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Written Report Crime and Punishment by F - Copy

Ellaine T. Cruz
MA Literature
European Literature
Saturday 8AM-11AM
“Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
A Report
Background of the Writer
Fyodor Dostoyevsky was often described as one of the finest novelists who ever lived
because of his influence not only in the fields of literature but also in various schools of thoughts
in psychology and theology. Born on November 11, 1821 to a minor noble family in Russia, he
was the son of a doctor and a mother from a family of merchants. He had 6 siblings who all
survived him after his death in February 9, 1881 where he was surrounded by his children in his
dying bed while being read the parable of the Prodigal Son. His influence in the literary circles of
his time was apparent in the literary works of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Anton Chekov as well
as the philosphers such as Friendrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre.
Dostoyevsky’s works mostly composed of novellas and novels though he had also written
numerous amounts of short stories and collected his essays in a compilation entitled “A Writer’s
Diary” which includes essays written from 1873-1881. His first essay entitled “Winter Notes on
Summer Impressions” was published through a monthly magazine named Vremya which
Dostoyevsky himself edited. His first novella entitled “Poor Folk” published in 1846, was
considered a socialist literary work and was even dubbed by Vissarion Belinsky as Russia’s first
“social novel”. In 1864, another one of his novellas entitled “Notes from Underground” was again
rendered a first of its kind when it was considered by critics as one of the first existentialist novels
as it narrates itself as a rambling monologue of a bitter, isolated, and unnamed narrator described
as a retired civil servant living in St. Petersburg. It was also regarded as one of his four major
works along with “Crime and Punishment” (1866), “The Idiot” (1869), and “The Demon”
(alternatively titled, “The Possessed” published in 1872).
Originally published as a monthly installment in the literary journal The Russian Messenger in
1866, “Crime and Punishment” became Dostoyevsky’s first full length novel after it was published
in a single volume after his exile in the prisons of Siberia. It was generally regarded by critics as
his first great novel during the maturation of his writing career.
Writer’s Milieu and the Milieu of the Novel
Regarded as one of the greatest and most influential novelists in the Golden Age of Russian
Literature, Dostoyevsky’s writing career had spanned throughout the latter part of this literary age
which was greatly influenced by his fellow Russian writers like Vasily Zhukovsky, Alexander
Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol, and Mikhail Lermontov among others. Dostoyevsky’s works are
traditionally regarded as highly psychological as he specialized in the analysis of states of mind
leading to insanity, self-humiliation, and murderous rage brought about by tragic and desperate
human circumstances.
Though belonging to an age of greatly realistic literary form, his novel “Crime and Punishment”,
portrayed an altogether different form dealing with the depths of human meaning questioned in a
heavy blend of philosophical, psychological, and political issues.
Plot Structure
The novel was divided into six parts and an epilogue, the parts in themselves were divided into
several chapters. The story was narrated in a very linear manner though it presented the focal event
at the beginning of the novel. As it was originally published as a monthly installment in a literary
journal, every chapters portray elements of thrill and surprise. The dialogue used was highly
idealistic and contains more than a fair share of ideals infused by the narrator and the central
characters of the novel.
Brief summary of the Novel
Raskolnikov is a former law student who lives in poverty in a tiny apartment in St. Petersburg.
Though stricken with poverty, the former student is a proud, handsome, and intelligent man who
refused to bow down to his situation and ultimately arrived at the conclusion that people who are
considered rare individuals of high level of genius can be given the right to overstep moral and
legal boundaries to achieve the success of their ideas therefore giving them the right of
transgression towards other ‘lesser’ people. With this belief, he had carefully planned the murder
of an old pawn broker whom he intended to thieve on to improve his financial situation. Albeit his
hesitance at first, Raskolnikov was able to complete his plan but was discovered by the old lady’s
sister while rummaging her stuff and whom he also killed after. Before the chilling murder of the
two sisters however, the guilt stricken murderer had previously entered a pub where he met the
acquaintance of a drunkard named Marmeladov and was subject to his bitter story of his daughter
who was forced into prostitution to support their family and his ailing wife, Katrina. The next day,
Raskolnikov also received word from his mother that his sister Dounia, was forced to resign from
her job as a governess in the house of her employer named Svidrigailov who was repeatedly forcing
himself on her. To help her family’s financial and social situation, Dounia had decided to marry
her wealthy suitor named Luizhin. Razkolnikov was heartbroken to hear of his sister’s sacrifice
and was greatly fueled to commit and fulfill his murderous plan.
