mediterranean Fever
(FMF) due to defective pyrin which leads to uncontrolled inflammation.
c. Genetically complex disorders. These are caused by multiple lesions of both branches of the
immune system with potentially self-amplifying loops; e.g., gout, pseudogout, and fibrosing disorders (asbestosis
and silicosis).
C. Recognition of Microbes, Necrotic Cells, and Foreign Substances
1. Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs).
a. Phagocytes, dendritic cells (immune cells in connective tissue and organs that capture
microbes & initiate responses to them), & many other cells, such as epithelial cells, express receptors that
are designed to sense the presence of infectious pathogens & of substances released from dead cells.
b. These receptors recognize structures (i.e., molecular patterns, damage signals) that are
common to many microbes or to dead cells.
(1) Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs). Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria,
viruses, parasites, and fungi all possess a limited number of unique cellular constituents not found in vertebrate
animals which are detected by the PRRs.
(2) Danger-Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs). Damage signals from the release of
endogenous peptides and glycosaminoglycans from apoptotic or necrotic host cells which are detected by PRRs.
Heat shock proteins, fibrinogen, fibronectin, hyaluronan, and high mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1) have been
identified as DAMPs.
2. Two important families of these Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) include;
a. Toll-like Receptors (TLRs). TLRs are located in plasma membranes and cytoplasmic
endosomes, so they are able to detect extracellular & intracellular microbes. Functions of TLRs:
(1) Recognize products of different types of microbes and thus provide defense against
essentially all classes of infectious pathogens.
(2) Recognition of microbes causes activation of transcription factors that stimulate the
production of a number of secreted and membrane proteins. These proteins include mediators of
inflammation, antiviral cytokines (interferons), and proteins that promote lymphocyte activation and even
more potent immune responses.
b. The Inflammasome A multi-protein cytoplasmic complex that recognizes products of dead cells,
such as uric acid and extracellular ATP, as well as crystals and some microbial products.
(1) The inflammasome consists of a sensor protein (a leucine-rich protein called NLRP3), an
adaptor, and the enzyme caspase 1, which is converted from an inactive to an active form.
(2) Activation of the enzyme called caspase-1 cleaves precursor forms of the inflammatory
cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β) into its biologically active form.
NOTE: IL-1 is an important (cytokine) mediator of leukocyte recruitment in the acute inflammatory
response, and when the leukocytes phagocytose and destroy dead cells.
CLINICAL CORRELATION: The joint disease, gout, is caused by deposition of urate crystals, which are
ingested by phagocytes and activate the inflammasome, resulting in IL-1 production and acute inflammation. IL-1
inhibitors are effective treatments in cases of gout that are resistant to conventional anti-inflammatory therapy (i.e.,
colchicine, NSAIDs, steroids, & allopurinol). The IL-1 inhibitors used in gout are anakinra, canakinumab, and
D. Vascular Changes in acute inflammation. While the initial encounter of an injurious stimulus, such as a
microbe, is with macrophages and other cells in the connective tissue, the vascular reactions triggered by
these interactions soon follow & dominate the early phase of the response. The main vascular reactions
of acute inflammation (triggered by cell generated chemical mediators) are:
1. Changes in Vascular Caliber and Flow. These changes are characterized by:
a. Initial transient vasoconstriction (lasting only for seconds), then arteriolar vasodilation
follows, resulting in locally increased blood flow and engorgement of the down-stream capillary beds.
Vasodilation is the cause of the redness (rubor) and heat (calor) – the first two of the cardinal signs
of inflammation.
b. The microvasculature becomes more permeable, and protein-rich fluid moves into the
extravascular tissues (exudate). This causes the red cells in the flowing blood to become more
concentrated, thereby increasing blood viscosity and slowing the circulation. These changes are
reflected microscopically by numerous dilated small vessels packed with red blood cells and are called
c. As stasis develops, leukocytes (principally neutrophils) begin to accumulate along the
vascular endothelial surface—a process called margination. This is the first step in leukocyte migration from
the blood vessel to the site of injury.
2. Increased Vascular Permeability.
a. Increasing vascular permeability leads to the movement of protein-rich fluid and even blood
cells into the extravascular tissues.
b. This in turn increases the osmotic pressure of the interstitial fluid, leading to more outflow of
water from the blood into the tissues. The resulting protein-rich fluid accumulation is called an exudate.
Exudate vs Transudate
Type of
Increased vascular
permeability due to an
increase in interendothelial
Increased hydrostatic
pressure or decreased
intravascular colloid
May contain
cellular debris
Protein poor
Little or no
cellular debris
Fluid accumulation in extravascular spaces, whether due to an exudate or a transudate, produces edema
(tumor - the third cardinal sign of inflammation).
c. Mechanisms which contribute to increased vascular permeability in acute inflammatory
(1) Endothelial retraction leading to gaps between endothelial cells in postcapillary venules.
• The most common cause of increased vascular permeability.
• Chemical mediator induced (histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes & cytokines).
• Rapid and short-lived response (15-30 minutes): histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes
(2) Direct Endothelial Injury causing endothelial cell necrosis and detachment results in
vascular leakage.
• Most cases: leakage begins immediately after injury (trauma) & persists for several
hours (or days) until the damaged vessels are thrombosed or repaired. Venules,
capillaries, & arterioles can all be affected, depending on the injury site.
• Delayed, prolonged leakage that begins after a delay of 2-12 hrs, lasts for several hours or
even days, and involves venules and capillaries. Examples: mild to moderate thermal injury,
certain bacterial toxins, and x-ray or ultraviolet irradiation.
• Injury secondary to Leukocyte accumulation along the vessel wall. Activated leukocytes
release many toxic mediators that may cause endothelial injury or detachment.
(3) Transcytosis that appears to be caused by opening of intracellular channels that
respond to certain mediators such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Observed in animals,
though not fully confirmed in humans.
Although these three mechanisms of vascular permeability are described separately, all of them may
be involved in the response to a particular stimulus. For example, in a thermal burn, leakage results from
chemically mediated endothelial cell contraction, as well as from direct injury and leukocyte-mediated endothelial
E. Cellular Events: Leukocyte Recruitment and Activation
An important function of the inflammatory response is to deliver leukocytes to the site of injury and to
activate them. Leukocytes ingest offending agents, kill bacteria and other microbes, and eliminate
necrotic tissue and foreign substances.
1. Leukocyte Recruitment. The sequence of events in the recruitment of leukocytes from the
vascular lumen to the extravascular space consists of 4 phases:
• Margination and rolling along the vessel wall.
• Firm adhesion to the endothelium.
• Transmigration between endothelial cells.
• Migration in interstitial tissues toward a chemotactic stimulus.
(1) Margination. The laminar flow of blood from capillaries into postcapillary venules causes the
larger white cells to be pushed out of the central axial column - occupied by smaller cells (e.g., red blood cells) against the venular wall where they have a better opportunity to interact with the vessel endothelium, especially in
the face of the stasis which develops as a result of increased vascular permeability. Leukocyte accumulation
at the periphery of blood flow within vessels is called margination.
(2) Rolling along the vessel wall. Endothelial cell activation by cytokines and other mediators
cause the expression of adhesion molecules on the surface of the endothelium to which the leukocytes
attach loosely. A process of rolling then occurs as the leukocytes tumble on the endothelial surface, binding and
detaching to these adhesion molecules. The Selectin Family of adhesion molecules mediate the weak and
transient interactions involved in rolling.
(1) Integrins mediate the firm adhesion of Leukocytes to Endothelial Cells. This adhesion is
mediated by integrins expressed on leukocyte cell surfaces interacting with their ligands on endothelial
cells. Integrins are normally expressed on leukocyte plasma membranes in a low-affinity form and do not
adhere to their specific ligands until the leukocytes are activated by chemokines released during an
inflammatory response.
(2) The role of cytokines and chemokines in adhesion.
• Cytokines: Polypeptide products produced by many cell types as mediators of inflammation and
immune responses.
• Chemokines: Chemoattractant cytokines secreted by cells at sites of inflammation and are displayed on
the endothelial surface.
(a) When the adherent leukocytes encounter the displayed chemokines on endothelial cells,
the adherent leukocytes are activated, and their integrins undergo conformational changes and cluster
together converting to a high-affinity form.
(b) Simultaneously, other cytokines, notably TNF and IL-1 (also secreted at sites of infection and
injury) activate endothelial cells to increase their expression of ligands for integrins.
(1) After stable attachment on the endothelial surface, Leukocytes then migrate through the
blood vessel wall by squeezing between cells at the intercellular junctions (diapedesis). Diapedesis
occurs mainly in the venules of the systemic vasculature.
(2) PECAM-1 (Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 AKA CD31), a cellular adhesion
molecule expressed on leukocytes and endothelial cells, mediates the homotypic binding events needed
for leukocytes to traverse the endothelium. (homotypic = similar structure).
(3) After passing through the endothelium, leukocytes secrete collagenases that enable them
to pass through the vascular basement membrane.
migrating from the blood vessels, Leukocytes move toward the site of infection or injury along a chemical
gradient by a process called chemotaxis. Both exogenous and endogenous substances can be chemotactic
for leukocytes, including the following:
• Bacterial products, particularly peptides with N-formylmethionine termini.
• Cytokines, especially those of the chemokine family.
• Components of the complement system, particularly C5.
• Products of the lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism, particularly leukotriene
B4 (LTB4).
Chemotactic molecules bind to specific cell surface receptors, which triggers the assembly of
cytoskeletal contractile elements necessary for movement. Leukocytes move by extending pseudopods that
anchor to the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) and then pull the cell in the direction of the extension.
e. The type of Leukocyte recruited during inflammation. The type of emigrating leukocyte varies with
the age of the inflammatory response and with the type of stimulus.
(1) In most forms of acute inflammation, neutrophils predominate in the inflammatory infiltrate
during the first 6 to 24 hours and are replaced by monocytes in 24 to 48 hours. Several factors account for
this early abundance of neutrophils: These cells are the most numerous leukocytes in the blood, they
respond more rapidly to chemokines, and they may attach more firmly to the adhesion molecules that are
rapidly induced on endothelial cells, such as P- and E-selectins. In addition, after entering tissues,
neutrophils are short-lived—they die by apoptosis and disappear within 24 to 48 hours—while monocytes
(macrophages) survive longer.
(2) There are exceptions to this pattern of cellular infiltration. In certain infections (e.g., those
caused by Pseudomonas organisms), the cellular infiltrate is dominated by continuously recruited neutrophils for
several days; in viral infections, lymphocytes may be the first cells to arrive; and in some hypersensitivity
reactions, eosinophils may be the main cell type.
2. Leukocyte Activation. Once Leukocytes have been recruited to the site of infection or tissue
necrosis, they must be activated to perform their function in inflammation. When leukocytes are activated
due to inflammation, they then promote specific Leukocyte defensive responses.
a. Leukocyte defensive responses as a result of activation. The major defensive functions of
leukocyte activation include:
(1) Phagocytosis of particles. Phagocytosis consists of:
(a) Recognition and attachment of the particle to the ingesting leukocyte. Some of the
leukocyte receptors recognize components of the microbes and dead cells and other receptors recognize host
proteins (called opsonins) that coat microbes and target them for phagocytosis (the process called
opsonization). These opsonins either are present in the blood ready to coat microbes or are produced in
response to the microbes.
(b) Engulfment, with subsequent formation of a phagocytic vacuole.
(c) Formation of the phagolysosome due to fusion of the phagocytic vacuole with a cytoplasmic
lysosome that contains microbiocidal and degradation substances.
(2) Intracellular destruction of phagocytosed microbes and dead cells by substances produced
in phagolysosomes, including reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species, and lysosomal
(3) Extracellular destruction via liberation of substances that destroy extracellular microbes
and dead tissues, which are largely the same as the substances produced within phagocytic vesicles.
(a) Direct extracellular release of the lysosomal granules due to regurgitation during
phagocytosis, frustrated phagocytosis of materials that cannot be easily digested, and damage of
phagolysosomal membranes by injurious substances (e.g., silica).
(b) Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs). These “traps” are extracellular fibrillar networks
that are produced by neutrophils in response to infectious pathogens (mainly bacteria and fungi) and
inflammatory mediators (such as chemokines, cytokines, complement proteins, and ROS). NETs contain a
framework of nuclear chromatin with embedded granule proteins, such as antimicrobial peptides and
enzymes. The traps provide a high concentration of antimicrobial substances at sites of infection and
prevent the spread of the microbes by trapping them in the fibrils. In the process, the nuclei of the
neutrophils are lost, leading to death of the leukocytes referred to as NETosis.
F. Leukocyte-Induced Tissue Injury. Because leukocytes are capable of secreting potentially harmful
substances such as ROS and Lysosomes, they are important causes of injury to normal cells. The mechanisms
by which leukocytes damage normal tissues are the same as the mechanisms involved in the clearance of
microbes and dead tissues, because once the leukocytes are activated, their effector mechanisms do not
distinguish between offender and host. In fact, if unchecked or inappropriately directed against host tissues,
leukocytes themselves become the main offenders and may then cause the evolution of a chronic disease.
G. Defects in Leukocyte Function. Since leukocytes play a central role in host defense, defects in
leukocyte function, both acquired and inherited, lead to increased susceptibility to infections, which may be
recurrent and life-threatening.
1. The most common causes of defective inflammation are acquired:
a. Bone marrow suppression caused by tumors or treatment with chemotherapy or radiation
(resulting in decreased leukocyte numbers), and
b. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes which impairs leukocyte adhesion, chemotaxis, phagocytosis,
and microbiocidal activity.
c. Disease impairment of Leukocyte functions:
(1) Adhesion & chemotaxis may be impaired in malignancies, sepsis, and chronic dialysis.
(2) Phagocytosis and microbiocidal activity may be impaired in leukemia, anemia, sepsis, and
2. The genetic disorders are rare and can cause defects in leukocyte adhesion, defects in microbiocidal
activity, defects in phagolysosome and mutations in TLR signaling pathways.
H. Outcomes of Acute Inflammation. Acute inflammation generally has one of four outcomes:
1. Resolution: Regeneration and repair. The conditions which are required for resolution:
a. When the injury is limited or short-lived,
b. When there has been no or minimal tissue damage, and
c. When the injured tissue is capable of regenerating,
the usual outcome is restoration to
structural and functional normalcy.
2. Chronic inflammation may follow acute inflammation if the offending agent is not removed, or it
may be present from the onset of injury (e.g., in viral infections or immune responses to self-antigens). Depending
on the extent of the initial and continuing tissue injury, as well as the capacity of the affected tissues to regrow,
chronic inflammation may be followed by restoration of normal structure and function or may lead to scarring...or
may result in persistent unresolving chronic inflammation & chronic disease.
3. Scarring is a type of repair after substantial tissue destruction (as in abscess formation), or
when inflammation occurs in tissues that do not regenerate, in which the injured tissue is filled in by
connective tissue. In organs in which extensive connective tissue deposition occurs in attempts to heal the
damage or because of chronic inflammation, the outcome is fibrosis, a process that can significantly
compromise organ function.
4. Rapid deterioration/Death. In some instances acute inflammation may result in rapid deterioration
leading to multiorgan failure and possible death due to cytokine storm/cytokine release syndrome or a severe
hypersensitivity reaction.
Morphologic Patterns of Inflammation
A. The vascular and cellular reactions that characterize inflammation are reflected in the morphologic
appearance of the reaction. The importance of recognizing these morphologic patterns is that they are
often provide valuable clues about the underlying cause.
B. Morphologic Patterns:
1. Serous inflammation is characterized by a collection of a watery, protein-poor fluid into spaces created
by injury to surface epithelia or into body cavities (peritoneal, pleural, or pericardial cavities). Typically, the fluid in
serous inflammation is not infected by destructive organisms and does not contain large numbers of leukocytes
(cell poor). In body cavities the fluid may be derived from the plasma (as a result of increased vascular
permeability) or from the secretions of mesothelial cells (as a result of local irritation); fluid in a serous cavity is
called an effusion. The skin blister resulting from a burn or viral infection is a good example of the
accumulation of a serous effusion either within or immediately beneath the epidermis of the skin.
2. Fibrinous inflammation occurs as a consequence of more severe injuries, resulting in greater
vascular permeability that allows large molecules (such as fibrinogen) to pass the endothelial barrier.
Histologically, the accumulated extravascular fibrin appears as an eosinophilic meshwork of threads or sometimes
as an amorphous coagulum. A fibrinous exudate is characteristic of inflammation in the lining of body
cavities, such as the meninges, pericardium, and pleura. Such exudates may be degraded by fibrinolysis, and
the accumulated debris may be removed by macrophages, resulting in restoration of the normal tissue structure
(resolution). However, extensive fibrin-rich exudates may not be completely removed and are replaced by an
ingrowth of fibroblasts and blood vessels (organization), leading ultimately to scarring that may have significant
clinical consequences. For example, organization of a fibrinous pericardial exudate forms dense fibrous scar tissue
that bridges or obliterates the pericardial space and restricts myocardial function.
3. Purulent (suppurative) inflammation and abscess formation. These are manifested by the
collection of large amounts of purulent exudate (pus) consisting of neutrophils, necrotic cells, and edema
fluid. Certain organisms (e.g., staphylococci) are more likely to induce such localized suppuration and are
therefore referred to as pyogenic (pus-forming). Abscesses are focal collections of pus that may be caused by
seeding of pyogenic organisms into a tissue or by secondary infections of necrotic foci. Abscesses typically
have a central, largely necrotic region rimmed by a layer of preserved neutrophils, with a surrounding
zone of dilated vessels and fibroblast proliferation indicative of attempted repair. As time passes, the
abscess may become completely walled off and eventually be replaced by connective tissue. Because of the
underlying tissue destruction, the usual outcome with abscess formation is scarring.
4. An ulcer is a local defect, or excavation, of the surface of an organ or tissue that is produced by
necrosis of cells and sloughing (shedding) of necrotic and inflammatory tissue. Ulceration can occur only
when tissue necrosis and resultant inflammation exist on or near a surface. Ulcers are most commonly
encountered in (1) the mucosa of the mouth, stomach, intestines, or genitourinary tract and (2) in the
subcutaneous tissues of the lower extremities in older persons who have circulatory disturbances predisposing
affected tissue to extensive necrosis. Ulcerations are best exemplified by peptic ulcer of the stomach or
duodenum, in which acute and chronic inflammation coexist.
