SQUALICIOUS FLAN Submitted by: Claridad, Racel Malabanan, Michiko Reyes, Nicole Mae Samia, Amiel Sibug, Charlyn Submitted to: Mrs. Cristina Naguit Submitted on: October 10, 201 1 Table Ta ble of Contents !"ecuti#e Summary$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ % Com&any 'ackground$........................................................................................... $..% Ob(ecti#es$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Mission ) *ision Statements$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..+ eys to Success………………………………………………………………………………. + Marketing Plan……………………………………………………………………………….. 7 S-O Analysis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/ ndustry and Market Analysis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 10 Com&etitor Analysis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 12 arget Market$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.12 Marketing Strategies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.1 ricing Strategies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..1+ lace34istribution Strategies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...1/ romotion Strategies$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1/ imetable o5 Acti#ities$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..16 Sales 7orecast$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..20 Organization Plan…………………………………………………………………………...25 Organi8ational Chart$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$2+ 9ob S&eci5ications 5or each &osition$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..2: uman !esour"e Management Plan ;Recruitment ) Selection$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.2 #Orientation ) raining$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ;Moti#ational rograms$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% ; Code o5 Conduct$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 2 ;Schedule o5 Salaries and -ages$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$/ Te"$ni"al%Produ"tion Plan……………………………………………………………….&' Ste&s in &roducing the &roduct$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.%1 Ste&s on selling the &roduct$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..%2 Sources o5 ra< materials$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ materials$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..% $$$$$$..% 7acility si8e ) location$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% otal &ro(ect cost$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.%% (inan"ial……………………………………………………………………………………..&) Cost 'ased ricing$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.0 Sales 7orecast$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$1 Com&arati#e ncome Statement =201+>201/?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$% Com&utations o5 CO@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 'reake#en Analysis$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$+ 3 Marketing Plan *+*C,T-* S,MM/!0 -ag maging dayuhan sa sariling bayan. hatBs one o5 the most &o&ular uotations to the 7ili&inos. his brings us the idea o5 creating a &roduct that <ill surely <in the tastes o5 not (ust 7ili&inos, but also the 7ili&inos at heart. Sualicious is a ne< inno#ated that &roduce a uniue #ariety o5 leche 5lan called Dkalabasa leche 5lan.E he idea o5 kalabasa leche 5lan <as 5ormulated <hen a grou& o5 entre&reneurs <as gathered in the house o5 one o5 their members ha#ing hard time thinking on <hat &roduct to inno#ate. -hile they are ha#ing their brainstorming, one member o5 the grou& suggested the kalabasa leche 5lan that is <hich she learned on her girl scout cam&ing. And then a bright idea comes u& on the minds o5 the businessmen that lead to the inno#ation o5 the 7ili&ino delicacy. Since then, the &roduct is still seeking 5or im&ro#ements in order to satis5y the tastes o5 their belo#ed customers. alabasa leche 5lan is the &er5ect &roductF this is the inno#ation o5 the <ell>kno<n 7ili&ino dessert delicacy. alabasa Geche 5lan is a delicious sim&le dessert and #ery easy to make, a classic custard <ith healthy #egetable t<ist reci&e. t is made 5rom eggs, sugar, condensed, 5resh milk and cooked suash. Steamed o#er an o&en 5lame or sto#e to&, <ith caramel syru& shimmering on to&. A best s<eet treats 5or any occasions, es&ecially 5or kids &arty and a &o&ular &asalubong treat too. COMP/10 /C34!O,1 4 -e 7ili&ino end u& our meal <ith a dessert. Michiko Malabanan a s<eet>a>holic o55ered a uniue &roduct namely kalabasa leche 5lan in <hich it is o55ered as the most a<aited last course in e#ery meal. 'y this <e Nicole Reyes, Amiel Samia, Racel Claridad and Charlyn Sibug decided to o55er this &roduct 5or the customer <ho <ants something ne< and uniue. -e name our com&any as Sualicious Com&any. Our grou& come u& the name DSualiciousE 5rom the <ord itsel5 suashHdeliciousI sualicious. Geche 5lan &reser#es the 7ili&ino delicacies <hich <e can say one o5 our richest ty&e o5 5ood <e ha#e. he com&any com&osed o5 &eo&le <ith 1 ceo and % as the manager res&ecti#ely O6*CT-*S 1. o introduce the &roduct to the market through gi#ing a<ay lea5lets and to ad#ertise and &romote it through the use o5 internetF 2. o establish a high introductory sale by lo<ering the regular &rice by >10 &esos to attract more customers <ithin the 5irst dayF . o gain at least 10J &ro5it <ithin the dayF %. o sell 100 units on the 5irst day o5 o&erationF . o increase the sales by J on the 2nd day o5 o&erationF +. o im&ro#e and de#elo& the business to be more 5le"ibleF :. o build strong customer relationshi& through satis5ying them on our ser#ice and &roduct o55erings. 5 -S-O1 ST/T*M*1T o be <ell kno<n in the #icinity o5 Angeles on ha#ing the best uality o5 &roduct <hich ser#ed nutritious, delicious and reasonable &riced. o build and maintain long term relationshi& <ith stakeholderKs. stakeholderKs. M-SS-O1 ST/T*M*1T ST/T*M*1T o ins&ire customerKs to eat healthy and be li#ely. o ser#e high uality &roduct <hich <ill bene5it and satis5y customerKs need and <ants. • 3*0 TO S,CC*SS t is ne<> No<adays many customer look 5or a 5ood <hich is healthy and delicious. • Sualicious 5lan is not usual leche 5lan, it is mi"ed <ith a suash. t is healthy> As mentioned the Sualicious 5lan has a suash <herein these #egetable • has its o<n bene5its to a &ersonKs health. t is accessible> he entre&reneurs made sure that the &roduct is accessible to the market in <hich it is located in the &lace in <hich it <ill be easily seen and accessed by • the customer. t is a55ordable> he Sualicious 5lan is #ery a55ordable in <hich students or other customers <ho ha#e tight budget can a55ord to buy the &roduct. 