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Statistical Mechanics Assignment: Particles & Oscillations

Assignment 3 and 4 (Combined)
1. Consider N particles of same mass m connected by identical springs
with spring constant κ in one dimension. Let the equilibrium distance
between the springs be a. The N ’th particle is connected to the 1-st
particle. Thus the particles are on a ring. Let the system be in contact
with the heat bath of temperature T
(a) Evaluate the partition function and then evaluate the specific heat
by treating the system quantum-mechanically.
(b) Now take N → ∞ and call N a = L. Reformulate and revaluate
your expressions in terms of an integral over the momentum k.
What is the domain of integration of k. This is what is termed to
be the Brillouin zone. Perform the integrals in the Debye approximation.
(c) Now again starting from the original system, take the limit a → 0
but κa2 held finite and N a = L held finite. The system now again
has infinite degrees of freedom, but now has continuous translational invariance instead of the discrete translational invariance of
the previous situation. Again, evaluate the partition function and
the specific heat. Now take L also to infinity and approximate
summations by integrations, how is this system related to a gas
of photons in 1 dimension kept in a box of size L.
2. The transverse oscillations of a string can be thought of a collection
of infinite decoupled oscillators. Each oscillator indexed by m has frequency
ωm = mω0 ,
m = 1, 2, · · ·
where ω0 is the fundamental frequency. Note that the zero mode is
present. Evaluate the partition function at temperature T
which can be shown using analytic continuation. The answer you will
obtain is related to the inverse of the Dedekind eta function (you can
find it in wikipedia), which we call
η(τ ),
τ = h̄ω0 /kB T.
Many properties of this function was original conjectured by Ramanujan and proved much later. In bosonic string theory, the string is
allowed to vibrate in 24 transverse independent directions. Assuming
the oscillators in each of the 24 directions to be independent what is the
partition function of the system. Use the following (modular ) property
of the Dedekind eta function to obtain the low and high temperature
behaviour of the partition function.
η( ) = βη(β)
The high temperature behaviour of this partition function is a special
case of what is called the Cardy formula.
3. Evaluate density fluctuations in the grand canonical ensemble and show
hN 2 i − hN i2 = N̄ kB T κT
where N is the number of particles and N̄ is the mean number of
particles and
kT = −
V ∂P/∂V
4. Evaluate Energy, entropy, Cv per unit particle as function of Temperature and z, the fugacity and density for the quantum fermi and bose
gas. Write also density in terms of temperature and z. Then perform a
high temperature and low temperature expansion. Show that in both
the gases the entropy vanishes as T → 0 thus satisfying the third law.
5. Evaluate the pressure exerted by a relativisitc fermi gas composed of
particles of mass m at T = 0. If the gas is confined to a sphere of
radius R, express the pressure as a function of the radius R and the
total mass M . Then obtain the pressure in both extreme relativisitc and non-relativistic limit. (Let us calls this Pfermi (M, R), equating
this to the gravitational pressure Pgravity (M, R) required to hold a neutron star of mass M at radius R one can obtain an equation which
gives a relationship between M and R. This is given by the equation
Pfermi (M, R) = Pgravity (M, R). (Studying this equation in the extreme
relativistic limit the Chandrasekhar limit for neutron stars is obtained.
This is the limiting value of mass of a neutron star beyond which it is
unstable to gravitational collapse. )
6. Show that there is no Bose-Einstein condensation in 2 and 1 spatial
7. Show that for a Bose gas at critical temperature, the Clausius-Clapeyron
equation holds, that is show
∆S, ∆V is the difference in entropy and volume of the gas phase and
condensed phase.
8. Problems 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 of Kardar Problem set 5 (Attached)
9. Problems 4, 5, 6 of of Kardar Problem set 6 (Attached)
MIT OpenCourseWare
8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles
Fall 2007
For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.
8.333: Statistical Mechanics I
Problem Set # 5
Due: 11/29/07
Interacting particles & Quantum ensembles
1. Surfactant condensation:
N surfactant molecules are added to the surface of water
over an area A. They are subject to a Hamiltonian
p!i 2
V(!qi − q!j ),
2 i,j
where !qi and p!i are two dimensional vectors indicating the position and momentum of
particle i. (This simple form ignores the couplings to the fluid itself. The actual kientic
and potential energies are more complicated.)
