Physical Chemistry III (Quantum Chemistry) Course Code: Chem 3064 Credit Hour: 3 Lec.: 2 Hrs. , Tut. : 3 Hrs. 1 1. Introduction to Quantum theory 1.1. Historical Development of Quantum Mechanics In the late 17th century, Isaac Newton discovered classical mechanics (Newtonian mechanics) that describes the laws of motion of macroscopic objects. In the early twentieth century, it was found that classical mechanics does not correctly describe the behavior of very small particles in the order of 10-12 m diameter, such as the electrons and the nuclei of atoms and molecules. The behavior of such particles is described by a set of laws called quantum mechanics. The development of quantum mechanics began in 1900 with Planck’s study of the light emitted by heated solids. 2 1. Introduction to Quantum theory Quantum chemistry applies quantum mechanics to problems in chemistry. Physical chemistry uses quantum mechanics to : calculate the thermodynamic properties of gases such as the entropy and heat capacity; interpret molecular spectra, thereby allowing experimental determination of molecular properties such as bond length, bond angle, dipole moment, barrier to internal rotation and energy difference between conformational isomers; calculate properties of transition states in chemical reactions, thereby allowing estimation of rate constants; understand intermolecular forces; and deal with bonding in solids. 3 1. Introduction to Quantum theory Organic chemistry applies quantum mechanics to estimate the relative stabilities of molecules; calculate properties of reaction intermediates; investigate the mechanisms of chemical reactions; predict aromaticity of compounds and analyze nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Inorganic chemistry uses quantum mechanics to ligand field theory, an approximate quantum – mechanical method, predict and explain the properties of transition metal complex ions. Analytical chemistry uses spectroscopic methods extensively. The frequencies and intensities of lines in the spectrum can be properly understood and interpreted only through the use of quantum mechanics. 4 1. Introduction to Quantum theory 1.3. Description of wave motion Traveling wave: The entire waveform moves in one direction Standing (stationary) wave: A wave which oscillates in time but whose peak amplitude profile does not move in space. The peak amplitude of the wave oscillations at any point in space is constant with time. Wave Equations For a wave traveling in the +x direction, the one-dimensional differential wave equation is: 𝜕2𝑦 1 𝜕 2𝑦 = 2 2 2 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑡 Y = displacement = f(x, t), = non-negative constant 5 1. Introduction to Quantum theory Solution 𝑥 𝑦 = 𝐴𝑒 −𝑖𝜔 𝑡− A = maximum displacement in the y direction = angular frequency y is a complex quantity that contains real and imaginary parts. 1. Standing wave equation: The variation of displacement with time is given by: 𝑦 = 𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜋𝑡 Where = /2 = the frequency of the wave 6 1. Introduction to Quantum theory 2. Traveling wave Equation: Distance – time relation is considered. 2𝜋𝑥 𝑦 = 𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑛2𝜋𝑡 = 𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑐 Where, x = ct - the distance covered in time t at speed c. Wavelength (): Distance traveled during a complete cycle 𝑐 = Substitution yields, 2𝜋𝑥 𝑦 = 𝐴𝑠𝑖𝑛 7 1. Introduction to Quantum theory 1.4. Description of particle motion 1. Newton’s equation: In classical mechanics the motion of a particle is governed by Newton’s second law: 𝐹x = 𝑚𝑎 = 𝜕2𝑥 𝑚 2 𝜕𝑡 𝐹y = 𝑚𝑎 = 𝜕2𝑦 𝑚 2 𝜕𝑡 • Change of motion is proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction of the force. • If all of the forces acting on the particle are accounted for, an exact energy and trajectory for the particle can be determined. For a projectile motion 𝑥 𝑡 = 𝑥𝑜 + (o𝑐𝑜𝑠)𝑡 𝑦 𝑡 = 𝑦𝑜 + o𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑡 − 2𝑔𝑡2 Where = The angle from the horizontal, o initial velocity, xo, yo = initial projectile, g = gravitational force 8 1. Introduction to Quantum theory 2. Hamiltonian function In this approach, the Hamiltonian, H, is obtained from the kinetic energy, T, and the potential energy, V, of the particles. H = T + V(x) 22 1 1 𝑚 1 2 2 𝑇 = 𝑚 = = 𝑃 2 2 𝑚 2𝑚 Where is the velocity and P is the momentum of the particle = m The potential energy of the particles will depend on the positions of the particles. 𝜕𝐻 𝜕𝑥 P =− 𝑑𝑃 𝑑𝑡 𝜕𝐻 𝜕𝑃 𝑥 = 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑡 Simultaneous solution of these differential equations will result in the trajectory of a particle. 