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Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest Guidelines

▪ Each year EMS participates in poster contest for
Red Ribbon Week
Poster Contest
Red Ribbon week. We do this so we can promote a
▪ The theme this year is:
▪ DEA Agent Enrique “KIKI” Camarena died at the hands
recognize Red
Ribbon Week
of a violent drug cartel. He and his wife, Mida, and their
family moved to Mexico so Kiki could help combat the
war on drugs.
▪ Camarena was kidnapped and tortured because he was
a known agent against drugs and the Mexican Drug
▪ https://youtu.be/C03oTLvRERc
▪ The first part of this assignment is research.
▪ 1. Research at least 4 dangers/consequences of
Alcohol, write them down.
▪ 2. Research at least 4 dangers/consequences of two
What to do first
different Drugs, write them down.
▪ 3. Research at least 4 dangers/consequences of
Tobacco/Vaping, write those down.
▪ Please make sure to cite where you found your
▪ After we have researched the dangers and
consequences of alcohol, drugs and tobacco/vaping,
draw 4 thumbnails of different ways using all four of the
things that can harm you.
▪ You will need to not only draw four thumbnails
What’s Next?
depicting the dangers/consequences of the abuse of
these items, you will need to include all of them into
each drawing.
▪ After you have finished your thumbnails, please plan on
having a discussion with your teacher to choose the
best one. You can not start the final until you have
checked in with me on the thumbnails and had a one on
▪ Thumbnail sketches are drawing quick,
What is a
abbreviated drawings. Usually, they are done very
rapidly and with no corrections - you can use any
medium, though pen or pencil is the most
common. Thumbnails sketches are usually very small,
often only an inch or two high. They sometimes have
color added and sometimes not. These drawing allow you
to play around with composition for what you want as your
❑ Thumbnails are
normally no bigger
than 3 inches in any
❑ Keep them in
proportion to your final
❑ Same items just
different compositions.
❑ You can also add notes
of color ideas, idea
changes or what ever
else needs noted for
completion of project.
▪ You will create a poster based on the on the theme for the
Lion’s Club. The theme is “The Consequences and
Dangers of Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco/Vaping”. In your
work you MUST show the consequences/dangers of all 4. If
you do not, it will not represent the theme. Therefore, will
not be complete and not accepted for this project.
Poster Time
▪ Your poster will be 14”x 22”. You will need to either create
a colored poster, a gray scale poster, or you can create one
using both (color and gray scale).
▪ Please make sure your work includes all four of the topics
and shows the dangers and/or consequences.
▪ Please make sure you take your time and add your value
(whatever you decide to use) neatly and appropriately.