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Biochemistry Protein Test: Structure, Properties, Functions

Submodule 1
All proteins are divided into simple and conjugated ones. Find out the simple proteins among these
A. Globulin of egg
B. Protamine
C. Histone
D. Albumin of egg
*E. All the proteins presented
The content of these amino acids in the composition of acidic protein Pepsin is too big in comparison
with the content of other amino acids in it. Name them:
A. Alanine and Glycine
B. Lysine and Arginine
C. Valine and Leucine
D. Tyrosine and Tryptophan
*E. Aspartic acid and Glutamic acid
What class of proteins Albumins and Globulins are related to?
A. Chromoproteins B. Glycoproteins
C. Metalloproteins *D. Simple proteins E. Lipoproteins
The structural proteins are involved in maintaining the shape of a cell or in the formation of matrices
in the body. Point out shape of these proteins:
A. Planar
B. Stretch of beads C. Globular
*D. Fibrous
E. All the proposed
Point out the type of bond allowing the formation of alpha-helix structure:
A. Disulfide bond between two cysteine radicals B. Ester bond between side chain radicals
*C. Hydrogen bonds between peptide fragments D. Electrostatic interaction
E. Hydrogen bonds between side-chain radicals
Histones are related to basic proteins. That is because there is high content of basic amino acid
residues in their structure. Point out these amino acids:
A. Аlanine, Glycine
*B. Arginine, Lysine
C. Asparagine, Glutamine D. Leucine, Valine
E. Tryptophan, Tyrosine
The yellow color sediment appearance after the addition of strong nitric acid to albumin solution is
due to the presence of aromatic acid residues in protein composition. Choose those one:
A. L-alanine
B. L-serine
*C. L-tyrosine D. L-proline
E. L-methionine
What physical-chemical property is observed for fibrous protein only?
A. Solubility in water
B. Solubility in lipids
*C. Elasticity
D. Amphoteric properties
E. Denaturation and renaturation
Different functional groups may be found in the structure of L-amino acid residues of proteins.
Identify the group that is able to form ester bond:
A. –SH
B. –CONH[sub]2[/sub] C. –NH[sub]2[/sub] *D. –OH
E. –CH[sub]3[/sub]
What amino acid high content presence in the composition of polypeptide chain does not allow the
formation of alpha-helical structure as secondary level of organization?
A. Serine *B. Proline C. Threonine D. Alanine E. Glycine
The solubility of proteins in saline solutions is determined by their native structure. Point out the
protein, which will swell only in saline solution:
A. Myoglobin
B. Immunoglobulin C. Albumin
*D. Elastin
E. Pepsin
Half saturation test using salting-out is done for:
A. Albumin
B. Haemoglobin *C. Globulin
D. Prothrombin E. Fibrin
There are many important protein functions in the human organism. Point out that of them, which
isn't peculiar for proteins – to be :
A. Catalyst
*B. Solvent
C. Structural component of a cell D. Transfer of substances
E. Antibody
The proteins are able to carry out the regulatory function. Find out those protein:
*A. Insulin
B. Immunoglobulin G C. Collagen
D. Hemoglobin
E. Aminopeptidase
Alpha- helix and Beta -pleated sheet are examples of:
*A. Secondary structure B. Primary structure
C. Quaternary structure
D. All positions are wrong E. Tertiary structure
The molecule of simple protein insulin contains two polypeptide chains. Specify the level of protein
organization, at which the insulin is able to act as hormone:
A. Tertiary
B. A conformation after limited proteolysis *C. Quaternary
D. Secondary
E. Primary
How many polypeptide chains (the least number) may be represented in quaternary structure of
protein molecule?
A. Five B. Three *C. Two D. Four E. One
Biuret test is mainly done for:
A. Lipids
*B. Proteins
C. Dipeptides
D. Any of the proposed E. Polysaccharides
The isoelectric point (I.P.) of a protein depends upon the amino acids composition of the protein.
Choose the amino acid which high content in protein molecule decreases its I.P. value:
A. Аlanine
B. Histidine
*C. Aspartic acid D. Tryptophan
E. Leucine
Which of the following bonds are intact during denaturation of proteins:
A. Hydrogen bonds
B. All positions are correct C. Ionic bonds
*D. Peptide bonds
E. Hydrophobic bonds
Proteins are obligatory components of human diet. Specify the function of proteins in this case:
A. Catalytic B. Transport *C. Nutritive D. Structural E. Regulatory
Protonation and deprotonation at neutral pH occurs for one amino acid from following list. Point out
A. Alanine
*B. Histidine C. Glycine
D. Tryptophan E. Aspartic acid
The mixture of proteins can be separated by salting-out. Specify the reagent formula that is used for
this purpose:
A. HNO[sub]3[/sub]
B. H[sub]3[/sub]PO[sub]4[/sub] *C. NaCl
D. C[sub]2[/sub]H[sub]5[/sub]OH E. C[sub]6[/sub]H[sub]6[/sub]
Polypeptide chains of collagen include specific amino acids. Name one of them: A. Beta-alanine
B. Ornithine
C. Formyl-methyonine *D. Hydroxyproline E. Cysteine
Protein properties may be changed under the influence of some factors. Find out them:
A. The temperature of the environment B. Strong acidic medium
C. Strong alkaline medium
*D. All the factors that are present
E. Organic solvent
All are aromatic amino acids EXCEPT:
A. Tryptophan
B. All the positions are correct C. Phenylalanine
*D. Lysine
E. Tyrosine
What type of amino acids mainly is represented as residues in proteins of human body?
A. L-beta-amino acids B. D-alpha-imino acids C. D-alpha-amino acids D. D-beta-amino acids *E. Lalpha-amino acids
Choose the factor that causes the sedimentation of protein in solution without denaturation:
*A. Ammonia sulfate B. Toluene
C. Sulfuric acid
D. Nitric acid
E. Sodium hydroxide
The tertiary structure of protein is formed mainly due to disulfide bonds between side radicals of
one amino acid, only. Point out it:
A. His B. Met C. Asp D. Lys *E. Cys
Primary structure of proteins is formed due to one type of bonds. Point out it:
*A. Peptide bond B. Hydrogen bond C. Disulfide bond D. Metal bond
E. Ester bond
Ninhydrin is a reagent to prove the presence of alpha-amino group in the structure of amino acid
due to change of its color (violet color is observed). Choose the amino acid whose solution changes
the color of this reagent in other way – it becomes yellow:
A. L-methionine B. L-alanine
C. L-serine
D. L-tyrosine *E. L-proline
The polypeptide chain gets the globular structure after the formation of various bonds between the
radicals of amino acid residues. Specify the strongest bond in the globular structure:
A. Donor-acceptor bond
B. Electrostatic interaction C. Hydrophobic interaction D. Sodium hydroxide
E. Hydrogen bond
*F. Disulfide bond
The isoelectric point of simple protein equals 7.2. Propose the pH of buffer solution used for the
electrophoresis method to separate this protein from the mixture with a condition to leave it on the
start line of carrier:
*A. pH=7.2
B. pH=7.6
C. pH=5.0
D. pH=7.0
E. pH=7.4
Choose the conjugated protein in possession of following characteristics: quaternary structure - 4
polypeptide chains; non-protein part – 4 hemes; function – oxygen transport in the blood:
A. Low Density Lipoprotein B. Ceruloplasmin
C. Albumin
*D. Hemoglobin
E. Immunoglobulin
Toxic affection of liver results in dysfunction of protein synthesis. It is usually accompanied by the
following kind of dysproteinemia:
A. Relative hyperproteinemia B. Relative hypoproteinemia *C. Absolute hypoproteinemia D.
E. Absolute hyperproteinemia
Complex proteins do various functions. Find out the function of hemoglobin in erythrocytes:
*A. Transport function
B. Catalytic function
C. Regulatory function
D. Nutrition function
E. Protection against viruses
Which method is appropriate for the determination of total protein content in the blood serum:
A. Electrophoresis B. Salting out
C. Dialysis
D. Fole’s test
*E. Biuretic method
It is in need to use the heme with iron ion for the active centers of cytochrome C oxidase (the key
enzyme of tissue respiration). Name the class of this conjugated protein:
*A. Chromoproteins B. Lipoproteins
C. Nucleoproteins D. Glycoproteins
E. Flavoproteins
Name the location of deoxyribonucleoproteins in eukaryotic cell, but not in the nucleus:
A. Cytoplasma
B. Lisosome
C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Microsome
*E. Mitochondria
The enzyme preparation cytochrome C is used for the improvement of tissue respiration in
newborns at asphyxia state. Name the class of this conjugated protein:
A. Nucleoproteins
*B. Chromoproteins C. Lipoproteins
D. Glycoproteins
E. Flavoproteins
Albumins of blood plasma are negative charged under the condition of electrophoresis method
duration. What electrode type will you choose for albumins directed movement in the electric field?
A. Catode
B. Calomel electrode C. Silk electrode
*D. Anode
E. Carbon electrode
There is the use of electrophoresis for separation of proteins of blood plasma to prove diagnosis of
diseased persons. Name the property of proteins that is the basis for the principle of electrophoresis
A. The ability of swelling
B. Optical activity
C. The big mass of the molecule
D. The high viscosity of the solution *E. The net charge of the molecule
All the proteins are divided into simple and conjugated ones. Find out the conjugated protein among
these ones:
A. Protamine *B. Myoglobin C. Histone
D. Egg globulin E. Egg albumin
Point out a possible cause of hypoproteinemia:
A. Multiple myeloma
B. Paraproteinemia
*C. Affected liver cells
D. Decreased permeability of the capillary wall E. Overeating
The electrophoresis method is used for the separation of blood plasma proteins. Name the
parameter of the protein molecule that is in need to determine the pH of buffer solution for
separation of proteins in electrophoresis method:
A. The diameter of the molecule B. The solubility in lipids
C. The mass of the molecule *D. Isoelectric point
E. The solubility in the water
Proteoglycans are conjugated proteins containing different polypeptide chains of core protein and
glucose aminoglycan moiety. Choose the class of conjugated protein that is related to proteoglycan:
A. Nucleoprotein *B. Glycoprotein C. Lipoprotein
D. Chromoprotein E. Phosphoprotein
The diseased person with diagnosis acute kidney insufficiency is in urological department of hospital.
Choose the method for cleaning of this person`s blood from low-molecular compounds which can
cause toxic effect in the organism:
A. Affine chromotography B. Salting-out
C. Electrophoresis
*D. Dialysis
E. Hydrolysis
The phosphorylation (the attraction of phosphate group to the substrate) of polypeptide chain is
often used for stimulation of biological activity of a protein. Name the class of conjugated protein
formed due to phosphorylation:
*A. Phosphoproteins B. Glycoproteins
C. Nucleoproteins D. Lipoproteins
E. Chromoproteins
Point out a possible cause of hyperproteinemia
A. Diabetes mellitus
*B. Infection (disturbed the macrophage system) C. Affected gastrointestinal tract
D. Nephritic syndrome
E. Increased permeability of the capillary wall
The conjugated protein necessarily contains special component as a non-protein part. Choose the
substance that can't carry out this function:
*A. Salt of Hg[sup]2+</sup> B. Thiamine pyrophosphate C. Glucose
Which method is better suited to separate a mixture of compounds into its individual components
and detects small amounts (microgram or even picogram) of material:
A. Ultracentrifugation
*B. Paper chromatography C. Dialysis
D. Salting out
E. Spectrophotometry
Choose, please, the blood serum index used for estimation of hyperproteinemia state:
A. The total activity of all the enzymes B. The amino acid concentration
C. The content of albumins
*D. The total content of proteins
E. The content of acute phase proteins
The conjugated protein necessarily contains special component as a non-protein part. Choose the
substance that can't carry out this function:
A. Heme
B. Phosphate anion
*C. HNO<sub>3</sub> D. Fe[sup]2+</sup>
E. Monosaccharide
The hormone receptors are related to the class of conjugated proteins. Name it:
A. Lipoproteins *B. Glycoproteins C. Flavoproteins D. Chromoproteins E. Nucleoproteins
Ceruloplasmin (the protein of blood plasma) contains copper ion and therefore has blue color. Name
the class of this protein:
A. Phosphoproteins B. Glycoproteins *C. Chromoproteins D. Nucleoprotein
E. Lipoproteins
Which group of proteins being phosphoproteins posses an activity but being dephosphorylated has
lost the activity:
*A. Enzymes
B. Carriers through membrane C. Transfer of lipids
D. Transfer of vitamins
E. Hormones
Triacylglycerols (TG) are synthesized in the liver but are stored in adipose tissue. Name the class of
proteins promoted the transport of TG from the liver to adipocytes:
A. Glycoproteins B. Metalloproteins C. Phosphoproteins *D. Lipoproteins E. Chromoproteins
Flavoproteins are usually catalysts in a cell due to the presence of special vitamin fragment in their
structure. Name this vitamin:
A. Pantothenic acid B. Ascorbic acid C. Folic acid
*D. Riboflavin
E. Nicotin amide
Ultracentrifugation is in need in biochemical investigations for:
*A. The receiving of subcellular fractions of a cell
B. The separation of low-molecular compounds
C. The study of three-dimensional structure of the molecule
D. The determination of primary structure of proteins
E. The investigation of chemical composition of organic compound
What compound serves as non-protein part of glycoproteins:
*A. Galactose B. Heme
C. Ferric ion
D. Phospholipid E. Copper ion
Name the class of proteins used for the formation of ribosome subunits:
A. Phosphoproteins
B. Flavoproteins
*C. Ribonucleoproteins D. Lipoproteins
E. Glycoproteins
The catalytic site of active center of enzyme is used for:
*A. Conversion of a substrate in the reaction B. Binding with the substrate
C. Removal of a product of the reaction
D. Binding with inhibitor
E. Binding with activator
ATP molecules may be used for Transferases and Ligases function. Point out the signs of ATP use for
Ligases class:
A. ATP is used for hydrolysis of a substrate bond
*B. ATP is used for the new bond formation during the interaction of two substrates C. ATP is used
for a substrate phosphorylation
D. ATP is used for a substrate decarboxylation.
E. ATP is used for a substrate dephosphorylation
Conjugated enzymes contain cofactors in their structure. Point out the location of vitamin derivative
cofactor in the structure of enzyme:
A. Allosteric centre
B. Hydrophilic fragment of structure
C. Near the metal-ion-cofactor in the structure D. Hydrophobic fragment of structure
*E. Active centre
Researchers isolated five isozymes of Lactate dehydrogenase from human blood serum and studied
their properties. What property of these isozymes indicates that they are genetic forms of the same
A. The same electrophoretic mobility
B. They have the same molecular weight C. The same net charge of the molecule D. The same tissue
*E. They catalyze the same reaction
The pancreatic amylase is in need to cleave the alpha-1.4-glycosidic bonds in the structure of
polysaccharides using the water as the substrate. Specify the class of this enzyme:
A. Lyase
*B. Hydrolase
C. Isomerase
D. Oxido reductase E. Ligase
“All biological catalysts are not proteins” This statement is justified by this notion:
A. Enzyme activity may be controlled by hormones
B. Antibodies take part in the catalysis of many reactions
*C. RNAs can act as ribozymes
D. All enzymes do not follow the Michaelis-Menten hypothesis E. Metal ions are involved in
attachment to enzymes
Name the vitamins whose derivatives are used for the formation of oxidoreductase structure:
A. H, D
B. A, E
C. B<sub>6</sub>, B<sub>9</sub> *D. B<sub>2</sub>, B<sub>3</sub> E. C, P
There are different cofactors in the structure of conjugated enzymes but only one is used for
transfer of amine group from amino acid to keto acid. Name it:
B. NAD<sup>+</sup>
C. Carboxybiotin
*D. Pyridoxal phosphate
E. Thiamine pyrophosphate
The change of the temperature of environment from 0<sup>o</sup>C to 38<sup>o</sup>C can
cause this effect on enzyme molecule:
A. The substrate molecular charge changes
C. The enzyme molecular charge changes
*D. The probability of enzyme-substrate complex formation is increased E. Enzyme action specificity
F. A denaturation of enzymes occurs
One of the important properties of enzymes is their specificity of action. Check up a type of
specificity for salivary amylase:
*A. Relative group B. Absolute group C. Absolute relative D. Absolute
E. Stereochemical
The oxidation of a substrate may be catalyzed by enzyme - flavoprotein that contains FAD as
prosthetic group. Name, please, the vitamin used for this non-protein part of enzyme formation:
A. Adenosine triphosphate B. Nicotinamide
C. Ascorbic acid
*D. Riboflavin
E. Biotin
There are some factors influencing human enzyme activity. Point out one of them resulting in
complete loss of enzymatic activity:
A. Vitamin H
B. P =101325 Pa
C. Сarbon dioxide
*D. T = 100<sup>o</sup> C E. Sodium chloride solution
The enzyme hexokinase can catalyze the conversion of glucose or fructose in tissues. Find out the
type of this enzyme specificity:
*A. Relative group B. Stereochemical C. Absolute group D. Absolute relative E. Absolute
A qualitative composition of product molecule is completely identical to substrate one, but the
structure is different. Name the enzyme class:
A. Lyase
B. Hydrolase
C. Oxidoreductase D. Ligase
*E. Isomerase
Some terms are used for the description enzyme components. Point out the term of a protein part
of conjugated enzyme:
A. Metal ions
*B. Apoenzyme
C. Prosthetic group D. Coenzyme
E. Cofactor
Which bond is cleaved by Alpha amylase in oral cavity?
A. Alpha 1-6 glycosidic
B. Ester bond in any ester structure *C. Alpha 1-4 glycosidic
D. Beta 1-6 glycosidic
E. Beta 1-4 glycosidic
Only one factor can influence on the charge of amino acid radicals in the enzyme active centre.
Name it:
A. The surplus of a reaction product
*B. pH medium
C. Temperature
D. The presence of a competitive inhibitor E. Pressure
There are some characteristic sites in the enzyme structure. Choose the most important site for
enzyme function:
A. A site containing Asp and Glu B. Apoenzyme
C. Cofactor
D. Allosteric centre
*E. Active centre
In clinical practice tuberculosis is treated with izoniazid preparation – that is an anti-vitamin able to
penetrate into the tuberculosis bacillus. Tuberculostatic effect is induced by the interference with
replication processes and oxidation-reduction reactions due to the buildup of pseudo-coenzyme:
The relative group specificity may be found for enzymes catalyzing the digestion of proteins in the
gastrointestinal tract. Find out their trivial name:
*A. Peptidase
B. Protein phosphatase C. Transaminase
D. Urease
E. Protein kinase
Coenzyme forms are correctly matched to vitamins except one. Point out it:
A. Pantothenic acid – CoASH
B. Biotin – carboxylated biotin
C. Niacin – NAD<sup>+</sup> + NADP<sup>+</sup> D. Vitamin B2 – FMN + FAD
*E. Vitamin B<sub>1</sub> - ATP
Some terms are used for the description of non-protein part of an enzyme. Point out the term for
non-protein part that easily dissociates from polypeptide chain:
A. Metal ions
B. Prosthetic group C. Cofactor
D. Apoenzyme
*E. Coenzyme
Enzymes mediating transfer of a structural fragment from one molecule to another are:
A. Lyases
*B. Transferases C. Peptidases
D. Ligases
E. Oxidases
Enzymes are the catalysts of protein nature. Name the property of enzymes which is not
represented at the inorganic catalysts:
A. Ability to lowering the energy to activate the reaction *B. Ability to the denaturation
C. Big half-life
D. Inert to chemical substrates
E. Wide specificity
LDH1 and LDH2 levels are raised in the following organ damage:
A. Brain, bones, liver B. Heart, kidney, liver C. Liver, brain, kidney *D. Heart, RBC
E. Brain, heart, liver
The active centre of simple enzyme is composed from:
A. The cofactor and prosthetic group
*B. Some amino acid residues of polypeptide chain placed in the same spatial fragment C. Linear
fragment of polypeptide chain
D. One polypeptide chain completely E. The terminal amino acid residues
Point out the factor that can cause the damage of enzyme function in a cell:
A. pH medium about 7.2
B. The presence of a product of enzymatic reaction C. The presence of activator of enzyme
*D. The surplus of protons in a cell
E. Temperature 37<sup>o</sup>C
Which of the following is the reaction that is catalyzed by lyase:
*A. Dehydration
B. Acetylation
C. Hydrolysis
D. Oxidative decarboxylation E. Oxidation
Name, please, the principle base used for the classification of enzymes:
A. Chemical structure of enzyme
*B. Type of chemical reaction catalyzed by enzyme
C. Type of energy conversion
D. Chemical structure of products for enzymatic reaction E. Chemical structure of non-protein part of
the enzyme
Chymotrypsin is the proteolytic enzyme catalyzing the cleavage of peptide bonds in any protein
molecule. Name the class of this enzyme:
A. Isomerase *B. Hydrolase C. Lyase
D. Ligase
E. Oxidoreductase
Oxidoreductase can contain prosthetic group with vitamin B<sub>2</sub>. Name it:
A. Pyridoxal phosphate
B. Retinal
*C. Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
D. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD<sup>+</sup>) E. Ascorbic acid
In case of enterobiasis acrihine - the structural analogue of vitamin B<sub>2</sub> - is administered.
The synthesis disorder of which enzymes does this medicine cause in microorganisms?
A. Aminotransferases
B. Cytochromeoxidases
C. Peptidases
D. NAD-dependet dehydrogenases *E. FAD-dependent dehydrogenases
Glycogen phosphorylase b is transformed to the active form a by the action of special kinase with
the use of ATP as donor of phosphate group. Find out, please, the type of enzyme activation:
*A. Covalent modification
B. Activation by Ca<sup>2+</sup> C. Competitive inhibition
D. Limited proteolysis
E. The change of pH medium
Disopropyl phosphofluoride (DFP) reacts with serine proteases irreversibly and therefore is:
A. Competitive inhibitor B. A stimulator
C. Allosteric inhibitor *D. Affinity label
E. Non-competitive inhibitor
Name, please, the factors that must be in constant levels during the investigation of enzyme
concentration influence the velocity of enzymatic reaction:
*A. All the factors proposed must be in constant levels B. pH of the environment
C. The temperature
D. Substrate concentration
E. Activator concentration
Salivary amylase activity may be decreased by:
*A. All the changes described may be in need
B. The increase of temperature from 38<sup>o</sup>C to 65<sup>o</sup>C C. The decrease of
temperature from 38<sup>o</sup> C to 25<sup>o</sup>C D. The change of pH from 6,8 to the value
E. The addition of copper sulfate
Find out, please, the factor used to change the charge of functional groups both in the active centre
of enzyme and in the substrate molecule:
*A. The pH of environment
B. The addition of activator to the environment
C. All the factors proposed may be in need
D. The temperature of environment
E. The addition of competitive inhibitor to the environment
Covalent modification of inactive form of enzyme may be catalyzed by special enzyme in a cell.
Name it:
A. Oxygenase
B. Hydroxylase C. Ligase
*D. Protein kinase E. Esterase
The formation of ES complex is due to various types of bonds between E and S. Specify the type of
bond, which is usually formed between charged functional groups in this case:
A. Donor-acceptor bond
B. Hydrophobic interaction *C. Electrostatic interaction D. Hydrogen bond
E. Peptide bond
Suicide type of inhibition is considered when:
A. The end-product of reaction binds to the structure of the substrate to give non-soluble complex B.
The end-product of reaction is not removed from the environment
C. The product of reaction is the allosteric inhibitor for enzyme
D. The inhibitor structure is similar to substrate one
*E. There is the intermediate metabolite formation from the inhibitor which tightly binds to the
active centre of enzyme to block it
A majority of key enzymes contain the allosteric centre. Specify a role of this centre:
A. It promotes the dissociation of a coenzyme B. It attaches the substrate
*C. It attaches the regulatory factor
D. It changes the structure of the substrate
E. It blocks the active centre
Point out the activator used for the determination of amylase activity:
B. Ca<sup>2+</sup>
*C. NaCl
D. H<sub>3</sub>PO<sub>4</sub>
E. CuSO<sub>4</sub>
The affinity of enzyme molecule to a substrate may be estimated using the value of:
A. The temperature
*B. K<sub>m</sub> for the enzyme
C. pH of the environment
D. The initial velocity of the reaction
E. V<sub>max</sub> for reaction duration
Competitive inhibitor always interacts with enzyme active centre. Find out the explanation of this
A. Inhibitor causes the denaturation of active centre
*B. Inhibitor is similar to a substrate structure
C. Inhibitor forms a covalent type of bonds with amino acid residues of active centre D. Inhibitor is
an exact copy of a substrate structure
E. Inhibitor is similar to the product's structure
Choose the factor that changes the cytoplasmic enzyme conformation mainly:
A. Water
B. Environmental temperature value about 25<sup>o</sup> C C. Environmental pH value about 7.4
D. Suicide inhibitor
*E. Allosteric inhibitor
Covalent catalysis as mechanism of enzyme catalysis was studied in experimental works with one
proteolytic enzyme. Find out it:
A. Glucoisomerase B. Pepsin
C. Decarboxylase D. Aldolase
*E. Chymotrypsin
Name, please, the equation for V-[S] dependence for the moment of complete saturation of all the
active centers of enzyme molecules:
A. V=k• [S]
B. V=V<sub>max</sub> / K<sub>m</sub> + [S] C. V= k•V<sub>max</sub>
D. V=V<sub>max</sub> •[S]/K<sub>m</sub>+[S] *E. V=V<sub>max</sub>
Cholesterol synthesis is regulated by feed-back mechanism. Name the allosteric inhibitor of key
enzyme for this synthesis:
*C. Cholesterol D. ADP
E. Glucose
Point out the probable way of proenzyme transformation to the active enzyme:
A. Vitamin non-protein part dissociation from enzyme *B. Limited proteolysis
C. Dehydration
D. Decarboxylation
E. Inhibitor action
Sulfonamides are used as drugs to protect our organism from some foreign bacteria. Enzyme in
bacterial cell producing folic acid from para-aminobenzoate is inhibited by this group of drugs.
Choose the type of inhibition for sulfonamides:
A. Noncompetitive *B. Competitive C. Suicide
D. Allosteric
E. Uncompetitive
Heme synthesis starts from glycine and succinyl-SCoA interaction with delta-aminolevulinate
synthetase help. It is inhibited by the terminal metabolic product - heme. Name the inhibition type:
*A. Feedback Inhibition
B. Uncompetitive Inhibition C. Limited proteolysis
D. Non-competitive Inhibition E. Competitive Inhibition
Choose the name of scientists whose experiments are recognized as the basis in understanding of
“induced fit” theory for mechanism of enzymatic reaction:
A. Fisher E.
*B. Koshland D. C. Michaelis L. D. Menten M. E. Haldane R.