6 M/!3*T-14 P/1 7 5.8. S9OT /1/0S-S /1/0S-S !esour"es Money Strengt$s Sualicious 5lan is #ery 9eaknesses a55ordable and the ca&ital to start u& is #ery minimal. he ingredients and other materials needed to &roduce Materials the &roduct are readily a#ailable in the <et market and su&ermarket n doing Sualicious 5lan <e Machines donKt ha#e to use machines. t can be done by hand &rocessing Methods he methods in making Sualicious 5lan is a#ailabale rainings are needed to ha#e Man&o<er he &roduct is easy to make e55icient indi#idual on making the &roduct -e ha#e the kno<ledge on Management ho< to make the Sualicious 5lan Geche 5lan is in demand 5or Moment=time? 7ili&inoKs because <e lo#e s<eet and <e used to eat dessert a5ter meal. 8 (a"tors in t$e enironment O;;ortunities T$reats Sualicious 5lan <herein is 5ood is inse&arable to human Lealth conscious customer kind. As long as it taste good may not choose this kind o5 and healthy 5or sure it <ill dessert because it has egg Socio cultural ha#e a good market. yolk <hich consist o5 bad Customers ha#e de#elo& a cholesterol habit o5 eating dessert a5ter meal echnology can hel& im&ro#e echnology and technical the uality o5 the &roduct and hel& make things easier !conomic -hen economic do<nturn comes the s&ending budget o5 customer <ill get lo<er alabasa is not a seasonal Natural #egetableF they gro< all around the year. A lack in &olitical &olitical stability may olitical a55ect businesses in the economy here is a &eace and order in eace and order the <ork&lace and business en#ironment o&ulation is increasing. More &eo&le mean more o&ulation consumers <ho need and <ant 5ood. 9 @o#ernment &ro#ide loans to starting businesses and <e @o#ernment rogram ha#e #enture ca&italist to back as u& he ingredients needed on making Sualicious 5lan is @lobal !n#ironment readily a#ailable any<here in the hili&&ines 5.8.8 -1,ST!0 -1, ST!0 /1 M/!3*T /1/0S-S alabasa leche 5lan can be bought almost any<here. any<here. hey are sold in a retail store like susies cuisine and goldilocks. t is seen outside uni#ersities, churches and other establishments. he kalabasa kalabasa leche 5lan manu5acture manu5acturers rs target target customer customers s <ho are &rioriti8 &rioriti8ing ing healthy healthy li#ing li#ing through a&&ro&riate 5ood intake and those consumers <ho lo#e to eat s<eets a5ter meal as a theirr dessert thei dessert.. he kalabasa kalabasa leche leche 5lan tastier tastier and healthier healthier ingredie ingredients nts are based based on the checklist &ro#ided by certi5ied dieticians that <ill boost essential nutrients needed by the body. he kalabasa leche 5lan is ready 5or market, has &assed e"tensi#e consumers test, and the com& com&an any y manu manu5a 5act ctur urin ing g lech leche e 5l 5lan an has has cont contra ract ct ne nego goti tiat atio ions ns un unde derr <ay <ay at ma(o ma(orr establishments in the city <here in it could be a#ailable to the consumers. And leche 5lan is a common delicacy but <e &ut a suash as the main ingredients and other ingredients <ith a t<ist that <ill surely lo#e the taste buds o5 the consumers. Currently, students, children and diet conscious rarely 5ind leche 5lan as their dessert a5ter meal outside establishments like retail store. he gro<ing number o5 healthy 5oods enthusiast is greatly increasing no<adays. A Geche 7lan &roduct allo<s health conscious consumers to en(oy 5ood <ithout being guilty on blood &ressu &re ssure re becau because se o5 the nutrien nutrients ts and and #it #itami amins ns yo you u ca can n ge gett 5rom 5rom s sua uash sh as the main ingredients ingredien ts o5 it. Geche 7lan manu5acturers ha#e &laced its branches in neighbourhoodKs, neighbourhoodKs, store, 10 stall and establishments <ith greater contact to the consumers <ith hasty and ra&id li5estyle. Geche 7lan manu5acturers target niche is healthy 5ood &roducts 5or consumers <ith great health concerns. Geche 7lan is a&&ro&riate and &er5ect 5or consumers <ho 5ind healthier o&tions 5or dieting. Geche 7lan <ould be #ery suitable to direct>selling markets since it is easier to make. t <ould also increase contacts <ith consumers consumers <ho can suggest di55erent 5la#ors and o&inions 5or the &roducts and the <ay o5 selling. And And because itBs direct selling these suggestions <ill easily be a&&ro#ed and im&lemented. Geche 7lan ad#antage retail store manu5acturing com&anies is that it allo<ed the direct and immediate catering o5 the consumersK needs and suggestions. 4irect selling o5 Geche 7lan through door>to>door deli#ery and kiosks &laced in di55erent &laces. t <ill &ro#ide a 5aster acuisition o5 healthy 5oods that can enhance their gi#en li5estyles.. Geche 7lan custom &roduct eliminate unhealthy diet 5oods on &roducts through daily the consum&tion &eo&le <ill &atroni8e it. he com&any antici&ates that in early account &enetrati &enetration on and su&erior 5irst class distributing teams <ill allo< it to continue to ha#e increasing gross and net margins <ell in the 5uture. 5.8.2 COMP*T-TO! CO MP*T-TO! /1/0S-S he sualicious is a ne< #ersion o5 the ili&ino Geche 5lan that has suash and make it more toothsome. -e &re5er this kind o5 &roduct because many ili&ino lo#e to eat dessert. 'ut there are already e"isting com&etitors in the market <hich are already established. hatKs <hy <e make sure that our &roduct has a good uality and delicious it is also healthy because o5 the suash and egg. Consumer <ho donKt eat #egetable <ill learn to eat it on some <ay like kalabasa leche 5lan because it has a ne< t<ist they are eating dessert and at the same time they are being healthy. 5.2 T/!4*T M/!3*T 5.2.8. *MO4!