IV. Chemical Mediators and Regulators of Inflammation
Leukocyte production of mediators, including arachidonic acid metabolites and cytokines, which amplify the
inflammatory reaction, by recruiting and activating more leukocytes.
Mast cells, basophils, platelets
Mast cells, leukocytes,
Platelets, Endothelial Cells
Mast cells, leukocytes,
Platelets, Endothelial Cells
Platelet-activating factor
Leukocytes, mast cells
Cytokines (TNF, IL-1, IL-6)
Macrophages, dendritic cells,
activated lymphocytes,
endothelial cells, mast cells.
(NOTE: with the exception of
RBCs, every cell can produce
and respond to cytokines)
Reactive Oxygen Species
Leukocytes, activated
Nitric Oxide
Endothelium, macrophages
Lysosomal Enzymes of
Neutrophils, monocytes
Leukocytes, nerve fibers
Vasodilation, increased vascular
permeability, endothelial
Increased vascular permeability,
Vasoconstriction during clotting
Vasodilation, pain, fever
Increased vascular permeability,
chemotaxis, leukocyte adhesion,
and activation
Vasodilation, increased vascular
permeability, leukocyte adhesion,
chemotaxis, degranulation,
oxidative burst
Local: Leukocyte recruitment,
endothelial activation (expression
of adhesion molecules,
Systemic: fever, metabolic
abnormalities, hypotension
(shock). Rarely cytokine storm
Chemotaxis, leukocyte activation
Microbiocidal, tissue damage
Microbiocidal, Vascular smooth
muscle relaxation
Enzymes that destroy
phagocytosed substances,
generate C3a and C5a, generate
bradykinin-like peptides
Transmit pain signals, regulate
vessel tone, modulate vascular
Complement (C5a, C3a, C4a)
Plasma (produced in liver)
Plasma (produced in liver)
Proteases activated during
Plasma (produced in liver)
Fibrinolytic agents
Endothelium, leukocytes, and
other tissues
Leukocyte chemotaxis and
activation, direct target killing
(Membrane Attack Complex),
vasodilation (mast cell
Increased vascular permeability,
smooth muscle contraction,
vasodilation, pain
Promote clotting, Endothelial
activation, leukocyte recruitment
Serves to limit clotting, increase
vascular permeability, activate
Hageman factor
General characteristics of all chemical mediators and regulators of inflammation:
1. Cell-derived mediators vs Plasma-derived mediators. Mediators may be produced locally by cells at
the site of inflammation or may be derived from circulating inactive precursors (typically synthesized by the liver)
that are activated at the site of inflammation.
a. Cell-derived mediators are normally sequestered in intracellular granules and are rapidly secreted
upon cellular activation (e.g., histamine in mast cells) or are synthesized de novo in response to a stimulus (e.g.,
prostaglandins and cytokines produced by leukocytes and other cells).
b. Plasma protein–derived mediators (coagulation & fibrinolytic factors, complement proteins, &
kinins) circulate in an inactive form and typically undergo proteolytic cleavage to acquire their biologic activities.
2. Receptor based vs Direct acting mediators. Most mediators act by binding to specific receptors on
different target cells. Other mediators (e.g., lysosomal proteases, ROS) have direct enzymatic and/or toxic
activities that do not require binding to specific receptors.
3. Finite Activity. The actions of most mediators are tightly regulated and short-lived. Once
activated and released from the cell, mediators quickly decay (e.g., arachidonic acid metabolites), are
inactivated by enzymes (e.g., kininase inactivates bradykinin), are eliminated (e.g., antioxidants scavenge toxic
oxygen metabolites), or are inhibited (e.g., complement regulatory proteins block complement activation).
A. Cell-Derived Mediators. Tissue macrophages, mast cells, and endothelial cells at the site of
inflammation, as well as leukocytes that are recruited to the site from the blood, are all capable of
producing different mediators of inflammation. Selected Cell-Derived Mediators include:
1. Arachidonic Acid (AA) Metabolites: Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Lipoxins. AA metabolites
can mediate virtually every step of inflammation; their synthesis is increased at sites of inflammatory
response, and agents that inhibit their synthesis also diminish inflammation. Leukocytes, mast cells,
endothelial cells, and platelets are the major sources of AA metabolites in inflammation. These AA-derived
mediators act locally at the site of generation and then decay spontaneously or are enzymatically
AA is a 20-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acid (with four double bonds) produced primarily from dietary linoleic
acid and present in the body mainly in its esterified form as a component of cell membrane phospholipids.
It is released from these phospholipids through the action of cellular phospholipases that have been
activated by mechanical, chemical, or physical stimuli, or by inflammatory mediators such as C5a. AA
metabolism proceeds along one of two major enzymatic pathways: (1) Cyclooxygenase stimulates the
synthesis of prostaglandins and thromboxanes, and (2) Lipoxygenase is responsible for production of
leukotrienes and lipoxins.
a. Prostaglandins and thromboxanes. Products of the cyclooxygenase pathway include
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), PGD2, PGF2α, PGI2 (prostacyclin), and thromboxane A2 (TXA2), each derived by the
action of a specific enzyme on an intermediate. Some of these enzymes have a restricted tissue distribution. For
example, platelets contain the enzyme thromboxane synthase, and hence TXA2, a potent plateletaggregating agent and vasoconstrictor, is the major prostaglandin produced by these cells. Endothelial
cells, on the other hand, lack thromboxane synthase but contain prostacyclin synthase, which is
responsible for the formation of PGI 2, a vasodilator and a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation. TXA2
and PGI2 play opposing roles in hemostasis. PGD2 is the major metabolite of the cyclooxygenase pathway
in mast cells; along with PGE2 and PGF2α (which are more widely distributed), it causes vasodilation and
potentiates edema formation. The prostaglandins also contribute to the pain and fever that accompany
inflammation; PGE2 augments pain sensitivity to a variety of other stimuli and interacts with cytokines to
cause fever.
b. Leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are produced by the action of 5-lipoxygenase, the major AAmetabolizing enzyme in neutrophils. The synthesis of leukotrienes involves multiple steps. The first step
generates leukotriene A4 (LTA4), which in turn gives rise to LTB4 or LTC4. LTB4 is produced by neutrophils and
some macrophages and is a potent chemotactic agent for neutrophils. LTC4 and its subsequent
metabolites, LTD4 and LTE4, are produced mainly in mast cells and cause bronchoconstriction and
increased vascular permeability.
c. Lipoxins. Once leukocytes enter tissues, they gradually change their major lipoxygenasederived AA products from leukotrienes to anti-inflammatory mediators called lipoxins, which inhibit
neutrophil chemotaxis and adhesion to endothelium and thus serve as endogenous antagonists of
leukotrienes. Platelets that are activated and adherent to leukocytes also are important sources of
lipoxins. Platelets alone cannot synthesize lipoxins A4 and B4 (LXA4 and LXB4), but they can form these
mediators from an intermediate derived from adjacent neutrophils, by a transcellular biosynthetic
pathway. By this mechanism, AA products can pass from one cell type to another.
d. Anti-inflammatory Drugs That Block Prostaglandin Production. The central role of eicosanoids in
inflammatory processes is emphasized by the clinical utility of agents that block eicosanoid synthesis.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, inhibit cyclooxygenase
activity, thereby blocking all prostaglandin synthesis (hence their efficacy in treating pain and fever).
Glucocorticoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents, act in part by inhibiting the activity of
phospholipase A2 and thus the release of AA from membrane lipids.
2. Cytokines
a. Cytokines are polypeptide products of many cell types that function as mediators of
inflammation and immune responses. With the exception of RBCs, every cell can produce and respond to
cytokines. The types of cytokines include:
(1) Monokines - Cytokines produced by mononuclear phagocytes.
(2) Lymphokines - Cytokines produced by lymphocytes.
(3) Interleukins - Represent a broad family of cytokines that act primarily on leukocytes.
(4) Chemokines - Cytokines that share the ability to stimulate leukocyte movement (chemokinesis)
and directed movement (chemotaxis).
b. The major cytokines in acute inflammation are Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF), IL-1, IL-6, and a
group of chemoattractant cytokines called chemokines.
(1) Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) and Interleukin-1 (IL-1)
(a) Produced mainly by activated macrophages, as well as by mast cells, endothelial cells
and other cell types. Their secretion is stimulated by endotoxin and other microbial products, immune
complexes, physical injury, and a variety of inflammatory stimuli.
(b) The actions of TNF, IL-1 and IL-6 contribute to the local and systemic reactions of
inflammation. The most important roles of these cytokines in inflammation are the following:
➢ Endothelial activation. Both TNF and IL-1 act on endothelium to induce a spectrum of changes referred
to as endothelial activation. These changes include increased expression of endothelial adhesion
molecules, mostly E- and P-selectins and ligands for leukocyte integrins; increased production of various
mediators, including other cytokines and chemokines, and eicosanoids; and increased procoagulant
activity of the endothelium.
➢ Activation of leukocytes and other cells. TNF augments responses of neutrophils to other stimuli such
as bacterial endotoxin and stimulates the microbicidal activity of macrophages. IL-1 activates fibroblasts
to synthesize collagen and stimulates proliferation of synovial cells and other mesenchymal cells. IL-1
and IL-6 also stimulate the generation of a subset of CD4+ helper T cells called T H 17 cells.
➢ Systemic acute-phase response. IL-1 and TNF (as well as IL-6) induce the systemic acute-phase
responses associated with infection or injury which is manifested by fever, lethargy, hepatic synthesis of
various acute phase proteins (also stimulated by IL-6), metabolic wasting (cachechia), and hypotension.
They also are implicated in the pathogenesis of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome
(SIRS), resulting from disseminated bacterial infection (sepsis) and other serious conditions.
(2) Chemokines. The chemokines are structurally related proteins that act primarily as
chemoattractants for different subsets of leukocytes. The two main functions of chemokines are to recruit
leukocytes to the site of inflammation and to control the normal anatomic organization of cells in
lymphoid and other tissues. Combinations of chemokines that are produced transiently in response to
inflammatory stimuli recruit particular cell populations (e.g., neutrophils, lymphocytes or eosinophils) to sites of
inflammation. Chemokines also activate leukocytes. Chemokines mediate their activities by binding to
specific G protein–coupled receptors on target cells.
c. The major cytokines in chronic inflammation include interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-4, IL-13, IL-12, and
IL-17. Their roles are discussed in Section VI: Chronic Inflammation, p 18-19)
d. Cytokine Dual Roles in acute and chronic inflammation. There is considerable overlap
between cytokines involved in acute and chronic inflammation; many cytokines associated with acute
inflammation may also contribute to chronic inflammation. A cytokine called IL-17 - produced by T
lymphocytes and other cells - plays an important role in recruiting neutrophils and monocytes in both
acute and chronic inflammation.
B. Plasma Protein-Derived Mediators
Circulating proteins of four interrelated systems - the complement, kinin, coagulation and fibrinolytic
systems - are involved in several aspects of the inflammatory reaction. A description of each of these four
systems and their interrelationship is as follows:
1. The Complement System. The complement system consists of plasma proteins that play an important
role in host defense (immunity) and inflammation. The role of the complement system in inflammation is
summarized as follows:
a. Complement components, numbered C1 to C9, are present in plasma in inactive forms, and many
of them are activated by proteolysis to acquire their own proteolytic activity, thus setting up an enzymatic cascade
b. The critical step in the generation of biologically active complement products is the activation
of the third component, C3. C3 cleavage occurs by three pathways:
(1) The classical pathway, triggered by fixation of the first complement component C1 to antigenantibody complexes formed on the surface of bacteria or apoptotic cells.
(2) The alternative pathway, triggered by bacterial polysaccharides (e.g., endotoxin) and other
microbial cell wall components, and involving a distinct set of plasma proteins including factors B and D.
(3) The lectin pathway, in which a plasma lectin (carbohydrate binding protein) binds to mannose
residues on microbes and activates an early component of the classical pathway (but in the absence of
c. All three pathways lead to the formation of a C3 convertase that cleaves C3 to C3a and C3b,
and then the cascade continues to the formation of C9.
d. Effects of Complement System in acute inflammation.
(1) Vascular effects. C3a and C5a increase vascular permeability and cause vasodilation by
inducing mast cells to release histamine. These complement products are also called anaphylatoxins
because their actions mimic those of mast cells, which are the main cellular effectors of the severe allergic
reaction called anaphylaxis. C5a also activates the lipoxygenase pathway of AA metabolism in neutrophils and
macrophages, causing release of more inflammatory mediators.
(2) Leukocyte activation, adhesion, and chemotaxis. C5a, and to lesser extent, C3a and C4a,
activate leukocytes, increasing their adhesion to endothelium, and is a potent chemotactic agent for neutrophils,
monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.
(3) Phagocytosis. When fixed to a microbial surface, C3b and its inactive proteolytic product iC3b act
as opsonins, augmenting phagocytosis by neutrophils and macrophages, which express receptors for these
complement products.
(4) Membrane Attack Complex (MAC) formation. The MAC, which is made up of multiple copies of
the final component C9, kills some bacteria (especially thin-walled Neisseria) by creating pores that disrupt
osmotic balance.
e. Complement System Regulation (inhibition). The activation of complement is tightly controlled by
cell-associated and circulating regulatory proteins. The presence of these inhibitors in host cell membranes
protects normal cells from inappropriate damage during protective reactions against microbes. Inherited
deficiencies of these regulatory proteins lead to spontaneous complement activation:
(1) A protein called C1 inhibitor blocks activation of C1, and its inherited deficiency causes a
disease called hereditary angioedema, in which excessive production of kinins secondary to complement
activation results in edema in multiple tissues, including the larynx.
(2) Another protein called Decay-Accelerating Factor (DAF) normally limits the formation of C3
and C5 convertases. In a disease called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, there is an acquired
deficiency of DAF that results in complement-mediated lysis of red cells (which are more sensitive to lysis than
most nucleated cells).
(3) Factor H is a plasma protein that also limits convertase formation; its deficiency is associated
with a kidney disease called the hemolytic uremic syndrome, as well as spontaneous vascular permeability
in macular degeneration of the eye.
Even in the presence of regulatory proteins, inappropriate or excessive complement activation (e.g., in antibodymediated diseases) can overwhelm the regulatory mechanisms; this is why complement activation is responsible
for serious tissue injury in a variety of immunologic disorders.
2. Kinin system activation leads ultimately to the formation of bradykinin from its circulating
precursor, high-molecular-weight kininogen (HMWK). Like histamine, bradykinin causes increased
vascular permeability, arteriolar dilation, and bronchial smooth muscle contraction. It also causes pain
when injected into the skin. The actions of bradykinin are short-lived because it is rapidly degraded by
kininases present in plasma and tissues. Of note, kallikrein, an intermediate in the kinin cascade with
chemotactic activity, also is a potent activator of Hageman factor and thus constitutes another link between
the kinin and clotting systems.
3. Coagulation system activation initiates the proteolytic cascade which leads to the activation of
thrombin, which then cleaves circulating soluble fibrinogen to generate an insoluble fibrin clot. Factor Xa,
an intermediate in the clotting cascade, causes increased vascular permeability and leukocyte
emigration. Thrombin participates in inflammation by binding to protease-activated receptors that are
expressed on platelets, endothelial cells, and many other cell types. Binding of thrombin to these receptors on
endothelial cells leads to their activation and enhanced leukocyte adhesion. In addition, thrombin
generates fibrinopeptides (during fibrinogen cleavage) that increase vascular permeability and are
chemotactic for leukocytes. Thrombin also cleaves C5 to generate C5a, which provides another link
between coagulation with complement activation.
4. Fibrinolytic System activation occurs concurrently whenever clotting is initiated (e.g., by
activated Hageman factor). This mechanism serves to limit clotting by cleaving fibrin, thereby solubilizing
the fibrin clot. Plasminogen activator (released from endothelium, leukocytes, and other tissues) and kallikrein
cleave plasminogen, a plasma protein bound up in the evolving fibrin clot. The resulting product, plasmin, is a
multifunctional protease that cleaves fibrin and is therefore important in lysing clots. However, fibrinolysis
also participates in multiple steps in the vascular phenomena of inflammation. For example, fibrin
degradation products (FDP) increase vascular permeability, and plasmin cleaves the C3 complement
protein, resulting in production of C3a and vasodilation and increased vascular permeability. FDPs also
interfere with thrombin influence on fibrinogen. Plasmin can also activate Hageman factor, thereby
amplifying the entire set of responses.
5. Interrelationships between the four plasma mediator systems. Some of the molecules activated
during blood clotting are capable of triggering multiple aspects of the inflammatory response. Hageman factor
(also known as factor XII of the intrinsic coagulation cascade) is a protein synthesized by the liver that
circulates in an inactive form until it encounters collagen, basement membrane, or activated platelets
(e.g., at a site of endothelial injury). Activated Hageman factor (factor XIIa) has the ability to initiate the
four plasma mediator systems in the inflammatory response.
C. Anti-inflammatory Mechanisms
Inflammatory reactions subside because many of the mediators are short-lived and are destroyed by
degradative enzymes. In addition, there are several mechanisms that counteract inflammatory mediators and
function to limit or terminate the inflammatory response.
1. Some of these, such as lipoxins, and complement regulatory proteins, have been previously
2. Activated macrophages and other cells secrete a cytokine, IL-10, whose major function is to
down-regulate the responses of activated macrophages, thus providing a negative feedback loop.
3. Other anti-inflammatory cytokines include Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β), which is
also a mediator of fibrosis in tissue repair after inflammation.
4. Cells also express many intracellular proteins, such as tyrosine phosphatases, that inhibit
pro-inflammatory signals triggered by receptors that recognize microbes and cytokines.
Chronic Inflammation
A. Description. Chronic inflammation is inflammation of prolonged duration (weeks to years) in which
continuing inflammation, tissue injury, and healing, often by fibrosis, proceed simultaneously. The
dominant characteristics of chronic inflammation include:
• Infiltration with mononuclear cells, including macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells.
• Tissue destruction largely induced by the products of the inflammatory cells.
• Repair, involving new vessel proliferation (angiogenesis) and fibrosis
• Less prominent local and systemic signs.