Point out the type of bonds that are formed between Ser, Tyr and Cys residues in active centre of
the enzyme and the molecule of substrate containing functional group: --COOH:
A. Hydrophobic interactions, only
*B. Ester and hydrogen bonds
C. Disulfide and ester bonds
D. Ester bond and hydrophobic interaction
E. Disulfide bond and hydrophobic interaction
Name, please, the inhibitor for salivary amylase:
A. Sodium chloride B. Potassium cyanide C. Alanine
*D. Copper sulfate
E. Hydrogen peroxide
E. Fisher`s theory explains the mechanism of enzyme action with the fixed type of specificity, only.
Name it:
*A. Absolute
B. Absolute relative C. Stereochemical D. Absolute group E. Relative group
The regulation of the enzymatic activity is carried out by different ways. Point out the way that is
used more often in the regulation of key enzymes:
A. Limited proteolysis
*B. Allosteric regulation
C. Competitive inhibition
D. Activation by Ca<sup>2+</sup> E. The change of pH medium
The common enzymatic reaction may be represented so: E + S <-> ES <-> ES <-> EP <-> E + P. Try to
name using this equation all the factors that can influence the rate of this reaction:
A. The concentration of a substrate, enzyme and product, only B. The concentration of enzymesubstrate complex, only
C. The concentration of a substrate, only
D. The concentration of enzyme, only
*E. The concentration of a substrate, enzyme, product and stability of ES-complex
Succinate dehydrogenase catalyses the dehydrogenation of succinate. Malonic acid HOOC-CH2COOH is used to interrupt the action of this enzyme. Choose the inhibition type:
A. Limited proteolysis
B. Dephosphorylation C. Allosteric
D. Non-competitive *E. Competitive
Choose the method that is more often used for the determination of inhibitor type:
A. Michaelis-Menten graphical method B. Briggs-Haldane graphical method *C. Lineweaver-Burk
graphical method D. Nuclear magnetic resonance method E. Eadie-Hofstee graphical method
The common feature of an enzyme-cascade system regulation is:
A. Competitive inhibition B. Suicide inhibition
*C. Feed back inhibition D. Amplification
E. Counter-regulation
The activity of choline esterase in the blood serum of patient equals 95 micromole/sec• L. Propose,
please, the way for the transformation of this value into units [mmole/L*min]:
A. Multiple this result into 60 times, only B. Divide this result into 60, only
C. Multiple this result into 1000 times, only D. Divide this result into 1000, only
*E. Divide this result into 1000 times, and multiple on 60
The cytoplasm fraction of tissue homogenate has been obtained for some enzyme activity
determination. Point out the enzyme whose activity may be determined in this fraction:
A. Trypsin
B. Maltase
*C. Glucokinase D. Pepsin
E. Urease
Total activity of enzyme depends on the:
*A. All the factors described B. Temperature medium
C. Substrate concentration D. Enzyme concentration
E. pH medium
Find out the parameter that is changed in the incubation phase of experimental test tube for the
determination of choline esterase activity in the blood plasma:
*A. All the positions are right
B. The acetic acid content
C. The acetylcholine concentration D. The pH
E. The choline concentration
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes catalyze the transformation of pyruvate to lactic acid in
different types of tissues. Point out the structural distinctive peculiarity of each LDH isozyme:
A. Different by the quantity of subunits
B. Different by the type of coenzyme in native molecule
C. Different active center structure
*D. Different by the combination of subunits, forming a native molecule E. Different level of
structural organization in native molecule
Marked increase of activity of МВ-forms of CPK (creatine phosphokinase) and LDH-1 were revealed
on the examination of the patient's blood. What is the most likely pathology?
A. Pancreatitis
B. Cholecystitis
C. Rheumatism
*D. Miocardial infarction E. Hepatitis
LDH1 and LDH2 levels are raised in the following organ damage
*A. Heart, RBC, kidney B. Heart, kidney, liver C. Brain, heart, liver
D. Liver, brain, kidney E. Brain, bones, liver
Profuse foam appeared when dentist put hydrogen peroxide on the mucous of the oral cavity. What
enzyme caused such activity?
A. Glucose-6-phosphatdehydrogenase B. Methemoglobinreductase
C. Acetyltransferase
D. Cholinesterase
*E. Catalase
Find out the activator used for amylase activity determination in the urine of patient:
A. Ammonia sulfate B. Pyruvate
C. Copper sulfate D. Sodium chloride *E. Starch
Point out the signs of multiple enzyme systems (MS):
A. The MS enzymes form a single structural-functional complex
B. The MS enzymes are united by their intracellular localization
*C. All that is described is right
D. The MS enzymes form several different metabolic products at once
During metabolic process active forms of the oxygen including superoxide anion radical are formed
in the human body. With help of what enzyme is this anion inactivated?
A. Catalase
B. Glutathione peroxidase C. Peroxidase
D. Glutathione reductase *E. Superoxide dismutase
Twelve hours after an accute attack of retrosternal pain a patient presented a jump of aspartate
aminotransferase activity in blood serum. What pathology is this deviation typical for?
A. Diabetes insipidus
*B. Myocardium infarction C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Collagenosis
E. Viral hepatitis
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex is multiple enzyme system because it contains:
*A. Three enzymes and five coenzymes B. Two enzymes and five coenzymes C. Two enzymes and
one coenzyme
D. Five enzymes and five coenzymes E. Three enzymes and three coenzymes
6 hours after the myocardial infarction a patient was found to have elevated level of lactate
dehydrogenase in blood. What isozyme should be expected in this case?
B. LDH2 C. LDH4 *D. LDH1 E. LDH3
Find out the parameters that are in need to calculate specific activity of enzyme:
A. The pH value of the environment and turnover number
*B. The protein content in the test sample and total activity
C. The product concentration in the test sample and total activity D. The volume of the test sample
and total activity
E. Turnover number and total activity
Patient’s amylase activity in the urine excesses the normal values in ten times as much. Point out the
possible diagnosis:
*A. Sharp pancreatitis B. Viral hepatitis
C. Influenza
D. Angina
E. Diabetes mellitus
Find out the pathological state associated with the decrease of choline esterase activity in the blood
serum of patient
A. Acute pancreatitis B. Myeloma
C. Gout
D. Influenza
*E. Viral hepatitis
A patient presents high activity of LDH1, LDH2, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase.
In what organ (organs) is the development of a pathological process the most probable?
A. In skeletal muscles (dystrophy, atrophy) B. In kidneys and adrenals
C. In connective tissue
D. In liver and kidneys
*E. In the heart muscle (initial stage of myocardium infarction)
Name, please, the key metabolite, that may be formed in catabolic pathway both for glucose and
palmitic acid in aerobic condition, only:
A. Oxaloacetate B. Lactate
C. Malate
*D. Acetyl-CoA E. Pyruvate
Find out the competitive inhibitor for succinate dehydrogenase:
A. Magnesium ion *B. Malonic acid C. Citric Acid
D. Fumaric acid E. Malic Acid
Only one dehydrogenase of Krebs Cycle has the non-protein part FAD. Name it:
A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
B. Malate dehydrogenase
*C. Succinate dehydrogenase
D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
E. Alpha-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
How many moles of high energy bond containing compound are produced due to substrate
phosphorylation in one round of Citric Acid Cycle:
A. Four
B. Three C. Two *D. One E. Twelve
Nucleoside triphosphate is formed in Krebs Cycle. Point out its abbreviation:
The rate limited step for Citric Acid Cycle duration is the reaction catalyzed by:
A. Alpa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase *B. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
C. Citrate synthase
D. Malate dehydrogenase
E. Cis-Aconitase
Name, please, the process that is related to the second phase of catabolic pathways in humans:
A. Krebs cycle
B. Gluconeogenesis
*C. Glycolysis
D. Proteolysis
E. Ammonia utilization in Urea cycle
The increase of one substrate concentration occurs the mitochondrial matrix during the inhibition of
Citrate synthetase in the Krebs Cycle. Find out this substrate:
*A. Acetyl ~ SCoA
B. Glucose
C. Malate
D. Alpha-Ketoglutarate E. Fumarate
Krebs cycle is regulated by the ATP/ADP ratio in aerobic cell. Point out the value of this ratio that
causes the stimulation of Krebs Cycle duration:
A. 5
B. 1
C. 3 *D. 0.5 E. 2.5
Oxidative decarboxylation reactions occur two times in Citric Acid Cycle, but the mechanism of these
reactions is not the same. Choose the conversion that may be named as oxidative decarboxylation
and catalyzed by multienzyme system:
*A. Alpa-ketoglutarate is converted to Succinyl-CoA B. Isocitrate is converted to Alpa-ketoglutarate
C. Malate is converted to Oxaloacetate
D. Citrate is converted to Cis-Aconitate
E. Succinate is converted to Fumarate
Magnesium and Manganese ions are in need for the function of one enzyme from this register, only.
Point out it:
*A. Isocitrate dehydrogenase B. Succinate dehydrogenase C. Fumarase
D. Aconitase
E. Malate dehydrogenase
Propose the correct continuation of the phrase: “Citric Acid Cycle is...”: A. The main producer of
energy for erythrocytes
*B. The main producer of reduced forms of coenzymes C. Anabolic process
D. Tissue respiration phase III
E. Placed in cytoplasm of a cell
Name the regulatory enzyme from Citric Acid Cycle whose activity is stimulated by allosteric
activator ADP at condition of its accumulation in the matrix of mitochondria:
*A. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
B. Cis-Aconitase
C. Citrate synthase
D. Succinate dehydrogenase
E. Alpa-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Name, please, the conversion of Krebs cycle regulated by inhibitor malonic acid
*A. Succinate-->fumarate
B. Fumarate--> malate
C. Isocitrate--> alpha-ketoglutarate D. Succinyl-CoA-->succinate
E. Malate--> oxaloacetate
How many stages are considered in catabolic pathway for glucose up to the terminal products
(carbon dioxide and water):
A. Four *B. Three C. One D. Two E. Five
Amphybolic process must include intermediate metabolites which are involved in both anabolic and
catabolic pathways of a cell. Choose those one:
A. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt B. Malate-aspartate shuttle system *C. All the proposed
D. Glycolysis
E. Citric Acid Cycle
Energy production is due to catabolic pathways only. Name those one:
A. Fatty Acid Elongation
B. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt C. Glycogenesis
*D. Citric Acid Cycle
E. Gluconeogenesis
Name, please, the organic compound formed in Krebs cycle due to substrate phosphorylation:
A. Citrate B. ATP
E. Isocitrate
All these metabolic pathways or processes take place inside the mitochondria except:
A. Fatty acid beta-oxidation B. Oxidative phosphorylation *C. Glycolysis
D. Krebs cycle
E. Urea cycle
Name, please, the initial substrates for Krebs cycle (first reaction):
A. Lactate and acetyl-CoA B. Oxaloacetate, only
C. Pyruvate and oxaloacetate
D. Citric acid, only
*E. Acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate
Exogenous substances may be involved in catabolic pathways to be used as energy sources for
humans EXCEPT:
A. Amino acids B. Fatty acids *C. Vitamins D. Alcohol
E. Monosaccharides
Vitamin B[sub]1[/sub] (coenzyme TPP) is necessary for only one dehydrogenase function in Krebs
Cycle. Point out it:
A. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
B. Succinate dehydrogenase
C. Malate dehydrogenase
D. Lactate dehydrogenase
*E. Alpha-Ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Name, please, the class of organic compound usually used as energy source for anabolic pathways in
A. Carboxylic acids B. Monosaccharides C. Nucleosides
D. Alcohols
*E. Nucleoside triphosphates
Choose, please, the transformation of intermediate metabolites of Krebs cycle required the function
of multienzyme complex:
A. Isocitrate --> alpha-ketoglutarate B. Malate --> oxaloacetate
C. Citrate-->cis-aconitate
D. Fumarate--> malate
*E. Alpha-ketoglutarate--> succinyl-CoA
Find out, please, the enzyme whose activity is inhibited mainly under the accumulation of ATP in the
matrix of mitochondria:
A. Fumarase
B. Aconitase
C. Malate dehydrogenase
D. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase *E. Citrate synthase
Name, please, the enzyme from Krebs cycle catalyzing the substrate phosphorylation:
*A. Succinyl-CoA thiokinase B. Citrate synthase
C. Fumarase
D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase E. Malate dehydrogenase
Krebs cycle does not occur in:
A. Heart
C. Liver
D. Skeletal Muscle
E. All the positions are right
The accumulation of NADH in the matrix of mitochondria is the signal to inhibit:
*A. Isocitrate dehydrogenase B. Malate dehydrogenase
C. Fumarase
D. Cis-Aconitase E. Citrate lyase
Two reactions of Krebs Cycle are named as oxidative decarboxylation. Point out the enzyme for this
type of reaction:
A. Citrate synthase
*B. Isocitrate dehydrogenase C. Succinate dehydrogenase D. Succinyl~SCoA synthase E. cis-Aconitate
Fluroacetate inhibits:
A. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase B. Malate dehydrogenase
*C. Cis-Aconitase
D. Citrate synthetase
E. Succinate dehydrogenase
Name substances which are really terminal products for catabolic pathways and for human
*A. Uric acid and Urea
B. ATP and Carbon dioxide
C. Carbon dioxide and Water D. Amino acids and Keto acids E. Bilirubin and Urea
Isocitrate was used as an oxidized substrate in the experiment with isolated mitochondria. Specify
the substance that can inhibit the isocitrate oxidative decarboxylation:
A. ADP *B. ATP C. Citrate D. cAMP E. Glucose
Krebs Cycle is an amphiobolic way. Choose the explanation of this sentence:
A. One mole of ATP is formed in one cycle
B. The process forms NADH
C. The process forms CO[sub]2[/sub] and H[sub]2[/sub]O
*D. Metabolites of Krebs Cycle may be used in anabolic pathways E. The process is in mitochondrion
Choose, please, the value for ATP/ADP ratio at the moment when the tissue respiration has been
just inhibited in the cell:
*A. ATP/ADP>1,5 B. ATP/ADP=0.1 C. ATP/ADP=0.8 D. ATP/ADP=0
E. ATP/ADP=0.5
The tissue respiration is inhibited after coal gas poisoning. Point the electron transport chain enzyme
whose activity abruptly reduces in these conditions:
*A. Cytochrome c oxidase B. Succinate dehydrogenase C. Cytochrome b1
D. NADH-dehydrogenase E. Cytochrome c
Name, please, the substrate for Cytochrome oxidase (reduced form):
*A. Molecular oxygen B. Isocitrate
C. Cytochrome C
D. Water molecule E. Succinyl-CoA
Protons gradient in the inner membrane of mitochondria may be increased under condition of
incorporation of high doses of one vitamin in the body. Find out it:
A. Pantothenic acid B. Cobalamin
C. Retinoic acid *D. Ascorbic acid E. Folic acid
The isocitrate is converted into alpha-ketoglutarate in the Krebs cycle. Choose the substance that
can low the P/O ratio for this reaction:
*A. Antimycin A
B. Citrate
C. Isocitrate dehydrogenase D. NAD+
Uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation may be:
A. High levels of serum bilirubin B. High levels of free fatty acids *C. All the proposed
D. Thermogenins
E. High levels of thyroid hormones
Name, please, the name of enzyme catalyzing the coupling of proton gradient use with the synthesis
of ATP in mitochondria:
A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase *B. ATP synthetase
C. ATP/ADP-translocase D. Monoaminooxidase
E. Lipase
The antibiotic oligomycin has been recently used in tuberculosis treatment. Point out the process in
tuberculosis bacillus that is inhibited by this drug:
*A. Oxidative phosphorylation
B. Translation
C. Anaerobic glycolysis
D. The active transport of substances across membranes E. Phagocytosis
Choose, please, the P/O ratio per one mole of pyruvate involved in oxidative decarboxylation at the
presence of phenobarbital in high levels in the cell:
*A. Zero B. Five C. Four D. Three E. Two
The complex I of electron transport chain may be inhibited by barbituric acid. Find out, please, the
composition of this complex:
*A. NADH-dehydrogenase and Fe-S-proteins B. FMN and Fe-S-proteins
C. Succinate dehydrogenase and Fe-S-proteins D. FAD and Fe-S-proteins
E. NAD and Fe-S-proteins
Name the component of electron transport chain that is not related to proteins but is also acceptor
of protons and electrons:
A. Cytochrome b
B. Cytochrome c
*C. CoQ
D. Cytochrome c oxidase
E. Cytochrome P[sub]450[/sub]
Name, please, the inhibitor for complex IV of electron transport chain:
*A. Hydrogen sulfide B. Oxygen
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Potassium chloride E. Hydrogen peroxide
Find out the enzyme of electron transport chain that is transmembrane protein and may be
considered as a pump for protons from the matrix to the intra membrane space:
A. CoQ
B. Cytochrome b, only
C. Succinate dehydrogenase *D. Cytochrome C oxidase E. Cytochrome C
Name the terminal complex of respiratory chain:
A. Succinate dehydrogenase
B. Cytochrome b, Fe-S-proteins and cytochrome C1 *C. Cytochrome c oxidase
D. Cytochrome C
E. NADH-dehydrogenase and Fe-S-proteins
Carbon monoxide is discussed as the suppressor of tissue respiration in muscular tissue because of
its ability to be linked to:
A. Myoglobin
B. Hemoglobin
*C. All the positions are right D. Cytochrome C oxidase
ATP/ADP ratio equals 0.5 in the matrix of suspended mitochondria. What enzyme systems must be
stimulated in the matrix and inner membrane to increase this value up to 1?:
A. Electron transport Chain enzymes B. Citric Acid Cycle enzymes
C. ATP-synthetase
D. ATP/ADP-translocase
*E. All the proposed
Find out the property of uncoupler that helps it to penetrate across the inner membrane of
A. High solubility in water
B. All the properties proposed
C. Very small shape of uncoupler molecule *D. High solubility in lipids
E. High affinity to molecular oxygen
Name, please, the acceptor of electrons from NADH-dehydrogenase in the electron transport chain:
A. CoQ
B. Cytochrome oxidase C. Cytochrome b
*D. Fe-S-proteins
E. Cytochrome c
Which of the following inhibit complex IV of respiratory chain?
A. Amobarbital B. Rotenone
C. Secobarbitone D. Antipyrine *E. Cyanide
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase involved in beta-oxidation of any Fatty Acid, has the prosthetic group FAD
and is placed in the inner membrane of mitochondria of cells where this process is in duration. How
many moles of ATP may be synthesized due to oxidative phosphorylation per 1 mole of acyl-CoA
involved in Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase reaction?
A. Four B. One C. Three D. Five *E. Two
Cytochromes are:
*A. Iron-porphyrin proteins
B. Metal containing flavoproteins C. Hemoglobin derivatives
D. Pyridine nucleotides
E. Peroxidases
Point out the location of the processes which take part in tissue respiration the most intensively:
B. Golgi complex C. Lysosome
*D. Mitochondria E. Cytoplasm
Choose, please, the P/O ratio per one mole of isocitrate involved in oxidative decarboxylation at the
accumulation of rotenone in the cell:
A. P/O<3 B. P/O<2 *C. Zero D. 3
E. 2
Antimycin A is discussed in scientific literature as the antibiotic whose pharmacological effects are
based on its ability to inhibit complex III of electron transport chain of the inner membrane of
mitochondria. Choose the value for P/O ratio of succinate oxidation in Krebs Cycle at the presence of
antimycin A in mitochondria:
A. _0
B. Less then 3 C. _2
D. _3
*E. Less then 2
The electrochemical potential formation occurs on the inner membrane of mitochondria during the
active work of the electron transport chain. Point the substance that can reduce the electrochemical
potential value:
A. Glucose
B. Citric acid
C. Malonic acid
D. Succinate
*E. 2,4-dinitrophenol
Choose, please, the P/O ratio per one mole of pyruvate involved in oxidative decarboxylation at the
accumulation of 2,4-dinitrophenol in the cell:
A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Two *E. Zero
Find out, please, the inhibitor for the complex III of electron transport chain in the inner membrane
of mitochondria:
A. Rotenone
*B. Antimycin A C. ATP
D. Barbituric acid E. NADH
Catalase activity is very important for cells where the accumulation of one toxic compound may be.
Name, please, this compound:
A. Nitric acid
B. Potassium cyanide C. Carbon monoxide *D. Hydrogen peroxide E. Carbon dioxide
Name, please the coefficient that can show the quantity of ATP molecules formed per one mole of
oxidized organic compound due to oxidative phosphorylation:
*A. P/O ratio
B. Respiratory control
C. The electrochemical potential D. ADP/ATP ratio
E. Protons gradient
Name, please, the P/O ratio per one mole of pyruvate involved in oxidative decarboxylation if 1 mole
of NADH is formed in this reaction:
*A. Three B. Five C. Zero D. Four E. Two
Choose, please, the number of complexes in the long respiratory chain:
A. Four B. Five C. Two *D. Three E. One
Name, please, the energy effect per one Krebs cycle due to oxidative phosphorylation:
A. 8 ATP B. 1 GTP C. 12 ATP *D. 11 ATP E. 9 ATP
Rotenone (the inhibitor of the first complex of the electron transport chain) changes the P/O ratio
for substrates that are oxidized in Krebs Cycle. Choose the value of P/O at the presence of this
inhibitor per 1 mole of malate that is oxidized:
*A. Zero B. <1
C. <3
D. <2
E. <4
What type of tissue is specialized to carry out the oxidation uncoupled from phosphorylation?:
A. Erythrocytes of blood B. Skeletal muscular tissue C. Myocardium tissue
*D. Brown adipose tissue E. White adipose tissue
Choose the enzyme of Krebs cycle that is considered as the part of Complex II of electron transport
A. Cytochrome b, only
B. Cytochrome oxidase
C. CoQ
D. NaDH-dehydrogenase *E. Succinate dehydrogenase
Find out, please, the name of the third stage of tissue respiration:
A. Translation
B. The active transport of substances across membranes C. Oxidative phosphorylation
D. Aerobic glycolysis
*E. Electron transport chain function
Name, please, the inhibitor for complex IV of respiratory chain:
*A. Carbon monoxide B. Hydrogen peroxide C. Carbon dioxide
D. Potassium chloride E. Oxygen
Name, please, the factor that can block tissue respiration completely:
*A. Potassium cyanide B. Phenobarbital
C. Malonic acid
D. Valinomycin
E. Oligomycin
Name, please, the enzyme system promoting the ADP/ATP maintenance both in the matrix of
mitochondria and in cytoplasma of the cell:
*A. ATP/ADP translocase B. Succinate dehydrogenase C. NADH-dehydrogenase D. Cytochrome
E. ATP synthetase
Submodule 2
The vegetable oils are the obligatory components of man ration as they contain some essential fatty
acids. Choose them:
A. Acetic and butyric acids
B. Stearic and palmitic acids
*C. Linoleic and linolenic acids D. Palmitooleic and oleic acids E. Citric and fumaric acids
Examination of a man who hadn’t been consuming fats but had been getting enough carbohydrates
and proteins for long time revealed dermatitis, poor wound healing, vision impairment. What is the
probable cause of metabolic disorder?
A. Lack of oleic acid
B. Low caloric value of diet
C. Lack of vitamins PP, H
D. Lack of palmitic acid
*E. Lack of linoleic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K.
Find out the values for total acidity of gastric juice associated with hypochlorhydria in patient:
A. 40 mmol/L
*B. 20 mmol/L
C. 55 mmol/L
D. 60 mmol/L E. 50 mmol/L
Point out the endopeptidase that is produced by pancreas and is activated by trypsin:
A. Renin
B. Gastricsin
C. Pepsinogen
D. Alpha-Amylase *E. Proelastase
Name the enzyme whose function is associated with digestion of polysaccharides in the small
A. Rennin
*B. Alpha-amylase C. Elastase
D. Pepsinogen
E. Maltase
The stone of a general bile duct stopped the entrance of bile to the intestine of the patient. Specify
the process, whose infringement will be observed:
A. Protein digestion
B. Carbohydrates digestion *C. Fats digestion
D. Protein digestion
E. Carbohydrates absorption
Point out the class of enzymes that catalyze the digestion of proteins in gastro-intestinal tract:
A. Ligases
B. Lyases
C. Transferases *D. Hydrolases
E. Oxidoreductases
The bile acids participate in:
A. The cholesterol synthesis
B. The activation of trypsin
C. The ketone bodies synthesis *D. The lipids emulsification
E. The protein transport activation
A 30-year-old woman was diagnosed with insufficiency of exocrine function of pancreas. Hydrolysis
of what nutrients will be disturbed?
A. Proteins, only
*B. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
C. Fats, carbohydrates, only
D. Proteins, fats, only
E. Proteins, carbohydrates, only
Some carbohydrates can't be digested in the intestine. Point out one of them:
*A. Cellulose
B. Maltose C. Glycogen D. Sucrose E. Starch
Lipase requires special conditions for its activity. Choose a factor that isn’t optimum for this purpose:
A. Phospholipids B. Colipase
C. Bile salts
*D. pH=2.0
E. pH=8.0
Trypsin is found in functions as activator for some zymogens produced by pancreas. Choose them:
A. Chymotrypsinogen
*B. All that is placed
C. Procarboxylase B D. Proelastase
E. Procarboxylase A
After intake of rich food a patient feels nausea and sluggishness; with time signs of steatorrhea there
appeared. Blood cholesterol concentration is 9.2 mmole/l. That condition was caused by lack of:
A. Fatty acids
B. Triglycerides C. Chylomicrons *D. Bile acids E. Phospholipids
Point out the group of peptidases which trypsin is belong to:
A. Amino peptidase B. Carboxypeptidase C. Dipeptidase
D. Exopeptidase
*E. Endopeptidase
A patient complains of frequent diarrheas, especially after consumption of fattening food and of the
body weight loss. Laboratory examination revealed steatorrhea; hypocholic feces. What may be the
cause of this condition?
A. Lack of pancreatic phospholipase
B. Unbalanced diet
*C. Obturation of biliary tracts
D. Mucous membrane inflammation of small intestine E. Lack of pancreatic lipase
This disorder may be genetic or acquired. Affected infants are not able to tolerate milk, which is
normally their primary food. Point out the name of disorder:
A. Galactosemia
*B. Lactose intolerance
C. Galactose intolerance D. Fructosuria
E. Glucose intolerance
Point out the activator of secretin production in duodenum:
A. Chymotrypsin
B. Gastricsin
C. Trypsin
*D. Hydrochloric acid E. Pepsin
Choose the enzyme that takes part in the gastric digestion of carbohydrates:
A. Amylo-1,6-glycosidase
B. Oligo-1,6-glycosidase
*C. There's no any enzyme for carbohydrates digestion in stomach D. Salivary amylase
E. Sucrase
The only sugar absorbed by intestine against a concentration gradient is:
A. Galactose B. Xylose *C. Glucose D. Mannose E. Fructose
Point out the couple of amino acids participating in the formation of peptide bond that is cleaved by
A. Alanine, valine
B. Leucine, valine
C. Glycine, Glutamine D. Isoleucine, alanine *E. Arginine, lysine
Point out the amino acids whose peptide bonds are hydrolyzed by pepsin and chymotrypsin:
*A. Aromatic amino acids
B. Alcoholic acids
C. Sulfur-containing amino acids D. Diamino acids
E. Amides of monocarboxylic acids
Achlorhydria (achylia) state is observed in patient with stomach problems. Propose probable reason
for the development of this state and probable values for free HCL content in the gastric juice of this
A. Colitis; [free HCL]=60 mmole/L
B. Obstruction of esophagus; [free HCL]=20 mmole/L
C. Extensive secretion of gastric juice; [free HCL]=60 mmole/L *D. Cancer of stomach; [free HCL]= 0
E. Disturbed pepsinogen synthesis; [free HCL]=10 mmole/L
Choose the condition in human organism which can cause the beginning of gluconeogenesis in the
*A. Hypoglycemia
B. The decrease of diuresis C. The hypoxia of liver tissue D. Hyperglycemia
E. The bile ducts obstruction
The functions of gluconeogenesis are described by all of the following statements EXCEPT:
A. It maintains blood sugar levels during fasting
B. It allows the use of amino acids for glucose production
C. It maintains blood glucose level during period of limited carbohydrate intake D. It is useful during
strenuous exercises
*E. It allows the use of acetyl-CoA for glucose production
Which compound does not contribute to the net formation of glucose during gluconeogenesis in
A. Glycerol
B. Lactate
*C. Acetyl-CoA
D. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate E. Oxaloacetate
Which statement about gluconeogenesis is correct?
A. ATP is not required for the process
B. Phosphofructokinase I is the rate-limiting enzyme of gluconeogenesis. C. It occurs primarily in
skeletal muscle.
D. The acetate group of acetyl-CoA is used for the net synthesis of glucose *E. Lactate and alanine
can both serve as substrates.
Which of the ions is the most important for glycolysis?:
A. Aurum
B. Cobalt
*C. Magnesium D. Zink
E. Calcium
Which one of the following enzymes is common to both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis?
