Skeletal System Peardeck Notes 1. What is the skeletal system made of ? 2. Adult bodies have ______ bones, while babies have _______ bones. 3. There are ____ bones in the axial skeleton, and _____ bones in the appendicular skeleton. 4. What two divisions make up the skeletal system ? 5. What are the bones of the axial skeleton ? 6. What are the bones of the appendicular skeleton ? 7. The skeletal system has two types of bones: 8. What are the 5 types of bones ? 9. What is cartilage ? What does it protect ? 10. Where is your skeleton if you have an endoskeleton ? 11.Where is your skeleton if you have an exoskeleton ? 12. What are the 5 functions of the skeletal system ? (Use one word). 13. The biggest bone in your body ? 14. The smallest bones in your body? 15. Bones require _______________ to pull them in order for you to move !!! 16. Joints are the places where _______ ________ meet. Examples of joints include _______ and _________. 17. Joints are held together by flexible connective tissue called _____________. 18. Broken bones are caused when the amount of __________ applied to the bone is greater than the bone can withstand. 19. Signs of a broken bone include: A. B. C. D. 20. You help to heal broken bones by: A. B. C. 21. You help to take care of your bones by: A. B. C.