The Brummett News Tuesday April 20, 1692 Suspicious Injury to Local Woman by: On Tuesday April 20, 1692 the local Salem doctor was summoned to a Ms. Betty Parris’ home after falling out in pain during supper. It was unknown what caused the pain. Moments after the doctor arrived, he found Betty had suffered an injury to the abdomen consistent with a knife wound. Accusations were made that other women from the village had caused the injury with witchcraft. It is unclear why Betty would be the target of witchcraft at the young age of 10. Salem women secretly practicing witchcraft caught Witchcraft in Salem by: Local villager Betty Parris lies in pain Following the accusations that Betty’s injuries were the result of witchcraft, reports of women dancing in the woods shortly followed. It is suspected that the women identified and found dancing in the woods denied all accusations that they were practicing unGodly acts in the forest. Abagail, the niece of Mr. Parris has accused several neighbors of witchcraft including her former employer Mrs. Proctor. When questioned, a poppet with a needle to the stomach was found in the Proctor home.