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Public Health Goals in Afghanistan: Personal Statement

immediate plans (2-5 years)
Upon returning to Afghanistan I will establish a community and preventive oral health department at
Kabul University of Medical Science (KUMS), as I have already worked on essential structural needs of
this department and by returning to my country, I will be leading this department and be the lecturer of
this department at KUMS. As a result of my research “Timing of Eruption of First Primary Teeth in
Afghan Children” I concluded that most of the parents even did not know the timing of eruption of the
fist teeth and associated problems, as they misrecognized the associated problems of Teething and the
child received lots of medications unnecessarily. I will train several Oral Health Promoters for each
hospital and these oral health promoters will guide the parents, children, teenagers and adults regarding
their Oral health and this will reduce the case load related to oral health issue to Afghanistan Public
Health Sector. I will work on publishing Public Health and Health Promotion related books, articles and
this will contribute in solving the biggest problem lack of related books, professions and experts of this
field. I will launch free Dental Check-Up Camps and Health Promotion Camps in order to increase the
knowledge and prevent Dental problems.
long term goals
My long-term goals are establishing a Dental Public Health and Health Promotion Center which will
induce instructions of Public Health and Health Promotion related guidelines to all Socio-Economic
statues level people and will help them live healthy life freely or with a big discount. I want to establish a
Medical Research Center at Afghanistan that will work and research on various topics and will try to find
the cause and a solution for the problems, as almost all of the health problems in Afghanistan are due to
lack of research work.
I will work on Free Sanitary Pads distribution project across the country, as Afghanistan is a traditional
and poor country and menstruation is still nightmare and shameful issue for lots of girls/females and
due to poverty and traditional issue, many of the girls do not have access to sanitary pad and they use
alternative unhealthy materials instead, and that is really harmful for their health.
I will work on establishing an international Dental Public health Journal which will publish the articles
related to Dental Public Health Freely or with a low cost, as many of Afghan Researchers cannot afford
the cost for publishing the articles in international journals.
I will work with KUMS, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Public Health, Afghanistan to run
MSc Dental Public Health in almost 5 provincial zones.
In conclusion, I want to work for international Medical Corps UK, as it’s working in Afghanistan since
1984, and WHO, as it’s an international health organization and the aim of it is to keep the world
healthy. I will surely work in executive levels and will try to be the Health Minister of Afghanistan to
implement my best experts I have gained from UK.