" .fttr ~\~ UCSEC CSEPhysics c. June 2013 P1 -2- 1. 'fbe unit of electrical resistance may be expressed as (B) (C) (D) 3. (A) (B) (C) (D) 6. One gram is equal to (A) (B) (C) (D) A slice of bread is squeezed into a little ball. Which quantity doe:<:: NOT rh:inge? 10 = 1 V.A 1 1.0 = 1 A.V J.Q = 1 A.V 1 1.0 = 1 W.A 1 (A) 2. 5. 10 :r_nilligrams 100 milligrams 1 000 milligrams A boy measured the height of the laboratory table with a metre rule. Which of the following is MOST likely to be correct? (A) (B) -(C) (D) 10 000 milligrams Mass Volume Density Width 0.00895 m 0.0895 rn 0;895 m 8.95 m When used in front ofa unit the prefix 'mega' means 7. JQ+6 (A) (B) (C) (D) 10+3 10·3 1Q-6 An object of mass, m, is attached to a spring balance and its weight, w, recorded. What will be the result if the object is taken to the moon and weighed there where the gravitational field strength is less? (A) (B) Item 4 refers to the relationship represented by the lfue through Q and S in the diagram below. (C) (D) Mass = m; weight greater than w Mass= m; weight less than w Mass greater than m; weight= w Mass less than m; weight= w y 8. Which of the following will be constant, if a constant net force is applied to a body? (A) (B) (C) (D) R Q 4. i x When x = 0, the value ofy is (A) ' Velocity Kinetic energy Momentum Acceleration Q (B) s (C) (D) p i tlR ! ' -3- .·~.,~_ -. , Item 9 refers to the following diagram which shows a simple extension, x /Force, F graph for a light spring. 10. The diagrams below, awn to scale, represent:'.' two forces, Sand T, cting"at 0. In which of the following is the sultant in the direction, OX? (A) ---------------------· x 0 T (B) 75 9. Which of true? I. IL III. (A) (B) (C) (D) FIN T the following statements would be (C) s The elastic limit of the spring was exceeded. The spring obeyed Hooke's law over its entire extension. The force per unit extension in the elastic region was 7.5 N cm· 1• I only I and III only II and III only I, II and III (D) 0 T 11. Which of the follow· g expressions could be used to find the spee of an object? .. (A) (B) Chan e in Time taken Chan e in Timetalcen LC) Distance tr Time taken (D) Distance tra elled x Time taken -4- 12. Which of the following· is the unit of momentum? 15. · ·· A coconut falls from a tree. Which of tlw velocity/time graphs below BEST represents . ~f(' "''°"''"'ti"'t1 - -- ----- ~-~--;; (A) (B) (C) (D) 13. kgs· kgm s· 1 kgm s·2 Nm (A) ..,;'T"' ~--- .,.t=:>C"'iC"+".'.'.l't""l"P - ----~ __.._., .... ..., y x (B) (C) (D) -~ ._~ t (B) t (C) (A) ic- .... p,....1o,...+orl'41 __ ,_o._ . . . . .... ...-. v A hydroelectric power station uses a renewable source of energy, X. This energy raises water to the top of a mountain so that it has gra:vitational potential energy. As the water runs down the mountain, it turns a turbine which converts Y energy into Z energy. Which set of answers for X, Y and Z is correct? 14. ~.f -- 1 Electrical Solar Geothermal Chemical potential kinetic potential kinetic v z kinetic electrical electrical electrical 0 (D) t v Power can be defined as (A) (B) (C) (D) 0 force x distance moved force time work done time work done x time 16. A bubble of gas rises to the surface of a soft drink. This is because the (A) (B) (C) (D) ., t upthrust on the bubble is greater than the weight of the bubble upthrust on the bubble is greater than the weight of water it displaces weightofthewaterdisplaced by the bubble is less than the weight of the bubble density of the gas is greater than the density of the drink . . 00 ON TO TIIB NEXT PAGE - 5- .:-:,. ·\j. ' ' . Item 17 refors to the diagram below w..hich shows two d.ifferent sized coptainers witl). water at di.ffere~ti'• levels connected by a glass tube and controlled by a tap. ··· · .. ~" p 17. Wheb the tap is opened, water will flow from P to Q until (A) (B) (C) (D) 18. Q . the level of Q is at X cont~iner P is empty the level of Pis at Y the water depths of P and Qare equal A solid object, X, floats in mercury and sinks in water. A solid object, Y, floats in both mercury and water. 20. There me NO afuajve forces between the molecules in a I (A) Which of the following is true about X and Y? (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Xis less dense than Y. X and Y are both denser than water. X and Y are both denser than mercury. Xis more dense than Y. • 19. A piece of string is tied onto a small stone and the stone is then suspended, totally immersed, in wat!?r. The tension in the string will be (A) (B) . (C) (D) 21. The specific heat capacity of a material is the energy required to J (A) (B) (C) zero ~s.11:!! -t.:c -f.:l:e ";v~!g!!t 8f ~te s~:Jr... e less than the weight of the stone more than the weight of the stone liquid and g~s solid and a llquid liquid gas {D) melt 1 kg o ·the material