Following these fateful scenes is Raskolnikov’s relentless emotional struggle with guilt and his
conscience as well as the impending revelation of his crime. Due to this, he was ill for the most
part of the story and has repeatedly warded off offers of help from his friends and family. When
Marmeladov was run over by a carriage and killed, Raskolnikov gave his daughter, Sonia, the last
of his money to help with the expenses for the funeral. He also passionately objected to the
marriage of his sister and Luzhin due to the latter’s highly pompous attitude towards their family
and specially to Sonia as seen in a later part of the story when, during the memorial dinner of her
father, she was accused of stealing his money on the day she visited Raskolnikov’s apartment
which was the same day he also stayed there to visit with his fiance. Meanwhile, the investigator
in charge of the murders of the two sisters have almost arrived at his conclusion of the case which
implied Raskolnikov as the murderer. Before arriving at this conclusion however, another man
confessed to the murders which further heightened Raskolnikov’s feelings of guilt. Later on, he
tells Sonia what he has done but Svidrigailov overhears his confession and used this information
to blackmail Dounia into submitting to his advances but when it became clear that she will never
feel for him as he does to her, he succumbed to his depression and committed suicide.
Eventually, Raskolnikov admitted to his crimes as convinced by Sonia. He was charged to 8 years
of prison and hard labor in Siberia where he still didn’t repent for the crime he has committed. He
was visited by Sonia repeatedly during his exile, meanwhile his sister Dounia married his friend
Razumikhin who has helped him greatly during his illness in most parts of the story. During his
imprisonment, Raskolnikov also shuts himself out of touch with people until he was hit with an
illness which eventually made him realize that happiness cannot be achieved through a planned
existence but through suffering. This realization rendered him able to return Sonia’s developed
affection for him at the end of the novel.
Major Characters of the Novel
Rodian Raskolnikov – the main protagonist of the story and the center of psychological themes
apparent all throughout. He was a former law student stricken with poverty while living in a tiny
garett in St. Petersburg. Despite his poverty however, he had remain proud and handsome albeit
his shabby appearance. Believing himself a superior being rendering humanity a good cause by
planning the murder of an old pawn broker whom nobody will miss, he had carefully planned his
steps towards his idea by repeatedly pretending to pawn a watch to be able to visit the old woman’s
house and eventually fulfilling the crime at the expense of an extra life, the old woman’s sister.
The story revolved around his feelings of guilt and emotions caused by his conscience as he suffers
through the events of the murders investigation.
Sonia Marmeladova – the daughter of Raskolnikov’s drunkard friend and was mostly the source
of moral strength for the protagonist throughout the novel. She was described as shy and innocent
despite having been forced into prostitution to help her family. The protagonist greatly feels
connected to Sonia because he believes she shares the feeling of isolation he experienced as man
of poverty.
Dounia Raskolnikov – the sister of the main protagonist and the catalyst to his enactment of the
crime. During Raskolnikov’s time of hesistance, having received the sad fate of his sister through
the letter of their mother rendered him desperate to improve his financial situation which finally
decided his mind. Though seemingly helpless in her dire situation, Dounia had still imperviously
fought her way in life by deciding to marry her rich suitor though his extreme pompous manner
forced her to break off the engagement. She later married his brother’s best friend, Razumikhin,
who had helped their family throughout the ordeal of the murder investigation and her brother’s
almost delusional state of mind.
Dmitri Razumikhin – the main protagonist’s old friend whom he visited after committing his
crime. During Raskolnikov’s illness in the early part of the novel, he had nursed him back to health
where he was able to meet and was greatly enamored by his friend’s sister, Dounia, when they
arrived at his apartment for a visit. He eventually realized what his friend had done but he was
relentless in giving him assistance extended to his family resulting to him falling in love with
Dounia. He was described as a loyal, strong, and intelligent character in the novel which was
deemed important for the main protagonist during his time of great struggle.
Pyotr Luzhin – a well-off man who was engaged to Dounia at the beginning of the story. He was
described as a narrow-minded and self absorbed who’s only intention in marrying the main
protagonist’s sister was to indulge his desire to have a beautiful but poor girl who will be
completely enamored and indebted to him.
Arkady Svidrigailov – Dounia’s former employer who had taken advantage of her poor situation
by repeatedly attempting to force himself upon his employee despite the fact that he was married.
After his wife died, he generously offered to make financial arrangements for the Sonya and the
rest of the Marmeladov children after their father’s death. He seemingly believes that he can make
Dounia fall in love with him but when it became apparent that such a thing will never happen, he
committed suicide at the end of the novel.
