SUMMARY INTRODUCTION INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING (SHTUB&COHEN) CH1 – INTRODUCTION INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Engineering design is a process of translation of requirements, specifications and needs into a language understood by the people responsible for making the new product, service, facility, or system. Industrial Engineering deals with the design, management and control of operational processes. Classical knowledge is combined with the human factor, ergonomics, sociology and psychology. Industrial engineers design processes and perform projects and ongoing activities that may involve facilities, products and systems, which are used to supply products and services. They focus on the human factor. They are also involved in optimal usage of resources, and the design and implementation of information systems. Organizations use systems to supply services and products; a collection of resources such as people, computers, information, machinery and facilities working to achieve a common goal. Industrial engineers are involved in designing organizational processes, performing projects and ongoing activities, and planning their operations. Skills used by Industrial Engineers are engineering language, physics, knowledge of economics and financial management, knowledge of mathematics and statistics, knowledge of human resources management and knowledge of computerized information systems. MODELS A model is a simplified presentation of reality. Most models are mathematical, or conceptual and they should always be simple enough but at the same time representative of the situation. A solution found by analyzing a model should always be tested by a sensitivity analysis, to assess its suitability for solving the real problem. Models can be used to solve routine as well as non-routine problems. Simple models are static, advanced simulation modelling tools are based on the system dynamics approach, in which time is integrated. These dynamic models consist of levels and rates (that determine change of levels). A lot of simulation models are created in the last years. When simulation models are used for decision making the model presents three aspects of the real world; the flow of objects (or resources), the flow of information and the decision-making process. Advantages of such models are the possibility to run large simulations (even when decision makers are away), disadvantage is that group decision making and intuition are hard or impossible to integrate. TEACHING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING IE is taught through lectures, books and projects, mostly using the case study approach and the modeling approach. First years mostly cover basics, second and third years mostly cover advanced courses, and fourth years mostly cover elective courses. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW People have been planning undertakings for the entire history. A turning point in development of IE was the Industrial Revolution, when mechanical energy replaced human energy and production began to transfer to factories. Adam Smith introduced division of labor, and Whitney the earliest forms of mass production, Taylor introduced scientific management theory. This last one brought awareness of the importance of proper production planning. Brothers Gilbert developed a method to predict how long it would take to complete a task, later another technique, Motion & Time Management was developed by Westinghouse. Ford developed the assembly line, Gantt developed a chart for scheduling processes. Harris developed an optimization model for determining batch sizes and Mayo and Hawthorne did famous sociological an psychological research, the beginning of HRM. In WWII operations research methodologies were developed, which are based on the construction of mathematical and statistical methods of complex problems. Nowadays this is often done by computers. Operations research deals with a lot of uncertainty in the big service branch of these days. During the fifties planning and managing projects were developed, including PERT. CPM was developed at the same time, and in the seventies and eighties MRP software was made. In Japan, Totally Quality Management was developed and this was later adopted in a lot of western countries, due to the amazing quality. Later it became the ISO-9000. Toyota production systems was also developed in Japan, which used JIT techniques. This technique was also adopted by other countries. At the same time a lot of computer programs were developed for all kinds of needs. Globalization emphasized the need for rapid response to constant change and led to the development of Business Process Reengineering. Business have started using ERP which, based on integrated management approach, provide an integrated solution for many organizational functions: production, purchasing, finance, marketing, human resources, plant maintenance, service and project management. The focus is now on creating value for the customer while minimizing waste, following TPS. Internet has made E-businesses boom and brought big data. This has led to data mining and transformation of OR. It is now important to integrate the environment of the organization with the organization. This formed ERP, MES, CRM and SRM. It also formed supply chain management (SCM). IMPACT OF GLABALISATION Globalization and the development of the internet have pushed many organizations to a new level of competitiveness. Competition can be seen in one of the four dimensions cost, quality, time, and flexibility. IE delivers the tools to improve these. Cost-based competition is hard and is very much influenced by the extent to which clients want brands, or low costs. Quality competition can be on the quality of services and products, but also on the quality of operational processes. Time competition can be on customer waiting time, supply lead time and production time. Flexibility is the ability to adapt itself in a short time, and when this is high, it gives the organization a competitive advantage, since it can produce specific items for customers. The right balance of these four factors is market-dependent. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SYSTEMS The boundary of a (sub)system is an important issue. There are two approaches: the closed one, in which only the own unit in the organization is optimized, which might lead to bad outcomes, and the open system, in which the entire organization and all units in it work to achieve a common goal. This is made possible by the information technology of nowadays. PROCESS DESIGN Industrial engineers implement processes. Hammer and Champy considered five basic processes: The development process (start with idea, end with new product or service), Preparation of infrastructure (Start with prototype, end with facility for product), Sales (Start with market research, end with order), Delivery (Start with order, end with delivery and payment) and Service (start with request for service, end with providing service to satisfaction). Methods have been developed to support the planning of processes aimed at maximizing the value received by the customer by mapping the value chain. An Industrial Engineer should collaborate with other departments to understand the environment. NEED FOR INTEGRATED AND DYNAMIC PROCESSES To address the competition in the markets, processes should be designed taking into account time, cost, flexibility, and quality. SUPER SUMMARY The role of an industrial engineer is to ensure the organization’s success in dynamics and competitive markets, the emphasis is on the design of processes using information systems to cope with cost, quality, time and flexibility requirements. CH2 – MODELING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE & FACILITY LAYOUT INTRODUCTION The processes mentioned in the previous chapter (Development, Preparation of infrastructure, Sales, Supply, and Service) are usually carried out by teams. Their relations are presented in an organizational structure model. To choose the right one we need physiology and psychology. Also facility layout is important in this. WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION An organization is the unification of a group of people for carrying out processes or activities to achieve certain purposes, typically on a continuing basis. Louis said there were multiple forms: Organization as a Human Creation; organizations are created by humans in order to fulfill specific needs. Organizations as Production Systems; Organizations are systems where inputs such as material and information are combined to create outputs such as products and services. Organizations as Economic Entities: Organizations are economic entities, aimed at providing economic goals. Organizations as Social Systems; Organizations are a framework in which people are grouped together to work and achieve common goals, financial or otherwise. Organizations as Goal-Oriented Systems: An organization is a collection of individuals, each of whom has needs, expectations, and personal goals in addition to the goas defined by the organization. Organizations as Open Systems: Organizations are subject to forces and requirements dictated by their environment, and are a combination of all of the above definitions. Successful organizations are systems with the ability to adapt themselves to new situations. DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS Organizations exist for a long time and the development of organizations has had a lot of factors. Modern society’s rapidly evolving technology motivates professionalization. Organizations are established when experts in different areas must work together in order to succeed in today’s market. Principles of division of labor and specialization are fundamental in many organizations, but the benefits of these principles are only realized if good coordination exists between the various people and organizational components. The more the process is repetitive, the easier it is to coordinate. Formal organizations are organizations with a clear delineation of responsibilities, authority and reporting requirements while non formal organizations are based on common interests, shared beliefs, social values, emotions, etc. These can also exists within each other. EXAMPLES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Many organizations use a variation of the upcoming organizational structures. The structure is related to both the quantity and variety of products/services. Project-oriented Organizational structures have teams working on the same mission or project, like a task force. The structure is temporary. Advantages: Team members focus on same mission, stakeholders can contact manager, composition of the team matches the project, no suffering from boundaries separating the organizational units. Disadvantages: No pooling of resources (lower benefits), Experts do not learn from experts in other teams, not stable because of the time limitation, communication between units is limited. Matrix organizational structures are mainly used when there are many projects with similarities requiring several areas of expertise, because it maintains several professional units that provide service to various projects. It combines project oriented and functional structures. In this way usage of expertise is maximized and the customer has a clear contact point in the project manager. Disadvantage is that an employee can have multiple bosses. Functional structures are based on the clustering or grouping of members of the organization according to their expertise and the functions they perform. Due to limited span of control these functional divisions can be divided into parts. Advantages: Pooling together similar resources which will create higher benefits, flow of information within each group in the functional organization is usually good, the creation of groups with the same expertise is easier to facilitate so span of control can grow, stable, career path is easier to forecast. Disadvantages: Communication between different groups might be difficult, cooperation between employees in different groups may be poor, clients with special needs may have problems. Process-Based and Concurrent Engineering Organizations succeed when product/service variety exists to a small degree, and the quantity of each type is very large. Experts in different areas work together as a team in the product design process. It differs from all other structures since its reason to exist is development of new products and the maintenance and control during its lifespan. Using this structure development is much faster due to less uncertainty and the non-serial process. Product/Service-Based Organizations are constructed according to the main processes required for producing and distributing the commodity. The main difference with the process-based structure is that it works on one or a few very similar products. Advantage is the high efficiency of teams, disadvantage is the lack of flexibility. HUMANS AND ORGANISATIONS When designing the workplace and the organization, Industrial engineers should aim at increasing the productivity and efficiency, maintaining and strengthening the important values, increasing the motivation of employees, and strengthening ties between employees and the organization and other