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Business Mistakes: Sales, Copywriting, WhatsApp Marketing

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Closing is a Convincing Business
I hear this a lot from many Entrepreneurs, "Sir, I want to
learn to convince my Prospects."
The #1 mistake you'll ever make is trying to convince
What happens when you try to convince people?
Let's consider some of them;
 You lie,
 You sound needy,
 You sound greedy,
 You sound like you cannot do without them.
 You sound like your next meal depends on closing that
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 Many more...
When your Prospects feels this way, guess what they do?
Give EXCUSES as usual.
These EXCUSES then form up objections and more
objections; before you know what is happening, you have
either lost the deal or made to believe a lie.
So what then is CLOSING? You might be asking…
It is simply helping a prospect buy from you without
making them feel you sold anything to them.
Fact is, nobody likes it when people are selling to them,
including you, but we want to buy.
Closing is NOT a convincing business; it is a helping
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Closing is interrogational
Dear entrepreneur, this is not the law court, neither is it you
trying to be an Inspector General of Police (IGP)
helping anybody here…
You're before a customer,
Trying to sound like an IGP will make the deal more
challenging for you to close because, at this point, you
sound suspicious.
You're looking and sounding greedy and needy…
Your eyeballs are all out for the money, and guess what?
 Your prospects can see it,
 They're afraid of you,
 You're making them feel very uncomfortable,
Nobody is going to buy from anybody they're afraid of.
So what do you do instead?
Very simple…
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Instead of Interrogational
Everybody is your customer
This is the most expensive mistake I have seen hundreds
and thousands of marketers make...
Consider these...
 If everybody is your customer, do men wear wigs?
 If everybody is your customer, can everybody buy bread
for 1,000 Dollars?
 If everybody is your customer, why do we have few Range
Rovers in your city?
 If everybody is your customer, do men wear high heels?
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Is everybody still your customer?
You tell more than you show
I have done this, I have done that
I have achieved this; I have achieved that
Wait, let me shock you…
People don't believe whatever you say about yourself. They
need proof!!
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If I speak the longest, I'll close the deal ❌
Unfortunately, it's the other way round here…
 people want to be listened to,
 people want to be sure it's in their interest.
You heard the saying, "people don't care how much
you know until they know how much you care."
Nobody wants to sit and listen to a long and tedious
presentation if it's not in their interest.
So make them feel in charge.
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You're only talking about how much you'll be
paid ❌
Let me sha the #1 secret; nobody likes to see a debit alert,
including your very self.
How do you feel when money is leaving you to another
Have you cheated, right?
Exactly, nobody likes to see or receive a debit alert.
So what then must you do?
Learn to show the ROI (Return Of Investment) of
whatever you're offering or selling.
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Thinking people buy out of pity
Learn this and learn this forever, "Nobody cares about
you; they care about themselves."
If you like to cry, it's none of their business.
They're not your parents, neither are they your children.
People buy for themselves, not for you.
Selling what you like
Get ready to go broke or relatively poorer than a church rat
when you do this…
Why are you selling a mat?
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I like to sleep on a mat; it gives me joy.
But wait, who cares about this?
If your ideal customer is comfortable on a bed, why try to
sell a mat to them?
This particular act will make you poorer than a church rat.
If you want to be rich, sell what they like, NOT what you
Claiming to be the best
I know many people who are the best at what they do but
are broke.
And I'm sure you know some others too…
Now, why is that?
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The fact is people can't pay who they don't know.
“People don't pay the best; they pay the loudest”. _Victory
Because the loudest is often perceived as the best.
You'll buy more from someone whose offer you can see
everywhere you go. (Loudest)
10. Selling without informing in advance
The fact is we all have a budget for almost everything we do,
of which you're the last person that comes to mind.
So selling to surprise us will keep you broke.
You must learn and practice the art of PREPARATION.
In sales, it is called PRIMING.
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You must always focus MORE on the
BENEFITS of your product than it FEATURES
B >F
Do you know why?
 Features are What it is
 Benefits are WIIFM (What's In It for Me), people don't
buy products; they buy Solutions (Benefits)
 Features will say: This bag is made of Leather
 Benefits will say: This bag reduces the stress of you
carrying the few things you wish to carry in your hand
while going out with your hubby. Please note:
Don't leave out the F (Features) but let your primary focus
be the B (Benefits)
You must Always Focus MORE on the customer
than yourself.
Get this part..... It's not about you, ‘the seller’; it's about
us, ‘the buyer’.
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Use less of I, I, me, me Use more of YOU.
We want to know that you, the Copywriter care about us
and not just the money.
