Uploaded by Markeshia Smith

Synonyms and Antonyms Worksheet

Name: ________________________________
Directions: When we don’t know the meaning of a word, we need to look
for clues in a sentence to help up decide. Clues like synonyms or antonyms
in a sentence can help us figure out the meaning of unknown words. Look
at each pair of words and decide if they are synonyms or antonyms.
1. blend, mix
3. top, bottom _________________
2. sink, float
4. furious, angry __________________
5. cold, freezing _________________ 6. easy, difficult __________________
7. huge, gigantic _________________ 8. bother, annoy __________________
9. shiny, dull
_________________ 10. pain, ache
10. begin, start
11. noisy, quiet
12. young, old
13. couch, sofa
14. listen, ignore
15. windy, calm
Created by: D. Baker ©2012