Porfiry Petrovich – the investigator in charge of the murders of the two sisters. He had a profound
understanding of criminal psychology and was able to detect the connection of Raskolnikov to the
crime because of his previously published essay. He had played mind games with the main
protagonist for the most part of the story so as to be able to make him confess to his transgression
but was halted in his attempts when a different man confessed to the murder he was investigating
on. He still eventually figured out that Raskolnikov was the murderer he’s trying to catch but didn’t
pursue further in arresting him and instead tried to persuade him to confess.
Some Minor Characters in the Novel
Alyona Ivanovna – the old pawnbroker the main protagonist murdered at the beginning of the
novel. She was described as crude and a cheat for deceiving the poor who comes to her in need of
Lizaveta Ivanovna – Alyona’s sister and was murdered alongside her sister having witnessed her
death at the hand of Raskolnikov.
Semyon Marmeladov – the drunkard friend of the main protagonist who was killed during a run
over by a carriage.
Katerina Marmeladov – the drunkard’s ill second wife and the stepmother of Sonia who forced her
into prostitution in order to improve their family’s financial situation. She later regrets forcing her
stepdaughter into prostitution but was still ill tempered enough to beat her children despite the fact
that she passionately works hard to heighten their state of living. She eventually succumbs to her
illness at the end of the novel.
Pulkheria Raskolnikov – the main protagonist’s loving but naïve mother. She became mentally
and physicall ill after her son’s sentence and was eventually claimed.
Andrei Lebezyatnikov – Luzhin’s roommate and witness to his attempt to frame Sonia for theft.
He helped Raskolnikov in proving her innocence.
Setting and Climax
The story was set during the 1860s in St. Petersburg, Russia. Dostoyevsky himself lived in St.
Petersburg as it was where he was set sent to attend boarding school and had thus spent most of
his life living in what was once Russia’s capital. The narrative’s element as a crime novel will
most likely render anyone to think that the climax of the novel was already achieved at the first
chapter of the story when Raskolnikov had finally acted on his plan to murder the crude
pawnbroker. However, the reporter believes that the climax of the story was achieved when the
main protagonist finally decided to confess his crime as an attempt to end his suffering.
Themes of the Novel
Accounts of Dostoyevsky’s letter to his publisher Mikhail Katkov reveals his true inspiration for
writing ‘Crime and Punishment” as the trial of one Pierre Francois Lacenaire in 1865. Lacenaire
was a famous murderer who inspired many literary works with his firm belief that his crimes were
a form of protest against social injustice and therefore should be pardoned as valid. His sheer belief
in this idea had aroused interest in writers like Dostoyevsky who had been dealing with the
psychological aspects in most of his published works.
He had also intended to use “Crime and Punishment” to show the consequences of nihilism which
propagated 19th century Russia during the reign of Tsar Alexander II. Dostoyevsky also touched
upon the ideas of utilitarianism and rationalism in his novel as he believes these two fuels the
radicals of his time and who had resulted to what Nikolai Chernyshevsky had described as ‘rational
egoism’. The novel also highlights the consequences of poverty and human’s tendency for
wretchedness seen through the eyes of the main protagonist though it still offered a realist way of
redemption apparent in how the narrative ended.
Style and Language
“Crime and Punishment” was written in a third person point of view which the reporter believes
is an important aspect of the novel as it the dialogue it portrays contains the ideas which
Dostoyevsky himself wanted to convey and can only be ultimately achieved using the
aforementioned. As already apparent in his other works of fiction, he also achieved a highly
unusual way of storytelling in the methods of memory shifts and time manipulation, a highly
unusual technique during his time of linear modes in literary fiction.
Opinions on the Novel
As the reporter mentioned on a previously done report of the same crime genre, it was with some
difficulty that this report is being written due to the sheer length of the novel which was
understandable since it was originally published in a installment basis on a magazine and also
because the reporter is not fond of the aforementioned fiction genre. It was also highly descriptive
in nature and had too much events going on at the same time that the shifts in memory and
manipulation of sequential events contributed to it being a challenge to read.
Significance to literature and contemporary times
“Crime and Punishment” was considered by many as the novel made at the height of
Dostoyevsky’s writing career thus it was regarded as a focal point of his literary legacy, even more
so than his novella “Notes from the Underground”. Considered a literary classic, it has been
adapted into 25 films to date and had been translated into over 150 languages. It’s significance as
a major contribution to the literary world is without a doubt apparent even in the present time. As
a fiction belonging to the crime genre, contemporaries published after it surely share the same
elements of thrill and surprise evidenced in most crime novels to date.