You do not include a clear, practical Call to
After reading what you have written, A call to action is what
you need them to do.
Don't always leave your readers to think about what next to
do, what next action to take
Always tell them what to do now, not later. Please don't give
them room for procrastination
For example, buy now, Click this link NOW, Call this
number etc.
Make sure the first few sentences are attentiongrabbing
In the digital world we are today, we have a short attention
span, and nobody will pay attention to you if your words or
headline doesn't make them stop to see what's in it for
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Using words that are not relevant
Some words do not apply to what you are selling.
Write first and begin to trim them.
Using boring words that lead to long copy
Most times, people don't read lengthy documents because
it's boring.
As you write to sell, use exciting words but don't be
Not having a unique selling point to write on
Look for that one thing that differentiates your products
from your competition...
Sell it aggressively.
Too Salesy
Don't try selling almost immediately; give value upfront
Make Claims Without Evidence
Don't be too overpromising; make sure your claims or
promises are backed up by testimonials or evidence.
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10. You are not conversational
Write as though you are talking.
Make it relatable, don't leave them in the dark.
Use storytelling, either fictional or non-fictional (real or
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You are selling products instead of offers
You are not the only one selling that particular product
online, especially now that everything is online, so how does
your product stand out.
Why should people buy from you?
The value of what you are selling must be higher than your
customer's price for it. It would help if you created an
Irresistible offer.
There is a lot of noise out there. You can only get people's
attention to see what you are selling by creating an
irresistible offer that looks too good to be accurate.
They will do themselves great disfavour if they don't get
your offer at an irresistible price.
But if you are selling product and it just looks like
everything else online, they won't see the need to buy from
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You post irrelevant content
You know the saying that content is king.
Content creation can make or mar your business brand.
When you post content unrelated to what you are selling,
you post content about different businesses simultaneously.
This leaves your audience confused, and they do not know
what you are doing, so you need to be intentional about
your content.
Another mistake people make in content is that their post is
always about begging their audience to come and buy, and
they load their WhatsApp status with the products they are
selling with no strategy.
They wonder why they are not making sales because many
people have muted them already to avoid their situation.
People like to buy, but people hate to be sold to.
You are spamming
Spamming is an absolute wrong strategy. This means selling
to someone without their permission.
Many people cut corners just because they want to sell, but
this downgrades your brand because you tend to piss people
off, and no one will take you seriously.
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People also tend to barge into people's DM without prior
notice or decide to sell their business in someone else's
group. This action is an intrusion of privacy, and people
love their space and corner, and as a business person, you
have to understand and respect this.
When you don't use permission marketing or Attraction
marketing, it is difficult for anyone to see your business as a
credible brand, and you won't be able to make sales at the
end of the day, so please avoid spamming at all costs.
No Follow Up
There is money in the follow-up.
Just because a prospect did not buy from you today does
not mean they will not buy from you later on.
Many people can get busy or distracted; if they indicate
interest in your product, you must check and remind them
and close that sale.
You leave a lot of money on the table if you don't do followups. People need to hear from you multiple times.
You are not generating quality leads
You need to build a contact list of quality audiences
interested in or need the products you sell or the services
you render.
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You will not make sales if you sell to the wrong audience or
contacts, no matter how good your offer is. If it does not
interest them, they will not buy, so you should focus on
getting quality leads and attracting the right customer.
To do this effectively, you should do your customer avatar
where you determine who your customer is by specifying
their age, location, gender, income, interests and so on; this
will guide you on getting the right customers.
Having only your family and friends on your
contact list
Every entrepreneur should know that your friends and
family are not your target audience, and they usually will
not buy from you initially.
So if you have your family and friends on your contact list, it
will be difficult to make lots of sales.
You will need to focus on generating traffic because the
sales are in the numbers. Sales is a numbers game.
You don't create a relevant profile or position
yourself correctly as an Authority
For someone to buy from you, they need to know you, like
you and trust you enough to buy from you.
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It is easier for this to happen if you are appropriately
Your profile needs to represent your brand and has
necessary information like address, business description,
email address, and this shows that you are credible and can
easily be trusted.
You delay in response to customers' requests
or enquiries, or you do not engage in
I understand that getting many messages can be
overwhelming. Still, if there is a delay in response, your
customer or prospect can get distracted and focus on other
things, and it is possible that you can lose a sale in the
You cannot afford not to reply to messages or respond
You can automate your WhatsApp so that you do not leave
any message unattended to.
You don't leverage Result marketing
Showing results to your audience can trigger their buying
decision because they focus on the results, not the process.
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Results also show credibility and that what you are doing
works. People buy results.
