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BIM Technology Term Project - Istanbul Technical University

BIM Technology
Student Group
020180061/ Beydanur ÇAKMAK
020180053/ Yazgı Nur ŞAHİN
020180051/ Sümeyye CANBAZ
Faculty of Architecture
2020-2021 Fall Term
Figure List ............................................................................................................................. 3
BIM..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction And Definitıon .......................................................................................... 4
1.2. BIM Model ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.3. BIM Executıon Plan (BEP) ........................................................................................... 6
1.4. Maturıty Levels .............................................................................................................. 7
1.4.1. Level 0 ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.2. Level 1 ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3. Level 2 ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.4. Level 3 ...................................................................................................................... 7
1.5. Level of Definition (LOD) ............................................................................................. 8
1.5.1. LOD 100 ................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.2. LOD 200 ................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.3. LOD 300 ................................................................................................................... 9
1.5.4 LOD 350 .................................................................................................................... 9
1.5.5 LOD 400 .................................................................................................................... 9
1.5.6 LOD 500 .................................................................................................................... 9
1.6. BIM Dimensions ............................................................................................................ 9
1.6.1. 3rd Dimension ....................................................................................................... 10
1.6.2. 4th Dimension ........................................................................................................ 10
1.6.3. 5th Dimension ........................................................................................................ 10
1.6.4. 6th Dimension ........................................................................................................ 10
1.6.5. 7th Dimension ........................................................................................................ 11
1.6.6. 8th Dimension ........................................................................................................ 11
1.7. Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 11
1.8. BIM Applications ......................................................................................................... 13
1.9. Benefits Of BIM ........................................................................................................... 14
1.10. Common Challenges .................................................................................................. 17
1.11 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 18
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 19
Figure List
Figure 1.1 : Conventional Informatioan Paths ............................................................ 4
Figure 1.2 : BIM Informational Paths. ........................................................................ 4
Figure 1.3 : BIM Information Persistence. .................................................................. 5
Figure 1.4 : Building Life Cyle. .................................................................................. 5
Figure 1.5 : Collaborative BIM Workflow. ................................................................ 6
Figure 1.6 : BIM Levels. ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 1.7 : LOD process. ........................................................................................... 9
Figure 1.8 : 4D Model. .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 1.9 : BIM Dimensions.................................................................................... 11
Figure 1.10 : Different BIM Dimensions. ................................................................. 11
Figure 1.11 : An Example Of Digital Fabrication. .................................................... 12
Figure 1.12 : Clash Detection.................................................................................... 12
Figure 1.13 : Solar Radiaton Analysis. ..................................................................... 13
Figure 1.14 : Daylightning Analysis. ........................................................................ 13
Figure 1.15 : Primary BIM Uses. .............................................................................. 14
Figure 1.16 : Secondary BIM Uses. .......................................................................... 14
Figure 1.17 : Different Type of BIM Models. .......................................................... 15
Figure 1.18 : BIM on Construction Site. ........... 1Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Figure 1.19 : Effort-Phase Table. ...................... 1Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
Figure 1.20 : BIM Awareness 2011 and 2020. ......................................................... 18
1. BIM
1.1 Introduction And Definitıon
In construction projects having access to accurate information at the correct time and in the
exact place is important for decision-making and ensuring a project is delivered in agreement
with pre-defined parameters that have been established at its onset. However, rarely, is design
and engineering documentation (i.e. two-dimensional (2D) drawings and specifications)
produced with all the necessary information required for construction. The provision of
insufficient information during construction has been a factor that has caused poor productivity
and reworks, schedule and cost overruns, and disputes [9]. This is where Building İnformation
Modelling (BIM) can play an important role. BIM which reduces the need for re-gathering or
re-formatting information is a set of processes for visualizing and coordinating AEC
(architecture, engineering, and construction) work, avoiding errors and omissions, improving
productivity and safety, reducing cost and supporting quality management and schedules.BIM
is not a CAD or only a 3D computer model. It incorporates all the building components,
including geometry, spatial relationships, properties, and quantities. Advanced analysis using
BIM data allows a wide range of analytical activities. Updating the BIM as construction
progress enables the design team and contractor to monitor actual planned performance in realtime. BIM can also generate and maintain information produced during the whole life cycle of
a building project since it evolves in parallel with the real project across its entire timeline [3,
6, 7, 9].
