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Part 2 swot

SWOT Matrix Analysis Template
to achieving the objective
Internal origin
(attributes of the system)
External origin
(attributes of the environment)
Coconut oil can be stored and used for a maximum
of three months
It has a strong scent and unique savory flavor.
We have Employees’ loyalty
Easier to produce, since it is done using a machine
instead of manually
Strong Management- We have assembled a team
that has experience in all areas of the business and
embrace different disciplines.
Strong social media presence
Excellent customer service
Low production cost
• we are a new coconut oil production company and
we don’t have the financial capacity to engage in
the kind of publicity that we intend giving the
• Small sales team.
Loyal Customers – as customer are loyal, we have the
opportunity for our product to be sell all the time.
Tourism - as many tourists want to try our Belizean dishes;
one mostly known as Rice-bean, which many cooks use
coconut oil; we have the opportunity to increase sales for that
season and open branches at the islands (San Pedro, etc.).
Expand product selection; as there are other products from
coconut we merge into their production.
Partner with farmers to reduce ingredient cost and have a
stable coconut supply
Ever since the PUP came into power, one of their objectives
was to increase import tax on all imported products that are
similar to Belizean made products such as milk, oil, jam, etc.
This is an effort to help Belizean business grow into major
companies. Our opportunity here is to slightly lessen the price
of our coconut oil. In addition, advising the people about the
benefits of coconut oil will inform them about the advantages
over similar products. The slight decrease in price won't affect
our sales negatively, because more sale means more income.
Copied Formulation by new competition- at the
moment some of our coconut products are unique in
the market but formulation could be copied by
competitors who wish to join the market with
similar products.
Downturn in the economy-Downturn in the
economy may mean that people are spending less,
so they may prefer to use alternatives to some of our
coconut products.
Distribution cost increased- As government policies
changes it affects other business whose services are
require by Coconut Paradise, in this instance the
Fuel Service; as importation prices of petrol is
increased, our cost of distribution is the affected.
More demanding customers- Customers today have
become more demanding because they are wellinformed. Increased competition in the market gives
the customers a wider choice in purchasing better
qualit5y of goods and services.