Sifat Binta Alam Dr. A R M Mostafizar Rahman Professor Eng-5201 December 15, 2021 Function of Discourse Analysis Before jumping into the function of discourse analysis, we need to know what discourse analysis is. If it has to be known in a simple way, it may say that, discourse analysis is nothing but a method of analyzing a discourse and discourse means communicative action in the medium of language like “meaningful symbolic behavior” in any mode. According to discourse analysts, Discourse analysis can be written texts of all kinds, and spoken data from conversation to highly institutionalized forms of talk. Discourse Analysis: Discourse analysis is a method which is used in different both in qualitative and quantitative data. It is used to analysis different types of discourse like text, interview, any type of sign or picture and conversation as well. Before, traditional linguistic analyst thought that, discourse analysis can be used in only written documents but the thought has been changed now and discourse analysis can be used in any written or spoken data. We can use discourse analysis as a method of analyzing research material in any field of study such as linguistic, language, literature, social science and also socio-political phenomena of the text. Therefore, we can reach in the end of the tunnel of definition of discourse analysis is the scope of discourse analysis in the field of written and spoken data is vast. Function of discourse analysis: While analyzing a discourse we need to see how a particular sentence or text is different from others and also see the formation of words that can be simple, complex or compound. If we consider Elizabethan literature, we can notice a lot of coinage in those literature and if we analyze those literature, we often question the formation of these coinage about the writer’s choice. So, in analyzing those text, we are interested to analyze those coinage. When it comes to analyze a discourse, we have to go beyond the level of structure of the data as discourse analysis is more comprehensive and profound in its approach, what traditional grammar fails to do and from the failure discourse analysis starts from there. As discourse analysis is used to analyze oral data like interview, here the function of discourse analysis works to analyze not only the speech of the interview but also the gesture, posture, style of talking to find out the depth meaning or intention of these conversation. This one is also an important function of discourse analysis in modern era. Discourse analysis also emphasizes why people use different regional accent/ dialect in different context and how do we accommodate those in conversation. If we see an example, generally we see in Bangladeshi advertisement or drama, the characters use regional dialect to express their feelings. The function of discourse analysis is also used to analyze cultural rules and convention of communication. While analyzing a text, we try to know different cultural rule, connection, traditional values and try to find out what these conventions actually do in the text like different cultural norms in different countries/context. We also take into consideration the values, attitudes, ideology, assumption communicated through the text. We also want to know who the speakers are and their identity. If we don’t understand the speaker’s identity, we can’t able to understand their attitudes, values or ideology. Discourse analysis helps to understand the extra-linguistics issues where the traditional grammar fails to do that. Its function also helps to know the different method that interprets a text from different perspective, how language functions and how meaning differ from text to text and how to construct and deconstruct a text. It makes us understand the social groups and their approaches like different people from different culture with different geography area have different communicative style. We also found social and cultural aspects of language in discourse analysis. As I have said before the function of discourse analysis is vast, it also helps us to know how meaning is created or constructed as different interpretations use different perspective. Discourse analysis gives us multiple or multilayered meaning of text. It gives us hidden/in-depth/ indirect intention or communicative values of a text. As example: Are you tensed? Here, the traditional grammar interprets it in a way that it is a question by the speaker to the listener. But a discourse analyst interprets it in a way that may the listener looks something serious or looks nervous. So, here discourse analyst goes beyond the sentence structure level and find out the depth. The function of discourse analysis covers all the field of data with structure and organized way including depth analysis. So, if we want to get multiple meaning to see the in- depth of a text, we need to go for discourse analysis not tradition grammar which gives the only surface meaning. Work Cited McCarthy, Michael. Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Johnstone, Barbara. Discourse Analysis, 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing, 2008.