Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions AUTUMN 2014 EXAMINATIONS – SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS Finance II Module Description: 1 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Question 1 (a) (i) WACC before issue of new bonds Marks Cost of equity Geometric average dividend growth rate = (16.02/13.45)0·25 – 1 = 0.0447 or 4.47% Using the dividend growth model, ke = 0·0447 + ((16.02 x 1·0447)/310) = 0·0447 + 0·054 = 9.9% say 10% 2.00 2.00 The current after-tax cost of debt is 9% 0.50 Market values of equity and debt Market value of equity = Ve = 200m x 3.10 = €620 million Market value of bonds = Vd = 80m x (95/100) = €76 million Total market value = Ve + Vd = 620 + 76 = €696 million 0.50 0.50 0.50 Current WACC calculation WACC = (10 * 620/696) + (9 * 76/696) = 9.9% 2.00 8.00 Question 1 (a) (ii) WACC after issue of new bonds Marks After-tax cost of debt of new bond issue After-tax interest rate = 7 x (1 – 0·3) = 4.9% per year Using linear interpolation: Year Cash flow € 15% DF 0 Market value (100.00) 1.000 1 to 8 Interest 4.90 4.487 8 Redemption 104.00 0.327 1.00 PV 5% DF PV (100.00) 1.000 (100.00) 21.99 6.463 31.67 34.01 0.677 70.41 (44.01) 2.08 Using linear interpolation, after-tax cost of debt = 5 + ((2.08/(2.08 +44.01))* (15-5)) = 5.45% say 5.50% The market value of the new issue of bonds is €60 million The total market value increases to €696m + €60m = €756 million WACC = (10 * 620/756) + (9 * 76/756) + (5.5 * 20/756) = 4.00 0.50 0.50 9.3% 2.00 8.00 After the new issue of bonds, the weighted average after-tax cost of capital has fallen from 9.9% to 9.3% because the proportion of debt finance, which has a lower required rate of return than equity finance, has increased. 2 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions (b) Sample answer There is certainly a relationship between the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and the market value of the company, since the market value can be expressed as the present value of future corporate cash flows, discounted by the WACC. Marginal and average cost of debt: If the marginal cost of capital, in this case the cost of debt of the new bond issue, is less than the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), it would seem logical to expect the WACC to decrease. However, increasing gearing will increase financial risk and may lead to an increase in the cost of equity, offsetting the effect of the cheaper debt. Traditional view of capital structure: This view states that there is a non-linear relationship between the cost of equity and financial risk, as measured by gearing. Equity investors are indifferent to the addition of small amounts of debt, so as a company gears up by replacing expensive equity with cheaper debt, the WACC initially decreases. Debt is cheaper than equity because of the relative positions of the two sources of finance in the creditor hierarchy. As equity investors start to respond to increasing financial risk, however, the cost of equity begins to increase until a point is reached where WACC ceases to fall. This corresponds to an optimal capital structure, since at this point WACC is at a minimum and hence the market value of the company is at a maximum. After this point, the WACC starts to increase as the company continues to gear up, rising more quickly at very high levels of gearing due to the appearance of bankruptcy risk. Under the traditional view the finance director might be correct in his belief that issuing debt will decrease WACC, depending on the position of the company relative to its optimal capital structure. Modigliani and Miller: M&M showed that in a perfect capital market without corporate taxation, the replacement of expensive equity with cheaper debt did not lead to a decrease in the WACC, since the effect of adding in cheaper debt was exactly offset by the increase in the cost of equity, which had a linear relationship with financial risk, as represented by gearing. This meant that the market value of the company was independent of its capital structure (financial risk) and depended only on its business operations (business risk). In their second paper on capital structure M&M showed that, if taxation were allowed (so that the after-tax cost of debt was considered, rather than the before-tax cost of debt), replacing equity with debt led to a linear decrease in the WACC, because of the tax shield on