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Caribbean Studies: Unemployment Impact in Torrington Park

Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment
Candidate Name:
Pre-University School
Centre No.:
Candidate No.:
Firstly, I would like to thank God for blessing me with the strength and competence to
conduct this research. I would also like to express thanks to my teacher Mr. Craig who has
guided me along in completing this study and have helped me to understand the different
aspects. I’d also like to express thanks to my parents who have encouraged me throughout
and provided the necessary resources to complete this project. Special thanks to all those who
participated in the study. It would not have been possible without your assistance.
Table of Contents
Theme ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Research Statement .................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6
Literature Review ...................................................................................................................... 8
Data Collection Sources........................................................................................................... 10
Presentation of Data ................................................................................................................. 11
Analysis of Data....................................................................................................................... 16
Discussion of Findings............................................................................................................. 18
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 20
Limitations of the Research ..................................................................................................... 21
Recommendations .................................................................................................................... 22
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 23
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 24
Unemployment in Torrington Park
Impact of unemployment in Torrington Park on the residents.
Research Statement
Investigating the Impact of Unemployment on the Residents of Torrington Park in Kingston.
Unemployment has become a very severe and recurring concern within the Caribbean
society; youth unemployment rates in the Caribbean are estimated to be among the highest in
the world. Unemployment impacts people's lives in a number of ways, including adverse
social and psychological consequences and decreased purchasing power from the
unemployed. In 2019, the unemployment rate in Jamaica was approximately a record low of
7.2%. Despite decreasing by approximately 8.54% over the past ten years, this rate is still
unacceptable. There are still too many unemployed persons, and this may result in poor
economic development and further damaging consequences. The researcher was compelled to
study this phenomenon in Torrington Park in Kingston. Majority of the community’s
population consists of young people therefore they make up the major unemployed
percentage. The researcher wanted to further investigate this pattern and its linkage to the
country or Caribbean on a whole.
The researcher believes that this study will be valuable to residents of Torrington Park, as
it will equip with gathered information about the effects of unemployment on their
community which can be used for future planning. The research will provide educational
value to the government, as it will provide them with relevant information on the effects of
unemployment on residents, so measures can be put in place to alleviate them. The researcher
will also be educated from this research, as to the extent to which unemployment is a problem
in Jamaica. This research can also prove useful to future persons researching this topic as it
will add to the body of literature available.
The research will be guided by the following questions:
1. For what reasons are the residents of Torrington Park unemployed?
2. What age group is most affected by unemployment?
3. What are the effects that unemployment has on the socio-economic aspects of the
lives of residents of Torrington Park?
Technical Terms Used in The Study:
Unemployment: a term referring to individuals who are employable and seeking a job but
are unable to find one.
Socio-economic: relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and economic
Geographical unemployment: occurs when people are without work because of immobility
in firms and workers moving to/from depressed regions.
Frictional unemployment: a type of unemployment that arises when workers are searching
for new jobs or are transitioning from one job to another.
Underground economy: economic transactions that are deemed illegal, either because the
goods or services traded are unlawful in nature, or because transactions fail to comply with
governmental reporting requirements.
Hysteresis: the idea that past unemployment trends are likely to cause future
Literature Review
According to an article written by the International Monetary Fund (2017), unemployment
in the Caribbean mainly affects persons between the ages of 15 and 24. The number of
unemployed youths is nearly three times that of persons 30 and over. An article by the
Jamaica Information Service (2020) states that the general unemployment rate in the country
has fallen to a record low of 7.2% and the youth unemployment rate decreased from 24.9% to
21.1% over the span of a year.
In their piece “In’s and Out’s of Youth Employment” (2010), Youth Jamaica defines youth
unemployment as the unemployment of young people ages 15–24 years old. They also give
some factors that influence unemployment such as lack of qualifications, geographical
unemployment, frictional unemployment, cultural or social factors, underground economy,
and hysteresis.
Unemployment has various socioeconomic impacts on people’s lives. Supplying their
basic needs and household care can be hard for the unemployed. Many with family
obligations are unable to look after their families as well as struggle to send their children to
school. To make the situation even more complicated, the longer the person is unemployed
the harder it is to find work as employers perceive work shortages as a negative factor.
Unemployed people typically have to rely on others for some support for their daily life or
government funds. However, majority of the time this is not enough.
Lack of employment can also have a devastating impact on the mental health of a person.
Psychology Today (2018) states that work fulfils not only economic but fundamental and
human essential needs. Work provides meaning and purpose, a sense of accomplishment,
self-esteem, self-efficacy, and a connection to community as provider and contributor.
Unemployed people tend to display low levels of psychological well-being. Unemployment
has been linked to certain psychological disorders such as depression, substance abuse,
anxiety and dangerous behaviours including suicide and violence towards family members
and others.
The sources gathered above have provided the researcher with adequate knowledge of the
research topic and has allowed for a better understanding of the issue. The researcher hopes
to add valuable information during this study to enhance the sources above.
