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Multi-Time Frame Trading Guide

Ivan Kumburovic
Multi Time Frame Structure Breakdown
Approaching Weekly Time Frame
This is the First Time Frame we want to start our analisis from . In this example we were in
the Bearish Weekly Phase until we broke Major Structure High to the upside and shifted to
the Bullish Phase. I did analysis for Long entries so I chose Bearish Phase ( left side of PA )
to trade those pullbacks as they are bullish phases on Daily - 4 H etc.
Approaching Daily Time Frame
Now we are zoomed in inside Weekly Pullback. And as we can see we are in the clear
Bullish Phase on Daily ( inside the Weekly pulblack ) . I put some different color points for
you to understand exactly what is what so i hope its not confusing. So as we are in a clear
bullish Market at the moment , our focus is Long positions as Medium-Long Term holds.
Price obviously breaks Daily Structure Highs , and so we need to find our POI as Daily
Demand from where we are going to strike.Demand Zones are pointed out on the charts in these examples and according to my testing most of times these zones are the ones that
led to Daily Bos.
As we get our Daily Bos and found our Daily Demand its time for ( optional ) refinements of
demand by going one step further into 4H Time Frame
Approaching 4H Time Frame
This Chart shows Daily bos and Corrective ( intraday pullback ) PA towards our Daily
Demand zone that is refined on 4H . At this stage we have our Forecast for High Probability
Bullish Trade Scenario , but all of that can easily be erased if we don't have required
patience / discipline to wait for PA to tap exactly inside our POI .
So our PA taped inside Daily/4H Demand zone but its clearly “BEARISH” so we must be
careful here - it is corrective and it is in our POI but 4H and 1H are still bearish.
We can trade Longs on LTF’s from our demand , without waiting for this pullback to finish but it will be risky play. So what we going to do is going one step further into 1H time frame
and wait for 1H Bullish Intent ( invalidating this bearish move / pullback ) so from there can
find our 1H most valuable Demand as strike from that point on LTF as at that moment we
will have our 1H to support as with Bullish Intention as well , not only lowest time frames.
Approaching 1H Time Frame
This Chart shows everything i said that we was waiting for ( on 4H example above ) .it
shows that Intraday Pullback is over by showing Bullish intent by breaking its LH on 1H. And
thats not all - that confirmed to us , as well , that our Daily Demand zone ( 4H refined ) is
“VALID” and it will probably hold . So our probability all of sudden increased massively for
going LONG because now we found 1H new fresh and best Demand zone. Now we have
Daily Bullish , 1H bullish , and we want to repeat this same process on 1min ( to switch to
Bullish ) to take it. It would be best possible chance for trade success. So lets go
Approaching 1 MIN Time Frame
First and foremost you need to understand that 1min time frame is best to use ONLY when
it come to Setting your entry order on your Broker . Same goes for 2,3,4,5 minutes. There is
no “long life” reliable structure on 1min or 5min to build case for entries .Same goes for
trailing if you Trading From multi time frame (Which is definitely preferred by smart money
concept )- there is no any reason to trail on 5min as you will end up by taking
Loss-Breakeven or 10% max Win ( in most cases ) .
Trailing at minimum 1H (Trading multi time frame bigger trends) is better option as you can
get Loss-Breaken or 50-to150% Trades ( in most cases if you catch right move ) . IN the
meantime you can trail below 1H swing Highs/Lows as well
( which is on lowest time frames as 1min to 5 min nothing but suicide caused by fear of
loosing running profits)
-Now lets get back to Setup - Process is really just the same - We get our 1MIN intent and
found our Demand zone - and thats the zone where we will set Buy Limit Order.
Management - Looking at Daily & using 1H at least
Now , as we are in running HP position as we moving inside Weekly pullback which means we Riding
the Daily trend , we need to know our Management plan of trailing and Exit.
You need to have this plan structured before you even take the position so you can have a complete
story from execution to exit planned. Most important is to stick to that once you know all your levels
for management. Of course we will not use Daily Structure as TP zone all the time , this will depend
on Sessions , our own Trading Hours ,our Account Balance ( Account Balance meaning : “Am i doing
short term for compound purpose or am i holding big Swing Trade for Big Capital gain later which
will not give compound to my Account any time sooner,because position is still running) .So i
decided to make it simple in this example and i point out Intraday 1H Structure Highs as
“Sub-structures” inside Daily High and Low for taking Short Term positions which still can provide us
with around 30% on Average (according to my testing)
And i pointed out Purple point - as Swing holds for Big profits on Daily Structure Breaks.