A. Pyruvate carboxylase
B. Pyruvate kinase
C. Hexokinase
D. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase *E. Phosphoglycerate kinase
Gluconeogenesis occurs in the liver and:
A. Skeletal muscle
*B. Kidney
C. Spleen
D. Heart
E. Adipose tissue
Choose the yields a net for 1 mole of glucose oxidation by anaerobic glycolysis:
A. 2 moles of pyruvate, 2 moles of NADH, 2 moles of ATP B. 2 moles of lactate, 2 moles of NAD+, 2
moles of ATP C. 2 moles of pyruvate and 2 moles of ATP
D. 2 moles of lactate and 6 moles of ATP
*E. 2 moles of lactate and 2 moles of ATP
Choose the key enzymes of gluconeogenesis:
*A. Pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase, fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
B. Phosphohexoseisomerase, phosphoglycerate kinase, aldolase I
C. Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase
D. Glucokinase, phosphotrioseisomerase, lactate dehydrogenase
E. Citrate synthase, isocitratedehydrohenase, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
Name the factors which are important to regulate the anaerobic glycolysis duration:
A. NADH/NAD[sup]+[/sup] ratio in a cell B. Oxygen level in tissue
C. Fructose-2.6-biphosphate level
D. ATP/ADP ratio in a cell
*E. All the factors mentioned
A deficiency in the vitamin Biotin leads to a deficiency in the activity of certain enzyme of
gluconeogenesis. Point out the enzyme:
A. Glucose 6-phosphatase
B. Phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase C. Phosphoglycerate kinase
D. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
*E. Pyruvate carboxylase
What enzyme catalyzes the glucose-6-phosphate formation from glucose in the liver and is not
inhibited by excess level of glucose-6-phosphate:
A. Hexokinasehh
*B. Glucokinase
C. Phosphoglucomutase D. Glucose-6-phosphatase E. Pyruvate kinase
Diseases of the respiratory system and circulatory disorders impair the transport of oxygen, thus
leading to hypoxia. Under these conditions the energy metabolism is carried out by anaerobic
glycolysis. As a result, the following substance is generated and accumulated in blood:
A. Citric acid
B. Glutamic acid *C. Lactic acid D. Pyruvic acid E. Fumaric acid
Name the energy effect of anaerobic glycolysis per 1 mole of glucose incorporated into the process:
*A. 2 ATP
B. 8 ATP C. 10 ATP D. 5 ATP E. 3 ATP
The gluconeogenesis is activated in the liver after intensive physical trainings .What substance is
utilized in gluconeogenesis first of all in this case:
A. Glucose B. Glutamate C. Alanine *D. Lactate E. Pyruvate
Gluconeogenesis from lactate does not require activity of:
A. Triose phosphate isomerase.
B. Phosphoglycerate kinase.
C. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase. *D. Phosphofructokinase.
E. Aldolase.
The genetic defect of pyruvate carboxylase deficiency is the cause of delayed physical and mental
development and early death in children. This defect is characterized by lacticemia, lactaciduria,
disorders of a number of metabolic pathways. In particular, the following processes are inhibited:
A. Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis
B. Pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis *C. Citric acid cycle and gluconeogenesis D. Lipolysis
and lipogenesis
E. Glycolysis and glycogenolysis
The intensive muscular work increases the velocity of the ATP utilization and causes the activation of
glycolysis. What enzyme activity will limit its rate?
A. Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase
*B. Phosphofructokinase
C. Phosphoglyceromutase D. Aldolase
E. Phosphoglycerate kinase
Which of the following compounds is an allosteric activator that enhances activity of
phosphofructokinase I of the glycolytic pathway?
A. Citric acid
B. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
C. Glucose-6-phosphate
D. Glucose
*E. Adenosine monophosphate (AMP)
Which one of the following enzymes catalyzes phosphorylation with the use of inorganic phosphate?
A. Pyruvate kinase
B. Phosphofructokinase
*C. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase D. Phosphoglycerate kinase
E. Hexokinase
Choose the key (regulatory) enzymes of glycolysis:
A. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, phosphoenolpyruvatecarboxykinase, pyruvate carboxylase B.
Citrate synthase, isocitratedehydrohenase, alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
C. Phosphohexoseisomerase, phosphoglycerate kinase, aldolase I
*D. Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, pyruvate kinase
E. Glucokinase, phosphotrioseisomerase, lactate dehydrogenase
There is one organic compound in the list below to inhibit phosphofructokinase I if this compound is
accumulated in cytoplasm. Name it:
A. Succinate
C. Glyceroaldehyde 3-phosphate D. Pyruvate
E. Fructose-6-phosphate
The activity of pyruvate carboxylase is dependent upon the positive allosteric effector:
A. Isocitrate
B. Citrate
*C. Acetyl CoA D. Succinate
A 7-year-old girl has signs of anemia. Laboratory examination revealed pyruvate kinase deficiency in
the erythrocytes. What process disturbance plays the main role in anemia development?
A. Peroxide decomposition B. Oxidative phosphorylation *C. Anaerobic glycolysis D. Tissue
E. Amino acids desamination
Find out the location of glucose-6-phosphatase in human tissues:
A. Liver, only
B. Gonads, only
*C. Liver, kidney
D. Skeletal muscular tissue E. Myocardium
Name, please, the liver enzyme needed for lactate utilization in gluconeogenesis:
B. NAD-dependent Lactate Dehydrogenase C. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
D. Glucose-6-phosphatase
E. NADH-dependent Lactate Dehydrogenase F. Lactonase
Choose the enzyme for the reaction of glucose formation due to dephosphorylation:
A. Glucokinase
*B. Glucose-6-phosphatase
C. Aldolase
D. Hexokinase
E. Phosphofructokinase
Choose the energy requirement (sum total of ATP; to think about GTP use as ATP use) for glucose
synthesis from 2 moles of pyruvic acid:
A. 1 ATP B. 3 ATP *C. 6 ATP D. 2 ATP E. 4 ATP
A child has got galactosemia. Concentration of glucose in blood has not considerably changed.
Deficiency of what enzyme caused this illness?
A. Amylo-l,6-glucosidase
*B. Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase
C. Fructokinase D. Hexokinase
E. Phosphoglucomutase
A child with galactosemia is referred to an opthalmologist for evaluation of developing cataracts,
probably caused by the accumulation of galactose and its alcohol galactitol. Choose the enzyme
catalyzing the transformation of galactose to galacitol:
A. Galactokinase
*B. Aldose reductase
C. Galactose 1-phosphate uridyltransferase D. Aldolase B
E. Glucokinase
Choose the INCORRECT statement concerning functions of the pentose phosphate pathway:
A. It is a source of NADPH for reductive pathways
B. It is a source of pentoses for nucleic acids synthesis
C. It is a route for conversion of pentoses from degradated nucleotides to intermediates of glycolysis
D. It is a route for the use of pentoses and for their conversion to hexoses and trioses
*E. It is a source of ATP for reductive pathways
The aerobic oxidation of carbohydrates includes the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate. Specify
the inhibitor (in high concentration) for this reaction:
B. NADP[sup]+[/sup] C. NAD[sup]+[/sup] D. FAD
*E. Acetyl-SCoA
Pyruvate concentration in the patient’s urine is increased 10 times than the normal level. Choose the
Vitamin, the deficiency of which in the organism can be the reason of this change:
A. Vitamin B[sub]6[/sub]
*B. Vitamin B[sub]1[/sub]
C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin C E. Vitamin A
Name the second stage of aerobic glucose oxidation in tissues:
A. Pyruvate formation
B. Krebs Cycle
C. Acetyl-SCоA carboxylation
*D. Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate E. Alpha-ketoglutarate formation
Point out the multienzyme system used in aerobic oxidation of glucose up to carbon dioxide and
water formation:
*A. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase complex
C. Palmitate synthetase
D. Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase complex E. Succinate dehydrogenase complex
Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex contains all cofactors except one. Choose it:
B. Lipoamide
D. NAD[sup]+[/sup] *E. Biotin
NADPH is used for next application EXCEPT:
A. Glutathione defense system against injury by reactive oxygen species
*B. Glucose synthesis
C. Cholesterol synthesis
D. Fatty acid biosynthesis
E. Monooxygenase system linked with cytochrome P450
Immediate products of pyruvate metabolism (using one reaction only) are all EXCEPT:
*A. 2-Phosphoglycerate
B. Lactate
C. Alanine
D. Oxaloacetate E. Acetyl-CoA
Point out the multienzyme system where enzymes form a single structural-functional complex:
*A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
B. Enzymes of Krebs cycle
C. Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase D. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase
F. Glutamate dehydrogenase
Which enzyme is present in the liver but not in muscle?
A. Lactate dehydrogenase B. Pyruvate dehydrogenase C. Glycogen phosphorylase D. Hexokinase
*E. Glucose 6-phosphatase
Which of the following compounds is required by transketolase for maximal activity?
A. Acetyl-CoA
*B. Thiamine pyrophosphate
C. Biotin
D. Dihydroxyacetone phosphate E. Coenzyme A
Biochemical test in thiamine deficiency may be:
A. Histidine test
B. Ferric chloride test
*C. Erythrocyte transketolase test D. Cholesterol test
E. Glucose test
Malate-aspartate shuttle system is required for:
A. Embden-Meyerhoff pathway
B. Gluconeogenesis
*C. Reducing equivalent (NADH) transport into mitochondria D. Alanine transport into mitochondria
E. Pentose phosphate pathway
Point out the substrate that is used as major energy source for brain:
A. Alanine
B. Phospholipid *C. Glucose
D. Fatty acid
E. Ketone body
Sites where Hexose monophosphate shunt can occur include:
A. Liver
B. White Blood Cells (WBC) *C. All the proposed
D. Lactating mammary gland E. Testes
A child’s blood has high content of galactose, glucose concentration is low. There are such
presentations as cataract, mental deficiency, adipose degeneration of liver. What disease is it?
A. Lactosemia
B. Fructosemia
*C. Galactosemia D. Steroid diabetes E. Diabetes mellitus
Insulin decreases the rate of gluconeogenesis by suppressing of one the following enzymes. Point
out this enzyme:
A. Pyruvate kinase
B. Phosphofructokinase *C. Pyruvate carboxylase D. Glycogen synthase
E. Hexokinase
Which of the following statements about glycogen metabolism is true?
A. Cyclic AMP–activated protein kinase stimulates glycogen synthase
B. Glycogen synthesis is stimulated by glucagon
C. Glycogen phosphorylase b is inactivated by phosphorylation
D. Epinephrine and glucagon can low cAMP levels in cytoplasma thus stimulating glycogenolysis *E.
Glycogen phosphorylase kinase is activated by phosphorylation
A liver biopsy has been made for child with hepatomegaly and mild fasting hypoglycemia.
Hepatocytes contant shows the accumulation of glycogen granules with single glucose residues
remaining at the branch points near the periphery of the granule. The most likely genetic disorder in
this child is associated with the defect in:
*A. Amylo alpha-1,6 glucosidase (debranching enzyme)
B. Lysosomal alpha-1,4 glucosidase
C. Glycogen phosphorylase
D. Glucosyl -4:6 transferase (branching enzyme) E. Phosphoglucomutase
The tissue with the highest glycogen content (mg/100g of tissue) is:
A. Skeletal muscle B. Brain
C. Testes
D. Kidney
*E. Liver
Inherited disease, such as mucopolysaccharidosis, is manifested in metabolic disorders of connective
tissue, bone and joint pathologies. The sign of this disease is the excessive urinary excretion of the
following substance:
A. Lipids
*B. Glycosaminoglycans
C. Amino acids D. Glucose
E. Urea
What glycolytic enzyme synthesis is stimulated due to insulin:
*A. Hexokinase IV
B. Aldolase
C. Glucose-6-phosphatase D. Adenylate kinase
E. Phosphoglycerate kinase
Point out the enzyme that breaks beta1-->4 linkages in hyaluronic acid and other
A. Cellulase B. Lactase
C. Glycogen synthase
*D. Hyaluronidase
E. Glycogen phosphorylase
Insulin stimulates all the processes listed below in adipocytes except:
A. Transport of glucose through cell membrane
*B. Glycogenolysis
C. Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate D. Hexose monophosphate shunt
E. Catabolism of glucose
Mucopolysaccharidoses are inherited storage diseases. They are caused by:
*A. Defects in the degradation of proteoglycans
B. All the proposed options are correct
C. An increased rate of synthesis of proteoglycans
D. The synthesis of polysaccharides with an altered structure E. The synthesis of abnormally small
amounts of protein cores
Point out the type of bonds between glucose-monomers in glycogen molecule destroyed by
glycogen phosphorylase a:
A. Beta(1-4)-glycosidic bond
B. Alpha?(1-4), alpha ?(1-6)-glycosidic bonds *C. Only alpha?(1-4)-glycosidic bond
D. ??Alpha ?(1-4),? beta(1-6) -glycosidic bonds E. Beta(1-4), alpha ?(1-6)-glycosidic bonds
After meals blood glucose enters liver cells and is stored as glycogen, mainly. Which of the following
compounds is the donor of new glucose residue in glycogen?
A. UDP-glucose-6-phosphate B. Glucose-6-phosphate
C. Glucose-4-phosphate
D. UDP-glucose-1-phosphate *E. UDP-glucose
WHICH one of the following enzymes is associated with glycogen synthesis?
A. Debranching enzyme
B. Phosphorylase kinase
C. Glycogen phosphorylase D. Glucose-6-phosphatase *E. Branching enzyme
Blood glucose levels cannot be augmented by mobilization of muscle glycogen due to lack of:
*A. Glucose-6-phosphatase
B. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase C. Glucokinase
D. Hexokinase
E. Aldolase
Choose the hormone whose secretion may be damaged at diabetes mellitus in person:
A. Cortisol
B. Growth hormone *C. Insulin
D. Progesterone
E. Epinephrine
Choose the substance that can be the terminal product of glycogenolysis in muscles:
*A. Glucose-6-phosphate
B. Glycogen C. Glucose D. Pyruvate
E. Fructose
A child is languid, apathetic. Liver is enlarged and liver biopsy revealed a significant amount of
glycogen. Glucose concentration in the blood stream is below normal. What is the cause of low
glucose levels:
*A. Low {absent} activity of glucose 6-phosphatase
B. Low {absent} activity of hexokinase
C. Deficit of gene that is responsible for the synthesis of glucose 1-phosphate uridine transferase D.
High activity of glycogen synthetase
E. High activity of glycogen phosphorylase in liver
McArdle’s disease development causes muscle cramps and muscle fatigue with increased muscle
glycogen in a patient. Which of the following enzymes is deficient?
A. Hepatic hexokinase
*B. Muscle phosphorylase
C. Muscle debranching enzyme D. Muscle glycogen synthetase E. Muscle hexokinase
How does epinephrine influence the glucose level in the blood?
A. Decreases, stimulating gluconeogenesis in the liver
*B. Increases, stimulating glycogen breakdown in the liver
C. Decreases, inhibiting the glycogen synthesis in the liver D. Does not influence
E. Decreases, inhibiting the glycolysis in muscles
What hormone decreases the glucose concentration in the blood, if its value is more than 6.8 mM/L:
A. Thyroxin
B. Testosterone *C. Insulin
D. Adrenalin
E. Glucagon
Patient with diabetes mellitus experienced loss of consciousness and convulsions after an injection
of insulin. What might be the result of biochemical blood analysis for concentration of glucose?
A. 1,5 mmole/L . B. 5,5 mmole/L C. 8,0 mmole/L D. 10 mmole/L *E. 3,3 mmole/L
Point out the enzyme whose deficiency can cause the Gierke's disease development:
A. Glycogen phosphorylase
B. Alpha-1,4-glycosidase
C. Glycogen-branching enzyme D. Amylo- 1,6 -glycosidase
*E. Glucose-6-phosphatase
Which glycosaminoglycan is the most abundant in cartilage?
A. Dermatan sulfate
B. Heparan sulfate
*C. Chondroitin sulfate D. Hyaluronic acid
E. Keratan sulfate
Which of the following metabolites is found in glycogenolysis, glycolysis, and gluconeogenesis?
*A. Glucose-6-phosphate
B. Uridine diphosphoglucose C. Fructose-6-phosphate
D. Uridine diphosphogalactose E. Galactose-1-phosphate
Which of the following alterations would be expected to occur after a substantial breakfast?
*A. Decreased rate of glycogenolysis
B. Decreased rate of protein synthesis
C. Increased activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase D. Increased activity of pyruvate
E. Decreased activity of glucokinase
Point out the key enzyme of glycogen degradation in the liver:
A. Glucose oxidase
B. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase C. Glucose-6-phosphatase
*D. Glycogen Phosphorylase
E. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatase
A 50-year old patient with food poisoning is on a drip of 10 % glucose solution. It does not provide
the body with necessary energy only, but also performs the function of detoxification by the
production of a metabolite that participates in the following conjugation reaction:
A. Methylation
B. Sulfation
C. Hydroxylation
*D. Glucuronidation E. Glycosylation
Find out the pair of enzymes providing the reciprocal control of carbohydrate metabolic pathways:
A. Hexokinase and glucose 6-phosphatase
B. Acetyl CoA carboxylase and pyruvate kinase
C. Branching and debranching enzymes
*D. Glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase
E. Phosphohexose isomerase ang phosphotriose isomerase
A child has been diagnized for low blood glucose (hypoglycemia), enlarged liver (hepatomegaly), and
excess fat deposition in the cheeks. A liver biopsy reveals excess glycogen in hepatocytes. There is
hypothetically Pompe’s desease. Deficiency of which of the following enzymes might explain this
*A. Lysosomal alpha-1,4-glucosidase
B. Amylo alpha-1,6 glucosidase (debranching enzyme) C. Alpha-1,4-galactosidase
D. Glucosyl -4:6 transferase (branching enzyme)
E. Glucose 6-phosphatase
How glucocorticoids influence the carbohydrate metabolism?
A. Stimulate the glycolysis from glucose B. Inhibit the glycogen phosphorolysis *C. Stimulate the
gluconeogenesis D. Stimulate the glycogenesis
E. Stimulate the starch hydrolysis in the small intestine
The most important substances as a source of blood glucose after 48 hours of starvation are:
A. Muscle and liver glycogen B. Fructose and galactose
C. Liver glucoseaminoglycans *D. Amino acids
E. Fructose
The investigation of the blood and urine of patient with diabetes mellitus confirmed the
hyperglycemia and glucosuria states. Point the available value of glucose concentration in the blood
plasma of this patient:
A. 2,54 mmol/l B. 4,89 mmol/l *C. 9,32 mmol/l
D. 3,88 mmol/l E. 6,55 mmol/l
Point out the main process maintaining the blood glucose level during fasting (8–12 hours from
person’s last meal):
A. Hexose monophosphate shunt B. Glycolysis
C. Gluconeogenesis in the muscles *D. Glycogenolysis in the liver
E. Glycogenolysis in the muscles
How does adrenalin influence the glucose level in the blood?
A. Decreases, inhibiting the glycolysis
*B. Increases, stimulating the glycogen destruction
C. Decreases, stimulating the gluconeogenesis D. Does not influence
E. Decreases, inhibiting the glycogen synthesis
Glycogen polysaccharide is synthesized from the active form of glucose. The immediate donor of
glucose residues during the glycogenesis is:
*A. UDP-glucose
B. Glucose-1-phosphate C. ADP-glucose
D. Glucose-3-phosphate E. Glucose-6-phosphate
Choose the separation method for lipoproteins of the blood plasm:
A. Photocolorimetry method B. Salting-out
*C. Electrophoresis
D. Extraction
E. Radioimmunal Assay
Certain drugs -caffeine and theophylline- inhibit phosphodiesterase activity catalyzing reaction
cAMP-- >AMP. How will free fatty acid levels are altered in the blood after the drugs injection:
A. Will be not altered
B. Will be decreased simultaneously with glucose *C. Will be increased
D. Will be decreased
E. Will be increased simultaneously with galactose
The largest reserve of energy in body is stored as:
A. Muscle glycogen
*B. Triacylglycerols in adipose tissue
C. Muscle protein D. Liver glycogen E. Blood glucose
Hormone-sensitive triacylglycerol lipase is activated in adipocytes under the emotional stress.
Choose the substance, whose concentration is increased in adipose tissue in this state:
*A. cAMP
C. Diacylglycerol
E. Ca<sup>2+</sup>
Which statement is incorrect about phosphatidylcholine (PC)?
A. PC is an important component of the surface shell of plasma lipoproteins.
B. PC may be synthesized from phosphatidylserine or from diacylglycerol and CDP-choline. C. PC
together with phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine are major phospholipid
components of cell membranes.
D. PC can be hydrolyzed by phospholipase A2 into lysolecithin and a fatty acid. *E. PC participates in
signal transmission via activated phospholipase C.
Which one of the following properties is not characteristic of LDL?
A. LDL have specific high affinity receptors in most cells
B. LDL contains more cholesteryl esters than triacylglycerols C. LDL are more dense than
D. LDL is smaller than both VLDL and chylomicrones
*E. The major protein component of LDL is apoB-48
The liver requires a mechanism for producing phosphatidylcholine (PC) because it exports significant
amounts of PC in the bile and as component of serum lipoproteins. This mechanism includes three
methylation steps to produce PC from phosphatidylethanolamine. What is the methyl group donor
for methylation:
*A. S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)
B. Cytidine diphosphate-choline (CDP-choline)
C. N-guanosylmethionine (NGM)
D. Uridine diphosphate-methionine (UDP-methionine) E. Homosycteine
Synthesis of phospholipids is disordered under the liver fat infiltration. Indicate which of the
following substances can enhance the process of methylation during phospholipids synthesis?
A. Glucose
B. Citrate
*C. Methionine D. Glycerol
E. Ascorbic acid
Point out the lipoprotein class transporting cholesterol from peripheral tissues to the liver:
C. Cholesterol-albumin complex D. Chylomicrones
In electrophoresis which class of lipoproteins will least migrate from start-line:
*A. Chylomicrons
Which of the following is an activator of LCAT (Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase)
*A. Apo AI
B. Apo E
C. Apo B 48 D. Apo B 100 E. Apo CII
In man the serum lipoprotein fraction with the highest free cholesterol content is:
A. Alpha-lipoprotein
B. Chylomicrons
*C. Beta-lipoprotein D. Pre-beta-lipoprotein E. Prealbumin
Name the condition in the liver cell causing the triacylglycerol synthesis:
A. The decrease of ATP/ADP ratio B. The ketone bodies accumulation
*C. The accumulation of high fatty acids
D. The stimulation of protein degradation E. The accumulation of carbon dioxide
Vitamin F is recommended in order to prevent the cholesterol deposition inside the blood vessels at
atherosclerosis. What lipid is the component of this vitamin?
A. Cholesterol
B. Cardiolipid
*C. Linoleic acid D. Stearic acid
E. Sphingomyelin
If choline moiety is replaced by ethanolamine in glycerophospholipid the net product is:
A. Sphingomyelin
*B. Cephalin
C. Cerebroside D. Plasmalogen E. Cardiolipin
Free fatty acids are transported in circulation via:
*A. Albumins
B. Globulins
C. Chylomicrons D. Triacylglycerols E. HDL
Which is a lipotropic factor:
A. Alanine
*B. Choline
C. Carnitine D. Glycerol E. Insulin
Hormone sensitive triacylglycerol lipase is not activated by one hormone from following list. Point
out it.
A. None of above B. Epinephrine *C. Insulin
D. Glucagon
E. Norepinephrine
Which statement is a true for the comparison of phospholipids(PL) and triacylglycerols (TAG)?
A. PL contein a cyclic steroid ring, whilst triglycerides maintain a straight-chain form.
*B. PL molecules have a distinctly polar 'head' and a distinctly non-polar 'tail,' whilst triglycerides are
predominantly non-polar.
C. Both TAG and PL are the primary storage form for fats in our bodies.
D. Both molecules contain a phosphate group.
E. TAG may be saturated or unsaturated, but all fatty acids in PL structure are saturated
Blood plasma of patient with hyperlipoproteinemia type I remains milky even after a long fast due to
markedly elevated and persistent chylomicrons. What abnormality is possible in these patients?
A. Obstruction of the bile duct
B. Deficient pancreatic lipase
C. Deficient lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) *D. Deficient lipoprotein lipase
E. Defective synthesis of apoB-48
All of the following statements about LDL are true except:
A. It is a marker for cardiovascular disease B. It contains apo B-100
C. 25% of its content is utilized in the liver
*D. It contains only one apoprotein
E. It delivers cholesterol to cells
What substance is not component of a lipoprotein:
A. Triacylglycerol B. Cholesterol
C. Phospholipid *D. Transferrin E. Apoprotein
The lipids are transported by lipoproteins in the blood. Specify the lipoproteins that are formed in
the small intestine wall after high lipids intake:
*B. Chylomicrons
Point out the enzyme used for lysophospholipid formation during lipolysis of glycerophospholipid:
A. Triacylglycerol lipase
B. Monoacylglycerol lipase
C. Diacylglycerol lipase
D. Phospholipase D
*E. Phospholipase A<sub>2</sub>
Choose the organs or tissues where lipogenesis proceeds most intensively:
A. Skeletal Muscle
B. Brain, pancreas gland C. Myocardium
D. Kidneys, adrenal gland *E. Liver, Mammary gland
Humans cannot achieve a NET synthesis of glucose from C-even fatty acids due to the inability to
A. Acetyl-CoA to malonyl CoA
B. Methylmalonyl-CoA to succinyl-CoA *C. Acetyl-CoA to pyruvate
D. Acetyl-CoA to acetoacetate
E. Oxaloacetate to pyruvate
An experimental animal has been given excessive amount of carbon labeled glucose for a week. In
what compound can the label be found?
A. Methionine
B. Arachidonic acid *C. Palmitic acid D. Phenylalanine E. Vitamin A
Point out the ketone body that is not utilized in human organism:
A. Beta-hydroxybutyrate
B. Acetoacetate
C. All the substances proposed
*D. Acetone
E. None of the substances proposed
Point out the terminal product in the last round of beta-oxidation of High Fatty Acids with odd
number of carbon atoms:
A. Butyryl - SCoA
*B. Propionyl - SCoA
C. Pyruvate
D. Acetoacetyl - SCoA E. Malonyl - SCoA
Choose the allosteric activator of acetyl-CoA-carboxylase (the key enzyme of HFA synthesis):
A. Malate
*B. Citrate
C. Oxaloacetate D. Fumarate
E. Succinate
Point out the terminal product of beta-oxidation of Higher Fatty Acids (HFA) with even number of
carbon atoms:
A. Butiryl - SCoA
B. Propionyl-SCoA *C. Acetyl-SCoA
D. Acetoacetyl - SCoA E. Malonyl - SCoA
The energy yield by stearic acid oxidation is:
A. 96
*B. 146
C. 129 D. 12 E. 38
Choose the products for one round of stearic acid beta-oxidation:
A. 129 ATP
*B. 1 palmitoyl CoA, 1 acetyl CoA, 1 FADH<sub>2</sub>, 1 NADH
C. 2 acetyl CoA, 2 FADH<sub>2</sub>, 1 ATP
D. 1 Oleyl CoA, 12 ATP
E. 1 stearyl CoA, 1 acetyl CoA, 1 FADH<sub>2</sub>, 1 NADH
Point out the process or reaction where acetone is formed as end- product:
A. Decarboxylation of beta-hydroxybutyric acid B. Synthesis of HFA
*C. Decarboxylation of acetoacetic acid
D. Beta-oxidation of HFA
E. Condensation of two acetyl-CoA molecules
There is a tissue hypoxia at myocardial ischemia in the patient. Name the process of lipid
metabolism, whose rate is reduced in the myocardium at this state:
A. Ketone body synthesis
*B. Beta-oxidation of high fatty acids
C. Cardiolipin synthesis D. Phospholipid synthesis E. Fat lipolysis
Point out the biological role of carnitine in cells:
A. The enzyme inhibitor
B. Allosteric activator of enzymes
C. The component of respiratory chain
D. Antioxidant
*E. Transporter of fatty acid across the mitochondrial membranes
A microsomal enzyme system is responsible for the formation of some unsaturated fatty acids. Point
out an enzyme of the system:
A. Coenzyme Q-cytochrome c reductase B. Succinate coenzyme Q reductase
C. Cytochrome oxidase
D. NADH coenzyme Q reductase
*E. NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase
The removal of two-carbon units from a fatty acyl CoA involves four sequential reactions. Which of
the following reaction sequences is correct for the pathway of beta-oxidation:
A. Oxidation, dehydration, oxidation, cleavage
B. Hydrogenation, dehydration, hydrogenation, cleavage
C. Reduction, hydration, dehydrogenation, cleavage
D. Reduction, dehydration, reduction, cleavage
*E. Dehydrogenation, hydration, dehydrogenation, cleavage
Find out the main substrates for the use by elongase system during the formation of stearyl CoA
from palmitoyl CoA:
A. Acetyl CoA, NADH, palmitoyl CoA
B. Malonyl CoA, NADH, palmitoyl CoA
C. Glycerol, NADPH, palmitoyl CoA
*D. Malonyl CoA, NADPH, palmitoyl CoA E. Acetyl CoA, NADPH, palmitoyl CoA
What compound production and utilization become more significant during starvation?
