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Christian Eschatology & Sin Lecture Notes

성경강연회 4일차
금요일 시험 범위
암송을 활용한 스토리보드
Signs of the End Time
Our generation witnesses all the signs that will come to pass before Jesus' Second Coming (Mt 24:3)
False Christ : Self-proclaimed Jesus will increase in number and many will be deceived (Mt 24:4 - 5)
Famine and Earthquake : There will be famines all over the world, and earthquakes will skyrocket (Mt 24:7-8)
Epidemic and Terrorism : Epidemic will increase in number, and there will fear of terrorism (Lk 21:11)
Signs of Sky and Sea : Meteorites will fall, and storms and tsunamis will get worse (Lk 21:25-26)
Love grows cold : Breaking the word of God becomes trivial, which results in love growing cold in many people (Mt 24:12)
Gospel preached to the world: The Bible will be translated into all languages by 2025 (Mt24:14)
Restoration of Israel : The most evident sign of the end is the restoration of Israel (Mt24:32-33)
We live in an age where the word of the signs of the end time being fulfilled
2Jesus' Second Coming
"Coming at an hour you do not expect" (Mt 24:44)
Human History
in the Air
Age of Law
on the Earth
Disobedient History of Israel
Age of Conscience
Age of
3.5 Years
3.5 Years
Second Coming in the Air (Rapture) (1Th 4:16-17, Lk 17:34-35) → Before the 7-year tribulation, saints who were saved will be from earth to heaven
Second Coming on the Earth (Zch 14:4)
→ After the 7-year tribulation, the Lord will comes to the Mount of Olives with saints
- Although signs can be seen, the day of the Lord's Second Coming is in God's authority, so it is unknown (Mt 24:36)
- Christians must meet the Lord in their best lives (Lk 17:34 - 35)
Born-again Christians will be taken by the Lord while the rest will be left.
3 7-Year Tribulation
The last One Week (Dn 9:27)
Purpose of 7-Year Tribulation
3.5 years
· To give the Jews the last chance of salvation
· To judge Gentiles who rejected grace in the Age of Grace
Peace in Middle East (Dn 9:27)
All Jews return to Israel (Ek 39:25-28)
144,000 Jews receive salvation (Rv 7:4)
3.5 years
Antichrist (Rv13:1,5)
Number of the Beast, 666 Forces to receive a mark on right hands or on foreheads, and buying and selling are only allowed
with the mark (Rv 13:16-18)
The person who worships the Antichrist and receives the mark will be destined to go to hell (Rv 14:9-11)
The Last War
Russia (Gog) invading Israel (Ek 38:3-4)
Location: Armageddon (Rv 16:16)
Nuclear War
Earth is covered with fire (2Pt 3:6 - 7)
Nuclear clouds block sunlight (Am 8:9)
1/3 of humanity dies in an hour (Rv 9:18)
Decay and die while a person stands (Zch 14:12)
The way to avoid all these tribulations is to be saved. Prepare to meet the Lord.
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at
an hour you do not expect. (Mt 24:44)
금요일 시험 범위
성경강연회 5일차
입학 시험 범위
암송을 활용한스토리보드
1.Why am I a Sinner?
- Through one man's disobedience, sin entered the world. (Rom 5:12,19)
'Sinner from birth'
- Man is born with sinful nature. (Ps 51:5, Ps 58:3)
Man is born with sinful nature and lives a life
committing sin.
2. Lifelong Sin
- The 'heart' is deceitful above all things (Jr 17:9-10)
Eyes (2Pt 2:14)
Tongue (Jm 3:6)
Hands (Is 59:3)
- There are 7 abominations in our heart (Pr 26:24-25)
'In Heart& Action'
[Pride / Stubborness and Adultry/ Greed / Violence / Cunning / Slander / Opportunism]
- Action takes place as heart cannot be controlled.
Feet (Is 59:7)
Death after Committing Sins in Heart and Action.
‘Consequence of Sin'
3. Judgment after Death
- There is a judgment after 'death' (Heb 9:27)
- God will set all sins in order before your eyes and judge them all (Ps 50:21 , Ec 11:9, Ec 12:14)
- God will judge even for the smallest sins (Mt 5:21 - 22 , 26)
'After Death'
Judgment on all sins, then hellfire.