10. You dont know how to use the power of
Many people don't tell stories from time to time on their
Your audience will love to see the person behind your
brand, and they want to connect and build a rapport with
They want to engage, but it can be challenging to tell stories
if these things are missing.
It would help if you were persuasive about selling and
sharing your story.
Do not forget to use a call to action because people can get
carried away, so it is essential to share your story and
prompt them to take action and make sales in the process.
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People do not spend enough time learning:
This is very important because when you spend enough
time learning, it will improve your understanding of the
subject that you are dealing with.
Your implementation will improve as a result of that. So
many people end up not learning enough before
implementing, which affects their outcomes.
People have too many mentors:
Some people are on so many mentor's lists; they are
following different mentors at the same time and at the end
of the day, this action leads to too much information and
information overload can be overwhelming even before they
even start to implement and at the end of the day, they find
it challenging to get results because they do not know which
direction they need to be taking action in.
The solution to this is straightforward: find yourself a
mentor that resonates with your personality; not all
mentors resonate with the kind of personality you have, so
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you need to find the mentor that resonates with your type of
person and model that mentor. The focus here is MODEL
not copy. Most people are copying others word for word,
the picture for picture, design for design, everything for
everything, but you do not need to copy someone else, but
you can be a model.
When you see someone that is a mentee, you do not see a
shadow or a replica of the mentor, and you see someone
that has been taught by the mentor and has the best
attributes of that particular mentor. It would be best if you
model, not copy.
The Lack of Originality
Many people lack originality and quality in content.
There is a saying that quality attracts quality.
You always need to put out quality content, a quality copy,
and a quality graphics design if you want to attract the right
kind of people into your funnel and if you're going to get the
correct type of results.
You need to put out the best quality of content, determined
by how much you have consumed.
You cannot give what you do not have, so you need to
consume quality content for you to give out quality content
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and when it comes to creating lead gen posts in the form of
flier design or even videos, ensure that your stuff is quality
because you need to bear in mind that quality attracts
Places where you can get quality content are on the pages of
top influences in your niche, you need to get on their page
and find out which content has the highest engagements
and most shares and likes, and you can model the structure
of those posts, not copy.
You can simply model what works; you do not reinvent the
People do too many things at the same time
Most people were already doing other businesses before
they came across Affiliate marketing. They find it difficult to
leave what they were doing and focus on one thing tha can
move the needle of cash flow for them, and it becomes a
problem in the long run.
Naturally, when you are doing too many things at the same
time. It reduces your average propensity to be productive
per income source.
Suppose you have 2 to 4 income sources. In that case, you
will reduce your average propensity per income source as
long as you keep focusing on those activities
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simultaneously, which is why you need to be laser-focused
in one direction.
People need to avoid the shiny object syndrome
People fall for the shiny object syndrome because this
person is advertising something. They jump into it thinking
that they need to accumulate more and more different
sources, thinking they cannot put all their eggs in one
The answer that I have for this is usually that nobody was
paid a premium for doing so many things at the same time.
Nobody was paid a premium for knowing too many things,
so you do not need to be accumulating too many things,
especially when you are focused on Affiliate marketing; you
do not need to be accumulating too many businesses; what
you need to do is to be laser-focused until you see tangible
results and you begin to scale those results with momentum
until those results become exponential and your active
income can be converted to a passive income stream.
People manifest the Scarcity Mindset
The scarcity mindset is when a person feels that there is not
enough, not enough customers, not enough sales, not
enough wealth to go round, they think they do not have
access to enough people that have money to buy what they
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are selling, they feel the market is too saturated, they
believe everyone is already doing the same thing.
Hence, who is going to buy from them? These are the
manifestation of the scarcity mindset and what it does is
that it creates a lack of results, lack of money, lack of
When you manifest that mindset, that is precisely what
happens; you need to adopt and train your ability to
manifest the abundance mindset.
People with the abundance mindset know that there is more
than enough resources to go round; they know that what
they need to command these resources in their favour is to
have the relevant skills and the relevant strategies and the
relevant framework, and these things will begin to work in
your favour when other people are shouting scarcity, you
are going to be enjoying abundance.
People manifest the Fixed Mindset
The people who have a fixed mindset naturally explain why
they are the way they are. They have reasons or excuses for
why they do not have results and why they are in that
circumstance they are currently experiencing; a fixed
mindset is dangerous because it limits what is possible for
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After all, naturally, you cannot grow beyond what is
possible for you. Many people with a fixed mindset limit
what they think is possible; they limit what applies and
doesn't apply to them. What you need to be doing instead is
to adopt a growth mindset.
People with a growth mindset ask all the right questions;
they ask what I have to do?