Data Collection Sources
This study utilizes a quantitative approach to research. This approach uses empirical
numerical data in illustrating results. This is an appropriate approach as this research aims to
solve a practical problem; where the results would be best understood in the form of graphs,
charts, and tables. The researcher however used triangulation i.e., both primary and
secondary sources to fulfil the research as that led to more understanding of the topic.
The primary method of data collection being used is a survey, the instrument being
used is a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a set of questions; usually with a choice of
answers, or an open response, devised for the purpose of a survey or statistical study. This
method was appropriate as it was not very time consuming, cost effective and made the easy
tabulation of data. The questionnaire consisted of ten (10) questions. There were six (6)
closed ended questions and four (4) open ended questions.
The sample consisted of 25 persons, from Torrington Park. The sampling method
used was simple random, this was selected as it prevented bias. Simple random allowed for
an accurate and representative sample. The questionnaire was in both online and printed
formats which were distributed by hand. The questionnaires were distributed and collected
over a three (3) day period from January 17, 2022, to January 20, 2022
To ensure an ethical research respondent were informed about the nature of the
research before giving consent.
Secondary sources were also utilized to give the researcher a better understanding of
the topic before the study was undertaken. One (1) newspaper article was used; in addition to
one (1) scholarly journal article and three (3) online sources. These secondary sources offered
well needed background to the topic.
Presentation of Data
Question 1: What is your gender?
Prefer to not specify
Figure 1
Question 2: What age group do you fall between?
Figure 2
Question 3: Have you obtained a secondary level education?
In the process
In the process
Figure 3
Question 4: Have you obtained a tertiary education or advanced training?
In the process
Figure 4
Question 5: Are you currently unemployed?
Figure 5
Question 6: How long have you been unemployed currently or previously?
10 years or more
Less than one
5-9 years
1-4 years
Less than one year
1-4 years
5-9 years
Figure 6
10 years or more
Question 7: What is your reason/s for being unemployed?
Termination from workplace
No interest in working
No interest in
from workplace
Figure 7
Question 8: During unemployment, how do you fund your expenses?
Money from
Figure 8
Question 9: How does being unemployed affect you?
 Not able to satisfy my needs.
 I cannot get to do the things I normally enjoy doing like going out
or participate in holidays because of lack of finances.
 I’m unable to fend for myself. I am in constant debt as I always
have to borrow money.
 I can’t take care of my child as I am a single parent and have no
other source of money.
Question 10: In your opinion, how can unemployment be minimized in your area?
 More people should become educated or try to learn a skill and
seek jobs.
 Jobs should be fairly shared and not given out because of bias or
discrimination of the person seeking employment.
 It can minimize through the government assisting us.
Analysis of Data
In exploring the gender of the individuals in the area it was seen that 60% of the
respondents were female and 40% were male. Majority, 48% to be specific, of these persons
fell in the age range of 18-25 years old while 44% were between ages 26-45 and the
remaining 8% between ages 46-55. This shows that unemployment is a more prominent issue
among the youth cohort in the community.
68% of the respondents have completed a secondary level education while 16% are in
the process. 56% of that amount have moved on to obtain tertiary level education or advanced
training while 24% are in the process. However, 60% of the individuals remained currently
employed. Of the 60%, majority of the respondents (40%) have been unemployed for under a
year, followed by 27% being unemployed for 1-4 years. 20% being unemployed for 5-9 years
and the remaining 13% have been unemployed for 10 years and over. Some of these persons
have not been employed since leaving school, and few have been previously employed but
have lost their jobs. Those that have been unemployed for 10 years or more were among the
oldest set of individuals and had varying reasons for this. 60% of the respondents selected
under qualified as their reason for unemployment. It was observed that these respondents
were mainly those without a completed secondary or tertiary level education. 20% selected
other as an option stating reasons such as jobs not being available in their field of study. 13%,
which included both old and young people, had no interest in working possibly due to
personal issues or lack of motivation. 7% of the respondents were terminated from their
workplace for undisclosed reasons.
Being unemployed, individuals are in most cases not unable to fund themselves and
have to source an income from various places. 40% of the respondents stated that they
obtained money from family and friends. Some of these people revealed that they were
uncomfortable with being dependent on their families and friends majority of the time.
Another 40% uses savings to fund their expenses but are worried for the future if their
situation remains the same and not enough is available. 8% of the individuals take out loans
but are concerned with how the repayment will occur. 2% depend on remittances and 10%
selected other as an option. Some preferred to not disclose their other means of sourcing
income possibly for personal or legal reasons.
When asked about the effects of unemployment, majority stated that they are unable
to satisfy their wants and needs as they have no source or not enough funding to do so. They
also suggested that the government should put more jobs in place and ensure the fair sharing
of these opportunities.