employees. HUMAN FACTOR INDSUTRIAL ENGINEERING COURSES To achieve these goas, an industrial engineer must use appropriate knowledge of the following disciplines: Organizational psychology: Seeks to identify factors that affect the relationships between people in the organization with the aim of improving the performances of the organization and strengthening these relationships. Organizational sociology: Examine the relationships between humans and the organization and the factors that affect these relationships. Psychology: Focus within IE is on aspects related to the work environment, like learning and motivation. Ergonomics: Seeks to make the interface between operator and machines more productive and efficient. Physiology: Strongly related to ergonomics, need to understand the human body. Anatomy: Strongly related to ergonomics, need to understand the human body. LEARNING Learning is the phenomenon of improving performance through repetition. The function of the time it takes to perform an t(x)= t(1)x-b operation t as a function of the Where t(1) is duration of first repetition, b is a number repetitions x is the task specific constant. T(x) is the cumulative following: time to produce x units. b is to be calculated by 2log(slope). This model is used for production planning. MOTIVATION Motivation influences the learning curve. Maslow pyramid of needs assumes that there is a hierarchy of needs, and an organization should know where its employees are and focus on fulfilling these needs (physiological needs, security & safety requirements, social needs, status, self-actualization). MacGregor developed the model of theories of X and Y. X assumes that workers are lazy and passive, Y that workers are energetic and active. X needs strict management, Y less. Compared to Maslow, X characterizes the needs at the bottom, and Y the upper ones. Maslow developed theory Z, which assumes that most managers and employees are interested in advancing the organization. A lot of these theories have been developed and the help engineers designing organizational structures, role definitions, work environments and systems for learning and motivation. ORGANZING WORKPLACE EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY Industrial engineers learn how to organize the physical resources that are used on the production floor or for the provision of services. This is called layout planning. Workshop layouts have a few machines spread across the shop floor to enable both buffer accumulation and easy movement. It is good for an organization with many projects and small job shops. They are organized to minimize material flow. Functional layouts group similar machines on the shop floor, because in this way expertise is created, work can be divided, and it can process a wide range of products. Overall management is hard, adjustment of machines happens often (or inventories are created), no one is responsible for one product and routing is complex. Group technology makes cells with typical sequences of machines for product groups in order to minimize waiting and transportation, it is easy to manage and stimulates specializations. Flow shop produces very large quantities and thus is very specialized. It uses a layout where machines are sequenced following the specific requirements of a product. Movement is simple, idle times can be minimized, limited skill is required, and responsibility is clear. The range of products is limited, it requires considerable investment and flexibility is low. Assembly lines are flow shops. They have a sequential flow of materials. Continuous production layout is often used with chemicals or for example oil, and involves no human intervention. ORGANIZATION-WIDE PROCESSES OVERCOMING THE ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND WALLS FOR BETTER COMPETITIVENESS Units in an organization are often very separated (silo) and communication is low. Coordination between those units is required to improve performance of processes. Partial information should be lowered by good coordination. Industrial engineers are responsible for maintaining the information system and the organizational structure and keep changing both in response to the dynamic environment and technology. AUTOMATION Manual labor can be replaced by automatic means, each alternative has its advantages an disadvantages in terms of cost, quality, response time an flexibility. SUPER SUMMARY Organizations can be seen in many ways (Human Creation, Production System, Economic Entities, Open System, Social system, Goal-oriented System). Determining the structure of an organizations is part of the management process and should support effective control over operations and efficient use of resources. Common structures are the project oriented one, matrix organizations, functional organizations, and product based organisations. The human factor is important within an organization so psychology etc. and learning and motivation are important. Multiple job floor layouts can be chosen according to the processes within the organization (Workshop, Functional, Group Technology, Flow shop, and Assembly lines). CH3 – PROJECT MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION Industrial engineers fulfill a crucial function in managing non repetitive effort to achieve specific goals. Such efforts are organized as projects that are performed under time, budget and resource constraints and aimed at developing a product, service or system. Production and service systems can be clustered into P&S systems that supply a large number of identical products/services over a long time of span, P&S systems that supply a limited variety of products/services in batches, and P&S systems that carry out projects. WHAT IS A PROJECT A project is a one-time undertaking to achieve a set of objectives under time, budget and resource constraints. Organization of work in a project has advantages: Flexibility: Plans can be changed to meet the constraints with optimal usage of resources. A clear point of contact: Within the project manager. Dealing with uncertainty: Managing uncertainty and risk are integral parts of project management. Effective teamwork: Clear definition of responsibilities and communication and shared goals. Common language: Despite different backgrounds. Projects can be classified to their initiation process: Projects initiating from an identified internal need, projects initiating from a request by another organization, and projects initiated to meet the needs of customers. UNCERTAINTY AND RISKS Projects are subject to uncertainty because of lack of historical information. Special planning and control were developed, based on the assumption that either uncertainty is negligible, or substantial but it can be assessed correctly. A model for planning is chosen based on the sources and level of uncertainty. Possible sources are availability of resources, uncertainty in the environment, and technological uncertainty. It is possible to deal with uncertainty and the risk that it generates in projects in different ways: Accept the risk and threat it if it materializes, Share the risk, Or reduce the risk. PROJECT LIFE CYCLE The need to compromise with constraints resulted in the development of project management techniques. One of them is the project life cycle. Project initiation: a need is discovered, possible solutions are identified, the best solution is chosen after analysis of all possible solutions, Specs and Scope Of Work are made. Project planning phase: Specs and SOW are the basis of the plan, the project is planned keeping the constraints in mind, the organizational structure is determined, who will work on it, and what system of control is used. The result is a plan which states what should be done, when it should be done and what resources are used. Project execution: The project is executed, while it is tracked and monitored to identify deviations. Resources are allocated. Project termination: The resources are released, the product is transferred and explained. Lessons are learned for the future. PROJECT INITIATION GATHERING INFORMATION Gathering information from all stakeholders is crucial. It is important to analyze them early on, to understand their needs and expectations. Sometimes a third party is needed for this. Some projects are outsourced using a request for proposal (aanbesteding). SELECTION OF ALTERNATIVES WITHIN THE PROJECT SCOPE In the initiation phase alternatives for the project are considered. In order to choose one the weights and scores model can be used. Criteria are ranked according to their relative importance, and the alternatives are ranked w.r.t. each criteria. The weighted sum of the scores is used as a measure of the value benefit to the stakeholders. If two projects have the same score the one with the lowest risk is chosen. PROJECT SCHEDULING The statement of work SOW defines the project’s work content. Resources are needed, timing is important since too early or too late costs money. That’s why a project is scheduled. This piece is very similar to DETOM and I will not summarize it. It is about Gantt charts and CPM and AON & AOA. UNCERTAINTY AND PROJECT DURATION When uncertainty is low the expected times can be used for CPM. Otherwise other techniques like PERT or Monte Carlo can be used. RESOURCE SCHEDULING When doing a project resources should be scheduled to prevent research shortage or idle times. When there are shortages you can either delay parts, hire or buy more researches. It is desirable to keep the resource level as constant as possible. PROJECT EXECUTION MONITORING AND CONTROL Monitoring and control needs to be done to identify and prevent deviations. Uncertainty can have many reasons. When possible deviations are identified, these should be tackled by for example arranging more resources, more time, or changes to the work content. TESTING Testing is an important part of project control. These tests are done to ensure project deliverables meet the requirements, before, during or after the project. PROJECT ENDING When a project is ended resources should be released (and might be reassigned), the project deliverables should be delivered to and accepted by the customers, the organization should ensure it learns from the past project, and support should be created for newly used or developed products (and old products might be executed). COMPUTERIZED SYSTEMS FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT For project management a lot of computerized software is available with features for both customers and project managers and employees. It can integrate a lot of data. SUPER SUMMARY Many organizations undertake one-time mission to achieve goals, because of uncertainty special tools are needed, industrial engineers must master the tools for planning, controlling and managing. CH4 – INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION Because of information systems and data decisions are more grounded nowadays. Information systems are used a lot since much data is available. Ways to collect data are still developing. Information systems are used within and between organizations. In the supply chain Data, Decision making and Physical aspects are present. Data can be classified according to importance and urgency. Important data is saved for later to be analyzed. USE OF INFORMATION TO SUPPORT DECISION MAKING There are three kinds of decisions. Strategical decisions are long-term decisions usually having significant economic impact and high importance. Tactical decisions are medium-term decisions, for example, changing a supplier. Operational decisions are short-term decisions made very frequently at lower levels of the organization. Another division is the following: Routine decisions are usually lower level decisions and made often. They are easier and more useful to automate. Non routine or ad hoc decisions are difficult and hard or impossible to automate. It involves intuition and experience. Strategic decisions are difficult or impossible to automate. It can be supported by data and information systems. Information systems can be used to monitor and control companies. For a good implementation of information systems training is needed. Nowadays, in contrast to the history, information systems are linked between all departments and sometimes even between organizations. The basis of supply chain management is the availability of advanced information systems that can share information among supply chain partners. DATA HANDLING Information systems are based on data that accurately represents the real situation, are timely and are readily available. To achieve this the following steps are required: Data collection: with (new) technologies such as pattern recognition, speech recognition an AI along with sensors etc. enable gathering of data. These are then transferred to a computer using EDI systems. Using RFID, barcodes and magnetic tag readers data can be collected accurately and cheap. Data storage: Data is stored in databases. The internet allows fast retrieval of this data. Data retrieval: Information systems retrieve data and present it to decision makers. Data analysis: Data analysis must work through a large variety of data types, with the objective being sometimes to summarize and other times to also show trends, correlations, or patterns. For data processing are many tools available. Popular are Standard Query