profits gained by interest payments being an allowable deduction in calculating tax liability. Under this contribution to capital structure theory, gearing up as much as possible would maximise the market value of the company and the finance director would be correct in his belief that issuing traded bonds would decrease the WACC of Charlton Ltd. Market imperfections view: In reality, companies do not gear up as much as possible because of the dangers of high gearing. Further market imperfections, relative to the idea of a perfect capital market in Miller and Modigliani’s first paper on capital structure, included bankruptcy risk and the costs of financial distress at high levels of gearing. These reduced and finally reversed the tax shield effect noted by Miller and Modigliani, resulting in an optimal capital structure at the point where the WACC was at its lowest and the value of the company was at its highest. 3 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Pecking order theory: In practice it has been noticed that companies do not appear to base their financing decisions on the objective of achieving an optimal capital structure, but rather have a preference for sources of finance in the order of retained earnings, bank loans, ordinary debt, convertible debt and equity. A number of reasons have been suggested for this ‘pecking order’. Any four of these points = full marks (9 marks) (Total: 25 marks) Question 2 (a) - Net present value Marks Year Sales (W1) Variable costs (W1) Net trading inflows Taxation (12.5%) Initial investment Scrap proceeds CA tax benefits (W2) Working capital (W3) Net cash flow Discount factors (W4) Present values 0 € 1 € 1,856,400 (886,830) 969,570 2 € 1,930,656 (913,435) 1,017,221 (121,196) 3 € 2,007,882 (940,838) 1,067,044 (127,153) 75,000 (1,545) 969,480 0.769 745,530 200,000 56,250 40,158 1,236,299 0.675 834,502 4 € (133,381) (2,400,000) (37,128) (2,437,128) 1.000 (2,437,128) (1,485) 968,085 0.877 849,010 NPV 143,750 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 3.00 2.00 10,369 0.592 6,138 2.00 (1,948) 0.50 NPV is negative, therefore reject. Presentation 4 0.50 16.00 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Workings Working 1 - Revenue and variable costs Revenues 1 2 3 No. of units * 21,000 21,000 21,000 Sales price inflation Selling price/unit * (1 + inflation)t = 85 1.04 85 1.0816 85 1.124864 1,856,400 1,930,656 2,007,882 4.00% Variable costs 1 2 3 No. of units * 21,000 21,000 21,000 Variable costs inflation VC/unit * 41 41 41 (1 + inflation)t = 1.03 1.0609 1.092727 CA Rate 25% 25% CA (€) 600,000 450,000 1,050,000 886,830 913,435 940,838 3.00% Working 2 - Capital allowances Year 1 2 Opening balance 2,400,000 1,800,000 3 Balancing allowance = WDV - Scrap value = 1,350,000 - 200,000 = 1,150,000 Tax benefit 75,000 56,250 143,750 Working 3 - Working capital requirements €millions Sales WC requirements Year 0 Year 2 1,930,656 40,158 Year 3 2,007,882 37,128 Year 1 1,856,400 38,613 37,128 (37,128) 38,613 (1,485) 40,158 (1,545) 0 40,158 2% Incremental investment WC requirement Annual WC investment Working 4 - Money rate of return Real rate (r) General inflation rate (h) Money rate (i) Rounded 9.00% 4.60% 14.01% 14.00% (1+i) = (1+r)(1+h) 5 Closing balance 1,800,000 1,350,000 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Solution 2 (b) - Internal rate of return Marks Cost of capital Trial rate 14 6 Year 0 € (2,437,128) 1.000 (2,437,128) After-tax cash flows Discount at 6% Present values 1 € 968,085 0.943 912,904 2 € 969,480 0.890 862,837 NPV Internal rate of return 3 € 1,236,299 0.840 1,038,491 4 € 10,369 0.792 8,212 1.00 1.00 1.00 385,316 1.00 IRR = L + {(NL/(NL - NH)) x (H-L)} L H NL 6 14 385,316 NH -1,948 IRR = 6 + ((385,316/(385,316 + 1,948)) * (14-6) 4.00 13.96% (Reject project as IRR < Cost of capital)) Based on the analysis, NPV is negative and IRR is less than cost of capital, therefore reject. 