A. Uric acid
B. Triacylglycerols C. Fatty acids
D. Glycogen
*E. Ketone bodies
Which of the following steps is involved in the formation of glucose from lipolysis product?
A. Glycerol from lipolysis is converted to triacylglycerols
B. Fatty acids from lipolysis are oxidized, producing FADH<sub>2</sub> and stimulating
*C. 2 glycerols from lipolysis are phosphorylated, converted in a few steps to fructose-1,6bisphosphate, and eventually converted to glucose
D. Fatty acids from lipolysis are converted to glucose
E. 2 glycerols from lipolysis are taken up by liver cells and dimerized to fructose
Which of the following organs (tissues) cannot use ketone bodies:
*A. Liver
B. Brain
C. Myocardium
D. Skeletal muscle E. Kidney
Point out the substrate for acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase (beta-oxidation of HFA):
A. Beta-ketoacyl-SCoA
B. Acetyl-SCoA
*C. Butyryl-SCoA
D. Beta-hydroxyacyl-SCoA E. Enoyl-SCoA
It is established, that beta-oxidation of high fatty acids is carried out by multienzyme complex in
cells. Choose the enzyme that is not the component of this complex:
A. Thiolase
*B. Aldolase
C. Enoyl – CoA - hydratase
D. Acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase
E. 3-Hydroxy-acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase
It is established, that the high fatty acid radical is lengthened in two carbon atoms by palmitate
synthetase complex action each cycle. Point out the donor of these two carbon atoms during the
A. Lauryl-CoA B. Acetyl-CoA
C. Stearyl-CoA D. Palmityl-CoA *E. Malonyl-CoA
In uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid are produced in:
*A. Liver
B. Brain
C. Kidneys
D. Pancreas
E. Small intestine
A sportsman was recommended to take a medication that contains carnitine in order to improve his
results. What process is activated by carnitine the most?
A. Synthesis of steroid hormones
B. Tissue respiration
C. Synthesis of proteins
D. Synthesis of ketone bodies
*E. Fatty acids transport to mitochondria
The most important source of reducing equivalents (NADPH) for fatty acid synthesis in the liver is:
A. Oxidation of glucuronic acid B. Glycolysis
C. The citric acid cycle
D. Oxidation of acetyl CoA
*E. The pentose phosphate pathway
Which of the following substances is immediate precursor of acetoacetate in pathway ketogenesis?
A. Beta-hydroxybutyryl CoA
*B. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl CoA
C. Acetyl CoA
D. Beta-hydroxybutyrate E. Acetoacetyl CoA
A 1 y.o. child with symptoms of muscle affection was admitted to the hospital. Examination revealed
carnitine deficiency in muscles. Biochemical base of this pathology is disturbed process of:
*A. Transporting of fatty acids to the matrix of mitochondria
B. Substrate phosphorylation
C. Actin and myosin synthesis
D. Regulation of Ca<sup>2+</sup> level in mitochondria E. Lactic acid utilization
Which of the following statements describes correctly ketone bodies?
A. They are most important nutrients for liver
B. They are accumulated in children with fatty acid oxidation disorders C. They are produced by
muscle but not by liver
*D. They include beta-hydroxybutyrate, acetoacetate and acetone E. They are accumulated at
diabetes mellitus after insulin therapy
The formation of the “active form” of a fatty acid is endergonic process in which the ATP energy is
consumed. But there is another necessary participant of the fatty acid activation. Choose it:
B. Succinyl CoA C. Acetyl CoA D. UTP
Acetyl CoA carboxylase is key enzyme in fatty acid synthesis. Point out the coenzyme of this enzyme:
*A. Biotin
D. Phosphopantetheine E. FADH<sub>2</sub>
Point out the cellular location of saturated HFA synthesis:
A. Mitochondrion
B. Endoplasmic reticulum *C. Cytoplasm
D. Nucleus
E. Plasmolemma
In Niemann-Pick`s disease the following substances accumulate in CNS in excess levels:
A. Lysophosphingosides B. Triacylglycerols
C. Cholesterol esters
D. Phosphoinositides *E. Sphingomyelins
The analysis of the blood of the patient has revealed the considerable growth of VLDL and
autoimmune LDL levels. Specify the pathology that can be in the patient:
A. Acromegaly
B. Viral hepatitis
*C. Atherosclerosis D. Phenylketonuria E. Diabetes insipidus
Which of the following is found in conjugation with bile acids:
A. Pregnenolone
B. Hydrochloric acid C. Cholyl acetyl-CoA *D. Glycine
E. Cholic acid
Find out pathological state associated with hypercholesterolemia in patient:
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Nephritic syndrome
C. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus *D. All the answers are right
E. Cholestasis
Point out the drug used for the decrease of cholesterol level in the blood of patients - allosteric
inhibitor for key enzyme of cholesterol synthesis:
A. Barbiturate
*B. Lovastatin
C. Antimicin A D. Aspirin
E. Indomethacin
Choose the factor that can cause the 7-dehydrocholesterol conversion into vitamin D3 (in skin, only):
A. Hydroxylase action
B. The accumulation of cholesterol C. Low levels of oxygen in the blood *D. UV-light
E. Cytochrome P450
Choose the value of Cholesterol (LDL) + Cholesterol (VLDL)/ Cholesterol(HDL) ratio which is peculiar
to healthy people:
A. 0.5-1.0
*B. 2.0-2.5
C. 8.0-10.0 D. 6.0-8.0
E. 4.0-6.0
The patient with diabetes mellitus has been delivered in hospital in the state of unconsciousness.
Arterial pressure is low. The patient has acidosis. Point substances, which accumulation in the blood
results in these manifestations:
A. Amines
B. Monosaccharides *C. Ketone bodies D. Cholesterol esters E. High fatty acids
Cholesterol is the precursor for synthesis of all pointed below hormones except:
A. Cortisol
*B. Insulin
C. Aldosterone D. Testosterone E. Progesterone
Point out the hormone that decreases the rate of lipolysis in adipose tissue:
A. Somatotropin B. Glucagon *C. Insulin
D. Epinephrine E. ACTH
The inhibition of one liver enzyme in cholesterol synthesis was after surplus intake of fat meat.
Name this enzyme:
A. Acetyl - CoA- acetyl transferase
B. Mevalonate kinase
C. Squalene oxygenase
D. Isopentenyl pyrophosphate isomerase
*E. Beta-hydroxy-beta-methyl-glutaryl-CoA-reductase
A 67-year old male patient consumes eggs, pork fat, butter, milk and fatty meal. Blood test results:
cholesterol – 12,3 mmol/l, total lipids – 8,2 g/l, increased low-density lipoprotein fraction (LDL).
What type of hyperlipoproteinemia is observed in the patient?
A. Cholesterol, hyperlipoproteinemia B. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIb
C. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
D. Hyperlipoproteinemia type I
*E. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIa
Point out the atherogenic lipoproteins:
*A. Low density lipoproteins
B. Fatty acid-albumins complex C. Nascent chylomicrones
D. Remnant chylomicrones
E. High density lipoproteins
Which of the following statements explains correctly metabolic alterations that are specific for
persons disposed to obesity beside people having standart weight?
A. Rate of fatty acid beta-oxidation is much less
*B. There is any genetic defect in leptin
C. Calorie intake is much less
D. Rate of Krebs cycle reactions is higher
E. Coupling of respiration with oxidative phosphorylation is much more
Examination of cell culture got from a patient with lysosomal pathology revealed accumulation of
great quantity of lipids in the lysosomes. What of the following diseases is this disturbance typical
A. Gout
*B. Tay-Sachs disease
C. Wilson disease D. Galactosemia E. Phenylketonuria
All hereinafter stated compounds are products of cholesterol catabolic conversion except one.
Choose it:
A. Mineralocorticoids
*B. Glucuronic acid
C. Glucocorticoids
D. Chenodeoxycholic acid E. Cholic acid
What plasma lipoproteins, whose levels rise, are inversely correlated with atherosclerosis? :
A. Fatty acid-albumins complex B. Remnant chylomicrones
*C. Low density lipoproteins D. High density lipoproteins
E. Nascent chylomicrones
The rate limiting enzyme in bile acid synthesis is:
A. HMG-CoA synthetase B. HMG-Co-A reductase *C. 7-Alpha hydroxylase D. 7-Beta hydroxylase
E. Decarboxylase
One of the factors that cause obesity is the inhibition of fatty acids oxidation due to:
A. Excessive consumption of fatty foods
*B. Low level of carnitine
C. Impaired phospholipids synthesis D. Lack of carbohydrates in the diet E. Choline deficiency
Find out the coenzyme used in some reactions of cholesterol synthesis:
D. Biotin
E. Pyridoxal phosphate
The synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol takes place:
A. It is not synthesized in mammals
B. In the intestine from cholecalciferol
*C. In the kidney from 25-hydroxycholecalciferol
D. In the skin under action of ultraviolet light from 7-dehydrocholesterol E. In the liver from
The enzyme system for cholesterol biosynthesis is located in the:
A. Cytosol and mitochodrial membrane
*B. Cytosol and EPR (smooth part)
C. Golgi apparatus
D. Plasma membrane E. Mitochodrial matrix
All of the following statements regarding hypercholesterolemia (type IIa hyperlipidemia) are correct
A. The blood serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels are high B. It is due to a deficiency of LDL
C. There is an increased risk of coronary artery disease
*D. The blood serum triacylglycerol levels are elevated
E. The blood serum cholesterol levels are increased
Which statement is not associated with situation of fat deposition?
A. Blood free fatty acid levels are elevated
B. Insulin secretion is increased
C. Lipoprotein lipase activity is increased
*D. Hormone sensitive triacylglycerol lipase activity is increased E. Blood VLDL and chilomicrone
levels are elevated
Choose the incorrect statement related to biological role of cholesterol:
A. It is precursor for bile salts
B. It is a structural component of membrane C. It is precursor for glucocorticoids
D. It is precursor for sex hormones
E. It is an energy source for cells
Find out the vitamin derivative that is synthesized from cholesterol in humans:
A. Progesterone
B. Cholesterol ester
C. Testosterone
*D. 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol E. Estradiol
The main chemical compounds for cholesterol synthesis are:
A. Malonyl CoA, NADPH, ATP
B. Acetyl CoA, GTP, pantothenate *C. Acetyl CoA, NADPH, ATP
D. Glycerol, phosphate, choline E. Acyl CoA, carnitine, ATP
The liver is major site of cholesterol biosynthesis, although other tissues are also active in this
regard. The terminal products of cholesterol catabolism in the liver play the important role during
lipids intake in human organism Point out these products:
*A. Bile acids
B. Corticosteroids C. Catecholamines D. Cholanic acid E. Acetyl - SCoA
Liebermann-Burchardt reaction is used for the identification of :
A. Glucose
*B. Cholesterol
C. Urea
D. Prostaglandins E. Galactose
Choose the key metabolite that combines carbohydrates catabolic pathways with anabolic processes
in lipids metabolism:
*A. Acetyl~SCoA
B. Alanine
C. Serine
D. Mevalonate E. Pyruvate
A 12-year old patient was found to have blood serum cholesterol at the rate of 25 mmol/l. The boy
has a history of hereditary familial hypercholesterolemia, which is caused by the impaired synthesis
of the following protein receptors to:
A. High density lipoproteins
B. Chylomicrons
C. Very low density lipoproteins
*D. Low density lipoproteins
E. Intermediate density lipoproteins
A patient underwent a course of treatment for atherosclerosis. Laboratory tests revealed an increase
in the anti-atherogenic lipoprotein fraction in the blood plasma. The treatment efficacy is confirmed
by the increase in:
A. Chylomicrons B. VLDL
The best marker for dislipidemia is:
A. Serum cholesterol B. Cholesterol/HDL C. Cholesterol/TG
D. Blood cholesterol *E. LDL/HDL
Gaucher`s disease is due to the accumulation of:
A. Sphingomyelin
B. Glucose
C. Galactose
*D. Glucocerebroside E. Triacylglycerol
The conversion of cholesterol catalyzed by 7alpha-hydroxylase is inhibited by:
*A. Bile acids
B. Testosterone
C. Glycine and taurine D. Calcitriol
E. Cortisol
One of the following is scavenger of cholesterol from tissue and prevents atherosclerosis:
A. Chylomicrons B. Carnitine
Which of the following descriptions related to serotonin pathway isn’t correct?
A. The largest amount of serotonin is synthesized in the intestinal cells
B. Serotonin synthesis lowering in the brain causes depression
*C. The second enzyme of the pathway is biotin-dependent aromatic amino acid decarboxylase D.
The first enzyme of the pathway is tetrahydrobiopterin-dependent hydroxylase
E. Serotonin is synthesized from thyptophan
An inhibitory mediator is formed by the decarboxylation of glutamate in the CNS. Name it:
A. Glutathione B. Asparagine C. Serotonine D. Histamine *E. GABA
The tested enzyme is related to the class of oxidoreductases and contains the coenzyme NADPH. It
takes part in the oxidative deamination of one of the amino acids and in the reductive amination of
alpha– ketoglutarate. Point out it:
A. D-Alanine oxidase
B. Alanine transaminase
*C. Glutamate dehydrogenase
D. Aspartate transaminase E. Arginase
Choose the enzyme of the blood plasma whose activity increases in ten or more times for 3-4 hours
after myocardium infarction:
A. Alkaline phoshatase
B. Alanine transaminase
C. Leucine aminopeptidase D. Aspartate transaminase E. Arginase
Direct deamination is possible for two amino acids due to dehydratases (because of those amino
acids side chain hydroxyl group is a good leaving group). Point out the amino acids:
A. Glutamate, aspartate B. Cysteine, methionine C. Phenylalanine, tyrosine *D. Serine, threonine
E. Arginine, histidine
Utilization of amino acids from the body pool is possible in all following ways except one. Choose it:
A. Biogenic amine formation
B. Glucose and ketone bodies synthesis *C. Pyridoxal phosphate synthesis
D. Purines production
E. Porphyrins production
D-amino acid oxidase is important for the convertion of unnatural (for human body but regularly
taken in the diet from plants) D—amino acids to L-amino acids. What prosthetic group is non-protein
part of the enzyme?
B. Pyridoxal phosphate C. NADH
The coenzyme that participates in transamination reaction is:
B. Coenzyme Q
C. Coenzyme A
*D. Pyridoxal phosphate E. Thiamine pyrophosphate
Point out the liver enzyme, which takes part in second step of transdeamination of amino acid:
A. L-Alanine oxidase
B. Alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase C. Tryptophan hydroxylase
D. Glutamate decarboxylase
*E. Glutamate dehydrogenase
The most important enzyme involved in oxidative deamination is:
*A. Glutamate dehydrogenase
B. Histidase
C. Amino acid dehydrase D. L-amino acid oxidase E. D-amino acid oxidase
The carbon skeletons of amino acids finally have one or more of the following fates except:
*A. Synthesis of urea
B. Synthesis of glucose
C. Synthesis of non-essential amino acids
D. Formation of fatty acid and ketone bodies E. Oxidation via Krebs cycle to produce energy
Which of the following statements related to biological role of transamination is wrong?
A. Collection finally nitrogen in glutamate for subsequent deamination and urea synthesis B.
Production of non-essential amino acids
C. Redistribution of amino groups
D. Divergence the excess amino acids towards energy generation
*E. Formation of biogenic amines
Point out the vitamin, whose deficiency causes the violations in the transamination and
decarboxylation of amino acids:
A. Vitamin B<sub>9</sub> B. Vitamin B<sub>1</sub> *C. Vitamin B<sub>6</sub> D. Vitamin
B<sub>2</sub> E. Vitamin C
Which of the following coenzymes serves as a non-protein part of amino acid decarboxylase?
A. Coenzyme A B. NADPH
C. Biotin
*E. Pyridoxal phosphate
Which of the following descriptions related to serotonin pathway isn’t correct?
A. The first enzyme of the pathway is tetrahydrobiopterin-dependent hydroxylase
B. The second enzyme of the pathway is pyridoxal phosphate-dependent aromatic amino acid
C. The largest amount of serotonin is synthesized in the intestinal cells
D. Serotonin synthesis lowering in the brain causes depression
*E. Serotonin is synthesized from tyrosine
Glutamate decarboxylation results in the formation of inhibitory transmitter in CNS. Name it:
A. Glutathione
B. Serotonin
C. Histamine
*D. Gamma amino butyric acid E. Asparagine
The entry point into the citric acid cycle for isoleucine, valine, and the product of odd-chain fatty
acids beta-oxidation is:
A. Oxaloacetate B. Pyruvate
C. Fumarate
D. Citrate
*E. Succinyl CoA
Immediate products of pyruvate metabolism (using one reaction only) are all except:
A. Alanine
B. Lactate
C. Oxaloacetate
D. Acetyl-CoA
*E. 2-Phosphoglycerate
Point out the liver enzyme catalyzing the reversible oxidative deamination:
*A. Glutamate dehydrogenase
B. Alanine transaminase C. Monoamino oxidase
D. Aspartate transaminase
E. Arginase
Point out the enzyme, whose activity is determined in the blood plasma during the unicteric period
of viral hepatitis:
*A. Alanine transaminase
B. Creatine phosphokinase
C. Glutamate dehydrogenase
D. Ornithine carbomoylphoshate transferase E. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
Point out the glucogenic amino acids:
A. Serine
B. Aspartate
C. Alanine
D. Glutamate
*E. All the positions are right
A patient diagnosed with carcinoma of bowels was admitted to the hospital. Analysis revealed high
production of serotonin. It is known that this substance is formed of tryptophan amino acid. What
biochemical mechanism underlies this process?
A. Desamination
*B. Decarboxylation
C. Microsomal oxidation
D. Transamination
E. Formation of paired compounds
According to clinical indications a patient was administered pyridoxal phosphate. What process is
this medication intended to correct?
A. Synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases. B. Protein synthesis
C. Oxidative decarboxylation of ketoacids
D. Deamination of purine nucleotide
*E. Transamination and decarboxylation of amino acids
Name the ketogenic amino acids:
A. Alanine, arginine
B. Cysteine, glycine
*C. Leucine, lysine
D. Arginine, asparagine E. Glutamate, aspartate
Most amino acids undergo transamination to concentrate finally nitrogen in two amino acids, only,
for subsequent urea formation. Choose these amino acids:
A. Lysine, proline
*B. Glutamate, aspartate
C. Arginine, histidine
D. Alanine, phenylalanine E. Serine, tyrosine
Choose the enzyme, whose genetic defect results in the GABA (Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid) levels
decrease in the brain:
*A. Glutamate decarboxylase
B. Phenylalanine hydroxylase C. Tryptophan decarboxylase D. Histidine decarboxylase
E. Alanine hydroxylase
Human Glutamate dehydrogenase is predominantly located in the:
A. Outer mitochondrial membrane B. Cytosol
*C. Mitochondrial matrix
D. Inner mitochondrial membrane E. Endoplasmic reticulum
Glutamate dehydrogenase is controlled by allosteric regulation. Point out the inhibitors of this
B. NAD<sup>+</sup>, NADP<sup>+</sup> *C. ATP, GTP
In course of histidine catabolism a biogenic amine is formed that has powerful vasodilatation effect.
Name it:
A. Serotonin
B. Dopamine
*C. Histamine
D. Dioxyphenylalanine E. Noradrenalin
It is known that the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme plays an important part in the metabolism
of catecholamine neurotransmitters. In what way this enzyme inactivates these neurotransmitters
(norepinephrine, epinephrine, dopamine)?
A. Carboxylation
B. Addition of an amino group *C. Oxidative deamination D. Hydrolysis
E. Removal of a methyl group
Nor-epinephrine is produced (in mammals) from:
A. Pyruvate B. Tryptamine *C. Tyrosine D. Arginine
E. Tryptophan
A newborn child was found to have reduced intensity of sucking, frequent vomiting, hypotonia.
Urine and blood exhibit increased concentration of citrulline. What metabolic process is disturbed?
A. Glyconeogenesis
B. Cori cycle
C. Glycolysis
D. Tricarboxylic acid cycle *E. Ornithinic (Urea) cycle
The child has the genetic defect of one enzyme. It was proved by the appearance of phenylpyruvate
in the urine. Point out this enzyme:
A. Glycine amidase
B. 5-tryptophan hydroxylase
C. Tyrosine hydroxylase
D. Proline hydroxylase
*E. Phenylalanine 4-monooxygenase
If urine sample darkens on standing, most likely diagnosis for patient is:
*A. Alkaptonuria
B. Phenylketonuria
C. Diabetes mellitus
D. Albinism
E. Maple syrup urine desease
Phenylketonuria is due to the absence of certain enzyme. Choose the reaction catalyzed by the
enzyme: A. Homogentisic acid oxidation
B. Tyrosine deamination
C. Tyrosine iodination
*D. Phenylalanine hydroxylation
E. Conversion of tyrosine to dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)
One of hereinafter stated compounds forms a connecting link between urea cycle and Krebs cycle
via oxaloacetate. Point out it:
A. Phenylalanine B. Alanine
*C. Aspartate D. Tryptophan E. Glutamate
Albinism is due to the lack of special enzyme in melanocytes. Name it:
A. Homogentisate oxydase B. Phenylalanine hydroxylase C. Tyrosine decarboxylase *D. Tyrosinase
E. Kynureninase
Which of the following functions is not specific for glutathione:
A. It protects a cell against cytotoxic H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> being coenzyme of glutathione
B. It serves as coenzyme for certain enzymes e.g. prostaglandine PGE<sub>2</sub> synthase
*C. It serves as a storage and transport form of NH<sub>3</sub>
D. It prevents the oxidation of sulfhydryl groups of several proteins to disulfide groups
E. It is involved in the transport of amino acids across cellular membrane in the intestine and kidney
Albinism is due to deficiency of the following enzyme:
A. Tyrosine transaminase
B. Phenylalanine hydroxylase C. Tyrosine decarboxylase
D. Homohentisic acid oxidase *E. Tyrosinase
Point out the pathology that is estimated in patients with genetic deficiency of dihydrobiopterin
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Gout
C. Classic phenylketonuria D. Ishemic heart disease *E. Phenylketonuria type II
Choose the type of infringement in pathology named alkaptonuria:
A. The damage of receptor synthesis
B. The inhibition of amino acid formation C. The viral damage of hepatocyte
*D. Genetic deficiency of enzyme
E. The renal insufficiency
Three biogenic amines are formed during the metabolism of tyrosine. Point out one of them:
A. Serotonin B. Thiamine *C. Adrenalin D. Histamine E. Thyroxin
The most direct precursor of taurine is:
A. Tyrosine
B. Glutathione C. Glycine
D. Methionine
*E. Cysteine
N-acetylglutamate is activator for one enzyme involved in urea formation. Choose it:
A. Argino-succinate synthase
*B. Carbamoyl phosphate synthase I
C. Argino-succinase
D. Ornithine transcarbamoylase E. Arginase
Name an amino acid which is precursor in the synthesis of some hormones in human body:
A. Alanine
*B. Tyrosine
C. Arginine D. Serine E. Lysine
Melanin may be synthesized from:
A. Tryptophan
*B. Phenylalanine
C. Serine
D. Cysteine E. Methionine
A 4 y.o. boy has had recently serious viral hepatitis. Now there are such clinical symptoms as
vomiting, unconsciousness, fits. There is hyperammoniemia in patient, too. Disturbance of which
biochemical process caused such pathological condition of the patient?
A. Activation of amino acid decaboxylation
B. Inhibition of transamination enzymes
*C. Disturbed neutralization of ammonia in the liver D. Increased putrefaction of proteins in bowels
E. Disturbed neutralization of biogenic amines
Citrullinemia accompanied with vomiting, mental retardation, convulsions. Which urea cycle enzyme
hereditary defect is a cause of mentioned disturbances?
A. Carbamoyl phosphate synthase I B. Arginosuccinase
C. Arginase
D. Ornithine transcarbamoylase
*E. Arginosuccinate synthase
Alkaptonuria is due to the deficiency of one enzyme in human tissues. Choose it
A. Tyrosinase
B. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
C. Dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) decarboxylase D. DOPA oxidase
*E. Homogentisate oxydase
After a serious viral infection a 3-year-old child has repeated vomiting, loss of consciousness,
convulsions. Examination revealed hyperammoniemia. What may have caused changes of
biochemical blood indexes of this child?
A. The increased putrefaction of proteins in intestines B. Activated processes of amino acids
decarboxylation C. The inhibited activity of enzymes for transamination D. Disorder of biogenic
amines neutralization
*E. Disorder of ammonia neutralization in ornithine cycle
Choose the hormone that is formed from tryptophan:
*A. Melatonin
B. Thyroxin
C. Epinephrine
D. Histamine
E. Nor-epinephrine
Point out the coenzyme used for hydroxylases structure in phenylalanine and tyrosine conversions:
B. Dihydrobiopterin
*C. Tetrahydrobiopterin D. Biotin
Maple syrup urine disease is due to a defect in the enzyme complex which catalyzes oxidative
decarboxylation reaction and is similar to any other alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complexes in
composition. Some patients who exhibit the symptoms of this disease respond to therapeutic doses
of hereinafter stated vitamins. Point out it:
*A. Thiamine
B. Pyridoxine C. Cobalamine D. Biotin
E. Ascorbic acid
Cerebral trauma caused the increase of ammonia formation. What amino acid takes part in removal
of ammonia from cerebral tissue?
A. Valine
*B. Glutamic acid
C. Tryptophan D. Lysine
E. Туrosine
Nappies of a newborn have dark spots that witness the presence of homogentisic acid oxidation
product. Choose the substance whose metabolic disorder is associated with accumulation of
homogentisic acid in the organism:
A. Cholesterol
*B. Tyrosine
C. Galactose D. Methionine E. Tryptophan
The amino acids required for the formation of glutathione are:
A. Glutamate, aspartate, arginine
*B. Glycine, cysteine, glutamate
C. Valine, leucine, isoleicine
D. Cysteine, methionine, proline E. Serine, Tyrosine, tryptophan
Glycine is used for synthesis of:
*A. All the proposed options are correct
B. Hemoglobin C. Glutathione D. Purine
E. Creatine
Try to choose the index of blood plasma used for estimation of liver function in utilization of
A. Uric acid concentration
*B. Urea content
C. Glucose concentration D. Pyruvic acid content E. Ketone bodies content
Point out the pathologic state that may be estimated in patients with genetic defect of
Phenylalanine -4- hydroxylase:
A. Hypercholesterinemia
*B. Aminoaciduria
C. Glucosemia
D. Dislipoproteinemia E. Hyperuricemia
A 4 y.o. child with signs of durative proteinic starvation was admitted to the hospital. The signs were
as follows: Growth inhibition, anemia, oedema, mental deficiency. Choose the cause of oedema
*A. Reduced synthesis of albumins
B. Reduced synthesis of globulins
C. Reduced synthesis of glycoproteins D. Reduced synthesis of lipoproteins E. Reduced synthesis of
Which of the following compounds is not a catabolic product of tryptophan?
