Uploaded by Sheila Craig

Classroom Management Plan: Teacher's Guide

Classroom Management Plan:
In order to have a successful classroom and students, several things must happen and be put in
place for these things to happen. The teacher must establish rules and attitudes to ensure not only
the wellbeing of the students but to ensure their success in and out of the classroom. The
classroom must be welcoming, safe and engaging for all students.
I believe that in order for the students to strive and grow within the classroom and outside of
school, there are several goals and management tools that I would have in place within my
classroom. I want the students to immediately feel safe and welcomed when they walk into my
classroom, I believe students work better in a friendly, non-judgment environment. I believe that
my classroom should be fun and engaging while at the same time still has structure and
organization. I want to be friendly with the students, in the sense that they can talk to me and
share their thoughts and feelings but at the same time, I am not their friend, I am their teacher but
I will only ever want what is best for them. I will treat them with respect and I hope to be treated
with respect in turn.
Philosophical Statement:
There are several ways for me to ensure my classroom is run as I have stated previously. I would
like my room to be welcoming, inviting and engaging for the kids. The students will know where to
find work to be done and where to turn it in once completed. They will easily be able to find
materials and extra work if they have finished their required work for the day. The kids will respect
each other as well as me or any other teacher, and they will talk politely and use their manners in
the classroom. I believe getting the kids involved is a great tool and therefore as a class, we will
discuss proper behavior and the classroom rules together, and then display the rules on the wall
for everyone to see. I would set up the desks once I learn more about my students and how they
learn and interact with the other students, especially if I am teaching special education, I would
have a few clusters of desks for the children who can handle being in a group and then a few
individual desks for those students who need space to complete their work. I would like my room
to be clutter free and well organized and laid out, not too much on the wall but still pleasing and
comforting to the students. I would have a corner of the room with a couch and some fluffy pillows
for the kids to relax and regroup if they are having a bad day. I want the room to be a safe place for
their creative minds to roam free. There would be no judgment in the classroom, no one would
know the other kids grades and there would be no wrong questions in my classroom. I would want
my students to listen with their ears and their hearts.
Classroom Procedures:
I want to be consistent with my students in terms of Classroom Procedures. I always want to have
the agenda on the board so they can copy it down in their notebook everyday as they walk in. On
some days I hope to have a free-writing assignment so I can take role and they can be engaged and
working on their writing. I will use interactive notebooks so students can do all homework
assignments in the notebook as well as take class notes in the notebook and staple in any
handouts. The purpose of this notebook is to keep all class materials in one place so when they go
to study for a test, they are not looking all over for loose papers. In these notebooks, students can
show their creativity in designing a cover page for each unit as well as doing free-writes or
reflections to the lessons and central questions right in the notebook. I will go around the room
and stamp the homework each day it is due and will collect the notebooks every two or three
weeks to grade. Even if the student did not get the homework done, they may lose a point because
they did not have a stamp, but still has time to get the assignment done by collection time. By
stamping the homework and not grading it, it adds consistency to the classroom but does not lead
to negative feelings every day of having the homework graded.