Liquidity Ratios Current asset Current ratio = -------------------Current liabilities SR 708 Current ratio = ------------ = 1.31 times SR 540 We could say Prufrock has SR 1.31 in current assets for every SR 1 in current liabilities, or we could say that Prufrock has its current liabilities covered 1.31 times over. Current assets - Inventory Quick ratio = -------------------------------------Current liabilities SR 708 – 422 Quick ratio = -------------------- = 0.53 times SR 540 Because inventory accounts for more than half of Prufrock’s current assets. That’s also means if this inventory consisted of products like unsold nuclear power plants, then this would be a cause for concern. Current assets - Inventory Cash ratio = -------------------------------------Current liabilities SR 98 Cash ratio = ------------------------- = 0.18 times SR 540 Net working capital Net working capital to total assets = -------------------------------Total assets A relatively low value might indicate relatively low levels of liquidity. Here, this ratio works out to be (SR 708 - 540)/SR 3,588 = 4.7%. Current assets Interval measure = -------------------------------------------Average daily operating costs Total costs for the year, excluding depreciation and interest, were SR 1,344. The average daily cost was SR 1,344/365 = SR 3.68/day. The interval measure is SR 708/SR 3.68 = 192 days. Prufrock could hang on for around 6 months