A. Melatonin B. Tryptamine C. Serotonin *D. Melanin E. Kynurenine
Choose the blood plasma index that is used in screening of newborn for phenylketonuria estimation:
A. Pyruvate
B. Acetoacetate
*C. Phenylalanine
D. Uric acid
E. Dihydroxyphenylalanine
Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate?
A. Two ATP may be consumed for its synthesis
B. This synthesis is catalyzed by carbamoyl phosphate synthases
*C. Mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthase requires aspartate for its activity D. It is the key
reaction for urea formation
E. The nitrogen source can be either ammonia or glutamine
Albinos can't stand sun impact – they don't require sun-tan but get sunburns. Disturbed metabolism
of what amino acid underlies this phenomenon?
A. Methionine
B. Glutamic acid C. Tryptophan
D. Histidine
*E. Phenylalanine
Point out the cofactor required for the tyrosine formation from phenylalanine:
A. Coenzyme A
*B. Tetrahydrobiopterin
C. Lipoic acid
D. Tetrahydrofolate E. Coenzyme Q
The major source of ammonia in the kidneys is:
A. Aspartate B. Glutamate *C. Glutamine D. Urea
E. Histidine
Point out the index of the blood plasma that is used for the estimation of liver parenchyma damage:
*A. Urea
B. Glucose
C. Free amino acids D. Ca<sup>2+</sup> E. Cholesterol ester
Which of the following statements is incorrect concerning synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate?
A. It is the key reaction for urea formation
*B. This synthesis is catalyzed by ornithine transcarbamoylase
C. Two ATP may be consumed for its synthesis
D. It is mediated by different enzymes in the cytosol and mitochondria of the liver E. The nitrogen
source can be either ammonia or glutamine
A boy (of 10 years) complains of general weakness, dizziness, and tiredness. A mental retardation is
observed. A concentration of valine, leucine, isoleucine is high in blood and urine. Urine has a
specific odour. Name the probable diagnosis:
*A. Maple syrup urine disease
B. Histidinemia
C. Tyrosinemia
D. Basedow’s disease E. Addison’s disease
Point out the enzyme whose deficiency causes the hyperammonemia state in patient:
A. L-Alanine oxidase
B. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
C. Aspartate transaminase
*D. Ornithine transcarbamoylase E. Arginine transaminase
Find out the main important pathway for ammonia utilization in the brain:
A. Amino acid decarboxylation
*B. Urea formation
C. Conversion into glucose
D. Ammonia salts formation
E. Synthesis of glutamine from alpha-ketoglutarate
The brain ammonia isn’t neutralized through the formation of urea. Name the terminal product of
ammonia neutralization in the brain:
A. Carbamoyl phosphate B. Alanine
C. Urea
D. Aspartic acid
*E. Glutamine
Urea is produced by single enzyme. Point out it:
A. Uricase
B. Urease
C. Glutaminase
D. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase *E. Arginase
Maple syrup urine disease is due to deficiency of:
A. Decarboxylase
B. Dehydroxylase
C. Transaminase
*D. Alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex E. Deaminase
The urine of patient with alkaptonuria contains:
A. None of the above B. Phenylalanine
C. Acetates
*D. Homogentisic acid E. Ketones
Point out the vitamin derivative that may be synthesized from tryptophan:
E. Carboxybiotin
Which one of the following amino acids can be converted to an intermediate of either the Krebs
cycle or urea cycle?
A. Tyrosine
B. Tryptophan C. Leucine *D. Aspartate E. Lysine
Xanthurenic acid is a product of metabolism of:
*A. Tryptophan
B. Uric acid
C. Xanthine
D. Glucuronic asid E. Urea
Human red blood cells do not contain mitochondria. What is the main pathway for ATP production in
these cells?
A. Creatine kinase reaction
B. *Anaerobic glycolysis
C. Cyclase reaction
D. Aerobic glycolysis
E. Oxidative phosphorylation
A 67-year-old male patient consumes eggs, pork fat, butter, milk and meat. Bleed test results:
cholesterol – 12.3 mmol/l, total lipids – 8.2 g/l, increased low-density lipoprotein fraction (LDL).
What type of hyperlipoproteinemia is observed in the patient?
A. Hyporlipoproteinemia type I.
B. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
C. Cholesterol, hyperlipoproteinemia D. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIa
E. *Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIb
Feces of the patient contain high amount of undissociated fats and have grayish-white color. Specify
the cause of this phenomenon:
A. Hypovitaminosis
B. *Obturation of bile duct
C. Irritation of intestinal epithelium
D. Enteritis
E. Hypoactivation of pepsin by hydrochloric acid
A 39-year-old female patient with a history of diabetes was hospitalized in a comatose state for
diabetic ketoacidosis. This condition had been caused by an increase of the following metabolite
A. Alpha-ketoglutarate
B. Citrate
C. *Acetoacetate
D. Malonate E. Aspartate
It has been found out that one of pesticide components is sodium arsenate that blocks lipoic acid.
What enzyme activity is impaired by this pesticide?
A. Glutathione reductase
B. *Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
C. Glutathione peroxidase D. Methemoglovin reductase E. Microsomal oxidation
Those organisms which in the process of evolution failed to protection from H2O2 can exist only in
anaerobic conditions. Which of the following enzymes can break hydrogen peroxide down? A.
Oxygenase and hydroxylase
B. Oxygenase and catalase
C. Cytochrome oxidase, cytochrome b5
D. Flavin-dependent oxidase
E. *Peroxidase and catalase
A child has a history of hepatomegaly, hypoglycemia, seizures, especially on an empty stomach, and
in stressful situations. The child is diagnosed with Gierke’s disease. This disease is caused by the
generic defect of the following enzyme:
A. Glucokinase
B. Glycogen phosphorulase C. Amyloid-1,6-glycosidase D. Phosphoglucomutase
E. *Glucose-6-phosphatase
Disruption of nerve fiber myelinogenesis causes neurological disorders and mental retardation.
These symptoms are typical for hereditary and acquired alterations in the metabolism of:
A. Phosphatidic acid
B. Cholesterol
C. *Sphingolipids
D. Neutral fats
E. Higher fatty acids
Prolonged fasting causes hypoglycemia which is amplified by alcohol consumption, as the following
process is inhibited:
A. Proteolysis
B. Glycogenolysis
C. *Gluconeogenesis
D. Lipolysis E. Glycolysis
Steatosis is caused by the accumulation of triacylglycerols in hepatocytes. One of the mechanisms of
this disease development is a decrease in the utilization of VLDL neutral fat. What lipotropic factors
intake with food prevent the development of steatosis?
A. Valine, B3, B2
B. Arginine, B2, B3
C. Alanine B1, PP
D. *Methionine, B6, B12 E. Isoleucine, B1, B2
Examination of a 56-year-old female patient with a history of type 1 diabetes revealed a disorder of
protein metabolism that is manifested by aminoacidemia in the laboratory blood test values, and
clinically by the delayed wound healing and decreased synthesis of antibodies. Which of the
following mechanisms causes the development of aminoacidemia?
A. *Increased proteolysis
B. Decrease in the concentration of amino acids in blood
C. Albuminosis
D. Increase in the oncotic pressure in the blood plasma
E. Increase in low-density lipoprotein level
A patient with hereditary hyperammonemia due to a disorder of Ornithine cycle has developed
secondary orotaciduria. The increased synthesis of orotic acid is caused by an increase in the
following metabolite of Ornithine cycle:
A. *Carbamoyl phosphate
B. Citrulline
C. Argininosuccinate D. Urea
E. Ornithine
A drycleaner’s worker has been found to have hepatic steatosis. This pathology may be caused by
disruption of synthesis of the following substance:
A. *Phosphatidylcholine
B. Cholic acid
C. Tristearateglycerol D. Urea
E. Phosphatidic acid
Pancreas is known as a missed gland. Endocrine functions include production of insulin by beta cells.
This hormone affects the metabolism of carbohydrates. What is its effect upon the activity of
glycogen phosphorylase (GP) and glycogen synthase (GS)?
A. It does not affect the activity of GP and GS
B. *It suppresses GP and stimulates GS
C. It stimulates GP and suppresses GS D. It suppresses both GP and GS
E. It stimulates both GP and GS
In case of alkaptonuria, homogentisic acid is excreted in urine in large amounts. The development of
this disease is associated with a disorder of metabolism of the following amino acid:
A. Phenylalanine
B. Methionine
C. Asparagine D. Alanine
E. *Tyrosine
Symptoms of pellagra (vitamin PP deficiency) is particularly pronounced in patients with low protein
diet, because nicotinamide precursor in humans is one of the essential amino acids, namely:
A. Lysine
B. Threonine
C. *Tryptophan
D. Arginine E. Histidine
A patient has been admitted to the contagious isolation ward with signs of jaundice caused by
hepatitis virus. Which of the symptoms given below is strictly specific for hepatocellular jaundice?
A. Bilirubinuria
B. Cholemia
C. Heperbilirubinemia
D. *Increase of ALT, AST level
E. Urobilinuria
Decarboxylation of glutamate induces production of gamme-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
neurotransmitter. After breakdown, GABA is converted into a metabolite of the Citric acid cycle, that
is: A. Fumarate
B. *Succinate
C. Oxaloacetate
D. Malate
E. Citric acid
Increased HDL levels decrease the risk of atherosclerosis. What is the mechanism of HDL
antiatherogenic action?
A. They activate the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids
B. They are involved in the breakdown of cholesterol
C. They promote absorption of cholesterol in the intestine D. They supply tissues with cholesterol
E. *They remove cholesterol from tissues
Submodule 3
Porphyrin is formed by joining together four pyrrole rings by means of _?___bridges:
A. Hydroxy
B. Propylene C. Phosphate *D. Methylene E. Hydrogen
A patient with jaundice has high bilirubin that is mainly indirect (unconjugated), high concentration
of stercobilin in the stool and urine. The level of direct (conjugated) bilirubin in the blood plasma is
normal. What kind of jaundice can you think about?
A. Mechanical
*B. Hemolytic
C. Gilbert’s disease
D. Neonatal jaundice
E. Parenchymal (hepatic)
Bilirubin is produced from:
A. Stercobilinogen *B. Haemoglobin C. Glucose
D. Albumin
E. Uric acid
Which of the following can be a homologous substitution for N-terminal valine (6) in beta-subunits
of hemoglobin to form hemoglobin S?
A. Isoleucine
B. Lysine
C. Phenylalanine D. Alanine
*E. Glutamic acid
A full-term newborn child has yellowish skin and mucous membranes. This might be probably caused
by temporary deficiency of following enzyme:
A. Uridine transferase
B. Heme synthetase
C. Heme oxygenase
*D. UDP glucoronyltransferase E. Biliverdin reductase
Which of the following is a precursor of protoporphyrin?
*A. Glycine B. Histidine C. Alanine D. Leucine E. Proline
Name the hemoglobin derivative whose content is increased under carbon monoxide poisoning:
A. Para-amino benzoic acid B. Carbhemoglobin
C. Bilirubin IX
*D. Carboxyhemoglobin
E. 1,25-dihydroxy cholecalciferol
Unloading of oxygen to tissue cells by oxy- Hb is assisted by:
A. Bohr-affect
B. 2-3 diphosphoglycerate
C. None of the proposed
*D. All proposed
E. Low PO<sub>2</sub> and high PCO<sub>2</sub> in tissues
A denaturation of proteins can be found in some substances. Specify the substance that is used for
the incomplete denaturation of hemoglobin:
*A. Urea
B. Toluene
C. Nitric acid
D. Sulfuric acid
E. Sodium hydroxide
A patient presents with icteritiousness of skin, sclera and mucous membranes. Blood plasma total
bilirubin content is increased, stercobilin is increased in feces, urobilin is increased in the urine of
this patient. What type of jaundice is this one:
A. Obturational
*B. Hemolytic
C. Cholestatic
D. Parenchymatous E. Gilbert`s disease
Patients having obstructive jaundice do not excrete this at all in urine:
*A. Urobilinogen B. Urea
C. Bilirubin
D. Urate
E. Glycocholate
Heme synthesis is regulated by feedback mechanism. Choose the 5-aminolevulinate synthetase
allosteric inhibitor:
A. Porphobilinogen B. Protoporphyrin IX C. Coproporphyrin D. Vitamin C
*E. Heme
Jaundice treatment involves administration of barbiturates inducing the synthesis of UDP-glucuronyl
transferase. Effects of barbiturates cause the production of :
A. Indirect (unconjugated) bilirubin B. Heme
C. Protoporphyrin
D. Biliverdin
*E. Direct (conjugated) bilirubin
Examination of initial molecular structure revealed substitution of the glutamic acid by valine. What
inherited pathology is it typical for?
A. Minkowsky-Shauffard disease B. Favism
C. Hemoglobinosis
*D. Sickle-cell anemia
E. Thalassemia
Porphobilinogen in urine produces pink color with:
A. Biuretic reagent
B. Fouchet’s reagent
*C. Ehrlich’s aldehyde reagent D. Benedict’s reagent
E. Sodium nitroprusside
Bilirubin glucuronide in the urine in the absence of urobilinogen suggests:
A. Hepatocellular jaundice
B. Congenital erythropoetic porphyria C. Porphyria cutanea tarda
C. Porphyria cutanea tarda
D. Hemolytic jaundice *E. Obstructive jaundice
Enzymatic jaundices are accompanied by abnormal activity of UDP-glucuronyltransferase. What
compound is accumulated in blood serum in case of these pathologies
A. Dehydrobilirubin
B. Conjugated bilirubin
*C. Unconjugated bilirubin D. Hydrobilirubin
E. Choleglobin
A mother consulted a doctor about her 5-year-old child who develops erythemas, vesicular rash and
skin itch under the influence of sun. Laboratory studies revealed decreased iron concentration in the
serum, increased uroporphyrinogen I excretion with the urine. What is the most likely inherited
pathology in this child?
A. Methemoglobinemia
B. Coproporphyria
C. Intermittent porphyria
D. Hepatic porphyria
*E. Erythropoietic porphyria
Name blood plasma index whose content is increased mainly under condition of hemolytic anemia in
A. Free amino acids
B. Uric acid
*C. Unconjugated bilirubin D. Conjugated bilirubin
E. Urea
The enzymes that synthesize delta-amino levulinate (from succinyl CoA and glycine) and produce
pyruvate (from cysteine) are both:
A. Flavoproteins
B. NADH dependent
D. Pyridoxal phosphate dependent E. Biotin dependent
A 48 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about weakness, irritability, sleep
disturbance. Objectively: skin and scleras are yellow. In blood: conjugated bilirubin, cholamia. Feces
are acholic. Urine is of dark colour (bilirubin). What jaundice is it?
A. Crigler-Najjar syndrome B. Hemolytic
C. Parenchymatous
D. Gilbert’s syndrome
*E. Mechanic (obstractive)
What color compound may be produced across hemoglobin degradation in the spleen of humans:
A. Urea
B. Uric acid
*C. Biliverdin
D. UDP-glucuronic acid E. Stercobilinogen
Heme to bilirubin conversion is carried out by
A. Heme dehydrogenase B. Heme reductase
*C. Heme oxygenase
D. Heme hydrolase
E. Heme isomerase
True regarding conversion of deoxyhemoglobin to oxyhemoglobin in lungs is: *A. Binding of oxygen
causes release of proton
*A. Binding of oxygen causes release of proton
B. One mole of deoxyhemoglobin binds two moles of 2,3-DPG C. Binding of oxygen causes release of
D. Binding of oxygen causes increased binding of 2,3-DPG
E. pH of blood has no affect on the binding of oxygen
A patient who suffers from congenital erythropoietic porphyria has skin photosensitivity. The
accumulation of what compound in the skin cells can cause it?
A. Uroporphyrinogen II
B. Protoporphyrin
C. Coproporphyrinogen III D. Heme
*E. Uroporphyrinogen I
Patients having obstructive jaundice do not excrete this at all in urine:
A. Urate
B. Bilirubin
C. Glycocholate *D. Urobilionogen E. Urea
Bilirubin is produced from:
A. Albumin
*B. Haemoglobin C. Uric acid
D. Glucose
E. Stercobilinogen
Which of the following is seen in obstructive jaundice?
A. Excess of bile salts in feces
B. Excess of bile salts in the urine
*C. Excess of conjugated serum bilirubin D. Excess of stercobilinogen in urine
E. Excess of urobilinogen in urine
Bilirubin indexes may be absolutely identical in cases of hepatic and obstructive jaundices. Choose
the test that can confirm the liver parenchyma damage:
A. Determination of glucose in the urine
*B. Determination of alanine aminotransferase activity in the blood plasma C. Uric acid
determination in blood plasma
D. Determination of ketone bodies in the urine
E. Determination of the glucose concentration in the blood plasma
Hemoglobin catabolism results in release of iron which is transported to the bone marrow by a
certain transfer protein and used again for the synthesis of hemoglobin. Specify this transfer protein:
A. Haptoglobin
B. Transcobalamin
C. Ceruloplasmin
*D. Transferrin (siderophilin) E. Albumin
Carbon monoxide in the body is synthesized during
*A. Breakdown of hemoglobin B. Ribosomal protein synthesis C. Synthesis of carnitine
D. Gluconeogenesis
E. Anaerobic glycolysis
A 48-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about weakness, irritability,
sleep disturbance. Objectively: skin and scleras are of yellow colour. In blood: increased
concentration of total bilirubin with prevailing direct bilirubin. The feces are acholic. The urine is
dark (contains bile pigments). What type of jaundice is it?
A. Gilbert’s syndrome
B. Crigler-Najjar syndrome *C. Mechanic
D. Parenchmatous
E. Haemolytic
Blood analysis of a patient with jaundice reveals hyperbilirubinemia, increased concentration of bile
acids in the blood plasma. There is no stercobolinogen in urine. What type of jaundice is it?
A. Parenchymatous jaundice *B. Obstructive jaundice
C. Cythemolytic jaundice
D. Hemolytic jaundice
E. Hepatocellular jaundice
A patient is ill with diabetes mellitus that is accompanied with hyperglycemia of over 7,2 millimole/L
on an empty stomach. The level of what blood plasma protein can estimate the hyperglycemia rate
retrospectively {4-8 weeks before examination}?
A. C-reactive protein
B. Albumin
C. Fibrinogen
*D. Glycosylated haemoglobin E. Ceruloplasmin
Which one of the following is the complementary sequence of 5Т-TTAAGCTAC-3Т?:
Point out products of guanosine degradation in tissues formed at first reaction:
A. Guanine, pyrophosphate
*B. Guanine, ribose-5-phosphate C. Guanine, phosphate
D. Ribose, phosphate
E. Ribose, pyrophosphate
Biological membrane contains all the following except
A. Cholesterol
B. Na<sup>+</sup>/K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase *C. Steroid receptors
D. Prostaglandins
E. Cytochrome P450
Deoxyribose is different from ribose by:
*A. The absence of hydroxyl group at the second carbon atom B. The presence of hydroxyl group at
the second carbon atom C. The presence of amino group
D. The presence of hydroxyl group at the third carbon atom
E. The quantity of carbon atoms
Membrane fluidity is increased by increased content of:
A. Stearic acid B. Cholesterol *C. Linoleic acid D. Lauric acid E. Palmitic acid
Triple hydrogen bonds are found between which base pairs:
A. A-T B. C-T C. A-G *D. C-G E. C-U
Which of the following is responsible for increasing the fluidity of the membrane:
A. Cholesterol
B. Palmitic acid
*C. Linoleic acid
D. Cholesterol ester
E. Stearic acid
The basic protein, which functions in the packaging of DNA in chromosomes, is:
A. Fibrinogen
*B. Histone
C. Collagen type I
D. Collagen type V
E. Hyaluronic acid binding protein
Choose the qualitative reaction on carbohydrate residue of nucleic acids:
*A. Diphenylamine test B. Biuretic reaction
C. Millon`s reaction
D. Barfed`s reaction
E. Molybdenic test
Nucleic acids have acid properties due to the presence of residues in their structure:
A. Ribose
B. Adenosine
C. Guanine
D. Deoxyribose
*E. Phosphoric acid
According to the model of double DNA helix that was suggested by Watson and Greek, it was
astablished that one of chains would not be lost during replication and the second chain would be
synthesized complementary to the first one. What way of replication is it?
A. Conservative
B. Analogous
C. Dispersed
*D. Semicomservative E. Identical
Point out the role of proteins located in the cellular membrane:
A. Glucose transport channel B. Enzyme
*C. All the positions are right D. Ion transport channel
E. To be receptor for hormone
Choose the correct definition of the term Уmodified baseФ:
A. A purin or pyrimidine attached to a sugar by O-glycoside linkage
B. A nitrogen containing ring other than a purine or pyrimidine that is part of a nucleotide C. Purine
or pyrimidine attached to deoxyribose
D. Purine or pyrimidine attached to ribose
*E. A purine or pyrimidine that has been altered
The major driving force for the formation of membrane bilayer is
A. Hydrogen bonding
*B. All proposed
C. Van der Waals forces
D. Hydrophobic interactions E. Electrostatic attractions
Which of the following membrane has the highest protein content per gram of tissue:
A. Outer mitochondrial membrane *B. Inner mitochondrial membrane C. Nuclear membrane
D. Plasma membrane
E. Myelin sheath
Due to complete hydrolysis of DNA, we will get all of the following except:
A. Purine bases
B. Deoxyribose
C. Pyrimidine bases *D. Adenosine
E. Phosphoric acid
Nowadays about 50 minor bases have found in the t-RNA structure besides the main four
nitrogenous bases. Choose the minor nitrogenous base:
A. Cytosine
B. Cysteine
*C. Dihydrouracil D. Uracil
E. Adenine
Chargaff rule states that
*A. A/T=G/C
B. None of the above C. A+T=G+C
D. A=U=T=G=C
E. A+G=T+C
At the physiological pH the DNA molecules are:
*A. Negatively charged B. Amphipathic
C. Positively charged D. Uncharged
E. Neutral
In a human genome project scientists notice, that one strand of the DNA molecule contains 20
thymine (T), 25 cytosine (C), 30 guanine (G) and 22 adenine (A) residues. How many of each of the
bases is found in complete double-stranded molecule
A. T=44, C=60, G=50, A=40 *B. T=42, C=55, G=55, A=42 C. T=42, C=50, G=60, A=42 D. T=40, C=50,
G=60, A=44 E. T=22, C=30, G=25, A=20
The pyrimidine nucleotide UMP degradation end product in human organism is:
A. Aspartic acid
*B. Beta-alanine
C. Inosinic acid
D. Beta-aminoisobutyric acid E. Uric acid
Beta-alanine is a degradation product of:
A. Adenosine B. Thymidylate C. Albumin
*D. Uridylate E. Guanylate
A gout is developed in patients when the activity of certain enzyme of purine nucleotide de novo
synthesis is higher (genetic defect of enzyme) then normal. Point out it:
A. Adenylate cyclase
B. 5’-nucleotidase
C. Adenylic acid deaminase *D. PRPP aminotransferase E. Adenylsuccinate lyase
Point out the index, whose concentration is determined in the blood plasma of patients with gout:
*A. Uric acid
B. Alpha-Alanine
C. Urea
D. Beta-Aminoisobutyric acid E. Beta-Alanine
Call, please, special synthesis that may be considered as the way for ammonia neutralization in
A. Ammonia salts formation B. AMP synthesis
*C. UMP synthesis
D. NAD synthesis
E. Protein synthesis
Two carbon atoms and the nitrogen one of the imidazole fragment in purine base skeleton are got
from only one amino acid in the de novo synthesis. Name it:
A. Asparagine B. Folic acid
*C. Glycine
D. Aspartic acid E. Glutamic acid
A 42-year-old man suffering from gout has increased level of urinary acid in blood. Allopurinol was
prescribed to decrease the level of urinary acid. Competitive inhibitor of what enzyme is allopurinol?
*A. Xanthine oxidase
B. Guanine deaminase
C. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosiltransferase D. Adenine phosphoribosiltransferase
E. Adenosine deaminase
Increased serum uric acid levels occur in:
A. Lesh-Nyhan syndrome B. Von Gierke`s disease *C. All proposed
D. Leukemia
E. Disturbances of PRPP synthase regulation
A gout is developed in patients when the activity of certain enzyme of purine nucleotide de novo
synthesis is higher (genetic defect of enzyme) then normal. Point out it:
A. Adenylsuccinate lyase
B. Adenylic acid deaminase *C. PRPP aminotransferase D. Adenylate cyclase
E. 5’-nucleotidase
Pterin derivatives (aminopterin and methotrexate) are the inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase so
Pterin derivatives (aminopterin and methotrexate) are the inhibitors of dihydrofolate reductase so
they inhibit the regeneration of tetrahydrofolic acid from dihydrofolate. These drugs inhibit the
intermolecular transfer of monocarbon groups, thus suppressing the synthesis of following polymer:
B. Homopolysaccharides C. Protein
D. Gangliosides
E. Glycosaminoglycans
46-year-old patient complains of pain in joints that becomes stronger the day before the weather
changes. Blood examination revealed an increased concentration of uric acid. This substance is
accumulated in the blood of the patient due to intensive degradation of the following substance:
A. Thymidine monophosphate B. Cytidine monophosphate
C. Uridine monophosphate
D. Uridine triphosphate
*E. Adenosine monophosphate
The pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis features are all right except:
A. The initial substrate (carbamoyl phosphate) may be formed from glutamine, CO<sub>2</sub>
with ATP use
B. Synthesis starts with the aspartic acid
C. Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase II is activated by PRPP
*D. All the UMP nitrogen atoms are got from ammonia molecules E. Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate
is used
What enzyme deficiency will develop in a young male X-linked recessive disorder with hyperuricemia
and mild retardation?
A. Branch chain amino acids metabolites deficiency
*B. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency C. Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency
D. Homogentisate oxidase defective enzymes
E. Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl oxidase deficiency
Severe combined immunodeficiency disease is associated with deficiency of :
A. DNA polymerase III
B. Glucose-6-phosphatase *C. Adenosine deaminase D. Myeloperoxidase
Terminal product of purine metabolism in non-primate mammals is:
A. Urea
B. Carbon dioxide and water *C. Allantoin
D. Ammonia
E. Uric acid
An oncological patient was administered methotrexate. With the lapse of time the target cells of the
tumour lost sensitivity to the preparation. We can observe changes in the gene expression of the
following enzyme:
A. Thiaminase
B. Desaminase
C. Folate oxidase
*D. Dihydrofolate reductase E. Folate decarboxylase
The UMP degradation in human tissues is associated with formation of:
A. Beta-aminoisobutyric acid *B. Beta-alanine
C. Inosinic acid
C. Inosinic acid
D. Aspartic acid E. Uric acid
The terminal product of purine nucleotides catabolic pathways in humans is:
A. Beta-aminoisobutyric acid *B. Uric acid
C. Pyruvate
D. Oxaloacetate
E. Beta-alanine
Children with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome have a severe form of hyperuricemia accompanied by the
formation of tophi, urate calculi in the urinary tracts, as well as serious neuro-psychiatric disorders.
The cause of this disease is the reduced activity of the following enzyme:
A. Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase
B. Xanthine oxidase
C. Dihydrofolate reductase
*D. Hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase E. Thymidylate synthase
Point out the amino acid used both in AMP and UMP de novo synthesis:
A. Glutamic acid B. Inosinic acid C. Glycine
*D. Aspartic acid E. Alanine
Point out the vitamin that is actively used in the purine and pyrimidine nucleotide de novo
*A. Folic acid
B. Pangamic acid C. Pantothenic acid D. Linolenic acid
E. Ascorbic acid
A doctor administered allopurinol to a 26-year-old young man with the symptoms of gout. What
pharmacological action of allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect?