/P-CS S*4M*1T 11 • here are no< 20,6%0 students enrolled at Loly Angel ni#ersity S. 201>201+ College of *ngineering and /r"$ite"ture <C*/= College of usiness and /""ountan"y <C/= College of os;itality and Tourism Management 12 22 16:0 <CTM= College of /rts> S"ien"es and *du"ation <C/S*d= College of -nformation and Communi"ations 1:/1 101. Te"$nology <C-CT T$e College of 1ursing and /llied Medi"al S"ien"es %%% <C1/MS= College of Criminal 6usti"e *du"ation and %2 (orensi"s <CC6*(= aboratory *lementary S"$ool <*S= ig$ S"$ool <S= 4raduate S"$ool :12 %61 26 • • • LA high school students =12>1+ years old? <ith e"tra allo<ance at least / LA college students =1:>u& years old? <ith e"tra allo<ance at least / LA &ersonnel and &ersonnel he business <ill e"&and and add ne< stall in the #icinity o5 Angeles <hen <e already ha#e enough money to s&end. -e <ill &ut stalls on some malls and <e <ould make orders or <e <ill send it to retailers and <holesaler. 5.2.2. 4*O4!/P-C S*4M*1TS • • Loly Angel ni#ersity <ith at least 20,6%0 &eo&le can &urchase it. eo&le <ho can reach to order the alabasa leche 5lan through 5acebook, nstagram and other social media that <eK#e used in &romoting our &roduct 5.2.?. PS0CO4!/P-C S*4M*1TS • Customers <ho lo#e s<eets • All &eo&le es&ecially <orkers <ho <ho ha#e the the ca&acity ca&acity o5 buying buying the &roduc &roduc 12 • Gi5estyle 7or those customers <ho are health conscious <ill be encourage to buy • Sualicious 5lan because it is a healthy &roduct. Occasions Sualicious 5lan is &er5ect 5or 5iesta, birthday and other occasion because many customer lo#es to eat Geche 5lan. 5.?. M/!3*T-14 ST!/T*4-*S 5.?.8. P!O,CT ST!/T*4-*S Sualicious 5lan o55ers a <ide range o5 ingredients to be &ut on your traditional leche 5lan taste. here are 5resh and delicious 5oods that can be your to&&ings or can be mi"ed <ith your cold leche 5lan. hose 5oods that can be add>on are all healthy that blend the traditional leche 5lan 5or its health bene5its. ou can also &ut some decorations in your leche 5lan to make it <ell> &resentable and to add 5la#ors. n sim&le terms, <e are o55ering customi8ed leche 5lan <ith di55erent sha&e and 5la#ors. Any choice o5 ingredients is acce&table de&ending to your a&&etite. 'RAN4 NAM!3GO@O SQUALICIOUS FLAN he logo sho<s the name o5 the &roduct and the main ingredient <hich is the suash. he name Sualicious 5lan comes 5rom the <ord DsuashE and DdeliciousE. RO4C 4!SCRON 13 he &roduct Sualicious 5lan, a caramel crPme con suash, is good 5or e#ery &erson regardless o5 age. he business ha#e small si8e leche 5lan but as the business gro< <e <ill add some si8es and 5la#ors. he &roduct is a#ailable in one sha&e. he cu&cake>sha&ed leche 5lan <hich make it attracti#e and eye>catching to the customer. he Sualicious7lan o55ers a uniue taste o5 leche 5lan <ith no &reser#ati#es added that ser#es delicacies to the customers. his o55ers only one &roduct <hich is Geche 7lan original and Caramel crPme con suash ser#ing delicacies to customers. his is actually suit to the tastes o5 e#ery 7ili&ino since <e 5ound en(oyment o5 eating s<eet 5oods. he ingredients needed to make Sualicious 5lan are Condensed mlik, !#a&orated milk, Suash, Sugar and egg. GA'!G AN4 ACA@N@ ACA@N@ t is some<hat, like this but the label <e <ill use is the logo <e did. And the &ackaging is same as this sho<n in the &icture belo<. -e <ill use a trans&arent &lastic to be more attracti#e to customer and sho< them the a&&earance o5 the kalabasa leche 5lan. 14 5.?.2. P!-C-14 ST!/T*4-*S Sualicious, as a ne<ly o&en business, <e decided to lo<er our &rice com&ared to our com&etitorBs &rice but in a <ay that <e can get our income at least 1 to 0J. -e make our &rice more a55ordable in the customers so that they can taste a sualicious at lo<er &rice to those customers <hose &re5er to buy a55ordable and delicious dessert. -e are &lanning to less the &rice o5 the customers <ho buy sualicious <ith a minimum o5 5i#e and more &ieces so that they can get discount. RCN@ O'9!C*! he ricing ob(ecti#e that <e used is Market enetration Strategy. t is because <e charge the lo<est &ossible &rice 5or the customer. he grou& aims mostly on the buyers to reach their satis5actory le#elF also <e try to get the most buyers e#en the &ro5it is lesser. he grou& didnKt limit the ingredients in the &roduct to reach the desired taste. he &roduct is at the a55ordable le#el it is not e"&ensi#e and it is also not chea&F it is in medium le#el in terms o5 5oods. -e set the &roductKs selling &rice at 0.00, as an attem&t o5 using &rice &rom&ts. -e set it at 0.00 15 so <e could attain the reach &ro5it. ee&ing the &rice at a t<o>digit can attract customer seeing this amount is not that big. COS 'AS!4 RCN@ -ngredients ,OM !e@uired Pri"e <P= Subtotal <P= Condense Milk /0 =%00g? 1 /.: /.: !#a&orated milk :0 ml = /0g? 2 2.: %:.0 !gg yolk ieces 12 +0 Suash ilo Q :.0 :.0 'ro<n Sugar ilo 12.0 12.0 TOT/ P8AA.25 Com;utation: ,nit "ost: I1++.2 3 20 B.?8 ;$; Rent Monthly 2,000 early 2%,000 !lectricity -ater romotional Salaries o5 Managers otal o#erhead cost 1,000 00 60 1,000 1/,60 12,000 ,+00 1,0/0 1/0,000 220,+/0 O#erhead costs and other e"&enses I220,+/0 3 2,/ B) ;$; 4irect labor cost3 unit I+,000 3 2,/ 16 B8.5' roduct rice I/.1H6H1.0 B8) ;$; Mark & =/J? I16 H 11 11.12 .12 B?'.2 or ?' ;$; 5.?.?. P/C*%-ST!-,T-O1 ST!/T*4-*S 4R!C 4SR'ON P!O,C*! CO1S,M*! alabasa leche 5lan <ill be distributed <ith (ust one channel <hich is 8ero le#el 5rom the manu5acturer to consumer and through the most straight 5or<ard marketing channel <here our store <ould sell the kalabasa leche 5lan directly to the customers. Since this method <ould be likely be good not (ust but 5or the customer as <ell, since this <ould be able to satis5y the customer and res&ond to their 5eedback immediately <ith a good number o5 goods and their demand <ould also be satis5ied immediately 5.?.&. P!OMOT-O1 ST!