(a) Write down the expression for the partition function Z(N, T, A) in terms of integrals
over !qi and p!i , and perform the integrals over the momenta.
The inter–particle potential V(!r ) is infinite for separations |!r | < a, and attractive for
|!r | > a such that a 2πrdrV(r) = −u0 .
(b) Estimate the total non–excluded area available in the positional phase space of the
system of N particles.
(c) Estimate the total potential energy of the system, within a uniform density approximation n = N/A. Using this potential energy for all configurations allowed in the previous
part, write down an approximation for Z.
(d) The surface tension of water without surfactants is σ0 , approximately independent of
temperature. Calculate the surface tension σ(n, T ) in the presence of surfactants.
(e) Show that below a certain temperature, Tc , the expression for σ is manifestly incorrect.
What do you think happens at low temperatures?
(f) Compute the heat capacities, CA and write down an expression for Cσ without explicit
evaluation, due to the surfactants.
2. Critical point behavior:
The pressure P of a gas is related to its density n = N/V ,
and temperature T by the truncated expansion
P = kB T n − n 2 + n 3
where b and c are assumed to be positive temperature independent constants.
(a) Locate the critical temperature Tc below which this equation must be invalid, and
the corresponding density nc and pressure Pc of the critical point. Hence find the ratio
kB Tc nc /Pc .
(b) Calculate the isothermal compressibility κT = − V1
function of T for n = nc .
∂V #
∂P T ,
and sketch its behavior as a
(c) On the critical isotherm give an expression for (P − Pc ) as a function of (n − nc ).
(d) The instability in the isotherms for T < Tc is avoided by phase separation into a liquid
of density n+ and gas of density n− . For temperatures close to Tc , these densities behave
as n± ≈ nc (1 ± δ). Using a Maxwell construction, or otherwise, find an implicit equation
for δ(T ), and indicate its behavior for (Tc − T ) → 0. (Hint: Along an isotherm, variations
of chemical potential obey dµ = dP/n.)
3. The Manning transition:
When ionic polymers (polyelectrolytes) such as DNA are
immersed in water, the negatively charged counter-ions go into solution, leaving behind
a positively charged polymer. Because of the electrostatic repulsion of the charges left
behind, the polymer stretches out into a cylinder of radius a, as in the figure below.
While thermal fluctuations favor ions wandering in the solvent, electrostatic attractions
prefer their return and condensation on the polymer. If the number of counter-ions is N ,
they interact with the N positive charges left behind on the rod through the potential
φ (r) = −2 (N e/L) ln (r/L), where r is the radial coordinate in a cylindrical geometry.
If we ignore the Coulomb repulsion between counter-ions, they can be described by the
classical Hamiltonian
N $ 2
& r '%
+ 2e n ln
where n = N/L.
(a) For a cylindrical container of radius R, calculate the canonical partition function Z in
terms of temperature T , density n, and radii R and a.
(b) Calculate the probability distribution function p (r) for the radial position of a counterion, and its first moment $r%, the average radial position of a counter-ion.
(c) The behavior of the results calculated above in the limit R & a is very different at high
and low temperatures. Identify the transition temperature, and characterize the nature of
the two phases. In particular, how does $r% depend on R and a in each case?
(d) Calculate the pressure exerted by the counter-ions on the wall of the container, at
r = R, in the limit R & a, at all temperatures.
(e) The character of the transition examined in part (d) is modified if the Coulomb interactions between counter-ions are taken into account. An approximate approach to the
interacting problem is to allow a fraction N1 of counter-ions to condense along the polymer
rod, while the remaining N2 = N − N1 fluctuate in the solvent. The free counter-ions are
again treated as non-interacting particles, governed by the Hamiltonian
N $ 2
& r '%
+ 2e n2 ln
where n2 = N2 /L. Guess the equilibrium number of non-interacting ions, N2∗ , and justify
your guess by discussing the response of the system to slight deviations from N2∗ . (This is
a qualitative question for which no new calculations are needed.)
4. (Optional problem) Hard rods:
A collection of N asymmetric molecules in two
dimensions may be modeled as a gas of rods, each of length 2l and lying in a plane. A
rod can move by translation of its center of mass and rotation about latter, as long as it
does not encounter another rod. Without treating the hard-core interaction exactly, we
can incorporate it approximately by assuming that the rotational motion of each rod is
restricted (by the other rods) to an angle θ, which in turn introduces an excluded volume
Ω (θ) (associated with each rod). The value of θ is then calculated self consistently by
maximizing the entropy at a given density n = N/V , where V is the total accessible area.
