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Robotics Institute Business Proposal for Kids & Teens

Hello everyone, I'm Daniel, I'm going to tell you about a business idea that I have.
I want to open a robotics institute for children and adolescents of secondary and primary school.
My institute will differentiate itself from the others by offering only totally practical classes.
It will also offer personalized attention to each student so that they fully understand the concepts.
That is why the courses will have a maximum of 5 students and two teachers.
The teachers will be engineering students in their final year of electronics and systems careers.
To generate more interest in the institute, students will participate in various robotics competitions at the
national level
Like the Robomatrix, First Global Challenge, WRO, Robochallenge where we will try to win the first places.
Classes will be held in the UPSA classrooms because they are very comfortable and safe.
We will teach basic robotics with Arduino and basic concepts of electronics and programming.
The cost of the course will be 400bs including the materials which are an Arduino, Cables, a breadboard,
and a screen.
When a student completes a level, they will be given a certificate with curricular value totally free.
The name of the institute will be "Santa Cruz de la Sierra", thank you for your time and attention. Do you
have questions?