Figure 1.1: Conventional Informatioan Paths
Figure 1.2: BIM Informational Paths
Figure: 1.3: BIM Information Persistence
1.2. BIM Model
A BIM model may be thought of as an ‘information model’, a rich source of data containing
graphical, non-graphical, and linked documents produced using BIM supported software such
as Revit Architecture, Revit MEP, Revit Structure, Navisworks, 3D Studio Max, and
AutoCAD. The model is progressively developed over the course of the project lifecycle.
Typically a model will go through a number of iterations. Firstly as a design intent model or
Project Information Model (PIM) which is developed during the design phase. This model is
then developed into a virtual construction model when it is passed from the design team to the
construction suppliers. Finally, the Asset Information Model (AIM) is developed for use within
the operation and in-use phases. In this way the client will get more complete information,
resulting in improved quality, efficiency, and sustainable buildings [2, 7].
Figure: 1.4: Building Life Cyle
1.3. BIM Executıon Plan (BEP)
When implementing BIM in a project, how BIM is to be executed in order to stimulate planning
and direct communication during the early phases of projects should be planned by the project
team. Penn State University (PSU) has developed a BIM Project Execution Planning Procedure
(BEP), to guide the project team on how to implement BIM. The guide provides a structured
procedure to follow when creating a BEP.
A BEP has four steps according to this guide:
1) Identify BIM goals and uses: In this step, the value of BIM on the project is clearly defined,
by defining measurable goals for BIM implementation. When the goals have been defined,
specific BIM uses can be identified.
2) Design the BIM execution process: In this step, the BIM process is mapped. A high-level
map showing the sequencing and interaction between BIM uses applied in the project, so the
team members understand how their work processes interact with the processes performed by
other parties.
3) Develop information exchanges: Next step is to define the information exchange between
team members. Here the goal is to define what the author of the information is to deliver and
what the receiver can expect to receive.
4) Define supporting infrastructure for BIM implementation: In this step, the necessary
infrastructure is defined, which should address software, hardware, quality control procedures,
contract language, coordinates, naming procedures, servers, project viewer, etc.
Figure 1.5: Collaborative BIM Workflow
1.4. Maturıty Levels
BIM maturity levels measure the construction supply chains' capacity to operate and exchange
information. As maturity increases, the possibility of the non-predicted events' realization
decreases [4].
1.4.1. Level 0
Can be named as PRE BIM is the status before the implementation of BIM, and means the
absence of collaboration between the project team. It means working on a 2D CAD draft and
exchanging or distributing it via prints or digital prints. This level of maturity is inefficient and
non-interoperable because of the low communication when compared with the further levels.
[4, 5, 7].
1.4.2. Level 1
Can be referred to as Object-based modeling is a mixture of 3D CAD and 2D CAD. It means
people are using a 3D model for concept work, but they are still doing most of the work on 2D
CAD. Collaboration between different disciplines does not occur [5, 7].
1.4.3. Level 2
In this stage, which can be named Collaborative BIM, different disciplines are actively
cooperating with others through a model-based collaboration process. The collaboration often
occurs through a cloud-based application. Models can be linked to various analysis tools.
Processes have assessed through these models. Each discipline is building up its own model.
The collaboration appears through information exchange between disciplines which happens
through a common file format (such as IFC and BCF), within a Common Data Environment
(CDE). This enables organizations to combine data with their own model and use the
information onwards. when all parties are using their own 3D CAD model [7].
1.4.4. Level 3
In this level, which can be referred to as Integrated BIM (iBIM), integrated models are created,
shared, and maintained collaboratively through the project life-cycle phases. In Level 3 BIM,
sometimes called “Open BIM,” there is a single shared project model on which every party
could work and directly add their data. The model exists in a ‘central’ environment and can be
accessed and modified by everyone. Plans, sections, elevations, legends, analysis, calculations
and schedules are all interconnected, and if a user makes a change in one of them, the others
are automatically updated. Changes made in the BIM model affect all related drawings. Models
in this stage become interdisciplinary models, where complex analyses at early stages of design
and construction are allowed [5, 7, 8].
