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Principles & Purpose of Language Assessment

Principles and Purpose of Language Assessment
Table of Contents
I. Overview
II. Discussion Paper
A. Key Concepts
B. Assessment and Evaluation Principles
C. Purposes of Assessment
D. Functions of Language Tests
III. Researches
IV. Bibliography
I. Principles and Purposes of Language Assessment
A. Key Concepts
1. Assessment
2. Testing
3. Language Testing
4. Measurement
5. Evaluation
B. Assessment and Evaluation Principles
C. Purposes of Assessment
1. Assessment for Learning
2. Assessment as Learning
3. Assessment of Learning
D. Functions of Language Test
1. In learning
2. In teaching
3. In research
Discussion Paper
I. Key Concepts
A. Assessment
Assessment is the process of gathering information to monitor progress and make
educational decisions if necessary. An assessment may include a test, but also includes
methods such as observations, interviews, behavior monitoring, etc.
B. Test
Test is a method to determine a student's ability to complete certain tasks or
demonstrate mastery of a skill or knowledge of content. Some types would be multiple
choice tests, or a weekly spelling test. It is commonly used interchangeably with
assessment, or even evaluation, it can be distinguished by the fact that a test is one
form of an assessment.
C. Language Testing
Language testing is the practice and study of evaluating the proficiency of an
individual in using a particular language effectively.
D. Measurement
Measurement is the set of procedures and the principles for how to use the
procedures in educational tests and assessments. Some of the basic principles of
measurement in educational evaluations would be raw scores, percentile ranks,
derived scores, standard scores, etc.
E. Evaluation
Evaluation is the culmination act of interpreting the information gathered for the
purpose of making decisions or judgment about student’ learning and needs, often at
reporting time. It forms as part of assessment.
II. Assessment and Evaluation Principles
A. Assessment of learning is an integral part of teaching learning process.
B. Assessment tool should match with performance objective.
C. The result of assessment must be fed back to the learners.
D. In assessing learning, teachers must consider learners’, learning styles and multiple
intelligences and so must come up with a variety of ways of assessing learning.
E. To contribute to the building of the culture of success in the school, it is pedagogically
sound that in our assessment techniques we give some positive feedbacks along with
not so good ones.
F. Emphasize on self-assessment.
G. If we believe that our task as teachers is to teach all pupils/students, and that it is
possible that all students, even those from limited backgrounds, will have access to
opportunities and therefore can achieve, then the bell curve mentality must be
H. Assessment of learning should never be used as punishment or as a disciplinary
I. Results of learning assessment must be communicated regularly and clearly to parents.
J. Emphasize on real world application that favors realistic performances over out-ofcontext drill items.
K. To ensure learning, do formative assessment.
L. To ensure reliability of assessment results, make use of multiple sources.
III. Purposes of Assessment
A. Assessment for Learning
Assessment for learning is more commonly known as formative & diagnostic
assessments. Assessment for learning is the use of a task or an activity for the purpose
of determining student progress during a unit or block of instruction. Teachers are
now afforded the chance to adjust classroom instruction based upon the needs of the
students. Similarly, students are provided valuable feedback on their own learning.
B. Assessment of Learning
Assessment of learning is the use of a task or an activity to measure, record and
report on a student's level of achievement in regards to specific learning
expectations. These are often known as summative assessments.
C. Assessment as Learning
Assessment as learning is the use of a task or an activity to allow students the
opportunity to use assessment to further their own learning. Self and peer
assessments allow students to reflect on their own learning and identify areas of
strength and need. These tasks offer students the chance to set their own personal
goals and advocate for their own learning.
IV.Functions of Language Test
A. In learning – used to measure students’ ability, to discover how much they have been
learning, to diagnose student’s strengths and weaknesses and to motivate
students in learning.
1. periodic quizzes and tests achievement
2. language proficiency
3. placement and diagnostic reasons
B. In teaching – means to ensure effective teaching, to improve teaching quality to obtain
feedback on student learning
C. In research – potentially important role in all basic and applied research related to the
nature of language proficiency, language processing, language acquisition,
language attrition and language teaching.
Corpuz, Brenda B. & Gloria G. Salandanan. “Principles of Teaching 1.” G. Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing Inc., 2013.
Navarro, Rosita L. & Rosita G. Santos. “Assessment of Learning Outcomes 1.”G. Cubao, Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2012.
Go, Mildred B. & Ofelia T. Posecion. “Language and Literature Assessment.” G. Cubao, Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing Inc., 2010.
Electronic References
“Language Classroom Assessment.”http: //www.tesol.org/docs/default-source/ books/ bk_ eltd_
“Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation.”http://aristwn.staff.stainsalatiga.ac.id/wp-content/
uploads / sites/ 3 /2013/09/Measure-assess-evaluate.pdf.
“Testing and Evaluation in Language Teaching.”http://www.asianscientist.com/books/wp-content/
uploads/ 2013/05/4089_chap01.pdf.
“Assessment and Evaluation for Teachers and Administrators.http://pareonline .net/getvn.asp
“Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education: Some Concepts and Principles”. http://www.The
Corpuz, Brenda B. & Gloria G. Salandanan. “Principles of Teaching 1”. G. Cubao, Quezon City: Lorimar
Publishing Inc., 2013.
Great Schools Project. “Principles for School Evaluation and Assessment http://www. google
.com.ph/url?q=http://greatschoolsbc.wordpress.com/principles-for-school-evaluation-andassessment/&sa=U&ei=YH2jU9_ wM4iqkQWEiIG gDg&ved= 0CEIQFj AI&usg= AFQjCNF6B
OaMPvgHZaL1 Z1HE KfXXmezVrQ.
“Principles of Assessment.”http://www.waikato.ac.nz/tdu/pdf/booklets/ 16_Assessment Principles. pdf.
“Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning”.http://www.academicprograms.
calpoly.edu/ pdfs/assess/nine_principles_good_practice.pdf.
“Purposes of Assessment.” http://www.scribd.com/doc/18042803/The-purposes-of assessment.
“Functions of Language Tests.” http://t3ckcommlectures.blogspot.com/2011/01/functions-of-languagetests.html.
“Key Concepts in Language and Literature Assessment”. http://www.grdodge.org/workshops/resourcelibrary/online-assessment/what-do-we-mean-by-assessment/.