Language, Online Analytical Processing, R programming language, Apache Hadoop. At the end of the process described previously, the data become information that supports decision making, helps in monitoring and control, or is used for automatic and managerial decision making. COMPONENTS OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM Several components of information systems support the management of supply chains: the transaction processing system, the management information system and the decision support system. DATABASE SYSTEM Database systems are designed to handle large amounts of data, have physical space for this, contain a retrieval system, and protects against technical failure and unauthorized access. It separates the logical place of data from the physical place. There are three levels of abstraction: the physical level (the lowest level of abstraction of data, detailed 10111010110) the conceptual or logical level (the next higher level of abstraction, describes where data is stored and the relationships tables), and the observation level (the highest level of abstraction, desktop). QUERIES AND STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE Query language is a language through which the user seeks information from the database. Query languages can be procedural (the user tells the system to perform an operation) and nonprocedural (the user just asks the system for data). SQL is a standard query language. DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS Data flow diagrams show the flow of data in a computerized system. They show required data, its sources, the operations performed on it, where it is stored, and the output is used to create. Bubbles show processes or functions, rectangles external entity, two parallel lines that represent a database and an arrow that represent flow of data. MODEL BASE Data must (often) be processed in order to be useful. Routine, non-routine and monitoring and control models are supported by information systems. The model base is the same as the data base but then with models. Choosing the appropriate model is very important. A lot of companies buy off-the-shelf information systems since they are far cheaper. It’s important to choose the right system, otherwise it might limit the organization. QUALITY OF INFORMATION The quality of information generated from processing the data is dependent on the quality of data, as well as on the user’s ability to understand the information. Garbage in, garbage out. Processing data takes many forms. FORECASTING Good information systems provide high-quality information (understood, valid, relevant, accurate and complete). In reality there is always some information missing and we can estimate it, forecasts, using data from the past, observations. We can also measure the quality of forecasts. MOVING AVERAGE MODEL The simplest forecast form: it takes the average of a number of n periods before the wanted period. ESTIMATING THE QUALITY OF FORECASTS MAD measures the average of the absolute values of the difference between the forecasting and the observations. MES measures the average of squared error values. You might want to take a look at these formulas in the book. EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING MODEL The exponential smoothing model is based on the following equation: It is a weighted average of all past observations where weight is an exponential function of alpha. When we optimize alpha using MAD and MES we get the adopted forecasting model. CH5 – SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: THE INTERFACE WITH THE CUSTOMER INTRODUCTION Supply chains are a collection of organizations linked to each other by customer-supplier relationships/interfaces. Efficient design and management of the interfaces is very important. The relationship may take many forms and the interface is very complex. Competition can be on time, cost, flexibility and quality. Starting point of the interface design is the VOC (voice of the customer), and understand the ways that you and the competition satisfies the needs. Analysis can be useful. Expectations should be analyzed and also costs. Interface design focuses on the flow of information and material, and decision making. Different forms of how to handle orders are discussed. Minimizing stock is important for costs. Also lot sizing is important. THE IMPACT OF INVENTORY Forecast based orders (example: Food and beverage) Work orders and procurement orders are based on forecasts of future demand. + Short delivery time + Large quantities can be produced with low costs - Inventory costs (also vs interest) - Risk of damage of inventory - Stock reduces flexibility Production to order (example: Ship) Work orders and procurement orders are based on received customer order moments. (Sometimes also combined with design to order). + Saving inventory costs + Flexibility to accommodate special requests - Long lead times - Small quantities produced Assemble to order (example: DELL) Compromise between PTO and FBO. The way production is chosen relies heavily on the resources, market, end products and customer needs. BILL OF MATERIALS The structure of the BOM can help in the design of the customer interface. When for example a resource is turned into a wide variety of products, it is useful to hold a stock of the resource. Subassemblies can also be stocked. MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULE An MPS was already discussed in DETOM. Only additions are in this summary. An MPS is based on future demand in the form of customer orders, in the form of forecasts, or both. When forecasts are used products can be ATP; available-to-promise. MPS management is important since it contains commitments and resource allocation and is continuously updated. Management requires a joint effort of marketing, inventory management, manufacturing and purchasing, since they have different goals. Introduction of new requirements, updating of existed requirements, and monitoring and control of production and delivery and taking corrective actions are within MPS management. DELIVERY TIME AND TIME-BASED COMPETITION Ensuring shorter delivery time to customers improves the competitiveness. In time-based competition the goal is to shorten the lead time as much as possible. An organization that strives to improve its delivery time should examine the activities performed during the process. In order to shorten the delivery time, organizations try to examine and improve every activity related to data processing, decision making and processing and focus on eliminating unnecessary activities, shortening duration of activities, minimizing delays, and minimizing dependencies between activities. AVOIDING UNNECESSARY ACTIVITIES A simple rule of thumb is that an activity has an added value only if the customer is willing to pay for it. It is not always possible to eliminate/shorten activities that do not add value. Walmart has developed cross docks for efficient delivery processes, an example of an unnecessary activity is data-typing multiple times (automatic data acquisition is a solution). To reduce lead-time companies can also improve processes in order to eliminate activities (like repair with sustainable processes). SHORTENING THE DURATION OF VALUE-ADDED AND NECESSARY ACTIVITIES Computers can be used to automate activities or support persons performing these. Data processing and decision-making activities are also analyzed. Development of appropriate information systems and decision support systems and the integration of these allow further reduction of time. Reducing delays in the process: Delay in transport - Transportation batch sizing: waiting on all products because of batches, instead of moving one at a time. - Availability of transportation resources - Poor monitoring and control Delay in operations - Setup times - Process batch sizing: can be solved by reducing setup times - Bottlenecks in the process Delay in Decision-making - Uncertainty - Serial decision making because of o Old information flow methods o Cross-hierarchical and unit flow o Bureaucratic delay o No predefined policies o Manual control in data processing QUALITY BASED COMPETITION Quality is the ability to satisfy customers. Customers are satisfied when their expectations are fulfilled. This can be in the following dimensions: - Performance: how the product or service meets the purpose. - Additional attractive features: contribute to exceeding expectations. - Reliability: probability to malfunction in a time. - Compatibility: The extent to which a product/service complies with prevalent standards. - Durability: The operational and technical service life duration. - Serviceability: Speed, courtesy and professionalism of service when failures occur. - Aesthetic: Design, color, etc - Perceived quality: Subjective measure related to the product or service. QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT MODEL The QFD model translates the VOC into a product or service. It supports the identification and implementation of customer requirements at every stage in the development of a new product or service. It supports a structured design process for concurrent engineering (a new product gets designed by a team, in which everything from birth to death of a product is integrated). It combines rows of requirements with columns of technical parameters, and can contain comparison to other products. Building a QFD: 1. Identify customer requirements 2. Determine relative importance on scale of 1-10 3. Identify engineering characteristics. 4. Evaluate relationships between customer requirements and characteristics with symbols. 5. Determine the importance of each engineering characteristic by multiplying symbol with relative importance. 6. Compare customer requirements to the competition 7. Determine target values 8. Relationships between engineering characteristics are determined. In addition to QFD models, organizations use other models as well that can be divided into quality control (continuous effort to monitor against deterioration and failures) and quality assurance (quality should be designed and built into the product and process). COST-BASED COMPETITION Cost detracts from profit and so it is a competitive performance measure. The safest way to increase profits is to carefully reduce the cost of products while keeping up the quality. To reduce costs the effort should focus on maximizing the value to the customer while minimizing waste. Planning of the product and process should eliminate features and activities that do not add value. Lean manufacturing focusses on creating value for the customer by eliminating waste. Waste is any use of resources that does not add value for the customer and he is not willing to pay for. To implement Lean, value stream mapping (VSM) was developed. It maps flows in the organization and its purpose is to identify and eliminate activities that do not provide extra value. The entire organization should focus on minimizing costs. FLEXIBILITY-BASED COMPETITION In the changing environment of nowadays flexibility, the ability to adapt products and processes to changing requirements, at low cost and quickly, is important. Flexibility is the ability to introduce a change in a product or process according to customer requirements or the changing environment. Flexibility is achieved through proper process design and product design adapted to flexibility. Because of recent computer usage flexibility can now be combined with lowering costs, where this was impossible in the past. Systems like Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) allow for flexibility manufacturing systems (FMS). Characteristics and volume of products can be changed easily. People should also be integrated into this by training. SUPER SUMMARY Competitive advantages are vital for organizations. Interface between customers and organization is of great importance. VOC’s can be translated into products and services, for example by using a QFD and MPS. CH6 – INTERFACE WITH SUPPLIERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS PROCUREMENT AND OUTSOURCING FOR GAINING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE To successfully compete in today’s markets organizations must adopt a strategy that fits the market conditions, the organization’s goals and its capabilities and that provides an edge for the company on time-based, cost based, quality based and flexibility based competition. Sometimes it can be more practical and economical or in line with the strategy, to use external sources to provide the required capabilities. Products or services that are not directly relevant to the organization’s field of expertise are often purchased, because suppliers and subcontractors often deliver with lower cost, higher quality an higher flexibility in a shorter time. The use of suppliers and subcontractors as external sources of capacity or expertise is known as outsourcing. The process of contacting with external organizations for obtaining resources is also known as procurement, purchasing of acquisition. Purchasing from an external source may be useful in the short term, the long term of both-and is beneficial as long as it enhances the organization’s competitive advantage in terms of cost, time, quality and flexibility. To make sure purchasing is justified and will improve competitiveness the following points should