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smart camera

Smart Cameras Based on Artificial Intelligence to Detect And
Prevent Covid-19
Description of the Product
1. Introduction:
Corona virus disease has proved to be a major cause of social and psychological effects on the people
which does not only account for the present but may have considerable effects on their mental health in
future as well (Holmes, et al.). Some of many consequences that are being faced due to the quarantine are
the decrement in work efficiency, abundant anxiety, lack of concentration, severe stress, insomnia and
depression (Brooks, et al., 2020). The researchers strongly feel that that the studies carried out in the past
regarding the effect on human behavior due working from home along with giving them all the digital
assistance they require to do their routine tasks preserving their communication with the outside world
has no similarity with the current situation. There are no legit facts or figures to ponder on for this pandemic
(Altena, et al., 2020). So it is highly recommended to carry out relevant studies and experiments to
understand the current situation and to find and implement appropriate interventions.
Apart from the psychological point of view, there are all sectors of human life that have been suffering
due to COVID-19. In various developing countries, efforts were being made to produce renewable energy
resources even due to the presence of huge barriers. But this progress has been negatively affected due to
the pandemic also causing major issues in everyday life of human beings worldwide. It has caused pliability
and forcefulness to various services and businesses like the health systems, posing a lot of danger to the
people by spreading rapidly (Naudé, 2020). The economy of the countries worldwide has suffered
enormously due to the closing of major manufacturing industries during their efforts to reduce the energy
consumption. According to the International Energy Agency, countries with full lockdown are facing an
average of 25% decline as the demand decreased by 3.8% internationally, and 18% with the partial
lockdown. As the oil demand decreased by 5% (Naudé, 2020).
2. Objective of the selected product:
Considering all the negative social and economic impacts on the society due to COVID, we have selected
smart cameras based on artificial intelligence that can play a major role in the diagnosis and prevention of
the disease. With the help of these cameras, the detection of the disease can be made much easier,
reducing the risk of spreading. Using the smart cameras, the distance between the technician or medical
worker and the patient can be maintained as per the Standard Operating Procedure hence preventing the
spread of disease. These cameras can diagnose multiple people at a time without making everyone wait in
the queue for the diagnosis. By quick detection, the treatment of the disease can begin at early stage,
letting the patient know that he must follow the isolation rules strictly to protect others.
3. Details description of the product:
The concept of thermal imaging can be utilized using artificial intelligence in order to scan the public
places for the infected ones. Artificial intelligence, can help to enforce strict lockdown measure, (Rivas,
2020) can be incorporated in smart cameras. These cameras can be installed at public places such as train
stations or airports where they can scan the crowd and detect high temperatures.
These cameras will have a system of face recognition which will point exactly at the individual who is not
wearing a mask or is suffering from high temperature (Chun, 2020). This camera has the ability to scan 200
persons in a minute and they will highlight the persons having temperature more than 37.3 degrees
(Dickson, 2020). Apart from these properties, the software designed for the smart cameras will have a
strong data base system having record about the all the patients, their symptoms, body temperatures and
all this data will be stored and updated promptly. These records will act as standards for the AI smart
camera to compare the people’s symptoms to detect if they are not are not suffering from COVID. One
aspect of AI smart cameras is still under research. It is not as efficient to identify people when they have
their spectacles on. This may cause issues for identification (Carroll, 2020).
This system can also be used to ensure whether all the citizens are following the SOPs or not. Having
the contact information stored in the data base, the system can automatically provide the contact details
to the responsible authorities to track down any individual who has not followed the precautionary
measures. It will send out strict warning to those who are keeping the recommended social distance. Their
images will be captured in order to send out the warning (Maslan, 2020).
The artificial intelligence smart cameras speed up the screening process at the security check points. As the
process speeds up, the lines at grocery store, factories and at other public places will move at much higher
rate along with the accurate screening for the detection of symptoms among the people, saving
considerable amount of time of the customers as well as the service providers and employees of the firm,
also creating a sense of comfort among the customers that they are not infected and their surrounding is
also free from the disease. So they can freely do their work with safety assured.
4. Why engineer is important for the product?:
During this pandemic, doctors have been playing active part to save the lives of the infected people.
Like them, it is also an engineer’s responsibility to use his knowledge and skills to develop such techniques
that would prevent the spreading of Corona virus. As for AI smart cameras, the engineers can present their
idea to the higher authority to seek approval for their installation in as many public places as possible. They
can find more economic ways to reduce its cost to assure its practical application. For the development
and application of the product, the services to be provided by the engineers are very crucial.
