Medications Medication MOA Type Indication Adverse Drug to Administratio Nursing Patient s Reactions Drug n Consideratio Teachin ns g Interaction s (Antineoplastic Alkylating Bone Marrow Follow safe Agent) Agent Suppression handling Nausea procedures when Bonds with Vomiting preparing, DNA,RNA Stomatitis administering, or and protein Alopecia dispensing this molecules Renal toxicity medication. leading to Gonadal impaired DNA suppression Chlorambucil For initial replication; therapy and resulting in short courses of cell death therapy, give (Kills cancer entire daily dose cells) at one time. Cell Cycle – Absorption is nonspecific decreased when taken with food. Monitor CBC Store tablets in refrigerator (Antineoplastic Antimetabolit Nausea Agent) e – inhibits Vomiting Methotrexate DNA Bone marrow replication Suppression and repair Stomatitis Renal toxicity Doxorubucin Cell Cycle – Hand-foot specific syndrome Antineoplastic Bone marrow Antibiotic – suppression Prevents Nausea RNA Vomiting Synthesis Alopecia Anorexia Vinicristine Tamoxifen Cell- Cardiac Toxicity nonspecific Red urine Mitotic Bone marrow inhibitor – suppression inhibits DNA Peripheral and protein neuropathies Synthesis Nausea/vomiting Hormone Hypercalcemia Modulator – Jaundice inhibits RNA Increased synthesis appetitie Feminization Sodium and fluid retention Nausea/vomiting Hot flashes Vaginal estrogen dryness Imatinib Cancer cell- Thrombocytopen specific agent ia GI hemorrhage Neutropenia (Antimetic Change To control Agents) responsiveness nausea and or vomiting Prochlorperazin stimulation e of the CTZ in the (phenothiazines medulla ) Metoclopramid Reduces Prevents e responsiveness nausea and to nerve cells vomiting (Non- in the CDZ phenothiazine) to circulating chemicals that induce vomiting Ondansetron Blocks the Controls receptors nausea and (5ht3 associated vomiting Receptor with nausea blocker) and vomiting in the CTZ and locally Hydroxyzine Suppress Used for (antihistamine) cortical areas nausea an of CNS vomiting or before obstetrical surgery