A. By general analgetic effect
B. By inhibiting of leucocyte migration into the joint C. By increasing of uric acid excretion
D. By general anti-inflammatory effect
*E. By inhibiting of uric acid formation
Allopurinol is a drug used in the gout treatment. Point out the enzyme of purine nucleotide
metabolism that is inhibited by it:
A. 5’-nucleotidase
B. Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase *C. Xanthine oxidase
D. Phosphoribosyl aminotransferase
E. Adenosine deaminase
It was found out that some compounds for instance fungi toxins and some antibiotics can inhibit
activity of RNA-polymerase II. What process will be disturbed in eukaryotic cell in a case of inhibition
of this enzyme?
A. Processing B. Replication C. Reparation D. Translation *E. Transcription
Which of the following is an example of a reverse transcriptase?
A. Helicase
B. RNA Polymerase C. DNA Polymerase D. Gyrase
*E. Telomerase
Okazaki fragment is:
*A. DNA fragment with RNA head B. RNA fragment
C. DNA fragment
D. None
E. RNA fragment with DNA head
Methotrexate (structural analogue of the folic acid which is competitive inhibitor of the
dihydrofolatreductase) is prescribed for treatment of the malignant tumour. On which level does
methotrexate hinder synthesis of the nucleic acids?
*A. Mononucleotide synthesis B. Replication
C. Processing
D. Transcription
E. Reparation
Poly (A) tail of eukaryotic m-RNA is translated into:
A. Polyglycine
B. Polymethionine
*C. Polylysine
D. Polyproline
E. PolyalanineWorking Capital Management and profitability of manufacturing companies (Case
study of Nigerian pharmaceutical industry)ause both:
A. Use DNA polymerase III
B. Are semi conserved events
*C. Involve phosphodiester bond formation with elongation occurring in the 5’-3’ direction D. Use
deoxyribonucleotides as precursors E. Use RNA primers for initiation
An experiment proved that UV-radiated cells of patients with xeroderma pigmentosum restore the
native DNA structure slower than cells of healthy individuals as a result of reparation enzyme
defection. What enzyme helps this process?
A. Primase
B. DNA polymerase III C. DNA gyrase
*D. Endonuclease
E. RNA ligase
During replication of DNA, which one of the following enzymes produces the Okazaki fragments?
*A. DNA Polymerase III B. DNA Polymerase I C. RNA Polymerase I D. RNA Polymerase II E. DNA
Polymerase II
In some regions of South Africa there is a spread sickle-shaped cell anemia, in which erythrocytes
have shape od a sickle as a result of substitution of glutamine by valine in the hemoglobin molecule.
What is the cause of this disease?
A. Disturbance of mechanisms of genetic information realization B. Crossingover
C. Transduction
D. Genomic mutations
*E. Gene mutation
Xeroderma pigmentosum is produced as a result of a defect in:
A. DNA ligase
B. DNA polymerase I *C. DNA exonuclease D. DNA polymerase III E. DNA polymerase II
Restriction enzymes which have revolutionized the field of genetic engineering have been found in:
A. Viruses B. Animals *C. Bacteria D. Plants
E. Humans
One of the following mutations is potentially lethal. Point out it:
A. Substitution of adenine for cytosine
B. Substitution of guanine for cytosine
C. Transvertion
D. Substitution of methylcytosine for cytosine *E. Insertion of one base
In mammals, DNA synthesis occurs in which part of the cell cycle:
A. G0 phase *B. S phase C. G1 phase D. M phase E. G2 phase
DNA without introns is:
A. Nuclear DNA B. C DNA
*E. Mitochondrial DNA
Okazaki fragments are formed during the synthesis of:
A. Leading strand of DNA B. rRNA
*C. Legging strand of DNA D. tRNA
Which of the following is not a post transcriptional modification of RNA?
A. Splicing
B. None of the above *C. Glycosylation
D. 3’-polyadenylation E. 5’-capping
Excessive ultraviolet radiation is harmful to life. The damage caused to the biological systems by
ultraviolet radiation is by:
A. Deamination of DNA
*B. Formation of thymidine dimmers C. Inhibition of DNA synthesis
D. Ionization
E. DNA fragmentation
The sigma subunit of prokaryotic RNA polymerase:
A. Specifically recognizes the operator site B. Binds the antibiotic rifampicin
*C. Specifically recognizes the promoter site D. Is inhibited by Alpha-amanitin
E. Is part of the core enzyme
Which of the following step is not a part of Polymerase Chain Reaction:
A. Primer construction
*B. Use of restriction endonucleases which leave double stranded DNA C. Denature of DNA
D. Use of restriction endonucleases which leave single stranded DNA E. Chain extension by DNA
polymerase and deoxyribonucleoside
RNA-polymerase B (II) is blocked due to amanitin poisoning (poison of death-cup). What process is
*A. Synthesis of m-RNA B. Primer synthesis
C. Synthesis of t-RNA D. Reverse transcription E. Maturation of m-RNA
Which one of the following is the function of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (SnRNP)?
A. Termination of protein synthesis B. Initiation of protein synthesis *C. Processing of RNA
D. Activation of amino acids
E. Replication of DNA
Transcription is inhibited by:
*A. Amanitin
B. Puromycin
C. Chloramphenicol D. Streptomycin
E. Sulfonylamide
RNA that contains AIDS virus penetrated into a leukocyte and by means of reverse transcriptase
forced a cell to synthesize a viral DNA. This process is based upon:
A. Reverse translation
B. Convariant replication C. Operon repression *D. Reverse transcription E. Operon depression
Choose the main place for r-RNA production:
*A. Nucleolus
B. Endoplasmic reticulum C. Ribosome
D. Cytoplasm
E. Nucleus
Choose the inhibitor of DNA synthesis from following list:
A. Tetracycline
B. Penicillin
*C. Actinomycin
D. Chloramphenicol E. Polymyxins
What does restriction endonuclease cleave? A. Nucleoside
A. Nucleoside
B. Single stranded RNA *C. Double stranded DNA D. Polypeptide
E. Single stranded DNA
What is the average number of high energy bonds required for the synthesis of 1 peptide bond:
A. _5 B. _1 *C. _4 D. _2 E. _3
Amino acid with a single codon is:
A. Alanine
B. Phenylalanine *C. Tryptophan D. Threonine
E. Tyrosine
All stated below are true about the genetic code except one. Choose it:
*A. Punctuation is present B. Universal
C. Degenerate
D. Non overlapping
E. High specific
All amino acids are translated except one. Point out it:
A. Alanine
B. Tyrosine
C. Proline
D. Threonine
*E. Hydroxyproline
Leucine zipper motif is a mediator for:
A. Membrane attack complexes
B. Cyclic GMP
C. Cyclic AMP
*D. Binding of regulatory proteins to DNA E. Ligand membranes
You are studying functioning of a bacteria operon. The operator gene has been released from the
repressor. Immediately after his the following process will start in the sell:
A. Processing B. Translation C. Repression D. Replication *E. Transcription
Point out the chemical nature of gene:
A. Glycoprotein
B. Chromoprotein
C. The fragment of Ribonucleic acid
D. Lipoprotein
*E. The fragment of Deoxyribonucleic acid
Following organelles are involved in the formation of N-glycosylated product:
A. Nucleolus
B. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum C. Ribosomes
C. Ribosomes
D. Peroxisomes
*E. Golgi apparatus
In the DNA molecule the coding region reads 5’-CGT- 3’. This would code in the RNA as:
A. 5’-GCA-3’ B. 5’-GCU-3’ *C. 5’-CGU-3’ D. 5’-UCG-3’ E. 5’-ACG-3’
Amber codon refers to:
A. Initiating codon
B. Codon for Alanine
C. Codon for more than one amino acid D. Mutant codon
*E. Stop codon
CAP (Catabolite active gene protein) in Lac operon is an example of:
A. Attenuation
B. Negative regulator of transcription *C. Positive regulator of transcription D. Regulatory region of
E. Constitutive expression
Minor base in t-RNA is:
A. Orotic acid
B. Adenine
*C. Dihydrouracil D. Cystine
E. Methyl xanthine
Infection diseases are treated with antibiotics (streptomycin, erythromycin, chloramphenicol). They
inhibit the following stage of protein synthesis:
A. Transcription B. Processing C. Replication *D. Translation E. Splicing
Choose the substance that can stimulate LAC-operon expression in E.coli:
*A. Lactose B. Mannose C. Fructose D. Glucose E. Sucrose
The degeneration of the genetic code is explained therefore:
A. Each amino acid is coded for one triplet, only
B. “Punctuation marks” are absent in the genetic code *C. Two or more triplets may be for one
amino acid
D. The Code is single for all biologic systems
E. Genetic Code is composed of various triplets
Choose a codon composition from following list:
A. 2 complementary base pairs
B. 4 complementary base pairs on RNA C. 2 individual nucleotides
*D. 3 individual nucleotides
E. 4 individual nucleotides
Regarding сytosolic eukaryotic translation false is:
*A. N-formyl -methionyl-tRNA will be the first to come into action
B. eIF2 shifts between GDP & GTP
C. The ribozime peptidyltransferase catalyses the formation of peptide bond D. Releasing factor
releases the polypeptide chain from the P site
E. Capping helps in attachment of mRNA to 40 S Ribosome
The primary role of chaperones is to help in:
*A. Protein folding
B. Protein degradation C. None
D. Protein denaturation E. Protein synthesis
The two energy rich compounds utilized for protein biosynthesis are:
*A. ATP and GTP B. GTP and UTP C. ATP and UTP D. ATP and CTP E. ATP and TTP
A mutation in the codon which causes a change in the coded amino acid, is known as
A. Somatic mutation
*B. Missense mutation
C. Recombination
D. Mutagenesis
E. Chromosomal inversions
At the stage of translation in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, the ribosome moves along the
mRNA. Amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds in a specific sequence, and thus
polypeptide synthesis takes place. The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide corresponds to the
sequence of:
A. rRNA nucleotides B. tRNA anticodons C. tRNA nucleotides D. rRNA anticodons *E. mRNA codons
In E.coli structural gene of LAC operon is stimulated in:
A. Presence of lactose only
B. Presence of glucose and absence of lactose C. Presence of glucose only
*D. Presence of lactose and absence of glucose E. Presence of galactose only
Metabolic product of epinephrine inactivation excreted in urine is:
A. Dopamine
B. Nor metanephrine C. Estrone
*D. Metanephrine
E. Androstenedione
All are secondary messenger except:
A. Diacylglycerol *B. mRNA
C. Calcium
E. Phosphatidyl inositol triphosphate
Adenylate cyclase enzyme is inhibited by:
A. Calcitonin
B. Epinephrine
C. Nor-epinephrine *D. Somatostatin E. Thyroxine
Point out the chemical nature of hormone receptors:
A. Lipids
B. Nucleic acids *C. Proteins
D. Vitamins
E. Carbohydrates
Nor-epinephrine is converted to epinephrine by:
*A. N-methylation
B. S-methylation
C. DOPA-decarboxylase D. O-methylation
E. Dopamine hydroxylase
Insulin mediated glucose uptake in myocyte is through:
A. GLUT 3 *B. GLUT 4 C. GLUT 2 D. GLUT 5 E. GLUT 1
A patient suffering from pheochromocytoma complains of thirst, dry mouth, hunger. Blood test for
sugar revealed hyperglycemia. What type of hyperglycemia is it?
A. Somatotropic
B. Hypercorticoid C. Alimentary
D. Hypoinsulinemic *E. Adrenal
For which hormone is cGMP secondary messenger?
A. Thyroxine
*B. Atrial natriuretic peptide C. Growth hormone
D. Epinephrine
E. Cortisone
Which of the following acts via cAMP
A. All positions are correct B. Testosterone
*C. LH
D. Estrogen
E. Thyroxine
Tissue inositol triphosphate is generated as a result of the phosphatidylinositol diphosphate
hydrolysis and act as secondary agent (mediator) in the mechanism of hormone action. It`s effect in
cells is directed at:
A. Protein kinase A activation
B. Adenylate cyclase activation
C. Protein kinase A inhibition
D. Phosphodiesterase inhibition
*E. Calcium ion liberation from cellular deport
Which of the following acts through tyrosine kinase receptor?:
A. Follicle stimulating hormone *B. Insulin
C. Epinephrine
D. Growth gormone
E. Glucagon
Find out the feature of releasing factors (RF) structure:
A. RF are glycoproteins
B. RF are simple proteins with quaternary structure *C. RF are short peptides
D. RF are amino acid derivatives
E. Both of RF contain sialic acid
Which of the following acts on nuclear receptor:
A. Glucagon
*B. Estrogen
C. Growth hormone D. Epinephrine
Thyroxine and catecholamine are derived from:
A. Tryptophan *B. Tyrosine C. Alanine
D. Leucine
E. Isoleucine
The formation of a secondary mediator is obligatory in membrane-intracellular mechanism of
hormone action. Point out the substance that is unable to be a secondary mediator:
A. Ca2+
B. Diacylglycerol
C. Inositol-3,4,5-triphosphate D. cAMP
*E. Glycerol
Try to name a small Ca<sup>2+</sup>binding protein that modifies the activity of many enzymes
and other proteins in response to changes of Ca<sup>2+</sup> concentration.
A. Collagen *B. Calmodulin C. Cycline
D. Kinesin
E. Elastin
Name a membrane bound enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP from ATP:
A. Lactate dehydrogenase B. RNA polymerase
*C. Adenylate cyclase
D. ATP synthase
E. Tyrosine kinase
Which of the following belongs to steroid superfamily
B. Epinephrine
C. Growth hormone *D. Calcitriol
E. Insulin
Which of the following hormone mechanism of action is associated with cyclic AMP formation in a
Which of the following hormone mechanism of action is associated with cyclic AMP formation in a
A. Atrial natriuretic peptide *B. Vasopressin
C. Aldosterone
D. Angiotensinogen I
E. Renin
The following hormone does not have any intracellular receptor:
A. Aldosterone *B. Adrenaline C. Calcitriol
D. Thyroxine E. Cortisol
Adenylate Cyclase is activated of :
*A. GTP-dependant regulatory protein B. Nuclear receptor
C. Membrane receptor
D. Phosphodiesterase
Which of the following substances acts to increase the release of Ca<sup>2+</sup>from
endoplasmic reticulum in muscular cell?
A. Parathyroid hormone
B. 1,25-dihydroxy cholecalciferol C. Diacylglycerol
D. Monoacylglycerol
*E. Inositol triphosphate
Find out the type of activity that is considered for insulin-receptor complex function in the
intracellular space of target cell:
*A. Tyrosine kinase activity
B. Similar to Phospholipase C activity
C. cAMP-dependent proteinkinase activity D. Tyrosine aminotransferase activity
E. cAMP-dependent polymerase activity
Which of the following is present intracellulary in muscular cells:
A. Insulin
B. Nor-epinephrine *C. Corticosteroid D. Epinephrine
E. Glucagon
Testosterone and its analogs increase the mass of skeletal muscles that allows to use them for
treatment of dystrophy. Due to interaction of the hormone with what cell substrate is this action
A. Membrane receptors
*B. Nuclear receptors
C. Proteins-activators of transcription D. Ribosomes
E. Chromatin
Point out the most important function of androgens in muscles:
A. To inhibit lipogenesis
*B. To stimulate protein synthesis
C. To stimulate lipolysis
D. To stimulate protein degradation E. To stimulate muscular contraction
The patient with complaints of permanent thirst applied to the doctor. Hyperglycemia, polyuria and
increased concentration of 17-ketosteroids in the urine were revealed. What disease is the most
likely in patient?
A. Glycogen storage disease type I
B. Myxedema
*C. Steroidal subtype of diabetes mellitus D. Insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus E. Addison`s
A 19-year old male was found to have an elevated level of potassium in the secondary urine. These
changes might have been caused by the increase in the following hormone level:
*A. Aldosterone B. Adrenalin
C. Oxytocin
D. Testosterone E. Glucagon
To prevent the transplant rejection after organ transplantation it is required to administer
hormonotherapy for the purpose of immunosuppression. What hormones are used for this purpose?
A. Thyroid
B. Mineralocorticoids C. Sexual hormones D. Catecholamines *E. Glucocorticoids
A 19-year-old female suffers from tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, excessive sweating,
exophtalmos and irritability. What hormone would you expect to find elevated in her serum?
B. Insulin
C. Cortisol
D. Mineralocorticoids *E. Thyroxine
A 4 year old child with hereditary renal lesion has signs of rickets, vitamin D concentration in blood is
normal. What is the most probable cause of rickets development?
A. Hypofunction of parathyroid glands B. Inreased excretion of calcium
C. Lack of calcium in food
D. Hyperfunction of parathyroid glands *E. Impaired synthesis of calcitriol
Steroid-receptor complex binds to a specific region on DNA through:
A. Leucine zipper motif *B. Zinc finger motif
C. Histidine
D. Helix turn helix
E. Histone
A 2 y.o child has convulsions as a result of reduced concentration of calcium ions in the blood
plasma. It is caused by the reduced function of:
A. Adrenal cortex
B. Thymus
C. Hypophysis
*D. Parathyroid glands E. Pineal gland
The biochemical research of the patient's blood confirmed the hypoglycemia, abnormally high
potassium concentration and low sodium concentration. Point out the hormones whose secretion is
A. Calcitonin
B. All the hormones from anterior lobe of pituitary gland C. Thyroid hormones T3, T4
*D. Glucocorticoids, aldosterone
E. Insulin
Biochemical abnormalities in primary hyperparathyroidism is the change in the blood plasma:
A. Decrease calcium, decrease phosphate - B. Increase calcium, increase phosphate
C. None of the proposed
D. Decrease calcium, increase phosphate *E. Increase calcium, decrease phosphate
A 46-year-old patient suffering from the diffuse toxic goiter underwent resection of the thyroid
gland. After the surgery the patient presents with appetite loss, dyspepsia, increased neuromuscular
excitement. The body weight remained unchanged. Body temperature is normal. Which of the
following has caused such a condition in this patient?
A. Increased production of thyroxin
B. Increased production of calcitonin
*C. Reduced production of thyroxin
D. Reduced production of parathormone E. Increased production of thyroliberin
Name the precursor for calcitriol formation:
A. Linolenic acid
B. Citric acid
*C. Cholesterol
D. Stearic acid
E. Arachidonic acid
Inhabitants of territories with cold climate have high content of an adaptive thermoregulatory
hormone. What hormone is it?
A. Somatotropin *B. Thyroxin
C. Insulin
D. Glucagon
E. Cortisol
A girl has been diagnosed with adrenogenital syndrome (pseudohermaphroditism). This pathology is
caused by hypersecretion of the following adrenal hormone:
A. Mineralocorticoids B. Glucocorticoids C. Estrogens
D. Catecholamines *E. Androgens
Which of the following amino acid residues in the structure of thyroglobulin is involved in the
synthesis of thyroxine?
A. Threonine B. Cysteine C. Methionine D. Glycine *E. Tyrosine
Point out the major sex hormone of luteal phase in females:
A. Cortisol
B. 17-ketosteroid *C. Progesterone D. Aldosterone
E. Androstenedione
A 2-year-old child experienced convulsions because of calcium ions concentration decrease in the
blood plasma. Function of what structure is decreased?
*A. Parathyroid glands B. Thymus
C. Pineal gland
D. Adrenal cortex
E. Hypophysis
Examination of a patient revealed hyperkalaemia and hyponatraemia. Low secretion of which
hormone may cause such changes?
A. Cortisol
B. Atrial natriuretic peptide *C. Aldosterone
D. Vasopressin
E. Parathyroid hormone
Some diseases reveal symptoms of aldosteronism with hypertension and edema due to sodium
retention in the organism. What organ of the internal secretion is affected on aldosteronism?
A. Hypophysis
B. Testicle
C. Ovaries
D. Pancreas
*E. Adrenal glands
Kidneys of a man under examination show increased reabsorption of calcium ions and decreased
reabsorption of phosphate ions. What hormone causes this phenomenon?
A. Aldosterone
B. Vasopressin
C. Thyrocalcitonin D. Calcitriol
*E. Parathormone
A person has reduced diuresis, hypernatremia, hypokalemia. Hypersecretion of what hormone can
cause such changes?
A. Auricular sodiumuretic factor *B. Aldosterone
C. Parathormone
D. Adrenalin
E. Vasopressin
A 44-year-old woman complains of common weakness, heart pain, increase of body weight.
Objectively: moon-like face, hirsutism, AP- 165/100 mm Hg, height -164 cm, weight -103 kg; fat is
mostly accumulated in the region of neck, upper shoulder girdle, stomach. What is the main
pathogenic mechanism of obesity?
A. Decreased production of glucagon
*B. Increased production of glucocorticoids C. Increased production of insulin
D. Decreased production of thyroid hormones E. Increased production of mineral corticoids
The intake of oral contraceptives containing sex hormones inhibits secretion of the hypophysial
hormones. Secretion of which of the indicated hormones is inhibited while taking oral
A. Thyrotropic
B. Vasopressin
*C. Follicle-stimulating D. Oxytocin
E. Somatotropic
The precursor of testosterone is: *A. Pregnenolone
*A. Pregnenolone
B. Methyl testosterone C. Estrone
D. Cortisol
E. Aldosterone
Thyrotoxicosis leads to increased production of thyroidal hormones T3 and T4, weight loss,
tachycardia, psychic excitement and so on. How do thyroidal hormones influence energy
metabolism in the mitochondrion of cells?
*A. Uncouple the oxidative phosphorylation B. Stop substrate phosphorylation
C. Stop respiratory chain
D. Activate substrate phosphorylation
E. Activate oxidative phosphorylation
A patient is followed up in an endocrinological dispensary on account of hyperthyroidism. Weight
loss, tachycardia, finger tremor are accompanied with hypoxia similar symptoms – headache,
fatigue, eye flicker. Find out the result for the influence of high level of thyroid hormones on tissue
respiration causing the development of hypoxia similar symptoms:
*A. Uncoupling of oxidation and phosphorylation
B. Specific binding of active centers of respiratory enzymes C. Inhibition of respiratory enzymes
D. Competitive inhibition of respiratory enzymes
E. Intensification of respiratory enzymes synthesis
Estrogen receptors are seen in:
A. Microsomes
B. Cytoplasmic membrane bound C. Mitochondria
D. EPR rough part
*E. Nucleus
Parents of a 10 y.o. boy consulted a doctor about extension of hair-covering, growth of beard and
moustache, low voice. Intensified secretion of which hormone must be assumed?
A. Of cortisol
B. Of somatotropin *C. Of testosterone D. Of progesterone E. Of oestrogen
A patient has osmotic pressure of blood plasma at the rate of 350 mOsmol/l (norm is 300 mOsmol/l).
This will cause hypersecretion of the following hormone:
A. Vasopressin
B. Adrenocorticotropin C. Aldosterone
*D. Natriuretic
E. Cortisol
Hypocalciemia can be caused by the violation of one hormone secretion. Point out this hormone:
A. Thyroxine
*B. Parathyroid hormone C. Aldosterone
D. Somatotropic hormone E. Corticotropic hormone
A 32-year-old female patient was consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation after parturition.
Such disorder might be explained by the deficit of the following hormone:
A. Glucagon
*B. Prolactin
C. Calcitonin
D. Vasopressin E. Somatotropin
People adapted to high external temperatures have such pecularity: profuse sweating isn’t
accompanied by loss of large volumes of sodium chloride. This is caused by the effect of the
following hormone upon the respiratory glands:
*A. Aldosterone B. Vasopressin C. Thyroxin
D. Cortisol
E. Natriuretic
The Simple goiter (enlarged thyroid) may be caused by:
A. Production of thyroid-stimulating IgG B. Uncontrolled production of T3 and T4 *C. Iodide
D. Excessive intake of exogenous TSH E. Decrease of TSH secretion
A patient with the signs of osteoporosis and urobithiasis has been admitted to the endocrinology
department. Blood test revealed hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. These changes are
associated with abnormal synthesis of the following hormone:
A. Calcitriol
B. Calcitonin
C. Cortisol
*D. Parathyroid hormone E. Aldosterone
In hypothyroidism the following type of hyperlipoproteinemia (according Fridricson E. classification)
is evident:
A. Type I *B. Type IV C. Type III D. Type II E. Type V
Periodic renal colics attacks are observed in a woman with primary hyperparathyroidizm. Ultrasonic
examination revealed small stones in the kidneys. What is the most plausible reason of the stones's
*A. Hypercalcemia
B. Hyperuricemia
C. Hypercholesterinemia D. Hyperphosphatemia E. Hyperkalemia
Choose the hormone whose secretion is suppressed at diabetes insipidus in patient:
*A. Vasopressin B. Somatotropin C. Thyrotropin D. Melatonin
E. Oxytocin
A 60-year old patient with a long history of stenocardia takes coronarodilator agents. He has also
been administrated acetylsalicylic acid to reduce platelet aggregation. What is the mechanism of
anti-platelet action of acetylsalicylic acid?
A. It has membrane stabilizing effect
B. It reduces the activity of phosphodiesterase
C. It enhances the synthesis of prostacyclin
*D. It reduces the activity of cyclooxygenase
E. It enhances the activity of platelet adenylate cyclase
A patient has been administrated an anti-inflammatory drug that blocks the action of
cyclooxygenase. Specify this anti-inflammatory agent:
A. Analgene B. Thiamin *C. Aspirin D. Creatine E. Allopurinol
Acromegaly in patient is associated with excessive synthesis of a hormone:
A. Thyrotropin
B. Melatonin
*C. Somatotropin D. Oxytocin
E. Vasopressin
Utilization of arachidonic acid via cyclooxygenase pathway results in formation of some bioactive
substances. Name them:
A. Biogenic amines
B. Insulin-like growth factors C. T3 and T4
D. Somatomedins
*E. Prostaglandins
All increases serum glucose except:
A. Cortisol
B. Nor-epinephrine C. Glucagon
D. Epinephrine
*E. Vasopressin
A patient who suffers from pneumonia has high body temperature. What biologically active
substances play the leading part in origin of this phenomenon?
A. Interleukin *B. Leukotrienes C. Serotonin
D. Histamine
E. Bradykinin
A man after 1,5 liter blood loss has suddenly reduced diuresis. The increased secretion of what
hormone caused this diuresis alteration?
A. Cortisol
B. Corticotrophin *C. Vasopressin D. Parathormone E. Natriuretic
There is only one hormone among neurohormones which refers to the derivatives of amino acids
according to classification. Point out it:
A. Oxytocin
B. Thyroliberin C. Vasopressin D. Somatotropin *E. Melatonin
Hyperpigmentation is considered at patients with Addison`s disease. Propose the hormone whose
high level in the blood can cause this state:
C. Prolactin D. FSH
A patient who had been continuously taking drugs blocking the production of angiotensin II
developed bradycardia and arrhythmia. A likely cause of these disorders is:
A. Hypokalemia B. Hypernatremia *C. Hyperkalemia D. Hypocalcemia E. Hypercalcemia
A middle-aged man went to a foreign country because he had been offered a job there. However he
had been unemployed for quite a long time. What endocrine glands were exhausted most of all in
this man?
*A. Adrenal glands
B. Parathyroid glands C. Substernal gland D. Seminal glands
E. Thyroid gland
Products of some proteins hydrolysis and modification are the biologically active substances called
hormones. Lipotropin, corticotrophin, melanotropin and endorphins are synthesized in the
hypophysis of the following protein:
*A. Proopiomelanocortin (POMC)
B. Neuroalbumin C. Neurostromin D. Thyroglobulin E. Neuroglobulin
Examination of a patient revealed overgrowth of facial bones and soft tissues, tongue enlargement,
wide interdental spaces in the enlarged dental arch. What changes of the hormonal secretion are
the most likely?
A. Hyposecretion of thyroxine
B. Hypersecretion of insulin
*C. Hypersecretion of the somatotropic hormone D. Hyposecretion of insulin
E. Hyposecretion of the somatotropic hormone
Which of the following compound antagonizes the actions of insulin in the liver?