/T*4-*S 1.? Ad#ertis Ad#ertising3 ing3ub ublicity licity his is <here <e call out or gi#e in5ormation to the customers, in this situation <e could make some tar&aulins3&osters and other #isual aids 5or ads. hrough these the 17 consumers <ill be 5ascinated on <hat <as the ad all about es&ecially <hen the logo or &icture itsel5 is a&&ealing that it can attract customer or get attention. Also no<adays ad#ertising is #ery ram&ant in di55erent social sites, because you can easily ad#ertise your ads 5reely and hassle 5ree like through 5acebook, instagram, t<itter and other more, this site <ill hel& us encourage those consumers and let them our &roduct e"istence in the market and also it <ill s&read the ne<s easily, es&ecially 5or those 5ood lo#ers on dessert <ill be attracted <ith this. 2.? Sales Sales rom romoti otion on he sualicious store <ill be ha#ing 5ree taste o5 the kalabasa leche 5lan in order to encourage the customers to make a &urchase. he main &oint o5 kalabasa leche 5lan <ill be 5ocus <ith satis5ying ingredients that contains health5ul bene5its <hich is &re5erred by the customers. .? erso ersona nall Selling Selling his is <here you &ersonally selling the &roduct to the customers. ou are talking to them 5ace>to>5ace to gi#e them in5ormation about the &roduct and 5or them to encourage it to buy to your store3stall. Other members o5 our grou& <ill be assigned to di55erent areas <here they are a lot o5 &eo&le crossing nearby our store3stall. ogether <ith the &osters and 5lyers o5 ad#ertisement <e ha#e and some members o5 the grou& <ill be dis&erse into di55erent location to &romote our &roduct <hich is kalabasa leche 5lan so that customers <ill be encourage to &urchase our &roduct. %.? 4irec 4irectt Market Marketing ing he sualicious store <ill be ad#ertising through social net<orking sites. t has its o<n <ebsite <<<.sualicious.com and also o<n 7acebook 7an&age and nstagram &age. he <ebsite &osted some #ariety o5 ad#ertisements and its &roduct. t can also be 5ound the com&any background and some other 5acts about store. he sualicious 5an&age3&age <ill be shared to 5riends and acuaintance online in order to kno< the in5ormation about the &roduct. 18 5.& T-M*T/* O( /CT--T-*S Timetable for 2'8AD2'8 Periodi" Time 2'8A 9an. 11 > Mar 11 A&ril 11 11 > 9une 9une 11 11 /"tiity romotion o5 roduct roduct Gaunch Gaunch 4istribution o5 &roduct 9uly 11 Se&t. 11 Oct. 11 4ec. 11 to retailers 4onation 5or Charities Person in C$arge Michiko Malabanan Racel Claridad Claridad udget +,000 1,000 Charlyn Sibug ,000 Nicole Mae Reyes +,000 Nicole Mae Reyes +,000 Michiko Malabanan ,000 Charlyn Sibug Racel Claridad /,000 +,000 Michiko Malabanan ,000 Charlyn Sibug +,000 Racel Claridad Nicole Mae Reyes ,000 +,000 Period time 2'87 9an. / > 7eb / A&r / > 9une 9une / 9uly / > Se&t / Oct. / > 4ecr / Period time 2'8 9an 1 > Mar1 A&ril 1 > 9une 9une 1 9uly 1 Se&t. 1 Oct. 1 4ec. 1 @i#e a<ay <allet si8e calendar <ith the &roduct name and logo -elcome back school &romo raining 5or the sta55 4onation 5or charities ro#ide Malunggay as additional 5la#or 5or Geche 7lan 4istribution o5 &roduct to <holesaler S&onsor some e#ents 4onation 5or Charities 5.5 S/*S (O!*C/ST ASSMONS ASSM ONS TI 100;0 I,000 5.A. S/*S (O!*C/ST 19 a. 'ase Sales 0&cs b. Sales &er day 0&cs " 0I &h&1,00 c. Sa Sale les s &er &er mont month h 1,0 1,00" 0" 0 I &h& &h&% %,0 ,000 00 /.= Sales Sales (ore"ast (ore"ast <2'8A= <2'8A= Mont$ Probability Euantity Pri"e Sales 9an %J 1,00 0 %,000 7eb 0J 1,: 0 %:,20 Mar J 1,+ 0 %6,00 A&r +0J 1,:2/ 0 1,/%0 May 9une +J :0J 1,/2 1,61% 0 0 %,+60 :,%20 9uly Aug Se&t :J /0J /J 2,010 2,110 2,110 2,21+ 0 0 0 +0,00 +,00 ++,%/0 Oct 60J 2,2+ 0 +6,:/0 No# 4ec 6J 100J 2,%% 2,+ 0 0 :,26+ :+,60 Total 2?>&5 785>?5A Sales (ore"ast <2'87= Sales 201+ " 1.10 @ro<th rate J I=2,/%" 1.10?"0 I2+,226."0 I:/+,// 20 Mont$ Probability Euantity Pri"e Sales 9an /0J 2,02 0 +1,+0 7eb Mar /+J /0J 2,20.6 2,02 0 0 ++,1:: +1,+0 A&r :0J 1,:6. 0 ,/+ May 9une :%J //J 1,/6/ 2,2:.2 0 0 +,6% +:,:1+ 9uly /+J 2,20.6 0 ++,1:: Aug :0J 1,:6. 0 ,/+ Se&t 60J 1,/%: 0 ,%0% Oct No# 4ec /0J :+J 1+0J 2,02 1,6%6.% %,10% 0 0 0 +1,+0 /,%/2 12,120 Total 2A>22).5 7A>5 Sales (ore"ast <2'8= ISales 201: " 1.1 @ro<th rateJ I=2+,226." 1.1?"0 I2:,%0.6/"0 I/2+,226 Mont$ Probability Euantity Pri"e Sales 9an 1%0J ,61 0 10:,:0 7eb /+J 2,20./ 0 ++,1:: Mar /0J 2,02 0 +1,+0 A&r :0J 1,:6.2 0 ,/+ May 9une 9uly /J 100J /+J 2,1/0 2,+ 2,20.2 0 0 0 +,%0: :+,60 ++,1:: Aug 60J 2,0/.20 0 +6,2 Se&t Oct 60J /0J 1,/%: 2,02 0 0 ,%0% +1,+0 No# :+J 1,6%6.% 0 /,%/2 21 4ec 126J Total ,0/./+ 0 66,2++ 27>5&'.)7 2A>22) 5.A.8. S/*S (O!*C/ST <2'8A= !/T*% POS-T-O1 !/T*%/0 P/4D !/T*%0*/! SSS P-*/T MO1T C!O --4 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 4irector o5 Marketing 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 4irector o5 O&erations 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 A>''' A>''' 4irector o5 7inance 4irector o5 LR 2'>&' TOT/ 8'>''' 282>&'' ' !MGO!! S roduction !m&loyees 0 1,00 1/,000 2,100 1,200 1,200 0 1,00 1/,000 2,100 1,200 1200 TOT/ ?A>''' &>2'' 2>&'' 2>&'' 4!/1 TOT/ 28A>''' Cashier 8 2 ? Prod Produ" u"ti tion on "ost "ost%u %uni nitt 21+,000 L32,/%units I 6.0+&h&3units ire ire"t "t abo aborr "os "ost% t%un unit it +,000 H %,200 H 2,%00 H 2,%00I %,0003 2,/%units I 1./6 &h&3units Oer Oer$e $ead ad "ost "ost%u %uni nits ts 1/0,000 H 20,%00 H +,000 H +,000 H12,000 H ,+00 H 2%,000 I 22,0003 2,/%I 10.:&h&3units 22 )>''' 228>&'' Total: 6.0+ H 1./6 H 10.: I21.02 MarkDu;: 21.2 " %J I21.2 H /.+1 I 0.1 or 0 &h&3unit 23 O!4/1-F/T-O1 P/1 Organization Plan Organizational C$art CEO Amiel Samia 24 Director of )inance *icole !ae Re'es Director of !ar"etin# !ic$i"o !ala%anan Director of &R C$arl'n Si%(# Director of Operations Racel Claria +ro(ction Emplo'ee Cas$ier -rene !ana%at 6ob S;e"ifi"ation for ea"$ ;osition: (inan"e ire"tor • !ducation 'achelors 4egree in Accountancy, or a related 5ield reuired. 25 • Masters degree in Accounting or a related 5ield &re5erred. !"&erience !"tensi#e 5inancial or cost management e"&erience. !"&erience in the &re&aration o5 5inancial statements, budgets and 5orecast. !"&erience o5 re&orting and monitoring to tight deadlines. Reuired Skills, no<ledge, and Characteristics !55ecti#e 5inancial management skills. !"cellent organi8ational skills <ith the ability to coordinate acti#ities. @ood literacy, numeracy and skills. @ood communication and in5luencing skills. Com5ortable <ith a team a&&roach to management and the ability to • manage se#eral ma(or acti#ities simultaneously. uman !esour"e ire"tor • !ducation Resources, 'usiness, or a related 5ield 'achelors 4egree in Luman Resources, reuired. reuired. Masters in 'usiness or Luman Resources Management or a related 5ield • &re5erred. !"&erience !"