be assessed; compare DIY to make or buy, carefully choose suppliers, decide on quantities, periods and logistics, decide on the type of contract, and decide on tools and process to monitor performance and quality. PURCHASING FROM AN EXTERNAL SOURCE: THE MAKE OR BUY DECISIONS It is often feasible to produce materials, components or services in-house. Making should be considered when it is cheaper, or for control and quality considerations. Capacity considerations An external source of additional capacity may be needed when demand fluctuates, resources are hard to get, or when the organization does not want to invest in producing additional capacity in-house. Know-how considerations Purchasing from external resources is good when technological or commercial know-how is not available and hard to get. Core technology considerations Outsourcing is sometimes bad when core technologies are being protected. Economies of scale considerations By learning and decreasing cost as a function of volume, it may be uneconomical to produce certain products that can be outsourced because quantities are too low. Quality considerations Using the expertise and the high quality of external suppliers can be a way to improve the competitiveness. Control considerations To ensure compliance, supplier monitoring and management is necessary, and is one of the most important tasks when outsourcing is used. Strong contracts can reduce risks. Accessibility considerations Purchasing decisions can completely depend on accessibility constraints. INTRODUCTION TO SUPPLIERS MANAGEMENT Supplier management is of utmost importance and can be divided in finding potential suppliers by requests for quotations, bids or proposals (1), selecting the right suppliers (2) and managing the process of executing the contract (3). (1) FINDING POTENTIAL SUPPLIERS BY REQUESTS Issuing a request for information (RFI) is a popular wat to find out main players when a new field of expertise or technology is considered, answers assist the organization in writing the specifications of the requested product or service which is used in the request for quotation (RFQ) or request for proposal (RFP). When no new information is needed, an RFQ is a powerful tool for information of pricing. After issuing an RFP contracts can be signed. An RFP provides information on product or service requirements (functional, physical, and technical characteristics), delivery process requirements (such as time, place and flexibility requirements), quality assurance and quality control requirements, and contractual requirements (payment terms, guarantees, and management of change). Developing the specifications Specifications exist on various levels and help the suppliers to assess their potential ability to provide the products or services required, and to estimate the associated time and cost for the deliverables. Quality issues In the past quality was often measured on the basis of the percentage of products of defective products. Nowadays, quality of products is defined in terms of their characteristics and how we use them; fitness of use. This is much better and eliminates quality controls to such a level that resources can be delivered to the point they are needed in the production without checks. Sources of problems are located and fixed. Sometimes teams of experts from the purchasing department help the supplier to improve its quality. Contractual issues There is a wide variety of contracts from which the optimal one has to be chosen. (2) SELECTING THE RIGHT SUPPLIERS When the requirements are defined, the supplier selection begins. The best suppliers are chosen and a method to choose is then to let them bid for the lowest price. Sometimes offers are split for less dependence. A different approach is to select a supplier for every part and built a partnership relation. An intermediate approach whit a small number of suppliers is often chosen. The potential buyers should assess the potential supplier on process capabilities, quality assurance, financial stability of the supplier, cost structures, the ability to perform value analysis, production scheduling, and the ability of the supplier to comply with the agreements and his/her record in this area. Many companies require suppliers to comply with ISO-9000 standards, or SCOR. (3) MANAGING THE PROCESS: CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Different kinds of products are the fixed-price contract, cost plus fixed fee contract, cost plus incentive fee contract, cost plus award fee contract, and cost plus percentage of cost. Read for further description of these page 150(end)-151. The right contract should be chosen on the basis of uncertainty, market forces, and the relative merits. After the contract is signed, focus shifts to the management of the contract. Relationships can be categorized in three categories, Testing; the buyer uses product testing to prevent defects, Prevention (Toyota); the buyer teaches the supplier how to achieve the required product and process quality, and Partnership; a long-term relationship between the buyer and the supplier is built. The level of cooperation between the buyer and supplier can take different forms, the first is with onetime contracts that define the goods, the second with long-term agreements, sometimes even with integrated planning systems, and the third is Just In Time, where a supplier send frequent shipments and does quality control itself, this is a form of outsourcing. E-COMMERCE AND SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT E-commerce is commerce via computer networks and information communication technology (ICT) (ordering from website, communicating via skype are examples). It can effectively eliminate transaction and communications costs. It is divided into Business to customer (B2C;, amazon) and business to business (B2B, for example with online communication). CommerceNet was a pioneer in this. General Electric Lightning Company is a good example of ecommerce with reorganization resulting into radically less costs, labor and time, and increasing uniformity of information in their systems. Purchasing through ecommerce reduces operational problems, allows to band together, reduces the costs of searching for suppliers, and makes negotiation less-time consuming. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT COST/BENEFIT CONSIDERATIONS Trade-off analysis between the benefits of carrying inventory and its cost is important, and answers questions regarding what is needed to store, how much should be stored and where. BENEFITS OF INVENTORIES Because of their costs, maintaining inventories should be considered only if they enhance the competitive advantage of the organization. Benefits of inventories are: Time-based competition Lead times can be decreased dramatically by holding inventories, but decrease flexibility and increase cost. Dealing with uncertainty: Fluctuations in demand in B2C and trends and seasonality in B2B make high uncertainty, which can be dealt with by holding stocks. Avoiding shortages: When the cost of shortages is high, usually organisations protect to shortages by holding inventory. Reducing dependence (decoupling): Where demand is seasonal, or where there are bottlenecks, it may be economical to produce at a steady rate and to stock. Cost-Based competition When it is cheap to buy or produce (or transport) in bigger quantities, inventories can be useful to reduce costs. Technological considerations It can be useful to create inventories when set-up costs are so large that the capacity of the machine in scope should be used to its maximum. COST RELATED TO INVENTORIES Inventory costs can be classified into capital cost; the cost of maintaining the inventory, as well as the facility and equipment used for holding and handling, and missed interest. Operational costs; costs of operating the systems, salaries, and costs of materials used for inventories, and taxes etc. Costs related to risks; cost of insurances. PARETO ANALYSIS (OR ABC) The decision to hold inventory should be based on these costs and benefits. Different inventories should be managed by proper models and governed by the right policies. A common method for classifying inventory items (since not all are the same) is ABC or Pareto Analysis. Type A: 20% of inventory is 80% percent of the value. Type B: 30% is 15% of the value, and type c: 50% is about 5% of the value. Another way of using this is by the annual usage value (AUV). The two-bin model manages type C items by using two bins that are sended for refill when the first is emptied, and then the second is used. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT MODELS AND THE ASSUMPTIONS ON WHICH THEY ARE BASED Inventory management models provide a recommendation for when to order an inventory item and how much. These are based on assumptions such as dependencies between inventory items, the number of inventory items managed simultaneously, uncertainty, and optimality. ECONOMIC ORDER QUANTITY MODEL (eoq detom) Demand rate is known and constant, no shortages are allowed, lead time is constant and known, cost per unit is constant and known, fixed cost per order is constant and known, inventory holding cost is constant and known and costs per period are minimalized. CH7 – SCHEDULING INTRODUCTION Operations scheduling comes after product/service quantities are determined and thus it deals mainly with the time dimension of the given activities. Service processes apply mostly to people, and the order of service is mostly first come first serve. Each scheduling model is based on simplifying assumptions. Job shop scheduling provides a difficult combinatorial problem, since products have unique routings. Gantt charts, flow time, due dates, and delays (tardiness) are basic elements of machine scheduling. Possible goals are maximizing completed jobs, minimizing flow time, minimizing process inventory, minimizing idle time, and minimizing costs. Constraints are taken into scheduling, an important example is imposed by the limited capacity of the job shops’ machines (for example; time needed>time available), which results in a capacity constraint. SINGLE MACHINE SCHEDULING The simplest approach to scheduling is to focus on the single machine and schedule it according to one simple (one parameter) or complex (multiple parameters) priority rule. Simple priority rules: FIFO, LIFO, Earliest due date, Shortest processing time, current job. Current job; Choose the next activity that uses similar items and processing to minimize setup time. Complex priority rules: Slack time remaining (STR); lowest difference between due date and time required earlier. Critical ratio (CR); Lowest ratio (time required/due date) earlier. Slack time remaining per operation (STR/OP); Lowest ratio (STR/number of operations) earlier. Scheduling strongly depends on the environment in which is scheduled. SCHEDULING THE JOB SHOP The job shop environment is suited to producing multitudes of different products, small job shops can handle higher complexity and as the quantity gets bigger, multiple machines which perform the same action are purchased and often clustered. Each job (group of identical items) varies and usually a work order or route card is provided. Scheduling is a decision regarding when each job shop machine specified in the work order routing will process each job. The physical location of machines has an impact on the schedule. The functional-oriented layout makes job scheduling hard since so many combinations are possible. Ideally, scheduling is optimal, done by a mathematical model that considers all circumstances. Due to the complexity of such models, this approach works only on relatively small problems with a not so complex work order. Another approach is problem decomposition, sorting multiple problems as one. The simplest approach to scheduling job shops is to focus on the WIP of jobs in front of each machine, ignoring all other jobs. This provides a simple but not so good solution. Priority rules can be tested by a simulation in a certain environment. By decomposing the problem into several single-machine problems simple priority rules can be used. Gantt charts can be used to visualize scheduling. See the examples on 177-180. The assumptions made to schedule could be incorrect and influence the outcome. In Goldratt’s theory of constraints (TOC) machine capacity is taken into account. He developed Drum Buffer Rope DBR: a good schedule for the bottleneck is a good schedule for the whole job. Everything in front should match the bottleneck, and everything after should finish asap. SCHEDULE CONTROL Static means that all jobs in the period are ready to start processing, and no new jobs arrive until all are finished. Deterministic means that there are no uncertainties. In real situations, the scheduling is often dynamic and stochastic. To deal with this control systems were created, which control the current situation via RFID and barcodes with the planned schedule, and considers if corrective actions, like expediting (modification by management of the planned schedule) are needed. A simple monitoring and control system is based on IP inventory in front of a machine, when this gets to high it indicates a bottleneck and it should be used in over time. Excessive bottleneck starvation (idle time of bottleneck) is another indication of corrective actions. FLOW SHOP SCHEDULING Flow shops are based on clustering products sharing similar routing. Higher efficiency and easier scheduling compensate for the limited flexibility. When the flow shop is processing a few different products (still with the same routing) it is called a flow line. When all items are the same, it is a production line. When a variety of different product models are assembled on the same line, models for line balancing are used. Johnson Algorithm provides scheduling for 2 machines (Explained in DETOM), it minimizes the time it takes to finish the entire task. APPLYING THE JIT PHILOSOPHY IN SCHEDULING In JIT material is pulled by the next operation only when it is needed to minimize IP inventory. JIT focusses on reducing costs, maximizing value for customers, while minimizing waste (no added-value). Waste can come from defective product quality, waste of inventories, waste of space and material-handling waste. JIT scheduling rests on; - - the reduction of setup time and setup cost of machines and equipment, which can be realized by smaller transfer batches as processing batches. The effort to reduce setup time is based on the method called single minute exchange of die (SMED). Reduction of in-process inventory, by using Kanban cards (cards attached to products with information, limited available) or reducing physical space. Reduction of material-handling activities, by better layout, smaller transfer batches, and good scheduling. ILLUSTRATING THE KANBAN CARD SYSTEM The Kanban system uses cards attached to the products: pull and production cards. The following figure illustrates it where C uses products from A, and b is an inventory. THEORY OF CONSTRAINTS AND THE DRUM BUGGER ROPE APPROACH TO SCHEDULING TOC says the ability to maximize production or profits is limited by a few constraints and bottlenecks. Scheduling based on TOC uses these four steps and is called DBR: 1. Identify the constraints of capacity, defining bottlenecks. 