𝑥 𝑡 = 𝑥o + (o𝑐𝑜𝑠)𝑡 𝑦 𝑡 = 𝑦o + o𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝑡 − 2𝑔𝑡2 9 1. Introduction to Quantum theory Classical physics: (1) predicts a precise trajectory for particles, with precisely specified locations and momenta at each instant, and (2) allows the translational, rotational, and vibrational modes of motion to be excited to any energy simply by controlling the forces that are applied. If a particle of mass m is initially stationary and is subjected to a constant force F for a time , then its kinetic energy increases from zero to: 𝐹22 𝐾. 𝐸. = 2𝑚 Because the applied force and the time for which it acts may be varied at will, the solution implies that the energy of the particle may be increased to any value. 10 2. Experimental Foundation of Quantum Theory 2.1 The Blackbody Radiation Blackbody:- An object or system which absorbs all radiation incident upon it and re-radiates energy which is characteristic of the radiating system E.g. A hallow metal with a pinhole The radiation emitted is called blackbody radiation. The emitted light does not dependent upon the type of radiation which is incident upon the object When the blackbody is heated, it emits light of different frequencies, i.e., A hot object emits electromagnetic radiation. 11 Blackbody Radiation As the temperature of the blackbody increases, the body radiates more and the peak in the energy output shifts towards a shorter wavelength (to higher frequency). Fig.2.1. The distribution of the intensity of the radiation emitted by a blackbody Vs. wavelength for various temperatures 12 Blackbody Radiation The intensities of various wavelengths of radiation emitted by a blackbody depend only on its temperature. The higher the temperature of a blackbody, the more energy emitted in each band of wavelengths. Stefan – Boltzmann law It shows the quantitative dependence of the energy emitted (the area under each curve) on the temperature of the blackbody The total energy emitted () by a blackbody is proportional to T4 (T in Kelvin). 𝜌 = 𝜍𝑇4 σ = the Stefan - Boltzmann constant = 5.67 10-8 J m-2K-4s-1. 13 Blackbody Radiation Wein displacement law It is the second quantitative observation of the blackbody radiation experiment T MAX Cons tan t 1 C 5 0.29 cmK C = 1.45 cm K max is the wavelength at which the energy emitted is maximum. 14 Blackbody Radiation Theoretical Explanations to explain blackbody radiation results 1) Rayleigh – Jeans law Basis: classical mechanics Assumption: The energies of the electronic oscillators responsible for the emission of the radiation can have any value dE d where, 8 kT 4 d dE is the radiant energy density between and + d of an oscillator = A proportionality constant between dE and d k = Boltzmann constant = 1.381 10-23 J K-1 15 Blackbody Radiation Fig 2.2. The Rayleigh-Jeans law predicts an infinite energy density at short wavelengths. 16 Blackbody Radiation At longer wavelengths, Rayleigh-Jeans law reproduces the experimental data In the longer wavelength region, as λ decreases, the energy density increases At smaller wavelengths, however, the Rayleigh-Jeans law, deviates from the experimental results: predicts that the radiant energy density increases without limit at shorter wavelengths even at low temperatures. This absurd result, which implies that a large amount of energy is radiated in the high-frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum, is called the ultraviolet catastrophe. This was the first failure to explain an important naturally occurring phenomenon based on classical physics 17 Blackbody Radiation 2) Planck’s distribution law Assumptions: The radiation emitted by the blackbody was caused by the oscillations of the electrons in the constituent particles of the material body The energies of the oscillator were discrete and had to be proportional to an integral multiple of the frequency given by the equation: 𝐸 = 𝑛ℎ Where n = positive integer = radiation’s frequency h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 10-34 Js 18 Blackbody Radiation Planck’s work marked the beginning of quantum mechanics. Planck’s hypothesis: Only certain quantities of light energy can be emitted, i.e., the emission is quantized. Using this quantization of energy and statistical thermodynamic ideas, Planck derived the equation for the energy density between λ and λ + d λ which is called Planck distribution law dE d 8 hc 5 (e hc kT 1) d 19 Blackbody Radiation Figure 2.3. Energy density distribution as a function of wavelength using the Planck’s distribution law. Exercise: Show that d has a unit of energy per unit volume, J m-3. 