UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Experiment No. 5 SLING PSYCHROMETER DIZON, DYLLAN C. 20130134155 NME 412 – ME 1 Engr. Joselito H. Recio Instructor Date performed: September 20, 2017 Date submitted: October 14, 2017 I. OBJECTIVES II. To determine the dry bulb and wet bulb tours and various location inside the campus using the different types of instrument. To determine the relative humidity using (a) direct reading from the sling psychrometer; (b) computation/chart method using the determine values of dry bulb and wet bulb. To determine the % relative humidity using two methods. To determine who/then/there is significant difference in the dry bulb, wet bulb and RH for every location. To determine whether there is significant in error in RH using two methods. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Relative humidity is the ratio of the current absolute humidity to the highest possible absolute humidity (which depends on the current air temperature). A reading of 100 percent relative humidity means that the air is totally saturated with water vapor and cannot hold any more, creating the possibility of rain. This doesn't mean that the relative humidity must be 100 percent in order for it to rain -- it must be 100 percent where the clouds are forming, but the relative humidity near the ground could be much less. A hygrometer is a device used for measuring the humidity of air. The humidity of an air-water vapor mixture is determined through the use of psychrometric charts if both the dry bulb temperature (T) and the wet bulb temperature (Tw) of the mixture are known. These quantities are readily estimated by using a sling psychrometer. Humidity is simply water vapor in the air, which is needed to form rain. Additionally, water vapor holds heat in the air. It is a greenhouse gas, which means it is a can absorbs heat and warms the atmosphere. This is why humid air feels warmer. III. APPARATUS 1. Sling psychrometer - a sling psychrometer - consists of two thermometers mounted together with a handle attached on a chain. One thermometer is ordinary. The other has a cloth wick over its bulb and is called a wet-bulb thermometer. When a reading is to be taken, the wick is first dipped in water and then the instrument is whirled around. During the whirling, the water evaporates from the wick, cooling the wet-bulb thermometer. Then the temperatures of both thermometers are read. If the surrounding air is dry, more moisture evaporates from the wick, cooling the wet-bulb thermometer more so there is a greater difference between the temperatures of the two thermometers. Fig. 1 Sling Psychrometer 2. Portable hygrometer - A hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the water vapor in the atmosphere. Humidity measurement instruments usually rely on measurements of some other quantity such as temperature, pressure, mass or a mechanical or electrical change in a substance as moisture is absorbed. Fig. 2 Portable Hygrometer 3. Timer - A timer which counts upwards from zero for measuring elapsed time is often called a stopwatch. Fig. 3 Timer IV. PROCEDURE 1. Locate the areas would be conducted. where the experiment 2. Fig. 4 – Dr. Lucio Tan Bldg Fig. 5 ME Lab Calibrate the thermometers to be achieve an accurate result. 3. with a use of a piece of cloth, saturate it with a small amount of water, and wrapped it to the bulb of one thermometer attached in the hygrometer, and again with a use of piece of cloth, saturate it with a small amount of water, and wrapped it to the bulb of sling psychrometer. 4. Using timer, set 3 minutes for each area, and apply a centrifugal force on the sling psychrometer to determine the wet and dry bulb reading of the area. For the hygrometer, set also 3 minutes to determine the wet and dry bulb temperature. Fig. 5 Applying Centrifugal Force 5. After 3 minutes, record the reading in the sling psychrometer, and hygrometer. 6. The same procedure is done for the remaining areas. 7. After gathering all the data, determine the relative humidity using (a) direct reading from the sling psychrometer; (b) computation/chart method using the determine values of dry bulb and wet bulb. V. DATA A. DATA TABLE Area TYK Blg. ENG Blg. L. Tan Blg. A. Office GYM Wet Bulb Dry Bulb 81 85 80 83 79 82 79 79 79 81 Sling Psychrometer Wet Wet Wet Bulb Bulb Bulb Dry Dry Dry Bulb Bulb Bulb 82 83 82 87 88 85 78 80 78 84 84 83 79 80 80 81 82 82 79 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 79 82 82 80 Wet Bulb Dry Bulb 80 83 80 84 80 83 78 80 80 80 Wet Bulb Dry Bulb 27 30 27 28 27 29 27 28 27 28 Portable Hygrometer Wet Wet Wet Bulb Bulb Bulb Dry Dry Dry Bulb Bulb Bulb 27 27 27 30 30 30 27 27 27 28 28.5 39 27 27 27 29 29 29 27 27 27 28 28 28 27 27 27 28 28 28 Wet Bulb Dry Bulb 27 30 26 28 27 29 27 28 26 29 Table 1 – Data As you can see from the table 1, all the data is recorded and tabulate to visualize the final result of the experiment. As you can see, from the area of TYK blg. up to the GYM, the data in the wet bulb temperature in the portable hygrometer are a bit higher than the recorded data in the wet bulb temperature in the sling psychrometer. The same thing happens in the data from the dry bulb temperature. As you can see, the data in the dry bulb temperature in the portable hygrometer are a bit higher than the recorded data in the dry bulb temperature in the sling psychrometer. Graph for Table 1 GRAPH 2 - PORTABLE HYGROMETER 