2. Schedule bottlenecks to maximize the goals of the organization 3. Schedule all the resources that precede the bottleneck to make sure it is not idle 4. Schedule everything after to finish asap SUPER SUMMARY For job shop as well as for flow shops there are scheduling techniques. JIY scheduling and TOC are important models. CH9 – ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING INTRODUCTION ERP was born out of the first computerized materials requirement planning systems. First all of the departments in an organization used their own software. Later came ERP which combined this software. A well designed and implemented ERP system provides high-quality data which makes employees able to make better and faster decisions. Many organizations use ERP software nowadays. Modern ERP systems are designed to support the five basic processes (See chapter 1). FUNCTIONALITIES AND COMPONENTS OF ERP SYSTEMS Most ERP systems contain multiple modules, only some of them are used by an organization. They seek for the optimal combination. Typical modules are now discussed. PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT This module is used to plan and control the manufacturing activities of the company. It contains BOMs, routings, work centers management, MPS, shop floor control, management of production orders. ERP vendors produce specific modules from some companies with specific needs, for example those with continuous production. The ERP models use constantly gathered data to adjust production planning. PROJECT MANAGEMENT This module supports the planning, execution monitoring, and control of non-repetitive undertakings or projects. It contains models for scheduling, resource management, budgeting, risk management and portfolio management. All kinds of organizations (different structures etc.) do projects, so an ERP must be able to handle all of these. HUMAN RESOURCES This module supports personnel management and its administration, including recruitment, salaries, incentives, benefits and compensation management, personnel cost planning, HR funds and position management and retirement pension plans. It contains work scheduling, shift planning, time recording, time evaluations and incentive wages. The payroll component is an important module, as well as training. MATERIALS MANAGEMENT This module provides information on the materials moved in, within and out of the organization and the valuation of those. It supports tracking, controlling, and management of materials. Lot-sizing and material consumption forecasting is often included, and it can calculate of sorts of cost of production. Supplier modules can be integrated. Sometimes this module is extended to outsourcing. FINANCIAL MODULE This module supports the management of money, provides information on financial events, and figures and numbers on outbound, inbound etc. ASSET MANAGEMENT MODULE This module supports the management of fixed assets of the organization such as machines and equipment. It includes depreciation (NL:afschrijving (het minder waard laten worden van dingen in je bedrijf, om rekening te houden met slijtage)) and maintenance. PLANT MAINTENANCE This module supports the management of scheduled preventative maintenance, as well as unscheduled breakdown maintenance. QUALITY MANAGEMENT This module supports the management of quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control. SALES AND DISTRIBUTION This module helps the sales function in selling, shipping and billing products and services. This helps in promising things to customers. It is closely connected with financial modules and material management. THE DATABASE AND THE MODEL BASE Important components of the ERP systems are its model and database. It uses a single database since this eliminates the change of duplication faults. WORKFLOW MANAGEMENT (dit stuk is heel vaag en komt niet echt tot een punt) Workflow management is a capability that many ERP systems possess. It enables supporting processes, automatically advancing and controlling them without regard to interorganizational boundaries. Business processes are a collection of activities performed by one or more employees from one or more organizational functions. ERP eliminates boundaries between divisions. Processes can be sequential and linear, but also loops can form. The management of all the sub-processes that can exist within an organization is becoming increasingly complex. ERP helps in this situation. Workflow management systems are designed to support the definition, administration, coordination, monitoring and control of processes. Workflow management systems are used for planning, monitoring, and control of processes especially when employees have to cooperate. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Business intelligence is used to perform non-routine, ad hoc analysis based on large amounts of unstructured raw data that reside in different locations in the database, such as an attempt to make a customer profile from very much data. Data mining The availability of ERP system single database presents an opportunity to search for seemingly unrelated data items and to see whether there are patterns from which useful information can be retrieved to support decision-making. The goal of data mining is the extraction of patterns and knowledge from the data in the ERP database. For success, there must be very much data. PROCESS DESIGN AND REENGINEERING Some ERP packages come with built-in templates of business processes, that represent a competitive business model or best practice. Careful examination of such templated is important as the adoption of a process template that does not fit the strategy, environment and culture of the organization may lead to a failure. These best practices differ per ERP producer, so some ERP systems are more suitable for certain organizations. As a result, organizations combine different modules from different systems (“best breed”), and others invest in to redesign of their processes to make it fit; business process reengineering. Diagrams can help in understanding the process flow, and the relationship between the participants in the process. Flowcharts use a variety of symbols to symbolize a variety of activities. A technique commonly used in BPR is benchmarking. ERP IMPLEMENTATION PROJECTS Industrial engineers often lead ERP implementation projects. Such projects are risky and difficult, and the stakes are high as they touch every aspect of the organization. See for some good examples of failures (not highly necessary) page 234. Success factors in implementation are listening to the stakeholders, developing a good and agreed on plan, selecting the right project manager, risk management (and afterwards decide what to do with these risks), process reengineering, customization, user training, testing, and the role of industrial engineers in ERP projects. CH10 – HUMAN FACTOR INTRODUCTION The work environment of employees consists of physical aspects, functional aspects, organizational aspects, and compensation aspects. To answer questions on these aspects industrial engineers need to know about anthropometry and ergonomics, work design and work measurement, organizational structures, work analysis and methods design, and remuneration and incentive systems. HISTORY Interest in the human factor arose when workers began to respond to their distress after the industrialization. Taylor developed scientific management and researched motivation. Then people were mostly interested in the lower levels of the Maslow pyramid, nowadays also the higher needs are important. Ergonomics developed. Besides Taylor’s theorems other theories were developed as well. Herzberg suggested dividing the environmental factors in hygienic factors and motivating factors. Other approaches are based on human relations analysis, which say that the work environment needs to be planned and social needs should be considered. This led to O&M and HRM. HRM and other managerial philosophies were started after the Hawthorne studies. It also laid the foundation for a new scientific discipline, organizational behavior. Meanwhile in Japan Toyota developed JIT and other philosophies. Industrial engineers try using human capabilities by optimizing the environment for these. A combination of the various aspects of the human factor is essential for efficient human performance in the workplace. ERGONOMICS The science of ergonomics is the practice of designing/planning workers’ work environment while considering the relevant abilities and limitations of working in such an environment. It addresses anatomical, physiological and psychological aspects. Worker performance is improved, health is protected and output, productivity and satisfaction are increased. Safety is the most important. Next up is anatomical factors, that can be divided into anthropometry (body’s measurements matching tools) and biomechanics (force exertion of body). Physiological factors can be divided into the physiology of effort (studies the human body to produce energy) and industrial physiology (studies influence of the work env. on the body). Industrial engineering enables workers to carry out decisions in motoric (manual labor, physiological aspects of body) and cognitive tasks (office work, thinking). MOTORIC TASKS Specialization in motoric tasks requires developing work expertise through practice, repetition, and improvement of the work method. Cumulative Trauma Disorder is a known chronic disease caused by motion repetitiveness. BODY POSTURE Some usual body postures can do serious harm to the body when repeated often. This can be encountered by designing a good environment to work in. ACCES AND SPACE DESIGN Aside from focusing on work postures, ergonomists who design workstations must consider clearance and reach design. The problem of lack of space etc. can be solved by designing for very small and large persons. ANTHROPOMETRY Ergonomic design of tools, workstations, equipment, and control panels is based on knowledge of the human body’s abilities and limitations. It is very important to design workstations that are suitable for the great variance between workers. WORKLOAD LIFTING AND EXERTION IN THE WORKPLACE Fatigue in the workplace is caused by excessive workload and is counterproductive, a source of safety risk, and decreases awareness. National body’s and governments make laws to ensure that not to heavy things are lifted etc. The recommended weight limit and lifting index are examples of that. WORKPLACE ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Noise Workplaces are designed to minimize dBA (noise) to protect of damage to the ears. For this there are limits made by governments. See the formula to the right. Light To promote task efficiency and visual comfort, illumination should be good, as well as circumstances of the light as evenness. Temperature Ventilation SPECIALIZATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORKERS’ MEDICAL PROBLEMS Specialization based work often involves frequent repetition of the same action which can lead to CTD (RSI). This is bad and the design of workplaces should be adapted to it. DESIGN FLEXIBILITY It is important to make sure that the design is flexible and enables simple adjustment for each worker, as well as to establish mandatory breaks that will enable the worker’s body to recover. COGNITIVE TASKS Cognitive tasks include mental processes such as perception, information processing, etc. Many cognitive models handle processes such as information processing, situation evaluation, decision making and planning. They refer to the characteristics of cognitive tasks. Examples are the human information-processing model (Wickens, focuses on how humans process information), the action-cycle model (Norman, examines how people reach their goals while using external world feedback), and the skill, rule and knowledge-based model (Rasmussen, assumes that control and performance are a function of hierarchic cognitive control system that operates on the mentioned three levels). The first is useful for how the workplace should be designed, the second is useful when there is uncertainty, and the third makes clear that the design of the task and the work environment should be adjusted to all cognitive levels. COMPLEX COGNITIVE SYSTEMS: DIAGNOSIS AND DECISION MAKING Analysis that is dedicated to characterizing a system’s status and finding the root cause for it is called diagnosis. Decision making is a situation in which a person has to decide on a course of action. Computerized support spares time on simple decisions and it makes it easier to make higher level decisions. Expert systems give all the possible answers but let humans make the final decision. KEY ELEMENTS IN WORK ENVIRONMENT DESIGN Designing one uniform method for work environment design is undoable. Each computer interface must be adjusted to the types of jobs and the users (new, partially skilled, expert) intended to work on that particular system. NIELSEN’S TEN PRINCIPLES FOR DESIGNING A CONVENIENT SYSTEM 10 principles for designing interfaces for an interactive system. 