Uploaded by Christian Rey Napoles

MAPEH Teacher Experiences: A Qualitative Study

EDUC203 (Research in Education)
Research Methodology
Research Design
The study will be using a qualitative type of research method that is the most valid and
reliable to apply for the satisfaction of the aim of the study. Qualitative research is a term used
to focus on gathering data through interviews, questionnaires, case study research, and other
conversational communication. This type of research is not just about “what” respondents think
but also “why” they think so. Additionally, it is needed to use a phenomenological research
design in this study. A phenomenological research design is a structure of qualitative research
that centers on the respondents’ perceptions and lived experiences within the area and within a
particular group. The common goal of the method is to come at a definition of the origin of a
certain phenomenon (Creswell, 2013). The researcher can achieve the goals of the research by
using this research design.
Research Environment
This study will be conducted at Plaridel National High School, Plaridel, Baybay City,
Leyte, Philippines. It is located in the western part of the Leyte province and the southern part
of the land area of Baybay City, Leyte.
Research Participants
The participants of this study are the MAPEH (Music, Arts, Physical Education and
Health) teachers of Plaridel National High School. In obtaining the sample, the researcher will
be applying a non-random sampling method. Thus, the chosen sample will be based on the
criteria: the participants of the study must have at least 3 years and above of experience in
teaching MAPEH, the participants were experiencing in teaching PE in a distance learning
since school year 2020-2021, and participants were attended webinars about teaching in the
new normal. The researcher shall provide a printed copy or an email of the Informed Consent
Form to the participants.
Research Instruments
The researcher will be using a subjective-type of interview-questionnaire for gathering
of data in this study. This research instrument will help the effectivity and productivity in
obtaining data. The subjective-type of interview-questionnaire will be based on the statement
of the problem of the study.
Data Collection Procedures
A collection of data will be done through a subjective-type questionnaire with the
selected participants. The questionnaire is one of the most valid qualitative data collecting
methods. It also serves as a tool in the conduct of face-to-face interaction. The interaction
between the interviewer and a participant will be confidential for communication that will uplift
an open-ended response which could be helpful to the study. Hence, the interviewer will also
ask for follow-up questions to the selected participants if needed.
The health and safety protocols (consist of social distancing, wearing of face mask, etc.)
should be observed in conducting an interview if it will be a face-to-face interaction and it will
happen at their respective classrooms. If it will be online, the interview will be conducted via
google meet, zoom meeting, video calls on messenger app, or even via phone calls depending
on the convenience of the participants. The duration of the interview for each participant will
depend on the data given because their answers will be based on their experiences. The
participants will be given informed consent for asking permission to record their answers for
the confidentiality and credibility of the data.
Data Analysis
The gathered data will be analyzed by the researcher by using the Colaizzi’s
phenomenological data analysis method that is suitable for the study. Collaizzi’s method of
data analysis is an in-depth and extensive qualitative method of research that can be helpful in
defining and understanding the participants’ experiences of the occurrences. Also, it is
acceptable that the study would be timely and relevant. This kind of method follows seven
steps as shown below.
Transcribe the
experiences of the
Extract the
Create formulated
Validate the
Incorporate the
results to exhaustive
Arrange formulated
Returning to
participants for
Steps of Colaizzi’s Phenomenological Data Analysis
Ethical Considerations
The school head of Plaridel National High School will be given a communication letter
as the supervisor of the chosen participants. The informed consent will also be given to the
selected participants to inform and request them to participate in the interview for the study. In
addition, the participants of the study will be advised that their participation is required or
voluntary and give them a suggestion to refrain from answering the questions if necessary.