&erience in organi8ation de#elo&ment and change management. Signi5icant e"&erience o5 de#elo&ing and im&lementing LR olicies. Substantial e"&erience o5 deli#ering an e55icient ) e55ecti#e LR ser#ice Reuired Skills, no<ledge, and Characteristics Strong e55ecti#e communicator in <riting, business &resentations and • communication.. in inter&ersonal communication 4emonstrates a high degree o5 con5identiality and unusual common sense. direct the e55ort e55orts s o5 a team team o5 di#erse di#erse human human resources resources Able to direct &ro5essionals. !"&ert in em&loyment la< and em&loyee relations and communication. 26 Marketing ire"tor • • !ducation 'achelors 4egree in Marketing or a related 5ield reuired. Masters in 'usiness or Marketing &re5erred. !"&erience -orked in a 5le"ible, em&loyee em&o<ering <ork en#ironment. ro#en kno<ledge and a&&lication o5 a <ide range o5 marketing techniues and conce&ts. • Reuired Skills, no<ledge, and Characteristics !"cellent in oral and <ritten communication skills. &ressure and take a 5le"ible 5le"ible a&&roach a&&roach to Ability to res&ond &ositi#ely to &ressure change. Ability to think creati#ely creati#ely.. Ability to <ork <ell <ell <ith a <ide range range o5 &eo&le. 4emonstrated e55ecti#eness in holding con#ersations <ith customers. Ability to lead in an en#ironment en#ironment o5 constant change. O;erations ire"tor • !ducation 'achelors 4egree in business administration, commerce, management, industrial technology or industrial engineering. Masters O&erations Management or a related 5ield &re5erred. • • !"&erience ndustry rele#ant &roduction e"&erience. !"&erience in organi8ational e55ecti#eness and o&erations management. !"&erience in the management o5 installation teams. Reuired Skills, no<ledge, and Characteristics no<ledge o5 business and management &rinci&les and &ractices. Ad#ance Ad#anced d kno<ledge kno<ledge in using using MS O55ice O55ice &roducts. &roducts. no<ledge o5 building systems to maintain e55ecti#e communication bet<een de&artments in a ser#ice deli#ery en#ironment. 4emonstrate a good standard o5 literacy and numeracy and strong commercial skills. La#e a strong o&erations and systems based a&&roach. 27 Produ"tion *m;loyee • • !ducation Ligh School 4i&loma &re5erred. Reuired Skills, no<ledge, and Characteristics roducti#e, Ligh Tuality, ro&er Attitude. eam &layer. Ability to learn. Ability to 5ollo< directions directions.. inde&endently ntly.. Ability to <ork inde&ende @ood #erbal and <ritten communication skills. Cas$ier • • • !ducation 'achelors 4egree in Accountancy, or a related 5ield reuired. !"&erience Must ha#e at least e"&erience <orking as a store or boutiue cashier. re#ious e"&erience o5 <orking <ithin a small 7inance eam. !"&erience in accounting so5t<are. Reuired Skills, no<ledge, and Characteristics !"cellent communication skills. 7le"ibility on <orking hours. no<ledge in basic Mathematics. @ood analytical skills. Must ha#e &leasing &ersonality. Ability to communicate communicate <ith associat associates es and customers. customers. Ability to read, count, count, and <rite to accurately accurately com&lete com&lete all documenta documentation. tion. eui&ment necessary necessary to &er5orm the the (ob. Ability to o&erate all eui&ment A. uman !esour"e Management Plan A.8 !e"ruitment and Sele"tion !e"ruitment !e"ommendations from "urrent em;loyees. t could be e55ecti#e because the em&loyee has a #ested interest and it is 5ast, at the same time e55icient. 28 9ord of mout$. hrough the use o5 <ord o5 mouth, it eliminates time consuming search 5or a&&licants. Post an adertisement G$erein most likely to rea"$ your ;otential Hob "andidates. nternet has become the leading #enue 5or &osting (ob o&enings and also in local ne<s&a&ers. his <ould create an o&&ortunity to attract more highly uali5ied candidates. Posting Hob announ"ements. Aside 5rom being ine"&ensi#e, it may &ro#ide <ide e"&osure in order to attract uali5ied a&&licants. Sele"tion -dentify t$e sele"tion "riteria. n order to hire the right em&loyee, you must kno< the skills needed to carry out the (ob tasks, the kno<ledge needed, &ersonal characteristics, or i5 you <ant to, ask someone <ho &er5orms the (ob to hel& you determine the essential (ob tasks and the essential skills reuired. !eieG t$e a;;li"ation forms and identify your best "andidates. no<ing <hat youBre looking 5or in terms o5 e"&erience, education and skills <ill hel& you identi5y &otential candidates uickly. S"reen "andidates by interieGs. Once youB#e narro<ed your stack o5 a&&lication 5orms to a hand5ul o5 &otential a&&licants, call the candidates and ask uestions to 5urther narro< the 5ield. n your 5ace>to>5ace inter#ie<s <ill hel& ensure you are e#aluating candidates eually. Sele"t "andidates for assessment. 'ased on the res&onses to your uestions, select the candidates you 5eel are best uali5ied. Obtain more information from your referen"e "$e"ks. 'y asking &re#ious em&loyers and su&er#isorsK uestions that cannot sim&ly be ans<ered by yes or 29 no. Gike 5or e"am&le, asking them <hat ad#ice <ould they gi#e you in hiring this candidate. A.2 Orientation % Training 4ie a Strategi" OerieG. !"&lain to the ne< hire your team, de&artment, and cor&orate ob(ecti#es and link those to indi#idualKs (ob. !"&lain to the ne< em&loyee your #ie< o5 ho< they 5it in to the bigger &icture. -ntrodu"e t$e 1eG *m;loyee. On the 5irst day o5 the ne< em&loyee, em&loyee, you should &ersonally introduce him or her to all the members o5 the team. @i#ing him or her an e"&lanation o5 each &ersonKs role and ho< their roles linked to each other. emonstrate t$e Task t$at t$e 1eG *m;loyee Gill ;erform. osition yoursel5 correctly alongside the em&loyee so he or she <ill see the (ob e"actly as it should be &er5ormed. As you demonstrate the (ob, e"&lain <hat youKre doing and <hy. 