Figure 1.6: BIM Levels
1.5. Level of Definition (LOD)
Level of Definition or Level of Development (LOD) is the term used to describe which
graphical and nongraphical information the object should contain. The BIM Execution Plan
(BEP) includes detailed information on the LOD required for each given project milestone or
specific BIM use, defining who is responsible for producing the information. The LOD
definition for the various objects can be different from one project to the next [7].
There are six different levels of development that are defined by the American Institute of
Architects (AIA). According to AIA, LOD outlines the design requirements at each stage.
1.5.1. LOD 100 (Conceptual Level): The created model indicates the object's parameters like
area, height, volume, location, and orientation on a basic level which are useful for analysis,
cost estimating, and scheduling activities.
1.5.2. LOD 200 (Schematic Level): This level can be defined as the approximate geometric
level. In this service level modeled objects have the parameters of approximate quantities, size,
shape, location, and orientation including the non-geometric information as well. LOD 200 also
allows users to make analysis, cost estimating, and scheduling over the model.
1.5.3. LOD 300 (Documentation Level): In addition to LOD 200, this model provides accurate
modeling, documents, and shop drawing which are helpful for the construction phase activities.
Also shows how building objects interface with different systems and other building objects.
1.5.4 LOD 350 (Precise Geometry with Connections): LOD 350 The Model Element is
graphically represented within the Model as a specific system, object, or assembly in terms of
quantity, size, shape, location, orientation, and interfaces with other building systems. Nongraphic information may also be attached to the Model Element.
1.5.5 LOD 400 (Fabrication and Assemblies): This stage refers to the fabrication level because
modeled object assembly and detailed information are included in a LOD 400 model in addition
to LOD 300 model.
1.5.6 LOD 500 (As-Built Level): LOD 500 model is the representation of the digital twin of
what will be constructed for the maintenance and operation phases. In addition to actual and
accurate in size, shape, location, quantity, and orientation, non-geometric information is
attached to the objects [4, 11].
Figure 1.7: LOD process
1.6. BIM Dimensions
BIM models are often divided into dimensions. In the following subsections, the BIM
dimensions are explained and key benefits pointed out:
1.6.1. 3rd Dimension: 3D level means the three-dimensional model that is useful for the
visualization. Through visualization, BIM models ease the understanding and place a key role
in making decisions on the design phase. These 3D models contain information, as a minimum,
on length, width, and height. Other information can be applied, such as material and finish. A
3D BIM model provides walkthroughs for the project parties to identify the problems and
solving them on the model before facing the problem on-site during the construction and
documentation phase. Also, visualization is used as a tool for marketing purposes.
1.6.2. 4th Dimension: The 4th dimension refers to adding time to the 3D, often called 4D
modeling or model-based scheduling. Through the scheduling information, each can track when
that object needs to be built, to be transferred to the site, and used in the project. This approach
is changing how complex projects are planned, making it possible to visualize the whole
construction project or just some phases of it and see who the timing of tasks affects the
workflow. The output is a virtual animation of the whole construction phase. Within this level
efficiency on the site operations increases and the waste on-site decreases since a well-planned
schedule can let to gain favor in the fabrication of some project elements.
Figure 1.8: 4D Model
1.6.3. 5th Dimension: 5D modeling or model-based estimating is the cost information in
addition to the 4D model. By adding the cost aspect in objects it provides real-time estimating
and whether a change occurs it estimates the cost simultaneously. And so it makes it easy to
track the material costs.
1.6.4. 6th Dimension: The 6th dimension is devoted to Facilities Management and focuses on
leveraging the model information to reduce owners’ costs over the life cycle of the building or
structure. Sometimes 6D BIM models are referred to as Asset Information Models (AIM). The
objective here is to gather information on the frequency of maintenance and analysing the
operational cost. The aim is to deliver asset data as a distinct entity from geometric information.
1.6.5. 7th Dimension: 7D level corresponds to the operational activities because it is a digital
representation of the as-built BIM Model. And, due to the rich information provided within the
model, it allows easy facility management and asset management activities for the owner.
1.6.6. 8th Dimension: 8D modeling contain emergency plans in addition to the 7D model. It
helps to prevent security issues [4, 5, 7].