(a) Write down the entropy of such a collection of rods in terms of N , n, Ω, and A (θ), the
phase space volume associated to the rotational freedom of a single rod. (You may ignore
the momentum contributions throughout, and consider the large N limit.)
(b) Extremizing the entropy as a function of θ, relate the density to Ω, A, and their
derivatives Ω$ , A$ ; express your result in the form n = f (Ω, A, Ω$ , A$ ).
(c) Express the excluded volume Ω in terms of θ and sketch f as a function of θ ∈ [0, π],
assuming A ∝ θ.
(d) Describe the equilibrium state at high densities. Can you identify a phase transition
as the density is decreased? Draw the corresponding critical density nc on your sketch.
What is the critical angle θc at the transition? You don’t need to calculate θc explicitly,
but give an (implicit) relation defining it. What value does θ adopt at n < nc ?
! is
5. Electron spin: The Hamiltonian for an electron in a magnetic field B
H = −µB !σ.B,
σx =
0 1
1 0
σy =
and σz =
1 0
0 −1
are the Pauli spin operators, and µB is the Bohr magneton.
! is along the z
(a) In the quantum canonical ensemble evaluate the density matrix if B
! points along the x-direction.
(b) Repeat the calculation assuming that B
(c) Calculate the average energy in each of the above cases.
6. (Optional problem) Quantum rotor: Consider a rotor in two dimensions with
¯ 2 d2
2I dθ 2
0 ≤ θ < 2π.
(a) Find the eigenstates and energy levels of the system.
(b) Write the expression for the density matrix $θ $ |ρ|θ% in a canonical ensemble of temperature T , and evaluate its low and high temperature limits.
7. Quantum mechanical entropy: A quantum mechanical system (defined by a Hamiltonian H), at temperature T , is described by a density matrix ρ(t), which has an associated
entropy S(t) = −tr [ρ(t) ln ρ(t)].
(a) Write down the time evolution equation for the density matrix, and calculate dS/dt.
(b) Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, find the density operator ρmax which maximizes the functional S[ρ], subject to the constraint of fixed average energy $H% = tr(ρH) =
(c) Show that the solution to part (b) is stationary, i.e. ∂ρmax /∂t = 0.
8. (Optional problem) Ortho/para–hydrogen:
and para states.
Hydrogen molecules can exist in ortho
(a) The two electrons of H2 in para-hydrogen form a singlet (antisymmetric) state. The
orbital angular momentum can thus only take even values; i.e.
Hp =
*(* + 1),
where * = 0, 2, 4, · · ·. Calculate the rotational partition function of para-hydrogen, and
evaluate its low and high temperature limits.
(b) In ortho-hydrogen the electrons are in a triply degenerate symmetric state, hence
Ho =
*(* + 1),
with * = 1, 3, 5, · · ·. Calculate the rotational partition function of ortho-hydrogen, and
evaluate its low and high temperature limits.
(c) For an equilibrium gas of N hydrogen molecules calculate the partition function.
(Hint: Sum over contributions from mixtures of Np para- and No = N −Np ortho-hydrogen
particles. Ignore vibrational degrees of freedom.)
(d) Write down the expression for the rotational contribution to the internal energy $Erot. %,
and comment on its low and high temperature limits.
Actually, due to small transition rates between ortho- and para-hydrogen, in most
circumstances the mixture is not in equilibrium.
9. van Leeuwen’s theorem:
Consider a gas of charged particles subject to a general
Hamiltonian of the form
+ U (!q1 , · · · , !qN ).
! , the canonical momenta, p
In an external magnetic field, B
!n , are replaced with p!n − eA
! is the vector potential, B
! =∇
! ×A
! . Show that if quantum effects are ignored, the
where A
thermodynamics of the problem is independent of B
MIT OpenCourseWare
8.333 Statistical Mechanics I: Statistical Mechanics of Particles
Fall 2007
For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: http://ocw.mit.edu/terms.
8.333: Statistical Mechanics I
Problem Set # 6
Due: 12/7/07 @ mid-night!
