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Audio-Lingual Method Presentation: Restaurant Dialogue Practice

Main goal: to use TL communicatively – students need to overlearn th
TL to use the language automatically without stopping to
Teacher is directing and controlling the language behavior of the
students gives a good model for immitation
Students are immitators of the teacher’s model, they respond
accurately and rapidly.
Everyday speech is emphasized
New vocabulary and patterns are presented through dialogues
Successful responces are praised by teacher
Grammar is induced from the given examples grammar rules are not
Written and reading work is followed by the oral work
Cultural information is presented in dialogues
Successful responces are praised by teacher
Grammar is induced from the given examples grammar rules are not
Written and reading work is followed by the oral work
Cultural information is presented in dialogues
Class interactions: S-S (directed by teacher), T-Ss
Native language is not used in class
To avoid interference the teacher provides a constructive analysis
Assessment: tasks to distinguşsh between words in a minimal pair
Error correction: errors have to be avoided not to form a bad language
Dialogue memorization
Backward buil-up drill
Repetition drill
Chain drill
Single-slot substitution drill
Multiple-slot substitution drill
Transformation drill
Question-and-answer drill
Use of minimal pair
Complete the dialogue (fill in the blanks with the missed words)
Grammar game
At the Restaurant.
Level: A 1, Elementary
Age group: Adults.
Duration: 50 min
Main aim: To develop habits of dialogue speech in the context of the
topic ‘At the restaurant’
‘ Where are they?’, ‘What are they doing there?’
Interaction: T-Ss
Time: 2-3 minutes
Tim: Can we have the menu, please?
Waiter: Here you are, sir.
Tim: What would you like to eat, Sveta?
Sveta: I would like a vegetable soup and some grilled fish.
Interaction: T-Ss
Time: 5 minutes
Repetion after the T
- Repetion in roles (T-Ss)
- Class into halves, each half repeat the role
- A chain drill
- Slot substitution in the dialogue
- individuals produce the transformed sentences
- The students ask and answer questions
- Complete the dialogue
Time: 3 min
Interaction: T-Ss
Slot substitution in the dialogue
Complete the dialogue
Tim: Can we _________, please?
Waiter: _______ are, sir.
Tim: ________ you ____ to
_____, Sveta?
Sveta: I _________ a _________
and some _______.
Homework: To record videos of 2 different
dialogues with different partners from the group.