1.00 9.00 (Total: 25 marks) 6 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Question 3 (a) Marks Years prior to listing Number of shares Total dividend Payout ratio 5 4 3 2 1 33,333,333 33,333,333 40,000,000 40,000,000 40,000,000 990,000 1,153,333 1,640,000 1,880,000 2,120,000 56.4% 56.6% 56.5% 56.5% 56.6% 50,000,000 125 * No. of shares year 1: = No. of shares year 4: 100 40,000,000 40,000,000 120 = 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 33,333,333 0.50 * 100 0.50 Payout ratio = total dividends / earnings after tax Discursive comment regarding the company's dividend policy 1.00 7.00 Prior to listing Staunton adopted a policy of paying dividends that are a constant percentage of after tax earnings. A dividend policy that maintains a constant payout ratio will lead to both rises and falls in dividends per share if the company experiences fluctuations in earnings per share. Staunton’s shareholders have not experienced a reduction in dividend per share during the last five years as the company has experienced a continued growth in profits. (2.5 marks) Post-listing If dividend policy is believed to affect the valuation of the company any fall in dividend per share might have an adverse effect on share price. In practice companies appear to be reluctant to reduce the level of dividend per share even if profitability and/or liquidity are poor. A fall in future profitability might occur and a constant payout ratio is not normally considered a suitable dividend policy for quoted companies. Investors might seek a minimum cash flow from dividend payments and a stable policy that maintains at least the existing dividend per share is more usual. (2.5 marks) (12 marks) 7 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions (b) Sample answer (i) Irrelevance theory In 1961, Modigliani and Miller published a paper arguing that dividend policy is irrelevant in a world without taxes and transaction costs. (1 mark) M&M argue as follows: imagine your firm has decided on its investment plans. They are being financed by fixed borrowing and retained earnings. Now, think what happens if you want to increase dividends, without changing your investment and financing policies. The extra money must come from somewhere. If borrowing and retained earnings are being used already, then the only option is to sell more shares. If the value of the firm has not changed, then new shareholders will get shares that are worth less than before the dividend change was announced. The old shareholders will suffer a capital loss on their shares, which will be offset by the extra cash dividend they receive. The extra dividend is not the only way that the old shareholders can get their hands on cash. As long as there are efficient capital markets, investors can raise cash by selling shares. So the old shareholders can ‘cash-in’, either by persuading management to pay a higher dividend, or by selling some of their shares. Conclusion: Because investors do not need dividends to convert their shares to cash, they will not pay higher prices for firms with higher dividend payouts. Dividend Policy has no impact on the value of the firm. (Example = 1 mark) There are strong arguments against MM’s view: Different tax rates on dividends and capital gains can create a preference by shareholders for a high dividend or one for high earnings retention. Earnings retention smay be preferred by companies in a period of capital rationing. Due to imperfect markets and the possible difficulties of selling shares easily at a fair price, shareholders might need high dividends in order to have funds to invest in opportunities outside the company. Because of transaction costs on selling shares, investors who want some cash from their investments should prefer to receive dividends rather than sell some of their shares to get the cash they want (home-made dividends). Information available to shareholders is imperfect and they are not aware of the future investment plans and expected profits of their company (future capital gains). Even if management were to provide them with profit forecasts, these forecasts would not necessarily be accurate. Perhaps the strongest argument against M&M’s view is that shareholders will tend to prefer a current dividend to future capital gains because the future in more uncertain. Any two arguments against = 1 mark each (4 marks) (ii) Traditional theory The traditional finance literature before MM has favoured high dividends. This belief is supported by many in the real business world, because they believe increased dividends 8 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions today make shareholders better off. Traditionalists would value shares differently depending on whether or not a dividend was to be paid. Greater value would be placed on a share that pays a dividend than one that does not. (1 mark) Arguments for traditional theory The traditional theory deals with real