'ecause &eo&le retain in5ormation better <hen they understand the reasons 5or &er5orming a (ob in a certain <ay. Cultiate your !elations$i;. his <ill hel& em&loyees build lasting relationshi&s by ha#ing regular one>on>one con#ersations <ith the management. Setting u& a series o5 <eekly meetings 5or you and the em&loyee to discuss e"&ectations and get to kno< each other <ill hel& culti#ate a strong and o&en relationshi& bet<een you and the em&loyee. /rrange for Training. Assign a mentor that <ill hel& the em&loyee in the (ob training. Signing the em&loyee u& 5or internal or e"ternal training courses, or &utting the em&loyee on &ro(ects that <ill gi#e them a broad #ie< o5 their (ob and the com&any. 30 A.? Motiational Programs Saying T$ank 0ou. 0ou. Recogni8ing the &er5ormance and the &rogress o5 the em&loyees is already means a lot to them. O5ten times, em&loyees (ust <ant to be recogni8e 5or their good <ork. A sim&le Dhank youE or D@ood (obE 5rom the C!O or 5rom their res&ecti#e managers can go a long <ay. aing fun at t$e offi"e like s$aring Hokes or ;laying s;orts during break time. o& management must kee& things light by o55ering s&orts eui&ment like &ing>&ong tables on>site or by letting managers and em&loyees thro< (okes during lunchtime or break time (ust 5or 5un in order to absorb good #ibes inside the o55ice and also to ha#e a &roducti#e <orking condition <ith each and e#eryone. 4iing a free a"ation to t$e best em;loyee. 'y <ay o5 ackno<ledging em&loyeesK ins&ired &er5ormance, it is best to gi#e him or her a 5ree #acation instead o5 money because money, once s&ent, it can be 5orgotten. And not e#eryone is moti#ated by money, so that non>5inancial re<ards can be im&ortant alternati#es in moti#ating or a<arding your em&loyees. A.& Code of Condu"t Our core #alues guide our beha#ior, and generally, our beha#iors determine ho< <e are being a<are o5 as a com&any. Recogni8ing that our business success is 5ounded u&on a commitment to certain &rinci&les. Communi"ate $onestly and a"t Git$ integrity: • • 4oing the right thing e#en i5 un&o&ular or risky aking actions that are consistent <ith <ords 31 • 4ealing <ith issues directly, o&enly and res&ect5ully Passionate about deliering for our s$are$olders and meeting our "ustomersI needs: La#ing high &er5ormance e"&ectations and a mindset o5 e"cellence aking acti#e res&onsibility 5or the uality o5 ser#ice <e &ro#ide to customers and others 4emonstrating a &assion 5or understanding and meeting the needs o5 our shareholders and customers 9ork toget$er as a team and are "ommitted to eJ"ellen"e: Collaborating across 5unctions and <ork together to create &artnershi&s romoting team<ork among grou&s and discouraging D#ersus themE thinking. Lolding oursel#es and others obligated 5or results Celebrate our diersity and res;e"t ea"$ ot$er: A&&reciating and #aluing each A&&reciating each otherKs otherKs li5e e"&erience e"&eriences s reating 5ello< em&loyees and customers <ith res&ect is"i;linary /"tions in (irm: -hile disci&lining an em&loyee or a member o5 the organi8ation, it is al<ays im&ortant to make sure that the disci&linary action meted out to the o55ender is al<ays com&arable to the o55ense committed. Another im&ortant thing in &unishing o55enders is that the &erson must be gi#en the o&&ortunity to be heard. Le must e"&lain reasons 5or his action be5ore a decision is taken against him. 7or the commission o5 any o5 the 5ollo<ing o55enses, an em&loyee shall be sub(ect to disci&linary action u& to and 32 including discharge. 4isci&linary action 5or the same or di55erent o55enses shall &rogress in the 5ollo<ing manner erbal Garning. *erbal statement to em&loyee that he3she has #iolated a rule and3or regulation and that such #iolation may not continue. 9ritten re;rimand. 7ormal noti5ication in <riting to em&loyee that he3she has #iolated a rule and3or regulation. Sus;ension. Goss o5 <ork and <ages 5or a s&eci5ic number o5 hours or days, but not 5or more than one <ork <eek, de&ending on the se#erity o5 the o55ense. Notice o5 sus&ension is &ro#ided to the em&loyee in <riting. is"$arge. he em&loyer3em&loyee relationshi& is se#ered. 5 an em&loyee recei#es 5our <arning notices 5or the same or di55erent o55enses <ithin a &eriod o5 12 consecuti#e months, the em&loyee shall, at the time o5 the issuance o5 the 5ourth such notice, be sub(ect to discharge. A. !"cessi#e !"cessi#e absenteeis absenteeism. m. '. !"cessi#e tardiness. C. nattenti#eness to <ork, including but not limited to, 5ailure to start <ork at the designated time, uitting <ork be5ore &ro&er time, or lea#ing assigned <ork area, building, or &ro(ect during <orking hours <ithout authori8ation 5rom a&&ro&riate su&er#isor. 4. osting unauthori8ed materials on <alls or bulletin boardsF de5acing or remo#ing authori8ed material 5rom bulletin boards. !. *iolation o5 a sa5ety rule or sa5ety &ractice. 33 7. Smoking in &rohibited areas. @. 7ailure to re&ort 5or <ork <ithout gi#ing the su&er#isor or de&artment head notice o5 absence <ithin t<o hours a5ter the beginning o5 the scheduled <orkday. L. *ending, soliciting or collecting contributions on the com&anyBs time or &remises <ithout &rior a&&ro&riate authori8ation 5rom the com&any. . @ambling, lottery, or any other game o5 chance on the em&loyerBs &remises during <orking hours. /;;li"ation to Punitie San"tions he 5ollo<ing actions shall be 5ollo<ed in the im&lementation o5 &uniti#e sanctions 8. 9ell 9ellDti Dtime med d ;ena ;enalt ltie ies s &on 5ul5illment o5 the in#estigation &rocedures un5old, &uniti#e action or &enalty shall be im&osed directly. 2. ,nif ,nifor ormi mity ty of dis"i dis"i;l ;lin ine e he same ordered sanction or disci&line shall be a&&lied to o55enders o5 the same o55ense committed under similar 5acts or chances regardless o5 rank or &osition o5 the em&loyee concerned. ?. Pres"r Pres"ri; i;tio tion n Per Perio iod d he o55ense and the disci&linary action3disci&line im&osed on an em&loyee shall be abolish 5rom his 3 her &ersonnel record a5ter a &rescri&tion &eriod sho<n belo<. -ritten -arning One =1? year 5rom date o5 the <ritten re&rimand -ritten Re&rimand <o =2? years 5rom the date o5 <ritten <arning Sus&ension 7i#e =? years 5rom the last day o5 the last sus&ension &. Pree Preent nti ie e Su Sus; s;en ensi sion on 34 Management must &lace an em&loyee on &re#enti#e sus&ension o5 not more than thirty =0? days <ithout &ay i5 in their (udgment his or her continued &resence in the <ork&lace &oses a serious threat to the <ell> being o5 other em&loyees or to the &ro&erty o5 the Com&any. he &ur&ose o5 this Code o5 Conduct is to &ro#ide em&loyees <ith guidance on the standards o5 beha#ior e"&ected o5 them in &er5orming their duties o5 em&loyment and in their dealings <ith 5ello< em&loyees and members o5 the organi8ation. he Organi8ation belie#es in being an integrated organi8ation and that the action o5 e#ery em&loyee a55ects its entire organi8ation and re&utation. -hether itKs im&ro#ing <el5are and reliability, deli#ering better ser#ice 5or our customers, or earning back their trust and con5idence, all o5 us at the com&any are <orking hard to ensure that our organi8ation is on a solid 5oundation 5or the 5uture. 