(Effective September 1, 2016) (Form) Practice Note 41A SUPREME COURT OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND (FAM ILY SECTION) Court File No. _______________ BETWEEN: M OVING PARTY AND: RESPONDING PARTY Notice of Pre -M otion Confe re nce You (and your solicitor, if any) are required to attend a pre-motion conference w hich w ill be held at the Law Courts _________________________, PEI on the _______ day of _______________, 20______, at the hour of _____________o’clock. The purpose of this hearing is to identify the issues to be dealt w ith in the motion and to identify any issues w here settlement may be possible. You (or your solicitor) are required to complete a Pre-motion Conference Memorandum, (Practice Note 41B) and serve it on the other party. The moving party’s Memorandum together w ith proof of service must be filed w ith the Court at least Ten (10) days prior to the Pre-motion Conference date set out above or at least Twenty (20) days if the respondent lives outside of the province. The responding party’s Memorandum must be served and filed at least Four (4) days prior to the date above. (See Practice Note 41) FAILURE TO RESPOND to this Notice OR to APPEAR at the hearing may result in an Order being made against you for the relief sought in the motion, costs or such other relief as the judge deems just in the circumstances. _________________________________ D. Registrar