world situations that MM do not take into account. For example, there is a natural clientele for high-dividend shares. Some financial institutions are legally restricted from holding shares lacking established dividend records. Certain shareholders may look to their shares as a ‘pension’. In principle, they could create cash from shares that pay no dividends, simply by selling off shares every now and then. However, it is simpler and cheaper (no transaction costs) for the company to send a quarterly cheque, than for its shareholders to sell shares. Some experts have referred to behavioural psychology to explain why we may prefer regular dividends rather than having the ‘temptation’ of dipping into capital whenever we want cash. The dividend takes that decision away from us. Dividend increases send a good signal about cash flows and earnings. Because a high dividend will be expensive for firms that do not have the cash flow to support it, dividend increases signal manager’s confidence in future cash flows. Dividends are more stable than capital gains, and managers have more control over them, so investors prefer companies that pay dividends. Paying out a dividend prevents managers from misusing or wasting the form’s money. Suppose a company has plenty of cash but no positive NPV investment opportunities. Shareholders may not trust the managers to spend the retained earnings wisely. Therefore they may demand a higher dividend. Any two arguments for traditional theory = 1 mark each Arguments against traditional theory While it is true that dividends are more stable than capital gains, it is also true that the risk of cash flows of the firm is determined by the firm’s investment and debt policy. The dividend payout should not have any effect. As for the clientele argument, it is true that there are groups of investors who like regular and high dividends and therefore high payout firms but is does not follow that any particular firm can benefit by increasing its dividends. The high dividend clientele already have plenty of high dividend companies to choose from. It is hard to imagine a company can gain value by changing its payout ratio. Any two arguments against traditional theory = 1 mark each (5 marks) 9 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions (iii)Radical left theory The third position in the dividend controversy focuses primarily on taxation. If dividends are taxed more heavily than capital gains, investors should pay more for shares with low dividends. In other words, they prefer shares offering returns in the form of capital gains rather than dividends. When dividends are taxed more heavily than capital gains, paying higher dividends will actually lead to a loss in value. The firm is better off paying any excess cash through share repurchases (tax free) rather than dividends. Thus, the radical view is that dividends are bad for the shareholders as they cause avoidable taxes. Empirical studies give some support to the leftist’s view in that investors in low marginal tax brackets appear to prefer high payout shares and vice versa. Any four of these points = 1 mark each (4 marks) (Total: 25 marks) 10 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Question 4 (a) (i) Market capitalisation Value of ordinary shares in statement of financial position = €40 million Par value of ordinary shares = €1 Ordinary share price = €2.50 per share Market capitalisation = 40m x €2.50 = €100 million Marks 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.50 3.00 (ii) Net asset value (liquidation basis) Current net asset value (NAV) =102m + 9·3m – 6.8m – 10m = €94.5m Decrease in value of non-current assets on liquidation = 95m – 102m = €7m Increase in value of inventory on liquidation = 5.3m – 4.2m = €1.1m Decrease in value of trade receivables = 5.1m x 10% = €0.51m NAV (liquidation basis) = 94.5m – 7m + 1.1m – 0.51m = €88.09m 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 4.00 (iii) Price/earnings ratio value Historic earnings = €11.1m Average price/earnings ratio within business sector = 14 times Price/earnings ratio value of Giles = 14 x 11·1m = €155.4m 0.50 0.50 2.00 3.00 (iv) (1) Dividend growth model value (using historic dividend growth rate) Historic dividend growth rate = [(6.8m/6.1m)1/3 – 1] x 100 = 3.65% An assumption is made that future dividend growth is similar to historic dividend growth. Value of Giles = (6.8m x 1·0365)/(0·07 – 