B. Pathogenetic Mechanisms. Chronic inflammation may arise in the following settings:
1. Persistent infections by microbes that are difficult to eradicate. These include Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Treponema pallidum (the causative organism of syphilis), and certain viruses and fungi, all of which
tend to establish persistent infections and elicit a T lymphocyte–mediated immune response called delayed-type
2. Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (hypersensitivity diseases).
a. Immune reactions develop against the affected person’s own tissues, leading to autoimmune
diseases. In such diseases, autoantigens evoke a self-perpetuating immune reaction that results in tissue
damage and persistent inflammation. Examples of several common and debilitating chronic inflammatory
diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and psoriasis.
b. Immune responses against common environmental substances are the cause of allergic
diseases, such as bronchial asthma. Immune-mediated diseases may show morphologic patterns of mixed
acute and chronic inflammation because they are characterized by repeated bouts of inflammation. Since, in most
cases, the eliciting antigens cannot be eliminated, these disorders tend to be chronic and intractable.
3. Prolonged exposure to potentially toxic agents. Examples are nondegradable exogenous materials
such as inhaled particulate silica, which can induce a chronic inflammatory response in the lungs (silicosis), and
endogenous agents such as cholesterol crystals, which may contribute to atherosclerosis.
4. Mild forms of chronic inflammation may be important in the pathogenesis of many diseases that
are not conventionally thought of as inflammatory disorders. Such diseases include neurodegenerative
disorders such as Alzheimer disease, atherosclerosis, gout, metabolic syndrome and the associated type 2
diabetes, and some forms of cancer in which inflammatory reactions promote tumor development. In many of
these diseases the inflammation may be triggered by recognition of the initiating stimuli by the inflammasome.
C. Chronic Inflammatory Cells and Mediators
In chronic inflammation there are several cell populations which are active in this response to cell injury.
Understanding the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory reactions requires an appreciation of these cells and
their biologic responses and functions.
1. Macrophages.
a. The Mononuclear Phagocyte System (AKA Reticuloendothelial System). The Mononuclear
Phagocyte System is composed of macrophages which originate from two sources: (1) from progenitors
in the embryonic yolk sac and fetal liver during early development and (2) the hematopoietic stem cells in
the bone marrow.
(1) The macrophages that reside in tissues in the steady state (in the absence of tissue injury or
inflammation), such as microglia (central nervous system), Kupffer cells (liver), alveolar macrophages (lung), and
sinus histiocytes (spleen and lymph nodes) arise from the yolk sac or fetal liver very early in embryogenesis,
populate the tissues, stay for long periods, and are replenished mainly by the proliferation of resident cells.
(2) In inflammatory reactions, progenitors in the bone marrow give rise to monocytes, which
enter the blood, migrate into various tissues, and differentiate into macrophages. Entry of blood monocytes
into tissues is governed by the same factors that are involved in neutrophil emigration, such as adhesion
molecules and chemokines. When monocytes reach the extravascular tissue, they undergo transformation into
macrophages, which are somewhat larger and have a longer lifespan and a greater capacity for phagocytosis
than do blood monocytes. The half-life of blood monocytes is about 1 day, whereas the life span of tissue
macrophages is several months or years. Thus, macrophages often become the dominant cell population in
inflammatory reactions within 48 hours of onset.
(3) In all tissues, macrophages act as filters for particulate matter, microbes, and senescent
cells, as well as the effector cells that eliminate microbes in cellular and humoral immune responses.
b. Macrophage Activation. There are two major pathways of macrophage activation,
called classical and alternative. Which of these two pathways is taken by a given macrophage depends on the
nature of the activating signals.
(1) Classical macrophage activation may be induced by microbial products such as endotoxin,
which engage TLRs and other sensors, and by T cell–derived signals, importantly the cytokine IFN-γ, in
immune responses. Classically activated (also called M1) macrophages produce NO and ROS and
upregulate lysosomal enzymes, all of which enhance their ability to kill ingested organisms, and secrete
cytokines that stimulate inflammation. These macrophages are important in host defense against microbes
and in many inflammatory reactions.
(2) Alternative macrophage activation is induced by cytokines other than IFN-γ, such as IL-4 and
IL-13, produced by T lymphocytes and other cells. These macrophages are not actively microbicidal; instead,
the principal function of alternatively activated (M2) macrophages is in tissue repair. They secrete growth
factors that promote angiogenesis, activate fibroblasts, and stimulate collagen synthesis.
c. The role of macrophages in inflammation. The products of activated macrophages eliminate
injurious agents such as microbes and initiate the process of repair, but are also responsible for much of
the tissue injury in chronic inflammation. Several functions of macrophages are central to the development
and persistence of chronic inflammation and the accompanying tissue injury.
(1) Macrophages secrete mediators of inflammation, such as cytokines (TNF, IL-1, chemokines, and
others) and eicosanoids. Macrophages are central to the initiation and propagation of inflammatory reactions.
(2) Macrophages display antigens to T lymphocytes and respond to signals from T cells, thus
setting up a feedback loop that is essential for defense against many microbes by cell-mediated immune
(3) Their impressive arsenal of mediators makes macrophages powerful allies in the body's
defense against unwanted invaders, but the same weaponry can also induce considerable tissue
destruction when macrophages are inappropriately or excessively activated. It is because of these activities of
macrophages that tissue destruction is one of the hallmarks of chronic inflammation.
d. The Macrophage final role in acute and chronic inflammation.
(1) After the initiating stimulus is eliminated and the inflammatory reaction abates, macrophages
eventually die or wander off into the lymphatics.
(2) In chronic inflammatory sites, however, macrophage accumulation persists, because of continued
recruitment from the blood and local proliferation. IFN-γ can also induce macrophages to fuse into large,
multinucleate giant cells.
2. Lymphocytes.
a. Lymphocyte Recruitment. Lymphocytes are mobilized in the setting of any specific immune stimulus
(i.e., infections) as well as non–immune-mediated inflammation (e.g., due to ischemic necrosis or trauma), and are
the major drivers of inflammation in many autoimmune and other chronic inflammatory diseases.
b. Lymphocyte Activation. The activation of T and B lymphocytes is part of the adaptive immune
response in infections and immunologic diseases. Both classes of lymphocytes migrate into inflammatory
sites using some of the same adhesion molecule pairs and chemokines that recruit other leukocytes. In the
tissues, B lymphocytes may develop into plasma cells, which secrete antibodies, and CD4+ T lymphocytes
are activated to secrete cytokines.
c. The role of Lymphocytes in inflammation. By virtue of cytokine secretion, CD4+ T lymphocytes
promote inflammation and influence the nature of the inflammatory reaction. There are three subsets of CD4+
helper T cells (T H Cells) that secrete different sets of cytokines and elicit different types of inflammation:
(1) T H1 cells produce the cytokine IFN-γ, which activates macrophages in the classical
pathway. This promotes an pro-inflammatory environment.
(2) T H2 cells secrete IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, which recruit and activate eosinophils and are
responsible for the alternative pathway of macrophage activation. Promotes anti-inflammatory/repair.
(3) T H17 cells secrete IL-17 and other cytokines that induce the secretion of chemokines
responsible for recruiting neutrophils and monocytes into the reaction. Sustains inflammatory response.
3. Other Chronic Inflammation Cells.
a. Eosinophils are characteristically found in inflammatory sites around parasitic infections and
as part of immune reactions mediated by IgE, typically associated with allergies. Their recruitment is driven
by adhesion molecules similar to those used by neutrophils, and by specific chemokines (e.g., eotaxin) derived
from leukocytes and epithelial cells. Eosinophil granules contain major basic protein, a highly charged
cationic protein that is toxic to parasites but also causes epithelial cell necrosis.
b. Mast cells are sentinel cells widely distributed in connective tissues throughout the body, and
they can participate in both acute and chronic inflammatory responses. In atopic persons (those prone to
allergic reactions), mast cells are “armed” with IgE antibody specific for certain environmental antigens.
When these antigens are subsequently encountered, the IgE-coated mast cells are triggered to release
histamines and AA metabolites that elicit the early vascular changes of acute inflammation. IgE-armed
mast cells are central players in allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock. Mast cells can also
elaborate cytokines such as TNF and chemokines and may play a beneficial role in combating some
4. Neutrophils in Chronic Inflammation. Although the presence of neutrophils is the hallmark of
acute inflammation, many forms of chronic inflammation may continue to show extensive neutrophilic
infiltrates, as a result of either persistent microbes or necrotic cells, or mediators elaborated by macrophages.
Such inflammatory lesions are sometimes called “acute on chronic”—for example, in inflammation of bones
D. Granulomatous Inflammation
1. Description. Granulomatous inflammation is a distinctive pattern of chronic inflammation
characterized by aggregates of activated macrophages with scattered lymphocytes. Granulomas are
characteristic of certain specific pathologic states; consequently, recognition of the granulomatous pattern is
important because of the limited number of conditions (some life-threatening) that cause it.
2. Pathogenesis. Granulomas can form under three settings:
a. With persistent T-cell responses to certain microbes (such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, T.
pallidum, or fungi), in which T cell–derived cytokines are responsible for chronic macrophage activation.
Tuberculosis is the prototype of a granulomatous disease caused by infection and should always be excluded as
the cause when granulomas are identified.
b. Granulomas may also develop in some immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, notably
Crohn disease, which is one type of inflammatory bowel disease and an important cause of granulomatous
inflammation in the United States.
c. Chronic disease of unknown etiology & inert foreign bodies. They are also seen in a disease of
unknown etiology called sarcoidosis, and they develop in response to relatively inert foreign bodies (e.g.,
suture or splinter), forming so-called foreign body granulomas.
3. Pathology.
a. Pathologic significance of granulomas. The formation of a granuloma effectively “walls off”
the offending agent and is therefore a useful defense mechanism. However, granuloma formation does not
always lead to eradication of the causal agent, which is frequently resistant to killing or degradation, and
granulomatous inflammation with subsequent fibrosis may even be the major cause of organ dysfunction in some
diseases, such as tuberculosis.
b. Microscopic appearance.
(1) In the usual H&E preparations, some of the activated macrophages in granulomas have pink,
granular cytoplasm with indistinct cell boundaries; these are called epithelioid cells because of their
resemblance to epithelia. Typically, the aggregates of epithelioid macrophages are surrounded by a collar
of lymphocytes. Older granulomas may have a rim of fibroblasts and connective tissue. Frequently, but not
invariably, multinucleate giant cells 40 to 50 μm in diameter are found in granulomas. Such cells consist of a
large mass of cytoplasm and many nuclei, and they derive from the fusion of multiple activated
(2) Caseating vs Noncaseating granulomas. In granulomas associated with certain infectious
organisms (most classically the tubercle bacillus), a combination of hypoxia and free radical injury leads to a
central zone of necrosis. On gross examination, this has a granular, cheesy appearance and is therefore called
caseous necrosis. On microscopic examination, this necrotic material appears as eosinophilic amorphous,
structureless, granular debris, with complete loss of cellular details. The granulomas associated with Crohn
disease, sarcoidosis, and foreign body reactions tend to not have necrotic centers and are said to be
“noncaseating.” Healing of granulomas is accompanied by fibrosis that may be quite extensive.
Systemic Effects of Inflammation - The Acute-Phase Response
A. Definition. Inflammation, even if it is localized, is associated with cytokine induced systemic
reactions that are collectively called the Acute-Phase Response. Anyone who has suffered a severe bout of
viral illness (such as influenza) has experienced the systemic effects of inflammation.
B. Pathogenesis. The cytokines TNF, IL-1, and IL-6 are the most important mediators of the acutephase reaction. These cytokines are produced by leukocytes (and other cell types) in response to infection or in
immune reactions and are released systemically. TNF and IL-1 have similar biologic actions, although these
may differ in subtle ways. IL-6 stimulates the hepatic synthesis of a number of plasma proteins (acute
phase proteins), which are described in Para C2 below.
C. Pathologic & Clinical Features. The Acute-Phase Response consists of several clinical and
pathologic changes:
1. Fever, characterized by an elevation of body temperature, is one of the most prominent
manifestations of the acute-phase response. Fever is produced in response to substances called
pyrogens that act by stimulating prostaglandin synthesis in the vascular and perivascular cells of the
a. Exogenous pyrogens: Bacterial products, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulate
leukocytes to release cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF (called endogenous pyrogens).
b. Endogenous pyrogens (IL-1 and TNF): increase the levels of cyclooxygenases that convert AA
into prostaglandins. In the hypothalamus the prostaglandins, especially PGE2, stimulate the production of
neurotransmitters, which function to reset the temperature set point at a higher level. NSAIDs, including
aspirin, reduce fever by inhibiting cyclooxygenase and thus blocking prostaglandin synthesis.
2. Elevated plasma levels of acute-phase proteins. These plasma proteins are mostly synthesized in
the liver, and in the setting of acute inflammation, their concentrations may increase several hundred-fold. Three
of the best known of these proteins are C-reactive protein (CRP), Fibrinogen, and Serum Amyloid A (SAA)
protein. Synthesis of these molecules by hepatocytes is stimulated by cytokines, especially IL-6.
a. Many acute-phase proteins, such as CRP and SAA, bind to microbial cell walls, and they may
act as opsonins and fix complement, thus promoting the elimination of the microbes. Elevated serum
levels of CRP are now used as a marker for increased risk of myocardial infarction or stroke in patients with
atherosclerotic vascular disease. It is believed that inflammation is involved in the development of atherosclerosis,
and increased CRP is a measure of inflammation.
b. Fibrinogen binds to erythrocytes and causes them to form stacks (rouleaux) that sediment
more rapidly at unit gravity than individual erythrocytes. This is the basis for measuring the erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) as a simple test for the systemic inflammatory response, caused by any number
of stimuli, including LPS. Serial measurements of ESR and CRP are used to assess therapeutic responses in
patients with inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
3. White blood cell abnormalities in inflammation/an acute phase response . Initially caused by
TNF & IL-1 from bone marrow post mitotic reserve; in prolonged infection, CSF induces proliferation of
bone marrow precursors.
a. Normal white blood cell count (WBC): 4,000 to 11,000 cells/mL.
b. Leukocytosis: WBC usually climbs to 15,000 to 20,000 cells/mL Leukocytosis (an increase in the
White Blood Cells [WBC] count) occurs initially because of accelerated release of cells (under the influence of
cytokines, including TNF and IL-1) from the bone marrow postmitotic reserve pool.
c. Leukemoid reactions (similar to leukemia): Leukocytosis of 40,000 to 100,000 cells/mL
d. Left Shift: Both mature and immature neutrophils may be seen in the blood.
e. Neutrophilia: An increase in the blood neutrophil (bacterial infection).
f. Lymphocytosis: An increased numbers of lymphocytes which may be associated with viral infections
(infectious mononucleosis, mumps,& German measles).
g. Eosinophilia: An increase in the absolute number of eosinophils (bronchial asthma, hay fever, &
parasite infestations).
h. Leukopenia: A decreased number of circulating white cells (typhoid fever and infections caused by
some viruses, rickettsiae, and certain protozoa) likely because of cytokine-induced sequestration of lymphocytes
in lymph nodes.
Prolonged infection also stimulates production of colony-stimulating factors (CSFs), which increase the bone
marrow output of leukocytes, thus compensating for the consumption of these cells in the inflammatory reaction.
4. Other manifestations of the acute-phase response include increased heart rate and blood
pressure; decreased sweating, mainly as a result of redirection of blood flow from cutaneous to deep vascular
beds, to minimize heat loss through the skin; and rigors (shivering), chills (perception of being cold as the
hypothalamus resets the body temperature), anorexia, somnolence, and malaise, probably secondary to the
actions of cytokines on brain cells.
5. In severe bacterial infections (sepsis), the large amounts of bacterial products in the blood or
extravascular tissue stimulate the production of enormous quantities of several cytokines, notably TNF
and IL-1. The high blood levels of cytokines (notably TNF) cause widespread clinical and pathological
abnormalities such as (1) disseminated intravascular coagulation, (2) hypotension, & (3) metabolic
disturbances including insulin resistance and hyperglycemia; this clinical triad is known as septic shock.
6. Systemic inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). SIRS is defined as a clinical syndrome that
is a form of dysregulated inflammation which has routinely been associated with both infectious
processes (to include sepsis) and noninfectious insults (autoimmune disorder, vasculitis,
thromboembolism, burns, trauma or surgery). SIRS is defined as having 2 or more of the following:
Fever of more than 38oC(100.4oF) or less than 36oC (96.8oF)
Heart rate more than 90 beats per minute
Respiratory rate > 29 breaths/minute or arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO 2) < 32 m Hg
Abnormal white blood cell count (>12000/μL or >10% immature (band) forms
a. Systemic Inflammatory Syndrome (SIRS). Another form of dysregulated inflammation caused
large amounts of cytokines (especially TNF), but may occur as a complication of noninfectious disorders, such
as pancreatitis, vasculitis, severe burns, trauma, surgery. Two or more of the following defines SIRS:
higher than 100.4oF (38oC) or lower of 96.8oF (36oC) (normal: 98.7oF or 37oC);Heart rate >90 beats per
minute; Respiratory Rate>20 breaths per minute (normal: 12-15 per minute) or PaCO 2 (partial pressure of
CO2<32 (normally 40); WBC count >12,000 or <4,000 (normal 4,000 to 10,000). Sepsis is often defined as
SIRS in the setting of infection. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) is a progressive physiologic
dysfunction in ≥2 organs or organ systems, that can occur at the severe end of SIRS or sepsis.
Overview of Tissue Repair
A. Tissue repair (AKA healing) is the restoration of tissue architecture and function after injury. It
begins even before the inflammatory process ends and it involves two types of reactions:
(1) Regeneration of the injured tissue, and (2) Scar formation by the deposition of connective tissue.
1. Regeneration: The replacement of damaged cells and return to a normal state. Regeneration occurs
by proliferation of residual (uninjured) cells that retain the capacity to divide, and by replacement from
tissue stem cells. It is the typical response to injury by the rapidly dividing epithelia of the skin and intestines,
and some parenchymal organs, notably the liver.