200 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 Portable Hyrgrometer Area Portable Hyrgrometer Wet Bulb Dry Bulb Portable Hyrgrometer Wet Bulb Dry Bulb Portable Hyrgrometer Wet Bulb Dry Bulb Portable Hyrgrometer Wet Bulb Dry Bulb Portable Hyrgrometer Wet Bulb Dry Bulb As you can see from graph 2 shows the resulting data of wet bulb and dry bulb temperature in the portable hygrometer. This graph shows how the measured data from wet bulb and dry bulb in the portable hygrometer changes over a period of time. As you can see almost all the measured temperature in the wet and dry bulb are the same in each area where the experiment conducted. B. Area TYK Blg. Relative Humidity 71.5 Using Sling Psychrometer Relative Relative Relative Relative Humidity Humidity Humidity Humidity 71 71.5 79 70 Average RH 72.6 ENG Blg. L. Tan A. Blg. Office 79 79 79 86 84 81.4 70 66 68 64 70 67.7 65 66 66 73 67 67.4 GYM 77 64 64 62 63 66 Table 2 – Relative humidity in sling psychrometer In the table 2 shows the relative humidity using sling psychrometer. As you can see the in the data above the average relative humidity in all areas from the TYK Blg. up to the GYM all the data is not the same this is because the temperature in all areas is not the same that causes in changes in relative humidity. GRAPH 2 - RELATIVE HUMIDITY USING SLING PSYCHROMETER GYM A. Office L. Tan Blg. ENG Blg. TYK Blg. 0 10 20 30 40 Using Sling Psychrometer Relative Humidity Using Sling Psychrometer Relative Humidity Using Sling Psychrometer Relative Humidity Area TYK Blg. ENG L.Blg. Tan Blg. A. Office GYM Relative Humidit 80 79 68.5 69 71.6 50 60 70 80 90 100 Using Sling Psychrometer Relative Humidity Using Sling Psychrometer Relative Humidity Using Sling Psychrometer Average RH Using Portable Hygrometer Relative Relative Relative Humidity Humidit Humidit 80 80 80 81.4 85 82 66 69 68 64 63 66 71.6 69 71 Relative Humidit 77 82 66 68 71.6 Average RH 79.4 81.88 67.5 66 71 In the graph 2 shows how the relative humidity in different areas changes when the temperature changes over a period of time. In the ENG building the relative humidity is high because the temperature is low resulting in high humidity, and some areas like GYM the temperature is high resulting in low humidity. Table 3 – Relative humidity using hygrometer In the table 3 shows the relative humidity using portable hygrometer, as you can see the average humidity in all areas is not the same, this is because the temperature in each area is not the same resulting in different relative humidity. As you can see the ENG building have highest relative humidity and the lowest is the A. office. In the ENG building the temperature is low and in the A. office the temperature is high. GRAPH 3 - RELATIVE HUMIDITY USING HYGROMETER TYK Blg. 8079 6971.6 68.5 ENG Blg. 8081.4 71.6 6664 L. Tan Blg. 85 80 69 69 63 A. Office 8082 686671 GYM 82 81.88 79.4 77 71.6 68 67.56671 66 In the graph 3 shows the changes of the relative humidity over a period of time and also it shows when the changes in the temperatures occurs it will result in change in relative humidity too. VI. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION A sling psychrometer can be used to find relative humidity, which is expressed as a percentage. It is computed by multiplying the amount of moisture in the air at a given temperature, dividing by the maximum amount of moisture the air could contain at that same temperature, and then multiplying the quotient by 100. The dew-point temperature is always lower than the dry-bulb temperature, unless the air is saturated, in which case they are identical. Also, the wet-bulb temperature is higher than the dewpoint temperature, except when the air is saturated; in that case, the two are equal. Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor starts to condense out of air that is cooling, whereas wet-bulb temperature represents how much moisture the air can evaporate. A sling psychrometer consists of two thermometers. One is a wet bulb and the other is a dry bulb. To make a wet-bulb thermometer, wrap a piece of white, porous cloth which has been soaked in water around the bulb of one of the thermometers and secure it with a rubber b and or twine. Use a screw to attach the thermometers to the wooden dowel, with the spacer between the thermometers and the washers between the screw head and top thermometer and the bottom thermometer and dowel, in order that they can be circulated around a point, allowing air movement across each bulb. Safety glasses should be worn while twirling the sling psychrometer. Whirling the wetbulb thermometer causes the water on the wet cotton to evaporate. This evaporation cools the bulb of the wet-bulb thermometer. The drier the ambient air, the more evaporation can take place. This is why you feel more comfortable on a day with lower humidity. If the humidity is lower, more evaporation of perspiration from your skin can occur. Thus, you’ll feel cooler even though the dry-bulb temperature may be exactly the same as that on a more humid day. The hygrometer is also a temperature reading instrument this instrument used to get both wet and dry bulb temperature. The hygrometer looks like a thermometer with mercury inside of it. VII. REFERENCE Helmenstine, P. A. (n.d.). This Is How to Calculate Percent Error. Retrieved October 12, 2017, from Maxwell Science. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2017, from