64 Appendix C: Adult Health I Head-to-toe Assessment Grading Criteria (QSEN: PCC, IN, QI, TC, SCY) (CLO: 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13) NAME: General- 3 points Correctly Assessed Wash hands, introduce yourself, Identify your client X2, check for allergies, explain procedure, note VS Neuro/Head- 4 points Orientation x4 (place, month, self, situation) PERRL- if follows commands accommodation and tracking Inspect scalp, face (mucous membranes), neck (midline, JVD), smile symmetry, tongue movement Integumentary- 4 points Color, temp, intactness Intactness Lumps, bumps, contusions Cap refill, skin turgor Chest- 4 points Inspect Auscultate 4 cardiac areas (found by palpation), apical pulse (full minute) Respiratory Status (field of respirations 4 levels on front, 5 levels on back, 2 levels each side) Note abnormals (heart sounds, adventitious breath sounds, accessory muscles, rate, rhythm, etc) GI- 4 points Inspect Auscultate x 4 quads (in correct order) Palpate BM (last time, color, consistency, amount) GU- 2 points Note mode of urination (up with assist, foley, incontinent, etc) Describe urination (color, amount, appearance, odor, etc) Musculoskeletal/Extremities- 4 points 64 65 MAE Purposely x 4 (if follows commands) pulses x 4 Edema (pitting, non-pitting, bilateral, anasarca, etc.) Hand grip, pushes and pulls present x 4 (if follows commands) Extra Equipment or Tubing- 2 points NG (nare’, suction setting, characteristics of secretions) IV sites, PICC lines, Central lines, etc.(size, type, location, placement date, patency, etc ) Oxygen (type, # of liters) SCD’s Feeding Tubes Medication infusing (gtt rates, compatibility, etc) Other Ask Pertinent Questions (if verbal) and Collect Subjective Data- 2 points Pain Nausea/vomiting Psychosocial (anxiety, nervousness, depression, family involvement) Total Points /29 65