4. Characteristics of Hell
‘Destiny of Sinner’
- Where sinners are seasoned with fire and pain is eternal (Mrk 9:48 - 49)
- Where there is no light (Mt 22:13)
- Where there is no chance of escape (Mt 25:46)
The Bible lists the people going to hell (Rv 21:8)
Must admit that it is destiny to go to hell
5. Pharisee's Arrogance and Misunderstanding
Reason why one cannot receive salvation: Spiritual Arrogance (Lk 18:9-14)
in Criterion of Sin
Misunderstanding in
Purpose of the Law
◆ Misunderstanding that man can keep the Law
◆ Man sees outer appearance/ thinks that
man can do good deeds
○ God sees both outer and inner man (1Sm 16:7 , Pr 16:2)
○ Law is given not to keep, but to realize sins (Rm 3:20)
○ Must keep the whole law to enter heaven (Gl 3:10, Jms 2:10)
○ God considers righteousness as 'filthy rag' (Is 64:6)
= Cannot go to heaven by the deeds of the law
according to the Bible
= There is none righteous according to the Bible
As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one (Rm 3:10, Jb 15:14-16)
Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin. (Rm 3:20)
The humble can receive salvation
He who humbles himself will be exalted(Lk 18:14)
Sinner must pray for God's mercy,
and God listens to the prayer.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart. These, O God, You will not despise.
(Ps 51:17)
입학 시험 범위
성경강연회 6일차
암송을 활용한 스토리보드
입학 시험 범위
Way of
of Sin
‘forgiveness of Sin’
God has set the way to salvation through faith because it is impossible to go to heaven
by deeds (Gal 3:11)
1.Why do we need remission of sin?
- The only condition to go to heaven is through the remission of all sins (Lk 1:77)
- God cannot forgive sins unconditionally because He is a Lawgiver and Judge (Jms 4:12)
God set the Law of Atonement
Law of
'Law that One Can Die
2.What is Law of Atonement?
- Law of Atonement is a law that allows one to take the wages of sins instead
of others (Lv 17:11, Ex 12:13)
- Israel scarified animals every year for remission of their sins (Lv 4:13-15,20)
Sins of man cannot be removed by the blood of animals (Hb 10:4)
3.Savior, Jesus Christ
- The person who can die on behalf of the sinner must be innocent, without sin (1Jn 3:5)
‘Lamb of God’
- God who has no sin came in a human form (Is 7:14, Is 9:6)
- The reason Jesus came to the world is to save sinners (1Tm 1:15, 1Jn 2:2)
All I have to do is to make sure that Jesus succeeded in taking away all my sins
‘Accomplishment of
Justice and Love’
4. "It is Finished"
- God loaded all my sins onto Jesus (Jn 1:29)
- Jesus was judged for my sins in my place (Is 53:5~6)
- Jesus took away all my sins on the cross (Jn 19:30)
God has done all of these because He loved me (Sinner)
How are God's Justice and Love Shown on the Cross?
Justice (1Jn 1:5)
Love (1Jn 4:16)
Justice is to pay the wages of sin through death / Love is to die on my behalf Justice and Love are shown on the cross
How Can Jesus Die on Behalf of Everyone?
① In Adam, everyone was born to be a sinner
Likewise, in Jesus Christ, everyone's sin can be resolved (Rm 5:18-19)
② Life of Christ is of greater value
than the sum of the lives of all others
How Is Future Sin Forgiven?
Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own
blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having
obtained eternal redemption. (Hb 9:12)
※ Eternal Redemption / Jesus paid for all sin eternally. Once for all, He forgave my past / present / future sins
· My past sin is a future sin based on Jesus who died and resurrected 2,000
years ago
· If only past sins were forgiven, there will be no one who can go to heaven
because one will commit sins even after a day
Future in
the perspe
ctive of Je
· Eternal God sees the beginning and the end of the world at a glance
· Eternal forgiveness brings the power to rise even if you fall
· Those who are born again are never lost (J n 10:28)
- I will remember no more (Hb 10:17-18, Is 43:25, Is 44:22)
- Redemption, the forgiveness of sins
→ Satan's condemnation is no longer feaful
(Eph 1:7)
→ In present perfect tense, all my sins are already forgiven with blood
- It is the gift of God (Eph 2:8-9)
- He who does not believe is condemned already
→ Gift of God at a costly price
(Jn 3:18)
→ Sin has already been forgiven, but it has no effect unless you believe
입학 시험 범위