Figure 1.9: BIM Dimensions
Figure 1.10: Different BIM Dimensions
1.7. Analysis
BIM provides a more effective way to conduct the different analyses needed during the building
process, which all help the decision-making and supervision process and increase the chances
of the planned construction being performed. BIM is the method that helps the construction
manager to extract the necessary details as it is required. Examples of such analysis are:
•Cost analysis will be provided with less time in all stages of the project. As design
improvements or choices are to be taken about which material to use, the available BIM makes
it easier to see how the use of certain materials can impact the cost.
•Constructability analysis is easier to perform.
•Accurate quantification of required supplies will easily be determined.
•Clash detection software is used to coordinate field conflicts by comparing 3D models of the
building systems. The goal here is to eliminate major system conflicts prior to installation.
Every system and subsystem is color-coded for ease of visual understanding. Geometry-base
clash detection detects when two or more objects interfere. Rule-based clash detection detects
when for example an object is placed before a door but is not interfering, or when a column is
placed on a slab with no footing, or if a space is large enough as it should be, according to
building regulations or space requirements from the owner.
Figure 1.11: An Example Of Digital Fabrication
Figure 1.12: Clash Detection
These analyses can also be fire safety, acoustics, the orientation of the building, with regard to
wind direction, heat gain for natural ventilation, daylight analysis, or life-cycle costing (LCC)
Figure 1.13: Solar Radiaton Analysis
Figure 1.14: Daylightning Analysis
1.8. BIM Applications
BIM is a comprehensive process that can be applied to every stage in a project’s life cycle.
Regarding the life cycle phases the primary uses of BIM can be categorized as;
For Plan Phase; existing conditions modeling, cost estimation, phase planning, programming,
site analysis…
For Design Phase; design authoring, structural analysis, lighting analysis, energy analysis,
For Construction Phase; 3D coordination, site utilization planning, 3D control, and planning,
For Operational Phase; record model, maintenance scheduling, and building system analysis.
Secondary uses of BIM can be categorized as;
For Design Phase; design reviews, mechanical analysis, other energy analysis, LEED
evaluation, code validation,
For Construction Phase; construction system design, digital fabrication,
For Operational Phase; asset management, space management/tracking, disaster planning.
Figure 1.15: Primary BIM Uses
Figure 1.16: Secondary BIM Uses
1.9. Benefits Of BIM
Today it is possible to have apps on an iPad, smartphone, or tablet to access the model and
drawings on location at the building site. BIM makes the construction process more transparent
and it aids understanding, changing the way things are built, streamlining processes, and
minimizing waste [7]. BIM is also beneficial in the preparation of schedules, tracking,
estimates, managing changes, and managing site logistics. Open communication and exchange
of data after easily verifying design requirements provide more optimized and informed
decisions for the project's stakeholders and performance can be analyzed through BIM. Some
of the benefits are listed below:
•Model coordination with BIM enables unparalleled visibility between disciplines. Everyone
can work from the same model with the same data to quickly identify and resolve problems. It
also held to develop a common understanding among project partners.
Figure 1.17: Different Type of BIM Models
•Three-dimensional design visualization for better understanding of the building and rich
visualization content such as animation, sun studies, renderings, etc.
• BIM tools help automate clash detection of different elements, such as an electrical conduit
or ductwork that runs into a beam. By creating a model, clashes are discovered early.
•Provides precise, consistent, and integrated design documents
•Provides automated and up-to-date schedules of building components
•Increases efficiency and precision and improves design evaluation
•Provides an overview of changes during design and construction
•Reduces errors due to better coordination between and consistency of the process control
during construction. The percent completion of each activity in the construction schedule can
be continuously viewed in the BIM application. Provides information on labor resources,
materials with associated deliveries, and equipment location. Therefore, quality inspections can
be scheduled immediately after the completion of one task, before the next task begins, making
the quality inspection process timely and consistent with the construction process
Figure 1.18: BIM on Construction Site
•Reduces maintenance cost. It helps you track the natural deterioration of materials and prevent
costly reparation. It provides the insurance that everything is in order and that maintenance is
scheduled for the right moment, so it is cheap and effective.
•Saves time by providing relevant information. Effective preparation means fewer delays and a
timetable that is more precise. In addition, this program can provide simple estimates based on
hundreds of variables, which is very useful when just a few variables change. It's not important
for you to get through anything again. It would automatically calculate, for instance, it would
immediately evaluate how much a delay would cost you so you can quickly adjust your budget.