A. Neuropeptide Y B. Neuropeptide A *C. Growth hormone D. Substance P
E. Vasoactive intestinal peptide
Secretion of what gastrointestinal hormones will be primarily decreased as a result of duodenum
A. Histamine
B. Gastrin and histamine
C. Neurotensin
D. Gastrin
*E. Cholecystokinin and secretin
A 26-year old woman at 40 weeks pregnant has been delivered to the maternity ward. Objectively:
the uterine cervix is opened, but the contractions are absent. The doctor has administrated her a
hormonal drug to stimulate the labor. Name this drug:
A. Testosterone *B. Oxytocin
D. Estrone
E. Hydrocortisone
For glucose entry into the cells, insulin is required in all cells except that of: A. Renal medulla
A. Renal medulla
*B. Red Blood Cells C. Liver
D. Pancreas
E. Heart
Insulin stimulates all the processes except:
A. Lipogenesis
*B. Gluconeogenesis
C. Glycolysis
D. Glycogen synthesis
E. Hexose monophosphate shunt
Which compound does not inhibit platelet aggregation?
A. Bufferin
B. Benoxaprofen
C. Prostacyclin
D. Aspirin
*E. Thromboxane A2
Prostaglandin synthesis is partially switched off by:
*A. Cyclooxygenase inhibition B. Peroxidase
C. Reductase activation
D. HMP reductase
E. Lipoxygenase inhibition
Deficiency of linoleic and linolenic acids in the body leads to the skin damage, hear loss, delayed
wound healing, thrombocytopenia, low resistance to infections. These changes are most likely to be
caused by impaired synthesis of the following substance:
A. Interleukins
*B. Eicosanoids
C. Catecholamines D. Corticosteroids E. Interferons
Choose the true about prostaglandins:
A. Present in many tissues
*B. All are true
C. Synthesized from arachidonic acid D. Short acting
E. Some require cAMP for their action
Choose the condition for stimulation of glucagon secretion by pancreas:
A. High levels of pyruvic acid in the blood *B. Low levels of glucose in the blood
C. High levels of calcium ions in the blood D. Low levels of calcium in the blood
E. Low levels of glucocorticoids in the blood
As a result of home injury, a patient suffered a significant blood loss, which led to a fall in blood
pressure. Rapid blood pressure recovery after the blood loss is provided by the following hormones:
*A. Adrenalin, vasopressin B. Aldosterone
C. Sex hormones
D. Oxytocin
E. Cortisol
A 32-year-old female patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation after parturition.
Such disorder might be explained by the deficit of the following hormone:
A. Vasopressin
B. Glucagon
C. Somatotropin D. Thyrocalcitonin *E. Prolactin
Insulin increases the activities of all of the following enzymes, EXCEPT
A. Glycogen synthase
B. Proteinkinase C
C. Glucokinase
D. Acetyl-CoA carboxylase *E. Pyruvate carboxylase
Which of the following is anabolic hormone:
A. Aldosterone B. Somatostatin C. Epinephrine *D. Insulin
E. Glucagon
What pituitary gland hormone secretion will be inhibited in female after taking the oral
contraceptives containing sex hormones?
A. Oxytocin
B. Vasopressin
*C. Gonadotropin
D. Thyroid stimulating hormone E. Growth hormone
The shortest peptide in this list is:
A. Oxytocin
*B. Encephalin C. Vasopressin D. Angiotensin II E. Glucagon
Name the factor of protein nature produced by T- or B-lymphocytes at viral infections in patients:
*A. Interferon gamma B. Parathyroid hormone C. Calcitonin
D. Calmodulin
E. Calcitriol
Insulin causes lipogenesis by all except:
A. Increasing the rate of glucose transport into the cells B. Decreasing the intracellular cAMP level
C. Increasing acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity
D. Activation of phosphodiesterase
*E. Inhibiting of pyruvate dehydrogenase Prostaglandin is a product of:
*A. Cyclooxygenase system
B. Complement system
C. Lipooxygenase system
D. Hydrogen peroxide myeloperoxidase halogen system E. A type of vasoactive system
During cell division, DNA replication occurs by a signal from the cytoplasm, and a certain pertion of
the DNA helix unwinds and splits into two individual strains. What enzyme facilitates this process?
*A. Helicase
*A. Helicase
B. Restrictase
C. RNA polymerase D. DNA polymerase E. Ligase
A patient with signs of osteoporosis and urolithiasis has been admitted to the endocrinology
department. Blood test has revealed hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. These changes are
associated with abnormal synthesis of the following hormone:
A. Cortisol
B. Calcitriol
C. Calcitonin
D. Aldosterone
*E. Parathyroid hormone
Feces of the patient contain high amount of undissociated fats and have grayish-white color. Specify
the cause of this phenomenon:
A. Enteritis
B. Hypovitaminosis
*C. Obturation of bile duct
D. Hypoactivation of pepsin by hydrochloric acid E. Irritation of intestinal epithelium
Patients with erythropoietic porphyria (Gunther’s disease) have teeth that fluoresce with bright red
when subjected to ulraviolet radiation; their skin is light-sensitive, urine is red-colored. What enzyme
can cause this desease, when it is deficient?
A. Uroporphyrinogen decarbozylase B. Uroporphyrinogen I synthase
*C. Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase D. Delta-aminolevulinate synthase E. Ferrochelatase
A patient has been admitted to the contagious isolation ward with signs of jaundice caused by
hepatitis virus. Which of the symptoms given below is strictly specific for hepatocellular jaundice?
A. Urobilinuria
B. Bilirubinuria
C. Cholemia
*D. Increase of ALT, AST levels E. Heperbilirubinemia
A 41-year-old male patient has a history of recurrent attacks of heartbeats (paroxysms), profuse
sweating, headaches, Examination reveled hypertension, hyperglycemia, increased basal metabolic
rate, and tachycardia. These clinical presentations are typical for the following adrenal pathology:
A. Hypofunction of the adrenal cortex *B. Hyperfunction of adrenal medulla C. Hypofunction of
adrenal medulla D. Primaty aldosteronism
E. Hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex
Pancreas is known as a missed gland. Endocrine functions include production of insulin by beta cells.
This hormone affects the metabolism of carbohydrates. What is its effect upon the activity of
glycogen phosphorylase (GP) and glycogen synthase (GS)?
A. It does not affect the activity of GP and GS *B. It suppresses GP and stimulates GS
C. It stimulates both GP and GS
D. It suppresses both GP and GS
E. It stimulates GP and suppresses GS
Submodule 4
1. Examination of a patient with frequent hemorrhages from internals and mucous membranes
revealed proline and lysine being a part of collagen fibers. What vitamin absence caused disturbance
of their hydroxylation?
A. Vitamin A
B. Thiamine C. Vitamin K D. Vitamin E E. *Vitamin C
2. A woman who has been keeping to a clean-rice diet for a long time was diagnosed with
polyneuritis (beriberi). What vitamin deficit results in development of this disease?
A. Folic acid
B. *Thiamine
C. Ascorbic acid D. Riboflavin
E. Pyridoxine
3. Most participants of Magellan expedition to America died from avitaminosis. This disease declared
itself by general weakness, subcutaneous hemmorhages, falling of teeth, gingival hemmorhages.
What is the name of this avitaminosis?
A. Biermer's anemia
B. Polyneuritis (beriberi) C. Pellagra
D. Rachitis
E. *Scurvy
4. A patient with hypochromic anemia has splitting hair and loss of hair, increased nail bottling and
taste alteration. What is the mechanism of the development of these symptoms?
A. Deficiency of vitamin B12
B. Decreased production of thyroid hormones C. Deficiency of vitamin A
D. Decreased production of parathyrin
E. *Deficiency of iron-containing enzymes
5. The structural analogue of vitamin B2 is administered (acriсhine) in a case of enterobiasis. The
disorder of which enzyme synthesis is caused by this medicine in microorganisms?
A. NAD-dependent dehydrogenases
B. Cytochrome oxidases
C. *FAD-dependent dehydrogenases D. Peptidases
E. Aminotransferases
6. Concentration of pyruvate is increased in the patient's blood, the most of which is excreted with
urine. What avitaminosis has the patient?
A. *Avitaminosis B1
B. Avitaminosis B2
C. Avitaminosis E D. Avitaminosis B9 E. Avitaminosis B3
7. Pyruvate concentration in the patient's urine has increased 10 times from normal amount. What
vitamin deficiency can be the reason of this change:
A. Vitamin B6
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin E D. Vitamin C E. *Vitamin B1
8. Hydroxylation of endogenous subrates and xenobiotics requires a donor of protons. Which of the
following vitamins can play this role?
A. *Vitamin C
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin P D. Vitamin A E. Vitamin B6
9. A 10-year-old girl often experiences acute respiratory infections with multi-ple hemorrages in the
places of clothes friction. Hypovitaminosis of what vi¬tamin is in this girl organism?
A. A
B. B2
C. B1 D. B6 E. *С
10. On the ground of clinical presentations a patient was prescribed pyridoxal phosphate. This
medication is recommended for correction of the following processes:
A. Synthesis of purine and perimidin bases
B. Oxidative decarboxylation of ketonic acids
C. Protein synthesis
D. Desammation of purine nucleootides
E. Transamination and decarboxylation of amino acids*
11. A 9-month-old infant is fed with artifical formulas with unbalanced vitamin B6 concentration.
The infant presents with pellagral dermatitis, convulsions, anaemia. Convulsions development might
be caused by the disturbed formation of:
A. Dopamine
B. Histamine
C. Serotonin D. DOPA
12. After the disease a 16-year-old boy is presenting with decreased function of protein synthesis in
the liver as a result of vitamin K deficiency. This may cause disorder of:
A. Erythropoietin production
B. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
C. Blood coagulation*
D. Osmotic blood pressure E. Anticoagulant production
13. Choose the vitamin which is important in non-oxidative decarboxylation, transamination and
transsulfuration reactions from the following list:
A. Riboflavin
B. Thiamine
C. Pyridoxine *
D. Pantothenic acid E. Folic acid
14. Point out vitamin which is the most indispensable during mitosis: A. Folic acid *
B. Pantotenic acid
C. Ascorbinic acid
D. Aspartic acid E. Thiamine
15. Which vitamin is related to cofactor in glycine metabolism? A. Tocopherol
B. Folic acid *
C. Thiamine
D. Cobalamin
E. Pantothenic acid
16. Choose the correct definition of vitamin:
A. Essential food proteins
B. Food factors that cannot be synthesized in human organism* C. Essential biologic amines
D. Organic compounds, containing amino group
E. Essential energy sources
17. Choose the vitamin, whose oxidation results in blue fluorescing product under UV-light: A.
B. Rutin
C. Thiamine*
D. Folic acid
E. Ascorbic acid
18. Choose the vitamin that contains the isoalloxazine fragment in its structure: A. Thiamine
B. Riboflavin*
C. Pyridoxine
D. Ubiquinone
E. Naphtoquinone
19. Point out the vitamin, whose deficiency leads to pellagra: A. Vitamin P
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin B3* E. Vitamin B2
20. Name the metabolic pathway which is in need for vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 supplement at the
same time:
A. Pentose Phosphate Cycle
B. Glycolysis
C. Urea Cycle D. Krebs Cycle* E. Glycogenesis
21. Find out the Enzyme name whose activity is depended on the presence of vitamin B2: A.
Pyruvate carboxylase
B. Succinate dehydrogenase*
C. Malate dehydrogenase
D. Isocitrate dehydrogenase E. Citrate synthase
22. The avitaminosis of ascorbic acid is named as: A. Cushing`s syndrome
B. Addison`s disease
C. Kwashiorkor
D. Hemolytic anemia E. Scurvy*
23. Propose the main food product to promote the intake of vitamin C: A. Parsley
B. Black currant*
C. Beef
D. Milk E. Butter
24. Find out the vitamin whose deficiency is associated with damaged transamination of amino
A. Pyridoxine*
B. Rutin
C. Thiamine
D. Folic acid
E. Ascorbic acid
25. The glycolysis duration is in need for one vitamin, only. Name it: A. Pyridoxal phosphate
B. Riboflavin
C. Thiamine
D. Nicotinic acid* E. Ascorbic acid
26. Examination of a man who hadn’t been consuming fats but had been getting enough
carbohydrates and proteins for a long time revealed dermatitis, poor wound healing, vision
impairment. What is the probable cause of metabolic disorder?
A. Lack of vitamins PP, H
B. Lack of oleic acid
C. *Lack of linoleic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K. D. Lack of palmitic acid
E. Low caloric value of diet
27. A patient suffers from vision impairment – hemeralopia (night blindness). What vitamin
preparation should be administered the patient in order to restore his vision?
A. Pyridoxine
B. *Retinol acetate
C. Vicasol
D. Thiamine chloride E. Tocopherol acetate
28. There is disturbed process of Ca2+ absorption through intestinal wall after the removal of gall
bladder in patient:
A. K
B. C
C. *D3 D. PP E. B12
29. A 6 y.o child was administered vicasol to prevent postoperative bleeding. Vicasol is a synthetic
analogue of vitamin K. Name post-translation changes of blood coagulation factors that will be
activated by vicasol:
A. *Carboxylation of glutamic acid residues
B. Polymerization
C. Partial proteolysis
D. Glycosylation
E. Phosphorylation of serine radicals
30. A patient who was previously ill with mastectomy as a result of breast cancer was prescribed
radiation therapy. What vitamin preparation has marked radioprotective action caused by
antioxidant activity?
A. *Tocopherol acetate
B. Riboflavin
C. Folic acid
D. Ergocalciferol
E. Thiamine chloride
31. There is an inhibited coagulation in the patients with bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to the
low level of absorption of vitamin. What vitamin is in deficiency?
A. *K
B. E
C. D
D. A
E. Carotene
32. A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic syndrome. What
is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of the child?
A. Activation of tissue thromboplastin
B. PP hypovitaminosis
C. Fibrinogen deficiency D. *Vitamin K insufficiency E. Hypocalcemia
33. After the disease a 16-year-old boy is presenting with decreased function of protein synthesis in
the liver as a result of vitamin K deficiency. This may cause disorder of:
A. Erythropoietin production
B. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
C. Blood coagulation*
D. Osmotic blood pressure E. Anticoagulant production
34. A patient presents with twilight vision impairment. Which of the following vitamins should be
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Ascorbic acid
C. Nicotinic acid
D. Retinol acetate*
E. Pyridoxine hydrochloride
35. During examination of an 11-month-old infant a pediatrician revealed osteoectasia of the
lower extremities and delayed mineralization of cranial bones. Such pathology is usually provoked
by the deficit of the following vitamin:
A. Thiamin
B. Riboflavin
C. Bioflavonoids
D. Pantothenic acid E. Cholecalciferol*
36. A patient presents with twilight vision impairment. Which of the following vitamins should be
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Ascorbic acid
C. Nicotinic acid
D. Retinol acetate*
E. Pyridoxine hydrochloride
37. Point out the vitamin, which is soluble in lipids: A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin B1
C. Vitamin PP
D. Vitamin K* E. Vitamin H
38. Choose the vitamin, whose precursor is named as b-carotene: A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin D
C. Vitamin A*
D. Vitamin B12 E. Vitamin P
39. Choose the vitamin, whose molecule structure is unsaturated cyclic alcohol (one hydroxidegroup only):
A. Vitamin K
B. Vitamin F C. Vitamin B5 D. Vitamin D2* E. Vitamin H
40. Choose the vitamin, whose antivitamin is named as Dicoumarol: A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B6
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D E. Vitamin K*
41. Choose the vitamin, whose deficiency leads to osteomalacia at adults: A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin D *
D. Vitamin K E. Vitamin PP
42. Choose the vitamin, which is a powerful natural antioxidant: A. Retinal
B. Tocopherol*
C. Ergocalciferol
D. Riboflavin E. Pyridoxine
43. Name the blood plasma index whose low value will prove the deficiency of vitamin K in patient:
A. Urea
B. Albumins
C. Immunoglobulin G D. Prothrombin*
E. C-reactive protein
44. Name the vitamin whose level in the blood is depended on the secretion rate of parathyroid
A. Ascorbic acid B. Calcitriol*
C. Thiamine
D. Tocopherol
E. Naphtoquinone
45. Find out the fat-soluble vitamin whose function is hormone-similar one: A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin E
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin K* E. Vitamin PP
46. Vitamin A group contains substance whose function is associated mainly with stimulation of
proliferation and differentiation processes in tissues. Name it:
A. Retinal
B. Pantothenic acid
C. Retinoic acid* D. Nicotinic acid E. Nicotine amide
47. Choose the most active form of vitamin D3:
A. 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol
B. 25-Hydroxyergocalciferol
C. 24,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol D. 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol * E. Calcidiol
48. What reaction is in need of vitamin K? A. Gamma-carboxylation *
B. Oxidation
C. Methylation
D. Hydroxylation
E. Alpha-decarboxylation
49. Choose the name of phase for vitamin K use in the formation of clotting factors: A. Posttranscription
B. Post-translation *
C. Transcription
D. Reparation E. Replication
50. Choose the correct statement about vitamin K:
A. It increases a coagulation time in infants with hemorrhagic diseases B. It is helpful in preventing
C. It is synthesized by intestinal bacteria *
D. It is present in increased amount in cows and breast milk
E. It is derived to coenzyme of α-decarboxylases
51. A 30 y.o. woman had been ill for a year when she felt pain in the area of joints for the first time,
they got swollen, and skin above them became reddened. Provisional diagnosis is rheumatoid
arthritis. One of the most probable causes of this disease is a structure alteration of a connective
tissue protein:
A. Ovoalbumin B. Collagen* C. Myosin
D. Troponin
E. Mucin
52. Increased fragility of vessels, enamel and dentine destruction resulting
caused by disorder of collagen maturation. What stage of procollagen modification is disturbed
under this avitaminosis?
A. Hydroxylation of proline*
B. Detaching of N-ended peptide C. Formation of polypeptide chains
from scurvy are
D. Glycosylation of hydroxylysine residues
E. Removal of C-ended peptide from procollagen
53. A patient with serious damage of muscular tissue was admitted to the trauma department. What
biochemical urine index will be increased in this case?
A. Creatinine* B. Common lipids C. Uric acid
D. Glucose
E. Mineral salts
54. The high levels of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) (MB-isozyme) and lactate dehydrogenase LDH1
activity were revealed. Point out the most probable pathology in the patient:
A. Hepatitis
В. Myocardium infarction*
С. Osteoartritis D. Pancreatitis Е. Cholecystitis
55. Name the polysaccharide represented in connective tissue: A. Collagen
B. Elastin
C. Laminin
D. Hyaluronic acid* Е. Fibrillin
56. Name the metabolic pathway used as the main energy source for myocardium contraction at
healthy humans:
A. Anaerobic glycolysis
B. Aerobic glycolysis
C. Glycogen breakdown
D. Oxidation of High Fatty Acids* Е. Pentose Phosphate cycle
57. It is established that there is specific system of energy supply in muscular cell. Point out this
A. Renin-angiotensinogen system
B. Creatine phosphate kinase system*
C. Adenylate cyclase system
D. Translation system of a cell Е. Palmitate synthetase complex
58. There are some proteins in muscles: actin, myosin, actomyosin, tropomyosin, troponin. Point out
what a specific group of proteins they are related to:
A. Enzymes
B. Sarcoplasmatic proteins
C. Stroma proteins*
D. Calcium conjugated proteins Е. Coagulants
59. It is established that Creatine synthesis in the liver is in need for three amino acids as substrates
in this process. Point out them:
A. Ala, Ser, Glu
B. Arg, Gly, Met*
C. Tre, Ile, Val D. Phe, Trp, Val Е. Ala, Val, Leu
60. Point out the substance whose level in the blood plasma correlates with the volume of physical
loading of skeletal muscular tissue:
A. Ammonia
B. Urea
C. Creatine D. Creatinine*
Е. Uric acid
61. Vitamin C deficiency causes the disorder in collagen synthesis because two enzymes in this
synthesis are in need for the use of ascorbic acid. Name one of them:
A. Pyruvate dehydrogenase
B. Acetyl-CоА carboxylase
C. Prolyl hydroxylase*
D. Lactate dehydrogenase
Е. Phenylalanine hydroxylase
62. The metabolism disturbance in myocardium in a case of ischemic heart disease is followed by the
decrease of АТP and creatine phosphate concentrations. Point out the reason of this event:
A. Glycolysis is activated in myocardium
B. Hypoxia causes the inhibition of all the processes in mitochondria* C. Glucose is not destroyed in
D. The oxidative phosphorylation is activated in myocardium
Е. The accumulation of glucose is in myocardium
63. Point out the factors whose levels in the intracellular space of muscular cell influence the rate of
muscular contraction:
A. ATP levels
B. Calcium ions content*
C. Magnesium ions content
D. Stroma proteins content
Е. All the factors above are in need
64. Triple helix is seen in one compound listed bellow. Choose it: A. Collagen*
B. Fibrinogen
C. Histones
D. Serum amylase E. F-actin
65. The cardiac muscle utilizes all of the following compounds from the blood except one. Point out
A. Glucose
B. Acetone*
C. Fatty acids
D. Acetoacetic acid E. Alanine
66. A deficiency of copper affects the formation of normal collagen by reducing the activity of one
enzyme from following list. Choose it:
A. Glucosyl transferase
B. Galactosyl transferase
C. Prolyl hydroxylase* D. Lysyl oxidase
E. Collagenase
67. Name the immediate source of energy for muscular contraction. A. Glycogen
C. Creatine phosphate
D. Glucose E. Pyruvate
68. What does cardiac muscle prefer as source of energy? A. Fatty acids*
B. Glucose
C. Ketone bodies
D. Glycogen E. Fructose
69. Hydroxylation of proline to hydroxyproline in collagen synthesis requires all except one. Point
out it.
A. Pyridoxal phosphate*
B. Ascorbic acid
C. O2
D. Specific hydroxylase E. Iron ion
70. What is the product of guanidoacetic acid transmethylation? A. Creatine*
B. Choline
C. Creatinine
D. N-methyl nicotinamide E. Acetylcholine
71. Creatine is formed metabolically using one compound listed below. Choose it: A. Tryptophan
B. Phenylalanine
C. Lysine*
D. Valine E. Leucine
72. Three residues (Gly-X-Y-) are repeated many times, and it is the absolute requirement for
formation of the triple helix of collagen molecule type 1. What amino acid and its derivative mainly is
represented as letters X and Y?
A. Proline*
B. Tryptophan C. Lysine
D. Valine
E. Leucine
73. Which of the following is increased in the blood plasma at myocardial infarction? A. Creatine
phosphokinase BB isozyme
B. Lactate dehydrogenase isozyme 5
C. Succinate dehydrogenase
D. Alkaline phosphatase
E. Creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase*
74. Choose the mechanism for proline conversion to hydroxyproline: A. Vitamin C mediated
B. Reverse hydroxylation
C. Inversion
D. Post translation induction
E. Vitamin K mediated hydroxylation
75. Name biochemical tests used for diagnostics of muscular dystrophy development: A. Creatine
content in the blood plasma and urine
B. Creatinine content in the blood plasma
C. Ctreatine phosphate kinase activity in the blood plasma
D. Myofibril proteins content in tissue homogenate obtained due to biopsy method E. All that is
placed above*
76. Point out the major fuel for the brain after several weeks of starvation: A. Glucose
B. Fatty acid
C. Beta hydroxyl butyrate *
D. Tyrosine
E. Phenylalanine
77. Neurotransmitter serotonin is derived from one amino acid. Choose it: A. Phenylalanine
B. Serine
C. Tryptophan*
D. Cysteine E. Proline
78. In the brain ammonia is converted to product from following list. Point out it: A. Aspartate
B. Glutamine* C. Alanine
D. Histidine E. Urea
79. Which substance does not cross the blood brain barrier? A. Insulin*
B. Ascorbic acid
C. Bilirubin
D. Glucose E. Oxygen
80. The brain contains relatively high amounts of all compounds from the following list except one.
Point out it:
A. Glutamine
B. N-Acetylaspartate
C. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) D. Glycogen*
E. Proteolipid
81. Point out the main pathways of catabolism in brain: A. Glycolysis and Citric Acid Cycle*
B. Glycogenolysis and Glycogenesis
C. Glycogenolysis and Citric Acid Cycle
D. Embden-Meyerhof pathway and HMP shunt E. Oxidation of fatty acids and ketogenesis
82. Choose the neurotransmitter from following list: A. Serine
B. Glutathione
C. Glutamate*
D. Phenylalanine E. Alanine
83. The application of drug atropine is based on its ability to block the muscarinic receptors.
Name a neurotransmitter that takes place in the transmission of impulses binding with this type
receptor in the autonomic nervous system:
A. Acetylcholine*
B. Nor-epinephrine
C. Dopamine D. Serotonin E. Glycine
84. The content of certain acidic proteins is characteristic for the nervous tissue. Point out such
A. Histon
B. Protein S-100*
C. Globin D. Actin
E. Tubuline
85. The content of certain substance is sharply decreased in a striate of a brain at Parcinson disease.
Point out it:
A. Dopamine*
B. Acetylcholine
D. Histamine
E. Nor-epinephrine
86. Simple and conjugated proteins are in the composition of nervous tissue. Point out the simple
proteins of this tissue type:
A. Albumins, globulins*
B. Prolamins, glutelins
C. Phosphoproteins D. Nucleoproteins E. Lipoproteins
87. Point out the amino acids which function as neurotransmitters in CNS:
A. Glutamic acid
B. Aspartic acid
C. Glycine
D. Dihydroxyphenylalanine
E. All the amino acids named above*
88. There are special supportive proteins in the white matter of nervous tissue. Point out them: A.
B. Myosins
C. Troponins
D. Albumins
E. Neuroscleroproteins*
89. Point out the main catabolic pathway for glucose in the brain tissue: A. Aerobic oxidation up to
carbon dioxide and water*
B. Anaerobic glycolysis
C. Pentose Phosphate Cycle
D. Glycogenesis
E. Gluconeogenesis
90. The myelin substance is a complex of some compounds. What prevailing components are in it?
A. Protein, lipids*
B. Carbohydrates, lipids
C. Nucleic acids
D. Adenine-linked nucleotides, creatine phosphate E. Amino acids, mineral substances
91. Point out the lipid which is not synthesized in nervous tissue of adults: A. Sphingomyelin
B. Cerebroside
C. Ganglyoside
D. Sulfatide
E. Cholesterol*
92. Point out the neurotransmitter that is isolated from preganglionar neuron synapses of the
sympathetic nervous system, mainly:
A. Epinephrine
B. Dopamine
C. Acetylcholine* D. Glycine
E. Serotonin
93. Point out the main energy source substrate for the brain: A. Glucose*
B. Fatty acids
C. Phospholipids
D. Ketone bodies E. Amino acids
94. Point out the enzyme that catalyzes the degradation of some neurotransmitters in the brain: A.
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase
C. Monoamino oxidase*
D. Hexokinase
E. Malate dehydrogenase
95. There is the feature of the chemical composition of neuroglia: one acidic protein has very high
concentration. Name it:
A. Protein S-100*
B. Myosin
C. Albumin
D. Choline esterase E. Neuroscleroprotein
96. Depressions and emotional insanities result from the deficit of noradrenalin, serotonin and other
biogenic amines in the brain. Their concentration in the synapses can be increased by means of the
antidepressants that inhibit the following enzyme:
A. Phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase B. Monoamine oxidase*
C. D-amino-acid oxidase
D. L-amino-acid oxidase
E. Diamine oxidase
97. A patient suffers from hepatic cirrhosis. Examination of which of the following substances
excreted by urine can characterize the state of antitoxic function of liver?
A. Uric acid
B. Сreatinine
C. Ammonium salts D. Hippuric acid*
E. Amino acids
98. A patient with symptoms of acute alcohol poisoning was brought to the hospital. What
carbohydrates metabolism changes are typical for this condition?
