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hp printer offline fix....

If status of your HP printer changes from HP Printer offline fix to online, then this issue is appropriately resolved.
In case, if it still shows “offline”, then users should move on to the next section.
Option 4 - Check your connection
Nevertheless, how your HP printer is connected to your device, there are still various reasons for printer of showing
offline status. If users are using a USB cord to connect, then they should ensure that it is safe and sound in place. If
offline issue still persists then users should consider using a different USB cord.
If users are using a wireless network in connecting to printer then they should follow these steps: Firstly, users are advised to restart their printer by turning it off. Now, they should wait for 10 seconds, and then do
disconnect the power cord from their printer.
Next, do turn off your computer
Now, users should connect the printer power cord to the printer and then turn the printer back on
Thereafter, users should disconnect the power cord from their wireless router
Next, do wait for 10 seconds, before reconnecting it
Now, this will take a few minutes for your internet to come back on
Whenever it connects back, do power on your computer
Next, users are supposed to use the HP wireless setup wizard or the HP Smart software, and then they should
connect their printer to their network
Now, do print a wireless report to see what type of connectivity issues are still existing
Finally, users can find this report in the Network settings or the Wireless menu of their printer.
If HP Printer offline still persists, then it’s a job for your network administrator or router manufacturer.
The connection issues can be assumed to be too complicated to be identified beyond these steps and
so it’s always advised to consult HP technical professionals, if offline problem persists.
Trying printing from another device
The user should to try printing from a different device (mobile phone or laptop), if they think that offline
issues are due to printer errors, a malfunctioned connection can be device-specific. Therefore, users
are advised to connect their HP printer to another computer and see, if this issue is resolved
appropriately. If it resolves issue then then printer is not problem for offline issues.
For Windows 10 users
Firstly, users are recommended to use the search box or ask Cortana to open Devices
Next, they should select Printers & scanners
Users should ensure that the box next to “Let Windows manage my default printer” is unchecked.
Next, do click the box to unselect it, if required.
Now, users are supposed to choose their printer from the provided list.
In case, if your HP printer offline is listed multiple times, then do appropriately sellect the version
which is showing an idle or online status
Next, do click Manage
Lastly, do click Set as default
For Windows 8 users
First of all, users should select their printer from the devices shown. If its shows more than one
version, then users should choose the version which is not aged out. Next, do right-click and then
select “Set as default printer.”