1. System status visibility 2. Compatibility between the system and the real world 3. The user’s command of the application 4. Consistency and standards 5. Error prevention 6. Flexibility and efficiency of use 7. Aesthetics and minimal design 8. Identifying and correcting errors 9. Help and documentation 10. Visibility HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Human resource management is a discipline that entail preparing the human resource for work, operating it, and maintaining it. Job design The process of determining the activities to be performed in the context of each job and of defining the performance method, knowledge, data and tools required to perform. Basic terms Task, Work, Job, Job design Approaches to job design - The mechanistic job-design approach views humans as machines - The perceptual-motor approach emphasizes needs but also simplifies tasks - The biological approach emphasizes biological needs - The motivational approach emphasizes social and emotional needs Job design strategies Job enrichment (add important responsibility, based on skill variety, significance, identity, autonomy, feedback), Job enlargement (more activities), Job rotation. Job evaluation A process intended to determine the relative contribution of various jobs to the organization and accordingly determine the compensation and reward system. The main objective of job evaluation is to maintain internal consistency in the organization so that workers with identical jobs receive similar pay. - Ranking method; ranks to importance o Simple ranking; ranked to contribution o Alternation ranking; first most important then less important so on o Paired comparison; compares pairs - Classification method; creates occupational categories and classifies jobs according to these categories. - Criteria comparison method; ranks jobs according to predetermined criteria - Point-factor rating method; criteria, grades, and weights - Single factor systems; single criterion, like TSD and decision banding Job evaluation should be fair. In order to establish this, computer systems like JESS were developed. Expert systems can also be used. Besides Job value, market-based pay systems, knowledge-based pay systems and skill-based pay systems are used. Introducing a Job evaluation system into the organization What system will be used, who will use it and for what will the system be used are important decisions. Evaluators should then be trained and it should be tested. CH 11 – INTRODUCTION TO SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) INTRODUCTION Procurement (Dutch: Inkoop) is different between big companies since they are willing to pay for having a reliable source, and this leads to strategic partnerships. The customary term for a system of organizations that sell and purchase from one another is a supply chain. They have one objective. Optimal SCM is a major issue in many industries because of the importance of creating an efficient and economical flow of products and services. SCM entails risk management and requires knowledge on many surfaces. BACKGROUND: TERMS, DEFINITIONS AND HISTORIC OVERVIEW What is a supply chain? Intuitive description of the term supply chain The transition from raw material to the finished product that reaches the end consumer is a supply chain. Inventory and transport management are major components in SCM, and so computers (communication) is. Software is developed for SCM. Terms and Definitions Supply Chain A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information and resources that are involved in the transfer of a product or service from a supplier to a customer. 2 other definitions are given in the book. Supply Chain Management A supply chain is a group of organizations directly connected in at least one back-and-forth flow of products, or services, or funds or information from a source to a customer. SCM entails setting goals and priorities, supervising the transition from the design of the supply chain to the supply chain operation and deciding how to use various resources to obtain the goals of such a chain. 7 other definitions are given in the book. Supply network A wide supply chain. Lean management An approach that primarily fosters efficient operations without spending a significant amount of money. Supply chain events management Considers all the events and factors that may disrupt the supply chain. Software for SCEM entails monitoring, notification, simulation, control and measurement. Extended enterprise Partner suppliers and companies of a company. Historical development of the term SCM Vertical integration Name used a while ago for supply chains. A company performs activities along the product supply chain. A number of phases are carried out by the same organization. Horizontal integration refers to a situation in which an organization focuses on one process or area that may serve several supply chains. Creation of the area of supply chains Japanese organizations showed the importance and success of management of inventory and transportation along the supply chain. Information integration era Information nowadays begins to flow through the organization, that’s a new thing: the integration of information. This started with the development of Electronic Data Interchange systems (EDI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Issues in this are more related to trust. Supply chain maturity Level 1; manufacturing, storage, distribution and material control systems (hereafter: MSDMCS) that are not interconnected. - Level 2; MSDMCS are integrated under one program connected to the ERP of various organizations along the chain. - Level 3; Fully integrated with information. Globalization Era Significant numbers of organizations begin to integrate flobal sources in their core business. Specialization in core fields and SCM outsourcing Expert organizations are doing SCM for some companies. This trend can be divided into: - Level 1 Specialization: Outsourcing Transportation and Distribution - Level 2 Specialization: SCM as a service: totally outsourced SCM in Shared Platforms and Portals The next phase entailed the creation of collaborative platforms that connect buyers and suppliers across the supply chain. Sometimes these platforms are also connected to financial institutes. A system developed for this was SCM 2.0. - SUPPLY CHAIN CHARACTERISTICS Major Roles of Supply Chain organizations Supply chains consist of organizations which can have different roles: - Manufacturers of raw materials - Component manufacturers - Manufacturers of subassemblies and assemblies - Intermediary suppliers - Finished product manufacturers (final assembly) - Distributors - Sale agencies - Wholesalers - Retailers - End users Every link involves inventory, transport, product reception, and post-reception storage. Several roles can be part of multiple supply chains. Bullwhip Effect Small changes in end users’ consumption are expressed as larger fluctuations that grow and become larger along the chain, as they approach the raw material manufacturers, because of a delay in information which make them unaware of the decrease that is already happening again. 10 main factors: 1. Diverse methods of forecasting 2. Order and batching policies 3. Fluctuation in product pricing 4. Demand manipulations 5. Supply lead time duration 6. Lack of transparency 7. Too many links 8. Local optimization 9. Fear of shortage 10. Lack of learning and training Advantage of integrated chain management: cost reduction and bullwhip effect eradication One of the reasons for improved performance is increased sharing of information. Also synergy is involved, and MPS based on all links improves performance too. SCM has the following effect on the 10 factors of the Bullwhip effect: 1. Forecast mistakes are avoided 2. Batch sizes are reduced by integrated information 3. Better understanding 4. Understand demand fluctuations by demand manipulations 5. Supply synchronization 6. Better transparency 7. Better communication between links 8. Enables global optimization 9. Information sharing reduces the odds of shortage 10. Learning is more likely. MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS AND CONSIDERATIONS IN SUPPLY CHAIN PLANNING - What should be the nature and characteristics of supply chain information systems? Inter-organizational, and widely shared. - How to determine and implement information sources, quality and sharing? New sources are developed, quality should be high sharing is good. - What to manufacture and what to purchase in each link of the chain? Supply chain planning entails finding the right answer what to buy. - What are the components of the chain (or what are the links?)? It is important to also know the quality of suppliers’ suppliers. - What is the structure of engagement with suppliers? Long or short term. These discussions make SCM complex. TYPES OF CONTRACTS AND ENGAGEMENTS Selecting the right supplier engagement is very important. After deciding to purchase good, a supplier should be chosen. Short-term engagements The simplest form is commercial off-the-shelf, which is nothing more as going to a store and buying something for your country, also called B2B, business to business purchases. For outsourcing a project, purchasing items and not stored items, a tender sends out an request for proposal RFP (Dutch: openbare aanbesteding). The best reaction from suppliers is chosen and signed. Short-term engagements facilitate competition, but it doesn’t have commitment and low guarantee. Long-term engagements These are often seen as strategic partnerships. It can be based on details, or on a framework contract. Trust and commitment are created. Management of supply contracts Uncertainty factors should be contained in contracts. Flexibility mechanisms and insurances should be contained. INFORMATION AND ITS IMPORTANCE (vanaf hier is H11 echt heel vaag, heb er het beste van proberen te maken) Value of information in supply chains Information on inventory through the supply chain can be very important, since it can eradicate the bullwhip effect and a more efficient and stable flow of inventory and product may be planned. The information can be wrong due to inventory shrinkage, incorrect product location and incorrect product scanning. To prevent this from happening, the quality of inventory data should be improved through technology, such as new barcode readers. Information technology in supply chains Information collection systems translate physical, financial and economic transactions into information entered into the system. The development of new techniques has made the processing of such data much more efficient and of higher quality. Databases store information, and these also have experienced much development recently. Analytical programs in the model base analyze data from the bases to plan, make decisions and monitor developments. The software used in SCM has developed much over the years, they now contain model that support decision making. The usage of cloud services is very new. They are often provided as software as a service products, by application service providers (ASPs). Information standardization is becoming more important, there is a growing trend in sharing information and internet-based platforms are replacing other databases. Use of information Helo and Szekely classify SCM programs according to type of use of information: Warehouse management systems, Transport management systems, ERP, Acquisition procurement and inventory management programs, and Enterprise application integration. Information is mainly used in decision making. Here the difference between external and internal information is important. External information can significantly improve