7. S"$edule of salaries> Gages> and benefits !/T*% POS-T-O1 !/T*%/0 P/4D !/T*%0*/! SSS P-*/T MO1T C!O 4irector o5 7inance 4irector o5 LR 4irector o5 Marketing 4irector o5 O&erations --4 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 A>''' A>''' 2'>&' TOT/ 8'>''' ' !MGO!! 35 282>&'' S roduction !m&loyees Cashier 0 1,00 1/,000 2,100 1,200 1,200 0 1,00 1/,000 2,100 1,200 1200 ?A>''' &>2'' 2>&'' 2>&'' TOT/ )>''' 228>&'' 4!/1 TOT/ 28A>''' 8. Pr Prod odu" u"ti tion on "ost "ost%u %uni nitt 21+,000 L32,/%units I 6.0+&h&3units 2. ire" ire"tt a abor bor "ost% "ost%un unit it +,000 H %,200 H 2,%00 H 2,%00I %,0003 2,/%units I 1./6 &h&3units ?. Oer Oer$e $ead ad "os "ost% t%un unit its s 1/0,000 H 20,%00 H +,000 H +,000 H12,000 H ,+00 H 2%,000 I 22,0003 2,/%I 10.:&h&3units Total: 6.0+ H 1./6 H 10.: I21.02 MarkDu;: 21.2 " %J I21.2 H /.+1 I 0.1 or 0 &h&3unit 36 T*C1-C/% P!O,CT-O1 P/1 A. Te"$ni"al % Produ"tion Plan A.8 Ste;s to ;rodu"e t$e ;rodu"t 1. eel the suash and boil 5or 20 minutes. Mash thoroughly using a 37 5ork. 2. Combine the mashed mi"ture, milk, and egg. Set aside. . Carameli8e the bro<n sugar and line the &an mold. %. our the mi"ture into the lined &an mold and co#er <ith aluminum 5oil or . Steam in hot <ater =double boiler? 5or %0 minutes or until done. +. Set aside. -hen it gets <armer a5ter 20 minutes, &ut it in the container. :. Chill and ser#e. Ste;s on $oG to sell -hen a customer enter the booth3stall <e must greet them @ood morning maKam3sir, -elcome to Sualicious 5lan 38 n the counter, the sales&erson must introduce the &roduct that they ser#e and ans<er the uestion o5 the customer. Al<ays make the customer 5eel res&ected and com5ortable. -hen the customer has already choose <hat &roduct he3she <ants. @i#e the &roduct in a &resentable and neat <ay. Make sure that all the orders <ill be gi#en. Once the customer already &aid ne#er 5orget to say Dthank you maKam3 sirE <ith a sincere smile 7inally, a5ter the customer bought. 4onKt 5orget to say Dthank you maKam3 sir come againE <ith a sincere smile A.2. Sour"es of raG materials Our su&&liers <ould be 9enra mall su&ermaket, 9umbo 9enra su&ermarket, Angeles 7ili&ino !nter&rise, San Nicolas Market and C@>Mart. 9e 9enra nra mall mall s su& u&er er mark market et33 9umbo 9umbo 9enra 9enra su&erm su&ermark arket et 39 Conde Condense nse Milk Mil k !#a&orated milk 'ro<n Sugar !gg Suash Container S&oon C@>Mart San Nicolas Market Angeles 7ili&ino 7ili&ino !nter&rise !nter&rise A.?. (a"ility size and lo"ation A ' C 4 ! 4ining a able Re5rigerator itchen sink Sto#e 4oor Mi"ing and &acking Storage o5 the 5inished &roduct -ashing Cooking !ntry and e"it he <orking area is about /0 s m <ith a concrete 5loor. uilding im;roements 1ote 8: he increased #olume o5 alabasa Geche 5lan &roduction &rom&ted the managers to make a decision to reno#ate the kitchen to ha#e a <ider <ork &lace and &ut needed items <hich <ill hel& to accom&lish the business that costed 12,1. 40 'uilding m&ro#ements 1,000 lant ) !ui&ment itchen tensils ) !ui&ment =Note 2? 7urniture ) 7i"ture =Note ? O55ice !ui&ment =Note %? O55ice Su&&lies =Note ? 1,1+ 1,+00 2,000 2,000 Re5undable 4e&osits =Note + ? re> O&erating Costs ermits ) Gicenses 2,000 12,:+ -orking Ca&ital = 1 month, unless other<ise indicated? ngredients =Note /? ackaging Materials =Note 6? Salaries =Note 11? !m&loyee 'ene5its =Note 12? Share o5 tilities =Note 1? ele&hone =Note 1%? 1++.2 :2/ 1/,000 2%,+00 ,/00 600 %/,16% Cash =Note 1? %/,16% O OAG RO9!C COS 12,1 Sources o5 5und !uity 4ebt . 12,1 0 A.&. Total ;roHe"t "ost 'uilding m&ro#ements 1,000 lant ) !ui&ment itchen tensils ) !ui&ment =Note 2? 7urniture ) 7i"ture =Note ? O55ice !ui&ment =Note %? O55ice Su&&lies =Note ? Re5undable 4e&osits =Note + ? re> O&erating Costs ermits ) Gicenses 1,1+ 1,+00 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,:+ -orking Ca&ital = 1 month, unless other<ise indicated? ngredients =Note /? ackaging Materials =Note 6? Salaries =Note 11? !m&loyee 'ene5its =Note 12? 1++.2 :2/ 1/,000 2%,+00 41 Share o5 tilities =Note 1? ele&hone =Note 1%? ,/00 600 %/,16% Cash =Note 1? %/,16% O OAG RO9!C COS 12,1 Sources o5 5und !uity 4ebt 12,1 0 1ote 2: 3it"$en Tools *@ui;ment> S@uali"ious Produ"tion Tty 1 1 % 2 2 % % % 1 2 2 1 1 1 itchen tools !ui&ment Steamer Re5rigerator late ni5e Cho&&ing 'oard S&oon ot Lolder 'o<l 'lender Molding 4ish 7ork -ooden S&oon or Gadle Measuring cu&s Tuad 'urner Sto#e TOT/ COST nit rice 100 10,000 1 0 0 10 0 +00 10 0 0 ,000 otal rice 1,00 10,000 +0 100 100 %0 20 120 +00 12 20 0 0 ,000 85>8A5 nit &rice 1000 10 otal rice 1,000 +00 8>A'' 1ote ?: (urniture and (iJtures Tty 1 % 7urniture and 7i"tures -orking ables Mono block Stool TOT/ COST 1ote &K5: Offi"e *@ui;ment% Su;;lies Our com&any &urchased an electronic calculator <ith ta&e at a cost 2,000. hen <e budgeted 2,000 5or o55ice su&&lies, including se#eral booklets o5 o55icial recei&ts, sales in#oices, and deli#ery recei&ts, a sales book, a &urchased book, a (ournal and se#eral rolls o5 a calculator ta&e. 42 1ote A: !efundable e;osits Our com&any &aid an ad#anced de&osit 5or t<o G@ cylinders. 1ote 7: Permits and i"ense ermits and Gicense otal rice M Ksa& !la eyco trric l ienrsmtaitllation ermit and ins&ection 5ees Sanitary ins&ection 5ee 7ire ins&ection 5ee TOT/ 1 1% 00 0 +00 100 )&' 1ote : -ngredients ngredients Condense Milk !#a&orated milk !gg yolk Suash 'ro<n Sugar OM /0 =%00g? :0 ml = /0g? ieces ilo ilo Reuired 1 2 12 132 13% rice =? /.: 2.: :.0 12.0 Subtotal =? /.: %:.0 +0 :.0 12.0 TOT/ P8AA.25 1ote ): Pa"kaging Materials tem Tty Needed Minimum Order 3urchase lastic cu&s : &acks Single &ack o5 0 &ieces Gabels 120 sheets 20 labels &er sheet Scotch ta&e 1 rolls lastic bags Ribbon Cost3nit otal cost %0 2/0 0.%0 %/ Single roll 1 22 &acks Single &ack o5 100 &ieces 10 0 rolls Single roll 2 12 TOT/ 72 P4 <1ote 8'= See Note 13 1ote 88: Salaries No. 2 % 1 osition Lel&er Managers C!O Monthly Salary 1,00 ,000 ,000 ayroll &er Month ayroll &er ear otal ,000 12,000 ,000 1/,000 21+,000 43 ayroll <ith 1th Month &ay 2?