with no change ofltemperature change theltemperature of the material by 1 K change 1 kg of the liquid material to 1 kg of gas without a change in temperature change the temperature of 1 kg of the material by 1 K . -622. In 1he pressure law which of the following statements would be true? II. III. Ratio of pressure to Kelvin temperature is constant. Volume is constant. Pressure is constant. (A) (B) (C) (D) I only Ill only I and II only I, II and III I. 25. · Some molten naphthalene at 100 °C is • allowed to cool down to room temperature. ~'!' ::::z:;::~:.z..lc;,-,c, ::.z.s c.. ,r,t~L~hg porn1 01 80 °C, which of the following graphs BEST represents the cooling curve? (A) 0/°C 100 80 Umin 23. Which ofthe following statements concerning the radiation of heat would be true? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) 24. (B) Radiation can only take place in a material medium. A good absorber is also a good emitter of radiation. Dark dull surfaces are better emitters than shiny ones. 0/°C 100 80 t/min (C) 9/°C 100 80 III only I and II only I and III only TI and III only t/min (D) An electric kettle full ofwater is plugged into 0/°C 100 80 the mains. The process by which heat travels through the water is (A) (B) (C) (D) t/min electrification convection evaporation radiation 26. The specific latent beat of vapourization of water is the energy required to change 1 kg of water at (A) (B) (Cj (D) 0 cc to ice at 0 cc 99.9 cc to steam at 100.1 °C 100 cc to steam at 100 °C O cc to steam at 100 °C 00 ON TO TR'P 1'mV'T' l>.A n'R • -727. Item 29 refers to the following diagram. . ~- rn~!~L.9f n:.~~.s,_ rri~ r~q1J~[<?.,S.. l?,_~~rgy, E, to ... raise· its temperature from T1 to Tr The specific heat capacity of the metal will be given by Direction of propagation s Displacement (A) __£__ mT2 (B) from origin Em (T1 -T) 29. (C) (D) 28. E m(T1 -T) (C) (D) II. III. Points P, Q and R are in phase. Points S and T are out of phase. The wavelength of the wave is the distance PR. (A) (B) (C) (D) I only II only I and II only II and III only I. E · m(T2 -T) The spreading of a wave into the region behind an obstruction is called (A) (B) Which of the following statements about the wave shown in the diagram above is/are true? diffraction refraction superposition interference 30. If sounds of differing :frequencies are played in succession, in which of the following would a change be detected? (Assume ·amplitude constant.) (A) · (B) (C) (D) 31. Loudness Speed Pitch Wavelength An explosion causes the emission of the following types of radiation. I. IT. III. Light Sound Infra-red Which of these will be received first by a person SO'm"' rJic::t<i.rir::~ """':' £':')'2". ~2'--= s::'..:::::;? (A) (B) (C) (D) I and II only I and III only Il and ID orily I, II and m -8- . 32. . · . Avibrator on a ripple tank sends waves over the water. The vibrator is now adjusted so that the number of waves created each second is doubled. The waves would now '.·; /\ travel at half the original speed travel at twice the original speed have twice the original wave length have half the original wave length (A) (B) (C) (D) 33. Item 35 refers to the following diagram: A ray oflight in air strikes a glass block at an angle of incidence of 0°. The light will be 35. undeviated totally reflected refracted at 90"to normal refracted at an unkiiown angle (A) (B) (C)(D) The diagram above shows a beam of white light being dispersed (R-Red, V-Violet) by a prism to form a visible spectrum. Which of -the fol-low.ing makes this possible? I. 34. In a longitudinal wave, the particles II. (A) remain stationary move forward with the speed ofthe wave move backwards and forwards parallel to the direction of travel of the wave move from side to side, perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave (B) (C) (D) III. IV. The colour violet has the shorter wavelength, hence refracts more than colour red. The colour red has the longer wavelength, hence refracts less than colour violet. The colour violet has the longer wavelength, hence refracts more than colour red. The colour red has the shorter wavelength, hence refracts more than colour violet. (A) I and II only (B) I and IV only II and III only III and IV only (C) (D) • ' 00 ON TO THE NEXT PAOE • - 9- ·<. ~· 36. Which of the follo'wing would be true of the image of an object placed at the bottom of a tank of water and viewed vertically from above? W1iich of the following diagrams i:epres(!rits ... . . . ., the magnetic field existing between two:· opposite magnetic poles? (A) It is virtual. I. II. III. It is diminished. It is nearer to the eye than the object. (A) (B) I only I andH only I and III only II and III only (C) (D) 37. 