Ideal Quantum Gases
1. Numerical estimates: The following table provides typical values for the Fermi energy
and Fermi temperature for (i) Electrons in a typical metal; (ii) Nucleons in a heavy nucleus;
and (iii) He3 atoms in liquid He3 (atomic volume = 46.2˚
A3 per atom).
n(1/m3 )
εF (eV)
TF (K)
9 × 10−31
5 × 104
1.6 × 10−27
1.0 × 108
1.1 × 1012
liquid He3
2.6 × 1028
4.6 × 10−27
(a) Estimate the ratio of the electron and phonon heat capacities at room temperature for
a typical metal.
(b) Compare the thermal wavelength of a neutron at room temperature to the minimum
wavelength of a phonon in a typical crystal.
(c) Estimate the degeneracy discriminant, nλ3 , for hydrogen, helium, and oxygen gases
at room temperature and pressure. At what temperatures do quantum mechanical effects
become important for these gases?
(d) Experiments on He4 indicate that at temperatures below 1K, the heat capacity is
given by CV = 20.4T 3 JKg −1 K−1 . Find the low energy excitation spectrum, E(k), of He4 .
(Hint: There is only one non-degenerate branch of such excitations.)
2. Solar interior:
According to astrophysical data, the plasma at the center of the sun
has the following properties:
T = 1.6 × 107 K
Hydrogen density:
ρH = 6 × 104 kg m−3
Helium density:
ρHe = 1 × 105 kg m−3 .
(a) Obtain the thermal wavelengths for electrons, protons, and α-particles (nuclei of He).
(b) Assuming that the gas is ideal, determine whether the electron, proton, or α-particle
gases are degenerate in the quantum mechanical sense.
(c) Estimate the total gas pressure due to these gas particles near the center of the sun.
(d) Estimate the total radiation pressure close to the center of the sun. Is it matter, or
radiation pressure, that prevents the gravitational collapse of the sun?
3. Exciton dissociation in a semiconductor: Shining an intense laser beam on a semiconductor can create a metastable collection of electrons (charge −e, and effective mass me )
and holes (charge +e, and effective mass mh ) in the bulk. The oppositely charged particles
may pair up (as in a hydrogen atom) to form a gas of excitons, or they may dissociate into
a plasma. We shall examine a much simplified model of this process.
(a) Calculate the free energy of a gas composed of Ne electrons and Nh holes, at temperature T , treating them as classical non-interacting particles of masses me and mh .
(b) By pairing into an excition, the electron hole pair lowers its energy by ε. [The binding
energy of a hydrogen-like exciton is ε ≈ me4 /(2h̄2 %2 ), where % is the dielectric constant,
and m−1 = m−
e + mh .] Calculate the free energy of a gas of Np excitons, treating them
as classical non-interacting particles of mass m = me + mh .
(c) Calculate the chemical potentials µe , µh , and µp of the electron, hole, and exciton
states, respectively.
(d) Express the equilibrium condition between excitons and electron/holes in terms of their
chemical potentials.
(e) At a high temperature T , find the density np of excitons, as a function of the total
density of excitations n ≈ ne + nh .
Non-interacting bosons:
Consider a grand canonical ensemble of non-interacting
bosons with chemical potential µ. The one–particle states are labelled by a wavevector &
and have energies E(&q ).
(a) What is the joint probability P ({nq! }), of finding a set of occupation numbers {nq!}, of
the one–particle states, in terms of the fugacities zq! ≡ exp [β(µ − E(&q))]?
(b) For a particular &q , calculate the characteristic function %exp [iknq! ]&.
(c) Using the result of part (b), or otherwise, give expressions for the mean and variance
of nq! . occupation number %nq! &.
(d) Express the variance in part (c) in terms of the mean occupation number %nq! &.
(e) Express your answer to part (a) in terms of the occupation numbers {%nq!&}.
(f) Calculate the entropy of the probability distribution for bosons, in terms of {%nq! &}, and
comment on its zero temperature limit.
5. Graphene bilayer: The layers of graphite can be peeled apart through different exfoliation processes. Many such processes generate single sheets of carbon atoms, as well as
bilayers in which the two sheets are weakly coupled. The hexagonal lattice of the single
layer graphene, leads to a band structure that at low energies can
! !be approximated by
! !