5. Roles and functions of engineer to manage and develop the product:
After the installation of these cameras, the engineers will have to make sure whether these are
performing appropriately. In accordance with the variable conditions of the locations with the cameras
installed, the maintenance must be carried out as per the requirement. The engineers must provide
relevant training to the workers or technicians who are supposed to operate the smart cameras on daily
basis. They must have a thorough know how regarding the smart cameras to ensure their successful
application. This can assure the non-infectious people to carry on with their daily routine tasks among other
people and put those in quarantine who are tested positive.
6. Engineer and professional body responsibility to the society:
For each and every engineer, it is their primary responsibility to first provide relevant awareness to the
public about the product and ensure them that this product has been designed for their own health and
safety. Secondly, by making the product workable and economically applicable, the product can be used
far and wide. The AI cameras can be further donated to the developing countries who have faced a great
deal of economic loss due to the lockdown situation and still have not been able to control or recover from
the disease. The engineers owe it to the society to use their knowledge for the betterment of the society
and to develop an environment that is free from this disease.
7. Outcome of the product (while considering the post covid-19 pandemic situation):
Soon after the pandemic situation is over, the AI smart cameras will continue to work in the same way.
These cameras are meant to have diversity in terms of diagnosis. As soon as we recover from the COVID,
the AI smart cameras can be designed to be more and versatile. They can have the ability to diagnose
multiple diseases as per the symptoms inputted in their system. It can further be used for smoke and fire
detection in the future.
The effective key to fight of the disease is to diagnose it at as early stage as possible for the healthcare
providers to provide better treatment plans to the infected people. As the infected people suffer from a
variety of symptoms, such as the shortness of breath, vomiting, severe nausea, congestion, human’s basic
senses being affected such as the sense of taste and smell, fatigue etc., if they suffer from such painful
symptoms for longer periods this may weaken their immune system. Even after surviving from the disease,
this may result in the decrease in the power of defensive action of the body against viruses. As a result any
other disease may attack them easily and much quickly as compared to the other people. In order to
diagnose the disease at an earlier stage, the artificial intelligence smart cameras can play a vital role. And
post COVID-19 the people will be able to live a healthy life without any fear or danger of getting attacked
by any other virus.
8. Lessons learnt (discussion/analysis):
In today’s world, the data being generated on daily basis is a lot for the humans to absorb and make
complex decisions based on it. Artificial intelligence provides guidance to humans to take these complex
decisions based on the data being provided. In everyday lives, it is used in a number of different sectors
such as for the virtual customer, assistance, fraud detection etc. It can further be used for multiple other
causes too if its features are more and more discovered and make accessible to everyone. As in the case of
COVID-19, if artificial intelligence is applied for diagnosis purposes using smart cameras, they can help to
speed up the recovery and prevention processes due to being much faster and more efficient as compared
to an average human’s performance.
9. Photos of the product:
Figure 1 A prototype of the artificial intelligence smart cameras designed to detect the temperatures.
(Dunteman, n.d.)
The possible usage and abilities of Artificial Intelligence in terms of prevention and safety against
COVID is still compromised in the pharmaceutical and diagnostic sectors. It is highly advisable to perform
training regarding artificial intelligence, not only to provide awareness to the society about its outstanding
functions and abilities but also to implement the technology on urgent basis in people’s daily lives to
provide them firm protection from any further expected loss of human lives and economic damage due to
the pandemic. As in the current situation the only possible way to save lives and stop the spreading of the
disease is only through shutting the businesses, facing great losses, cancellation of important events/ social
gatherings and enforcing very strict complete or partial lockdowns. As a result, slowing down the economic
and social progress of the society (McNeil, 2020) (Flaxman, 2020).
However, the fact that these measures are not very practical for longer period of time. Clearly, in order to
help the society to prevent these damages, the application of artificial intelligence can prove to be a very
effective tool. As per the AI smart cameras, the main concern will be the fear of privacy exploitation among
the society. The availability of their personal information such as their contact number or addresses to the
system may cause an aura of fear among the people that their safety is being compromised. This may prove
to be a hurdle in the application of the system but if people are ensured that private details are safe and
are only being used for their own protection and making the law and order situation better making people
safe can help to solve this problem. The higher authorities may proceed strict surveillance of the people,
even after the recovery from the disease. The artificial intelligence smart cameras may be an effective tool,
a product developed as a result of the pandemic situation. This requires very progress to work effectively
in the society in terms of safer, better and acceptable mechanism by the society.
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