Discussion of Findings
The conclusions of this report correlate with existing studies on the causes and
consequences of unemployment on the people in Torrington Park. The main causes of
unemployment in Torrington Park include termination from workplace, under qualification,
lack of interest, lack of jobs in certain areas, frictional unemployment etc. Due to majority of
the respondents being youth, frictional unemployment is common as most students are
actively searching for a job fresh out of school. This also coincides with the article written by
the International Monetary Fund (2017) stating that unemployment in the Caribbean mainly
affects persons between the ages of 15 and 24.
When questioned about their source of funding during unemployment some
individuals preferred to not disclose, however, others hinted to being dependent on the
underground economy as mentioned in the “In’s and Out’s of Youth Unemployment” (2010).
This means that these people partake in unofficial jobs, those of which were unspecified. It is
also noted that Torrington Park is a community that is known for crime related activities,
hence, it can be said that unemployment is a possible factor. Findings did not suggest that
unemployment in the Torrington Park community is of geographical nature as it is located in
a major city.
The socio-economic effects of unemployment on Torrington Park residents include
difficulty funding basic needs, depending on others for money, feelings of
depression/hopelessness/low self-esteem, quarrels and arguments at home, breakdown of
relationships, loss of skill, difficulty attaining a new job and discrimination. Residents also
stated that they can only sometimes afford necessities and no leisure. This agrees with studies
done by Psychology Today (2018), which found these same effects of unemployment.
Corporations that may be interested in these findings include the Government of
Jamaica, Jamaica's Statistical Institute, employment agencies, educational institutions, and
others. The results of this study can contribute to further studies in the area by providing the
researcher with statistics and improving their understanding of the issue, whether it is for
academic purposes or otherwise. New research that might seek to understand this social
phenomenon further within the community and take measures to minimize unemployment
may be influenced.
Generally, it was noted that the majority of unemployed residents of Torrington Park,
Kingston range between the 18-25 age group. These individuals share common causes of
unemployment such as under qualification, and the inability to find jobs due to the current
state of the economy, among other reasons which are not so commonly shared among
residents such as lack of interest in finding a job. It was also noted that unemployment affects
the way in which individuals are able to enjoy a certain standard of living. In that, they have
to depend on others for money and are unable to afford necessities, and at times when they
can actually buy what is needed, they cannot afford to enjoy much more than food. They face
issues of poor mental health and great difficulties when unexpected expenses arise, and
generally feel the government can do more to provide jobs.
Limitations of the Research
A small sample size was used in investigating the causes and effects of unemployment on
residents of Torrington Park, Kingston. This may not have been able to adequately gather
information in order to generalize about the impact of unemployment in the area. Also,
Torrington Park being a small community, enough data was not collected to make reasonable
conclusions about the unemployment phenomena in Jamaica, as the dynamics of each
community across the island are different. Data collection methods were effective in
gathering needed quantitative and qualitative data. However, there may be issues with
validity as individuals may not have been honest in answering questions or may have
misunderstood some questions.
Based on the literature reviewed and data collected throughout this study, the researcher has a
few recommendations that may be useful in aiding to reduce the incidence of unemployment,
which would boost people’s quality of life and the overall health of the economy.
In certain industries, government should promote more labour-intensive
manufacturing, which would employ more human resources than machinery. Agriculture is a
wide sector in which a great deal of human capital is required and should be further
established and encouraged.
The act of simply providing jobs is not as easy as it sounds hence the government
should encourage more individuals to create their own businesses. This can be done by
offering inexpensive or free online courses that educate persons on how to properly start-up
and maintain a business. This new business will not only provide a job for that one individual
but to others also seeking employment. More people would be able to now pay taxes and
further develop the economy.
“Crime and Youth Unemployment” retrieved from
“In's and Out's of Youth Unemployment” retrieved from
“Investigation on Unemployment” (scholarly journal) retrieved from
“The Devastating Impact of Unemployment” retrieved from
“Youth Unemployment Still Too High” (newspaper article by the Jamaica Gleaner 2019)
Hello, my name is Shanaski Hyatt, and I am a student at Pre-University School. The
following questionnaire is important for investigating the impact of unemployment on the
residents of Torrington Park in Kingston and will be a part of my Caribbean Studies School
Based Assessment. Be assured that all your responses are confidential, and your name is not
required. Thank you for agreeing to being a part of this study.
1. What is your gender?
o Male
o Female
o Prefer to not specify
2. What age group do you fall between?
o 18-25
o 26-45
o 46-55
o 56-60
3. Have you obtained a secondary level education?
o Yes
o No
o In the process
4. Have you obtained a tertiary education or advanced training?
o Yes
o No
o In the process
5. Are you currently unemployed?
o Yes
o No
6. How long have you been unemployed currently or previously?
o Less than one year
o 1-4 years
o 5-9 years
o 10 years or more
7. What is your reason/s for being unemployed?
o Termination from workplace
o Under-qualified
o No interest in working
o Disabled
o Other (please specify)
8. During unemployment, how do you fund your expenses?
o Savings
o Money from family/friends
o Loans
o Remittances
o Other (please specify)
9. How does being unemployed affect you?
10. In your opinion, how can unemployment be minimized in your area?