2. Scar Formation. If the injured tissues are incapable of regeneration, or if the supporting
structures of the tissue are severely damaged, repair occurs by the laying down of connective (fibrous)
tissue, a process that results in scar formation.
a. Fibrous scar cannot perform the function of lost parenchymal cells, but it serves to provide
structural stability so that the injured tissue is usually able to function.
b. Fibrosis is most often used to describe the extensive deposition of collagen that occurs in the
lungs, liver, kidney, and other organs as a consequence of chronic inflammation, or in the myocardium
after extensive ischemic necrosis (infarction).
c. Organization describes fibrosis which develops in a tissue space occupied by an inflammatory
exudate, (as in organizing pneumonia affecting the lung).
B. After many common types of injury, both regeneration and scar formation contribute in varying degrees to
the ultimate repair. Both processes involve the proliferation of various cells and close interactions between
cells and the ECM.
VIII. Cell and Tissue Regeneration
The regeneration of injured cells and tissues involves cell proliferation, which is driven by growth
factors and is critically dependent on the integrity of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM).
► Several cell types proliferate during tissue repair:
a. The remnants of the injured tissue (which attempt to restore normal structure).
b. Vascular endothelial cells (to create new vessels that provide the nutrients needed for the repair
c. Fibroblasts (the source of the fibrous tissue that forms the scar to fill defects that cannot be corrected
by regeneration).
► The proliferation of these cell types is driven by proteins called growth factors. The production of
polypeptide growth factors and the ability of cells to divide in response to these factors are important determinants
of the adequacy of the repair process.
► Cell and tissue regeneration occurs within the framework of the Extracellular Matrix.
A. Proliferative Capabilities of Tissues
1. The intrinsic proliferative capability of tissues critically influences their repair capability. The
tissues of the body are divided into three groups based on proliferative capability:
a. Labile (continuously dividing) tissues. Cells of these tissues are continuously being lost and
replaced by maturation from stem cells and by proliferation of residual immature cells. Labile cells include
hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow and the majority of surface epithelia, such as the stratified
squamous surfaces of the skin, oral cavity, vagina, and cervix; the cuboidal epithelia of the ducts draining
exocrine organs (e.g., salivary glands, pancreas, biliary tract); the columnar epithelium of the gastrointestinal
tract, uterus, and fallopian tubes; and the transitional epithelium of the urinary tract. These tissues can
readily regenerate after injury as long as the pool of stem cells is preserved.
b. Stable tissues. Cells of these tissues are quiescent and have only minimal replicative activity
in their normal state; however, these cells are capable of proliferating in response to injury or loss of
tissue mass. Stable cells constitute the parenchyma of most solid tissues, such as liver, kidney, and
pancreas. They also include endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells; the proliferation of these cells
is particularly important in wound healing. With the exception of liver, stable tissues have a limited capacity
to regenerate after injury.
c. Permanent tissues. The cells of these tissues are considered to be terminally differentiated
and nonproliferative in postnatal life. Most neurons and cardiac muscle cells belong to this category. Thus,
injury to brain or heart is irreversible and results in a scar, because neurons and cardiac myocytes
cannot regenerate. Skeletal muscle is usually classified as a permanent tissue, but satellite cells attached
to the endomysial sheath provide some regenerative capacity for this tissue. In permanent tissues, repair is
typically dominated by scar formation.
2. With the exception of tissues composed primarily of nondividing permanent cells (e.g., cardiac muscle,
nerve), most mature tissues contain variable proportions of three cell types: continuously dividing cells,
quiescent cells that can return to the cell cycle, and cells that have lost replicative ability.
B. Growth Factors
1. Most growth factors are proteins that stimulate the survival and proliferation of particular cells,
and may also promote migration, differentiation, and other cellular responses.
a. Growth Factor effects. Growth factors induce cell proliferation by binding to specific receptors and
effecting the expression of genes whose products typically have several functions:
(1) They promote entry of cells into the cell cycle,
(2) They relieve blocks on cell cycle progression (thus promoting replication),
(3) They prevent apoptosis, and
(4) They enhance the synthesis of cellular proteins in preparation for mitosis.
(5) A major activity of growth factors is to stimulate the function of growth control genes, many
of which are called proto-oncogenes because mutations in them lead to unrestrained cell proliferation
characteristic of cancer (oncogenesis).
2. Growth Factors that contribute to Regeneration and Repair.
a. Cells that secrete Growth Factors. Many of the growth factors that are involved in regeneration and
repair are produced by macrophages and other cells that are recruited to the site of injury or are activated
at this site, as part of the inflammatory process. Other growth factors are produced by parenchymal cells or
stromal (connective tissue) cells in response to cell injury.
b. The Main Growth Factors involved in Regeneration and Repair.
Mesenchymal cells
Vascular endothelial
Stimulates proliferation of endothelial
growth factor (VEGF)
cells; increases vascular permeability.
Platelet-derived growth
Platelets, macrophages,
Chemotactic for neutrophils,
factor (PDGF)
endothelial cells, smooth
macrophages, fibroblasts, and smooth
muscle cells, keratinocytes
muscle cells; activates and stimulates
proliferation of fibroblasts, endothelial,
and other cells; stimulates ECM protein
Fibroblast growth factors
Macrophages, mast cells,
Chemotactic and mitogenic for
(FGFs), including acidic
endothelial cells, many other fibroblasts; stimulates angiogenesis and
(FGF-1) and basic (FGF-2)
cell types
ECM protein synthesis.
Transforming growth
Platelets, T lymphocytes,
Chemotactic for leukocytes and
factor-β (TGF-β)
macrophages, endothelial
fibroblasts; stimulates ECM protein
cells, keratinocytes, smooth
synthesis; suppresses acute
muscle cells, fibroblasts
C. Role of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) in Tissue Repair. Tissue repair depends not only on growth
factor activity but also on interactions between cells and ECM components.
1. ECM Composition and Function.
a. Composition. The ECM is a complex of several proteins that assembles into a network that
surrounds cells and constitutes a significant proportion of any tissue. ECM sequesters water, providing
turgor to soft tissues, and minerals, giving rigidity to bone.
b. Function. It regulates the proliferation, movement, and differentiation of the cells living within
it, by supplying a substrate for cell adhesion and migration and serving as a reservoir for growth factors.
The ECM is constantly being remodeled; its synthesis and degradation accompany morphogenesis, wound
healing, chronic fibrosis, and tumor invasion and metastasis.
2. Two types of ECM. ECM occurs in two basic forms:
a. Interstitial Matrix. This form of ECM is present in the spaces between cells in connective
tissue, and between epithelium and supportive vascular and smooth muscle structures. It is synthesized
by mesenchymal cells (e.g., fibroblasts) and tends to form a three-dimensional, amorphous gel. Its major
constituents are fibrillar (type I,II,III,V) and nonfibrillar (type IV, VII, IX) collagens, as well as fibronectin,
elastin, proteoglycans, hyaluronate, and other elements (described later).
b. Basement Membrane. The seemingly random array of interstitial matrix in connective tissues
becomes highly organized around epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells, forming the
specialized basement membrane. The basement membrane lies beneath the epithelium and is synthesized
by overlying epithelium and underlying mesenchymal cells; it tends to form a platelike “chicken wire”
mesh. Its major constituents are amorphous nonfibrillar type IV collagen and laminin.
3. Components of Extracellular Matrix (ECM). There are three basic components of ECM:
a. Fibrous structural proteins which confer tensile strength and recoil (e.g., collagens and
(1) Collagen. The collagens are composed of three separate polypeptide chains braided into a
ropelike triple helix. Approximately 30 collagen types have been identified, some of which are unique to specific
cells and tissues.
(a) Fibrillar Collagens. Some collagen types (e.g., types I, II, III, and V) form fibrils (fibrillar
collagens) by virtue of lateral cross-linking of the triple helices. The fibrillar collagens form a major
proportion of the connective tissue in healing wounds and particularly in scars. The tensile strength of
the fibrillar collagens derives from their cross-linking, which is the result of covalent bonds catalyzed by the
enzyme lysyl-oxidase. This process is dependent on vitamin C; therefore, individuals with vitamin C
deficiency have skeletal deformities, bleed easily because of weak vascular wall basement membrane,
and suffer from poor wound healing (scurvy). Genetic defects in these collagens cause diseases such as
osteogenesis imperfecta and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
(b) Nonfibrillar Collagens. Other collagens are nonfibrillar and may form basement
membrane (type IV) or be components of other structures such as intervertebral disks (type IX) or
dermal–epidermal junctions (type VII).
(2) Elastin. The ability of tissues to recoil and return to a baseline structure after physical
stress is conferred by elastic tissue. This is especially important in the walls of large vessels (which must
accommodate recurrent pulsatile flow), as well as in the uterus, skin, and ligaments. Morphologically, elastic
fibers consist of a central core of elastin surrounded by a meshlike network of fibrillin glycoprotein.
Defects in fibrillin synthesis lead to skeletal abnormalities and weakened aortic walls (as in Marfan syndrome).
b. Water-hydrated gels which permit resilience and lubrication (e.g., proteoglycans and hyaluronan).
(1) Proteoglycans. Proteoglycans form highly hydrated compressible gels conferring
resilience and lubrication (such as in the cartilage in joints). Besides providing compressibility to tissues,
proteoglycans also serve as reservoirs for growth factors secreted into the ECM (e.g., fibroblast growth
factor [FGF], Hepatocyte Growth Factor [HGF]).
(2) Hyaluronan (also called hyaluronic acid), a huge mucopolysaccharide without a protein core,
binds water, and forms a viscous, gelatin-like matrix.
c. Adhesive glycoproteins and Adhesion Receptors, They connect the matrix elements to one
another and to cells. Adhesive glycoproteins and adhesion receptors are structurally diverse molecules
involved in cell-to-cell adhesion, the linkage of cells to the ECM, and binding between ECM components.
The adhesive glycoproteins include fibronectin and laminin. The adhesion receptors, also known as Cell
Adhesion Molecules (CAMs), include immunoglobulins, cadherins, selectins, and integrins.
4. Functions of Extracellular Matrix (ECM). The ECM is much more than a space filler around cells. Its
various functions include:
a. Mechanical support for cell anchorage and cell migration, and maintenance of cell polarity.
b. Control of cell proliferation by binding and displaying growth factors and by signaling through
cellular receptors of the integrin family. This type of ECM proteins can affect the degree of differentiation of the
cells in the tissue, again acting largely through cell surface integrins.
c. Scaffolding for tissue renewal. Because maintenance of normal tissue structure requires a
basement membrane or stromal scaffold, the integrity of the basement membrane or the stroma of
parenchymal cells is critical for the organized regeneration of tissues. Thus, although labile and stable
cells are capable of regeneration, disruption of the ECM results in a failure of the tissues to regenerate
and repair can be accomplished only by scar formation.
d. Establishment of tissue microenvironments. Basement membrane acts as a boundary between
epithelium and underlying connective tissue and also forms part of the filtration apparatus in the kidney.
D. Role of Regeneration in Tissue Repair. The importance of regeneration in the replacement of injured
tissues varies in different types of tissues and with the severity of injury.
1. In labile tissues, such as the epithelia of the intestinal tract and skin, injured cells are rapidly
replaced by proliferation of residual cells and differentiation of tissue stem cells provided the underlying
basement membrane is intact.
2. Tissue regeneration can occur in parenchymal organs with stable cell populations, but with the
exception of the liver, this is usually a limited process. Pancreas, adrenal, thyroid, and lung have some
regenerative capacity.
3. The regenerative response of the liver that occurs after surgical removal of hepatic tissue is
remarkable and unique among all organs. As much as 40% to 60% of the liver may be removed in a procedure
called living-donor transplantation, in which a portion of the liver is resected from a normal person and
transplanted into a recipient with end-stage liver disease, or after partial hepatectomy performed for tumor
removal. In both situations, the removal of tissue triggers a proliferative response of the remaining
hepatocytes (which are normally quiescent), and the subsequent replication of hepatic nonparenchymal
4. The importance of having residual connective tissue framework that is structurally intact.
Extensive regeneration or compensatory hyperplasia can occur only if the residual Extracellular Matrix is
structurally intact, as after partial surgical resection. By contrast, if the entire tissue is damaged by
infection or inflammation, regeneration is incomplete and is accompanied by scarring. For example,
extensive destruction of the liver with collapse of the reticulin framework, as occurs in a liver abscess, leads to
scar formation even though the remaining liver cells have the capacity to regenerate.
IX. Scar Formation
If tissue injury is severe or chronic and results in damage to parenchymal cells and epithelia as well as
the connective tissue, or if nondividing cells are injured, repair cannot be accomplished by regeneration
alone. Under these conditions, repair occurs by replacement of the non regenerated cells with connective
tissue, leading to the formation of a scar, or by a combination of regeneration of some cells and scar
A. Steps in Scar Formation.
1. Hemostasis. Within minutes after injury, a hemostatic plug comprised of platelets is formed, which
stops bleeding and provides a scaffold for infiltrating inflammatory cells.
2. Inflammation. This step is comprised of the typical acute and chronic inflammatory responses.
a. Neutrophils and monocytes are recruited to the injury sited during the 6-48 hours after injury.
b. Activated leukocytes eliminate the offending agents and clear the debris.
c. Macrophages are the central cellular players in the repair process —M1 macrophages clear
microbes and necrotic tissue and promote inflammation in a positive feedback loop, and M2 macrophages
produce growth factors that stimulate the proliferation of many cell types in the next stage of repair.
d. As the injurious agents and necrotic cells are cleared, the inflammation resolves; how this
inflammatory flame is extinguished in most situations of injury is still not well defined.
3. Cell proliferation. In the next stage, which takes up to 10 days, several cell types, including epithelial
cells, endothelial and other vascular cells, and fibroblasts, proliferate and migrate to close the now-clean wound.
Each cell type serves unique functions:
a. Epithelial cells respond to locally produced growth factors and migrate over the wound to cover it.
b. Endothelial and other vascular cells proliferate to form new blood vessels, a process known as
c. Fibroblasts proliferate and migrate into the site of injury and lay down collagen fibers that form the
d. Formation of granulation tissue. The combination of proliferating fibroblasts, loose connective
tissue, new blood vessels and scattered chronic inflammatory cells, forms a type of tissue that is unique to healing
wounds and is called granulation tissue. This term derives from its pink, soft, granular gross appearance, such
as that seen beneath the scab of a skin wound.
4. Remodeling. The connective tissue that has been deposited by fibroblasts is reorganized to produce
the stable fibrous scar. This process begins 2 to 3 weeks after injury and may continue for months or years.
B. Angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the process of new blood vessel development from existing
vessels. It is critical in healing at sites of injury, in the development of collateral circulations at sites of ischemia,
and in allowing tumors to increase in size beyond the constraints of their original blood supply.
1. Angiogenesis involves sprouting of new vessels from existing ones, and consists of the
following steps:
a. Vasodilation in response to NO and increased permeability induced by VEGF.
b. Vessel sprout formation due to separation of pericytes from the abluminal surface and breakdown
of the basement membrane.
c. Migration of endothelial cells toward the area of tissue injury
d. Proliferation of endothelial cells just behind the leading front (“tip”) of migrating cells
e. Remodeling into capillary tubes
f. Mature vessel formation by recruitment of periendothelial cells (pericytes for small capillaries and
smooth muscle cells for larger vessels).
g. Cessation of angiogenesis by suppression of endothelial proliferation and migration and deposition
of the basement membrane.
2. Growth Factors involved in Angiogenesis. Several growth factors contribute to angiogenesis; the
most important are Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF2). Other key growth factors include angiopoietins, Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF), and Transforming
Growth Factor-Beta (TGF-β).
a. Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF). Characteristics of VEGFs include:
(1) VEGF-A is generally referred to as VEGF and is the major inducer of angiogenesis after
injury and in tumors.
(2) Of the many inducers of VEGF, hypoxia is the most important; others are platelet-derived
growth factor (PDGF), TGF-α, and TGF-β.
(3) VEGF stimulates both migration and proliferation of endothelial cells, thus initiating the
process of capillary sprouting in angiogenesis. It promotes vasodilation by stimulating the production of NO,
and contributes to the formation of the vascular lumen.
b. Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF-2). The FGF family of growth factors has more than 20 members;
the best characterized are FGF-1 (acidic FGF) and FGF-2 (basic FGF).
(1) FGF-1 functions as a modifier of endothelial cell migration and proliferation, as well as an
angiogenic factor.
(2) FGF-2 participates in angiogenesis mostly by stimulating the proliferation of endothelial
cells. It also promotes the migration of macrophages and fibroblasts to the damaged area, and stimulates
epithelial cell migration to cover epidermal wounds.
c. Other key angiogenesis growth factors:
(1) Angiopoietins Ang1 and Ang2 are growth factors that play a role in angiogenesis and the
structural maturation of new vessels. Newly formed vessels need to be stabilized by the recruitment of
pericytes and smooth muscle cells and by the deposition of connective tissue.
(2) Platelet-derived Growth Factor (PDGF) recruits smooth muscle cells as part of the
stabilization process.
(3) Transforming Growth Factor-Beta (TGF-β) suppresses endothelial proliferation and
migration, and enhances the production of ECM proteins as part of the stabilization process.
3. ECM role in Angiogenesis. ECM proteins participate in the process of vessel sprouting in
angiogenesis, largely through interactions with integrin receptors in endothelial cells and by providing the
scaffold for vessel growth. Enzymes in the ECM, notably the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), degrade
the ECM to permit remodeling and extension of the vascular tube.
4. Angiogenesis and edema. Newly formed vessels are leaky because of incomplete
interendothelial junctions and because VEGF increases vascular permeability. This leakiness explains why
granulation tissue is often edematous and accounts in part for the edema that may persist in healing wounds long
after the acute inflammatory response has resolved.
C. Activation of Fibroblasts and Deposition of Connective Tissue.
1. The laying down of connective tissue in the scar occurs in two steps:
a. Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts into the site of injury. The recruitment and activation
of fibroblasts to synthesize connective tissue proteins are driven by many growth factors, including
PDGF, FGF-2, and TGF-β. The major source of these factors is inflammatory cells, particularly
macrophages, which are present at sites of injury and in granulation tissue. Sites of inflammation are also rich in
mast cells, and in the appropriate chemotactic milieu, lymphocytes may be present as well. Each of these cell
types can secrete cytokines and growth factors that contribute to fibroblast proliferation and activation.
b. Deposition of ECM proteins. As healing progresses, the number of proliferating fibroblasts
and new vessels decreases; however, the fibroblasts progressively assume a more synthetic phenotype,
so there is increased deposition of ECM. Collagen synthesis, in particular, is critical to the development
of strength in a healing wound site. Collagen synthesis by fibroblasts begins early in wound healing
(days 3 to 5) and continues for several weeks, depending on the size of the wound. Net collagen
accumulation, however, depends not only on increased synthesis but also on diminished collagen degradation.