supply chain performance. Information about suppliers and customers’ manufacturing plans, including their actual supply, can reduce uncertainty. It is a real challenge to make all the links share their information, they only will if they will gain profit from this. DESIGNING THE SUPPLY CHAIN Choosing the participants When choosing it suppliers, organizations will focus on to what type of end customer they will deliver, and it will choose its suppliers according to that identity. Sometimes a link is dominant, for example when a link wants to obtain certain certificates, like hallal or kosher food, the other links should adapt to these new requirements. Single organizations will choose their suppliers on considerations of cost, quality, flexibility and supply times, but also other factors will influence the choice, as described in chapter 6 ((2) selecting the right supplier). The organization may also consider the risks involved in working with a certain supplier, as well as its ability to protect itself against these risks. Links can choose for themselves if these use more links in the supply chain or want to distribute themselves, for example. Many and varied alternatives are available for choosing the participants in the chain. Companies like distributors are third party logistics (3PL). Selection of Information system The selection of the information system is a derivative of cost-benefit analysis. A company will choose the information systems best suited to its needs. Sometimes they influence or persuade suppliers to use the same system. The choice includes the information collection systems, and databases, the model base and the system and systems like MRP and ERP. Typical functionalities associated with the information system supply chain include forecasting, inventory management, purchase management, warehouse management and supplier management. The benefit that can be gained from a system is hard to calculate, but is often expressed as the benefit: the improvement achieved by the implementation of a certain information system. Usage of cloud platforms produces uniformity and access to the information. Design considerations and tools The design of the supply chain is a process of choosing between alternatives. The choices made are based on the participants, locations, roles, facilities, equipment and models to be used. It is based on cost, time, quality and flexibility considerations, and the ability to cope with uncertainty and its related risks. Cost considerations include the fixed costs of building the system, and variable costs for operating the system. Time considerations are a major factor in supply chain design, for example on transportation. Quality considerations are very important and usually divided into establishing connections, the quality of supply processes and the quality of the products themselves. Flexibility considerations considers the ability to cope with changing market requirements. The uncertainty factor and its risks are important; risks are identified, reduced or prevented, and contingency plans are prepared. SUPPLY CHAIN MONITORING AND CONTROL Objectives and constraints The main supply chain objectives are: Reducing costs; Costs can be lowered in separate single organizations, but also the overall cost can be lowered, by lowering the inventory cost through the sharing of information Shortening supply times; Inventories can lower supply times. Just like there are batch sizing and reorder-models for single organizations, there are too for the supply chain, such as the transshipments model, that connects links that have shortages with those that have surpluses. Increasing quality; the quality of goods or services supplied by the supply chain has an effect on demand, as does the quality of the supply process itself. In most supply chains, there is a direct connection between the levels of quality of the various links because it is impossible to assemble a high standard product from low-quality products that were supplied. Increasing flexibility; The flexibility of the supply chain can be defined and measured in different ways, it can be for example in the time it takes to make a change in the structure, in the quantity or in the supply time. Since it impacts demand, flexibility is often increased to the associated supply chain constraints. These are general objectives of a supply chain, but some have different ones, like those reacting to nature disasters. For the purpose of comparison Beamon notes several objectives for supply chain management: financial objectives, objectives related to availability to customer, efficiency-related objectives, flexibility-related objectives, and quality related objectives. Constraints can be divided into local constraints of a link in the chain like limited production per time, and constraints to the supply chain as a whole like the limited time for preservation of food. There are also constraints coming from outside the chain, such as regulations. Long-term and Short-term decisions Supply chains are mostly long term engagements. The design consists of long-term decision such as big investments. After carrying out these decisions, the supply chain should be managed efficiently, in which there are two types of short term decisions: routine repetitive decisions (like batch sizing) and one-time decisions (for a particular case, can affect both short and long-term). There are information systems that include all these kinds of decisions. Supply chain performance control and monitoring Any supply chain meets uncertainty and related risks. Risk management can make less uncertainty. The supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model serves sometimes for monitoring and control. This model focuses on planning, sourcing, manufacturing and distribution. Monitoring is carried out by ongoing collection of information about actual activity and the outcomes of actions. Control is (later) carried out by making corrective action decisions and the implementation of these. The quality control system consists of the definition of the relevant quality requirements and performance indicators, (translating goals into performance indicators), quality assurance, and quality control. CH 12 – INTRODUCTION TO SERVICE ENIGNEERING INTRODUCTION Services are defined as handling customers, or as the benefit derived by the customer while receiving service, or simply as work performed for the customer, and are non-storable and intangible. Often outsourced projects are services for the client, which can have tangible results. Many services are also related to the provision of products. Seven general characteristics of service processes are; everyone knows service (1), characteristics are situation dependent (2), the dimensions of product quality or work quality are not equal to the dimensions of service quality (3), they often offer a service pack that includes intangible and tangible products and components (4), close and intensive contact with the customer (5), service management requires marketing, HRM, and OM (6), encounters must be managed in the best way (7). Service systems integrate technology and organizational networks designed to provide services that meet customers’ needs, desires and expectations. The level of demand for services is uncertain. Things as simply displaying and selling products are already a service. Service management consists of the customers, the infrastructure (roads, storehouses, telephone linkages), and management and operation processes. The customer experience must be managed. An additional key to success of service processes is service-minded HRM, understanding the environment and proper risk management. Viewing the customer as the center and building a positive customer experience is the main objective. Customer experience includes both measurable and not measurable components. SERVICE PROCESSES General Characteristics of service processes Service process focuses on delivering services to end customers (organizations and customers), and the purpose is to provide value and to satisfy them against a reasonable profit. Impressions are linked to previous experiences, which are linked to levels of service. The improvement of more costs and efforts decrease as the service level increases. There are also factors that influence the level of service but are not related to cost etc., as friendliness and attention. Service engineering facilitates taking care of all service aspects, including the financial aspect. Financial decisions in a service system are usually related to the capacity, which is critical for experience but comes at high cost. Waiting in line harms the company’s reputation and therefore it is very costly. Capacity cost grow with expansion of capacity. There is a balance point at which the service capacity is optimal in the sense that the total cost mentioned above are minimal. If you do not understand the graph to the right well, read page 342 and 343, it is important. The bad measurability and lack of direct connection between waiting time and capacity make it hard to calculate the actual costs. The randomness of the quantity of arrivals per time unit as well as the service times can be predicted by estimating the expectancy as a central indicator and the standard deviation as a dispersion indicator. Service processes differentiate form manufacturing on: The extent of customer contact Service has much contact, especially when service is non-standard. Mining for example is not a service since it is away from the customer. Service pack A service pack includes all the tangible things, points of contact, and time of the “producer”. In CH5 8 characteristics of quality of products and services are described, to with the environment, the waiting time, level of friendliness and courtesy, and the professionalism can be added uniquely for services. It contains measurable and unmeasurable components. Customer experience The customer experience is the way in which the customers perceive all their interfaces with the service system in relation to their needs and expectations. A key component is the wait time. To manage all interfaces organizations have adopted customer experience systems; customer experience management (CEM). It consists of building a platform of the desired experience and the value of the service pack for the customers, analyzing the customer experience, designing the brand experience, building the customer interface and ongoing renewals and improvement of the experience. It is also important to understand the experience of providers. Many companies use customer relationship management (CRM), which document all the information and assist in keeping in touch. This cannot fully replace CEM. Response time Limitation (Availability) Services cannot be held in stock and that limits the availability, which is the percentage of time that the system can immediately accept and service customers. Efficiency is measured by the percentage of time during which the system provides the service. Too high efficiency would cause long waiting times so 90% is better as 100%. Demand randomness The demand for services and the time needed for a service cannot be accurately predicted. Standard deviation can also be used in forecasting. Demand dynamism Service demand is sometimes dynamic and changes over time. Level of service The level of service is the indicator that characterizes the quality of service and often refers to the target level. Methods of measuring level of service (in for example call centers) are the average wait time, abandon rate, average handling time, and the first call resolution. Every level of service depends on determining a reference point, which can include a scale and a minimal performance level besides a performance goal. CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICE SYSTEMS Major Service processes common to most types of service systems Arrival of customers/orders These can be uncertain, static, or dynamic. Customer acceptance This is the first interaction, and not all the arrivals may enter the service. Provision of core service The core service is the service on which the organization focusses, and this is often composed of a bundle of complementing services. Support process This is a process that facilitates handling malfunctions, complaints and unusual requests. Data from support processes helps to analyze the quality of services. Control process The control process involves monitoring service reliability and customer satisfaction. Classifying service processes by type of service-provider/customer Type of service provider Public service: These are publicly owned services whose purpose is to provide the service under a limited budget. (Government hospitals) Business service: Business service aims to increase the organization’s profit while maintaining a high level of service. (Insurance companies) Type of customers Service for organizations and business customers: The customers are various businesses, the service is provided to representatives. (Big telecommunications companies) Service for private customers: Service for end users. (Restaurant) Classification of service systems by industrial sector It is customary to classify services by their industrial sector. There are many of these and all will have different characteristics between industries, and within industries under other circumstances. KEY CHARACTERISTICS AND CONSIDERATIONS IN DESIGNING SERVICE SYSTEMS The planning and design of service systems must take customers in consideration. Therefore it is important to segment the market and to analyze the audience. Planning is a process in which the vision of an optimal service lead to strategic planning which leads to operational planning. 