What do I have to change to get the results I want?
Who do I need to become to get the results I want?
What do I have to pay to get the kind of results I want?
Because paying for something in time, energy and resources
is the ultimate proof of commitment, and you are not
committed until you are ready to pay for something with
your time, energy and resources or even all the three of
them, you need to adopt the growth mindset instead of the
fixed mindset so that you can ask yourself the right
People start with the big baby syndrome
The big baby syndrome is a mentality that makes you think
that without somebody holding by the hand and showing
you what to do and what not to do, you cannot succeed as
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an affiliate, it means that you are saying you cannot do
anything on your own which means you are a big baby.
We need to adopt some sense of responsibility to our
business and ourselves. We need to understand that we can
do anything we set our minds to do if we are serious about
it. Most people are not used to learning things by
themselves, back a lot of people don't read but chest their
way up to pass their exams or copy other people's
People have trained themselves to depend on other people.
This has become a big baby syndrome for most people
getting into virgin territories or starting a new business.
It would be best if you adopted a sense of responsibility
towards yourself and your business, and you are responsible
for your actions and outcomes and not someone else.
People have a way of blaming others for their inability to get
results, and they say things like no one was there to hold
them by their hands, which is why they could not get
results. It is irresponsible to talk like that, so you need to
adopt that sense of responsibility.
People have low-quality implementation
There is first of all inadequate level of understanding of
what you are supposed to do; going beyond this, you will
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have low-quality implementation because many people do
not know how to implement what they learnt and they do
not ask questions either, so they go ahead and implement it
the wrong way.
It ends up muddled up and does not give them the results
they want, so the quality of implementation is super
Improving the quality of execution is by asking questions
and not assuming that you know everything. You have to
ask questions from people ahead of you, so do not fall for
the tendency to implement in a low-quality manner.
10. People have the lone wolf syndrome
Many people set out on their own, and they feel they can do
it all on their own and at the end of the day, they struggle
for a long time, and then they realize that they cannot do it
on their own.
You will always need either a coach or a mentor, or an
enabling community that can help you get the results you
want within the shortest possible time.
You do not have to fall for that tendency that you have to do
it alone; you need to embrace mentorship and enabling
communities and ask the right quality questions
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Using too many colours
We understand that you want to make your design beautiful
and attractive, so you use as many colours as possible. THIS
Use as many as 2/3 colours in your design to make it
simple, clean and attractive.
It's advised that you use your brand colours to give you a
consistent and appealing feel.
Poor Alignment.
Paying attention to the alignment of texts, images, and
elements is very important in design.
Don't place elements anywhere you feel like.
Maintaining alignment will make your design orderly and
look well-planned out.
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No Clear Call To Action (CTA)
Your design will not lead to sales if you do not have a clear
CTA showing your audience/customer the next step.
You can make your CTA notable by using a different colour
or putting it in shape.
Also, don't forget to neatly put in your contact details
(important ones) in the flyer
Use of Watermarked Images
Now, this is one of the most rampant mistakes I've seen
some business owners make.
To make your design (and also your brand) look authentic
and professional, do not make use of watermarked images
Why? Because it will distract your audience, You can go to
www.canva.com or www.freepik.com and make use of their
wide range of free stock photos.
Using Floating Images
Stop this! Please Stop it!!!
This is costly to you a lot! Like, have you seen a person cut
in half and floating before? Not!
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Always make sure to increase the size of the image till it
reaches the bottom of the page.
No Visual Hierarchy
For your design to sell, you need to identify the essential
piece of information you want your audience to see first.
When you identify this, emphasize it (either through
different colours or sizes).
Design from the largest to the smallest items according to
Lack of Whitespace
Whitespace means FREE space, not that the space is white.
And it's a very powerful design tool.
Don't always choke your design with so many unnecessary
elements; allow it to BREATHE.
Also, observe hierarchy and scale down the least essential
elements or information.
Busy Backgrounds
You mustn't keep the background of your design too busy;
the goal is to make your designs look simple, classy and
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You don't want the reader to be distracted from the primary
Instead of using busy images or textures, you can use simple
shapes for a change.
Using too Many Fonts
I know you feel tempted to use many fonts in your design,
primarily because of the thousand fonts out there.
But please don't do that,
Instead, start with 2/3 fonts (just two is advised if you're a
beginner). You can select fonts that contrast one another in
terms of font type, size and weight
10. Too much information
Don't load your designs with so many words and
The attention span of a lot of people online is concise;
nobody loves to read through all the details even though
they think they are important
Use images and icons to reduce your word count.
Also, learning how to use short but persuasive words (that
sell) is a huge plus.
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