Ultimately, the granulation tissue evolves into a scar composed of largely inactive, spindle-shaped
fibroblasts, dense collagen, fragments of elastic tissue, and other ECM components. As the scar matures,
there is progressive vascular regression, which eventually transforms the highly vascularized granulation
tissue into a pale, largely avascular scar.
2. Growth Factors Involved in ECM Deposition and Scar Formation. Many growth factors (including
TGF-β, PDGF, and FGF), and some cytokines are involved in these processes. The major properties of TGFβ, PDGF, and cytokines in ECM deposition and scar formation are:
a. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). TGF-β has two main functions:
(1) TGF-β stimulates the production of collagen, fibronectin, and proteoglycans, and it inhibits
collagen degradation by both decreasing proteinase activity and increasing the activity of tissue
inhibitors of proteinases known as TIMPs (discussed later on).
(2) TGF-β is an anti-inflammatory cytokine that serves to limit and terminate inflammatory
b. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). PDGF is stored in platelets and released on platelet
activation and is also produced by endothelial cells, activated macrophages, smooth muscle cells, and many
tumor cells. PDGF causes migration and proliferation of fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells and may
contribute to the migration of macrophages.
c. Cytokines may also function as growth factors and participate in ECM deposition and scar
formation. IL-1 and IL-13, for example, act on fibroblasts to stimulate collagen synthesis, and can also enhance
the proliferation and migration of fibroblasts
D. Remodeling of Connective Tissue. After its synthesis and deposition, the connective tissue in the
scar continues to be modified and remodeled.
1. The outcome of the repair process is a balance between synthesis and degradation of ECM
proteins. The degradation of collagens and other ECM components is accomplished by a family of Matrix
Metalloproteinases (MMPs), which are dependent on zinc ions for their activity.
2. Sources of MMPs. MMPs are produced by a variety of cell types (fibroblasts, macrophages,
neutrophils, synovial cells, and some epithelial cells).
3. Secretion & Regulation of MMPs. MMP synthesis and secretion are regulated by growth factors,
cytokines, and other agents. The activity of the MMPs is tightly controlled. They are produced as inactive
precursors (zymogens) that must be first activated; this is accomplished by proteases (e.g., plasmin)
likely to be present only at sites of injury. In addition, activated MMPs can be rapidly inhibited by specific
Tissue Inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), produced by most mesenchymal cells. Thus, during
scarring, MMPs are activated to remodel the deposited ECM, and then their activity is shut down by the
Factors That Influence Tissue Repair
Tissue repair may be altered by a variety of influences, frequently reducing the quality or adequacy of the
reparative process. Variables that modify healing may be extrinsic (e.g., infection) or intrinsic to the injured tissue.
Particularly important are infections and diabetes.
A. Infection is clinically the most important cause of delay in healing; it prolongs inflammation and
potentially increases the local tissue injury.
B. Nutrition has profound effects on repair; protein deficiency, for example, and especially vitamin C
deficiency inhibit collagen synthesis and retard healing
C. Glucocorticoids (steroids) have well-documented anti-inflammatory effects, and their administration may
result in weakness of the scar because of inhibition of TGF-β production and diminished fibrosis. In some
instances, however, the anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids are desirable. For example, in corneal
infections, glucocorticoids are sometimes prescribed (along with antibiotics) to reduce the likelihood of opacity
that may result from collagen deposition.
D. Mechanical variables such as increased local pressure or torsion may cause wounds to pull apart, or
E. Poor perfusion, due either to arteriosclerosis and diabetes or to obstructed venous drainage (e.g., in
varicose veins), also impairs healing.
F. Foreign bodies such as fragments of steel, glass, or even bone impede healing.
G. The type and extent of tissue injury affects the subsequent repair. Complete restoration can occur only
in tissues composed of stable and labile cells; injury to tissues composed of permanent cells must inevitably result
in scarring, as in healing of a myocardial infarct.
H. The location of the injury and the character of the tissue in which the injury occurs are also
important. For example, inflammation arising in tissue spaces (e.g., pleural, peritoneal, or synovial cavities)
develops extensive exudates. Subsequent repair may occur by digestion of the exudate, initiated by the
proteolytic enzymes of leukocytes and resorption of the liquefied exudate. This is called resolution, and
generally, in the absence of cellular necrosis, normal tissue architecture is restored. In the setting of larger
accumulations, however, the exudate undergoes organization: Granulation tissue grows into the exudate,
and a fibrous scar ultimately forms.
Selected Clinical Examples of Tissue Repair and Fibrosis
Thus far we have discussed the general principles and mechanisms of repair by regeneration and scarring. In this
section we describe three clinically significant types of repair: (A) The Healing of Skin Wounds (cutaneous
wound healing), (B) Fibrosis in Parenchymal Organs, and (C) Tissue Repair Pathology.
A. Healing of Skin Wounds
Cutaneous wound healing is a process that involves both epithelial regeneration and the formation of
connective tissue scar and is thus illustrative of the general principles that apply to healing in all tissues.
Depending on the nature and size of the wound, the healing of skin wounds is said to occur by first or
second intention.
1. Healing by First Intention. One of the simplest examples of wound repair is the healing of a clean,
uninfected surgical incision approximated by surgical sutures. This is referred to as primary union, or healing by
first intention. The incision causes only focal disruption of epithelial basement membrane continuity and
death of relatively few epithelial and connective tissue cells. Key characteristics of healing by first intention:
o Epithelial regeneration is the principal mechanism of repair.
o A small scar is formed.
o There is minimal wound contraction.
The narrow incisional space first fills with fibrin-clotted blood, which then is rapidly invaded by granulation tissue
and covered by new epithelium.
2. Healing by Second Intention. When cell or tissue loss is more extensive, such as in large
wounds, at sites of abscess formation, ulceration, and ischemic necrosis (infarction) in parenchymal
organs, the repair process is more complex and involves a combination of regeneration and scarring. In
second intention healing of skin wounds, also known as healing by secondary union, the inflammatory reaction is
more intense, and there is development of abundant granulation tissue, with accumulation of ECM and formation
of a large scar, followed by wound contraction mediated by the action of myofibroblasts. Secondary healing
differs from primary healing in several respects:
• Larger clot or scab rich in fibrin and fibronectin forms at the surface of the wound.
• Inflammation is more intense because large tissue defects have a greater volume of necrotic debris,
exudate, and fibrin that must be removed. Consequently, large defects have a greater potential for
secondary, inflammation-mediated, injury.
• Larger defects require a greater volume of granulation tissue to fill in the gaps and provide the
underlying framework for the regrowth of tissue epithelium. A greater volume of granulation tissue
generally results in a greater mass of scar tissue.
• Secondary healing involves significant wound contraction. Within 6 weeks, for example, large skin
defects may be reduced to 5% to 10% of their original size, largely by contraction. This process has been
ascribed to the presence of myofibroblasts, which are modified fibroblasts exhibiting many of the
ultrastructural and functional features of contractile smooth muscle cells.
3. Wound Strength. Initially, carefully sutured wounds have approximately 70% of the strength of normal
skin, largely because of the placement of sutures. When nonabsorbable sutures are removed, usually at 7-10
days, wound strength is approximately 10% of that of unwounded skin, but this increases rapidly over the
next 4 weeks. The recovery of tensile strength results from collagen synthesis exceeding degradation during the
first 2 months, and from structural modifications of collagen (e.g., cross-linking, increased fiber size) when
synthesis declines at later times. Wound strength reaches approximately 70% to 80% of normal by 3 months
and usually does not improve substantially beyond that point.
B. Tissue Repair Pathology. Complications in tissue repair can arise from abnormalities in any of the basic
components of the process; the resultant pathology can be grouped into three general categories:
1. Deficient scar formation. Inadequate formation of granulation tissue or formation of a scar can
lead to two types of complications: wound dehiscence and ulceration.
a. Dehiscence or rupture of a wound, although not common, occurs most frequently after abdominal
surgery and is due to increased abdominal pressure. Vomiting, coughing, or ileus can generate mechanical stress
on the abdominal wound.
b. Wounds can ulcerate because of inadequate vascularization during healing. For example, lower
extremity wounds in individuals with atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease typically ulcerate.
c. Nonhealing wounds (neuropathic ulcers) also form in areas devoid of sensation. These
neuropathic ulcers are occasionally seen in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
2. Excessive formation of the repair components.
a. Excessive formation of the components of the repair process can give rise to hypertrophic
scars and keloids. The accumulation of excessive amounts of collagen may give rise to a raised scar known as
a hypertrophic scar; if the scar tissue grows beyond the boundaries of the original wound and does not regress,
it is called a keloid. Keloid formation seems to be an individual predisposition, and it is more common in African
Americans for unknown reasons. Hypertrophic scars generally develop after thermal or traumatic injury that
involves the deep layers of the dermis.
b. Exuberant granulation is the formation of excessive amounts of granulation tissue, which protrudes
above the level of the surrounding skin and blocks reepithelialization (AKA Proud Flesh). Excessive granulation
must be removed by cautery or surgical excision to permit restoration of the continuity of the epithelium. Rarely,
incisional scars or traumatic injuries may be followed by exuberant proliferation of fibroblasts and other connective
tissue elements which form desmoids or aggressive fibromatoses which may recur after excision. These
neoplasms may lie in the interface between benign and malignant (though low-grade) tumors.
3. Formation of contractures. Contraction in the size of a wound is an important part of the normal
healing process. An exaggeration of this process gives rise to contracture and results in deformities of the wound
and the surrounding tissues. Contractures are particularly prone to develop on the palms, the soles, and the
anterior aspect of the thorax. Contractures are commonly seen after serious burns and can compromise the
movement of joints.
C. Fibrosis in Parenchymal Organs
1. Scar vs Fibrosis in Parenchymal Organs. Deposition of collagen is part of normal wound healing and
scar formation. The term fibrosis is used to denote the excessive deposition of collagen and other ECM
components in a tissue. Even though the terms scar and fibrosis are used interchangeably, fibrosis most
often refers to the extensive abnormal deposition of collagen in internal organs in chronic diseases while
scar refers to a more localized deposition of collagen.
2. Fibrosis may result in organ dysfunction/failure. The basic mechanisms of fibrosis are the same as
those of scar formation during tissue repair. However, tissue repair typically occurs after a short-lived injurious
stimulus and follows an orderly sequence of steps, whereas fibrosis is induced by persistent injurious stimuli
such as infections, immunologic reactions, and other types of tissue injury. The fibrosis seen in chronic
diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis is often responsible for organ dysfunction and even organ failure.
Arachidonic Acid
Also Known As
Age-related Macular Degeneration
Angiopoietins (e.g., Ang1 and Ang2)
cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate
Cell Adhesion Molecules
Cyclooxygenase enzyme (e.g., COX-1 and COX-2)
Complement Receptor
C-Reactive Protein
Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
Colony Stimulating Factor
Decay Accelerating Factor
Danger-Associated Molecular Pattern
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
Endothelial Cell
Extracellular Matrix
Epidermal Growth Factor
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Fibrin Degradation Products
Fibroblast Growth Factor
Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor
Guanosine Diphosphate
Guanosine Triphosphate
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hematoxylin and Eosin (Stain)
Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid
Hepatocyte Growth Factor
Human Leukocyte Antigen
High-Molecular-Weight Kininogen
Hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid
Hypochlorous radical
Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1
Interferon-γ or Interferon gamma
Immunoglobulin G
Keratinocyte Growth Factor
Janus kinases
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency type 1
Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency type 2
Leukocyte Function Associated Antigen-I
Lipoxins [e.g., Lipoxin A4 (LXA4) and Lipoxin B4 (LXB4)]
Membrane Attack Complex
Macrophage-I antigen
Mitogen-activated Protein (kinase)
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein-1α
Matrix Metalloproteinases
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
Neutrophil Extracellular Traps
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide Synthase [e.g., inducible NOS (iNOS); endothelial NOS (eNOA)]
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Superoxide ion
Platelet-Activating Factor
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Pattern
Platelet-Derived Growth Factor
Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
Prostaglandin [e.g., prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), PGD2, PGF2α, PGI2 (prostacyclin)]
Polymorphonuclear (Leukocyte)
Pattern Recognition Receptors
Red Blood Cells
Reactive Oxygen Species
Serum Amyloid Protein
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
T H Cells
Transforming Growth Factor
CD4+ helper T cells
Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases
Toll-Like Receptor
Tumor Necrosis Factor
Thromboxane A2
Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor (e.g., VEGFR-1, -2, and -3)
CDM 1125 – Pathology-I
Environmental Pathology
Ghaith Al-Eyd MBChB (MD), MSc, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology & Medical Education
e mail: galeyd@nova.edu
Copyright Notice
This session includes images, diagrams, and texts from the references listed in the
“References Slide” of this session presentation. The faculty used these materials purely
for the purpose of teaching, and in order to protect the copyrights of the publishers of
the references, no part of this session may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means for purposes other than teaching/learning.
Describe the health effects of climate change.
Explain the pathophysiology of toxicities induced by environmental chemical and physical agents.
Discuss the health effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution and explain the pathophysiology of toxicities
induced by some example pollutants including tobacco, alcohol, lead, mercury, and arsenic.
Discuss the adverse reactions of therapeutic and non-therapeutic drugs and describe the effects of selected
example drugs including exogenous estrogen, oral contraceptive pills, aspirin, and cocaine.
Describe injuries induced by physical agents including those of mechanical trauma, thermal injury, electrical
injury and radiation.
Environmental Disease:
❖ Many diseases are caused or influenced by environmental factors. Broadly defined, the term ambient environment
encompasses the various outdoor, indoor, and occupational settings in which humans live and work.
❖ In each of these settings, the air people breathe, the food and water they consume, and the toxic agents they are exposed
to are major determinants of health.
❖ Other environmental factors pertain to the individual (“personal environment”) and include tobacco use, alcohol ingestion,
therapeutic and “recreational” drug consumption, diet, and the like.
❖ It is generally believed that factors in the personal environment have a larger effect on human health than that of the
ambient environment, but new threats related to global warming may change this equation.
Health Effects of Climate Change:
❖ Global temperature measurements show that the earth has warmed significantly since the early 20th century, and
especially since the mid-1960s.
❖ Record-breaking global temperatures have become common, with 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2015 each setting successive high-
temperature records.
❖ The rising atmospheric and ocean temperatures have led to a large number of effects that include changes in storm
frequency, drought, and flood, as well as large-scale ice losses in Greenland, Antarctica, and the vast majority of the other
glaciated regions.
❖ Among scientists there is a general acceptance that climate change is, at least in part, man-made. The culprit is the rising
atmospheric level of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) released through the burning of fossil fuels, as
well as ozone, and methane.
Health Effects of Climate Change:
❖ Climate change is expected to have a serious negative impact on human health by increasing the incidence of a number of
diseases, including the following:
➢ Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases, all of which will be exacerbated by heat waves and air
➢ Gastroenteritis, cholera, and other food- and waterborne infectious diseases, caused by contamination as a
consequence of floods and disruption of clean water supplies and sewage treatment, after heavy rains and other
environmental disasters.
➢ Vector-borne infectious diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever , resulting from changes in vector number and
geographic distribution related to increased temperatures, crop failures, and more extreme weather variation.
➢ Malnutrition, caused by changes in local climate that disrupt crop production. Such changes are anticipated to be most
severe in tropical locations, in which average temperatures may already be near or above crop tolerance levels.
Toxicity of Chemical and Physical Agents:
❖ Xenobiotics are exogenous chemicals in the environment that may be absorbed by the body through inhalation, ingestion,
or skin contact
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figures 8.2 & 8.3
Outdoor Air Pollution:
❖ Air pollution is a serious problem in many industrialized countries like USA.
❖ The major sources of ambient air pollutants are:
➢ Combustion of fossil fuels: Vehicles, factories, barbeques & fireplaces.
➢ Photochemical reactions: Oxides of nitrogen and volatile hydrocarbons interact in the atmosphere to produce ozone
(O3) as a secondary pollutant.
➢ Power plants: Theses release sulfur oxide (SO2) & particulates into the atmosphere.
➢ Waste incinerators, industry, smelters: These point sources release acid aerosols, metals, mercury vapor, and organic
compounds that may be hazardous for human health.
❖ Lungs are the major target of common outdoor air pollutants, especially vulnerable are children, asthmatics, and people
with chronic lung or heart diseases (decreased lung function, increased airway reactivity , respiratory infections, altered
mucociliary clearance).
Outdoor Air Pollution:
Health Effects of Outdoor Air Pollutants
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.1
Outdoor Air Pollution – Examples of Some Pollutants:
❖ Ozone: It is a major component of smog that accompanies summer heat waves. Exposure of exercising children & adults to
as little as 0.08 ppm produces cough, chest discomfort, and inflammation in the lungs. It is a highly reactive agent that
oxidizes polyunsaturated lipids to hydrogen peroxide & lipid aldehydes which are irritants that cause inflammatory
❖ Sulfur Dioxide, particles, and acid aerosols are emitted by coal- and oil-fired power plants and industrial processes burning
these fuels. Of these, particles appear to be the main cause of morbidity and death. Particles less than 10 µm in diameter
are particularly harmful, because when inhaled they are carried by the airstream all the way to the alveoli . These small
particles are phagocytosed by macrophages and neutrophils, causing the release of mediators (possibly by activating
inflammasomes), and inciting an inflammatory reaction.
Outdoor Air Pollution – Examples of Some Pollutants:
❖ Carbon monoxide (CO): It is a nonirritating, colorless, tasteless, odorless gas produced by the incomplete oxidation of
carbonaceous materials. Its sources include automotive engines, industries using fossil fuels, home oil burners, and
cigarette smoke:
➢ Low levels (found in ambient air) may contribute to impaired respiratory function but are not life threatening. Chronic
exposure in confined environment (e.g. underground garages/tunnels) can cause chronic poisoning. The slowly
developing hypoxia can evoke widespread ischemic changes in the brain, particularly in the basal ganglia and lenticular
➢ CO is an important cause of accidental & suicidal death (in a small closed garage, exhaust from a running engine can
induce a lethal coma within 5 min). CO is a systemic asphyxiant that kills by binding to hemoglobin & preventing
oxygen transport. Clinically it is marked by a generalized cherry-red color of the skin and mucous membranes, a color
imparted by carboxyhemoglobin.
