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SSG Variation & Gaelic Football: Strength & Performance

An examination into the effect of small sided
games variation on changes in muscular
strength and physical performance
parameters in Gaelic football players
Purpose of the study
To evaluate the effect of SSG variation on changes of muscular strength as a
measure of induced fatigue, and physical performance parameters within GF.
The why?
SSG within GF has become a very popular training method because of the aerobic
and anaerobic benefits and the large number of technical interaction involved and
decision- making scenarios for players; making them highly specific to the game
With SSG there are important implications for training design as fatigue expression
is task specific. The literature shows different SSG design changes (size, number of
players and rules influences workloads and running performance).
A greater understanding on the physiological effects of SSG interventions on
muscular fatigue will enable coaches to structure specific training towards
competition and help practitioners in game a return to play model for sports
injury rehabilitation.
Study Design
• This statistical analysis will be used to
understand the main effect of the format type
(SSG - G or SSG P) and the number of players
involved (5,7, or 9 a side) on the physical
parameters and on muscular fatigue.
• SSG G – Games based
• SSG P – Possession based
The research study proposes to recruit 12 -16
Gaelic football (GF) players. All players will
conduct 6-8 sessions over a 4-week period
Game Design
• SSG consisting of subjects participating in SSG with different
pitch dimensions, playing numbers and formats will be
performed in a 3-minute continuous game regime for 4 bouts
separated by 1-minute rest intervals.
• Each drill will be under the supervision, coaching and
motivation of several coaches.
• In case of the ball being played put of play, an extra ball will
always be available for a prompt replacement to ensure game
flow is not disrupted. All intervention sessions will be
conducted at the same time of day and separated by at least
48 hours. Each team will have an equal distribution of skilled
players, which the coaching.
• SSG = Small sided game
Game Design Continued
Each team will have an equal distribution of skilled
players, which the coaching staff will determine.
Multiple SSGs will be played concurrently to ensure all
players are active simultaneously, meaning that
additional players from the squad will be included to
make up the numbers.
Firstly small-sided games played with goalkeeper and
regular goals (SSG-G) and then a collective possession
only game (SSG-P) will be played where the objective
is to keep the ball for longer than the opposing team
avoiding turnover
Games format.
• A total of 4 x 3 minutes bouts of one SSG will be
played per session, with two different SSGs formats
being played each same week
Hamstring Testing
• Intervention protocols and measures 1. Maximal
Isometric strength. Maximal voluntary isometric
contraction (MVIC) for the hamstring muscle group
will be tested on the dominant limb at 90° and 30°
knee flexion (KF).
• The selection of tests is based on integrated
electromyographic activity of biceps femoris
musculature being shown to be maximally activated
between 15° and 30° of KF, while the
semimembranosus and semitendinosus
musculature are maximally activated between 90°
and 105°. The test will be completed using a Nord
Physical Performance
• The GPSs attached to the players will provide information about the total
distance covered during the game (DT), the maximum speed (Vmax), average
speed (V mean), sprint number, sprint distance, and accelerations post
baseline testing and pre (post training isometric strength test in each SSG’s
different dimensions. The distance covered
• in each 1 of the 6 locomotor categories will be provided with the following
speed ranges: standing (0–0.5 km/h), walking (0.5–7 km/h), easy running (7–
14 km/h), fast running (14–18 km/h), high-speed running (18–21 km/h), and
sprinting (.21 km/h). The actions above 18 km/h (high-speed running and
sprinting) will be grouped and defined as high intensity running. In the same
way, the GPS devices will register the maximum acceleration peaks and the
number of accelerations of the players in different ranges of intensity: 1.2–
2.5 (zone 1), 2.5–3.5 (zone 2), and above.3.5 m/s (zone 3).
Small Sided games
• An examination into the effect of different (SSG) on
physical performance parameter and strength in
Gaelic football players
Testing Process, benefits and
• Are there any benefits from taking part?
• The participant may benefit from receiving information and
individual feedback from the data collection and the
researcher. The information obtained may provide valuable
information to the participant in their education towards
optimising preparation towards GF and players will also
benefit from the improved conditioning and development
of energy systems and increased number of technical
executions of GF skills being performed in SGG. The
interventions are widely supported in current literature
particularly in the prescription of SSG as a training
intervention in GAA , AFL, and Soccer.
• How much time will be needed to take part in the study
and the research project?
• The total commitment is 10-12 hours. Each participant is
asked to arrive 15 minutes early to each training session for
the course of the 6 weeks. The testing time and training
intervention will last between 25 and 35 minutes each