0·0365) = €210.4m (2) Dividend growth model value (using Gordon’s growth model) 1.00 Historic retention ratio (b) = 100 x (3.1 + 3.2 + 3.7 + 4·3)/(9.2 + 9.5 + 10.2 + 11·1) = 35.75% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 7.00 Current return on shareholders’ funds (re) = 100 x 6.8/54.5 = 12.5% Dividend growth rate = 35.75 x 0·125 = 4.47% Value of Giles = (6.8m x 1·0447)/(0·07 – 0·0447) = €280.8m (b) (i) Calculation of market value of bond The market value of the bond is the present value of the future cash flows from the bond, discounted at the before-tax cost of debt. Market value of bond = (10 x 4.917 6 Yr AF ) + (100 x 0.705 year 6 DF) = €119.67 (ii) Debt/equity ratio (book value basis) D/E = 100 x 10/94.5= 10.6% (iii) Debt/equity ratio (market value basis) Market value of debt = 10.0 x 119.67/100 = €11.967m Market value of equity = 2.50 x 40m = €100m D/E = 100 x 11.967/100 = 12% 1.50 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 (Total: 25 marks) 11 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions Question 5 a) (i) Modigliani & Miller view of capital structure (1 mark) Modigliani and Miller’s 1958 paper directly disagrees with the traditional view of capital structure. They argue that WACC will remain unchanged at all levels of gearing. This implies that no optimal capital structure exists, and that how a company is financed is irrelevant. i.e. WACC is unchanged as gearing levels rise. (3 marks) As gearing increases, Cost of equity increases in such a way as to exactly offset the greater proportion of cheaper debt capital. i.e. WACC will remain constant. This implies that the method of financing projects is irrelevant. (2 marks) (6 marks) (ii) Traditional view of capital structure (1 mark) There is an optimal mix at which the cost of capital will be minimised. The firms cost of capital does depend on the level of gearing. A company can increase its market value by using the best mix of equity and debt. Therefore, selecting a particular method of financing is important. (3 marks) As debt increases, the cost of equity (Ke) rises. The cost of debt (Kd) remains unchanged up to a certain level of debt, and then rises, due to default risk. WACC does not remain constant, but rather falls initially as the level of debt increases, and then begins to increase as the rising cost of equity, and then debt, becomes more significant. (2 marks) (6 marks) (iii) Increased cost of borrowing as gearing increases Negative impact on borrowing capacity Tax exhaustion (when a company has increased its gearing to such a level that there is no sufficient tax liability, or in other words, has negative taxable income, and, consequently, it cannot benefit from ‘all’ the tax relief) Bankruptcy costs (Lawyers, accountants, and the cost of having to sell off assets below their market value) Agency costs (extra covenants imposed on management which will restrict their freedom) Any four of these = 1 mark each (4 marks) 12 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions b) (i) Asset Beta (Atkinson) = 0.7 (85) 85 + 15(1-.125) = 0.61 (4 marks) (ii) 0.70 = Equity beta x 80 80+ 20(1-0.125) Therefore, 0.70 = equity beta * 0.82, so Equity beta = 0.70/0.82 = 0.85. (5 marks) (Total: 25 marks) Question 6 a) Number of contracts = £500,000 / £62,500 = 8 Exporter needs to sell futures (sell £’s) In July, the hedge is set up by selling (8 contracts x £62,500) = £500,000, for December delivery at €1.15 In December, the futures position is closed by buying (8 contracts x £62,500) = £500,000 for December delivery at €1.18 Summary of futures position: € 1.15 (1.18) (0.03) Sell £ for Buy £ for Loss on futures position = €0.03/£ x (£62,500 x 8 contracts) = €15,000 Setting up hedge = 5 marks. Calculation of outcome = 4 marks (9 marks) 13 Finance II Autumn 2014 solutions b) Interest rates 5.75% 4.60% Interest payable: €20m * .0575 * 6/12 (575,000) €20m * .046 * 6/12 (460,000) Compensation receivable (€575,000 - €542,000) 33,000 Compensation payable (€460,000 - €542,000) (82,000) Net payment (542,000) (542,000) Note: You are locked into a payment of €20m * .0542 * 6/12 = €542,000 5 marks for each scenario (10 marks) c) Note: Using the option, we would get $20m / $1.60 = $12.5m. Ignore premium, it is a sunk cost. (i) Future spot = $1.80: Exercise the option. $20m / $1.80 = $11.11m (3 marks) (ii) Future spot = $1.40: Abandon the option. $20m / $1.40 = $14.29m (3 marks) (Total: 25 marks) 14