Indoor Air Pollution – Examples of Some Pollutants:
❖ Smoke from burning of organic materials: It contains various oxides of nitrogen and carbon particulates, is an irritant that
predisposes exposed persons to lung infections and may contain carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons . It is estimated that
one-third of the world, mainly in developing areas, burn carbon-containing material such as wood, dung, or charcoal in their
homes for cooking, heating, and light.
❖ Radon: It is a radioactive gas derived from uranium, is widely present in soil and in homes. Although radon exposure can
cause lung cancer in uranium miners (particularly in those who smoke), it does not appear that low-level chronic exposures
in the home increase lung cancer risk, at least for nonsmokers.
❖ Bioaerosols: They may contain pathogenic microbiologic agents, such as those that can cause Legionnaires' disease, viral
pneumonia, and the common cold, as well as allergens derived from pet dander, dust mites, and fungi and molds, which can
cause rhinitis, eye irritation, and even asthma.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
❖ Lead (Pb)-mining and manufacturing industry: More than 4 million tons of lead are produced each year for use in batteries,
alloys, and exterior red lead paint.
❖ Compared with adults, the absorption is greater in children & infants and hence they are particularly vulnerable to lead
toxicity. Children can absorb more than 50% from diet in food/water while adults absorb about 15%. A more permeable
blood–brain barrier in children creates a high susceptibility to brain damage
❖ Clinically, overt lead poisoning has disappeared due to the reduction of lead from many sources, particularly from gasoline
and paints. Environmental sources include:
Urban air is better with unleaded gasoline.
Soil contaminated with lead paint.
Paint chips.
Water supply- plumbing.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
❖ Pathophysiology of Lead Toxicity: Lead is a readily absorbed metal that binds to sulfhydryl groups in proteins and interferes
with calcium metabolism, leading to hematologic, skeletal, neurologic, GI, and renal toxicities.
❖ A dramatic case of lead contamination of drinking water occurred in the U.S. city of Flint, Michigan, in 2014–2016:
➢ The so-called “Flint water crisis” occurred when the source of water supply to the city was changed from Lake Huron to
the Flint River.
➢ Because water from the Flint River had a higher chloride concentration than the lake waters, it leached lead from
century-old lead pipes.
➢ This caused an increase in lead levels in tap water above the acceptable limit of 15 parts per billion (ppb) in about 25%
of the homes and in some cases as high as 13,200 ppb.
➢ As a result 6000 to 12,000 residents developed very high lead levels in their blood.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
Lead (Pb) Accumulation:
❖ Most absorbed lead (80% to 85%) is taken up into developing
teeth and into bone, where it competes with calcium, binds
phosphates, and has a half-life of 20 to 30 years.
❖ About 5% to 10% of the absorbed lead remains in the blood, and
the remainder is distributed throughout soft tissues.
❖ Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin levels (FEP); FEP is a
screening method for Lead. (FEP is increased in lead poisoning).
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.4
Pathologic & Clinical Features of Lead Poisoning
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
Lead poisoning: Impaired remodeling of calcified cartilage in the
epiphyses (arrows) of the wrist has caused a marked increase in their
radiodensity, so that they are as radiopaque as the cortical bone.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.5
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
Basophilic Stippling
The nucleated RBCs contain basophilic stippling of the cytoplasm. This suggests a toxic injury to the bone marrow,
such as lead poisoning. Such stippling may also appear with severe anemia, such as a megaloblastic anemia.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
❖ Chronic lead poisoning causes gray lines on the
gums (Burton’sQ
lines) due to lead accumulation
and reaction with oral bacteria metabolites.
❖ Patients usually have history of chronic chewing
of opium into which lead is added to increase its
wight when sold.
❖ Treatment includes chelating agents
counseling to stop chewing opium.
Burton’s Line from Chronic Lead Intoxication
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Mercury:
❖ Mercury has had many uses throughout history such as a pigment in cave paintings, a cosmetic, a remedy for syphilis, and a
component of diuretics.
❖ Poisoning from inhalation of mercury vapors has long been recognized and is associated with tremor, gingivitis, and bizarre
behavior, such as that displayed by the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland.
❖ There are three forms of mercury: metallic mercury (also referred to as elemental mercury), inorganic mercury compounds
(mostly mercuric chloride), and organic mercury (mostly methyl mercury).
❖ Today, the main sources of exposure to mercury are contaminated fish (methyl mercury) and mercury vapors released from
metallic mercury in dental amalgams, a possible occupational hazard for dental workers. In some areas of the world, mercury used
in gold mining has contaminated rivers and streams.
❖ Inorganic mercury from the natural degassing of the earth's crust or from industrial contamination is converted to organic
compounds such as methyl mercury by bacteria.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Mercury:
❖ Pathophysiology of Mercury Toxicity: Mercury, like lead, binds to sulfhydryl groups in certain proteins with high affinity,
leading to damage in the CNS and several other organs such as the GI tract and the kidneys.
❖ Ingested mercury can injure the gut and cause ulcerations and bloody diarrhea. In the kidneys, mercury can cause acute
tubular necrosis and renal failure.
❖ To protect against potential fetal brain damage, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended that
pregnant women reduce their consumption of fish known to contain mercury to a minimum .
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Mercury:
❖ Disasters caused by the consumption of fish contaminated by the release of methyl from industrial sources, in Minamata Bay
and the Agano River in Japan in 1956, caused widespread mortality and morbidity.
❖ Acute exposure through consumption of bread made from grain treated with a methyl mercury–based fungicide in Iraq in 1971
resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of hospitalizations.
❖ The medical disorders associated with the Minamata episode became known as “Minamata disease” and include cerebral palsy,
deafness, blindness, mental retardation, and major CNS defects in children exposed in utero.
❖ For unclear reasons, the developing brain is extremely sensitive to methyl mercury . The lipid solubility of methyl mercury and
metallic mercury facilitate their accumulation in the brain, disturbing neuromotor, cognitive, and behavioral functions.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Arsenic:
❖ Pathophysiology of Arsenic Toxicity: Arsenic salts interfere with several aspects of cellular metabolism, leading to toxicities that are
most prominent in the GI tract, nervous system, skin, and heart.
❖ Arsenic is found naturally in soil and water and is used in wood preservatives, herbicides, and other agricultural products . It may
be released into the environment by the mining and smelting industries. Arsenic is present in Chinese and Indian herbal medicine,
and arsenic trioxide is a frontline treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.
❖ If ingested in large quantities, arsenic causes acute toxicity manifesting as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea; cardiac arrhythmias,
shock and respiratory distress syndrome; and acute encephalopathy. GI, cardiovascular and CNS toxicity may be severe enough to
cause death.
❖ These effects may be attributed to the interference with mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Chronic exposure to arsenic
causes hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis of the skin, which may be followed by the development of basal and squamous cell
carcinomas (but not melanomas). A symmetrical sensorimotor polyneuropathy can also develop.
Effects of Tobacco:
❖ Tobacco is the most common exogenous cause of human cancers, being responsible for 90% of lung cancers.
❖ The main culprit is cigarette smoking, but smokeless tobacco in its various forms (snuff, chewing tobacco) also is harmful to
health and is an important cause of oral cancer.
❖ Not only does the use of tobacco products create personal risk, but also passive tobacco inhalation from the environment
(“second-hand smoke”) can cause lung cancer in nonsmokers.
❖ Smoking is the most important cause of preventable human death. It reduces overall survival in a dose-dependent fashion.
Whereas 80% of nonsmokers are alive at age 70, only about 50% of smokers survive to this age.
❖ It is a risk factor for development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction, peripheral vascular disease, and
cerebrovascular disease. In the lungs, in addition to cancer, it predisposes to emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic
obstructive disease. Maternal smoking increases the risk of abortion, premature birth, and intrauterine growth retardation.
Effects of Tobacco:
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Tables 8.3 & 8.4; Figure 8.7
Adverse effects of smoking
Effects of Alcohol:
❖ Acute alcohol abuse causes drowsiness at blood levels of approximately 200 mg/dL. Stupor and coma develop at higher levels.
❖ Alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde in the liver primarily by alcohol dehydrogenase, and to a lesser extent by the cytochrome P-450
system, and by catalase. Acetaldehyde is converted to acetate in mitochondria and is used in the respiratory chain. Alcohol
oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase depletes NAD, leading to accumulation of fat in the liver and to metabolic acidosis.
❖ The main effects of chronic alcoholism are fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis, which leads to portal hypertension and
increases the risk for development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
❖ Chronic alcoholism can cause bleeding from gastritis and gastric ulcers, peripheral neuropathy associated with thiamine deficiency,
and alcoholic cardiomyopathy, and it increases the risk for development of acute and chronic pancreatitis.
❖ Chronic alcoholism is a major risk factor for cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, and esophagus . The risk is greatly increased by
concurrent smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco.
Injury by Therapeutic Drugs: Adverse Drug Reactions:
❖ Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are untoward effects of drugs that are administered in conventional therapeutic settings.
Some Common Adverse Drug Reactions and Their
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.5
Exogenous Estrogens and Oral Contraceptives:
❖ The most common type of Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) (previously referred to as hormone replacement therapy, or HRT)
consists of the administration of estrogens together with a progestogen . Because of the risk of uterine cancer, estrogen therapy
alone is used only in hysterectomized women.
❖ It is reported that MHT increases the risk of breast cancer, stroke, and venous thromboembolism. It may have a protective effect
on the development of atherosclerosis and coronary disease in women younger than 60 years of age, but there is no protection in
women who started MHT at an older age.
❖ MHT effects depend on the type of hormone therapy regimen used (combination estrogen-progestin versus estrogen alone), the
age and risk factor status of the woman at the start of treatment, the duration of the treatment, and possibly the hormone dose,
formulation, and route of administration.
❖ Oral Contraceptives (OCs) may increase the risk of cervical carcinomas in women infected with human papillomavirus . They are
associated with a threefold to sixfold increased risk of venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism resulting from
increased hepatic synthesis of coagulation factors. They are also associated with development of hepatic adenoma.
❖ OCs do not cause an increase in breast cancer risk and have a protective effect against endometrial & ovarian cancers. They do not
increase the risk of coronary artery disease in women younger than 30 years or in older women who are nonsmokers, but the risk
approximately doubles in women older than 35 years who smoke.
Aspirin & Reye Syndrome:
❖ Reye syndrome is a potentially fatal rare diseases that affects young children with viral infections (varicella or
influenza) who are treated with aspirin.
❖ The pathogenesis is unknown; however injury of mitochondria and its dysfunction play a key role (Aspirin
metabolites suppress β-oxidation by reversible inhibition of mitochondrial enzymes).
❖ Reye syndrome causes massive diffuse fatty change of the liver (hepatic microvesicular steatosis) & cerebral
edema/encephalopathy. Presents with hypoglycemia, elevated liver enzymes, nausea, vomiting, irritability,
lethargy, and may progress to coma & death.
❖ 75% of patient may recover completely. Patients who do not recover may have coma, permanent neurological
deficits, and death. Treatment is supportive.
Injury by Nontherapeutic Agents (Drug Abuse):
❖ Drug abuse generally involves the use of mind-altering substances beyond therapeutic or social norms. Drug addiction and
overdose are serious public health problems.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.6
Injury by Nontherapeutic Agents (Drug Abuse) – Cocaine:
❖ Cocaine produces a sense of intense euphoria and mental alertness, making it one of the most addictive of all drugs. The
manifestations of cocaine toxicity include:
➢ Cardiovascular effects:
✓ Cocaine is a sympathomimetic agent that has a net effect of the accumulation of these neurotransmitters in synapses
and excessive stimulation, manifested by tachycardia, hypertension, and peripheral vasoconstriction.
✓ Cocaine also induces myocardial ischemia, the basis for which is multifactorial. It causes coronary artery vasoconstriction
and promotes thrombus formation by facilitating platelet aggregation.
✓ Cigarette smoking potentiates cocaine-induced coronary vasospasm.
➢ Effects on the fetus: In pregnant women, cocaine may cause decreased blood flow to the placenta, resulting in fetal hypoxia
and spontaneous abortion. Neurologic development may be impaired in the fetuses of pregnant women who are chronic drug
➢ Chronic cocaine use: may cause perforation of the nasal septum in snorters; decrease in lung diffusing capacity in users who
inhale the smoke; and the development of dilated cardiomyopathy.
➢ CNS effects: hyperpyrexia (thought to be caused by aberrations of the dopaminergic pathways that control body temperature) and
Injury by Nontherapeutic Agents (Drug Abuse) – Cocaine:
The effect of cocaine on neurotransmission. The drug inhibits reuptake of
the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in the central and
peripheral nervous systems.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.12
Injury by Physical Agents:
❖ Injury induced by physical agents is divided into the following categories: mechanical trauma, thermal injury, electrical injury, and
injury produced by ionizing radiation.
❖ Mechanical force may inflict soft tissue injuries, bone injuries & head injuries.
❖ Soft tissue injuries can be superficial involving mainly the skin, or deep, associated with visceral damage:
➢ Abrasions: A scrape, in which the superficial epidermis is torn off by friction or force. Regeneration without scarring usually
➢ Laceration versus incision: Laceration is an irregular tear in the skin produced by overstretching and it can be linear or stellate
depending on the tearing force. Typical of laceration are the bridging strands of fibrous tissue or blood vessels across the
wound which are not seen in incision. Incision in contrast, is made by a sharp cutting object, e.g. knife or a piece of glass and
has a clean margins.
➢ Contusion: This is an injury caused by a blunt force that damages small blood vessels and causes interstitial bleeding, usually
without disruption of the continuity of the tissue.
➢Gunshot wounds: This can be entry or exit gunshot wounds.
➢Vehicular accident: It results from hitting interior parts of the vehicle; being thrown from the vehicle; and being trapped in a
burring vehicle.
Injury by Physical Agents:
(A) Laceration of the scalp: The bridging strands of fibrous tissues are evident.
(B) Contusion resulting from blunt trauma: The skin is intact, but hemorrhage of subcutaneous vessels has produced extensive
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.13
Thermal Injury - Burns:
❖ Both excess heat & excess cold are important cause of injury. Thermal burns are too common where many victims are children
scalded by hot liquids.
❖ Burns: The clinical significance of burns depends on depth of the burn, percentage of body surface involved, possible presence of
internal injuries from inhalation of hot & toxic fumes, and promptness & efficacy of therapy, especially fluid and electrolyte
management and prevention or control of wound infections (pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aures, Candida).
❖ Full thickness burn involves total destruction of epidermis, dermis, with loss of the dermal appendages that would provide cells for
epithelial regeneration (3rd & 4th degree burns).
❖ Partial thickness burns (the deeper portions of the dermal appendages are spared) include 1st degree buns (epidermis involvement
only) and 2nd degree burn (both epidermis & dermis involvement).
❖ Morphology: Grossly, full-thickness burns are white or charred, dry, and anesthetic (as a result of the destruction of nerve endings),
whereas partial-thickness burns, depending on the depth, are pink or mottled, blistered, and painful . Histologic examination of
devitalized tissue shows coagulative necrosis adjacent to vital tissue, which quickly accumulates inflammatory cells and marked
Thermal Injury - Burns:
Thermal Injury – Hyperthermia:
❖ Prolonged exposure to elevated ambient temperatures can result in:
➢ Heat crumps: Loss of electrolytes through sweating. Cramping of voluntary muscles, usually in association with vigorous
exercise, is the hallmark sign. Heat-dissipating mechanisms are able to maintain normal core body temperature .
➢ Heat exhaustion: It is the most common heat syndrome, it is of sudden onset with prostration and collapse resulted from a
failure of the CVS to compensate for hypovolemia, secondary to water depletion .
➢ Heat stroke: This is associated with high ambient temperatures and high humidity. Thermoregulatory mechanisms fail,
sweating ceases, and core body temperature rises (necrosis of muscles & myocardium may occur).
➢ Malignant hyperthermia: a genetic condition resulting from mutations in genes such as RYR1 that control calcium levels in
skeletal muscle cells. In affected individuals, exposure to certain anesthetics during surgery may trigger a rapid rise in calcium
levels in skeletal muscle, which in turn leads to muscle rigidity and increased heat production . The resulting hyperthermia has
a mortality rate of approximately 80% if untreated, but this falls to less than 5% if the condition is recognized and muscle
relaxants are administered promptly.
Thermal Injury - Hypothermia:
❖ Prolonged exposure to low ambient temperature leads to hypothermia, a condition seen frequently in homeless persons.
➢ At a body temperature of bout 90o F, loss of consciousness occurs, followed by bradycardia & atrial fibrillation at lower core
➢ Local reactions include chilling or freezing of cells & tissues (direct physical disruption of organelles within cells or indirect
through circulatory changes). Frost bite is an example.
➢ Slowly developing, prolonged chilling may induce vasoconstriction and increased permeability, leading to edema & hypoxia .
Such changes are typical of “trench foot.” This condition developed in soldiers who spent long periods of time in waterlogged
trenches during the First World War (1914–1918), frequently causing gangrene that necessitated amputation.
➢ Alternatively, with sudden sharp drops in temperature, the vasoconstriction and increased viscosity of the blood in the local
area may cause ischemic injury and degenerative changes in peripheral nerves.
Electrical Injury:
❖ The passage of electric current through the body may be without effect; may cause sudden death by disruption of neural
regulatory impulses, producing e.g. cardiac arrest; or may cause thermal injury to organs interposed in the pathway of the current.
❖ The resistance of tissue & the intensity of current will affect the severity of injury , the greater resistance, the greater the heat
generated. e.g. dry skin will be more resistant than wet skin. Thus, the electric current may cause only a surface burn of dry skin.
The electric current will be transmitted through the wet skin and may produce ventricular fibrillation or respiratory paralysis.