39. -\~. .,. N s N s N s (B) . For which of the following object distances will a convex lens of focal length 18 cm produce a real image? I. II. m. (A) (B) (C) (D) (C) 15 cm 36cm 54cm I only I and II only II and III only I, II and III . (D) 38. s When a polythene rod is rubbed with a cloth, it becomes (A) (B) (C) (D) positively charged by gaining protons negatively charged by gaining electrons positively charged by gaining 'electrons negatively charged by losing protons 40. Which of the following relationships between electrical quantities is correct? (A) V=PI (B) R= VI (("\ ' -, (D) E ,.,.,=v :.::. E=VI GO ON TO TiiE NEXT PAGE • - 10 - 41. Which of the following options gives the correct coknir code for electrical wiring? NEUTRAL EARTH Blue Blue Green/yellow Brown Green/yellow Green Brown Blue 45. In domestic installation systems, which of:(he following should be placed in the live wir~? I. m. Switches Circuit breakers Fuses (A) (B) (C) (D) I only III onty II and III only I, II and ID II. (A) (B) (C) (D) 42. Brown Red Blue Green Which of the following could NOT be a unit · of current? 46. wv .(A) 1 (!!) vw- 1 (C) (D) C s- 1 In which of the following diagrams are resistors P and Q in series with each other and parallel with R? cs p_/\_,Q (A) 43. Which of the following equations CANNOT be used to determine the power dissipated in a resistor? (A) p::;:J2R (B) P= °V.i R (C) P=VI (D) P=!!_ ~ R p (B) Q (C) 44. c v2 ~ Q (D) The refractive index of a transparent medium with a critical angle, c, for light travelling from the medium to air is • (A) l. c 47. (B) 90° sine (C) sin 90° sine (D) smc Which of the following equations is NOT correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) lC=lAxls lV=lAxlD. lJ=ICxlV lW=lVxlC • GO ON TO 11iE NEXT PAGE - 11 48. ··., .. Item 50 refers to t~~ foll(J_wing diagr_alil. _ Which oft]:ieJoUowing graphs illustrates an . ALTERNATING current? . . Current (A) t Current (B) 50. 0 Time Which of the circuits below could prod-ere the voltage-time graph shown in the diagram above when the ends of the resistor are connected? Current (C) 0 (A) 11 Time Current (D) (B) Item 49 refers to the diagram below. (C) (D) 49. Two light aluminium spheres, A and B, are suspended by insulating threads. If they come to rest as shown in the diagram, the force keeping them apart is lAJ (B) ( C) (D) grav1tat1onai electrostatic magnetic centripetal GOONTOTimNEXTPAGE ·.r; - 12 51. Aconductor, rotating i~a unilo1Jll :i::i;ta_gnetic field, induces maxi um· instantaneous current when the condu tor cuts the magnetic iield lines at (A) (B) (C) (D) 52. ·.... .53. 30° A wire carrying a current in a magnetk,-;. field may experience a forQe. Which of the~·· fol]owin!r dpvi~e<:> d0i::: '!'-TIJT ~e;e::.::! ::::. ~:..:.:: force? (A) (B) (C) (D) 45° 90° 180° of follo1ng Which the diagrams is a representatiqn ofthe c ent/p.d. relationship for a metallic condu tor at a constant temperature? 54. ., ::·· Loudspeaker Electric motor Moving coil galvanometer 'J Electromapet Which of the following statements about alternating current is true? (A) {B) (A) -....., (C) (D) It can be rectified by using a semiconductor diode. It can be changed into direct current by a transformer. It can be used to recharge a battery. It can be used to transmit electrical energy because of its high frequency. ·~. j" ~ : <· f .. 55. (B) The Rutherford model of the atom suggests that an atom consists of a (A) (B) (C) (D) I solia mass ofprotons and electrons nucleus of protons only with orbiting electrons nucleus of equal numbers of neutrons and electrons with orbiting protons nucleus of protons and neutrons with orbiting electrons (C) • (D) v 56. The number of neutrons present in the nucleus of the nuclide ;~2 Rn is (A) , (B) (C) (D) 86 136 222 308 GO ON TO Tim NEXT PAOB : ' - 13 - 57. An isotope of ziric has a midi de which can 59. be represented as ~Zn . The number of electrons in a neutral atom is (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following ·statements about a proton is NOT correct? (A) 30 34 64 94 (B) (C) (D) 58. Which of the :(olloviing scientists discovered. radium? (A) (B) (C) (D) Marie Curie 'Isaac Newton Albert Einstein J: J. Thompson 60. .It is a hydrogen atom minus an electron. It has the same mass as that of an electron. It has a mass about 2 000 times that of an electron. It has a charge equal in size but opposite in sign to that of an electron. Which of the following are definitions of the term 'half-life' of radioactive nuclide? I. II. III. (A) (B) (C) (D) The time taken for the activity of any given sample to fall to half .its original value. The time taken for half the nuclei present in any given sample to decay. It is half the average number of disintegrations per second. I and ll only I and III only II and III only I, II and ID END OFTEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. .....