•Produces better predictability and planning for material quantity take-offs.
•Provides better production value and aids the specification of value from the perspective of
end-user or customer. Virtual reality is used to describe the facility to be built. The client sees
what he is about to buy, and is able to criticize if he is not satisfied. Furthermore, it is easier to
explain the reasons why the design is the way it is. Also, it energizes the supply side of the
online product by searching for more exact user demand [1, 3, 5, 7, 8].
By virtually building the project, prior to physically constructing it, the contractor is able to
analyze the design, sequence, and explore the project through a digital environment. It is far
less expensive to make changes in the digital environment, than in the field during construction,
where changes are exponentially more costly [7].
Figure 1.19: Effort-Phase Table
1.10. Common Challenges
Ever since its introduction and especially over the last few years, BIM Technology has
transformed the way the construction industry operates. Many countries like the UK have made
the use of BIM mandatory for large-scale public projects. The impact of BIM drives optimum
utilization of the resources as well as greater productivity and profitability but it has its fair
share of challenges. (excel, 2020) One of the challenges is finding trained BIM users. The BIM
method has not been used yet by the majority of actors in the building industry and they are
very insistent on avoiding reform. The BIM needs require many different skills and new habits
of teamwork and methods of management to be mastered. In addition, there are some software
problems. Interoperable communication between various kinds of software is required by BIM.
The full complement of technical drawings, sketches, and data are not included in certain
software packages. In this scenario, sometimes interoperable communication cannot be
adequately accessed. Therefore, BIM technology is not standard yet. There are many BIM
models today. Since communication between various BIM models will not always be effective,
this issue is more complex than it seems. Some data may be lost on the path when sending data
from one model to the next. However, this will not be the case for long because many countries
are looking for ways to describe a standard BIM model. The other issue is the linking between
models and other project data. The integrated projects involve a significant amount of other
non-model data. The users have experienced and documented binding issues while the other
project data is added to the model [5, 10].
1.11 Conclusion
BIM awareness is rising day by day and countries have already determined their strategies for
the digital transition. Lots of protocols and procedures are established and published at the
country level as guidelines and standards. Because of the clear benefits, it’s certain that BIM
is here to stay. Undoubtedly, the future of construction will be even more highly collaborative
and digital. As BIM becomes increasingly more sophisticated, 4D, 5D, and even 6D BIM will
start to play a part in the process. Furthermore, around the globe, there is an attempt to reduce
waste in construction. Much of this is attributed to supply chain inefficiencies, clashes, and
reworking. By working collaboratively in a BIM environment, all of this becomes much less
likely, setting the stage for a better tomorrow [4, 8].
Figure 1.20: BIM Awareness 2011 and 2020
In conclusion, BIM helps the construction industry in many aspects but the main points are
creating many new systems for working smarter, producing better building, and assisting the
company meet its goals better, stay workable and maintain success.
[1] Autodesk, (2020). Inside Look At 12 Projects Winning With BIM.
[2] Bwail, K. (2018). What Is BIM Modelling?
[3] Chen, L., & Luo, H. (2014). A BIM-based construction quality management model
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[4] Gürünlü, K.S. (2015). Investigation Of The BIM Implementation Process In The
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[5] Josseaux, B. (2018). The BIM Revolution In Building Management.
[6] Kim, J. L. (2012). Use of BIM for effective visualization teaching approach in
construction education. Journal of professional issues in engineering education and practice,
138(3), 214-223.LiJuan Chen, Hanbin Luo, 2014. A BIM-based construction quality
management model and its applications.
[7] Kjartansdóttir, I. B., Mordue, S., Nowak, P., Philp, D., & Snæbjörnsson, J. T. (2017).
Building Information Modelling-BIM. Warsaw: Civil Engineering Faculty of Warsaw
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[8] Lorek, S. (2018). What is BIM (Building Information Modeling).
[9] Matthews, J., Love, P. E., Heinemann, S., Chandler, R., Rumsey, C., & Olatunj, O.
(2015). Real time progress management: Re-engineering processes for cloud-based BIM in
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[10] Özperçin, G. D. (2016). Integrated Project Delivery Method Using BIM To Support
Of Sustainable Design And Construction. Yıldız Teknik University.
[11] United-BIM, Level Of Development.