7 characteristics of a well-designed service system are; the service components are integrated, the system is user friendly, the system is sufficiently flexible and resistant to malfunctions, the system allows the service to be performed consistently, easily and at high level, service is strongly and efficiently linked to support, the quality and contribution are obvious, the system is characterized by efficiency and low cost relative to its performance. 6 strategic decisions in the context of designing service are the level of customer care, service speed and convenience, service cost, variety of services, quality of service system’s physical components, and specials skills for providing high-level services. A big part of strategy is related to culture and training. Service organizations emphasize 10 considerations; service accessibility and availability, thoughtfulness and openness towards providers, leadership on quality, listening to customers, quality of the physical components, manner of handling malfunctions, competitive service level, value of service quality, consistency in meeting customer needs, and guidance and instruction. The system also includes the following dimensions: Service demand forecasting Demand is forecasted in different ways to provide as much service possible. Level of service As described above. Service location design Location can be important when real encounters have to be made, but also when this is not the case, but for some other geographical factors. Determining the number of employees who provide the service Determining how many employees are needed is closely related to demand forecasting and the average service pace. The percentage of time in which the providers are actually busy is called capacity utilization. Designing the number of waiting positions in the queue It is beneficial only to add waiting positions when the benefit derived from adding a waiting position exceed its cost. Ergonomic and esthetic design of the waiting system and the service system This design is connected to regulations and the customer experience. Customer service design Customers prefer to interact with a human being when they are being helped. Maintenance and repair systems Can be outsourced. In-house repairs A lot of service providing companies are dependent on the proper function of nonhuman resources. These can have failures which can be solved with maintenance. Preventative maintenance is easier to plan and more certain as malfunction repair. Statistical tools, like mean time between failure (MTBF) can be used to describe the frequency. The mean time to repair (MTTR). The machine is active during: MTBF/(MTBF+MTTR). Repairs at customer’s home or at a customer service lab Planning repair service at the customer’s house requires taking into account labor that is both mobile and professional, equipment that is reliable and mobile, and inventory of parts for replacement. Lab service requires evaluation of the labor needed to reduce wait times below a reasonable threshold, forecasting the quantity and duration of malfunctions. Planning customer satisfaction surveys Customer satisfaction surveys or service surveys aim at identifying the customer’s demands and requirements, listening to and handling complaints if any, and seeking solutions that will improve the customer experience. A famous questionnaire is SERVQUAL, which uses 22 questions on reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, and responsiveness. Service arrival processes Every service includes customer arrival processes and customer departure processes. The processes involved in customer arrival at the place of service are known in statistics and operations research as birth processes, and departure as death processes. The process of arrival is characterized by; The size of the arriving population Finite: a small and finite population in which the arrival of the first customers has impact on the probability of a second customer. Infinite: an infinite population with no impact between customers. Type of arrival Individual: separately Groups/units: in groups Waiting positions Blocked: A limited number of waiting positions, and when all waiting positions are taken, customers will leave. Unblocked: An unlimited number of positions and all that arrive will join. Staying/patience Everyone could stay, some could leave after a time, and some leave immediately. Time between arrivals The time can be fixed, random with no dependency, and random with some dependency. Often circumstances are simplified. Arrival processes that change over time Many service processes are characterized by arrival paces that change over time. Characterizing the arrival pace expectancy is very important for preparation and for determining the required human resources. The sum of arrivals is the sum of all arrivals, the expectancy of the sum of arrivals is the sum of the time periods multiplied by their respective pace expectancy. It is important to divide into time frames, like days or weeks. The time frame is usually characterized by a cycle, of which the total demand is usually influence by hourly, weekly, monthly and seasonal cycles. Introduction to queuing systems Queues are typical of most service systems and constitute an important component of service quality. Queues often originate from differences in arrivals and service times. Queuing theory describes the probability distribution of queue length and various parameters of a queuing system for various queuing system types as well as for a network of queues. It is interesting to calculate the expectancy of the wait time, queue length, and the time in which service personal is busy (load). See page 367 for examples of information from queueing theory. A queuing system includes customers, service personnel, a queue regime, the queue capacity, and the system structure. Kendall’s standard queue notation This is the standard system used to describe and classify simple (=one sequential waiting line) queuing systems. It describes them as A/S/c A – describes the arrival process S – describes the service process c – the number of servers For A and S the following can be filled in: M – Memoryless Markovian (any independent process) D – Deterministic times E k – Erlang distribution with k stages G – General distribution (could be anything) A description could be for example M/M/1 (A=M/S=M/c=1) Later on the following were added: K – number of waiting positions N – population size D – queuing discipline (possible options in figure 12.20) The notation is now A/S/c/K/N/D MAIN SERVICE DISCIPLINES (D in Kendall) FCFS: Service is given in the order of arrival. LCFS: Service is given in the reversed order of arrival. SPT: The customer with the shortest service duration is served first. LPT: The customer with the longest service duration is served first SIRO: Service is in random order URGENCY: The most urgent customer is next up GENERAL DISCIPLINE: This is a notation for a general queue without discipline Preemption or not: When preemption happens the current in process customer is ejected to make place for the preferred one. SERVICE SYSTEM SIMULATION Since there can be many characteristics that complicate analysis of a queue, it is customary to use simulations in order to analyze complex service systems. This often uses simulation. What is simulation? Simulation is a tool that can assist in building a model that mimics the operation of an actual system. A model is a partial description of reality built for a specific purpose, while disregarding aspects that are irrelevant or complicated with respect to the description of reality. Simulation mimics the behavior of a system and therefore often makes it possible to learn about the system and its traits, behavior and responses to various scenarios. Model validation is designed to ensure that the model is producing correct predictions and the factors that were disregarded or filtered while building the model do not cause the model to deviate. Advantages: - Can analyze complex systems - Can include any constraints - Time can be “shrunk” - Perform scenario analysis - Not integrated in actual situation, so there is no disturbance Disadvantages - Much time needed to make one - Does not provide an optimal solution - Quality depends on how well it is built - Not implementable into another system Major types of simulation Industrial engineers usually use simulation for making decision in times of uncertainty. The following picture is explained on pages 373 to 375, but if you understand, this is not necessary to read. Monte Carlo simulation The Monte Carlo method is based on generating random numbers to integrate uncertainty in simulation. The Monte Carlo simulation is a problem-solving method that selects numbers that are randomly scattered in a range between 0 and 1 so that it is equally probably that any value between 0 and 1 will be selected. Discrete event simulation programs There are complex and random systems whose behavior cannot be modeled without simulation. Most service systems are discrete: the program progresses from one event to the next in a sequential and calculated manner. These programs, like GPSS, GASP, and SIMSCRIPT often use (1) Monte Carlo, (2) branching junctions, (3) servers or machines, and (4) logic for modeling various phenomena. New discrete simulation models are ARENA, ExtendSim, Promodel, SAS simulation studio, SimEvent, and SIMUL8. The simulation programs facilitate the analysis of complex models and are very flexible and enable building a model for nearly all types of queues and queuing networks. The flow and logic of ARENA are as follows: 12.24 shows how it works, 12.25 shows a still at a certain point in time, and 12.26 shows and animation discrete event simulation programs often make. Important characteristics of discrete simulation programs On pages 379 and 380 are 17 important points which are totally obvious, just look at them. CUSTOMER PATIENCE: LEVEL OF SERVICE Level of service The level of service usually assesses the level of performance and availability of the promised service. In callcenters measures for these are the average waiting time, average holding time, average speed of answer, first call resolution, threshold service frequency (percentage of customers waiting less as a predetermined value) and abandon rate. In inventory management there are two versions for measuring the level of service: Level 1; uses alpha for the percentage of cycles during which there is no shortage, and level 2; uses beta for the percentage of deliveries straight from inventory. Customer patience People are impatient and when they are served this has multiple positive effects. Impatient customers are the ones that disrupt the system and cause problems and losses, which can be expressed in giving up in advance, abandoning after a wait, complaints while queuing, avoiding the place next time, and damaging reputation by giving it a bad name. Therefore, investments should be made to decrease waiting times. GENERAL APPROACH TO PLANNING NUMBER OF SERVICE PERSONNEL Rush hours and their importance Rush hours are the hours in which the most customers arrive, and it is usually very advisable to plan human resources and system service capacity for rush hours. The term utilization and its connection to wait time expectancy Utilization is a measure of the percentage of time in which the service providers are busy. The percentage of time in which the service providers are busy is the ratio between the arrival rate and the service rate. As utilization approaches 100%, waiting time approaches infinity. Additional methods of reducing service time In addition to having more personnel at work, the following can improve service pace and quality: Training, time slotting, call routing systems, dynamic labor allocation, demand regulation, offline service, complete offline service, use of internet and self-service. FEEDBACK: CUSTOMER SATISFACTION SURVEYS Without customer feedback, the quality of service cannot be measure and improved. Feedback is a critical stage of service and closes the feedback loop between the service providers and the customers. The accepted feedback method in service systems is to conduct customer satisfaction surveys. This is often used because customers will not come to the company on their own initiative. This should be done periodically. When the perception of the product, the service, and the relationship exceeds expectations, customer satisfaction is high and the organization is competitive. We classify the satisfaction surveys according to surveys about service processes and surveys about products. Examples of both can be found on page 386 and 387. It is customary to rank customers’ responses on a five-point Likert scale (1 = poor, 2 = fair etc.). It is important to validate responses. The roles of CSS are to measure the relative importance of each topic, examining customers’ satisfaction regarding each topic. Surveys can be conducted on a focus group, with customers at the place of service, a phone survey, on email, and by mail.