&>''' *m;loyee enefits < 1ote 82 = No. osition No. SSS !m&loyer Ks Share3erson otal &er month osition %,200 2 Lel&er 2,100 %,200 % 4irectors %,0/0 1+,20 1 C!O %,0/0 %,0/0 SSS remittan"es ;er mont$% *m;loyerIs s$are 2&>A'' SSS remittan"es ;er year% *m;loyerIs s$are 2)5>2'' No. osition 2 SSS !m&loyerKs Share3erson Lel&er % 1,200 4irectors 1 otal &er month C!O 2,%00 %,/00 %,/00 %,/000 1,200 P$ilealt$ remittan"es ;er mont$% *m;loyerIs s$are >&'' P$ilealt$ remittan"es ;er year% *m;loyerIs s$are 8''>'' 1ote 8?: ,tilities !lectricity -ater 1,000 00 @as Rent 00 2,000 ?>'' Total 1ote 8&: his co#ers Sualicious 5lanKs monthly e"&enses 5or its cell &hone use 5or the business transactions &articularly in communication directly and &ersonally <ith su&&liers and customers. 1ote 85: Cas$ Our com&any set aside a minimum cash balance o5 %+,/%/. his amount is eui#alent to our <orking ca&ital 5or one <eek. Total of ProHe"t Cost -tems in S@uali"ious Produ"tion 44 'uilding m&ro#ements 1,000 lant ) !ui&ment itchen tensils ) !ui&ment =Note 2? 7urniture ) 7i"ture =Note ? O55ice !ui&ment =Note %? O55ice Su&&lies =Note ? 1,1+ 1,+00 2,000 2,000 Re5undable 4e&osits =Note + ? re> O&erating Costs ermits ) Gicenses 2,000 12,:+ -orking Ca&ital = 1 month, unless other<ise indicated? ngredients =Note /? ackaging Materials =Note 6? Salaries =Note 11? !m&loyee 'ene5its =Note 12? Share o5 tilities =Note 1? ele&hone =Note 1%? 1++.2 :2/ 1/,000 2%,+00 ,/00 600 %/,16% Cash =Note 1? %/,16% O OAG RO9!C COS 12,1 Sources o5 5und !uity 4ebt 12,1 0 45 (-1/1C-/ COST /S* P!-C-14 -ngredients Condense Milk ,OM /0 =%00g? !e@uired 1 Pri"e <P= /.: Subtotal <P= /.: !#a&orated milk :0 ml = /0g? 2 2.: %:.0 !gg yolk ieces 12 +0 Suash ilo 132 :.0 :.0 'ro<n Sugar ilo 13% 12.0 12.0 OAG 1++.2 Com;utation: ,nit "ost: 46 I1++.2 3 20 B.?8 Rent Monthly 2,000 early 2%,000 !lectricity 1,000 12,000 -ater romotional Salaries o5 Managers otal o#erhead cost 00 60 1,000 1/,60 ,+00 1,0/0 1/0,000 220,+/0 O#erhead costs and other e"&enses I220,+/0 3 2,/ B) 4irect labor cost3 unit I+,000 3 2,/ B8.5' roduct rice I/.1H6H1.0 B8) Mark & =/J? I16 H 11 11.12 .12 B?'.2 or ?' 5.5 S/*S (O!*C/ST ASSMONS ASSM ONS TI 100;0 I,000 5.A. S/*S (O!*C/ST 47 a. 'ase Sales 0&cs b. Sales &er day 0&cs " 0I &h&1,00 c. Sa Sale les s &er &er mont month h 1,0 1,00" 0" 0 I &h& &h&% %,0 ,000 00 .= Sales Sales (ore"ast (ore"ast <2'8A= <2'8A= Mont$ Probability Euantity Pri"e Sales 9an %J 1,00 0 %,000 7eb 0J 1,: 0 %:,20 Mar J 1,+ 0 %6,00 A&r +0J 1,:2/ 0 1,/%0 May 9une +J :0J 1,/2 1,61% 0 0 %,+60 :,%20 9uly Aug Se&t :J /0J /J 2,010 2,110 2,110 2,21+ 0 0 0 +0,00 +,00 ++,%/0 Oct 60J 2,2+ 0 +6,:/0 No# 4ec 6J 100J 2,%% 2,+ 0 0 :,26+ :+,60 Total 2?>&5 785>?5A Sales (ore"ast <2'87= Sales 201+ " 1.10 @ro<th rate J I=2,/%" 1.10?"0 I2+,226."0 I:/+,// Mont$ Probability Euantity Pri"e Sales 9an /0J 2,02 0 +1,+0 48 7eb /+J 2,20.6 0 ++,1:: Mar /0J 2,02 0 +1,+0 A&r May 9une :0J :%J //J 1,:6. 1,/6/ 2,2:.2 0 0 0 ,/+ +,6% +:,:1+ 9uly /+J 2,20.6 0 ++,1:: Aug :0J 1,:6. 0 ,/+ Se&t 60J 1,/%: 0 ,%0% Oct No# /0J :+J 2,02 1,6%6.% 0 0 +1,+0 /,%/2 4ec 1+0J %,10% 0 12,120 Total 2A>22).5 7A>5 Sales (ore"ast <2'8= ISales 201: " 1.1 @ro<th rateJ I=2+,226." 1.1?"0 I2:,%0.6/"0 I/2+,226 Mont$ Probability Euantity Pri"e Sales 9an 1%0J ,61 0 10:,:0 7eb /+J 2,20./ 0 ++,1:: Mar /0J 2,02 0 +1,+0 A&r :0J 1,:6.2 0 ,/+ May 9une /J 100J 2,1/0 2,+ 0 0 +,%0: :+,60 9uly /+J 2,20.2 0 ++,1:: Aug 60J 2,0/.20 0 +6,2 Se&t 60J 1,/%: 0 ,%0% Oct No# /0J :+J 2,02 1,6%6.% 0 0 +1,+0 /,%/2 4ec 126J ,0/./+ 0 66,2++ Total 27>5&'.)7 2A>22) 49 5.A.8. S/*S (O!*C/ST <2'8A= P/4D POS-T-O1 !/T*%/0 !/T*%MO1T !/T*%0*/! SSS P-*/T --4 C!O 4irector o5 7inance 4irector o5 LR 4irector o5 Marketing 4irector o5 O&erations 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 100 ,000 +,000 %,0/0 1,200 1,200 8'>''' 2'>&'' A>''' A>''' TOT/ !MGO!!S roduction !m&loyees 0 1,00 1/,000 2,100 1,200 1,200 Cashier 0 1,00 1/,000 2,100 1,200 1200 ?A>''' &>2'' 2>&'' 2>&'' TOT/ 282>&'' )>''' 228>&'' 4!/1 TOT/ 28A>''' &. Pr Prod odu" u"ti tion on "ost "ost%u %uni nitt 21+,000 L32,/%units I 6.0+&h&3units 5. ire" ire"tt a abor bor "ost% "ost%un unit it +,000 H %,200 H 2,%00 H 2,%00I %,0003 2,/%units I 1./6 &h&3units A. Oer Oer$e $ead ad "os "ost% t%un unit its s 1/0,000 H 20,%00 H +,000 H +,000 H12,000 H ,+00 H 2%,000 I 22,0003 2,/%I 10.:&h&3units Total: 6.0+ H 1./6 H 10.: I21.02 MarkDu;: 21.2 " %J I21.2 H /.+1 I 0.1 or 0 &h&3unit COMP/!/T-* COMP/!/ T-* -1COM* -1COM * ST/T*M*1T ST/T*M*1T 2'8AD2'8 2'8AD 2'8 50 201+ J to sales 201: J to sales 201/ J to sales Sales :1,+ 100J :/+,// 100J /2+,226 100J CO@S 16/,216.// 2:.:1J 21/,02.:2 2:.:1JJ 22/,6%.1 2:.:1J @ross ro5it 1:,1+.12 :2.26J +/,/2.2/ :2.26J 6:,26%.+6 :2.26J Gess e"&enses Rent 2%,000 .J 2%,000 .0J 2%,000 2.60J Salaries +,000 .0J +,000 %./J +,000 %.+J tilities 2:,+00 ./+J 2:,+00 .1J 2:,+00 .%J -ages 1/0,000 2.1+J 16:,6/0.2: 2.6+J 16:,6+%.%: 2.6+J 1,0/0 0.1J 1,0/0 0.1%J 1,0/0 0.1J 2+/,+/0 :.0J 2/+,++0.2: +.%J 2/+,+%%.%: %.+6J 2%/,%+.12 .2%J 2/2,162.01 ./+J 10,+0.22 :.+J :6,0.6+ 11.11J 60,01.%% 11.%/J 66,%0/.0: 12.0J 1+/,60 2%.1J 2:,1+0.: 2%.0J 211,2%2.1 2.:J romotion otal e"&enses Net to5it a" rate=2J? Net &ro5it a5ter ta" Com;utation of CO4S Sales fore"ast 2'8A 2,/ " 1++.2 3 20 I16/,216.// Sales fore"ast 2'87 2+,226. " 1++.2 3 20 I21/,02.:2 Sales fore"ast 2'8 I2:,%0.6: " 1++.2 3 20 51 I22/,6%.1 reakeen /nalysis ,CB 16/,216.// H 1/0,000 3 2/% I:/,216 3 2/% I1./+ ,CB 21/,02.:2 H 16:,6/0.2: 3 2+,226. I%1+,021.06 3 2+,226. I1./+ ,CB 22/,6%.1 H 16:,6+%.%: 3 2:,%0.6: I%2+,/6/.:/ 3 2:,%0.6: I1.0 * olumeB //,+/030>1./+ I+,2:1.: * olumeB //,+/030>1./+ I+,2:1.: * olumeB //,+/030>1.0 I+,11./+ *SB +,2:1.: " 0 52 I1//,1%:.1 *SB +,2:1.: " 0 I1//,1%:.1 *SB +,11./+ " 0 I 1/,%:./ 2'8A (ore"ast 7i"ed cost Rent Salaries tilities Amount 2%,000 +,000 1/0,000 *ariable Cost CO@S -ages Amount 16/,216.// 1/0,000 romotional otal 1,0/0 //,+/0 otal :/,21/6.// Amount 2%,000 +,000 1/0,000 1,0/0 //,+/0 *ariable Cost CO@S -ages Amount 21/,02 16:6/0.2: otal %1+,012.66 /mount 2%,000 +,000 1/0,000 1,0/0 //,+/0 ariable Cost CO@S -ages /mount 22/,6%.1 16:,6+% otal %2+,/6/.:/ 2'87 (ore"ast 7i"ed cost Rent Salaries tilities romotional otal 2'8 (ore"ast (iJed "ost Rent Salaries tilities romotional otal 53