❖ The thermal effects of the passage of electric current depend on its intensity , e.g. high intensity current as lightening coursing along
the skin, produces linear arborizing burns known as lightening marks and when the current is conducted around the victim
(flashover) it causes blasting & disruption of clothing but with little injury . When lightening is transmitted internally it will cause
steaming & explosion of solid organs.
Injury Produced by Radiation:
❖ Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves or high-speed particles. It has a wide range of energies that span the
electromagnetic spectrum; it can be divided into nonionizing and ionizing radiation.
❖ The energy of nonionizing radiation, such as ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light, microwaves, and sound waves, can move atoms in a
molecule or cause them to vibrate but is not sufficient to displace electrons from atoms.
❖ By contrast, ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons. Collision of these free electrons with other
atoms releases additional electrons, in a reaction cascade referred to as ionization .
❖ The main sources of ionizing radiation are (1) x-rays and gamma rays, which are electromagnetic waves of very high frequencies,
and (2) high-energy neutrons, alpha particles (composed of two protons and two neutrons), and beta particles, which are
essentially electrons.
Injury Produced by Radiation:
❖ The dose of ionizing radiation is measured in several units; e.g. Roentgen, Rad, Gray, …etc.
❖ In addition to the physical properties of the radioactive material & the dose , the biologic effects of ionizing radiation depend on
several factors:
➢ Dose rate: a single dose can cause greater injury than divided dose.
➢ Cell proliferation: since DNA is the most important subcellular target, rapidly dividing cells (e.g. Hematopoietic cells, germ
cells, GIT epithelium, ..etc) are more radiosensitive than quiescent cells. Cells in G2 & mitotic phases of the cell cycle are most
➢ Field size: smaller doses delivered to larger fields may be lethal. A single dose of external radiation administered to the whole
body is more lethal than regional doses with shielding.
➢ Vascular damage: damage to endothelial cells, which are moderately sensitive to radiation, may cause narrowing or occlusion
of blood vessels, leading to impaired healing, fibrosis, and chronic ischemic atrophy. Different cells subtypes differ in the
extent of their adaptive and reparative responses.
➢ Hypoxia: may reduce the extent of damage and the effectiveness of radiotherapy directed against tumors. Since ionizing
radiation produces oxygen-derived radicals from the radiolytic cleavage of water, cell injury induced by x-rays & gamma rays is
enhanced by hyperbaric oxygen.
Injury Produced by Radiation - Acute Injury & Delayed Complications:
❖ The acute effect of ionizing radiation ranges from overt necrosis at high doses (>10 Gy), killing of proliferating cells at intermediate
doses (1-2 Gy), and no histopathologic effect at doses less than 0.5 Gy.
❖ Cells usually shows adaptive & reparative responses to low doses of ionizing radiation while extensive radiation induced DNA
damage will lead to apoptosis.
❖ Cells which survive DNA damage, may show delayed effects as mutations, chromosomal aberrations, and genetic instability, these
cells will become malignant.
❖ Total body irradiation associated with three syndromes:
➢ Hematopoietic (200-500 rad): nausea, vomiting, lymphopnia, thrombocytopnia, neutropnia, and later anemia.
➢ GIT (500-1000 rad): sever GIT symptoms including diarrhea, hemorrhage, emaciation, and at higher doses ; death within days.
➢ Cerebral (>5000 rad): listlessness and drowsiness followed by convulsions, coma, and death within hours.
Injury Produced by Radiation:
Effects of ionizing radiation on DNA and their consequences. The
effects on DNA can be direct or, most important, indirect,
through free radical formation.
Ionizing radiation can cause many types of damage in DNA,
including single-base damage, single- and double-strand breaks,
and crosslinks between DNA and protein.
In surviving cells, simple defects may be reparable by various
enzyme repair systems. However, double-strand breaks may
persist without repair, or the repair of lesions may be
imprecise (error prone), creating mutations. If cell-cycle
checkpoints are not functioning (for instance, because of
mutations in TP53 ), cells with abnormal and unstable
genomes survive and may expand as abnormal clones to form
tumors eventually.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.14
Injury Produced by Radiation:
Overview of the major morphologic consequences of radiation injury . Early
changes occur in hours to weeks; late changes occur in months to years.
ARDS, Acute respiratory distress syndrome.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.16
Injury Produced by Radiation:
Estimated Threshold Doses for Acute Radiation Effects on Specific Organs
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.7
Injury Produced by Radiation – Morphology:
Vascular changes and fibrosis of
salivary glands produced by
radiation therapy of the neck
(A) Normal salivary gland.
(B) fibrosis caused by radiation
(C) fibrosis and vascular changes
consisting of fibrointimal
thickening and arteriolar
sclerosis. V, Vessel lumen; I,
thickened intima.
❖ At the light microscopic level, vascular changes and interstitial fibrosis are prominent in irradiated tissues. During the immediate
postirradiation period, vessels may show only dilation. Later, or with higher doses, a variety of degenerative changes appear,
including endothelial cell swelling and vacuolation, or even necrosis of the walls of small vessels such as capillaries and venules.
❖ Affected vessels may rupture or undergo thrombosis. Still later, endothelial cell proliferation and collagenous hyalinization with
thickening of the media layer are seen in irradiated vessels, resulting in marked narrowing or obliteration of the vascular lumina.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Figure 8.15
References & Recommended Readings
❖ References:
➢ Robbins Basic Pathology, Tenth Edition, 2018, ISBN: 978-0-323-48054-C3
➢ The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education Hosted By The University of Utah Eccles Health
Sciences Library.
❖ Recommended Readings:
➢ Robbins Basic Pathology, Tenth Edition, 2018
✓ Chapter 8: Environmental Disease Section
CDM 1125 – Pathology-I
Environmental Pathology
Session’s Text Excerpt Handout
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Reference Textbook:
ROBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, 2018,
ISBN: 978-0-323-48054-C3
The following material is intended to facilitate watching the PowerPoint presentation
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Environmental Diseases:
Many diseases are caused or influenced by environmental factors. Broadly defined, the
term ambient environment encompasses the various outdoor, indoor, and occupational settings
in which humans live and work. In each of these settings, the air people breathe, the food and
water they consume, and the toxic agents they are exposed to are major determinants of health.
Other environmental factors pertain to the individual (“personal environment”) and include
tobacco use, alcohol ingestion, therapeutic and “recreational” drug consumption, diet, and the
like. It is generally believed that factors in the personal environment have a larger effect on human
health than that of the ambient environment, but new threats related to global warming may
change this equation.
Health Effects of Climate Change:
❖ Global temperature measurements show that the earth has warmed significantly since the
early 20th century, and especially since the mid-1960s.
❖ Record-breaking global temperatures have become common, with 2005, 2010, 2014, and 2015
each setting successive high-temperature records.
❖ The rising atmospheric and ocean temperatures have led to a large number of effects that
include changes in storm frequency, drought, and flood, as well as large-scale ice losses in
Greenland, Antarctica, and the vast majority of the other glaciated regions.
❖ Among scientists there is a general acceptance that climate change is, at least in part, manmade. The culprit is the rising atmospheric level of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon
dioxide (CO 2 ) released through the burning of fossil fuels, as well as ozone, and methane.
❖ Climate change is expected to have a serious negative impact on human health by increasing
the incidence of a number of diseases, including the following:
❖ Cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, and respiratory diseases, all of which will be exacerbated by
heat waves and air pollution.
❖ Gastroenteritis, cholera, and other food- and waterborne infectious diseases, caused by
contamination as a consequence of floods and disruption of clean water supplies and sewage
treatment, after heavy rains and other environmental disasters.
❖ Vector-borne infectious diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, resulting from changes in
vector number and geographic distribution related to increased temperatures, crop failures,
and more extreme weather variation.
❖ Malnutrition, caused by changes in local climate that disrupt crop production. Such changes
are anticipated to be most severe in tropical locations, in which average temperatures may
already be near or above crop tolerance levels. It is estimated that by 2080, agricultural
productivity may decline by 10% to 25% in some developing countries as a consequence of
climate change.
Toxicity of Chemical and Physical Agents:
Toxicology is defined as the science of poisons. It studies the distribution, effects, and
mechanisms of action of toxic agents . More broadly, it also includes the study of the effects of
physical agents such as radiation and heat. Approximately 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals,
including 72 million pounds of known carcinogens, are produced each year in the United States.
In general, however, little is known about the potential health effects of chemicals. Of the
approximately 100,000 chemicals in use in the United States, less than 1% have been tested
experimentally for health effects.
Xenobiotics are exogenous chemicals in the environment that may be absorbed by the body
through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.
Pollutants contained in air, water, and soil are absorbed through the lungs, gastrointestinal (GI)
tract, and skin. In the body, they may act at the site of absorption, but they generally are
transported through the bloodstream to various organs, where they are stored or metabolized.
Metabolism of xenobiotics may result in the formation of water-soluble compounds, which are
excreted, or in activation of the agent, creating a toxic metabolite.
Xenobiotics can be metabolized to nontoxic metabolites and eliminated from the body
(detoxification). However, their metabolism also may result in formation of a reactive metabolite
that is toxic to cellular components. If repair is not effective, short- and long-term effects develop.
Outdoor Air Pollution:
❖ Air pollution is a serious problem in many industrialized countries like USA.
❖ The major sources of ambient air pollutants are:
➢ Combustion of fossil fuels: Vehicles, factories, barbeques & fireplaces.
➢ Photochemical reactions: Oxides of nitrogen and volatile hydrocarbons interact
in the atmosphere to produce ozone (O3) as a secondary pollutant.
➢ Power plants: Theses release sulfur oxide (SO2) & particulates into the
➢ Waste incinerators, industry, smelters: These point sources release acid aerosols,
metals, mercury vapor, and organic compounds that may be hazardous for
human health.
❖ Lungs are the major target of common outdoor air pollutants, especially vulnerable are
children, asthmatics, and people with chronic lung or heart diseases (decreased lung
function, increased airway reactivity, respiratory infections, altered mucociliary
Health Effects of Outdoor Air Pollutants
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.1
Outdoor Air Pollution – Examples of Some Pollutants:
❖ Ozone: It is a major component of smog that accompanies summer heat waves. Exposure of
exercising children & adults to as little as 0.08 ppm produces cough, chest discomfort, and
inflammation in the lungs. It is a highly reactive agent that oxidizes polyunsaturated lipids to
hydrogen peroxide & lipid aldehydes which are irritants that cause inflammatory reactions.
❖ Sulfur Dioxide, particles, and acid aerosols are emitted by coal- and oil-fired power plants
and industrial processes burning these fuels. Of these, particles appear to be the main cause
of morbidity and death. Particles less than 10 µm in diameter are particularly harmful,
because when inhaled they are carried by the airstream all the way to the alveoli. These small
particles are phagocytosed by macrophages and neutrophils, causing the release of mediators
(possibly by activating inflammasomes), and inciting an inflammatory reaction.
❖ Carbon monoxide (CO): It is a nonirritating, colorless, tasteless, odorless gas produced by the
incomplete oxidation of carbonaceous materials. Its sources include automotive engines,
industries using fossil fuels, home oil burners, and cigarette smoke:
➢ Low levels (found in ambient air) may contribute to impaired respiratory
function but are not life threatening. Chronic exposure in confined environment
(e.g. underground garages/tunnels) can cause chronic poisoning. The slowly
developing hypoxia can evoke widespread ischemic changes in the brain,
particularly in the basal ganglia and lenticular nuclei.
➢ CO is an important cause of accidental & suicidal death (in a small closed garage,
exhaust from a running engine can induce a lethal coma within 5 min). CO is a
systemic asphyxiant that kills by binding to hemoglobin & preventing oxygen
transport. Clinically it is marked by a generalized cherry-red color of the skin and
mucous membranes, a color imparted by carboxyhemoglobin.
Indoor Air Pollution – Examples of Some Pollutants:
❖ Smoke from burning of organic materials: It contains various oxides of nitrogen and
carbon particulates, is an irritant that predisposes exposed persons to lung infections
and may contain carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons. It is estimated that one-third of
the world, mainly in developing areas, burn carbon-containing material such as wood,
dung, or charcoal in their homes for cooking, heating, and light.
❖ Radon: It is a radioactive gas derived from uranium, is widely present in soil and in
homes. Although radon exposure can cause lung cancer in uranium miners (particularly
in those who smoke), it does not appear that low-level chronic exposures in the home
increase lung cancer risk, at least for nonsmokers.
❖ Bioaerosols: They may contain pathogenic microbiologic agents, such as those that can
cause Legionnaires' disease, viral pneumonia, and the common cold, as well as allergens
derived from pet dander, dust mites, and fungi and molds, which can cause rhinitis,
eye irritation, and even asthma.
❖ Smoke from burning of organic materials: It contains various oxides of nitrogen and
carbon particulates, is an irritant that predisposes exposed persons to lung infections
and may contain carcinogenic polycyclic hydrocarbons. It is estimated that one-third of
the world, mainly in developing areas, burn carbon-containing material such as wood,
dung, or charcoal in their homes for cooking, heating, and light.
❖ Radon: It is a radioactive gas derived from uranium, is widely present in soil and in
homes. Although radon exposure can cause lung cancer in uranium miners (particularly
in those who smoke), it does not appear that low-level chronic exposures in the home
increase lung cancer risk, at least for nonsmokers.
❖ Bioaerosols: They may contain pathogenic microbiologic agents, such as those that can
cause Legionnaires' disease, viral pneumonia, and the common cold, as well as allergens
derived from pet dander, dust mites, and fungi and molds, which can cause rhinitis, eye
irritation, and even asthma.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Lead:
❖ Lead (Pb)-mining and manufacturing industry: More than 4 million tons of lead are
produced each year for use in batteries, alloys, and exterior red lead paint.
❖ Compared with adults, the absorption is greater in children & infants and hence they
are particularly vulnerable to lead toxicity. Children can absorb more than 50% from diet
in food/water while adults absorb about 15%. A more permeable blood–brain barrier in
children creates a high susceptibility to brain damage
❖ Clinically, overt lead poisoning has disappeared due to the reduction of lead from many
sources, particularly from gasoline and paints. Environmental sources include:
➢ Urban air is better with unleaded gasoline.
➢ Soil contaminated with lead paint.
➢ Batteries.
➢ Paint chips.
➢ Water supply- plumbing.
❖ Pathophysiology of Lead Toxicity: Lead is a readily absorbed metal that binds to
sulfhydryl groups in proteins and interferes with calcium metabolism, leading to
hematologic, skeletal, neurologic, GI, and renal toxicities.
❖ A dramatic case of lead contamination of drinking water occurred in the U.S. city of
Flint, Michigan, in 2014–2016:
➢ The so-called “Flint water crisis” occurred when the source of water supply to the
city was changed from Lake Huron to the Flint River.
➢ Because water from the Flint River had a higher chloride concentration than the
lake waters, it leached lead from century-old lead pipes.
➢ This caused an increase in lead levels in tap water above the acceptable limit of
15 parts per billion (ppb) in about 25% of the homes and in some cases as high
as 13,200 ppb.
➢ As a result 6000 to 12,000 residents developed very high lead levels in their
Lead (Pb) Accumulation:
❖ Most absorbed lead (80% to 85%) is taken up into developing teeth and into bone,
where it competes with calcium, binds phosphates, and has a half-life of 20 to 30
❖ About 5% to 10% of the absorbed lead remains in the blood, and the remainder is
distributed throughout soft tissues.
❖ Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin levels (FEP); FEP is a screening method for Lead. (FEP is
increased in lead poisoning).
❖ Excess lead is toxic to nervous tissues in adults and children; peripheral neuropathies
predominate in adults, whereas central effects are more common in children. The effects
of chronic lead exposure in children may be subtle, producing mild dysfunction, or they
may be massive and lethal. In young children, sensory, motor, intellectual, and
psychologic impairments have been described, including reduced IQ, learning disabilities,
retarded psychomotor development, and, in more severe cases, blindness, psychoses,
seizures, and coma. Lead-induced peripheral neuropathies in adults generally remit with
the elimination of exposure, but both peripheral and CNS abnormalities in children usually
are irreversible.
❖ Excess lead interferes with the normal remodeling of calcified cartilage and primary bone
trabeculae in the epiphyses in children, causing increased bone density detected as
radiodense “lead lines”. Lead lines of a different sort also may occur in the gums, where
excess lead stimulates hyperpigmentation. Lead inhibits the healing of fractures by
increasing chondrogenesis and delaying cartilage mineralization. Excretion of lead occurs
by way of the kidneys, and acute exposures may cause damage to proximal.
❖ Lead has a high affinity for sulfhydryl groups and interferes with two enzymes involved in
heme synthesis: aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and delta ferrochelatase. Iron
incorporation into heme is impaired, leading to anemia. Lead also inhibits sodium- and
potassium-dependent ATPases in cell membranes, an effect that may increase the
fragility of red cells, causing hemolysis. The diagnosis of lead poisoning requires constant
vigilance. It may be suspected on the basis of neurologic changes in children or
unexplained anemia with basophilic stippling in red cells in adults and children. Elevated
blood lead and red cell free protoporphyrin levels (greater than 50 µg/dL) or,
alternatively, zinc-protoporphyrin levels, are required for definitive diagnosis. In milder
cases of lead exposure, anemia may be the only obvious abnormality.
❖ Chronic lead poisoning causes gray lines on the gums (Burton’s lines) due to lead
accumulation and reaction with oral bacteria metabolites. Such patients usually have
history of chronic chewing of opium into which lead is added to increase its wight when
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Mercury:
❖ Mercury has had many uses throughout history such as a pigment in cave paintings, a
cosmetic, a remedy for syphilis, and a component of diuretics.
❖ Poisoning from inhalation of mercury vapors has long been recognized and is associated
with tremor, gingivitis, and bizarre behavior, such as that displayed by the Mad Hatter in
Alice in Wonderland.
❖ There are three forms of mercury: metallic mercury (also referred to as elemental
mercury), inorganic mercury compounds (mostly mercuric chloride), and organic
mercury (mostly methyl mercury).
❖ Today, the main sources of exposure to mercury are contaminated fish (methyl
mercury) and mercury vapors released from metallic mercury in dental amalgams, a
possible occupational hazard for dental workers. In some areas of the world, mercury
used in gold mining has contaminated rivers and streams.
❖ Inorganic mercury from the natural degassing of the earth's crust or from industrial
contamination is converted to organic compounds such as methyl mercury by bacteria.