A. The anaerobic glucose metabolism predominates in muscles
B. The gluconeogenesis is increased in the liver
C. The breakage of glycogen is increased in the liver
D. The gluconeogenesis velocity in the liver is decreased*
E. The anaerobic breakage of glucose is increased in muscles
99. Desulfiram is widely used in medical practice to prevent alcoholism, it inhibits aldehyde
dehydrogenase. Increased level of what metabolite causes aversion to alcohol?
A. Acetaldehyde*
B. Ethanol
C. Malonyl aldehyde D. Propionic aldehyde E. Methanol
100. A patient with encephalopathy was admitted to the neurological in patient department. There
was revealed a correlation between increasing of encephalopathy and substances absorbed by the
bloodstream from the intestines. What substances that are formed in the
intestines can cause endotoxemia? A. Indole*
B. Ornithine
C. Acetacetate
D. Butyrate E. Biotin
101. Liver does not produce one compound from the following list. Point out it: A. Albumin
B. Gamma-globulin*
C. Fibrinogen
D. Prothrombin E. Haptoglobin
102. Choose the right continuation of the statement: “In mammalian bile, the bile acids are normally
A. In their free form
B. As cholesterol esters
C. As conjugated with glycine or taurine* D. As conjugated with beta-glucuronic acid E. As
conjugated with bilirubin
103. Liver synthesizes all the compounds from the following list EXCEPT: A. Clotting factor II
B. Clotting factor XII
C. Urea
D. Stercobilin* E. Cholesterol
104. Choose the process that is not placed in the liver: A. Urea synthesis
B. Bile acid synthesis
C. Detoxification of xenobiotics
D. Cortisol synthesis*
E. Deposition of fat soluble vitamins
105. Glucose-6-Phosphate is the key metabolite of carbohydrate metabolism. Point out the pathway
of its utilization which is present in liver:
A. Glycogenesis
B. Gluconeogenesis
C. Glycolysis
D. Hexose Monophosphate Shunt E. All of the above*
106. What process is stimulated in the liver at starvation: A. Glycogenolysis
B. Gluconeogenesis
C. Non-oxidative phase of HMP
D. Ketogenesis
E. All of the above*
107. The rate of high fatty acids synthesis in the liver is high. Point out the precursor for this process
and its intracellular location:
A. Acetyl CoA, Matrix
B. Acetyl CoA, Cytoplasm*
C. Glucose, Matrix
D. Amino acids, Cytoplasm E. Amino acids, Matrix
108. Point out the pathways placed mainly in the liver: A. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol synthesis
B. Taurine synthesis
C. Cholic acid synthesis
D. Sex hormone binding protein synthesis E. All of the above*
109. Liver cirrhosis in patient is accompanied with: A. Disturbed production of urea
B. Accumulation of bililrubin total in the blood C. Hypoproteinemia
D. Disturbed function of coagulation system of the blood E. All that is placed above*
110. Point out the process of carbohydrate metabolism which is occurred only in liver: A.
B. Glycogenesis
C. Heparin synthesis*
D. Pentose phosphate pathway E. Aerobic glycolysis
111. Point out the conjugation agent used for conjugated bilirubin formation in the liver cell: A.
B. Cysteine
C. UDP-glucuronic acid*
E. Acetyl-CoA
112. Find the protein name that is synthesized in the liver, only: A. Albumin of blood plasma
B. α2-Macroglobulin
C. α1-Antitrypsin
D. Ceruloplasmin
E. All the names above are right answers*
113. Find out the enzyme of liver tissue participating in the detoxification of cyanides: A. NАDН dehydrogenase
B. Cytochrome b
C. Thiosulfate transferase*
D. Cytochrome c
E. Cytochrome P450
114. Point out the enzyme whose activity is determined in the blood plasma of patients to estimate
the liver parenchyma damage:
A. Lactate dehydrogenase
B. Palmitate synthase complex
C. Alanine amino transferase* D. Cytochrome c1
E. Adenylate cyclase
115. Find out the enzyme name which is specific for liver tissue, only: A. Succinate dehydrogenase
B. Arginase*
C. Alanine amino transferase
D. Aspartate amino transferase E. Isocitrate dehydrogenase
116. Point out the amino acid that is conjugative agent at Quick`s test: A. Lactic acid
B. Glycine*
C. Valine
D. Leucine E. Histidine
117. Point out the liver enzyme participating in the neutralization of ammonia: A. Glutamine
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase
C. Carbomoyl phosphate synthetase
D. Alanine amino transferase
E. All the enzymes in A, B, C positions*
118. Point out the lipid mainly synthesized in the liver: A. Ganglyoside
B. Phospatidyl ethanol amine
C. Cholesterol*
D. Phosphatidyl choline E. Inositol
119. This lipoprotein class is synthesized in the liver, and is in need for the transport of
triacylglycerols and cholesterol from the liver to tissues. Name it:
E. Chylomicrons
120. Point out the enzyme whose activity is decreased in the blood plasma at liver cirrhosis in
A. Glutamine synthetase
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase
C. Alanine amino transferase D. Choline esterase
E. UDP-glucoronyl transferase*
121. Name the compound metabolized in the liver across conjugation reaction like xenobiotics: A.
B. Cholesterol
C. Urea
D. Acetylcholine E. Uric acid
122. Choose metabolites of methanol which may be produced due to alcohol dehydrogenase of the
liver in aerobic condition:
A. Acetaldehyde + Acetic acid
B. Formaldehyde + Formic acid*
C. Pyruvate + Pyruvic acid
D. Fumarate + Fumeric acid E. Glyceroaldehyde + Glycerol
123. Point out the main enzyme in monooxygenase system of EPR responsible for modification of
A. Glucuronyl transferase
B. Glutathione S-transferase
C. NADPH reductase
D. Cytochrome P450*
E. Cytochrome C oxidase
124. Choose the correct statement about hepatic monooxygenases linked with cytochrome P450
A. Located mainly in smooth EPR
B. Catalyzes oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis reactions at the same time
C. Certain drug inactivate and certain drug enhance their reactions D. Positions A, C are correct*
E. Their action always causes the detoxification of xenobiotics
125. Which following cytochrome participates in drug metabolism? A. Cytochrome aa3
B. Cytochrome c1
C. Cytochrome c
D. Cytochrome P450* E. Cytochrome b
126. Point out the conjugation agent that is in need to detoxify heterocyclic alcohols in the liver: A.
B. Glycine
C. Valine
D. PAPS* E. Histidine
127. Point out the liver enzyme participating in the neutralization of xenobiotics, their metabolites
and harmful endogenous products:
A. Glutamine synthetase
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase
C. Alanine amino transferase
D. Carbomoyl phosphate synthetase E. UDP-glucuronyl transferase*
128. Point out the peptide participating in the conjugation of some harmful sulfur containing
products in the liver:
A. Glutathione*
B. Methionine
C. Trialanine D. Oxytocin
E. Prolylproline
129. Benzoic acid causes the toxic effect at its accumulation in the liver. Choose the main
conjugative agent to detoxify it:
A. Glycine*
C. S-adenosyl methionine D. Glutathione
E. Acetyl-CoA
130. Point out the main place for the location of microsomal oxidation in a cell: A. Nucleus
B. Cytoplasm
C. EPR, smooth part*
D. EPR, rough part E. Lysosomes
131. Find the correct definition of the term "xenobiotic":
A. A substance that is an obligatory component of food products B. A substance that is unnatural for
C. A substance that is synthesized in small quantities in humans
D. A substance that regulates metabolism in organism E. A substance that is a terminal product of
132. Find the enzyme participating in the function of the microsomal monooxygenase chain: A.
B. Cytochrome b
C. Cytochrome c1
D. Cytochrome c
E. Cytochrome P450*
133. Point out the enzyme of monooxygenase chain as a final electron acceptor from the reduced
form of NADPН:
A. Cytochrome b5
B. Cytochrome b
C. Cytochrome P450*
D. Cytochrome c1 E. Cytochrome aa3
134. Monooxygenase and reductase chains of EPR (smooth part) are necessary for: A. Saturated HFA
B. Structure modification of endogenous substrates only
C. Structure modification of xenobiotics and endogenous substrates*
D. Structure modification of xenobiotics only
E. Energy reception at the oxidation of xenobiotics
135. Point out the conjugation agent that is conjugative agent at the detoxification of heterocyclic
alcohols in the liver:
A. Glutathione
B. Glycine
C. Valine D. PAPS* E. Histidine
136. Point out the liver enzyme participating in the neutralization of xenobiotics, their metabolites
and harmful endogenous products:
A. Glutamine synthetase
B. Glutamate dehydrogenase
C. Alanine amino transferase
D. Carbomoyl phosphate synthetase E. UDP-glucoronyl transferase*
137. Point out the peptide participating in the conjugation of some harmful products in the liver: A.
B. Methionine
C. Trialanine
D. Oxytocin
E. Prolylproline
138. Benzoic acid has the formula C6H5-COOH and causes the toxic effect at its accumulation
in the liver. Choose the main conjugative agent for this substance: A. Glycine*
C. S-adenosyl methionine
D. Glutathione E. Urea
139. Point out the enzyme located in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes and participating in the
modification of xenobiotics:
A. Glutamine synthetase
B. Alcohol dehydrogenase*
C. Alanine amino transferase
D. Carbomoyl phosphate transferase E. Glutamate dehydrogenase
140. In course of metabolic process active forms of oxygen including superoxide anion radical are
formed in the human body. By means of what enzyme is this anion inactivated?
A. Catalase
B. Glutathione reductase C. Peroxidase
D. Superoxide dismutase* E. Glutathione peroxidase
141. 12 hours after an acute attack of retrosternal pain a patient presented a jump of aspartate
aminotransferase activity in blood serum. What pathology is this deviation typical for?
A. Viral hepatitis
B. Diabetes insipidus
C. Collagenosis
D. Diabetes mellitus
E. *Myocardial infarction
142. A patient who had been working hard under condition of elevated temperature of the
environment has now a changed quantity of blood plasma proteins. What phenomenon is the case?
A. Absolute hyperproteinemia
B. *Relative hyperproteinemia C. Absolute hypoproteinemia D. Disproteinemia
E. Paraproteinemia
143. 62 y.o. woman complains of frequent pains in the area of her chest and backbone, rib fractures.
A doctor assumed myelomatosis (plasmocytoma).What of the following laboratory characteristics
will be of the greatest diagnostic importance?
A. Proteinuria
B. Hypoproteinemia C. Hypoglobulinemia D. Hyperalbuminemia E. *Paraproteinemia
144. A 4 y.o. child with signs of durative proteinic starvation was admitted to the hospital. The signs
were as follows: Growth inhibition, anemia, oedema, mental deficiency. Choose the cause of
oedema development:
A. Reduced synthesis of lipoproteins
B. Reduced synthesis of glycoproteins C. Reduced synthesis of hemoglobin D. Reduced synthesis of
E. *Reduced synthesis of albumins
145. Marked increase of activity of MB-forms of CPK (creatinephosphokinase) and LDH-1 was
revealed by examination of the patient's blood. What is the most probable pathology?
A. *Myocardial infarction
B. Hepatitis
C. Pancreatitis D. Rheumatism E. Cholecystitis
146. There is high activity of LDH1,2 , aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase in
the blood of patient. In what organs (tissues) the development of pathological process is the most
A. *In the heart muscle {initial stage of myocardium infraction}
B. In skeletal muscle {dystrophy, atrophy}
C. In kidneys and adrenals D. In liver and kidneys
E. In connective tissue
147. The high level of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes concentration showed the increase of
LDH-1 and LDH-2 in a patient’s blood plasma. Point out the most probable diagnosis.
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Skeletal muscle dystrophy C. *Myocardial infarction
D. Acute pancreatitis
E. Viral hepatitis
148. Analysis of blood serum of a patient revealed the increase of alanine aminotransferase and
aspartate aminotransferase levels. What cytological changes can cause such a situation? A.
Disturbance of genetic apparatus of cells
B. *Cellular breakdown
C. Disorder of enzyme systems of cells D. Disturbance of cellular interrelations E. Disturbed energy
supply of cells
149. Blood sampling for bulk analysis is recommended to be performed on an empty stomach and in
the morning. What changes in blood composition can occur if to perform blood sampling after food
A. Reduced contents of erythrocytes B. Increased contents of erythrocytes C. Increased contents of
leukocytes D. *Increased plasma proteins
E. Reduced contents of thrombocytes
150. A 34-year-old patient was diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis 3 years ago. Edema
has developed within the last 6 months. What caused the edema? A. Liver dysfunction of protein
B. Hyperosmolarity of plasma
C. *Proteinuria
D. Hyperproduction of vasopressin E. Hyperaldosteronism
151. A 55 y.o. women consulted a doctor about having continuous cyclic uterine hemorrhages for a
year, weakness, dizziness. Examination revealed skin pallor. Hemogram: Hb – 70 g/L,
erythrocytes-3.2 x 1012/L, color index – 0.6; leukocytes – 6.0 x 109/L, reticulocytes – 1%, erythrocyte
hypochromia. What anemia is it?
A. *Iron-deficiency anemia
B. B12-folate-deficiency anemia C. Hemolytic anemia
D. Aplastic anemia
E. Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia
152. A patient with hypochromic anemia has splitting hair and loss of hair, increased nail bottling
and taste alteration. What is the mechanism of the development of these symptoms?
A. Deficiency of vitamin B12
B. Decreased production of thyroid hormones C. Deficiency of vitamin A
D. Decreased production of parathyrin
E. *Deficiency of iron-containing enzymes
153. Diabetes mellitus causes ketosis as a result of activated oxidation of fatty acids. What disorders
of acid-base equilibrium may be caused by excessive accumulation of ketone bodies in blood?
A. Metabolic alkalosis
B. *Metabolic acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Respiratory acidosis
E. Any changes won't happen
154. A 63-year-old woman developed symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Their increase of which
blood values indicators could be most significant in proving the diagnosis?
A. R-glycosidase
B. Acid phosphatase
C. Lipoproteins
D. General cholesterol
E. *Additive glycosaminoglycans
155. A worker has decreased buffer capacity of blood due to exhausting muscular work. What acidic
substance that came to blood caused this phenomenon?
A. 3-phosphoglycerate
B. 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate C. *Lactate
D. α-ketoglutarate
E. Pyruvate
156. Examination of 27-year-old patient revealed pathological changes in liver and brain. Blood
plasma analysis revealed an abrupt decrease in the copper concentration, urine analysis revealed an
increased copper, concentration. The patient was diagnosed with Wilson’s degeneration. To confirm
the diagnosis it is necessary to study the activity of the following enzyme in blood serum:
A. Leucine aminopeptidase B. Xanthine oxidase
C. Alcohol dehydrogenase D. Ceruloplasmin*
E. Carbonic anhydrase
157. After a surgery a 36-year-old woman was given an intravenous injection of concentrated
albumin solution. This has induced intensified water movement in the following direction:
A. From the intercellular fluid to the capillaries*
B. No changes of water movement will be observed
C. From the intercellular to the cells
D. From the cells to the intercellular fluid
E. From the capillaries to the intercellular fluid
158. Name the enzyme which is the indicator of myocardium damage if its activity will be increased
in the blood plasma in 10 times or more:
A. Alkaline phosphatase
B. Malate dehydrogenase
C. Glutamate dehydrogenase D. Guanine transaminase
E. Aspartate transaminase*
159. Point out the most probable location of the plasma proteins synthesis: A. Kidneys
B. Muscle tissue
C. Nervous tissue
D. Liver* E. Lungs
160. Point out the blood plasma protein, participating in the blood oncotic pressure maintaining: A.
B. Lipoprotein
C. Ceruloplasmin
D. Hemoglobin E. Albumin*
161. Point out the protein, which is not observed in the blood serum of healthy people: A.
B. Albumin
C. Transferin
D. Haptoglobin
E. α2-Macroglobulin
162. Name the excretory enzyme of the blood plasma: A. Alkaline phosphatase*
B. Malate dehydrogenase
C. Glutamate dehydrogenase
D. Alanine transaminase E. Aspartate transaminase
163. Blood is the tissue needed for the transport of all absorbed products in the gut after digestion
processes. Name the function of the blood described above:
A. Body temperature regulatory function
B. Transport of hormones
C. Nutrition function*
D. The maintenance of acid-base balance in the organism E. Protection against microbial agents
164. Name the blood plasma protein used as inhibitor of some proteolytic enzymes: A. Albumin
B. Immunoglobulin G
C. C-reactive protein
D. α1-Antitrypsin* E. Ceruloplasmin
165. Name the method used now as modern technique for the separation and determination of the
content of some proteins in the blood plasma at the same time:
A. Dialysis
B. Immunoelectrophoresis*
C. Spectrophotometry method D. X-ray radiation method
E. Densitometry method
166. Name the factor of blood coagulation system needed for fibrin formation from fibrinogen: A.
B. Heparin
C. Thrombin*
D. Prothrombin E. Lysine
167. Point out the protease of blood that helps to solvate the fibrin clot: A. Plasminogen
B. Lysolipase
C. Plasmin*
D. Antifibrinogen E. Tromboplastin
168. Point out the permissible range of the pH fluctuation in the blood: A. 8.0-8.61
B. 7.37-7.44*
C. 7.81-7.94
D. 6.2-6.84 E. 6.85-7.0
169. Point out the non-protein nitrogenous component of the blood plasma that is in a level about
50% of total non-protein nitrogen:
A. Uric acid
B. Creatine
C. Creatinine D. Amino acids E. Urea*
170. Point out the blood microelement: A. Sodium
B. Copper*
C. Calcium
D. Potassium E. Magnesium
171. Point out the most powerful buffer system of the blood: A. The bicarbonate buffer system
B. The phosphate buffer system C. The protein buffer system
D. Hemoglobin buffer system* E. The acetate buffer system
172. Name the index of blood plasma which helps to recognize the change in biliary system function
at cholestasis state:
A. Fibrinogen
B. Conjugated bilirubin*
C. Uric acid D. Urea
E. Creatine
173. Point out the major transport form of triacylglycerols from the intestine to the liver and other
A. Chylomicrons*
174. Creatine level is much higher then normal, creatinine level is lower then normal in the blood
plasma of patient. Choose the probable diagnosis for this patient:
A. Myocardium infarction
B. Cholestasis
C. Viral hepatitis
D. Phenylketonuria
E. Muscular dystrophy*
175. Metabolic acidosis is observed in patient` organism due to the accumulation of: A. Sodium ions
B. Glucose
C. Pyruvate*
D. Fructose E. Glycerol
176. Kidney insufficiency in patient is accompanied with: A. Excess levels of urea in the blood plasma
B. Excess levels of potassium ions in the blood plasma C. Disturbed clearance
D. Disturbed filtration and reabsorption processes
E. All that is placed above*
177. Point out the most important compensatory mechanism in metabolic acidosis: A.
B. Increased NH3 excretion by kidneys*
C. Increased filtration of phosphates
D. Increased HCO - production 3
E. Urea production in the liver
178. Point out a major source of ammonia in kidney tissue: A. Urea
B. Aspartate
C. Glutamine*
D. Glutamate E. Uric acid
179. Guanidoacetic acid is formed in _____ from ____. Point out location of guanidoacetate
synthesis and substrates for it.
A. Kidney; Arginine+Glycine*
B. Liver; Methionine+Glycine
C. Liver; Cysteine+Arginine
D. Muscle; Citrulline+Aspartate E. Brain; Methionine+Arginine
180. Choose normal amount of proteins excreted in urine/24 hours. A. Less than 150 mg*
B. 200 mg - 225 mg
C. 450 mg – 500 mg
D. More than 800 mg E. 150 mg – 250 mg
181. Name organic compound which is terminal for humans and not reabsorbed in renal tubules:
A. Globulins
B. Glucose
C. Albumin
D. Creatinine* E. Bilirubin
182. Choose the specific gravity region (g/ml) for urine of healthy person: A. 1.005-1.015
B. 1.030-1.040
C. 1.015-1.020*
D. 1.030-1.040
E. Less then 1.010
183. Creatinine levels in the urine and blood are used to test kidney function. Creatinine is useful for
this test because it is not significantly reabsorbed nor secreted by kidney, and metabolically it is:
A. Produced at a constant rate*
B. Produced only in kidney
C. A storage form of energy
D. An acceptor of protons in renal tubules E. A precursor for phosphocreatine
184. Appearance of albumins in the urine of diseased person may be at: A. Acute nephritis
B. Chronical nephritis
C. Severe form of diabetes mellitus
D. Pyelonephritis
E. All that is placed above*
185. Filtration process in glomerulus proceeds due to mechanism___________and promotes
formation of ________:
A. Active transport due to ATPases; final urine
B. Passive diffusion against gradient of substances; primary urine C. Passive diffusion due to gradient
in the blood; primary urine* D. Passive diffusion due to gradient in the blood; final urine
E. Active symport mechanism; primary urine
186. Choose the main biochemical tests for diagnostics of kidney diseases: A. Urea content in the
blood plasma and in the urine
B. Creatinine content in the blood and urine
C. Sodium ions content in the blood and urine
D. N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity (blood serum, urine) E. All that is placed above*
187. What organic compounds accumulate in final urine at severe form of diabetes mellitus? A.
B. Glucose
C. Ketone bodies
D. Bilirubin conjugated
E. All that is placed in positions A, B, C*
188. Kidney insufficiency development will cause the infringements in those processes: A.
Erythropoietin synthesis and secretion
B. Calcitriol synthesis
C. Mineralization of bone tissue
D. Creatine synthesis
E. All that is placed above*
189. Point out the substance that appears in the urine in a case of alkaptonuria: A. Fructose
B. Protein
C. Homogentisic acid*
D. Glucose
E. Tryptophan
190. The diuresis in healthy adults is about: A. 400-700 ml
B. 1000-2000 ml*
C. 2000-3000 ml
D. 700-900 ml E. 3000-4000 ml
191. Point out the pathological component of urine: A. Hemoglobin*
B. Urea
C. Uric acid
D. Creatinine E. Amino acids
192. Point out the normal component of urine: A. Coniugated bilirubin
B. Glucose
C. Ketone bodies
D. Uric acid* E. Albumins
193. What is the urine color when intestinal rotting processes are intensified: A. Brown
B. Straw-yellow
C. Red
D. Green or blue* E. Beer like color
194. Choose the urine component, whose concentration increases at consuming a lot of meat food:
A. Glucose
B. Protein
C. Uric acid*
D. Ketone bodies E. Fructose
195. The concentration of what urine component will decrease in a case of viral hepatitis: A. Glucose
B. Protein
C. Urea*
D. Lipids
E. Carbohydrates
196. Point out the qualitative reaction to prove the presence of blood pigments in urine: A. Heller's
B. Benzidine test*
C. Lugol's test
D. Trommer's reaction E. Rozine's reaction
197. The violation of the hormone secretion is followed by polyuria. Choose this hormone: A.
B. Insulin
C. Testosterone
D. Vasopressin* E. Oxytocin
198. Point out the qualitative reaction to prove the presence of proteins in urine: A. Heller's test*
B. Benzidine test
C. Lugol's test
D. Trommer's reaction E. Rozine's reaction
199. Examination of a 43 y.o. anephric patient revealed anemia symptoms. What is the cause of
these symptoms?
A. Folic acid deficit
B. Vitamin B12 deficit
C. Reduced synthesis of erythropoietins* D. Enhanced destruction of erythrocytes E. Iron deficit
200. A patient complains about dyspnea provoked by the physical activity. Clinical examination
revealed anaemia and presence of the para-protein in the zone of gamma- globulins. To confirm the
myeloma diagnosis it is necessary to determine the following index in the patient’s urine:
A. Ceruplasmin
B. Bilirubin
C. Antitrypsin
D. Bence Jones protein* E. Haemoglobin
201. Human red blood cells do not contain mitochondria. What is the main pathway for ATP
production in these cells?
A. Creatine kinase reaction B. *Anaerobic glycolysis
C. Cyclase reaction
D. Aerobic glycolysis
E. Oxidative phosphorylation
202. A 67-year-old male patient consumes eggs, pork fat, butter, milk and meat. Blood test results:
cholesterol – 12.3 mmol/l, total lipids – 8.2 g/l, increased low-density lipoprotein fraction (LDL).
What type of hyperlipoproteinemia is observed in the patient?
A. Hyporlipoproteinemia type I
B. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IV
C. Cholesterol, hyperlipoproteinemia
D. Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIa
E. *Hyperlipoproteinemia type IIb
203. A 36-year-old fimale patient has a history of B2-hypovitaminosis. The most likely cause of
specific symptoms (epithelial, mucosa, cutaneous, corneal lesions) is the deficiency of: A.
Cytochrome oxidase
B. Cytochrome B
C. Cytochrome A1
D. Cytochrome C E. *FAD or FMN
204. A 53-year-old male patient is diagnosed with Paget’s disease. The concentration of oxyproline
in daily urine is sharply increased, which primarily means intensified disintegration of: A. Albumin
B. Hemoglobin
C. *Collagen D. Fibrinogen E. Keratin
205. A patient is diagnosed with iron-dificiency sideroachrestic anemia, progression of which is
characterized by skin hyperpigmentation, pigmentary cirrhosis, heart and pancreas affection. Iron
level in the blood serum is increased. What disorder of iron metabolism causes this disease?
A. Excessive iron intake with food
B. Disorder of iron absorption in bowels
C. Increased iron assimilation by body
D. *Failure to assimilate iron leading to iron accumulation in tissues
206. Disruption of nerve fiber myelinogenesis causes neurological disorders and mental retardation.
These symptoms are typical for hereditary and acquired alterations in the metabolism of:
A. Phosphatidic acid
B. Cholesterol
C. *Sphingolipids
D. Neutral fats
E. Higher fatty acids
207. A patient complains of photoreception disorder and frequent acute viral diseases. He has been
prescribed a vitamin that affects photoreception processes by producing rhodopsin, the
photosensitive pigment. What vitamin is it?
A. Cyanocobalamin
B. Tocopherol acetate
C. Pyridoxine hydrochloride D. Thiamine
E. *Retinol acetate
208. Steatosis is caused by the accumulation of triacylglycerols in hepatocytes. One of the
mechanisms of this disease development is a decrease in the utilization of VLDL neutral fat. What
lipotropic factors intake with food prevent the development of steatosis?
A. Valine, B3, B2
B. Arginine, B2, B3
C. Alanine B1, PP
D. *Methionine, B6, B12 E. Isoleucine, B1, B2
209. Symptoms of pellagra (vitamin PP deficiency) is particularly pronounced in patients with low
protein diet, because nicotine amide precursor in humans is one of the essential amino acids,
A. Lysine
B. Threonine C. *Tryptophan D. Arginine
E. Histidine
210. A biochemical urine analysis has been performed for a patient with progressive muscular
dystrophy. In the given case muscle disease can be confirmed by the high content of the following
substance in urine:
A. Urea
B. Porphyrin
C. Hippuric acid D. *Creatine
E. Creatinine
211. A 49-year-old male patient with acute pancreatitis was likely to develop pancreatic necrosis,
while active pancreatic proteases were absorbed into the blood stream and tissue proteins broke up.
What protective factors of the body can inhibit these processes?
A. Immunoglobulin
B. Ceruloplasmin, transferrin
C. *a2-macroglobulin, a1-antitrypsin
D. Cryoglobulin, interferon E. Hemopexin, haptoglobin
212. A patient is diagnosed with hereditary coagulopathy that is characterized by factor VIII
deficiency. Specify the phase of blood clotting during which coagulation will be disrupted in the
given case:
A. Clot retraction
B. *Thromboplastin formation C. Fibrin formation
D. Thrombin formation
213. Examination of a 56-year-old female patient with a history of type 1 diabetes revealed a
disorder of protein metabolism that is manifested by aminoacidemia in the laboratory blood test
values, and clinically by the delayed wound healing and decreased synthesis of antibodies. Which of
the following mechanisms causes the development of aminoacidemia?
A. *Increased proteolysis
B. Decrease in the concentration of amino acids in blood C. Albuminosis
D. Increase in the oncotic pressure in the blood plasma E. Increase in low-density lipoprotein level