20 Blackbody Radiation For very short , hc 1 e kT 1 0 Therefore approaches zero as approaches zero. This agrees with the experimental observation. For longer , it can be shown mathematically that hc 1 and kT e hc kT 1 hc kT This leads to: d 8 kT 4 d Planck’s distribution equation reduces to the Rayleigh – Jeans law 21 Blackbody Radiation At maximum energy density, 𝑑𝜌 𝑑 =0 Differentiating with respect to leads to ℎ𝑐 𝑇max = = 0.29𝑐𝑚𝐾 4.965 𝐾 The Planck’s equation reduces to the Wein displacement law Integration of the energy density over all the wavelength range gives, 8 5 k 4 4 ( ) d 2 3 T T 4 15c h 0 The Planck’s equation reduces to the Stefan – Boltzmann law 22 Blackbody Radiation Planck’s quantum theory of blackbody radiation explains the experimentally based laws of Stefan – Boltzmann and Wein. Therefore, the energy emitted or absorbed by a blackbody is quantized. 23 2.2. Photoelectric Effect Metals eject electrons instantaneously when they are irradiated by light of a certain minimum frequency called a threshold frequency. Observations : 1. Below the threshold frequency of the incident light, no photoelectrons are ejected. 2. Above the threshold frequency, the number of electrons ejected is directly proportional to the intensity of the light. 3. As the frequency of the incident light increases, the maximum 24 kinetic energy of the photoelectrons increases. Photoelectric Effect The energy of a wave is proportional to its intensity and it is not related to its frequency. So the electromagnetic wave picture of light expects the kinetic energy of an emitted photoelectron to increase as the light intensity increases but would not change as the light frequency changes. Instead, it is observed that the kinetic energy of the emitted electron is independent of the light’s intensity but increases as the light’s frequency increases. Albert Einstein showed that these observations could be explained by viewing light as composed of particle-like entities called photons, with each photon having an energy given by 𝐸photon = ℎ where Ephoton represents particle property and represents the wave property. 25 Photoelectric Effect When an electron in the metal absorbs a photon, part of the absorbed photon energy is used to overcome the forces holding the electron in the metal, and the reminder appears as kinetic energy of the electron after it has left the metal. 1 1 2 ℎ = + 𝑚 = ℎo + 𝑚2 2 2 𝐾. 𝐸. = ℎ − ℎo = ℎ − 𝑜 Where = ho - is the metal’s work function:- the minimum energy needed by an electron to escape the metal ½ m2 = the kinetic energy of the electron after it has left the metal and 0 = threshold frequency:- the minimum frequency needed to free the electron from the nuclear attraction of the metal atom. 26 Photoelectric Effect K.E. Figure 2.4. The photoelectric effect: The kinetic energy of photoelectrons as a function of incident light frequency 27 Photoelectric Effect The photoelectric effect shows that light can exhibit particle-like behavior in addition to the wave-like behavior that it shows in diffraction experiments. Example 1 Given that the work function of Na metal (Na) is 1.82 eV, calculate the threshold frequency, o, for Na. (1 eV = 1.60210-19 J) Solution 0 = ℎ 1.821.60210−19𝐽 14𝑠−1 o = = 4.410 6.62610−34𝐽𝑠 28 Photoelectric Effect Example 2 • When lithium is irradiated with light of = 300 nm, the kinetic energy of the ejected electrons is 2.935 10-19 J. Calculate (a) the work function of lithium and (b) the threshold frequency. (c = 3108 ms-1) Solution (a) = 𝑐 𝑐 = ℎ − 𝐾. 𝐸. = ℎ − 𝐾. 𝐸. 8 𝑚𝑠−1 310 −19𝐽 = 6.62610−34𝐽𝑠 − 2.93510 30010−9𝑚 = 3.69110−19𝐽 = 2.3 𝑒𝑉 (b)o = ℎ = 3.69110−19𝐽 6.62610−34𝐽𝑠 = 5.571014𝑠−1=5.571014Hz 29 The Compton Effect 2.3. The Compton Effect • It showed particle-like behavior of radiation by making use of the scattering experiment. 3 2 X – rays, i Scattered photons 1 i Fig.2.5. X-rays striking a carbon surface. 30 The Compton Effect A.H. Compton observed the scattering of x-rays from electrons in a carbon target and found scattered x-rays with a longer wavelength than those incident upon the target. There is only one value of shift at a given scattering angle and the shift of the wavelength increased with scattering angle. Accordingly, i < 1< 2 < 3. The shift in the scattering angle is given by the Compton formula: 31 The Compton Effect According to the Compton scattering experiment, the radiation (photon) is a stream of particles, a basis for a quantum wave theory. If a wave acts as a particle, except the absence of rest mass, it should have a momentum, P. E photon Pc Using Planck’s relation, Pc h h h P c Therefore, the momentum transfer takes place in a discrete manner, not in a continuous way. 32 2.4 Line Spectra of Atoms Every gaseous atom, when heated to high temperatures, emits electromagnetic radiation of characteristic wavelengths. Each atom has a characteristic emission spectrum. The light emitted is not continuous, but rather a line spectra. Each line represents light of a certain wavelength. Energy is associated with each wavelength. Therefore, the energy emitted or absorbed by atoms is quantized. 