❖ Pathophysiology of Mercury Toxicity: Mercury, like lead, binds to sulfhydryl groups in
certain proteins with high affinity, leading to damage in the CNS and several other
organs such as the GI tract and the kidneys.
❖ Ingested mercury can injure the gut and cause ulcerations and bloody diarrhea. In the
kidneys, mercury can cause acute tubular necrosis and renal failure.
❖ To protect against potential fetal brain damage, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention has recommended that pregnant women reduce their consumption of fish
known to contain mercury to a minimum.
❖ Disasters caused by the consumption of fish contaminated by the release of methyl
from industrial sources, in Minamata Bay and the Agano River in Japan in 1956, caused
widespread mortality and morbidity.
❖ Acute exposure through consumption of bread made from grain treated with a methyl
mercury–based fungicide in Iraq in 1971 resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands
of hospitalizations.
❖ The medical disorders associated with the Minamata episode became known as
“Minamata disease” and include cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, mental
retardation, and major CNS defects in children exposed in utero.
❖ For unclear reasons, the developing brain is extremely sensitive to methyl mercury. The
lipid solubility of methyl mercury and metallic mercury facilitate their accumulation in
the brain, disturbing neuromotor, cognitive, and behavioral functions.
Metals as Environmental Pollutants – Arsenic:
❖ Pathophysiology of Arsenic Toxicity: Arsenic salts interfere with several aspects of
cellular metabolism, leading to toxicities that are most prominent in the GI tract,
nervous system, skin, and heart.
❖ Arsenic is found naturally in soil and water and is used in wood preservatives,
herbicides, and other agricultural products. It may be released into the environment by
the mining and smelting industries. Arsenic is present in Chinese and Indian herbal
medicine, and arsenic trioxide is a frontline treatment for acute promyelocytic leukemia.
❖ If ingested in large quantities, arsenic causes acute toxicity manifesting as severe
abdominal pain, diarrhea; cardiac arrhythmias, shock and respiratory distress syndrome;
and acute encephalopathy. GI, cardiovascular and CNS toxicity may be severe enough to
cause death.
❖ These effects may be attributed to the interference with mitochondrial oxidative
phosphorylation. Chronic exposure to arsenic causes hyperpigmentation and
hyperkeratosis of the skin, which may be followed by the development of basal and
squamous cell carcinomas (but not melanomas). A symmetrical sensorimotor
polyneuropathy can also develop.
Effects of Tobacco:
❖ Tobacco is the most common exogenous cause of human cancers, being responsible for
90% of lung cancers.
❖ The main culprit is cigarette smoking, but smokeless tobacco in its various forms (snuff,
chewing tobacco) also is harmful to health and is an important cause of oral cancer.
❖ Not only does the use of tobacco products create personal risk, but also passive tobacco
inhalation from the environment (“second-hand smoke”) can cause lung cancer in
❖ Smoking is the most important cause of preventable human death. It reduces overall
survival in a dose-dependent fashion. Whereas 80% of nonsmokers are alive at age 70,
only about 50% of smokers survive to this age.
❖ It is a risk factor for development of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction,
peripheral vascular disease, and cerebrovascular disease. In the lungs, in addition to
cancer, it predisposes to emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive
disease. Maternal smoking increases the risk of abortion, premature birth, and
intrauterine growth retardation.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Tables 8.3 & 8.4; Figure 8.7
Adverse effects of smoking:
Cancers: Oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, lung, pancreas, and bladder
Chronic bronchitis, emphysema
Systemic atherosclerosis; Myocardial infarction
Peptic ulcer
Effects of Alcohol:
❖ Acute alcohol abuse causes drowsiness at blood levels of approximately 200 mg/dL.
Stupor and coma develop at higher levels.
❖ Alcohol is oxidized to acetaldehyde in the liver primarily by alcohol dehydrogenase, and
to a lesser extent by the cytochrome P-450 system, and by catalase. Acetaldehyde is
converted to acetate in mitochondria and is used in the respiratory chain. Alcohol
oxidation by alcohol dehydrogenase depletes NAD, leading to accumulation of fat in the
liver and to metabolic acidosis.
❖ The main effects of chronic alcoholism are fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis,
which leads to portal hypertension and increases the risk for development of
hepatocellular carcinoma.
❖ Chronic alcoholism can cause bleeding from gastritis and gastric ulcers, peripheral
neuropathy associated with thiamine deficiency, and alcoholic cardiomyopathy, and it
increases the risk for development of acute and chronic pancreatitis.
❖ Chronic alcoholism is a major risk factor for cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, and
esophagus. The risk is greatly increased by concurrent smoking or the use of smokeless
Injury by Therapeutic Drugs: Adverse Drug Reactions:
❖ Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are untoward effects of drugs that are administered in
conventional therapeutic settings.
Some Common Adverse Drug Reactions and Their Agents
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.5
Exogenous Estrogens and Oral Contraceptives:
❖ The most common type of Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) (previously referred to
as hormone replacement therapy, or HRT) consists of the administration of estrogens
together with a progestogen. Because of the risk of uterine cancer, estrogen therapy
alone is used only in hysterectomized women.
❖ It is reported that MHT increases the risk of breast cancer, stroke, and venous
thromboembolism. It may have a protective effect on the development of
atherosclerosis and coronary disease in women younger than 60 years of age, but there
is no protection in women who started MHT at an older age.
❖ MHT effects depend on the type of hormone therapy regimen used (combination
estrogen-progestin versus estrogen alone), the age and risk factor status of the woman
at the start of treatment, the duration of the treatment, and possibly the hormone
dose, formulation, and route of administration.
❖ Oral Contraceptives (OCs) may increase the risk of cervical carcinomas in women
infected with human papillomavirus. They are associated with a threefold to sixfold
increased risk of venous thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism resulting from
increased hepatic synthesis of coagulation factors. They are also associated with
development of hepatic adenoma.
❖ OCs do not cause an increase in breast cancer risk and have a protective effect against
endometrial & ovarian cancers. They do not increase the risk of coronary artery disease
in women younger than 30 years or in older women who are nonsmokers, but the risk
approximately doubles in women older than 35 years who smoke.
Aspirin & Reye Syndrome:
❖ Reye syndrome is a potentially fatal rare diseases that affects young children with viral
infections (varicella or influenza) who are treated with aspirin.
❖ The pathogenesis is unknown; however injury of mitochondria and its dysfunction play a
key role (Aspirin metabolites suppress β-oxidation by reversible inhibition of
mitochondrial enzymes).
❖ Reye syndrome causes massive diffuse fatty change of the liver (hepatic microvesicular
steatosis) & cerebral edema/encephalopathy. Presents with hypoglycemia, elevated liver
enzymes, nausea, vomiting, irritability, lethargy, and may progress to coma & death.
❖ 75% of patient may recover completely. Patients who do not recover may have coma,
permanent neurological deficits, and death. Treatment is supportive.
Injury by Nontherapeutic Agents (Drug Abuse):
❖ Drug abuse generally involves the use of mind-altering substances beyond therapeutic or
social norms. Drug addiction and overdose are serious public health problems.
ROBBINS BASIC PATHOLOGY, Tenth Edition, Table 8.6
Injury by Nontherapeutic Agents (Drug Abuse) – Cocaine:
❖ In 2014, it was estimated that there were 1.5 million users (highest among adults 18-25
Yr. of age) of cocaine in the United States, of which approximately 15% to 20% were
users of “crack” cocaine.
❖ Cocaine produces a sense of intense euphoria and mental alertness, making it one of
the most addictive of all drugs. The manifestations of cocaine toxicity include:
➢ Cardiovascular effects:
✓ Cocaine is a sympathomimetic agent that has a net effect of the accumulation of
these neurotransmitters in synapses and excessive stimulation, manifested by
tachycardia, hypertension, and peripheral vasoconstriction.
✓ Cocaine also induces myocardial ischemia, the basis for which is multifactorial. It
causes coronary artery vasoconstriction and promotes thrombus formation by
facilitating platelet aggregation.
✓ Cigarette smoking potentiates cocaine-induced coronary vasospasm.
➢ Effects on the fetus: In pregnant women, cocaine may cause decreased blood flow to
the placenta, resulting in fetal hypoxia and spontaneous abortion. Neurologic
development may be impaired in the fetuses of pregnant women who are chronic drug
➢ Chronic cocaine use may cause: perforation of the nasal septum in snorters; decrease in
lung diffusing capacity in users who inhale the smoke; and the development of dilated
➢ CNS effects: hyperpyrexia (thought to be caused by aberrations of the dopaminergic
pathways that control body temperature) and seizures.
➢ The effect of cocaine on neurotransmission. The drug inhibits reuptake of the
neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in the central and peripheral nervous
Injury by Physical Agents:
❖ Injury induced by physical agents is divided into the following categories: mechanical
trauma, thermal injury, electrical injury, and injury produced by ionizing radiation.
❖ Mechanical force may inflict soft tissue injuries, bone injuries & head injuries.
❖ Soft tissue injuries can be superficial involving mainly the skin, or deep, associated with
visceral damage:
➢ Abrasions: A scrape, in which the superficial epidermis is torn off by friction or
force. Regeneration without scarring usually occurs.
➢ Laceration versus incision: Laceration is an irregular tear in the skin produced by
overstretching and it can be linear or stellate depending on the tearing force.
Typical of laceration are the bridging strands of fibrous tissue or blood vessels
across the wound which are not seen in incision. Incision in contrast, is made by
a sharp cutting object, e.g. knife or a piece of glass and has a clean margins.
➢ Contusion: This is an injury caused by a blunt force that damages small blood
vessels and causes interstitial bleeding, usually without disruption of the
continuity of the tissue.
➢ Gunshot wounds: This can be entry or exit gunshot wounds.
➢ Vehicular accident: It results from hitting interior parts of the vehicle; being
thrown from the vehicle; and being trapped in a burring vehicle.
Thermal Injury - Burns:
❖ Both excess heat & excess cold are important cause of injury. Thermal burns are too
common where many victims are children scalded by hot liquids.
❖ Burns: The clinical significance of burns depends on depth of the burn, percentage of body
surface involved, possible presence of internal injuries from inhalation of hot & toxic fumes,
and promptness & efficacy of therapy, especially fluid and electrolyte management and
prevention or control of wound infections (pseudomonas aeruginosa, S. aures, Candida).
❖ Full thickness burn involves total destruction of epidermis, dermis, with loss of the dermal
appendages that would provide cells for epithelial regeneration (3rd & 4th degree burns).
❖ Partial thickness burns (the deeper portions of the dermal appendages are spared) include
1st degree buns (epidermis involvement only) and 2nd degree burn (both epidermis &
dermis involvement).
❖ Morphology: Grossly, full-thickness burns are white or charred, dry, and anesthetic (as a
result of the destruction of nerve endings), whereas partial-thickness burns, depending on
the depth, are pink or mottled, blistered, and painful. Histologic examination of devitalized
tissue shows coagulative necrosis adjacent to vital tissue, which quickly accumulates
inflammatory cells and marked exudation.
Thermal Injury – Hyperthermia:
❖ Prolonged exposure to elevated ambient temperatures can result in:
➢ Heat crumps: Loss of electrolytes through sweating. Cramping of voluntary
muscles, usually in association with vigorous exercise, is the hallmark sign. Heatdissipating mechanisms are able to maintain normal core body temperature.
➢ Heat exhaustion: It is the most common heat syndrome, it is of sudden onset
with prostration and collapse resulted from a failure of the CVS to compensate
for hypovolemia, secondary to water depletion.
➢ Heat stroke: This is associated with high ambient temperatures and high
humidity. Thermoregulatory mechanisms fail, sweating ceases, and core body
temperature rises (necrosis of muscles & myocardium may occur).
➢ Malignant hyperthermia: a genetic condition resulting from mutations in genes
such as RYR1 that control calcium levels in skeletal muscle cells. In affected
individuals, exposure to certain anesthetics during surgery may trigger a rapid
rise in calcium levels in skeletal muscle, which in turn leads to muscle rigidity
and increased heat production. The resulting hyperthermia has a mortality rate
of approximately 80% if untreated, but this falls to less than 5% if the condition
is recognized and muscle relaxants are administered promptly.
Thermal Injury - Hypothermia:
❖ Prolonged exposure to low ambient temperature leads to hypothermia, a condition seen
frequently in homeless persons.
➢ At a body temperature of about 90o F, loss of consciousness occurs, followed by
bradycardia & atrial fibrillation at lower core temperature.
➢ Local reactions include chilling or freezing of cells & tissues (direct physical
disruption of organelles within cells or indirect through circulatory changes). Frost
bite is an example.
➢ Slowly developing, prolonged chilling may induce vasoconstriction and increased
permeability, leading to edema and hypoxia. Such changes are typical of “trench
foot.” This condition developed in soldiers who spent long periods of time in
waterlogged trenches during the First World War (1914–1918), frequently
causing gangrene that necessitated amputation.
➢ Alternatively, with sudden sharp drops in temperature, the vasoconstriction and
increased viscosity of the blood in the local area may cause ischemic injury and
degenerative changes in peripheral nerves.
Electrical Injury:
❖ The passage of electric current through the body may be without effect; may cause
sudden death by disruption of neural regulatory impulses, producing e.g. cardiac arrest;
or may cause thermal injury to organs interposed in the pathway of the current.
❖ The resistance of tissue & the intensity of current will affect the severity of injury, the
greater resistance, the greater the heat generated. e.g. dry skin will be more resistant
than wet skin. Thus, the electric current may cause only a surface burn of dry skin. The
electric current will be transmitted through the wet skin and may produce ventricular
fibrillation or respiratory paralysis.
❖ The thermal effects of the passage of electric current depend on its intensity, e.g. high
intensity current as lightening coursing along the skin, produces linear arborizing burns
known as lightening marks and when the current is conducted around the victim
(flashover) it causes blasting & disruption of clothing but with little injury. When
lightening is transmitted internally it will cause steaming & explosion of solid organs.
Injury Produced by Radiation:
❖ Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves or high-speed particles. It has a wide
range of energies that span the electromagnetic spectrum; it can be divided into
nonionizing and ionizing radiation.
❖ The energy of nonionizing radiation, such as ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light,
microwaves, and sound waves, can move atoms in a molecule or cause them to vibrate
but is not sufficient to displace electrons from atoms.
❖ By contrast, ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to remove tightly bound electrons.
Collision of these free electrons with other atoms releases additional electrons, in a
reaction cascade referred to as ionization.
❖ The main sources of ionizing radiation are (1) x-rays and gamma rays, which are
electromagnetic waves of very high frequencies, and (2) high-energy neutrons, alpha
particles (composed of two protons and two neutrons), and beta particles, which are
essentially electrons.
❖ The dose of ionizing radiation is measured in several units; e.g. Roentgen, Rad, Gray, …etc.
❖ In addition to the physical properties of the radioactive material & the dose, the biologic
effects of ionizing radiation depend on several factors:
➢ Dose rate: a single dose can cause greater injury than divided dose.
➢ Cell proliferation: since DNA is the most important subcellular target, rapidly
dividing cells (e.g. Hematopoietic cells, germ cells, GIT epithelium, ..etc) are more
radiosensitive than quiescent cells. Cells in G2 & mitotic phases of the cell cycle
are most sensitive.
➢ Field size: smaller doses delivered to larger fields may be lethal. A single dose of
external radiation administered to the whole body is more lethal than regional
doses with shielding.
➢ Vascular damage: damage to endothelial cells, which are moderately sensitive to
radiation, may cause narrowing or occlusion of blood vessels, leading to impaired
ble 8.7
healing, fibrosis, and chronic ischemic atrophy. Different cells subtypes differ in
the extent of their adaptive and reparative responses.
➢ Hypoxia: may reduce the extent of damage and the effectiveness of radiotherapy
directed against tumors. Since ionizing radiation produces oxygen-derived
radicals from the radiolytic cleavage of water, cell injury induced by x-rays &
gamma rays is enhanced by hyperbaric oxygen.
Injury Produced by Radiation - Acute Injury & Delayed Complications:
❖ The acute effect of ionizing radiation ranges from overt necrosis at high doses (>10 Gy),
killing of proliferating cells at intermediate doses (1-2 Gy), and no histopathologic effect
at doses less than 0.5 Gy.
❖ Cells usually shows adaptive & reparative responses to low doses of ionizing radiation
while extensive radiation induced DNA damage will lead to apoptosis.
❖ Cells which survive DNA damage, may show delayed effects as mutations, chromosomal
aberrations, and genetic instability, these cells will become malignant.
❖ Total body irradiation associated with three syndromes:
➢ Hematopoietic (200-500 rad): nausea, vomiting, lymphopnia,thrombocytopnia,
neutropnia, and later anemia.
➢ GIT (500-1000 rad): sever GIT symptoms including diarrhea, hemorrhage, emaciation,
and at higher doses ; death within days.
➢ Cerebral (>5000 rad): listlessness and drowsiness followed by convulsions, coma, and
death within hours.
Effects of ionizing radiation on DNA and their consequences:
❖ The effects on DNA can be direct or, most important, indirect, through free radical
❖ Ionizing radiation can cause many types of damage in DNA, including single-base damage,
single- and double-strand breaks, and crosslinks between DNA and protein.
❖ In surviving cells, simple defects may be reparable by various enzyme repair systems.
However, double-strand breaks may persist without repair, or the repair of lesions may
be imprecise (error prone), creating mutations. If cell-cycle checkpoints are not
functioning (for instance, because of mutations in TP53 ), cells with abnormal and
unstable genomes survive and may expand as abnormal clones to form tumors
Estimated Threshold Doses for
Acute Radiation Effects on Specific
Injury Produced by Radiation – Morphology:
❖ At the light microscopic level, vascular changes and interstitial fibrosis are prominent in
irradiated tissues. During the immediate postirradiation period, vessels may show only
dilation. Later, or with higher doses, a variety of degenerative changes appear, including
endothelial cell swelling and vacuolation, or even necrosis of the walls of small vessels
such as capillaries and venules.
❖ Affected vessels may rupture or undergo thrombosis. Still later, endothelial cell
proliferation and collagenous hyalinization with thickening of the media layer are seen in
irradiated vessels, resulting in marked narrowing or obliteration of the vascular lumina.