INTERNET OF THINGS IOT GROUP 1 GROUP MEMBERS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. RONALDO RODRIGUES (LEADER) - 1040617 AJAY PERSAUD - 1041429 EHIMEN EITOKPAH - 1041310 GELINA YHUN - 1040438 JADON ALLEYNE – 1041102 JOEL EDWARDS – 1040973 JOEL NOEL – 1041303 NERISSA HINDS - 1041904 What Is IoT? The internet of things (IoT) is a concept that involves the usage of physical yet internet-connected objects that interact across wireless networks. All IoT devices work on the same principle: they gather and communicate data from a device or sensor, process it in a server or processing unit, and then display the results on a user interface. Internet of things makes daily life easier by allowing devices to work together so that the user has more control over the technology in their facility What does IoT do? Internet of things makes daily life easier by allowing devices to work together so that the user has more control over the technology in their facility. Some uses of Internet of things today are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Smart lighting Smart parking Wearables Waste management Water conservation Fall detection Outdoor surveillance Energy management Motion detection Smart farming . Who uses IoT? Most if not all the technologies that fall under the internet of things are used by the general public this includes businesses, homeowners or citizens and government facilities. The research and development history of IoT, as well as its current stage of development? The first Advancement in the development of the Internet of Things was the ARPANET the Advance Research Project Agency Network in 1969.ARPANET was the earliest packet switching network to use TCP/IP. It was created by the US Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and was the main network of a series of networks that eventually became the worldwide Internet. The Second Advancement in the development of the Internet Of Things was the proposal of the framework of the worldwide web by Tim Berners Lee in 1989.In 1990, he developed the foundations for the Web: HTTP, HTML, the WorldWideWeb browser, a server, and the first website in order to manage documentation. The browser was released outside CERN to other research institutions starting in January 1991, and then to the general public in August 1991. The Web was a success at CERN and began to spread to other scientific and academic institutions. The research and development history of IoT, as well as its current stage of development? (Cont’d) The Third Advancement in the development of the Internet Of Things was Web 2.0. Darcy DiNucci, an information architecture consultant, invented the phrase "Web 2.0" in her January 1999 paper "Fragmented Future."Web 2.0 is thought to be useful since it makes it simple for people to publish their work, interact with others, and share and trade information. Wikis and blogs are considered Web 2.0. The focus of Web 2.0 is on user-generated and interactive content. Internet users could only read content on web pages prior to Web 2.0. Users can interact with the site and upload content using Web 2.0. The previous version, Web 1.0, merely allowed the website creator to write information. The Forth Advancement in the development of the Internet Of Things was social media. Social media began as a way for friends and family to engage, but it was eventually embraced by companies looking to take advantage of a popular new communication channel to reach out to customers. The capacity to connect and exchange information with anybody on the planet, or with many people at once, is the power of social media. The research and development history of IoT, as well as its current stage of development? (Cont’d) The Fifth Advancement in the development of the Internet Of Things was Machine to Machine. Machineto-machine, or M2M, is a general term that refers to any technology that allows networked devices to share information and conduct activities without the need for human intervention. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) enhance system communication and allow them to make independent decisions.M2M technology was originally used in manufacturing and industrial settings, whereas other technologies like SCADA and remote monitoring assisted in remotely managing and controlling data from equipment. M2M has subsequently found use in various industries such as healthcare, business, and insurance. M2M is also the underlying technology for the internet of things (IoT). What your recommendations would have been to the technology's innovators at the point of crossing the chasm, which could have resulted in a different outcome? My recommendations which would have been to the technology’s innovators of the Internet of Things which may have been at the point of crossing chasm would result in different aspects of the future. These may be different aspects on the product’s development: For example, cellphones may have been around for around quite some decades, and with every update or new arrival with new phones, there were always new and improved features about them. One important fact about them may be the time it took to develop phones. For instance, my recommendations would have been to introduce the idea of touch screen smartphones and other devices such as laptops, televisions, computers, tablets and even cash registers. Only around the late 2000s to early 2010s touch screen devices became insanely popular. What your recommendations would have been to the technology's innovators at the point of crossing the chasm, which could have resulted in a different outcome? (Cont’d) Another early innovator would’ve been better batteries, as making phones with better built-in hardware could easily stop batteries from falling out and potentially destroying the battery itself regarding the circumstances. As some phone companies may not prioritize the need for hardware and the phone’s stability it should be easily accessible but not easily removed. With current phones and other devices batteries are properly inducted and placed from high quality companies such as apple, Samsung and other high-tech industries which features great phone stability. Wireless charging may become more useful in the future and better presented in the tech industry, the reason why wireless charging may be so important is to promote better and easier charging access in a liable and easy space, imagine a futuristic smartphone with an infinite battery life because it gets charged using the wireless signals from other devices (for example, signals from a television tower). In other words, there’ll be no need for a conventional power source and less use for electricity in your homes, workplaces or any convenient place which supports wired charging access. References Ohri, A. (2021, March 8). 30 Best Internet Of Things Examples In 2021. Jigsaw Academy. Internet of Things (IoT) | What is IoT | How IoT Works | IoT Explained | Cognixia. (2019, April 10). YouTube. w Foote, K. D. (2022, March 18). A Brief History of the Internet of Things. DATAVERSITY. dde1