Weather and Climate Objective Sheet 1. State the relationship between temperature and relative humidity. Give examples of the importance of this relationship. 2. Explain what air pressure is, what causes it, and what factors influence it. 3. Explain what causes wind. 4. Draw and explain a diagram of Earth showing the air pressure belts and prevailing wind directions. (Hint – see the back of this page!) 5. Describe the three conditions that generally cause rain. 6. Describe and explain causes of daily fluctuations in weather factors. 7. Describe examples of local conditions affecting breezes. 8. Explain the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming. 9. Explain the Ozone problem. 10. Vocabulary: atmosphere relative humidity saturated air pressure vacuum groundwater Horse Latitudes Trade Winds dew point psychrometer barometer convection Corilois Effect run-off Polar Easterlies weather front condensation evaporation monsoon hydrologic cycle Doldrums Roaring Forties