33 Line Spectra of Atoms For H-like atoms, the wavelength of the light that can be emitted obeys the Rydberg equation: 1 1 R 2 2 n1 n2 1 where n2 > n1, being positive integers and R is the Rydberg constant = 109678 cm-1 Example For the Balmer series of the hydrogen atomic spectrum, calculate (a) the wavelength of the first line (b) what happens to wavelength of the emitted light as the value of n increases? 34 Line Spectra of Atoms Solution (a) For the Balmer series, n1= 2 and for the first line n2 = 3. 1 1 1 1 1 R 2 2 109678 2 2 cm 1.523 104 cm1 n2 2 3 n1 1 = 6.57 10-5 cm = 657 nm (b) Let n2 goes to infinity, . 1 1 1 1 1 R 2 2 109678 2 2 cm 2.742 104 cm1 n2 2 n1 1 3.65 105 cm1 365nm Result: The wavelength of the emitted light decreases as the value of n increases. 35 Wave Properties of Particles 2.5. The wave properties of particles De Broglie hypothesis: All moving particles have wave properties besides their particle properties. An electron of mass m and speed would have a wavelength, h h m P Where, P is the linear momentum. De Broglie arrived at the above equation by reasoning in analogy with photons. 36 Wave Properties of Particles The energy of a photon (a particle) can be expressed by E photon mc 2 Where c is the speed of light and m is the particle’s relativistic mass. Using, E photon h and equating the above two equations gives mc 2 h h Or And Or mc c h m P h P h 37 Wave Properties of Particles The de Broglie hypothesis was confirmed by Davisson and Germer, by reflecting electrons from metals and observing diffraction effects. The “electron waves” were observed to have wavelengths related to electron momentum in just the manner proposed by de Broglie. A higher momentum corresponds to a shorter wavelength. 1 m2 2 P 2 2 kinetic energy T m 2 2m 2m P 2mT E = T + V where E is the total energy and V is the potential energy,. We can write the de Broglie wavelength as h 2m E V 38 Wave Properties of Particles The equation is useful for understanding the way in which will change for a particle moving with constant total energy in a varying potential If the particle enters a region where its potential energy increases (e.g., an electron approaching a negatively charged plate), E – V decreases and increases, i.e., the particle slows down, so its momentum decreases. 39 Wave Properties of Particles Electrons behave in some respects like particles and in other respects like waves. This is a particle – wave duality of matter (of light as well). How can an electron be both a particle, which is a localized entity, and a wave, which is a non-localized entity? The answer is that an electron is neither a particle nor a wave. Both photons and electrons show an apparent duality, But, they are not the same kinds of entities. Photons always travel at a speed c and have zero rest mass Electrons always have < c and have a non-zero rest mass. 40 Wave Properties of Particles Example Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron traveling at 2.998 106 m s-1. Solution me = 9.109 10-31 kg The momentum of the electron is given by P m 9.109 10-31 kg 2.998 106 m s-1 2.73 1024 kg m s 1 The de Broglie wavelength of the electron is h 6.626 1034 J s 10 2.43 10 m 24 1 P 2.73 10 kg m s The wavelength corresponds to the wavelength of X-rays. Thus, the equation predicts that electrons can be observed to act like X-rays 41 2.6. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle The wave – particle duality of microscopic particles imposes a limit on our ability to measure simultaneously the position and the momentum of such particles. The more precisely we determine the position, the less accurate is our determination of momentum and the vice versa. This limitation is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The principle is demonstrated by variables such as linear position - linear momentum, energy - time and angular momentum - angular position where the product of the variable pairs have a dimension of h. 42 Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle X PX h where X and PX are respectively a measure of the uncertainty in linear position and linear momentum. Example The life-time of an excited state of a molecule is 210-9s. What is the uncertainty in its energy in J? In cm-1? Solution The Heisenberg uncertainty principle gives, for the minimum uncertainty, E t h 6.626 1034 Js 25 2 1 E 3.3 10 J 1.66 10 cm 2 109 s 43