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Strength Training: Overcome Plateaus & Get Stronger

3 Graphs Show Why You Aren’t
Getting Stronger (And How to
Fix it)
Workout Plans | Written by Jon Chambers |
Updated on 27 December 2021
Trying to gain strength? If you’ve been in the gym
for very long at all, you know that plateaus
happen—and getting stronger gets harder.
As we explained thoroughly in our guide on
building muscle and gaining strength, in natural
athletes (people who don’t take performanceenhancing drugs like steroids) strength and size
have a very high, directly proportional
relationship. As you build muscle, you will
naturally get stronger. And as you build more
muscle, you will naturally be able to move more
weight. This is a simplification though—if you are
interested in the hard nuts and bolts read the
guide above.
Knowing that strength and size go hand in hand,
our choices for exercises come down to 3
While these are not the only exercises you should
be doing, they most certainly need to be the
main ones. Because they are compound
movements, they work your entire body and
every muscle in between (even bench if you are
using proper form). With the law of diminishing
returns in mind, this means we can get the most
results possible for the least amount of effort
from focusing on these.
And if you are a more advanced lifter, you don’t
really have a choice. If you waste your recovery
efforts on accessory exercises and bicep curls,
don’t expect to gain much muscle or strength.
On the flip side, just focusing on the above lifts
alone will yield tremendous results (only if you
are using a proper daily undulating periodization
At this point, we know two things:
Strength and size are highly correlated in nonjuiced lifters
The most strength and size is gained by
performing the 3 traditional compound lifts
(squat, bench, deadlift)
By watching your form on the various lifts, you
can then determine where your sticking points
are and then work to correct those specifically—
maximizing your time and results in the gym.
If you haven’t already, now is a good time to
record your lifts and begin to evaluate where
your sticking points are. Once you have a video
of each lift, you will be able to narrow down on
the specific exercises you personally need to get
Getting Stronger on Squats
Getting Stronger at the Bench
Getting Stronger at Deadlifts
Improving the deadlift relies heavily on the
“segment method” we talk about here.
If you are an intermediate or advanced lifter, it is
also important to follow a program that uses
intelligent periodization (altering sets and reps at
specific times in your training to cause maximal
stimulation for muscle growth and strength
gain). The 8 week powerlifting program is a great
place to start during the off-season if you are
looking to build muscle while also increasing
About the Author
Jon Chambers
Jon Chambers is an Army veteran, powerlifter,
strength coach, sports hernia expert, and
writer involved in the strength training
community for almost a decade on a mission
to create the best strength and fitness guides
on the web.
View all by Jon Chambers
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