1 layer &
(k) = ±t" (ak), as in relativistic Dirac fermions. (Here k = !&k !, a is a lattice spac-
ing, and t" is a typical in-plane hopping energy.) A weak hopping energy t⊥ between the
two sheets of the bilayer modifies the low energy excitations drastically, to
E bilayer
i.e. resembling massive Dirac fermions. In addition to the spin degeneracy, there are two
branches of such excitations per unit cell, for an overall degeneracy of g = 4.
(a) For the undoped material with one electron per site, at zero temperature all negative
energy states are occupied and all positive energy ones are empty. Find the chemical
potential µ(T ).
(b) Show that the mean excitation energy of this system at finite temperature satisfies
E(T ) − E(0) = 2gA
E + (&k)
(2π)2 exp βE (&k) + 1
(c) Give a closed form answer for the excitation energy of the bilayer by evaluating the
above integral.
(d) Calculate the heat capacity, CA , of such massive Dirac particles.
(e) A sample contains an equal proportion of single and bilayers. Estimate (in terms of the
hopping energies) the temperature below which the electronic heat capacity is dominated
by the bilayers.
(f) Explain qualitatively the contribution of phonons (lattice vibrations) to the heat capacity of graphene. The typical sound velocity in graphite is of the order of 2 × 104 ms−1 .
Is the low temperature heat capacity of (monolayer) graphene controlled by phonon or
electron contributions?
6. Neutron star core:
Professor Rajagopal’s group at MIT has proposed that a new
phase of QCD matter may exist in the core of neutron stars. This phase can be viewed as
a condensate of quarks in which the low energy excitations are approximately
E(&k)± =± h̄2
|&k | − kF
The excitations are fermionic, with a degeneracy of g = 2 from spin.
(a) Assuming a constant density of states near k = kF , i.e. setting d3 k ≈ 4πkF2 dq with
q = |&k | − kF , show that the mean excitation energy of this system at finite temperature is
E(T ) − E(0) ≈ 2gV F2
E + (q)
exp (βE + (q)) + 1
(b) Give a closed form answer for the excitation energy by evaluating the above integral.
(c) Calculate the heat capacity, CV , of this system, and comment on its behavior at low
7. (Optional) Bose condensation in d–dimensions:
Consider a gas of non-interacting
(spinless) bosons with an energy spectrum % = p /2m, contained in a box of “volume”
V = Ld in d dimensions.
(a) Calculate the grand potential G = −kB T ln Q, and the density n = N/V , at a chemical
potential µ. Express your answers in terms of d and fm
(z), where z = eβµ , and
Γ (m)
z −1 ex − 1
(Hint: Use integration by parts on the expression for ln Q.)
(b) Calculate the ratio P V /E, and compare it to the classical value.
(c) Find the critical temperature, Tc (n), for Bose-Einstein condensation.
(d) Calculate the heat capacity C (T ) for T < Tc (n).
(e) Sketch the heat capacity at all temperatures.
(f) Find the ratio, Cmax /C (T → ∞), of the maximum heat capacity to its classical limit,
and evaluate it in d = 3.
(g) How does the above calculated ratio behave as d → 2? In what dimensions are your
results valid? Explain.
8. (Optional) Freezing of He4 :
At low temperatures He4 can be converted from liquid
to solid by application of pressure. An interesting feature of the phase boundary is that
the melting pressure is reduced slightly from its T = 0K value, by approximately 20Nm−2
at its minimum at T = 0.8K. We will use a simple model of liquid and solid phases of 4 He
to account for this feature.
(a) The important excitations in liquid 4 He at T < 1K are phonons of velocity c. Calculate
the contribution of these modes to the heat capacity per particle CV# /N , of the liquid.
(b) Calculate the low temperature heat capacity per particle CVs /N , of solid 4 He in terms
of longitudinal and transverse sound velocities cL , and cT .
(c) Using the above results calculate the entropy difference (s# − ss ), assuming a single
sound velocity c ≈ cL ≈ cT , and approximately equal volumes per particle v# ≈ vs ≈ v.
Which phase (solid or liquid) has the higher entropy?
(d) Assuming a small (temperature independent) volume difference δv = v# − vs , calculate
the form of the melting curve. To explain the anomaly described at the beginning, which
phase (solid or liquid) must have the higher density?